What did Palutena mean by this?

What did Palutena mean by this?

Attached: naughty.png (735x514, 1015K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing. Because there is no meaning in life, only tears can stop my anger, I'm the great meme

Pit's big fucking booty

>Pit with no wings.

Like pin her down and fuck her in the CULO?

What did Viridi mean by THIS?

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Would Palutena recreate this with Pit?

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Pit is really giving it a deep thought.

It means she wants the LSC

No but Medusa would.

The fuck is that
little shota cock?

>have same dream
>realize its a dream
>tell the bitch to leave becauce i dont want to jizz my beed.
>removes her lingerine
>"do you really dont want this?"
>told her to fuck off, that she is not real
>gets mad
>tell me that if she is not real i cant do shit about what is goign to happen next.
>she rapes me
>still jizz the bed.

i ship it.

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Why do I feel like calling her mommy?

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Best Kid Icarus ship. Puck Falutena.

large shota cock

I want to rape/fuck viridi the get her pregnant, then fuck her while pregnant, then after she give birth repeat and keep repeating until she haves given birth enough times to replace every human she killed.

can angels and goddesses crossbreed?


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Because in an ideal world things we desire would be far more common and structured to our specific tastes. It would be great if sensual pleasures of all kinds were more acceptable, like fucking your own mom without a problem or having a pleasant outlet for your desires at a young age. Everyone would be attractive too. Maybe this isn't right for everyone though since a lot of people find something to like within the limitations of reality, like enjoying that something is actually quite taboo. I wouldn't worry about it too much though since we have art and imagination to fill the void.

Attached: Medusa.jpg (600x848, 131K)

i dunno about that, i just like milfs

I always hated Viridi because her character felt so contrived and ignorant of how fucked up nature is.
She was supposed to be the goddess of nature, but she spoke with such a misconstrued superficial pop-science level of understanding of nature.

As good a reason as any.

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>i just like milfs
same, its not my fucking fault that perverts are more into incest than it being a neighboor or a friend of them mom, a teacher or something.

I gotta play KIU again. Game was the perfect length, had great dialogue, and was fun as shit.

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Shes concerned with the artistic vision of nature

Viridi was made for Hylian cock

She was made to be rape and turned into a baby factory so she can live up to her name as MOTHER nature.

>the godess of nature is a loli instead of a mother
what did they mean by this?

incredible ara ara energy

Eighteen years.
Hang in there.

Why does she have so little porn bros


Bitch I can fucking supply you with hundreds of pieces of lamia, naga, and generic medusa porn
Snakes aren't an issue

Piridi is most cannon youtube.com/watch?v=RfucTScqOhg

Because Palutena hogs all of the porn artists like the slut she is.

I see. What do you think of that milf in particular?

Why is this game's fandom based compared to the others?

because there is a eternal loli and a eternal milf that are thirsty for a eternal shota's dick.

claws > cannons > bows = blades > staffs > palms > clubs > orbitars > arms

>clubs that low
>under fucking cannons
What the fuck is wrong with you

I always thought that she was really stunning and I'd like that scene to be replicated more. Pit and Palutena/Medusa would be perfect for it.

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>Yea Forums turns back into the ss board

Deep rooted insecurities bubbling to the surface

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Does her bikini really do it for you too? :)

This reminds me of something similar
>Have a dream where a naked woman tells me to come and fuck her
>"Nah, thanks, im hungry, im gonna go eat, bye"
>Wake up
Why do I like food so much?

Based Viridi should've gotten in Smash over emo Dark Pit

Attached: Viridi png.png (384x384, 128K)

My opinion of cannons is vastly inflated by the existence of the Doom Cannon
without that it drops down next to orbitars

She has her own stage


there needs to be a boss fight against her in the next KI game when ever (or even if) that happens.

>citra still cant emulate KIU
I want to try it bros.

On the topic of weird wet dreams
>be on beach
>hot anime girl appears
>start fucking her
>she turns into sand and falls apart
>suddenly I'm viewing myself from a top down perspective from a GameBoy and the graphics look like Link's Awakening
>move west
>suddenly everything looks real again and I'm watching myself crawl into the back of a refrigerator from a fixed camera angle within the fridge
>open door
>camera pans to show horde of zombies on the other side
>wake up

Trust me, you don't want to know.

It helps, high cuts are underrated. My actual favorite clothing for a milf is jeans and a black, woolly turtleneck
I should make a request for a drawthread sometime so poor Medusa can get some more content.

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The moment I found the Artillery Claws I just stopped using anything else unless the treasure hunt needed me to change for a mission, no other weapon ever felt as good as those, Claws were simply superior overall.
On the other hand, can someone tell me what was the deal with Poseidon's Cannon, it felt like the shittiest weapon I ever found in a game.

Its futa, isn't it?

>milf in jeans and black turtleneck
How can I know how good your taste is if you don't post as many examples as possible?

I only have almost-wet dreams as in the dreams when i try to have sex with a girl, the other people in the dream will walk in on us and not give us any privacy.

Medusa though

>Trust me, you don't want to know.
You are probably right but i am still want to know even if i will regret it later.

Worse, Breast expansion

Damn, that's some taste you have!
Did you get hard from her scene though?

I’m actually disappointed that we don’t have porn of Gaol

You know, given the twist

damn I didn't even consider that

Could she beat Superman and/or Thanos?

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We see her face for like 2 seconds and none of the rest of her body. That said KI porn is sad in general, even Palu didn't get like anything until 4 and even then that shit was a slow drip until Ultimate where she was actually good.

>"do you really dont want this?"

How can you say no to a woman who talks like that user? Jizz on the bed at that point she's a keeper

>the only time my favorite game is talked about on Yea Forums is coombrain threads and palu porn
It's a sad kind of feeling.

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>Dreams end right as the true monster appears

Those suck, because there is that brief second when you wake that it still feels real.

Can’t be worse than the Leocannon which only exists to piss people off online by never failing to launch them in the air for a small amount of damage.

bigger question can she beat the dick?

Don't worry user, Kid Icarus was one of my favorite games as well.

There is always hope though.

nature is actually perfect and works in perfect balance,maybe you are the ignorant one

>my meme academia fan
sad indeed

Can you emulate KIU properly or is it too reliant on touchscreen controls?

That's what happens to me, except for one time where I started riding a 9/10 anime girl and her insides felt like balloons but without the sound

please buy it so we can at least get a port

Nobody knows who Kid Icarus characters are cause the last game was 7 years ago and is ancient by Internet standards.

Fucking her asshole.

I prefer Pidusa
Because of that one comic

is this the new meme?

>have a dream about getting some paizuri from a girl
>feels as if there was no mass to her tits at all and that I was just humping loose skin
Dreams are gay and that's why I jerk off

No, assuming her most powerful weapons where the lunar base's lasers and the reset bombs, which seemed like mini nukes, then her own power cant be much more powerful than that.
I cant believe Uprising is actually a very unknown game, relatively speaking, I would imagine Gaol, Phospora, and even the little girl from the Ring of Chaos chapter would geta ton of fanart.

>futashit artist

Literally nothing but bareback sex all day every day

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What chapter does she say this again. Though I'm still mad this actress couldn't voice Palutena in Smash because of stupid union fuckery.

why not ship both, harem ending.

That shit was literally the second fucking level. Sakurai is such a fucking asshole

Harems are for teenagers

>too reliant on touchscreen controls
It relies completely in touch screen controls, you would be using the mouse the whole time. I mean, theres also support for the dpad and abxy buttons if you dont have the stylus, but from what the game explains, it loses some of its features so to say.

it's a rather niche genre from a rather obscure ip with very controversial controls

if anything it's surprising it's still getting fanarts 7 years later

can we at least have a gay coombrain thread

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What the fuck is that anatomy on palutena

Switch remaster never ever

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Chapter 2, a little after the beggining, before meeting Magnus.

haha yikes

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>hating BE

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little after the beginning of the land section*

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Patrician ship

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We get KI threads still. The problem is that they tend to be filled with shitters who can't learn the controls.

>you would be using the mouse the whole time
Would that trivialize the entire game because that's what it sounds like

Shitters and dumbass coombrains.

Attached: 63143419_p3.jpg (1000x1000, 595K)

I have a feeling Viridi wants to get fucked by two pits at the same time

You've been warned

Audibly laughed.

Is that pitkin

Im not sure, unless you used bows or staves which require the most precise aiming, flying sections would be easier I guess. I forgot to mention that the main thing about KIU is controlling Pit's movements, being able to dodge correctly is key and im not sure how to translate the circle´s pad movement's style to a keyboard.

Wasn't expecting that I'll tell you that much.

Attached: NOPE, I'M OUTTA HERE.png (394x426, 118K)


So chapter 21 of Uprising?


you say this like that dogshit artist thought that through

Palutena is trying to use reverse psychology, but its failing because pit is too dense.
Just imagine the following:
>"You better not be thinking about anything... naughty", said palutena as she posed sexually and removed another piece of clothing
>"Huh?", said pit, while paying attention to a bird.

Attached: jelly donuts.jpg (905x2048, 330K)

Which comic user?

why do you reply to me?

Yep. I managed to save and preserve this piece before the purge

Have they consider setting them on fire and throwing them off the building?

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The Legion tried that and it didn't work

Viridi and Palutena have BE, but included with them is Pit. Pit's got tits.

She literally says shes joking right after.
This can be applied to anything especially weapons.


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Of course they didnt think of that, Theres no crispy angel wings on it.

>How did you get in here?

He still had tiny stubs

>My parents
Ash you only have a mom and her Mr. Mime BF.


iirc in the same dialogue in the japanese version Pit confesses, or Palutena deduces, that he sometimes thinks naughty things about Palutena

why is she fat

I did as a matter of fact, it's just a lot of great things coming together at once. I have to wonder why you're so interested in discussing it though, you must really like it a lot too.

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>Jelly filled donuts


I want to punish Viridi sexually.

The Last Decision

>this guy makes a full comic
>it's gay shit
fucking hell

The idea of a milf in a bikini bringing me video games (and herself) really sparks my imagination!

>look up marmalademum to find more thick thigh porn
>artist draws 99% furry, traps, scat and faggotry

I've never been so disappointed

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>Troy Baker

bellyfat is not sexy

That's his father now.

ok beta

yea right..we all know what she wants

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(Warning, contains facts)
Palutena is the worst girl in her game

Jessie is a futa, Ash is gay, so she goes and fucks him in the butt. The only thing of value is the 2 pages of Brook doing Misty.

Don't let the scrawny retards keep you down

Artist name's right there. Made a Jessie/Ash comic but it's futashit

>KI thread
>But it isn't a KI thread
We need a new game

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god dammit. gays ruin everything

Or even just a fucking port

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>expecting anything more than shota icarus


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Its pretty hot but it should've just ended with Pit going back to Skyworld

Neat, Thanks for the read user.


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Is it okay if I consider the Great Sacred Treasure the real final boss of the game? Dont get me wrong, Hades is cool, and I understand Pit couldnt possibly fight him by himself on land/its at his most powerful receiving help from the Treasure, Palutena and Viridi, but still, from a purely gameplay perspective, Hades's final fight aint that much, so the game puts everything on the previous chapter, which is just a test made by Dyntos.

This man should be imprisoned.

flat cope




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I've got a perfect length for you

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It’s so cute I can’t fap to it


wouldn't you want it to happen to you?

Great Meme Paggliacio realizes all clothes are his costume

>grass patch

Viridi is perfect.

Attached: 1413415308841.png (156x156, 49K)

She murdered thousands

for impregnation and raising kids.

>Tranny artist
Fixed that for you. The artist doesn't do futa because of some autistic tranny high ground deal.

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>transtrender autist won't draw futa
are you trying to make me like these people?

Even a broken clock is correct something something

>doesn't draw futa, just draws girls with dicks

Imagine her reaction to a colony drop.

erect nipples and a wet puffy puss

this artist needs to lay off the futa and stick to the EFRO/scat art

Huh, I rarely ever have wet dreams, got one a coulle days ago.
Basically a hot whore offered sex for 1 dollar, and i was going to accept it, but i kept delaying it until i woke up.
Actually happy about it, i hate jizzing the bed

Is it suppose to feel hot or cold after ejaculating from a wet dream? Mine doesn't look right, nor do I feel pain.

>tfw had wet dreams
>never jizz the bed

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>having wet dreams
literal coombrains

Wait, isn't she the bitch who married Jim Carrey or something once before divorcing him?

>have lucid dream, setup was a pre-arranged marriage
>but we're going to "test our compatibility" first
>just like in my hentais
>we meet, she's really cute and wearing a sweater. Nice sweater puppies going on
>her mom puts us in separate bathrooms that conjoin into a bedroom
>oh fuck oh fuck, pacing around in the bathroom while she's getting ready
>so nervous I wake up
>even in my dreams I can't score

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Why is Arlo suddenly pretending to care about KIU when he never mentioned it before

A quick search says she is!

How do i lucid dream without being paralyzed

>like the "bad" girls like medusa and risky
>get way less attention than the main girls
everytime and i keep running into this anyway
she may not get a lot of porn, but hotdamn if this isn't one of the best doujins ever

You're a braver man than I, I keep that in the closet even with the veil of anonymity.

I hate having dreams where i can't penetrate at all. Even worse when removing clothes.

no more of this user?

Attached: 1472705365870.jpg (583x1241, 287K)

>one of palutena's only doujins
>faces are god awful to the point where it's actively distracting

Attached: Palutena dress.jpg (834x1200, 218K)

>not sticking to TF

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*sniff sniff*


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I like em big, I like em chunky

Why would you burn a man before throwing him off a building?

please tell me there is NTR involved


I dont wake up after wet dreams, only several hours after, so its pretty damn cold and disgusting.

Western trash

Those threads when the game came out were phenomenal though. First there was the fact that NONE of the advertising before release showed off anything past the first act, so everyone assumed Medusa was the end. Then there was the glorious clusterfuck that was online mode, where every match was just megalasers blasting across the maps as soon as the round started. Plus
>mfw 9.0 chapters.

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>you'll never have baby making sex with your childhood friend.
Why did school ruin my life.

I only discovered Yea Forums after the hype was dead.

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>ywn have a family with childhood ward members

Attached: 18221641_447715842231844_6622260611627206316_n.jpg (240x210, 9K)

>your osananajimi will never shoot his load into you


Attached: Chemistry_Class_Page_09.jpg (1280x1828, 333K)

oh no

Oh what the hell? My school life was never like this.

western cringe

>ywn get beaten up and raped by the chad highschool bully

That's probably a good thing desu

Sweet, that's what I'm talking about.

Punch lacks impact.

>talking shit about tf
>posts mynt

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sorry sister, he's taken

Attached: Chemistry_Class_Page_10.jpg (1280x1828, 338K)

>rustle rustle

Attached: rustling some jimmies.jpg (1920x1080, 341K)

Mynt is a good, vanilla girl. Don't you dare compare her to tftrash

Attached: bigma.png (348x297, 5K)

High school in works of fiction are fucking bizarre.

Didn't you play the game? All those fetishes were hers, she's just delusional.

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That was an earlier version of her, okay?? She's not like that anymore!

Attached: myntBed2.png (779x542, 293K)

Reminds me of stupid hollywood highsschool movies that are made for normalfaggot CB's PERFECT FOR Yea Forums!

keep going

It's still in her code. Lesbianmom just blocked them and applied to other entities so she wouldn't go crazy and kill herself.

But she got rid of those feelings in the red pond! She's fine now!

Attached: 2473665_Zickfriz_mynt_s_floating_head.png (200x225, 7K)

This is a Kid Icarus thread

tell that to coombrains

Is that a porn?

This makes sense, greek gods/goddesses often had extremely inflated egos. She likely thinks so highly of nature because its her domain.

Nah. Spoiler Alert: The girl turns into a fricken dairy cow.

>having to depend on hax because mom wasn't smart enough to unfuck you
Mint was the the only pure one and a good boi.

Attached: Mint.png (240x210, 211)

Yeah well at least Mynt wasn't born from the seed of a meat clown and a bunch of cooking books

He was a good boi tho

Attached: bitch.png (373x203, 14K)

>Can't read minds
>Can't power up Pit for more than a couple minutes
>Jobbed to her sister (Twice)

What is she the goddess of sucking?

Yeah, the goddess of sucking _____

Aaaahhh what the fuckjkkkkkkkmkk

Attached: Untitled.jpg (271x297, 29K)

You know whats shit? Fishing dreams.
>get off boat after half a day fishing with friends
>go home and sleep
>still feels like I'm on the boat
>finally fall asleep and have dreams where my bros are talking to me while fishing
>having casual conversations about random shit or they're showing me something
>wake up
>for some reason think I'm still on boat with bros and glance around room realizing I'm still tired and it was just a dream
>go back to sleep
>repeat over and over until the feeling of being on the boat is gone

at this moment nothing would please me more than fucking thicc jessie and squeezing her belly fat while i do it

well what if one day your shoes got 2 sizes bigger, suddenly your favorite pair would be useless to you because your feet won't fit in them

>eat your hamburgers, apollo

I'd love for a Switch port of the game. I lost my 3DS charger and haven't been able to play it for a while.

Attached: Goddess hug.jpg (553x650, 249K)

You think too small. Build a bonfire at the foot of the building, then toss them in. Makes things more interesting.


Attached: 5hfz2.jpg (1200x1440, 407K)

>live in a really cold area during high school years
>blizzard hits while at school
>stuck there, can't get home
>we have to sleep in the cafeteria
>dream that I finally confessed to my crush how much I care about her
>we spend the whole day together doing various fun things
>end the day watching the sunset while my head rests on her lap and she hums something gently
>wake up
>still a blizzard
>stuck in school for three days total

I honestly just didn't care for the shorts. I don't know if it was the quality viewing of the 3DS's 240p output or what, but I just wasn't a fan.

So that the fire rises.


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I love Viridi

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She's gonna murder a few more later tonight.

I never gave it a try because as far as I could tell, the controls involved destroying the 3DS's touchpad by scratching it all the time just to move, and there were no alternative control schemes. I didn't even bother to download it and try it out for that reason alone, fuck that. For a Switch version, they would be forced to implement non-retarded controls I assume, so I could finally play it.

Who's the artist? It doesn't say on SauceNAO

It does

Attached: D1vRRWAWoAAXclK.jpg (4096x2639, 1.24M)

I have dreams of my former friends i haven't seen in a decade. Especially her.

she likes small dicks because she can make fun of them for being tiny and cute

I had a red bull and vodka last night and I think it triggered the weird fucking dreams I was having.

In one there was a girl in lingerie, begging me to fuck her. I excitedly pulled down her lingerie and pulled out my rock hard cock. Started feeling around for her vagina to slip it in. Suddenly at the last second I realised she had transformed into a dog and just narrowly missed shoving my cock inside the dog.

Never having red bull before going to sleep again.

>She murdered thousands

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of my sperm cells

I haven't played any of the KI games, though I have seen a playthrough of Uprising. The girls are top tier. It's a pitty that there's such a small amount of good lewds though, especially when most of them are badly proportioned pinups of Palutena rather than some good hardcore stuff.
I've only ever had one, I was doing missionary with this busty girl underneath a chair in the middle of a mall, and she had a baggy sweater that randomly appeared on or off, and this policeman handed us a piece of paper telling us to stop. I didn't until I woke up though.

Attached: viridi.png (844x550, 419K)

I want to be one of those thousands

I'm so glad to know that she gets raped to death by mankind after the industrialization.

>misconstrued superficial pop-science level of understanding of nature.
It's a kids game, not a three hour long commentary and deconstruction of the relevance of nature as a monolithic concept.

now post the futa version

>*summons skeletons*

Best character. Fight me. OK Top 10 at least

what game is this?

My Very Own Mynt

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At this point i've give up on getting it before 2037, or even getting the port at all.

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There has been nowhere near enough /ss/ in this thread for my liking

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all the villains in smash are gonna gangbang Medusa when she joins

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I'm glad Yea Forums can still talk about video games.

People have shit taste

but did someone other than me finished KI on the nes?

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I have fapped to that picture from this artist. I mean the one that had Patuneas tits with Pitt sitting in them.

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In a sequel should they add new weapon types or is the variety we got enough so far?

Sakurai maybe but probably not

>no /ss/ threads anywhere

Not me, is it worth it to play at this point?

Attached: palutenavalentines.jpg (2756x4409, 3.42M)

This pic needs Pit somewhere. I can't fap to Palutana unless Pit is also present. It's complicated.

No because it's thought to be played with a stylus. You drag the pointer around the screen and with enough practice you can turn the camera 180° with one slide.
I think it wouldn't work with the mouse because you have to keep the button pressed in order to be "touching" the screen and that sounds awful

Attached: Palutena pixel.png (1080x2280, 147K)

>mfw this happened to me with an asian loli qt3.14 whom i was babysitting. Last panel unfortunately didn't happen.

Attached: 1568133126687.jpg (1024x683, 51K)

Versus Giant Palutena

セックス、 チンコをマンコに入れたいな

ギブミーセックス 、僕はセックスやりたい

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stupid nip
its past your bed time

>have fishing dream
>everything proceeds as normal
>wake up
>huge salmon right next to me in the bed


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Well, it shows by what kind of person the game was made...

moshi moshi pantsu oppai sensei baka desu

because there is like 1 game with a semi high entry bar

You don't use the touch screen to move, you use it to aim or control the camera. And it works, the only real issue is that the way you hold it puts a lot of pressure on your wrist to hold the system in place. Long sessions can result in tired wrist. Otherwise the controls are genuinely fine, and I've never understood the complaints.

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I wish my dream were as funny/as interesting as yours.

Attached: 1559517219458.png (187x433, 162K)

>wet dreams don't have setup at all
>always start mid action with pussy in my face or balls deep in someone I know
>always spaghetti when I see them the next day
>never jizz the bed

>repeat over and over until the feeling of being on the boat is gone
are you still on the fucking boat

the best is Pit harem with Palutena, Viridi, Medusa, Phosphora, etc. in facts Pits gets all the girls, even Dark Pit

I didn't beat it until the 3D Classics version with improved jumping physics

She looks absolutely generic under the armor, people just aren't interested

That’s why you make thousands of babies with viridi even if she doesn’t want to.

does not compute

>futa on male
>not shit
I'll bet she didn't even have a vagina, faggot

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I actually thought that Viridi was saying that because she is getting fucked by pit and his dick was too big for her loli body.

no way fag

you know if you take a look into your pocket in your pants you'll always find a revolver loaded with ammo.

Your japanese is trash, faggot

uh doc, this isn't my daily dose


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If only.

Post this semen demon

Attached: 106922b934ffbf2ed30bd031ad08d4ed.jpg (777x777, 149K)

wait what the fuck was this from?

Yeah, it would be hot to see.

She was just teasing him and my dick

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Scroll up, user. You can do it, I believe in you!

Attached: 1567025865312.webm (960x540, 1.65M)

I found it.
its from a show called "Picket Fences" the gal is Lauren Holly no idea what episode

Put pit on like a ring, user!

Attached: 60333058e331394cdbf7a7f6b45afa1b.png (615x800, 1.41M)

>Never completed Hades Treasure Hunt because I purposefully used up all my feathers on things I would eventually do so that I wouldnt take the coward's way and do the Hard Boss Rush legitimately
>Was never able to finish the Boss Rush
I know I got past Pit's body once, but every single time he killed me right there, that fight is bullshit.

Who wins?

Attached: piip.png (1196x804, 625K)


Surely the switch will have KIU2 right? I missed the multiplayer train for the 3DS

It doesn't seem that way but don't worry user, we'll get another game in just 18 years.

>Pit in hot spring just chillin’ our maxin’, relaxin’ all cool.
>until Medusa comes in wearing pic related.
>”Hey pit. Would want brownies, new weapons, or me?”
What does pit do?

"New weapons please"

Be confused and scared because he is too stupid to understand what is going on.

Make a speech about defeating her in the name of Palutena and everything that's pure and blah blah blah.

I only recognize the creampie tag for pixiv there

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Palutena is not pure though.

Yes, thats why I said "for Palutena AND everything thats pure" separately


not really the source is old enough that it was even used as a fad in YTMND back in the day.


>All the Medusabros in this thread.

Attached: D9nu6UtWsAAYYzA.jpg (871x1200, 221K)

Viridi Is probably pure, being a loli, but only in that she is a virgin.


Attached: you are reading this in cree's voicejpg.jpg (1101x1600, 467K)

If i had a 1000 bucks right now
I'd be commissioning a lot of Medusa art rn

>tfw still have Noill's Medusa swapdoodle pic

I would request/commission Viridi porn, but there are very few people that would even think of making that because she is a loli.

some one please mow Palutena's lawn

>Noill's Medusa swapdoodle
Can I have it please.

Attached: Koi spoon fed.jpg (640x359, 24K)

her lawn is the best part

Attached: graham.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>grudge lady pops upside down over my head.
>feel the need to pat her head.
>cut to me plowing her in a dark room with her legs hooked around my back.
Damn. Ghosts be fuckin’.

Doesn't stop people from churning out samus porn

She is his mother.

Attached: 1445078008090.png (1200x1200, 219K)

Lowest common denominator. She's as generic as possible which means she appeals to the most people

God this stuff is embarrassing to read

Well they are dreams after all.

Piip is swole as hell, but Tiit looks ready for anything. My money’s on Tiit.

I gotta export it first later on
but have a censored one for now

Attached: medusucc.png (1204x1204, 2.32M)

We’re on the internet Dave. Posting anonymously, I can say whatever I want. Like this: ting tang I wanna bing bang your mom.

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I fucking want this game so badly but Im saving my money for something else

theres just something about seeing the pixels that makes it so much better

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Attached: 49912100_p0.jpg (600x800, 141K)

Thank you very much user.

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She's not in Smash

Which is retarded because she'd be a perfect echo for Palutena. Just give her some of the customs Pally dumped in the transition from 4 to U.

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Attached: +_6883989dc3f7c4ed7cd72731cd0de647.jpg (326x326, 45K)

>Intelligence System makes a Kid Icarus game
what happens?

Attached: oh noes.png (1200x630, 15K)

based EFROchad

And it's embarrassing. It's like wearing a gamer shirt and playing a switch in public. Of course your allowed to, and I won't know who you are. But your still that guy

Attached: 1567746675814.jpg (960x960, 30K)

DLC up the ass and censored content.

its up in HD on Youtube

7 Kid Icarus reps

if Sakurai can't port Kid Icarus, why can't Nintendo just hire someone else to do it?

Attached: wrequest360_by_fupoo_d7fif8r.png (800x800, 305K)

Matt needs to draw more big Palutena penis again

More like the Goddess of Heavy, am I right?

Sakurai is too pussy to go back and port KI:U to the Switch
not joking

what's worse? He hasn't posted since last year
sucks to be canadian

imagine the superarmor

Medusa is not for fug, only for luv.

Attached: Medusa.jpg (2039x1378, 939K)

Would she do this for Pit?

Attached: choc-cake.jpg (500x376, 41K)


Attached: 1551204559282.jpg (1000x1000, 205K)

Reverse psychology; get Pit to think naughty things so he can ram her later during the night.

how did your dream lady become sentient and gain a will of it's own?

>Ash’s reward for winning the championship.png

Attached: 4CD2A1AF-6FE0-4FF9-9264-5F52B603CD94.png (800x482, 415K)

whoops didnt realize that was already posted

Attached: 1542937127285.jpg (622x493, 50K)

W-what’s happening here?

Pit is far too pure to initiate
Unless she says that she'll die without mating

Is this the part where we pay our respects for that one user who jacked himself to death over Palutena


Wait, what? Seriously?

I hope Palutena is careful with pit and doesn't suffocate him in there.

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Zero is better

Do you think Palutena sneaks into Pit's room and molests him so much that he thinks it's normal for her to do that?

I can imagine Palutena jerking Pit off as a "joke"


just wait until someone rip all the Uprising models

She also fuck hims so he thinks it's normal so when he is with Viridi he tries to fuck her as well.


Attached: 37760546_p0.jpg (460x1045, 198K)

She looks so nervious

but hot, right?

>No one was able to rig Hades model for Ganondorf in Smash

did they actually try to that?

rigging is very tedious, especially on a low-poly model. that, and that nobody ripped the model

It's easier to do it for Brawl than 4 and Ultimate, it was mod his smash 3ds model, but i heard it was unsuccessful because problems with 3ds max, i still wait today for that import.

Attached: hades__smash_bros_trophy_render_by_nibroc_rock_da26jh8-fullview.png (1024x1024, 1.06M)

Who's the bigger slut? Palutena, or Zelda?

Attached: zelda.png (716x890, 506K)

they ripped Medusa's idol model in KIU at TMR
im sure someone will do Hades next

Zelda is for BBCC
Palutena is LSCs
Medusa is for BHC

I want Palutena to come to my room wearing a bikini at night!