So what are some of the essential REmake 2 mods?
So what are some of the essential REmake 2 mods?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's time
Does it make train noises?
you could replace the stomps with the whistle of a train, i guess.
What does this even do?
turd polishing
Improve graphics without losing artstyle
Is someone ever going to make a Swimsuit edition which combines all the separate mods to put Claire, Sherry, Mr. X, etc into swimwear?
I thought that specific sherry mod was locked behind a $30 paywall?
BDSM-BxB Escape Run fusion --Claire mod
Claire Schoolgirl Japan version
Claire_777_plugin - Shinier normals
Micro Bikini Shaved-282-2-1562828962
Curvy Claire-195-1-0-1555964359
Curvy Claire - Improved Butt Jiggle (addon)
Where can I get this mod?
No wonder they changed her outfit, that looks retarded in high poly.
>Curvy Claire - Improved Butt Jiggle (addon)
god bless these autists
Mr X Gonna Give it to ya mod
So when's someone gonna post the Sherry mods?
Squeaky shoes for Mr. X
That's fucking horrific
Yeah im guessing this thread is just bait to get someone to post them
im looking for the bathing suit one
me too too...
Still soulless
Claire is the woman I love.
Which bathing suit mod? The one-piece or the two-piece? I'm looking too
Just a reminder, its $30 fucking freedumb bucks.
That's half of what the game it's based on costs.
one piece
yeah im all for artists getting a little something but he went full jew on these
What's stopping me from buying it, and then giving it away for free?
If it was $5, and someone pirated, yeah that sucks, and i'd actually support.
But he only has himself to blame for this.
I'm glad it's being pirated everywhere now (apparently)
Do you have the two-piece? I can maybe trade you for it
i'm starting to think people on Yea Forums who unironically use the term 'soulless' may in fact be projecting to disguise the fact they don't have souls.
Really you'd be doing us a service and stick it to the guy.
Post more curvy Claire.
You guys are really attracted to children? Why?
its not real friend
especially this modded version that cam out. The original sherry looks like fucking chris chan and no one likes her
Passphrase is her name.
tf is wrong with you two there's literally nothing wrong with it, that's how claire is supposed to look. if only it fixed the face.
Why does every pc game have Thomas and/or CJ from SA modded in?
What about the new one?
Passphrase for what?
like the cipher? what Alphabet am i supposed to use?
Come on I'm black and I figured out.
what is placed after the .io and before the unique identifier
never used this site before
why are the ghost survior missions so fucking hard? i dont get it. i could only beat runaway and almost the forgotten assassin.
They're literally just designed to be trial-and-error bullshit. Do it enough times over and over and over and over until you finally know exactly what to do in each room/sequence. I just looked up no-damage video walkthroughs and copied what those players did to make everything faster.
Because all you had to do was follow the damn train
I just did. Didn't recognize the site icon
Thanks. Have any others?
I just got it.
Just look into vignere a bit use the right passphrase and get use a vignere decoder dammit.
Theres more?
I thought it was just the one?
No, not right now.
You made this thread because want someone to leak this mod, right?
Not sure if you're the guy, but thanks to uploader
>loli in a bikini
>I sleep
>tan lines
Anyone else think a full on nude mod is less sexy than a somewhat practical sexy outfit?
I mean full on nude in sfm/blender animations is one thing, but it just weirds me out that someone would just happen to be walking around completely naked like that.
>It's not down there and it's not here either... Excuse me! Can you please direct me to the Raccoon City public pool?
No problem
Maybe her clothes got all covered in zombie blood and she didn't want it to chafe into her skin and infect her.
Also getting all greased up and naked is a good way to slip away from them trying to grab you
This may be scarier.
You are a Hero
And Shrek
those 4 are all shit
:c i thought the sweater was kinda cute.
Go to bed, Trainwiz.
the jean shorts over spandex looks terrible
I had to upload an empty text file to get the site url syntax. Where's the one piece variant?
>Cute goth claire
>not cute goth sherry.
'fuck on outta here
That is it.
if I knew that existed, I would have said that
>All this big think for a fucking vignere cipher.
We just need to believe hard enough.
And hope modders are trying to jew it for every last cent.
oh. I thought everyone was still just reuploading the new one.
Don't have that one, only those 3 sadly.
Pssst... Why are we censoring every post?
You do realize that the download urls for uploadfiles is not just slash name right? You need to have used the site to know how to format a download url using the decoded message.
I just got the full geometry nude mod but apparently the sick variant is all messed up. Wrong textures all over the mesh. And I've seen screenshots of the mod where that problem doesn't occur.
>full geometry nude mod
Cmon bruh, you know what to do.
>What do you think the RCPD is, fucking fairy land?
As I said, it's broken goods. You really want shit that breaks down halfway?
This got me thinking, its just really weird you can walk around like that at the beach and be fine, but if you step a foot on the street it's becomes public indecency.
Rip didn't realized you mentioned the texture is garbled.
Sorry boss.
Unless there's some other full geometry one that's not broken for a small segment then yes I do want it. I've seen screenshots of it working in the tramway and in the bed in NEST when she's supposed to be sick
I think the person who took those screenshots used a trainer that lets you swap any model with any other, so the sick variant is replaced with the normal version which avoids the issues with the broken sick variant.
that's not how it works. When you model swap, the costume is selected based on your selection in the costume menu (normal / alternative) and your current progress in the game
Then riddle me this:
-There are mods that retain Sherry's infected face texture even with modded clothing
-There's a mod with a broken infected variant
-There are screenshots of the mod in infected scenes without the infected face as if someone avoided the issues of the broken variant by replacing it with the regular version
My... precious...
"Why did Leon call me a cute frog... is he into amphibians? I'm human.. I think."
Different mods use different file structures. If the mod doesn't specifically tell the game where to find the same modded costume textures for use overriding every dirt / grime and infected variant, then the mod looks in the default place for them and textures the model with her normal school clothes and / or her sick face instead
nobody cares retard
>t. obsessive faggot with unhinged mental disorders to spam his love for a fictional character
I think you have me confused with someone else.
>heels still on
What the fuck? If people want to see Sherry in revealing clothing (or no clothing), they can just go on a rule 34 site and see it for free.
Tell that to the jew modder.
>t. obsessive faggot with unhinged mental disorders to spam his hate for a fictional character
Thomas is completely Trainwiz's fault
Not hate. Just want Mr. Obsesso to stop spamming pictures of Gollum all the time.
You must be new to these threads because there are at least 3 claire picture spammers, maybe more now that beccafag is back
god i hope someone rapes you guys to death
for liking tanlines?
whats the punishment for holding hands with a girl, being stoned to death?
Wish there were actual proper mod tools, be neat to create maps or add new enemies and stuff.
Are you one of those tards that think video games and drawings are real?
How good is the FPS mod? I know it's weird with mirrors and stuff, but are there any parts where it'll straight just bug shit out?
It works great for the whole playthrough. There is only one mirror in the whole game
Only visually with certain areas. It's obvious that Raccoon City's skyline outside the police department is only meant to be seen in specific outdoor sections, and there's this weird box alpha glitch in the hall near the bathrooms, but otherwise there's a grand total of one proper mirror in the entire game (the interrogation room), and otherwise the only oddities are if you choose to render the head and get hair in your face or not render it and thus have no head on your shadow. Honestly, i'm glad it's paired with the manual flashlight mod, because there's actually a lot of areas you can still navigate without a flashlight on, and it just feels neater to make the option to turn it on or off.
I'd be fine with that if you do it, daddy
I've seen one other working mirror, but its in a cutscene
RE2 Randomizer mod
the fuck I do cuh? is the image hiding more than 1 thing? honestly more interested in the puzzle than the goal
screenshot tool
Pretty interesting to see how they directed these scenes. Default face animations on every scene where the face isn't visible, and extra light sources being activated as they cut to another camera.
They still animated the faces even when they are not visible most of the time. But you can tell they went back and did extra tweaking for the scenes where you could see their faces.
Like this part at the very end where they are walking away down the road when Sherry asks for a parrot, they animated Claire and Leon's faces talking (but not Sherry's). Normally, all you can see is them walking away from behind
by default its alittle close, but its got a good bit of FOV sliders so you can adjust it how you want
like for instance by default if you look down you cant see claires tits but thats easily fixed
>Not playing with the '98 models
Imagine if they added a mode where the graphics were '98 but the character models remained 2019.
The 98 models don't even look like the original PS1 models
Oh cry me a fucking river, it's close enough.
Here's hoping that one mod that changes all the models to the ps1 ones will be released soon.
looks nice
Cheat Engine
Just need a way to put the Darkside Chronicles models in here, and it would be perfect.
Is this based on the Sourcenext port?
Thick mods for Ada and Claire when?