

Attached: toddhoward.png (914x442, 305K)


>why yes, I've bought Skyrim over 10 times. How did you know?

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no todd...not again...please...I already bought it 7 times...please leave me alone...

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hrrgn no I must n-not open the door

Hello, Todd. I just wanted to thank you immensely for producing The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and various other incredible single player experiences for multiple consoles across multiple generations. Not only that, you put resources into re-releasing and upgrading older titles to release them on the newest systems so people can enjoy them regardless of the age difference.

>Why yes, Skyrim is my favorite game of all time. What gave it away?

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I started a new game and delayed the dragon quest. I've been playing an Enchanter/Merchant.
Skyrim is comfy on an otherwordly level.

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