Classic WoW Game-BREAKING exploit - 100,000+ GOLD, BIS EASY

Classic WoW economies across all of the servers have been hit with a massive exploit. Layering worked in dungeons to respawn end-of-dungeon bosses. This lead to BIS farming, truefaith vestment, robe of the void, etc. Exploiters killed bosses 1000s of times over the past week gaining in some cases, 100,000+ GOLD, epic mount, ironfoe, HOJ, recipes, etc en masse.

"There’s a weird interaction of when you leave the instance group of a cleared ID and join an entirely different outside world layer that when it drags you over there, you’re technically out of that original group’s ID and the teleport goes away but your geographical position doesn’t change. So for an extreme example, one could use this to powerfarm the minibosses + Gandling in Scholomance since it would completely negate the need of having to do the dungeon to open the Viewing Room Door"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Many guilds and top end grinders have accumulated 1000s of BIS recipes and BOEs doing this trick.

People have already used this to accumulate every single BIS possible off of end-game dungeon bosses. Rumors are some did this in MC.

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The amount of fake news being spread over Classic is kind of telling about how buttblasted some people are over its success

It's real




MC RAG cleared 100s of times by some guilds all weekend.

Only works solo, meaning it's not possible for serious content.
An interesting exploit though




100k+ gold
20+ truefaith/top end recipes an hour
epic mount rare drop on every member of guild
geared out with BRE and tier 2 helms

This is embarrassing

It works in groups and raids


Prove it

imagine all the people paying to join the asmon layer



I assume he has to kill it before that timer runs out, or he gets booted?

Show more than a 5 second clip / a clip of someone clearing something not level 30 and we can have a discussion.

The amount of misinformation is really just sad.

Oh I see. So it's not 10+ BREs but 10+ Manual Crowd Pummelers.

Kind of disappointing.

Great way to farm those up as a Feral Druid, only really relevant if you're raiding though

BRD Layer 389... home

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curious if this is real
it's blizzard so who knows

Parties/raids can do it

look at reddit seethe

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It's real
Everyone in my guild is sitting in Strat doing it right now lmao

It's 1000s of gold an hour. All those bis tailor recipes are going to be cheap

How do you see removed posts on plebbit? Interested to see what the OP was





>Everyone in my guild is sitting in Strat doing it right now lmao
but obviously none of you retards are going to post any sort of evidence
you just promise me the game is ruined

seething delusional non-exploiter

What is your fucking mental illness.

good talk see you out there
oh wait I wont because you don't even play you're just shitposting



This is huge.

Just read the links he posted dude, the people on the official forums are freaking the fuck out

I like to think Ion himself is making these posts to drive people to Retail

except nobody will go to retail, they'll just stop playing wow again

please explain how you make thousands an hour

The exploit is real.

>evidence posted multiple times in thread
>y-you're making it up, s-shut up!

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>source: dude trust me
post proof of it happening in a workable group environment

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It's been confirmed by fuckloads of people, check any wow forums rn you fucking delusional cnn watching faggot.

hasn't every time a major bug like this been found in wow for the last 15 years they just ban the people who used it and fix the bug? in what way is this going to be the time that it broke the game when every other one of these has been solved the same way

>source: dude trust me

how is it an exploit

Blizzard added layering themselves.

How many people got banned for the raid leveling exploit the other week? Yeah...


>ban the people
for 2 weeks max (if it even happens) and then let them keep their ill gotten gains
their motto is "Exploit early, exploit often"

clever use of game mechanics

god blizzard are so fucking stupid
i was this close to subbing last night. too drunk tho to make a decision.
glad i didnt.
>durr lets incorporate new shit into old shit. it works TM.
seeing how that works, that is exactly what they did, instead of porting out you change layer, that is a new mechanic.
fuck man. well, wonder if they can fix anything.

It's similar to how you're mentally handicapped

Imagine a QA team not even checking for this LMAO
Imagine their "BETA TEST" (all streamers) not finding this exploit


nu blizzard can't do anything right.

>15 IPs
70% of the posts ITT are Op samefagging
God knows which kind of brain issues he have

It's probably that dude with the Yea Forums pass.
Dude's a sperg.


APES knew about this in the beta but obviously didn't tell anybody. Apparently GRIZZLY knew about this too since all the pserver players know each other

As long as the exploiters have started selling their loot it's impossible to revert the impact this bug has on the server economy. Blizzard is not going to unlearn the recipes and refund the gold spent on the auctions for every single player who got an exploited recipe. Classic is finished.

>how is knowingly abusing a bug an exploit
do you understand what the words you're attempting to use mean? do you not know what exploit means?

He is probably a retarded kid that thinks Yea Forums is like a twitch chatroom.

well atleast on the plus side with this exploit.
Gold farmer chinks are fucked.
Same with any mafia cartels.

Archeage unchained soon brothers.. real home

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thanks for saving me 15 bucks

I wait patiently.


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>a couple recipes being more common than they were originally intended to be will destroy the entire economy and ruin the game forever

Even if this is true blizzard will probably ban the abusers and remove the exploited gains. They've done that on retail before.

Uhh okay how does that affect me when im like lvl 27

Nu-Blizzard can't even get a re-release RIGHT


it is unlikely to have any effect on you at all


They're the ones that added layering to the game, most people originally didn't want it at all.

you could probably end up seeing yourself with end game enchants for twinking if the people can farm the mats and recipe easily.

Reducing the general cost of obtaining it.
This can also mean you could get ganked by twinks if things get bad. But blizzard might fix this so who knows.

The extra money in circulation from buying/selling an incredible amount of items will forever ruin the economy on the server. Recipes are a small part of that. I'm sorry you're so retarded you couldn't figure this out yourself.


user, do you have any idea how many item duping exploits have been discovered on retail? you are not gonna like the answer. The economy did recover though, even though 50k gold on retail is what 1 gold used to be on vanilla. I guess that would happen eventually after 15 years.
That being said, blizzard continues to prove its own incompetence

The top players and guilds that are okay with exploiting making 100,000s of gold is okay.

They can't remove the gold made from the exploiters buying out auctions from regular players, that gold isn't magically going out of circulation.

>how is it a bug if they coded the game
>its not like I added the mechanic that had a bug so I shouldn't be held responsible for abusing the bug
are you the dumbest man in history?

>Nu-Blizzard can't even release a game that's already been released without breaking it


These threads are so sad now that everyone is busy playing it's just the retards left over bumping their own shitty threads. Sad, very pathetic.

>one could use this to powerfarm the minibosses + Gandling in Scholomance
if you can solo the bosses in scholo
isn't it easier to just leave and reset the dungeon?

if there is an infinite number of an item than the value of that item will drop to nothing, that's basic supply and demand. its value will become vender price overnight; if you're going to try and talk about how an economy works maybe you should have even a barebones understanding of it

it should only be an issue if the population drops off real hard real quickly.

layering is good though and necessary

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>how will this effect a low level character
>it wont

how the fuck does that effect his low level character you fucking sperg

People paid money for a worse private server.

If the method is widely known and has been streamed on twitch by famous streamers, then I don't think they will ban that many people. If the exploit is not well-known and only a few people have abused it, then maybe.

groups can do it.

What items on wow servers have a set number of themselves?

fucking captcha I swear to god

If the exploit is real the GMs need to track down the gold/xp/reputation gained through this, and I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to fuck up and let slme gold enter the economy

Based retard. Okay so here's the thing, these people can sell the blues they gain for pure gold. That gold can then be spent on whatever the buyer chooses to spend it on. They're not adding to the supply, only demand. The prices won't drop, they keep rising because the items become more scarce unless more people farm for them. And even if they do, the exploiters (and now the people running around with exploiter gold in their pockets) can now buy those new auctions out.


Wheres the proof? And how is that different than just resetting the instance?

There are videos

You don't get teleported to the start, no trash to clear = fast as fuck runs.

>Put item up for sale
>Not adding to supply

I love all the "PROOF" faggots. As if they can't believe blizzard would fuck this up.

Can you read? The exploiters can choose not to add to the supply by vendoring everything for gold rather than disenchanting for shards.

>a feature of nu-wow (that never existed in classic) is making the game easy
wow...never wouldve seen it happen........ how could this happen....... if only they were warned.......

who cares? this doesnt affect me in any way

They knew it was broken. Literally anyone who played classic knew something was broken since warriors struggled to establish threat on one target when casters open up, let alone three targets. Yet somehow warriors could effortlessly hold 50+ targets threat on them while casters open up with big threat aoe.

in the reddit url, add "move" so it bocomes It doesn't work for comments removed quickly but it usually works

yeah you got me retard, I meant a literal infinite number of them and not simply that there would be so many that the supply heavily outweighs the demand driving the price down to vender and making the recipe end up being near worthless.

I love how not one person here has posted a screenshot of their classic character or bank.

and the people who are walking around with 100k gold from this are going to quickly find themselves banned; this is blatantly alarmist bullshit

You'd do that if you wanted to get banned

>Expecting anything from Activision/Blizzard.


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Oh? I thought everyone has said that Blizzard hasn't banned other gold exploiters in the past on retail. They apparently couldn't care less if people find a way to game the system.

But the gold spent on, for example, runecloth to level first aid is not going to disappear from the pockets of the person who put up the auction. It will have a permanent effect on the server economy.

Why would they post proof that they used an exploit? Are you retarded?

It's all word of mouth and bullshit.

They permabanned entire guilds for skipping straight to C'thun in AQ40

The burden of proof lies with those making the claim.

if this is anything, blizz will just ban them. they've got spyware tier anti-cheat logging everything you do, both client and server side so GL to any character with an obviously abnormal amount of rag or other boss kills in a certain amount of time

stay mad random cuckchanner who's assblasted that classic is the best game this year :)

That's because they edited game files, that's above and beyond clever use of game mechanics.

And if you just look though the thread you'd see proof.

>Trusting Trion again just because they were bought out
>implying they won't fuck it up again
>while there have been good private servers that have done the same thing but for years

It's so weird viewing this cuckoldry from the other side of the fence as server fans heckled the idea of a retail wow classic.

What's a good balanced pvp server that I don't have to wait in line for hours for?

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>people debating if they'll get rolled back or not
you're high if you don't think people doing this are getting banned
classic is actually successful and growing, they're not afraid of banning like they are in a dying game like retail

I want to breed with Whitemane

Didn't they say that layering would only be there for the first 2 weeks and in starting zones only?
How are BIizzdrones ok with layering even being in the game?

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Told you so.

So this is how Esfand's raid got to reset Molten Core and get gear twice during the same lockout.

I thought streamers ruining classic was a just meme.

so the major worry for you is that the regular every day player may be a few gold richer? this will at worst accelerate the normal inflation of gold on a server to where it would be between a month and two months from now; the long term ramification of that are almost unperceptive on a server wide scale

Unironically WhiteMan. The Queues are getting lower and lower each day, think an hour is pushing it nowadays

So? A couple of level 60s will get BiS gear and gold, and? They will just hit the ceiling, and that's that. Why should I care?

How are people getting 100k gold? Running dungeons/raids over and over again gives you items, but there's no way you're getting 100k gold worth of vendoring those items. Especially when you consider you still need a group to farm them. I don't see how this bug can "generate" gold like people are saying. No way selling the BoEs can generate 100k gold either. I don't buy it.

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>Good and balanced PvP
>Not waiting in line

It's bullshit, but pick one. Literally everyone equally too impatient to deal with a queue on the weekend has the same plan as you, and it will be with the same obnoxious people. That said, you posted the picture of the server I've enjoyed. If you're too lazy to make your own decision though, you'll be just as disinterested in the result and will probably just flip-flop again.

Because having 5000 people in one zone would not be fun.

Can someone please explain why this layering horseshit was added to the game in the first place?

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>This exact same sort of "how to" guide shit was what got thousands banned all the way from C'thun ground level deletion to Sartharion bubble reflect shit
>Blizzard would rather punish people who use their own mechanics for maximum yield instead of fixing it
>And even then, they won't punish METHOD for layer exploiting, but everyone else gets the hammer
At some point, Blizzard should just stop everything and clean house

Imagine playing a 15 y/o MMO and exploiting.

I thought they said they were removing layering when Phase 2 comes out.

I'd been saying this, and won't be surprised if they walk back their agreement for abolishing it by Phase 2, too.

Isn't Classic Wow really kind of underwhelming now that you've had 15 years to see the Skinner box gameplay laid out?

It is for me. I'm at 42 and I don't see anything but a path to endless FedEx and fetch quests and grinding some shit for... what, MC? Talk about the pinnacle of game design. Three dudes pounded it out in a weekend using like five character models and it shows.

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That's why you add more servers or do like all most modern MMO's, add instances/channels with a changing cool down until the population is stable.

Good luck getting any of those fucking escort quests (where you literally have to wait for another player to finish it) without layers.

Come join Grobbulus

Maximize the number of players on a server while reducing stress on the servers and allowing players the ability to quest and PvP without swimming through swarms. Of course, the monkey's paw is this.


Id honestly love to know who the kind of people shitposting about this all day are; is it people from a different mmo who are upset that its doing well? people from retail who dont want to play classic but have friends who are playing it and so they dont get to play with their friends? someone from the private servers who had most of their guild leave for the real ones and doesnt want to restart or sub? just a normal shitposter who is spending their day being awful as always? I find it really interesting that their are people spending this much time trying to convince strangers online that the game is dead or ruined every day for different reasons; what drives a person to do this with such ferver?

Glad I stopped playing, this game is done for. Back to retail we go. Thanks for the new Whitemane pic though.

Why did they put layering in the game?
Why not just have more servers?

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doesnt seem as comfy

Blizzard could have easily prevented this by creating thousands of real servers on release date and then just merging them until only a few servers are there.

And before someone cries "BUT MUH NAME", Blizzard could have easily solved this problem by either
>making a name creation with a random number after a name
For example if you create you character "Zoomer" it would instead look like "Zoomer.82472" or something like this.
>make names region wide
This would mean getting short names would be even harder, but the problem of merging would be solved.
>One last thing could be that names become "free to claim" after for example a person isn't logged into his account for a certain amount of time, like one month
This is not the best way to solve the name problem, but still better than the layering bullshit.

But people who play WoW after they reached 60 (or even worse playing retail) are mentally retarded anyway. WoW is like a retard filter and made for loser who don't belong into society anyway.

>Game comes out.
>Servers are packed, nobody can tag mobs, queues are 12 hours long.
That's the game WITH layering. How do you think that would have gone without it?

>Back to retail we go
>p-pls guys come back

>Pass user
>Retail player

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exploit early exploit often

Layering is supposed to be removed after Phase 1 is done, but there's no real ETA on when Phase 2 starts. I'd imagine this should get Blizzard to work extra hard to get Phase 2 rolled out, but you know, doubt.

People don't want to be anywhere but where the action is. Namely, where magachuds like Asmon and their streamer "friends" are. So they don't go.

Depending on how fast this bug is fixed (it's been there since classic beta) and what the exploiters do with the gold (999 gold boar tusk auctions on the BB AH to move gold to friends etc) the ramifications could be a lot bigger than you think.

Respond to this post.

Retail will be more popular by the time the next major patch hits. This will be a ghost town. I'm sorry, that is just the reality.

PvP. Exploring unreleased zones. Doing unconventional class builds. Enjoying the company of friends and meeting strangers. The gear is what comes in between, but if that's what you ain for, of course you'll miss everything else. Get it as it comes. Best way to miss the point is going out of your way for it.

this is it , its finally over, please stop playing now so i dont have to wait in que anymore

>Skinner box

I'm on Whitemane and I fucking hate it. It's Horde dom. Has the Taiwanese Asmongold with shitload of followers. You see fucking everywhere. Also filled with endless tryhards with nothing but spell cleave groups.

I'm looking for another PST server to reroll on that's even and isn't filled with min max dipshits. Been thinking of Bigglesworth and Thuinderfury.

What the fuck is with the captchas today?
I don't know user, it doesn't look like that's what's happening.
but that's a real real idiot move, specially if you're trying to profit. Better to control the market than to literally vendor shit.

>bought a Yea Forums pass
I don't know why, but I just don't trust your ability to make sound judgments.

final fantasy is just as shit
eve online is the only true home

Demo shout worked the same in vanilla, it was one of the tricks l33t warriors knew.

Why would they not just ban the exploiters and be done with it?

> add instances/channels with a changing cool down until the population is stable.

I don't want to be the one to break this to you but thats pretty much what layers are

make sure you click that car, oh wait, you missed one. try again!

Bloodsail Buc here, there's very little RP because a lot of people jumped on the server for queue times. I've never seen a spell cleave group in lfg or trade. Alliance side anyway

>he doesn't know about the addon

Watch the video posted, it's exactly what is happening. You clear the instance once and then leave/invite to put yourselves into a new layer where the boss is still alive with you and the bros standing inside the arena.

Imagine the level of mental illness you must possess to make a thread on Yea Forums and just post absolutely random made up information. Imagine after getting called out multiple times you still reply and say spam retarded made up nonsense like OMG GUISE EVERY MAJOR GUILD IN THE GAME HAS BEEN FARMING NONSTOP EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAS 5000000 GOLD, FULL T3 AND EPIC FLYING MOUNTS HOLY SHIT GUISE FOR REAL BELIEVE ME

Goodbye, faggot. We won't miss you. We've literally been curbstomping Horde nonstop. They literally crumple like paper bags when you're in a group. The population is the closest balance among them all despite being Horde majority, and SMORc only get on and do their dumb shit chiefly later in the day and at night. You literally missed us kicking their ass at Ironforge. Changing servers won't save you from the dumb shit apellcleaves either, unless you decide to cuck yourself and go on a very small population realm. Good riddance though, one less weak-willed faggot on my glorious server.

Because that doesn't follow the DOOMers plan

>Spell Cleave
>Not just saying AoE
Something tells me you yourself are a streamer kiddy mad that other streamer kiddies exist

I guess I should have mentioned I want PvP. Grobbulus actually seems like the ideal server if I was into RP. It's got a 50/50 split.

>Thinking a Pass user knows anything at all

Between the literal food pellets of monster drops, repetitive quest rewards for pellets, and literally making a person kill sixty zhevras for four hooves, it gets as close as you can get

>download addon
>click sound capcha
>have an ai auto-solve it
>save money by not being fucking retarded and giving money to this shithole

if the bug has been there since classic beta and it has had no noticeable impact up until now why do you think the small period of time between when it gets well known enough for blizzard to notice it and the time it will take them to hot fix it is going to destroy the economy?

Don't rush to 60 bros, it's not like you'll miss out on any exploits. Blizzard would ban people if they did anything to gain an unfair advantage.

I know it's just AoE. That's exactly what they call it in LFG/Trade chat on my server. No one says AoE group. So fuck off. I'm not a part of any of that. I just want to run normal groups.

except that layers have no cooldown, there is no way to know which layer you are on unless you use add-ons or whatever, you have to use add-ons or a friend to change the layer and it's extremely abusable.

good luck user

Imagine you start your very first quest to kill 10 boar, except you cant because there are 3000 people in that one area doing the same quest. Good luck killing even a single one.

They always do. I'm a comfy 44 here, Druid

now try posting using your mobile data, oh wait, you can't.

if you want to be that much of a reductionist, then life itself is a skinner box. The game offers plenty of options and variety, and with PvP existing yet offering 0 reward or benefit, it's doing as much as it can to be anti-SB as vanilla can go

Fuck off final faggotry cuck

Enjoy your no substance game once the novelty of the weebshit waifubating wears off

How about start with enough servers to meet demand like every other MMO instead of raising the cap, phasing people every five minutes and adding brand new realms out of nowhere? Now everyone's queuing like dipshits on two servers for fear of the other ones dying. This can only lead to having a list of empty servers with queues on two of them forever. If the top realms were noticeably chock full in-game, these people would've shifted by now. Layering is working against both Blizzard and the playerbase.

>there are pserver people who literally played classic wow for 15 years straight and rushed to 60 day 2

It's not even enviable, it's mental sickness

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you're implying i didnt do it just then, retard

Do people actually RP on Grob or will i be spared that autism

>Sample size
>Sample duration
>Sample diversity

You're not very smart, are you? You're comparing a level-capped, infinitely smaller server in which there was zero sense of progression permanence or incentive on part of the players to servers today. Not even Apples and Oranges. Literally Apple Seeds and fucking Watermelons.

Did I just samefag? I'm a 44 druid bro too.

nice gibberishpost

That's what we've been screaming but Blizzard is retarded, of course.

It isn't gibberish if you know how to read.

doesn't blizzard ban exploiters?

The RP tag is mainly to keep spergs away and motivate Alliance to play on the server since their RP scene is better than Horde.
The result is Grobb is a 50/50 PVP server with a great community and organized world PVP events.
Nobody is going to force you to RP with anybody

Woah guys we got an armchair dev here. Better listen to what he has to say, hes obviously made many games and knows what hes talking about, unlike Blizzard.

Not a ton of RP on Grobb. Most people came here to avoid long queues and the hardcore RP people transferred to Deviate Delight the day they offered free transfers to DD from Grobb. Most RP is inside of RP specific guilds.

>doesn't blizzard ban exploiters?
They have never done that.

Yeah i find it a little extreme too. Like the well known private server warrior Monkeynews has played enough to reach grand marshal or near grand marshal on like every major private server there's been. That is so fucking crazy, i'm really not in a position to call how others spend their time as pathetic but what else do you call that other than really sad.

Well that's stupid.

They're not people, they're Euros

>Depending on how fast this bug is fixed
If it is a small period of time then yes the damage will be limited but knowing Blizzard it will take them too long to act and the value of gold will be completely fucked for a while (or forever, depending on how many people quit when they can't buy a single stack of silk cloth)

Heartseeker bro. Lots of world pvp

>layers have no cooldown
they have cooldowns, which were actually made longer over a week ago.
>you have to use add-ons or a friend to change the layer and it's extremely abusable.
how would that be more abusable than the ability to jump between them at will?

>Tfw Level 34
>Melee Survival Hunter with nothing but STR\STA
gear and Archaeic Defender
>Cleaving other Hunters in half and squaring off against Warriors toe to toe literally all week in Hillsbrad at earlier levels
>Had to migrate to STV since Horde were grey and it wouldn't be fun or fair

Been an absolute fucking blast. Fuck the meta, do what you want. Take your time and enjoy yourself.

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Thought this was blown out of proportion but there are streams of people getting MC resets.

Even if its just a month of fun before they fuck it up its worth it, no mmo beats the pvp in archeage.

You can do MC
You can do end of dungeon bosses infinitely without any clearing

Skipping all trash / travel time etc makes farming boss super easy.

>Enhancement Shaman
>Mage tries to start shit
>TWO Windfury Procs in a row
>Crits everywhere
>He explodes
>My face

Oh my god, this is fucking amazing

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why does this thread feel like a clickbait youtube video

its also a lie, blizzard has been banning exploiters for 15 years

Monkeynews ran ubrs for 3 days straight he never used tihs exploit

Based. Is there anything layering can't fuck up?

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NOOOOOOOOO, people are going to use this exploit to get world first raid clears!!!

Oh wait, ppl already cleared the hardest content in greens? LMAO who gives a fuck about classic lol.

Clothies being made out of glass again is so great.

how did you went into melee range to begin with.
That mage must be so bad

remember blizzard tweeting that layering exploits are bullshit lolololol

not following the meta is great.
But I really wish warlock tanking could work.
Shaman tanking is fun tho and its pretty good for leveling also.

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It can't fuck up Lilzoom's will to play classic for one. Gotta farm that gold for uncle assmongler

My (hopefully Tauren) brother!

Oh good.

Well rev up the banhammers, perma all these dickheads and let's get back to the game.

Oh, no doubt. I LoS'd him behind a hill and we walked up into a frost shock and then my axe.

I've been melted by Shammies like yourself. Literally my biggest weakness. Had one dude Windfury for four melee hits at 250 damage a pop and I fell over in an instant. Shit was hilariously terrifying. If I could make a Horde yhough, I'd try a Shaman tank.

PREACH and Other Streamers knew of it too.
People already suspected on the 1st video that he made about classic, his guild was already doing it.

Why would 60,000 people willingly watch a man who lives in a trash pile spout maga shit and be awful at a 15 year old video game

Why would the capacity of a University stadium do this every day

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My friend and I have been experimenting trying to make Warlock tanking work. He stacks mostly STA and uses Hellfire or whatever it is that drains his HP to do AOE and gain aggro, using his void Walker as he can. Our ultimate goal is to get him a set of ironweave. It's so fun when we're both in a group.

He's a useful idiot. He wants Classic+. His stadium of fans will parrot this and we'll get the WoW equivalent of OSRS

grizzly is unironically full of 40yo fucktards who have been playing on pservers forever and have a looooong history of using whatever exploits they can get their hands on
if anyone knew about this shit it would definitely be them

Parasocial relationships and the lack of a proper father figure in their lives

Shit dude, that sounds like my encounter with a shaman yesterday. You're not on Mograine by any chance?

>Calling the Original Yea Forums memes and pepe Reddit
>Using WOJAK created by reddit and resetera members...

How to spot a nigger from 2016

Attached: when wojaks ruins everything.jpg (880x488, 127K)

Nah, Rattlegore. It happened like an hour ago.

why cant they do what other mother fucking pservers have done and already done, make dynamic respawns according to population.
what are they going to do when layering gets removed ok then imagine this, population is the same but spread out and people get this, start farming for raid fuckign mats, like the few mobs who has the drops because blizzard never thought it would be beyond 3000 or whatever the pop cap would ever be. or farming for herbs for raid consumes.

btw farming raid consumes is most of your time played time aq comes out and beyond each week for raid.

no qol changes = johnny mad boy

add fucking this shit stupid asses, oh wait its gotta be retailish shit, gotta prop up that stupid shit pretend its any good.
change respec costs gee want to waste 2 or 3 hours farming gold on a warrior to respec just one time so much fun. this was when they still had the idea that people wanted to spend their entire month in the game.
i liked flying mounts when you were dead, to get back. thats the only time it makes any sense.
nothing good from them tho just prop up their newe stupid shit. but theyll add dumb ass layering tho right?
they ruin everythign they touch

>layering in dungeons
not even retail has this, how did they fuck that up?

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They already have that, there's no need for layering other than Blizzard being too incompetent to pull it out since they're running on a modified version of retail.

What if RL is layered? I'm told there's like 8 billion people on the Earth Server but I only see about 1000 a day

When did he post a wojak you fucking schizo.

Streamers are the thing that makes me feel out of touch with humanity the most. I dont understand it at all. Makes me feel like im 92 and im only 23.


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>once the novelty of the weebshit waifubaiting wears off
it's been going on for 6 years already and it's stronger than ever user

Seek help.

Literally been in queue for 2 hours right now

>start with enough servers to meet demand like every other MMO
Oh sweet summer child, how little you know

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fuck it blizzard are not listenning to customers. this claim of some group of people wanting these retarded things are all blizz false flagging themselves.

they changed overwatch (force 2-2-2 comp in quickplay) and everybody is on the forum complaining. but then somehow there are this group of people who wanted this.

when asked when tehy do come on the topics telling everybody leave brittany alone, you ask them what they like or whats so good about it then theyll say blizzard knows the best way to make a game. and thats it.

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What? I thought he was against it and said it should go into TBC and WotLK

the idea its a lot more work than needed makes it look not so possible.
to get the best out of it you have to be alliance for it with a paladin buddy and you can only test it at level 40 with soul link since warlocks are simply not tanky enough without it.

and the aggro gain on void walkers is so terrible its best left to a single mob and have nothing hit that mob, while also having the healer heal the void walker also.

They'll do a rollback I guess

It literally does-but you have to be sixty for it to work. Soul link+voidwalker and walking hellfire. You actually have a lot of effective hp that way.

I would do it. I would actually fucking do it, Yea Forums. Call me a faggot or whatever you want, but this tranny is hotter than most actual women.

He said he's not too interested in BC and straight up called WOTLK trash outside of Ulduar.
If he had a choice between retail ands Classic+, he said he'd play Classic+

Ashes of A'lar. Used to at least.

Considering the bug existed since beta they would have to rollback every server to a pre-launch state since Blizzard is not going to track every piece of gold gained from this exploit. Somehow I don't think that'll go over well.

Yeh but no pub is going to want a warlock tank. Unless its them one time raids where warlock tanking is a thing.
Since you say 60 also you never get time to practice it in lower levels and could be a total waste of a respec if you actually have to dedicate yourself to it.

Sadly the more attention an exploit gets the less likely they are to handle it reasonably

based immediate hedonist chad saving virgins


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>you think you do
>but you don't

I guess I failed to realize how fucking retarded modern blizzard and underestimated their laziness to simply just give instance / raid IDs for this shit.

>surviving past 2 months with blizzards ineptitude

Well technically you could do it at 57. You need SL and the ability to resist pushback on hellfire. Last three points are gravy for your searing pain. Warlocks have second largest possible Stam pool, the VW will absorb 30% of your incoming damage and has high armour itself on top of reducing 10% incoming phys damage.

Anyone who religiously watched streamers should be culled. Nothing would be lost.

Christ, likewise. I don't know half of these terms like "Pogchamp" and "Creygasm", and when I ask in General they ramp the autism to 11 and it becomes completely incoherent. I was just joking about becoming but boomer but holy fuck, I feel so out of touch.

This is what happens when fans become employees.

I would like to see a video of this either way.
I kinda wish it was possible at level 20 either way. Would be a refreshing change of pace to level up a warlock differently while tanking 5 mans.

Stop posting your shitty fucking Youtube channel where you just steal other people's content you faggot

you wish you fucking tranny

You don't even have to RP dude, just don't be surprised when acting like a sperg there gets you banned.


This is nothing, my clan knows something insane but we aint saying anything until we get caught

>go home
>get layered into someone elses home

Who gives a shit about the economy, it doesn't make the game any more or less fun.

No doubt the rp guilds that are always advertising actually do stuff but there has been no open rp that I've seen, and nobody has whispered to me for anything erotic. At best you'll get snippets of comedic roleplay in /yell or /1 but nothing serious. The plus side is I'm allowed to report all those stupid fucking names I see (any names referencing race/class for example, or Nwbzpwnr [I have actually seen this name in person])

FFXIV players actually don't want Wowfugees in their game, especially Classic wowfugees. Going from a 2 button rotation to a 30 button rotation is too hard for most people so they just end up being complete shitters that ruin dungeon runs. Don't take the bait user

>Getting all the raid gear in the game in one night and permanently fucking the economy is nothing

I legitimately can't think off something worse. There's no reason to keep playing.

omg so TRUE

clicking 1 2 3 sometimes 1 2 4 IS like.. SO much harder than 1 1 1 1

like think about that

There's an option to click 3 or 4 and you have to decide LOL!


I love XIV

>button masher hard
stay on your tranny threads

They hated him because he told the truth.

Why are instances layered to begin with?

>Don't take the bait user
Guess that was too much to ask huh

I quit this shit ass game, why would they even add fucking layers I thought this was a MMO

So would this work in raids? That would be insane if you could non-stop farm Ragnaros with a guild. You get tied to a raid but its weird that this is a thing in the first place so maybe this weird ass exploit works

This is the real question.

They were probably just too fucking dumb or too fucking lazy to not do it that way.

I love vanilla, but seeing how botched blizz is handling this I wouldn't mind if they offhand kill classic due to their trademark blizzard retardation and people just trickle back to private servers. Maybe 5 years from now we'll have Nost 2.0, the real Home™.

wow threads are easy bait for ff trannies

There's no confirmation/proof it works in raids yet. You get tired to a raid ID when you kill a boss, so it would be more difficult but I also wouldn't be surprised if someone found a way to do it

I'm assuming they had to make an instance per dungeon/raid for every layer on the server so players wouldn't get fucked up going from one to the other or something

>people farming last bosses in dungeons already for BiS, end game recipes, gear that will be vendored for endless fast gold
>doing the same in raids too already


layering breaks normal game and breaks classic WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT.
if you are one of the sad saps to buy into this shit stain NUclassic you can get a refund on your sub if you haven't played to much of it say a few days if you got tempted into Classic

Tell me about it

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nice screenshot tranny
you are still in a wow thread seething hard af

you have never met autists on wow

had a guy yesterday with his epic mount harassing me (not even 60 and have very little) to leave ungoro because he had to farm 2k more gold for the mage ring

I'm a cuck for falling for the typical siren song of jewizzard, but at least I'm only out $15 dollars this time. I haven't paid since wrath and this shit is irredeemable, I'm probably gonna let the sub roll after this one month of jewing.

Warlock falls into
>Demonology is a meme spec until 31 talents and then becomes immediately viable
>Destro is good early in the tree, shit late into the tree but can get crazy with a carefully geared character
>Affliction is annoying but very safe leveling and reasonably fast and also good in raids somehow too

Bros it's true everyone on my server is dual wielding Thunderfuries!
This isn't home! We were cheated!

bro this is an anti-wow thread, rev up your crab raves because Classic is dying.

Welp now I wait till cube world since wow is dead

That level 30 boss is a critical one for tank druids and cat druids, it's the reason why they shit out so much threat that only a war with thundefury can start to contest a well geared tank druid.

>anti wow
dying with all time full realms with new ones every week.

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Nublizz honestly never fails to disappoint.

How did no one in QA think up respawning fucking raid bosses as a test case? Just... What the fuck.

Guess you didn't read the op and just clicked on the thread because you recognized the character. That's fine, reading is hard for some people.

>tfw not level 60 yet to abuse this and make a shitzillion gold and get full T1 before din-din

hold me Yea Forumsros...

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I was excited for classic until they announced this sharding bullshit (layering as it later came to be known as)

I thought the plan was to only shard the starting zone, not the entire fucking world. Of course it gets abused to obtain several world firsts AND hundreds of thousands of gold even though actiblizz said it wouldn't happen. You're honestly a giant fucking retard if you didn't just drop the game as soon as this garbage was confirmed at blizzcon last year.

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>Read the OP
>Talking about an Exploit in a game
>Somehow that gives it a connotation of pro or anti
Serious question, are you mentally retarded or just desperate to hate?

Yes, a thread about exploiters ruining the game is a pro wow thread. Good job Timmy, gold star for you.

I dont know a single person that likes layering.

Well people will no doubt drop the game now. Who knows how long some autists been abusing this.

Kek in literally every thread for this game leading up to release faggots would say it's a good mechanic and call you a FFXIV tranny for questioning it.

Definitely gay, I was noping out even before the dick showed up.

Hopfully they start issuing out bans and take away the money generated from this.

What about all the items that have been already traded and sold on the AH? The recipes that have already been learned?

They're going to try to brush it under the rug


>tfw blessing of freedom gives me 16 seconds of frost mage/conc shot/exhaustion immunity with a 20 second cd.
>leveling as a tank with a shield but have the 2h axe from the SM quest on my hotbar
>also leveling herb/alch so have a stack of swiftness pots at all times
the fucking undead animation as they try to run away

This but as a druid vs Gnome Warlocks who are always trying to start shit. I just HoT up, travel form away then come back to destroy them

even if it is possible in raids I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to do it. Blizz SHOULD be able to track that more easily since the max number of kills anyone can have right now is 3 and it will only go to 4 after the reset.

banwave inc

I rather stick worms inside my dick than play FFXIV, it's all god damn cutscenes, walking and teleporting all over the world ot kill 3 snails and talk to some catgirl with some redundant dialogue "like now the threat is over, I'm so glad you have saved us from the menace of the snails, please to back to the headquarters in the other continent and let them know we are fine with the snail problems".

>lose money

You know a surprising amount about it for being that against playing it

>even if it is possible in raids I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to do it
blizzard hasn't taken action against anyone abusing layering and are too incompetent to even track the people doing that kind of shit. yes, competitive guilds are going to abuse it you fucking retard and NOTHING will be done about it.

it doesnt make no sense yea.
>why are instances layered
i know theyre so lazy they put everything on one computer.
I remmber back in the day, all the instances were on anohter computer. So I rmember one day i think it was strat or scholo was lagged out i think from the computer crashing or something. You would walk in, your ping would go crazy high, then youd walk around a little bit then get kjnocked offline, relog back in and it would kick you to the entrance.
hahah blizzard are so fucking lazy

Mods on reddit in damage control they removing all threads that mention this exploit THIS IS BIG

>you are supposed to hate things blindly without ever trying them

What kind of stupid logic are you using mongo? yes I tried it, and it was shit, I was supposed to not play it and just hate it because the Yea Forums hivemind told me not to?

>they wont ban!
banwave inc

>the one thing the nu-devs add to vanilla and it breaks it
and people want classic+ from these clowns

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Bravo, Blizzard. We can all move on to Archeage Unchained now

all these 60s GONNA BE BANNED

> tfw rolled on Herod
> alliance side
I’m only lvl 40 but I feel like it’s only going to get worse from here isn’t it?
I’m imagining the AQ gates event and it doesn’t seem pretty

you rather have pay2win mechanics than exploiters? at least the exploiters can get banned, the pay2win is intended from the begining.

Do people really think Blizzard is gonna take action against these layering abusers? They will probably ban a handful of accounts and I do mean a handful(5-10 accounts). The more accounts they ban the more potential customers they lose. It's why multiboxing has been a thing for such a long time. They'll ban accounts to make it look like they are taking action, make a big reddit post, and everyone will suck their dick saying how much better the classic dev team is better than the retail team. Classic hasn't even been out for a month and the economy is already fucked. It'll be interesting to see the next controversial exploit players take advantage of to put blizzard back in the hot seat.

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I'm sorry user but if you're going to play PVP as Alliance you're obligated to go to an RPPPVP

just like that dungeon xp ban wave, right?

Archeage Unchained will have no P2W

AA unchained is the new kino
WOW classic ruined by nu blizz spending more time on streamer advertising than bug testing

i cant wait for the exploiter's tears when THEY GET BANNED

Unchained is a buy to play version with all p2w removed, you can still buy cosmetics and furniture without stats though.

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People abusing this bug are already trading wealth through multiple accounts its over

>tfw no RP-PvP server for my language group

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See, here's the funny thing. FFXIV never gets so bad their playerbase tries out WoW. Yet the opposite is true and you just confirmed you've done it yourself. There was something appealing about FFXIV that got you to try, you just didn't like it. I just find it amusing, that's all.

They literally denied there was any problem when screenshots surfaced of bags full of arcane crystals

I'll be surprised if they even fess up to this shit

Unless you're underaged, or hilariously naive you and I both know that doesn't really remove the stain of this problem. Nothing short of full blown resets will fix this.

Oh yeah, just like BDO wasn't going to be pay2win, or any other title in the last 10 years in the genre. Out of nowhere lol have a funbox with archedust or whatever the name it was with 1% drop rate that guarantees upgrades.

Seething wowbabby

Hiram gear also fixes progression and everyone can keep up without falling behind because of crafting rng.

cant wait for the tears when THE BANHAMMER DROPS

I was checking that server population website anons posted on last thread and still don’t get how they work
Servers like herod or faerlina show a 60k population vs other servers like that have like 80k, yet only the first have a queue

Because the screenshots were fake. Blizzard has all the data and made it clear the layering abuse was basically miniscule and nobody had banks full of Arcane Crystals

FFXIV players are addicted to the fap and fanservice material, they play for the graphics. WoW players are addicted to the convoluted mechanics and and build variety, in FFXIV every single class is played exactly the same by every player, every dragoon has the same build and rotation, every mechanics or scholar does the exact same thing, they removed all the customization and dumbed it down to facebook tier difficulty.

>bug abusers
>untouchable chads
>bottom feeding "legit" players
>virgins to be exploited

Layer gang rise up

Sure. Just like layered instances is fake.

who /comfy casual/ here? these bans will be epic entertainment

Blizzard hasn't released any official response on this yet

all these no lifing neets/streamers GONNA GET BANNED.


FFXIV has a revolving door policy
the game allows you to grind hard until you get to the end, then you get there and the blocks you off the last 10% with daily cooldowns and huge difficulty. So, most people quit until the next xpac at this point
the key part is you hit the end of content way before most people get tired of the game, so SE always guarantees big user sub numbers whenever they come out with new content, because they don't put too much to begin with and people want more

asmon gonna get BANNED


>in FFXIV every single class is played exactly the same by every player,
I wish that was true, then there wouldn't be wowfugees trying to push "Ice BLM" as a thing and doing 2k dps in the process

asmon and his entire guild


Seems to be working better than Retail's infinite treadmill policy

To be fair, the screenshot doesn't prove anything. I can easily take that photo on my private server using mangos

everything is RECORDED AND LOGGED.


I tried the game, i really did. It's so bad

Even if the screenshot is fake, the problem is real. They didn't address the problems with layering at all and it's just spiralling further out of control.

What the fuck did he do, did he abuse the layer thing to farm extra bosses?

layers suck. starting area, might be ok. explain how tho it doesnt work later on or to remove it at a precise certain time theyve already said and how that works that they needed it in the first place

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No one's getting banned because Activision leverages the amount of money streamers bring to new accounts vs pissing them off

Notice I didn't say Blizzard, which is about as much the name on the door as anything anymore. No more Morhaime, Metzen, nobody but Activision now.

just me and my boy raggy chillin in the molten core what you bros up to?

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ya. he and his guild killed rag 1000 times this week


>no ones getting banned

L M A O!

normie greatest generationers listened to radio personalities
normie boomers watched tv personalities
normie zoomers watch twitch personalities
literally nothing has changed

was it autism?

>all these stream nerds/no lifers are SWEATIN'

The spam is definitely tism, but the content isn't.

Remember when they banned everyone dungeon xp exploiting? Yeah me neither.

This thread is pure fucking braindamage. Why does Yea Forums have to keep proving
that it can in fact get worse

Not the autist you're replying but there was no exploit in the dungeons it was just too much exp.

Not much, just deciding if I should stay on my server or move on





What do you find so objectionable? The part where classic drones tried to deny the evidence staring them straight in the face or the part where FFXIVchads and Retailbros were rubbing it in their faces?

You are a fucking moron

There was a literal raid xp exploit in dungeons. No bans.




Is this a bug found in the original WoW?
Maybe this will bring in more subs.

>30 button rotations

Ive played XIV extensively and it amazes me you trannies actually believe this

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They could always just do a 1 or 2 day rollback instead of outright bans. Though I have a feeling nothings going to be done because of 2 reasons
1. Too much work
2. Blizzard wants classic to fail to justify current retail's existance.

I started on Incendius and used the free realm switch to go to Netherwind. No queues, everything on AH is cheap as shit, tons of people still leveling, pretty much 50/50 split between factions. Only downside is finding dungeon groups in the morning on weekdays takes a while. Its pretty comfy so far, though I do miss how busy the main cities looked.




>Ive played XIV extensively
Ironic that you call others trannies then, tranny

>2. Blizzard wants classic to fail to justify current retail's existance.
You have brain damage if you believe that, millions of mongoloids are paying to play a 15yo game and they don't even have to develop new content because it is time gated to hell.

Im looking at benediction or sulfuras
Don’t want a low pop server but don’t want a 2:8 a:h ratio either

Sunwell Fresh realm soon.
More news on the 28th of September.
be sure to check the website.

Fuck Classic.
Fuck Sharding
Fuck babby 1.12 talents/content with no buffs
Fuck grinding.
Fuck game breaking bugs (which completely defeat the purpose of progression/economy)
Fuck Zoomers
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Trannies.

Sunwell Fresh,


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Their promises guarantee no p2w and the only rmt is going to be cosmetic related. We'll see if they stick with it. However it's worth noting that they've basically said they'll be keeping the original p2w version of the game around alongside it to milk the whales while this one sticks around to actually be fun

It feels like a subconscious self sabotage

They want "you think you do but you don't" to be real. It's too painful for them to admit that retail is trash and inferior to a 15 year old product.

dumb frog poster

samefag. humans are a piece of work

I got a 60 toon and im quiting after seeing this. Cheaters took all the fun out of GTA V for me when most people had millions of gold and WoW is no exception

No thanks I'll pass.

Wake me up when someone actually makes a vanilla+ server and not yet another blizz-like server.

>FFXIV never gets so bad their playerbase tries out WoW

I dropped fxiv for wow. The graphics arent as cutting edge and stuff but the bosses arent retarded DDR shitfests, the game actually has a working tickrate, and there's actual PvP so that's nice. Gameplay wise i feel it does pretty much everything better. Havent touched classic yet but i plan to

Nah you people just deny blizzards incompetence we all knew blizard was going to fuck it but some people pretend they are doing it on purpose becuase muh retail.

dont say do you
like everybody said layering isnt supposed to be in dungeons. they were too lazy to check over what they ported over from the new engine and took an old version of it. not only that, added something not from before in 1 or the 2 are too lazy and didnt do how they used to and use seperate servers for dungeons like i know they did back in the day.

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Those never work out because theres barely any interest in it.
There were loads of attempts at making them so they all had less than 200 people playing at all given times.




It's not actually, at least i realized the game was bad and stopped. You grind through an absolute slog of a shit fucking story only to get boned and it's just a terrible experience

Their realm was excellent though, a staple in p.server community.

>eve online is the only true home
Yeah. 10 years ago

i know what it is, layering and all of that. blizzard are too lazy to have another server running. to have to watch it. saving every bit of second of code or computer time they can, while charing you.



invite to asmon layer for banwave

That is mainly because no one wanted to play custom servers until the blizz-like ones were 100% bugfree (which was never). Now that we got classic, it will just be a matter of time before people will have their fill and need something new. Project Ascension proved that custom servers could work.

Welcome home goy... err, guys.

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git gud

PA was terrible once people figured out the meta. It's even more poorly-balanced than regular WoW.

>Too many false positives: it's hard to know who knew they were exploiting versus people who just were along for the ride and didn't know. Banning legit players is bad press and huge amounts of customer service work.

>It doesn't defuck the economy: People who bot offload their goods to other accounts and launder it through the auction house to convert it from gold into highly fungible equivalents as fast as possible, because once the dirty money is in the economy, to remove it would mean fucking over legit players who thought they were buying legitimate goods

>Rollbacks are universally unpopular, and the longer you wait to do one, the more impossible they get

>Every minute you spend interacting with abusers is a minute that you're not spending on feature work and making more content for players, so if the "fucked" economy is still functional, it might be in your interests to just let this be the new normal and let water seek its equilibrium

These are really hard problems, and end of the day, you're choosing your favorite tradeoffs, there's no single right decision



>playing with europeans where literally everyone speaks a different language
>have to raid at 6 pm bongistan time (thats like 8 am for US)
>thousands of gooks pouring in non stop to sell gold because where theres a profit to be made, a chinaman bugman will be there
I'll keep playing on official servers with zoomers instead, thanks

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Not arguing that. The whole gimmick that they advertised was that it was WoW, but you can choose any skills and abilities. After a while they changed so many talents and skills it may as well be a whole different game. And god forbid your build worked cause it would likely get nerfed the next patch.

What I am saying though is that it managed to carve its own niche and thrive. We just need that same level of passion on some Vanilla+ server that could do things like make raids harder, implement cut content, more races and zones, ect.

>this ban nigger spamming

Layer surfing is not an exploit, it's part of the game and to date NO ONE HAS BEEN BANNED FOR LEVELING, NODE GATHERING, OR BOSS KILLING. IT'S HOW THE GAME WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED

>blizzard banning their biggest advertisers: streamers

>Mobile user


T H E M !!!


They used to have an entire department just for that back when retail peaked.. I'm not joking - it was like a command center, people were paid wages to monitor charts, gold activity, and counter - Chinese sellers, exploitative farmers and all that.. with period balances of farming spots and so on.. Saw it on a documentary about gold sellers, I don't remember the name - I wish to find it one day so I can extract that scene into a .webm for situations like this.

Layering is part of the game. Its not an exploit. Stay mad fags.



nublizz will just ban some nobodies and not touch the streamers

Dropped this shit after the first week because of the zoomer dungeon grinding meta but layering really did fuck everything. Unreal how exploitable they left this garbage.

Why does OPs posts read like a clickbait scam

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When did asmon exploit? only one who exploited on stream was Esfand and his guild with dual MC farm, but they even asked some dev before doing it because they did it by mistake.

Anyone playing this game is a retard, though.

you would understand it if you just spent 5 minutes on the website, you may not like it but you will get it.



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Economy is probably still fucked though

Blizzard very rarely gives perma bans. At most people are gonna lose like a week with the worst offenders getting stuff taken away. Im fairly lucky my server has like 400 level 60s both sides so the odds of my server being ruined beyond compare is low.

>Banning Streamers

>esfand is gonna get banned
He looks so fucking shaky on stream

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>ban wave is coming

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fill me in. were asmo, esfand etc all doing this shit ?

Blizzard blacklisted two streamer from their events for shitting on them and exploiting.

All of APES were doing it and esfand did it
Soda's guild also

Apparently asmongold was doing it off stream while esfand did it on stream but now he is going full damage control and getting his community behind him so they can defend him if shit hits the fan. Dude is a fucking sociopath. Asmon randomly deleted some vods recently so who knows what he is trying to hide.

was tribe doing it? i heard he took the day off

No idea but several people did.

Elysium was unironically less fucked than Classic.

blizzard supposedly will look into it and hotfix in the AM

nice bait, here's your (You)

>blizz bans streamers
>all zoomers leave
>faerlina becomes a wasteland

el oh el

Do it with a Warlock and have two Rogues stealth over. ez

they dont have the balls to ban streamers also all the tinfoil hat niggas are going to blame blizzard

Blizzard fucking up the game through their incompetent custom mechanic that nobody wanted is entirely justified criticism.

What the fuck, it's actually very huge.

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That's what I did too, i should have switched years ago.

Staysafe used the abuse in dungeons and I doubt he'll get banned, they need the zoomer audience until the next xpac is out.

>Streamers abused the shit out of 10-man dungeon exploit
>Streamers abused the shit out of layering for mild grinding and farming
>Finally some layering abuse that can get them banned - "I-I'm not a e-exploiter!! P-Please don't ban m-me!"

Attached: 1372173474134.jpg (345x383, 76K)

>Imagine their "BETA TEST" (all streamers) not finding this exploit
It probably was found back in beta test, but lol, if you don't report beta bug, you can exploit it on release.

Bullshit. My guild did panther boss in ZG the hard way (two warriors sitting at panther spawns picking them up) and I can tell you demo shout fucking SUCKED

I'm pretty sure they banned big streamers before

blizz don't really care since they have zoomer's sub money already and blizz knows that zoomers are dumb enough jump on hypetrain of the new expac regardless.

New vanilla server unironically when?
Without layering and other shit, and without transfers.

Some people know but someone blow the whistle on reddit because he is done with the game.

That was before streaming became such a big thing.

Snutz, venruki and ziqo all have like 3k gold each
REALLY makes you think

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That's fine I wouldn't want you fags ruining there anyhow.

Care to link one of them said videos?

Why waste your time on this shit game when AAU is coming and has proper pvp?

>Getting a group together for RFD
>Looking to make things well rounded for clean loot distribution, not doing any "spellcleave" or "meleecleave" nonsense
>"LFM RFD, need DPS"
>Instantly receive whispers from like 10 people
>Literally every single one them is a fucking mage
Jesus christ you band wagoning shits, PLAY A DIFFERENT CLASS
I'm about to start black listing mages from my groups completely, especially if these retards keep rolling on warlock gear.

lol. just invite mage, bud

Mages are good dps though. Would you prefer half the server playing dps warrior?

not really.

warlock = rogue > mage

I'd prefer 4/5th of the group not rolling on the same fucking drops

>caring about loot pre 60
invite to asmon layer pls




>no proof of doing it in raid whatsoever
nice larp crybabbys

Attached: 1568228588237.jpg (597x1080, 102K)

>Blizzard looks at combat logs
>sees Rag die multiple times in an hour
>ban wave goes out



Blizzard have logs of all your actions user....

Post proof or gtfo



reminds me of how a simple currency duplication bug destroyed Bless Online

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Okay let me go talk to the lead sysadmin at Blizzard and get back to you.
You moron

In case you don't know the armory have a log of your activities and loot, that's a public smaller version of the real log and yes it works exactly the same way in classic as it is built in the legion client.

>how does the economy affect me
>hurr durr I will never level up
Are you underage or just a brainlet?


>Not playing the best MSO of the Decade

Attached: kingdoms-of-amalur-reckoning-telecharger-download-img4.jpg (462x260, 57K)

I'd sooner give that title to fucking GunZ Online

LMAO wow fuckn hates streamers

What did he say?

I got a platinum trophy in this. It was pretty comfy desu

How would layering let you do Rag back to back? If it resets the entire isntance you'd have to go douse all the runes again to fight Majordildo and summon Rag again. Still an exploit but you'd be doing most of MC again not jut Rag over and over

>Yea Forums pass user

Attached: laughpep.jpg (246x250, 8K)

unless you are a mage it makes no sense.

He said "*notices bulge* UwU what's this?"

It kinda works up to like Lv30 but past that you just can't hold aggro very well on more than 1 target
You'd need a CC heavy group to get anywhere but you'd have better luck forming groups fast by just being the Windfury bitch

I'd pay good money for a sequel to Amalur instead of more boring shallow MMO shit

I might just give up on Classic WoW and go play this instead. It's just a single player MMO isn't it?

>falling for the classic meme
>not playing shadowbringers instead

Fucking kek

>Nu-Blizzard is so incompetent they can't even follow specific framework laid out by an 18 year-old game to the letter without taking 'a few creative liberties' and completely fucking it beyond relief
This level of idiocy is truly remarkable.

they asked for it with their sharding system

everyone that did this will get banned

not the streamers

And the 1.12 post-Naxx catchup patch core off the bat. And letting people loot Bindings of the Windseeker before BWL is even out.

Cool story. Where are the vids or screenshots tho? You can't just claim shit without any sort of proof.
Btw I looted 1mil off a lvl 1 bat. I can't show you guys but I swear it happened


I already told you the log is in the armory but lets be honest you just want to shitpost so lets just keep going.

Blues literally confirmed it was a thing you retard. And why the fuck would any guild record themselves exploiting raids with it when they clearly had no desire to see it removed?

What is up with these shitposters trying to make every popular or new video game a disaster?

It's not even funny



If enough players are able to obtain extreme amounts of gold and resources, they can monopolize the AH.

And also the prices of items on AH will INFLATE a shit ton.

honestly isn't the biggest issue in the world unless you plan on raiding and need consumable and whatnot. still gay though.

In this case they got it. Blizzard thought we didn't want it but we did, but they also thought they could supply it without shitting the bed but they couldn't.

Yes it's single player, it's a pretty fun game with cool weapons and engaging combat, writing is pretty good if a bit generic, great artstyle that'll scratch that cartoony fantasy itch, reminds me of Fable
A complaint that I'd say is that its pretty easy
If Kingdoms of Reckoning Amalur got as much fan support as Blizz or Bethesda games (and had a much better development cycle) It'd have both of them BTFO
THQ currently owns the rights but they'd have to get through EA to publish anything.
I'd just want a next gen port or proper mod support

Is not a joke this is a thread about a massive exploit, people are walking on epic mounts like it was nothing because of it, how is this not worth to discuss?

Nigger there's no armory in classic.
Also post bluepost of a blue guy saying it has been done in raids

>Nigger there's no armory in classic.
No but for the third time that's part of the activity log each character generate, even if there is no classic armory blizzard have the same log system because they used the legion client.

Do you think there's a magical layer fairy that makes things that can be done in dungeons not able to be done in raids you fucking amoeba?
>instanced encounters
>instanced encounters
Do you fucking get it yet? Do I need to apply wet ink to my cock and stamp it on your forehead?

Post the fucking bluepost of blizzard stating it's been done excessively in raids or shut the fuck up

That have nothing to do with my post.

Yeah, the mighty sunken temple clip. Now where do they say this technique was abused in raids?

>sequel to Amalur
amalur was THE SHIT

but it got rekt because of non-existent marketing by EA and yet EA still holds all its rights

I know it's been said before but fuck EA

The twitch faggots claiming it's been done in MC to get unlimited bindings and eyes and just overall rag loot without evidence is just fucked up.

we demand bans. streamers and neets playing 24/7 and exploiting bugs???? gotta go

Esfand did it on stream last Sunday by mistake and was running damage control today after the blue post

Fuck WoW classic, Retail AND FFXIV
Amalur thread when?

Everyone desperately wants every new game coming out that's even remotely popular to be the next Tortanic.

you can tell how ops a dumb newbie. this isn't diablo 2 back in the day dumb shit, they will perma ban your account and remove whatever item you got and fix the issue.

Let me just say before this thread wraps up that I am extremely glad I played Vanilla on a rolling content private server that wasn't too lazy to update talents, balance changes and loot tables with each new patch and had an extremely close to the original community for completely free before this shitshow could even finish development. I truly pity anyone who still gives the electric jew their money.

Guilds have likely known about this for weeks, I guarantee you they won't come close to scouring every abuser.





Too many people are doing it to ban them

its puggeable because vanilla is a joke dont blame exploits for this