L4d thread

l4d thread

Attached: charger.png (733x1024, 640K)

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Why are pvpfags scum

there is no death in l4d, only pain, but there is no pain stronge enough to stop my anger, I'm the great meme

l4d is dead, the only people who still play are supreme autists who know every inch of every map

why did cry babies always leave if they lost round 1. even if it was close.

literally all of them have a mental illness and are the embodiment of rage even tho the game is easy as fuck and very easy to carry in pubs



pills here!


Imma become a one man cheese burger apocalypse

Low effort wojak or boomer zoomer memes still aren't funny


A votekick has been started against you.

Thanks user I miss the old days

Why has votekick been removed from games now? I don't remember the last game I played that had this feature

>apparently two shitjak meme posts were deleted
maybe mods are doing something good finally.


Because it makes limp wrists feel bad

worst hitreg in fps games

What kind of characters do you guys want to see in the inevitably L4D3

this is the closest thread to a Synergy thread, so i might as well tell the story of every time i get on Synergy.
>join random PUBLIC server
>everyone silently votekicks me
>doesn't even tell me to leave, just votekicks me
i just wanna have a good time playing HL2 with random bros, man. closest i'll get to reliving a decade ago. maybe 2020 will be better.

Boomer is obviously a boomer
Charger is a coomer
Smoker is probably a doomer
Jockey is a zoomer
The rest idk

probably a tranny and a black girl and a pajeet and someone else. i don't wanna see em, i just know they'll happen.

has anyone made a sound mod for this yet for l4d

valve can't make good games anymore so who cares

I hope so.

Please just stop.

>Valve making a 3rd iteration of something

just have this be the charge sound

because votekick only works in a user run server world
matchmaking, especially tied to ranked, can't up and kick people halfway through a game

I hadn't touched synergy in a while because every time I tried to play a group of slavs using a public server with 10+ player slots would votekick me but lately that hasn't happened at all


Oh did we kill 3 out of 4 survivors and down the last guy twice? BETTER RAGE QUIT!

thats depressing i was playing Sven Coop and remembered synergy the other day and wondered if it was still worth trying.

>its another vague job posting means L4D3 episode


Attached: coomcharg!.png (517x744, 443K)


it's great if you run into an accepting server, and don't have like 3 people join at the same time trying to start all over because they joined at Nova Prospekt.


Attached: 1552006610200.gif (500x375, 1.39M)

It's the only game they are good at.


god i feel old

Was funny and fapworthy

There's a fucking L4D music video that's at the end of no mercy and it has "The Scientist" playing by coldplay and I can't find the fucking thing, so I post here every goddamn year until some user can help me.

I like playing the Hunter :)

>get pounced once
>get instantly votekicked

Attached: 1484804249074.jpg (512x487, 27K)

Are people actually meming with lf4d pvp being cancerous?

>hear distant R-r-r-r-r-r-ra's
>then a raaaa~
>Suddenly someguy behind me gets pounced
>try to help him but i got smokered
>charger takes one of the guys in the front
>last guy says fuck it and goes for the saferoom
>he gets jockeyed