Dawn of the third day

So when's the crack?

Attached: bl3 crack.jpg (1560x711, 248K)

Other urls found in this thread:


stop spamming or get banned faggot

Keep crying, bitch nigga

Attached: borderlands 3 twitter.png (1412x626, 93K)

>defending a chink funded company

here is another bump op

Hopefully never

Attached: EA1C11AD-0D81-4FE1-ADF3-3110B6159C2C.jpg (1024x576, 219K)

nobody has a problem with games being made on Epic engine but somehow selling them on Epic's store and using their launcher is grounds for a stoning

Never ever piratenigger

This. Even if BL3 was on Steam, Epic would still get a cut. Same with a lot of games Yea Forums buys

Attached: epic revenue steam 2.png (714x1017, 58K)
