When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer

>When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer

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Don Draper taught us the actual quote years ago, kiddo. Aristotle taught Alexander that there were other planets in outer space and he wept BECAUSE HE HADN'T CONQUERED EVEN ONE.

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Well, he planned to go to Italy and beyond, but he died of malaria(debatable) after returning to Babylon from India. He also had to turn back partway into India or face mutiny. He undoubtedly had also heard of China at that point.

As for Kanto in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. It's half-baked compared to Johto.

>gave up on India
Alexander was a quitter.

Don't be such a fucking faggot, this fight was only hard because Retards couldn't deal with Snorlax.

Never understood why you autists held Red in high regard.

why didn't Alexander go to Europe

His core Macedonian force wanted to go home since they had already done what they set out to do (conquer Persia), but Alexander kept stringing them along and manipulating them. The last example being him single handedly storming a fort full of angry pajeets to shame his men. They had also become disillusioned by his adoption of foreign traditions.

It was hard because the game gives you level 30 trainers, level 40 gym leaders and one gym leader with level 50s then says lol level 70s deal with it.

I hate how asymmetrical it is

Swept it with a rollout Donphan.

The game AI is retarded and Red is the worst example, blastoise using whirlpool then rain dance before dying only for venusaur to set up sunny day right after that is nothing short of stupid, Espeon could be seen as hard if your team sucks dick but that pikach gives you a lot of leeway as it spams quick attack for some reason.

It's a bad superboss.

He died of illness first. Why he didn't go to europe initially is because his father's ambition was to invade Persia and had set the groundwork to do so when he was assassinated and Alexander took over. Why that was his dream is because Persia had invaded Greece around 150 years before and controlled some greek cities on the coast of Asian Minor, so he could use that as a cause for war and to band the greek city states together, but they saw macedonians as barbarians too and had to be pacified first and forced into a league. Persia was richer than Italy. Rome still wasn't that big of a deal yet.

>being 5 levels over every other trainer makes all pokemon games trivial


Imagine how hard the Chinamen would have pushed his shit in. It’s too bad really.

He likely got killed by his generals

Keep seething how despite having one of the longest running biggest empires on earth, your country is incredibly poor and backwards, Chink

Pretty sure that was Genghis Kahn though
Definitely the largest empire ever, not sure how long but who cares since he’s not responsible for what happens after he’s dead

Does anyone always imagine Rider from Fate/Zero when they think of Alexander the Great rather than the effeminate short man that was the real conqueror?

Largest empire of absolute emptiness

Is this really a thread that has somehow gone offtopic and ontopic at the same time?

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No but I'm not weeb trash


>weeb trash
Go back underage newnigger.

source on that? I'm interested.

>Trainer Red
>Ebony Warrior
Any more vidya characters like this?

My ass. Look into it

The mongols were the largest in contiguous land, but the britbongs controlled the largest area overall.

Quick google search didn't turn up anything, all I get is the character Don Draper from some worthless TV show, and if that's who you mean then your quote is worthless

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FGO made him more historically accurate.

Attached: Alex1.png (512x724, 253K)

Japan was a mistake

I don't know what that is because I have taste.

I can't stand the lyrics of this track, they feel like Dickinson reading a history book.

>Thinking of that at all
Dude, Alexander is on murals and in paintings. If that's not what you first think of, then you really need to get your act together.