Why do you hate me, Yea Forums?

Why do you hate me, Yea Forums?

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memes lol


Because you are objectively worse than the competition, and are trying to lock people onto your platform by holding games they want hostage through exclusivity deals.

aiding the unnecessary balkanization of the pc gaming marketplace.

bug people

Why should I ? I'm not a redit subhuman

Balkanization is needed before reunification by a better company.

You leaked my credit card information.

lower quality product, didn't learn from the competition's mistakes

nailed it. And its not even about brand loyalty.
Ill use Origin or Ugay no problem since they've made their games, they can do what they want with them, you can even buy some of their games through steam yet.
But the way Epic rolls is just fucking shitty. Sniping games from developers so you cant get their game anywhere else when we could before.

>only steamdrones hate Epic because they want Steam to be the only online store, therefore having plenty of online stores with their own client is a good thing
>btw i'm expecting a better company to buy out and unify all game stores then we all have to use the same online store, and that will be objectively better
Can't you people make up your minds?


Epic is the game industry equivalent of a teratoma. Being owned by bugmen and importing the console wars is just the baseline of my contempt.

You don't even have half of the features that the other platform provides me for free and and I just don't like the ways you have to adquire titles to your store, you know if you don't pay publishers big fortnite bucks nobody would care.
I won't enter the spyware point since is retarded considering that everyone and his mother who is barely into videogames is hooked to the skynet by using windows, google, discord, or just any popular discussion site including this one.

Because you're just a significantly worse Steam, yet you try to force me to use you through paid exclusivity of games you had no hand in developing

why do u hate linux

You know what's funny? If Epic had made deals where they give a better split to publishers but the game has to be like five or ten bucks cheaper on their store, they'd be loved. Publishers would get more per sale even with the lower price and consumers would get a better deal. The lack of features would be overlooked because of the cost savings you get.

Instead they went the route of buying exclusives and now everyone shits on them because they forced consumers onto a platform with less features.

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There's not a single reason to like it.

It's not a product anybody wants to use, it literally only exists on anti-consumer practices. If getting the Epic Launcher was a choice, they would quickly go bankrupt.

>For fucking years Tim Sweeney shits on Microsoft for trying to control vidya with a walled garden
>'lol why would the EGS support Linux that shit's dumb'

It would be less of a piss off if they were funding original projects from the beginning. But the way they sit back and wait until a product is near completion and then go in to swipe it up for an exclusivity deal is just fucking insidious.

lets be real here, competitors like Steam, Origin, Uplay or GOG aren't supporting Linux either

>It would be less of a piss off if they were funding original projects from the beginning.

That would require time and some level of forward-thinking on the part of Tim Sweeney. It's blatantly clear they're trying to strongarm their way into the storefront space as soon as possible to avoid losing heavy amounts of money when Fortnite starts to really lose steam

I don't hate it, but I don't want any more launchers. It's pretty annoying having all these logins and different friendlists, where people might not have the same name. I'm using around 2-3 GB just for all of them, and I hate having to use double verification whenever I haven't logged in for awhile.

>aren't supporting Linux either

U fookin' w0t?

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At first I simply didn't like you because you weren't spending the moutain of fortnight money aka lootboxes money aka child gambling money on making a functioning online storefront.

I hate you because all you do is look for indie shit kikestarters that have groundswell and snipe them into exclusivity deal that result in fucking over backers and making it so the indie shits who take your money don't actually have to make a quality product since you make the sales of the games negligent.

Because you won't give me regional pricing
Because you won't give me my local currency payment options
Because I was already getting attempts to login to my account BEFORE you became a storefront
Because after I backed Phoenix Point you bought the game out to put it there instead
Because you actually affect me on a personal level, this is why I hate you.

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>Phoenix Point

It still fucking hurts. Why did you do this to us Julian?

>steam isnt supporting linux
try a little harder than that chinadrone

Publishers would never do that, and you know Epic wouldn't either because they straight up say they favor big corps over the actual consumer. Think about it, when digital dropped the cut from 60% to 30%, did publishers ever pass on the savings to consumers? AAA still have a $60 standard.

just because you can find ways to get Steam to run on Linux doesn't mean that it's officially supported

We need to come up with a cute anime mascot for EGS. Yea Forums literally cannot stay mad at cute anime mascots.

Valve employees outright contribute to Proton. Proton is a part of Steam

I still doubt you but whatever you say bud.

shitty business practices

The better question why do fucking game journos love it?

I don't like the red Chinese.

Why do game journos give good scores to shitty games? Who has literal billions in zoomer and chinese cash?

no reviews makes them less obsolete

>So behind on features it lacks a god damn shopping card

Why would I pay for a game if I get the same experience pirating it?

>X-Com 3 comes out
>Tim pays for year exclusive
>Gotta wait year for bug fixes and game fixing DLC
>Tim buys year exclusivity for the DLC.

I hate you for bringing console practices to PC.
I hate you for snatching games as exclusives in the last possible moment.
I hate you for dividing multiplayer game communities once the exclusivity period actually ends.
I hate you for generating bad publicity on purpose to stay relevant.
I hate you for not actually improving your shitty software at all because you know well that exclusivity is enough already.

>>So behind on features it lacks a god damn shopping card
You're completely missing the point of that criticism. The Nintendo eshop lacks a shopping cart but nobody ever complains about that. The reason people complain about EGS not having a shopping cart is because they literally will lock your account if you buy too many games at once. Buying games is the entire point of the damn launcher so not having a shopping cart to remedy this problem is really fucking stupid, especially since Epic gets Tencent and Fortnite money too

that happened to less than 10 people out of hundreds of thousands, no one cares

>The Nintendo eshop lacks a shopping cart but nobody ever complains about that.

Nintendo is so behind the times in terms of internet that people just don't even bother with their services. I honestly wonder how many people actually buy Nintendo games digitially.

>I hate you for dividing multiplayer game communities once the exclusivity period actually ends.
Nothing prevents games from working across all platforms and storefronts

Main reason I think Sweeney's Shoppe is garbage is that it doesn't have support for achievements.
I mean, it has dozens of other missing things, arguably more important (like user reviews), but the one that personally pisses me off is cheevos. I want my fucking cheevos you ferret looking bitch.

Not even steam, I just hate the fact that every new "exclusive" is one less DRM free game that could had been on gog.

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Because my fortnut account got hacked and racked up $150 on my debit card. When I put in a support ticket for a refund it went without a response for 2 weeks. You only replied after I issued a chargeback. Fuck You and your practices Tim.

I'm white. China hates whites.

Because the only defence anyone has for you is
>bbbbbut steam

Look on the bright side, chargebacks literally cost more for the company than they have to refund because of chargeback fees

Did Borderlands 3 get cracked?

Your fault for getting "hacked" and for keeping your card on file while being incompetent. I had an issue with Steam too and the same happened. Got a buggy $60 game and Valve sent a generic response telling me to wait for support. They were just hoping I'd forget or that it would be too late to refund. Something like that...

So I charged it back and they gave me a red warning banner on top of the program saying that I have to acknowledge that I'm a bad boy and that I've been blocked from using their store for a month or whatever it was.

Fat neckbeard fucks.

>dividing multiplayer game communities
>fortnite is one of the first of not THE first to bring crossplay with almost all devices

>I still doubt you
>With Proton and Steam Play, many Windows games now work on Linux!

Quit being a faggot

I don't. Steam is a less intrusive platform but I would never want to willingly support valve.

They need to hack your email too to get to your credit card.

No they don't. If a company has a data breach and they have stored credit card data compromised, you don't need anything else.


Honestly the UI is bad and harder to navigate than steam, which already I think is bad and slow, but the real problem is that you can't play singleplayer games when you don't have internet. As someone who lives in the middle of nowhere my net gets spotty and it takes weeks to get it fixed. So fuck Epic, never buying a game on their shit platform.

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If you reject my statement then you also reject the one I was replying to. I won.

Because you do literally nothing for me. You're not cheaper and your launcher is shit

All it does is make me jump through hoops I didn't need to before, while giving me nothing better in return. It boggles the mind that you fucks just slurped the cock right into your mouths.

He's not talking about cross-play, you chodes.

I don't hate it, I'm just not going to use it until it's at least as good as Origin or Uplay. Right now it sucks. I'm not going to use it just to spite Steam, that's retarded.

>come to Yea Forums - Console Exclusives & Rosters to complain about exclusives

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I remember when Yea Forums was more PC-focused than consolefag-focused. Paid third-party PC storefront exclusivity was never a thing before Epic

Yeah I'm refusing to use EGS as long as they play this paid exclusives bullshit.

have fun staring at your backlog steamdrone. meanwhile i will be enjoying games thanks to Tim

Because you want to force exclusivity by bribery.
I don't understand why anyone is okay with this.


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i dont think about you at all,i sometimes forget you exist.

>I remember when Yea Forums was more PC-focused than consolefag-focused
That was maybe like an actual decade ago, console wars existed well before Tropes vs. Women in Video Games kickstarter outrage spam flooded Yea Forums and averted attention from the wars briefly in 2012. Mastrrchan exists for a reason.

>Paid third-party PC storefront exclusivity was never a thing before Epic
Probably because that is a very specific criteria.
Anyway fuck consumers, it's ok when consoles do it, and fuck you.

>have to wait one year so i will cry, just like when console games take a year
When will steamdrones grow up. You don't see us crying about not having slay the spire or Portal. Just play your games fags

stay there frog cancer

I don't accept non-American gaming stores, chink.

>thanks to Tim
But they were always going to release on PC

I don't. I wouldn't miss Control for anything and I don't regret it. Having fun with Borderlands 3 and looking forward to Outer Worlds. And no amount of bitching from internet strangers is going to sway me. I want to play good games and if they're only on EGS that's where I'll get them. Why the fuck should I care if they were paid for? Every console exclusive is.

yeah due to tim paying for us

Thanks for beta testing. I'm sure slightly less retarded people will be glad when you've reported some bugs for them so they can get the optimized version come April.

>it's ok when consoles do it

Even fucking consolefags threw a shitfit over the timed exclusivity Rise of the Tomb Raider because they realized it was bullshit for a third-party game with a publisher like Square to take a timed exclusivity deal

because you keep doing the same bait thread over and over.

"i'll only use Epic Games one it has all these features steam has that I never actually use, but only bring up because I don't want to take 5 minutes to install the Epic client."

you make the games i want to buy worse by existing

Publishers aren't entitled to my money. I pirate all my other digital entertainment. I want the full suite or I ain't paying.

you're lying, but it's great you keep the act up.

Watching Star Trek from a hard drive full of torrents right now.

sure no problem. everyone will be done with the game by the time drones come around so i will be sure to get a good walkthrough written with all the secrets for you too (Dlc i will already have included)

Okfag enjoy never playing mgs4 or bloodbourn they didn't even need the money after the success of the first 3 dark souls, from just knew consumer scum like you were on par with cockroaches, just meant to be squished.

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I'm sure the people who want spoilers and will look them up will be happy and the drones holding out can play it together because it's 4 players, not mass multiplayer.


You mean a game that Sony funded from the onset for its development? Not at all similar

here is to the drones. enjoy the games while we move on to the next great game tim got for us

Which the drones will be playing from the versions Tim paid for because SP only games won't bother with heavy ass DRM as we can see with Control not bothering much.

Nobody cared about the story of Borderlands.
It's absolute trash.

Just playing along with the shill, fuck Randy and fuck everything he makes.

Yeah, pkuck they really needed that money after dark souls made from rich, cope.
Also nice dodging the mgs games you'll never get, that must hit too close to home lol, oh well.

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lmao the cope. people love the story of BL3 right now. your just too salty drone

I have no interest in downloading another platform just to play one or two games. Why the fuck do I need to gave Steam AND Origin AND Epic AND whatever the fuck else is gonna appear in the next several years.
Just let me download the game on whatever the fuck distributor I already have. Ot better yet, let me buy and run with game without all this extra shit. Looking at you, Dauntless

Really because the only story posts I see are about people's waifu's dying.

>People haven't spurged about the entire story of a 40+ hour game on the release week, so no one likes it
This is next level cope here

you killed paragon
also epic is the only company i've spent money on only to lose my credit card information. some faggot got my info and spent $250 on fortnite boxes and i had to file fraud claims

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Yes, just the ending. People have time to get to the ending but not anything prior.

>some people have gotten to the ending so everyone must have
The gymnastics here are impressive

I don’t mind it but it was such an aggressive move to FORCE exclusivity when people would have been interested anyway. They would still be successful by brand but they knew they had a weaker client and user experience they went for an exclusivity model.

It’s an absolute shame because instead of building a serious competitor to steam they instead went for the exclusivity approach. It only bugs me because of that reason.

It's been out for 3 days now, surely there must be discussions of other plot points?

>people showing restraint is bad. Give it til monday and if you go out you will probably here people talking about it. Hell i could probably go to reddit and people are probably talking their. Same with hundreds of EGS fansites

>Hell i could probably go to reddit and people are probably talking their

Why don't you go do that and stay there?

chink chink tianamen square copypaste

>i have never ever used reddit
sure you haven't. Besides the die hard retards here, everyone here has probably looked up a gaming question on the site. Though i can not say i am surprised that a steamdrone is immature

Ummmmm... you can actually.

because Valve pays me to via their third party PR company who employ extensive guerilla and viral marketing techniques, like spamming message boards with critical comments about Epic

i fully believe this

Stop making these fucking threads consumer idiots, as everyone and their dog has admitted in this thread exclusives are good, so shut the fuck up and end your life already.

Keep making these thread and it'll end in a banning.

Yea Forums literally cannot stay mad at cute anime mascots.

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coom are you paraphrasing?

exclusivity is console only policy!! PC games have no place in there whatsoever,

I love wasting hundreds of dollars on objectively inferior manchild toys just to inadvertently force other people to do the same.

Atleast I have my mary-o BING

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and that isn't including all the others. I neither want or need yet another launcher.

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>Muh devs get a bigger cut of the sales
I don't give a fuck, I buy my games where its cheapest and I want it all in the same place, IE steam

you have only one word you use on repeat so ill make one just for you
this ONE GUY spamming all Yea Forums with same 4 fucking post and same 4 fucking threads is now

the digital future is murky. i don't even want to have Steam, i want each game to have its own account. that way i can sell used PC games like back in the good old days. fuck "gaming platforms" for PC in general. they're not necessary.

You realize it’s literally console exclusivity except you don’t have to pay $400 just to play one a game on another platform. Is it too fucking hard to go on the epic store?

You mean not trying make steam a monopoly?

>fuck "gaming platforms" for PC in general. they're not necessary.
>Dev goes under (which is a much higher likelihood than a digital storefront going under)
>Game just disappears from official download channels forever because user thought every game should be its own thing

Check Proton's fucking github, Chink. The developers are Valve. Valve releases a Linux client of Steam for Linux.

If you're going to shill for your spyware overlords, at least fucking educate yourself, gook.

Fucking this

I'm like this except I stopped using uplay because ubisoft is greedier than ever
Selling resources that you can collect in a single player game? Really? I knew they were greedy as fuck with all the different items they sold in games like watch dogs for example but what they did with AC odyssey is just insulting, plus they have a way of making their games all blend into one like how now ghost recon is some kind of rpg, same as assassin's creed. I just can't be fucked to play ubisoft shit anymore which means I'll never use uplay again.

Ubisoft outright said they're done making real video games in favour of grindy samey shit that sells micro transactions. I don't know why anyone's hyped for WD3.

Steam has never been a monopoly. Even after GFWL died it was never a monopoly, for steam to be a monopoly they would have to become the publisher of every game on steam but since they're not every publisher or dev could theoretically pull their games from steam and valve wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Because in your autistic crusade against Steam, you also suddenly yoink games from GOG. And then you have the gall to try to side with CDPR as if you're part of the good guys.

Absolute cancer.

>Steam has never been a monopoly.
There's nothing stopping every single developer from just releasing their games directly through their own sites for 100% profit.
It's the exclusivity that's fucking weird. You simply get more copies sold when your game is on multiple platforms and launchers.

I'm looking forward to all the normalfags getting surprised by the grindfest or shit locked behind dlc/mtx, they're gonna boot up the game and get greeted with the typical games as a service store.

It took a lot of publishers fucking years to even start releasing their games regularly on PC at all. They're not the quickest bunch to change

I think this doesn't happen more because either the publishers don't want it or the other stores don't want it. Origin sold EA games only for a long time and it took them years to start accepting 3rd party games, GOG is stricter than steam so a lot of games don't end up there plus some publishers don't believe in the DRM-free thing. I think uplay had 3rd party games for a while but now they don't really bother and then there's battlenet that has 0 interest in becoming a store for non-blizzard/activision shit. GFWL was the only thing close to steam for 3rd party devs but microsoft decided they didn't give a fuck about PC so they killed it.

>needs to google what teratoma is
>tells someone to educate themselves

A point I would like to bring up anything use the "it's just what consoles are doing" defense against epic buying up games. Generally speaking the console gens was a fairly balanced fight between consoles (not counting nintendo), can you honestly say EGS just as a platform for PC gaming is equal to Steam?

If the launcher was good, they wouldn't need to buy up exclusives.

>"it's just what consoles are doing"

In all honesty though, it isn't even what consoles are doing. Just about all exclusives on consoles are fully funded from the onset by the console manufacturers. The one time it really wasn't (a timed exclusive of Rise of the Tomb Raider for the Xbone), people lost their shit over it

I know this but remember, anyone dumb enough to shill for EGS doesn't. Note, I'm not saying anyone who use EGS is a mouth breathing retard but I am saying if you go out of your way to "take a side" in this slapfight you should go fuck your cooling fan

except it's not even because neither Steam nor EGS has a $400 price tag

>library needs a simple listing instead of the bloated cover images
>library needs hours played
Also add a fps counter.

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It's not about the price tag, it's about the platform. I primarily play on the PS4 but I have a xbone laying around my house gathering dust, is it because I don't like the games on it? Honestly no, I think sunset overdrive is a charming game and sadly the closest we're going to ever get back to classic RnC games. So why don't I play it? The xbone has a pretty fucky home screen that feels like a slog to use

Consoles are either paying in full for a production or for some of the development.
Epic are coming in at the last minute and buying exclusivity in the PC space.
The only equivalency would be something like when Sony pays for timed content exclusivity like DLC.

I'm curious to see how console users would react if one console company bought a year of exclusivity for a high profile 3rd party game like gta, or fifa or madden or cod, some huge game that normies that really love.

We actually have an example in the real world of that, Rise of the Tomb Raider. People were pissed about it

There was a riot over one of the rebooted tomb raiders doing something like this and PS4 is pretty bad with DLC and content deals like that.

I know this

You offer literally nothing
You're a backdoor for china to try and invade the WORLD gaming industry and establish itself as an intentional monopoly
You're worse than alternatives to steam that already exist
And you straight up only exist with the sole purpose of becoming a monopoly because leeching around 10% of the entire industry through UE3&4 wasn't good enough for you.
I barely care that you were using steam spy to scrape top wishlisted games to yank, I have enough issues with you otherwise.

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Poor Sev. He was my main. Rest in peace sweet prince.

I already got one of you. I'm good.

Market hegemony is not the same as monopoly

tomb raider isn't that huge compared to those other games, we're talking billion dollar franchises
I know people were pissed but I don't think that anger would come anywhere close to the anger of an exclusive gta or cod

but then their anger is justified because they need to buy another console in order to buy that game

>That's literally console gaming

Yes because Xbox is cancelling games on PS4 when they've already been posted on the PlayStation store and people already pre ordered them

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What epic is doing does not suddenly become okay because they don't sell you a console. You dunce.

Even when we started getting PC ports they usually ran like dogshit and had shit controls because they weren't optimized for PC.

In order to build a new platform you'll need stuff you can't get on other stores.

Yeah Epic Games games but they had to go one step further and burn up any possible good will

Fuck off Chang

Not really no.

Private information is unsecure
I have shitty internet so I can't be always online
Forcing me to use your service to play a game doesn't make you look very good
And Tim Sweeney is a douchebag

Even ignoring all of that there's the more debatable stuff like Chinese ownership, the spyware, the application itself
Theres a reason why most people use steam over most other platforms on PC
It's not that steam forced a monopoly like how Sweeney claims
Is that most other stores can't get it right

And rather than take the way which takes effort, making customer-focused features, Epic took the quick way out the buy their way into popularity because they're desperate for a new money maker before Fortnite loses steam

Without the threads on here I'd forget that EGS exists.

Apparently if you refund a game it doesnt bother to uninstall or remove the launcher
Use this knowledge responsibly Yea Forums

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I mean it's the same on steam. The issue is if the DRM check when launching it after refunding will clear or not.

Reports indicate that BL3 has no real protection on it using the refund method

Are you going to wait a year to play a game everyone else is enjoying?
You act as if they didn't earn billions off licensing Unreal Engine & getting a percentage cut from games sold.

The main reason why people would prefer releasing on an existing platform over their own storefront is that there's a lot of upkeep costs to run your own storefront. You need the bandwidth to be able to provide fast downloads as well as a payment processor. And after all that, you have to deal with any issue that may occur like chargebacks which can cause payment processors to drop you.

>Are you going to wait a year to play a game everyone else is enjoying?
In the rare cases where it's a game I'm interested in, yes.
Fuck epic.

and by reports I mean a guy online said it worked. I'm just wondering if someone else has done it.

Let me try this again

>EGS Shills: At least we're not like consoles where you have to paid 400$ (plus tip) to get a game
>Sane people who have never seen a console: So you're a free shitty platform
>EGS Shills: Yes! You got it

You can get free toilet water but you only see dogs drinking it for a reason. Free shitty shit isn't in high demand

>You act as if they didn't earn billions off licensing Unreal Engine & getting a percentage cut from games sold.

And the money they're making on Unreal is peanuts compared to what they've brought in from Fortnite alone. They want another large (and sustainable) moneymaker

You missed by replied Xi

It's the exact opposite fucktard. Unreal has made them fucking billions compared to Fortnite.

So EGS fans, just tell me. Can you honestly say pound for pound and not talking about the games between the two EGS is a better gaming platform for the user than Steam. If you can honestly say that and defend your logic I'll grab the launcher right this second and try it out

you can do that without exclusivity
I've played games on origin that are also on steam simply because origin has a subscription service that essentially makes all those games 'free' for the period you're subscribed for, I saved a lot of money that way.

Because it turns out we really love monopolies.

>There are people who want EGS to be on top
>These are people who are claiming that a single entity controlling the most universally used game engine should also control the most universally used game store and that would be a good thing for the industry

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Yeah that complaint really doesn't work when your business plan is literally to become a monopoly.

I'll enjoy BL3 while you play Darq.
I'm just saying they can survive without Fortnite.
Origin is almost dead.

Lots of companies would like to dominate their niche. Steam already does.

I can honestly say that it plays games just fine. That's all I use it for. It's all I use Steam for. If you want friends and streaming or whatever you won't get it on EGS. But it doesn't matter. You decided before you even wrote that what your opinion is. And more power to you. I don't want more "gamers" that never actually play games shitting up another platform. I play because that's what games are for. You want a million things to keep you from playing, fine.

>>Are you going to wait a year to play a game everyone else is enjoying?
Is this a joke question? Look how long it took gta5 to come out on pc. At this point I find myself wondering why the fuck I would buy a game on day one these days, every fucking time there's something wrong, it's buggy, it's unoptimized, the servers don't work right, the dlc isn't out yet, it's unbalanced. I feel like there's no point buying stuff day one anymore, you pay more for a worse experience.

Successful companies don't need to become monopolies Hai Ping
Hell becoming a monopoly is an admission that you are a failure.

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I preordered journey on epic when they had their flat $10 discount on everything for $5

The store didnt have releasedate, i had to google to find that out, also obviously didnt know at what time that day it would release, waited for a few hours that day

Then the game had a bug that wouldve been easily solved by having a forum. I had to use some literally dead reddit for a game that came out almost a decade ago to find two people discussing as to how to fix it for 30 minutes

I dont hate epic but i wont bother with that shit launcher

>Are you going to wait a year to play a game everyone else is enjoying?
I mean PC players are infamous for waiting for steam sales before buying games so yes. Also EGS exclusivity is only 6 months from memory.

>That's all I use it for.
You don't use cloud saves at all between new builds?
You don't use the built-in controller functionality for games that function better with a controller?
You don't use the mods which Workshop has brought support for by the admission of devs themselves?
You don't ever search through Steam forums for troubleshooting issues?
You don't use a shopping cart when you buy things online?

Reminder there are people literally using Steam's BL2 forums for BL3.

Because your store is shit. Even the the Ouya had a fucking cart.

No it's not, for origin to be almost dead EA would have to be almost dead, but at this point you're just shitposting so you probably know that already.

The difference is steam did it without breaking antitrust laws. Look at what happens to companies like microsoft and intel when they try to leverage their ability as a market leader to create a monopoly, they get fined. The same thing would happen to steam if they bought exclusive titles while being a market leader.

I don't want the std from consoles to spread to PC, thank you very much.

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You didn't answer my question. The reason why EGS is "better" is because it plays games just fine

this happens a lot with egs games
people were using steam to get help troubleshooting ashen
I guess egs' cut is too small for devs to get their own forums

That's actually weird to me.

Why aren't people using Gearbox's forums?

I don't know user, can you think of any reason why people might not want to do that?

EGS thread?

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maybe they got banned for misgendering a robot npc

Why are you trying to steal my date, bro?

chink spyware. That is why we hate you.

I remember this, its that shooter guys cartoon

Its the equivalent of that one kid who is full of himself because his dad is rich and he thinks that makes him a god despite his numerous short comings. If said kid kept to himself and improved he might go somewhere but instead he just pays others to pretend to like him.

Only if she is getting dominated by an older steam anime girl while being tsun to steam

I remember this kid. He went full seethe if someone had something better than he did. One time I made fun of his MP3 player, so he went to the shops and bought a brand new one that could play MP4s that day and brought it to school the next day, then everyone made fun of him for being a showy fag.

considering how Gearbox bans people just for calling a robot he, I doubt anybody wants to risk anything related to actual problems with the game

I feel bad for the people he managed to kill considering the guy couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with a shotgun at close range

>only care about pandering to devs while shitting on customers left and right
>why do you hate me
Timmy you should be able to answer that yourself.

they don't even do a good job at pandering to devs beyond bribes considering that Randy of all people had to force Epic to add pre downloads

Valve is already a good company, Steam was already good.

although if the game uses Unreal Engine, they technically are part of the game's development team.

Does anyone actually use EGS? Sure, there are a lot of shills here, but none of the games are actually getting discussed. Take Hades for example, it took that game getting announced on steam for me to realize it exists and it's a cool game and I loved Bastion.

Not even Borderlands 3 is getting any discussion and that title was super mega hype to the max according to shills

beyond Fortnite and BL3, I doubt people use epic for anything else which isn't helped by the fact you really can't do anything else on it and even requires steam in some case just to use games on it

If Borderlands 3 doesn't bring in a large group of regular customers to the EGS then I think Epic is just completely fucked

Outer Wilds got plenty of discussion but I'm 100% sure everyone pirated that. Just like Control too because everyone here has a boner for Remedy and muh manchin.

BL3 is just a complete clusterfuck on all sides though.
And it's not just because of the EGS.

What about the free games? Love me some free games but couldn't be arsed to install EGS just for that. There are people on other forums putting EGS on a pedestal because of the free games but IDK, seems like a desperate move.

Why don't they have a subscription service? Sounds like a great way to ease people into the system. All the exclusives at 10/15 bucks a month and it's a service Steam doesn't offer.

People actually use subscription services? I signed up for a free month of uplay just to play The Crew 1 which never goes on sale for some reason, but I'm cancelling as soon as I finish the story

Seems to work for Origin, then Microsoft got into it, even Ubisoft just started offering it.

Well I mean for the average normalfag free games are pretty cool.

But you're on Yea Forums, everyone's a no lifer here who already played all those famous FOTM indie games that they keep giving out. And even if you haven't played it, it's unironically better to just pirate 'em again instead of making an Epic account.

Apparently Gears only sold 200k on Steam. Which makes sense because it was only a buck on the pass microsoft was handing out.

isn't that game in a terrible condition on microsoft store? something about not having full-screen and windows 10 not being windowed friendly?

or is the whole game a mess?

Ah. It's just why the fuck would you pay for it full price on steam when tou can just play it for a buck on the pass?

I grab the free games from it but I haven't bought anything from the store.

The more I have to use EGS the more I learn how trash it is. The library requires you to have an online connection to even load and even loading it isn't instant like on other platforms like GOG Galaxy, Steam, Origin.
Another extremely odd thing is that Epic's another store, the Unreal Marketplace has a shopping cart which loads the same UI on purchase as EGS does, but still for some reason EGS can't have a shopping cart because who knows. And it's still a "long term" goal for release and not something like "we're going to add it next week guys".

The cart and a few other features were meant to already be implemented but they had to delay their whole roadmap by like 6 months

90% of Epic is working on fortnite btw

Because I hate anything new.

Lets talk seriously for a moment:
Feel free to call me whatever buzzword you want, but here is a review for both sides:

Most of the controversy surrounding Epic is that its spyware. Although that was debunked easily because it wasn't backed up by any evidence whatsoever. Even though it was fabricated, it still did detrimental damage to Epic and its public image. Who knew a little Reddit post could do so much damage? Of course this is still something that people that point out in their arguments against the Epic Game Store.

A good argument against Epic is that its limited features on its client is short-par compared to Steam and its features. Although Epic hasn't had the breathing room, that Steam has had, its certainly shown that it can at least be a contender to steam and its services.

Developers choosing to go to other platforms shouldn't be crucified for doing so. There are many other platforms out there, and all of a sudden Epic comes out and wants to be top dog and the only people crying about it are people who have been using steam for everything since the dawn of time. Whats the difference between Epic and Battlenet? Take away the client features, whats left? Just another platform. Another place to buy and play your games. As a consumer your only concern should be the price. How much is it, and can I get it cheaper somewhere else. Is it cheaper on origin? Or steam? How about Battlenet?
Exclusivity has been present on consoles since as old as games itself. PS3 or xbox360? Which will it be? Which ones better? So now when it comes to PC platforms people are somehow angry.

This is why people like GoG have come out and decided to 'unite' these different platforms in one structured client. Unlike consoles where you have one store to buy from, PC gaming has become more broad and convoluted. There are too many platforms that 'offer' this and 'that' and consumers are left confused as to where to go to play their games.

promote exclusive games in other stores that range from bad to mediocre and join publishers to shit on his own fans, normally i would be impressed but seriously fuck them

>but here is a review for both sides
>proceeds to lick Epic's nuts

Actually most of the controversy around the EGS is sniping games announced on Steam the very last minute to turn them into EGS exclusives. Remember that the thing that sparked this entire shitshow was Metro Exodus.

Then they did it for Phoenix Point.
And Outer Wilds
And just went made the community go fucking ballistic when it happened to Shenmue 3.

how exactly does your small mind come to that conclusion?

I don’t. Competition is good for the consumer. Obviously it’s a hassle to use two launchers but epic clearly knows what they’re doing and I trust them more than steam at this point.

i just want to say that the vast majority of devs and publishers also prefer steam like their consumers

make me

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You do realize how simple adding a shopping cart is right? And they already have the code for it anyway since it's on the UE4 marketplace, which you can access through EGS client.
You wouldn't even use someone who works on Fortnite to work on EGS or the other way around.

>Competition is good for the consumer.
Can you explain how EGS has done anything positive for consumers?

Because of weaselly tactics like bringing up the spyware shit without even touching on the exclusivity sniping. Or excuses like
>Although Epic hasn't had the breathing room, that Steam has had
As if Epic is some tiny little indie developer just trying to make it in the world instead of a massive one with more capital than Valve and yet they can't make a launcher better than barely functional in a fucking year.

>can I get it cheaper somewhere else.
This is how Epic should've tackled this in the first place. Since they're taking a smaller cut from the devs(really the publishers since EGS doesn't have any true indie games yet), they could've offered almost all the games cheaper than other platforms. But the obvious issue here comes from how devs want to build their stuff. For a multiplayer game like Borderlands 3, you'd obviously want to use Steamworks to handle the multiplayer as all of that is free and fairly easy to implement. But if you use Steamworks you get locked to Steam, which isn't in itself surprising. So you get the other option, just use the multiplayer stuff Epic is offering and make the Steam version just launch EGS like Ubisoft has done since Far Cry 3 and uPlay.

The Outer Worlds is extremely odd case as well, since for some reason Epic is letting it launch at the same time on Microsoft Store but not Steam.

Epic might be big but they can't wave their dicks around Microsoft.

good things valve/steam did for linux gaming are countless and immeasurable, one good thing about volvo is how nerdy they can sometimes get while launching linux-friendly projects

gog has linux installers for many games, it just has no gog galaxy

Whats to stop them from making it a paid service, call it an egs subscription pass, gets you a "discount" on exclusives. There's absolutely nothing good to come from Epic pulling this kind of shit.

Sure, but it's very obvious that they're just wanting to block Steam out completely. It's not like Microsoft can stop Epic from developing EGS and deploying it on Windows. And if they did have that power, Epic could just move to Linux instead. Oh wait Sweeney thinks freedom is bad.

Epic isnt as big as steam retard, hence my point.

They absolutely are, retard. Epic is by far the bigger company

The big publishers, at the very least, don't want to devalue their games in consumers eyes. They want to keep the $60 normal which was why there was that big backlash among some of the publishers during the big EGS sale when Epic offered a $10 discount on anything over $15 (Epic ate the costs of the extra discount and the devs/publishers got the normal profits as if the game sold at full price). Some of the partners hated how you could buy a $60 game for $50 that they completely pulled their game from the Epic store while the sale was going on.

yeah bigger in more fornite bucks sold.

There's a very big difference between Bnet and Epic that you're either too stupid to notice or you're just ignoring: Bnet, Uplay, Origin, and even to an extent GoG's exclusives are all proprietary products that they have complete ownership of so it would make sense that they would have exclusive rights to sell. Epic on the other hand is going out of their way to rope in third party devs to force their way into larger market share against all the other online retailers. Even if you ignore all the issues this causes for the developers and the customers in general, really what this is doing is it's setting up Epic to have the power to do really whatever they want including things like straight up stripping features, oppressive DRM, and even forced subscription payments for usage. Epic will literally turn the PC market into just another console if you let them.

Not even that. Epic was so retarded that the ten buck discount didn't account for regional pricing so there were cases where high profile games like Bloodlines and even Borderlands were selling for five bucks in some slavic regions.

>they completely pulled their game from the Epic store while the sale was going on
Wasn't this because it was a no questions asked, you're forced to have it on sale deal? At least the publishers know (and are allowed to choose wheter to put a game on sale or not) when the sale is going to happen.
I also got very confused when the EGS head went out and publicly reported on some game's sales numbers.

Yeah, and? That's more capital. Capital that could be spent on making a full functioning service.

Even the Microsoft Store is more functional and responsive than EGS is.

And hows that shopping cart coming along?

That's my point, retard. Epic has the capital to do it and they aren't. Assholes like like to pretend that Epic are the underdogs here and they're just trying to play catch up with the big bad Valve, which is just plain false.

Well let's not go too far here. The windows store is still janky as fuck and I'm still forcing myself to use that piece of shit for Outer Worlds.

>Wasn't this because it was a no questions asked, you're forced to have it on sale deal?
It was partly this and partly Epic not telling anyone ahead of time that the sale was going on. Honestly, if someone with enough money really wanted to that would have been an easy lawsuit right there.

I mean that even if the game was being sold for $5 in some regions, it wouldn't have affected how much the publisher would have made either way. The publisher would have made 88% of $15, or $13.2 from the sale of that game after Epic's 12% cut either way. The only difference is that during the sale $8.2 from that total would have come out of Epic's pocket instead of the customer.
Kinda. Basically removing it from the store was the way to not have it on sale. Part of it was because it seemed to be an opt out system rather than opt in and the other part is that Epic seemed to have poorly explained to their partners how the sale would work.


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Sure it's janky as fuck and if you have any good option you're going to take that. For the Halo MCC I imagine most players are going to be through Steam.
But it's still much more responsive than EGS is, that piece of software is one of the less responsive things I've had the displeasure of touching. At least you can access your library on Steam if your connection cuts out suddenly, on EGS it's just going to load endlessly. And EGS borderline refuses to work at all if you're not connected to the internet.

Product devaluation is a very real thing and it speaks volumes that BL3 and Bloodlines got pulled out of the store in less than a day.

Fuck even Steam has a tips&tricks section for devs regarding sales and they warn about the risk of just utterly dropping down the price of a game because it can and will affect the customer's evaluation of your product.

>Whats the difference between Epic and Battlenet?

Games on Battlenet and Origin and Uplay get a pass because those platforms are owned by the publishers. It's hard to really fault a publisher for wanting to avoid all store costs and just provide the store themselves. Really, I wouldn't even fault publishers for choosing EPS on their own if they wanted to; it just rubs me the wrong way when they spout lines about how "they believe the customer experience will be better by choosing the EPS" when everyone knows it's about the fat check that Epic is writing them. In a way, I suppose a lot of the hate is caused by the publishers lying about it, and they always lie.

Still, for a shop being built up to handle third party titles, EPS is missing a ton of features. And it doesn't look great that their store is apparently so bad that they had to resort to bribing publishers just to get exclusives to force consumers to choose them.

>So now when it comes to PC platforms people are somehow angry.

That's because ever since games on Macs died off, PC has been pretty much been exclusives-free. No one likes exclusives, console users just put up with it.

>Outer Wilds got plenty of discussion but I'm 100% sure everyone pirated that. Just like Control too because everyone here has a boner for Remedy and muh manchin.
Then you have shit like Satisfactory which ""somehow"" gets half a millions sales, yet discussion for it basically everywhere was fucking nonexistant even on launch week.

>trying to lock people onto your platform by holding games they want hostage through exclusivity deals
How do you think Steam got its first couple million users?
Hint: by buying Counter Strike, shutting down the servers it ran on and replacing them with Steam.

Yeah, and they were shit on endlessly for it

>I mean that even if the game was being sold for $5 in some regions, it wouldn't have affected how much the publisher would have made either way.
That' not the problem, the problem is the publishers didn't make the choice to have their game discounted and on top of that in the minds of publishers large discounts pre-launch devalue games, the last thing they want is for people to get used to buying games for $10 off especially in regions where $10 off might mean 50% or more discount

>theres nothing stopping every single developer from just releasing their games directly through their own sites
except theres the money to dump into that
when you can use an already sorted storefront that is probably miles better than anything your dev team can come up with
people forget that bugs exist
when theres a bug on steam people lose their minds because funnily enough they dont have many hueg bug misshaps
ive had so fucking many from origin, uplay as much as people say its shit i have had a fine experience with it

you are supposed to try by making the alternative better, not worse

>you'll get the exact same meal delivered to your door but the owner's name is now tim not gabe and the cook is paid a bit more

they're not getting paid shit because I'm not ordering from them

It's like ordering ice cream but one is on an edible cone while the other is a shitty plastic cup.

>people forget that bugs exist
fallout 76 fans know, bethesda's shit was so buggy it would delete the game before updating and they doxxed their customers.

>all the while you eat there is a suspicious chinese man watching you
That sounds like every chinese restaurant I ever went into.

At least they locked THEIR game on their platform.

Tim Swindly

> the cook is paid a bit more

ó ›¡

cause i like gabe not tim
eat my dick nerd

The cook's boss is paid a bit more you mean

I didn't wanna wait for BL3, and, really, it's like I'm back in 2004 when Steam just came out.
At least Origin and Uplay have the excuse of not caring about it and just using their launcher for their games.
But, come on, competing with Steam with such a low-effort thing? It's a joke

Valve: pays $1 million dollars to aquire rights to game they didn't develop
Epic: pays $1 million dollars to aquire rights to distribute game they didn't develop


Because you bring the sickness from consoles market directly into PC.

Sorry, is this retard day?

it would quell a bunch of disfavor

i also remember reading something someone else said about if they start implementing stuff the community asks for they will eventually and essentially just make steam
like currently with no changes everyone just has to deal with it
if they started altering it a bit they lose their power over the consumer
show me 3 steam exclusives of notable videogames
which i feel like its clearly

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name one steam exclusive

Has Tim ever been a beatle? Has Tim ever been a pirate, a ladies man? I think fucking not!

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It's just the PC version of the console war meme.

cuz fuck chinks

This, Nanjing wasn't enough, but it also never happened. Fuck China.

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Chinese spyware. Wouldn't give a fuck otherwise.

>we just arbitrary raised the price on that meal, you can still buy from the other guy for cheaper but its going to be a few hours late.

So, okay. Two guys make a mod for half-life. Valve goes, "woah this has potential", and instead of a c&d, gives them money, hier them, and developped the mod into what is, arguably, one of the most succesful competitive game ever.
And somehow, this is the same as "please, don't release your game elsewhere, here's fortnite skins money"?

Imagine thinking about food 24/7.
>muh tendies.

Epic store seems pretty based desu this Timmy dude is a great lizard guy

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not the guy you're responding to but, dota2, csgo, and alien swarm. The main difference here is that Valve completely bought and paid for the rights to those games and hired the people involved with them to absorb the product into Valve umbrella where as with Epic it's just backroom payments under the table to try to force a marketshare.

not much different to classic EA desu

>some people make a mod on Goldsrc/Source engine
>Valve: "how about we hire you all to work on the game"
>modders: "ok why not"

Thank for the free games Tim!

>dota and cs
ok lol

Except EA was more interested in buying the name brand instead of the product itself.

Over-saturation of game store apps, chinese spyware,Tencent lackey, developer of obnoxious trendy game that will soon lose popularity, screwing over devs to reward publisher, shit app

Because you're an objectively worse version of something we already had, and introduced console war retardation to PC for no reason

ea bought up plenty of studios. they were usually well established rather than up and coming like with valve though.

This but I'd still pay $60 for Exodus on Steam over 50 on EGS desu

Why are you so obsessed with Gaben?
The service itself is worse, that's why no one should use it, not because you want to suck a different businessman's dick.

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>I mean that even if the game was being sold for $5 in some regions, it wouldn't have affected how much the publisher would have made either way.
That's generally not what they're concerned about.
Have you ever seen in a thread people saying "Oh such and such game is okay/good, but it's on sale for $5 sometimes so don't buy it until it's cheap." That is the sort of thing publishers don't want early into a game's lifetime, ESPECIALLY before it's even released, because it fucks with their sales. Later in the game's lifetime they don't care so much because by then they're just happy to get any money from it at all.
Steam actually has a guide outlining this for new developers/publishers and tips on how you should handle sales to avoid this happening.

I meant more what they did with them in the end. Sure they buy the studios, but then make heavy handed changes transforming the end product into some else entirely, tarnishing the studios reputation and eventually destroying them. Which in the end doesn't really hurt EA as they're just making the money they plan for and repeat the process.

>show me 3 steam exclusives of notable videogames
Half Life 2
Empire Total War
TESIV Skyrim

I bet those were the biggest drivers of new steam users.

Fuck, I know people who could throw together a shopping cart in a couple hours, a day at the absolute most. It's a such a fucking trivial and easy thing to implement that it speaks volumes that it's considered a fucking long term 6+ month long project that's been delayed for almost 2 fucking years now.

i really should have limited it to games not made by valve also

>just because you can find ways to get Steam to run on Linux doesn't mean that it's officially supported

Let's see:

>Valve officially makes a native Linux client for Steam.
>Valve has released their own Linux distro, SteamOS.
>Valve spearheaded and included the Proton project into Steam, which allows you to play many windows-only games nearly flawlessly on Linux.
>Valve natively supports VR on Linux via the Steam client and VR API.

How much of a mouth breather are you?

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Who even comes to these threads anymore?

It's the same replies every time, it's like looking at a bot talking to itself.

>Valve: pays $1 million dollars to aquire rights to game they didn't develop

I really don't understand what kind of answer you were looking for. The original question was to list games that Valve had more or less bought exclusive rights over.

>also the delivery man comes into your house and takes pictures of everything

Since it's a private company we only know that because Tim told us. Meanwhile, we don't know who owns the minority share of Valve because Gabe never tells us anything. But I'm sure they are based and friends of gamers you just have to trust.

because you know better than i do what i was trying to ask

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yeah skyrim is the reason why i made a steam account in the first place, followed by acquiring napoleon total war like 2 months later
thank god for the discs, i would have never gotten it downloaded otherwise due to god awful internet

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because most of Yea Forums is too cucked to do a simple pirate

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>pirating mp games
>"b-but i can play pirated games online with russians and brs on 999 ping"

neither spellforce nor greedfall I intend to play mp. Why would I even care about that?

I don't think Valve has shares at all?

Shows how little you know.

Yeah i sure hope Steam gets some good competition so it ends up like Streaming services, where you need to pay more providers for less content

This. I resent that the EGS is a piece of shit. I wouldn't care about Steam or gaben or anything if the egs wasn't such a mess.

Wasnt that right before it came out that epic straight up purchases several hundreds of thousands to bolster sales numbers?

No that fake news.

>Doesn't work properly half the time and 100% requires admin rights to be installed (gee wonder why) and the installer is not a .exe so allowing admin rights for the type of file it is can prove annoying on some systems
>CONFIRMED to support spyware now

>bribes game devs for exclusives
>has less features than steam
>filled with malware
Because it's popular to hate epic game and definitely not because the platform is actual shit.

>>bribes game devs for exclusives
>>has less features than steam
>>filled with malware
But enough talking about steam

>steam has less features than steam
What did he mean by this?

Stupid ESL dumb go cry home to mom

Valve has literally never been a monopoly, they just had a better gaming service that came out right in a good time where there wasn't a centralized gaming platform on PC to provide and developers just flocked to it, and Steam/Valve doesn't technically own any third parties games that have been release. Publishers/Developers have rights to remove their game or support it to another platform. Learn what a fucking monopoly is.

hahaha fuck epic games, hell they even need steam to keep their service booming hahahaha

Cause you wont make another unreal tournament

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I resent having to use the EGS just like I resented having to use Steam when it came out. Two differences, though:
With Half-Life 2, I resented the launcher being mandatory, but still, it was THEIR game. It was a dick move, but one that was at least legitimate to make even if it annoyed me.
Then, with time, Steam became so convenient as a centralized launcher it didn't annoy me anymore. I don't see EGS becoming like that.

i like it because their customer databases haven't been repeatedly breached.

>It's not like Microsoft can stop Epic from developing EGS and deploying it on Windows.
Sure they can, they even have that capability ready to go in the latest versions of Windows 10. All they have to do issue an update that changes a bit in the registry and uninstalls the legacy compatibility layer.

>Epic could just move to Linux instead.
The thing is they can't. They don't have the expertise to do it, and none of their in-house games have been native in years. All their big talk about being against Microsoft and closed platforms is just talk to try to get better terms. They have no real problem with closed platforms as long as it hurts their competition more.

Tencent's whole plan with their store is to use it to gain standing to sue Microsoft for better terms of access to the Xbox and Windows Store when they finally carry through with the plan they've been telling everyone in the industry about since at least 2012.

One of the main reasons why Steam became a platform for Valve is because of their shit publisher Sierra before hand, they had shady deals with cyber game cafes to make extra dough without any Valve's consent and pretty much they were in a legal battle to get obtain their IPs back becuase pretty sure it pissed off the company and ruined any trust with any other third party publishers. Then suddenly the just had the idea that Steam shouldnt just be their own games and allowed any publishers to release games on their platform.

pretty sure valve doesnt have any shares to the company
not sure who would buy valve in the first place because EA wanted to buy them back in 2011 with a 3.3 billion dollar buy. so what company on earth would buy a share of them

microsoft own obsidian now. talks about that acquisition were probably well underway while the epic store deal was being worked out with private division. this isn't about msft muscle or some inane suggestion that msft's going to kick destroy legacy compatibility and kill their entire corporate business overnight over a dumb video game.

Considering Valve have been useless for the past decade, I don't know why people hate Epic so much.

You too are wrong then. Private doesn't mean one owner. Forbes reported that Gabe, like Tim, is the majority owner but we don't know who the others are only that they are.

I don't. I'm just not interested in the services you offer.

Becuase they are trying to be a competitor with no good alternatives to Valve.
EGS is a literal bare-bones version of Steam

valve being shit doesn't mean egs is not worse than steam
competition would be nice if it actually meant a better service than steam came to exist but uhh that's not happening rn

imagine how bad EA would have shit up Steam if they bought it

>sweeney has compared using Linux to running to canada
could he remove himself

Why do you hate me, Xi?

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>kill their entire corporate business overnight
Did they do that when they killed DOS? No.

The whole reason they want to deep six legacy software support, is because it costs them more money than its worth. They want to get customers with legacy software on to a modern secure containerized solution, and get everyone else nicely locked in to their new closed platform so they can dominate the industry for another decade.

Doesn't Gabe own like 50% of the company and like the rest is owned by former co-founder Mike Harrington and most of the old employees who still work there?

>Considering Valve have been useless for the past decade
They've been doing a massive amount of work ensuring the future of PC gaming by bringing a fully open solution up to speed.
Cry more about how they're not focused on games for Windows.

gabe newell said he would rather have the company rot to death and burn then to have EA buy it kek

We just don't know.

>EGS is a literal bare-bones version of Steam
That's rude, I'm pretty sure even the original 2003 version of Steam wasn't as bad as EGS. Hell, THE FUCKING UNREAL MARKETPLACE IS BETTER THAN EGS, IT EVEN HAS A SHOPPING CART.

then im sure valve doenst have any outside shareholders to the company


>I don't know why people hate Epic so much
Epic is ruining everything Steam brought us like built-in mod support, easy technical support, cloud saves for everything and more.

Bug people hive mind

>muh chyna
>gabe is my fren!
there you go

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Do you really think Valve would have been able to spend the last six years working endlessly on GNU/Linux if they'd had outside shareholders?

yeah thats because Steam in 2003 was only meant for Valve games, not a single third party game came on Steam until 2005 and thats when the focus of Steam (Community, Workshop, Greenlight, Marketplace) started to happen. EGS has nothing to offer that is already on not on Steam.If EGS truly wants to be a compittor, it needs something that can truly competit with Steam that isn't a better publishing rights to developers, it needs something for consumers then maybe I'll actually consider buying games off their platform.

mean while I'll just log on just to get a monthly free shitty game

>Valve is worth $2.5 billion
>Epic is worth $15 billion
>Tencent is worth $500 billion

But remember guys Epic is the plucky underdog and its totally unreasonable to use some of their billions to actually just make a better service that people actually want to use. You also can't reasonably expect them to have a shopping cart like you would get if you just brought any pre made store client suite out there for like 5k

Attached: 230px-Grichenko2.jpg (230x171, 9K)

I meant shareholders who arent in the company so yeah I believe that. I think Valve owns Valve and Gabe owns his company and his fatness

Bsed, fuck the chinks

>defending Deep Silver
I don't blame people for taking Epic's massive exclusivity paychecks and all, but saying you'll release on Steam then going "tee hee just kidding!" is fucked.

>3 yuan has been deposited

I don't hate egs, I just don't find anything on it worth playing. I downloaded it to play subnautica and slime rancher when they were free, that's about it. I was interested in those games but not even enough to pirate them.

c'mon now you know there'd be even more bitching if they used some pre-made kit because
it's a lose lose no matter what they do, they're keeping it all proprietary. I dislike proprietary, but it's probably the right business decision.

Its so fucking tiresome seeing consolewars on a vietnamese picture posting site, for more than a decade. Now there are allegedly two tribes of the same fucking platform flinging poo at each other over the same fucking shit like exclusives and platform features. When there was one, now there are two more little shitposting faggots.

>You don't even play the fucking game on your own computer!

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>numale wojack
I wish every one of you that uses this will die painfully.

>>Valve is worth $2.5 billion
>>Epic is worth $15 billion

Source, your ass. These are private companies, we have no idea how much they are worth as long as they remain priavte. Theoretically speaking they could provide us how much they have in resources but it wouldn't be even half of their worth.

Dota 2 isn't DotA(Defense of the Ancients) and Icefrog kept developing DotA a while after Valve had acquired the rights and released the open beta. Most balance patches came to the WC3 mod before Dota 2 even for about a year.
CSGO was originally developed by Hidden Path Entertainment and published by Valve. Too bad Hidden Path made such a shitty job Valve had to kick them out and just develop it themselves.

No and why would you want to play that garbage? Go pirate any other game. I've played it for 4 hours, ended up shutting it off and playing Remnant. The characters are annoying, the gun play is arguably generic as fuck, the game looks like crispy ass with special effects. The performance matches how it looks, ass. The DRM is so intrusive that it has a keylogger on top of Denuvo, which runs the game in a shitty virtual machine. Anyways if you care about it being cracked just go to crackwatch.com but I'm just telling you to play literally anything else. Like Hitman 2 or something.

is this for real? can u provide source?

Piratefags btfo

>BL3 comes out
>an endless wave of VALVE VS. EPIC shitposting threads
Christ just end me.

Find the gitlab instance.

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You're a piece of shit and fags won't stop shilling you online.

But I like Epic launcher.
Just add that damn download speed limiters.

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Remember when they approached the DARQ devs about being EGS exclusive and the dev said "no I promised my backers I'll release on steam, just I'd be willing to put my game on the epic store though" and epic say "no no no we don't want it now!!"

lol, member when everyone said "WE WILL BUY YOUR GAME FOR STICKING IT TO EGS" and the game sold like horseshit on Steam?

Steam daddies cock is all people care about, not hating EGS or supporting devs.

>single player puzzle game hardly advertised until it came out
you act like it's a victory

This is written to appeal to children that don't understand any of what you just posted. The same DRM BAD people that said Denuvo hurts performance, when it was proven the devs were to blame on their usage not the DRM.

"le only the exe is encrypted". Lmao I love people downtalking in an attempt to sound smart.

The dev said it was a success so I'm inclined to belive them over some faggot retard on the net

because you are a 16 years step back when we talk about user friendly and user advantage, if you step your shit by at least 10 years people would like you more

Because you're a shit service, one of the worst on the market, and using you over any of your competitors brings me literally nothing as a consumer.

>cheer when an artistic puzzle game that never advertised itself and only announced it rejected exclusivity when it was released sold little because you can twist it to your narrative
Is this the general trend of epicfags now

it sold well for a niche game, "success" is subjective and i understand your zoomer head to not be able to grasp it, the dev felt good with the sales and is also releasing free DLC for all the support

because of pic related

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The chink fears the shopping cart


I dont like their catalogue.

Companies can still be valued sweety

Whwre's the other one, the one epicfags made a shitty edit of

This is the edited one, author is well know epic bro

Attached: lh6chwgqclc21.jpg (800x1200, 159K)

Ahhhh only having like 25 games, the ultimate 'curation'

he's even more critcal of epic than of steam

Steam cant lower "their" prices. So cant epic.

So anyone who talks about how this is good because competition is really full of shit?

>search bars don't exist
this is just pathetic

>bro you got oj
>come to me oj
>oj appears
Whoa its fucking nothing.

>spyware debunked
>bl3 requires 2mb/s upload speeds to play
whatever you say Uncle Chang

>type in; orange juice
>find the orange juice

this. of course I could use netlimiter but a built-in function would be nice.

>i cant use filters nor search for things i want
I am always amazed by how many ironic retards exist in the world.

To this day no Chink shill has ever told me why I should use EGS over Steam/GOG/piracy. If you can't even answer a simple question like that, how can you shill properly lol