Romance joke loli character

>romance joke loli character
>game actually lets you
This shouldn't be allowed.

Attached: PCSE00896-2017-6-11-12-22-37.jpg (960x544, 112K)

obligatory "what game"
More games should allow hugging

>joke loki character
yeah just a joke haha nothing serious here haha

just google the fucking name and see if the character that pops up is the same as in the pic. Christ. Kys.

>lets you
prepare to be cucked by the game

>picking loli instead of cake
this shouldn't be allowed

Nobody tell him.

In the final game she Don't read spoilers dumb fuck.

You know, after completing Ao, I really feel like the Trails series destroyed the atmosphere it had going for it with the first two Trails in the Sky titles. What started out as a low-key, rustic setting with some elements of an industrial revolution driven by magic rocks suddenly turned into a bizarre pastiche of fantasy and cyberpunk weirdness. You went from a country that still used rotary phones and zeppelin-like airships to this high-tech metropolis, complete with a reliable system of public transportation, electronic banking and finance, digital telecommunication, a modern hospital, law enforcement, a Disney World-like resort with themed rides and attractions, and even the goddamn internet!

Along with the technological leaps in the transition from Liberl to Crossbell came an even more jarring leap in art and pop culture. You went from folk music and ballroom dancing in Sky to Zero and Ao having hood rats blasting heavy metal from speakers and entertainment troupes putting on Cirque Du Soleil-esque shows with advanced pyrotechnics and other special effects. Fashion and architecture in Crossbell seem decades ahead of what Liberl has, despite NPCs mentioning that the latter is still a technological frontrunner in certain fields. What's even more bizarre is how this apparently only came to be in the last decade or two! That's not how progress works, folks! You don't go from Victorian era London to twenty-first century Manhattan in twenty years. Even if you have all the brightest minds in the world and all the money from corrupt foreigners flowing into your country, it still takes time to develop technologies, introduce them to the public, and implement various systems and infrastructure to utilize them. A similar thing can be said for music, fashion, architecture, and other more artistic aspects of society. It just doesn't make any sense!

Anons, I just finished the sora no kiseki trilogy, should I play zero and ao or go straight to cold steel? What would you recommend?