Gears 5

What went wrong?

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>beat even fortnite on xbox
nothing, it's a success

Putting single player costumes in multiplayer for microtransactions.

What is wrong with her face?

Too many alphabet genders

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not saying its wrong but its wierd that over the course of FIVE games and like 10 fucking YEARS of development GNASHERS still rule the game with a Iron fist.

it literally doesnt matter how many interesting new weapons,mechanics or systematic changes to thegameplay they add when 90% of matches still come down to wallbounce+hipfiring the gnasher pointblank for instakills. Again Im not saying its a bad thing persay just very very wierd that they are so comfortable with thier game being like that. Even Halo rotated from Battle Rifle to Assault Rifle but holy shit. I would like to see one Gears game where the Gnasher is replaced with a new secondary just to see how people would react.

This is only the Ultimate Edition box, the regular one is still bad but less egregious.

Attached: gear5.jpg (644x831, 108K)

Nu characters are dull as fuck and the open maps are a boring waste of time. I liked 4s campaign better with its horde missions and getting to play as a mega mech. Kait and JD should be shot out of a cannon

Gears of War 3 was the best balance between gnashers and rifles. It even let you use the sawed-off instead of the gnasher if you wanted.

You mean his face