If you recruit from outside your house, you're a failure of a teacher who can't make due with the hand they are dealt

If you recruit from outside your house, you're a failure of a teacher who can't make due with the hand they are dealt.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nah, I just want as few people as possible to die.

I want to recruit students but I don't want to miss out on content in battles

this bait made me say "haha epic"

>8 characters in your house + Byleth
>deployment limit goes up to like 12 in some missions
>not even mentioning adjutants
Epic post, OP.

You can use 13+3 units, and I'm sure as fuck not using Hanneman or Manuela.

God job gimping your House, Edeltard. Let my Bernie who I stole from your house obliterate your units from 7 FUCKING SPACES AWAY with a training bow. Or how about I steal your "hostage" heir to Brigid for being an insufferable cunt?

Congratulations, bitch. You played yourself.

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There is literally no point not recruiting Marianne since she kills herself otherwise and you won't even see her in Part 2

I had to save Bernadetta from your fucking funeral pyre, so don't try to talk to me about this shit.

Some characters have their best supports outside of their house.

like who

>recruit every single available BE student to make sure Edgelord dies alone with Hubert

That and she (arguably) has the one of the best character growths in the game besides Dimitri and Hilda.

Fuck you faggot, I could never let Bernie, Petra, and Marianne die like that.

I feel the need to point this out before some autist comes in all hurrdurrrmuhfavoritegrill. I mean her growth as a character and in personality, not their actual stat growths

well, you did mention Hilda and Dimitri

Okay I was about to say she doesn't have unga growth rates like Dimitri or Hilda.

Wait. Petra dies if you dont recruit her?

I'm at the point where I should start new game plus but I did GD and I feel weird wanting to choose Edelgard's route cause I might end up killing my students.

Is it easy to recruit other students in NG+?

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all other students die if you dont recruit them

If you're a little bitch you can by the support ranks you got in NG+ for easy recruiting

recruiting catherine, shamir, etc is fine to fill up those slots.

be honest, Yea Forums, would dimitri have handed over all of fargheus and rhea to edelgard if she let him hold her hand? dimitri seems like the weak oneitis type to marry within a few years of being together and then blame himself when the marriage inevitably falls out.

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I am a little bitch, thats why I don't wanna behead my students. How much renown is it?

Hey, being fair, they both grew and evolved a FUCKTON pre and post timeskip. Hilda grew to make life easier for her allies, but never lost that goofy aura, and Dimitri...well, he's Dimitri. Nuff said.

Why are the girls so fucked up in this game, with a few notable exceptions we have girls that:

>Are dead in 10 years
>Kill themselves and/or turn into a demonic beast
>Got tortured by father
>Are practically held hostage by house leader
>Have a father who straight up abandoned her
>Have a pyscho Little Brother
>Is a psycho

It feels like Hilda/Ingrid are the only sane waifus in this game, and one of them still has an overly attached brother and the other has a overly attached father.

Oh, and Rhea is just playing CK2.

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I think it's an exponential cost starting at 500 renown at C and then doubling from there.

Are you fucking delusional? After all his growth in the BL route, even after all she did, after all the suffering he went through, and all the shit he did to redeem himself, he still cold-bloodedly fucked her up and ripped the life she had out of her.

if you're female byleth you can recruit sylvain right off the bat

>Have a pyscho Little Brother
Who dis?

Fuck, I spent all my renown making all the statues gold, maybe I can get my old professor level back and power level my stats up instead.

>Rhea is just playing CK2

imaging typing this out and thinking it sounds funny or "epic" while doing so


Little brother is the Death Knight


Imagine taking this post from some fuckstain user on, of all sites, Yea Forums as seriously as you seemingly do.

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>Not recruiting Ferdinand Von Aegir to kick the shit out of Edelgard with.

Attached: Get fucked Edelgard.png (1691x1232, 1.08M)

Hey now he's not psycho, he's a good boy.

Ah yes, look at how brutal and cold-blooded he is to El.

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Does any route explain what his problem is? Just being the death knight isn't sufficient, unless that gives you autism.

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Skip ahead 6 frames. There's your answer.

>childhood best friend
>secretly loves
>gets betrayed by
>gets wholesale rekt because fuck you thats why

His consistent proximity to Edelgard cause him to catch her autism.

I am always going to recruit Marianne.

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ah yes just let me omits this part where dimitri pardon her and edgelard unzips her knife in response


His abusive father kicked his mother and older half-sister out of the house because all he wanted was a crest-bearing male heir.

Dude what? He only finished her off after she threw a fucking knife at him (well more specifically the knife he gave her). And it's not like he was brutal with it either, he stabbed her in the chest and left her body alone, no desecration or savagery, only regrets.

imagine imagining with your imagination

>brainlet Dimitrifag doesn't understand the context of that scene
Edelgard had been defeated and Dimitri was hesitant to kill her. She threw the dagger at him to force his hand and kill her already

>Not saving everyone you can from Edelgard's Tyranny or Claude's "genius" tactics

He tried to go back to her body before the protagonist stopped him and forced him to move on.

And what do you think he was gonna do?

nah i gotta replace lames like ignatz and ashe with stacies and chads. and lowmanning makes the game easier if anything.

Probably burn it like the thieves.


What would happen if Edelgard took his hand?

I like recruiting people but there are only so many units you can deploy.
I'm playing GF while using everyone except Lorenz, and I already stole 4 eagles and 2 lions.
Feels like my roster is full already. I might skip church units except Cyril because I need his filthy ass for Hilda's paralogue

I thought you could do Hilda's paralogue without having to recruit the little faggot.

>except Lorenz
Unironically trashcan tier taste

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yeah, pre timeskip paralogues you only need one of the two. post timeskip you need both

That's how women get pregnant, user...

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Playing BL right now, and I'm already recruiting three people who aren't Caspar
I've heard you need him for a BL paralogue, so how do I do it pre-timeskip?

I love my wife Bernadetta! I make sure to recruit AND marry her every playthrough! She has such smooth chubby cheeks that I want to pinch while sticking my face into her purple bed hair!

Attached: Bernie37.jpg (750x1065, 339K)

Don't worry they're gloved.

you cant. you need to recruit him before the timeskip. iirc caspar is one of the guys that cant reach b support until after, so you would need to actually build skills to recruit him.

Well, shit out of luck then
I'm running fists FemByleth and I have no skill points to spare

Shouldn't El be smaller in that pic?

You can recruit him before timeskip, if you get his support C you need D in your brawling. His support B is locked for timeskip so unfortunately, you're stuck with incresing your brawling.

he needs C brawling and 10 strength so you should have what you need. if you just get his support to C you would probably only need d brawling

>Professor, my brother will be away for a few days on monastery errands so I am going to be very lonely. Can I perhaps spend them with you in your room?

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>Hilda/Ingrid are the only sane waifus in this game,
Based Stacy wins again. And she has a perfect big brother, the greatest general of her country, looking out for her. How based can she get?


Oh shit, that's perfect then
Fuck, in that case I have to think about who I want to steal

I can't recruit more than three other students on principle, and Bernie/Marianne are shoe-ins right now
Sorry Dorothea...

She could start by being more loyal.

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>Sip Tea

*sips tea*

Something about the models in 3H unnerve me when I look at them up close, is it the eyes?

Scary girl...

Attached: FEHG Flaynn.png (580x800, 116K)


Probably jailed for a few years, then secretly released into Almyra/Duscar or given to Petra if you recruited her.

best boy

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I get it, but it's mostly just Flayn's ingame model that creeps me out. Her portrait is fine.

It's definitely her eyes. Probably too bright or something. Like, you'd walk into a dark room and all you see are her irises glowing.

So what parts of the bodies do you guys think the hero's relics where made from of?

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A penis

Yes. Eyes aren't supposed to be like that. In fact, the only place you'd naturally see an eye-like shape with that lack of depth in it is something that's trying to trick you into believing it has eyes, pic related. You are biologically programmed to be slightly repelled by the eyes in this game.

Attached: eye mimicry.jpg (1600x1200, 244K)

still mad about how we totally cleaned you out, Edlegard?

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Dimitri's looks like a hand/paw and Hilda's looks like a fin or crest. Felix's shield might be a scale. Do all of them twitch like the Lance of Ruin does?

playing BL now, is there anyone from the other houses i should recruit that i WONT fight later?

Bernadetta x Felix is pretty kino

Why are Marianne and Bernie under the table?

Why is Annette oogling Raphael? Doesn't fit her character.

Marianne is the only character outside of the church staff who won't appear to fight you pre timeskip.
That one is pretty cute, her and Ferdinand as well.
They're both reclusive and shy.

I think only Marianne never appear in BL post-timeskip, so you don't have to recruit her. But it's kinda implied from her supports that she killed herself during timeskip, so you're better off recruiting students if you don't want them to all die.

>If you increase the number of students in your class you're a failure of a teacher

Dude, if you're still here, you get a shitton on Renown just for starting NG+.

It's how American education works

Does Rhea deserve the hate?

they fuck like horrifically traumatized rabbits

At least Marianne has the good sense to kill herself so you don't have to

Hey, more experience so Edelgard and Hubert can get high tier dark magic sooner

>want to do edelgard's route cause fuck the church
>hate most of the students in BE
>don't want to let dmitiri die again much less kill him
>like the students in BL and like dmitri
>know if i do BL it'll make doing edelgard's route even harder

Is she worth it? Is her route any good?

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It's definitely shorter and more unique.
Also the BE characters are fantastic, only room-temp IQs let them being cast as villains color their perspective on them.

I enjoyed it but it's clearly missing some things like the animated cutscenes and about 4 more maps. The ones that are there though are probably the best maps.

Edelgard is definitely a qt

Attached: artistgard.jpg (2232x1174, 267K)

In front of Byleth?

fuck it while it's still warm

Who taught El to paint?

Do we get to see what the portrait looked like?

Is it true she also writes fanfiction about you?

Just do it, good thing that it's shortest route so you can finish it quickly. BE route is worth to play because of how different it is, I don't really see why you shouldn't play all routes if you're not interested to get full picture of characters/plot.

Not in the game but she probably would

bernie probably

We don't get close-up pic of this, but we know she draw a portrait of male Byleth from the hair.

I bet she has Hubert proofread it too

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It's probably an autistic crayon picture.

I don't even use Flayn or Seteth.

The game honestly didnt seem like it was made with permadeath in mind with how little recruitable units you get in part 2

Flayn is actually in your house though

Flayn is fucking useless so it makes sense

>doodles of you

Including Byleth

Seteth is one of the best units in the game, you should try using him some time. Flayn is trash though, her only use is as a dancer since it lets her contribute while not needing to level up or really do anything beside hide behind actually good units.


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She was not part of the original group, so she doesn't count. I never use her.

They're either going to drop it next game or double down hard and make the game all about death and actually lock events behind unit deaths.

someone needs to confirm the legitimacy of the heir

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Why do people keep shipping this? You know it's impossible for them to get together, right? What do you expect to happen? Edelgard just decides to abandon her dreams of a united Fodlan? Dimitri rolls over and lets Edelgard, the Flame Emperor, conquer his people? Give it up.

Edelgard get to live but since she started the war in the first place, she probably either get exiled to a safe place or jailed until the end of her short lifespan. Dimitri would visit her sometime for discussion about Foldan's future and other stuffs like the truth about slitherers.

>implying the marriage of the heirs between the biggest powers of the continent wouldn't solve both those issues

How unga would the child be?

>implying that Dimitri would marry the woman who caused the tragedy of duscar

with three crests the child would be stillborn

without going into the math of this shit, super unga

I want to keep Dimitri away from Marianne

>no unique conversations with each other
This game is such a hit and miss sometimes.

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How unga would the child of Edelgard and Holst be?

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Ships dont always need to end up canon.
sauce on pic?

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But Edelgard didn't cause it, it was her mother (who is also his step-mother).

>Yes, I'll have the steak with sides of vegetables, potatoes, and a bowl of projectile vomit, please
what was Dimitri thinking?

Stop looking for underage porn, Flayn.

Where is Annette and Gilbert in the golden deer route? They are never mentioned or seen.

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Flayn please stop being horny

Flayn, if you keep asking for sauce on images, I won't catch any more fish for you.

Not until Hilda says otherwise

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Dimitri doesn't know that. He sees the flame emperor set, he goes full unga.


How would Hilda react to Marianne's suicide?

Yeah but Leonie & Hilda can go suck a railroad spike, I need some cool guys to make up for the shit I drop, and frankly, I dig Bernie.
It blows not being able to recruit Hubert on other routes. I really don’t wanna kill him, he was too cool for school.

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If I side with Edelgard, which characters am I locked out of (aside from obviously Church aligned units)?

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I only recruit people so they can kill their friends.

The whole final section where you dig out the Slithers and figure out the truth behind them is missing, and it really bites. They just talk about how terrible the battles were in text. Sure would have been cool to fight those battles.


I believe that's it

Other houses main characters and their retainers.

seems legit

are you kidding me
thanks for saving me an activity point on my next run, though.

Oh and Cyril, but who cares about him

no it's just edeltards trying to meme someone into being worse than her

What's wrong with them? They both get long range magic, they can't be that bad right?

Such a wasted opportunity

>Professor, do you have any... Ahem, pornography?

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I have no idea what Annette does if you don't recruit her but Gilbert probably commits sudoku after Dimitri dies

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She would regret and commit suicide or died from an illness very soon.

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If you work for the church, dumbass

Seteth burned it all. But we can make our own.

How come some of these guys have links even though they literally have no supports with each other?

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Cut contents, most likely.

Hanneman has great magic, but shit speed and survivability.
Manuela is decent, if not a bit less optimal then other healers due to her marching magic and strength growths. She makes a decent holy knight though.

He knows by the end of BL

Quickly, I need as many claude memes as possible

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Why couldn't we have gotten a Marianne support Berniebros?

Stop ban evading, Flayn.

Hilda would commit lovers suicide. Hilda is a soulmate or a sister/wife to Marianne.

>no Linhardt/Caspar

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Do you think she would be down to join Marianne and Byleth?


how do you make strategies around this

I did it to save them from Eldetard

this game's deployment limit is fucking ass so recruiting a lot of people is the wrong thing to do anyway. lys is about the only one i find essential because she is so goddamn busted. lorenz is good to simply recruit and put on the bench because of the crest staff he gets.

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>Marianne and Hilda

Professor...burn down the library

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>Lorenz believes some people are just inherently better suited to certain roles than others
>Someone else is better suited to his relic than him

Is this good writing or just a coincidence?

What the hell was Patricia's problem?

3H was a rush job so they just dummied out any unfinished content. Considering FE it probably doesn't mean anything, Ike had dummied supports with Micaiah but nothing happened there.

Why? The boar deserves a beast to mate with.

Probably that the dev was a Lysfag considering pretty much everything about her other than being a glass canon is perfect.

Or some people just fail to understand how good Lorenz is as a bulky mage.

Heck you can make him work as a heavy knight, Wyvern and even a fucking Warmaster if you commit.

>Heavy Knight
nice meme class

That's true and that's how I prefer to use Lorenz since it makes him feel like a bow knight, but it still feel like a dev intentionally made it work for Lys

he's actually a nice guy, he apologizes to manuela in crimson flower route
he just wants to duel ppl

>linhardt sleeping
my sides

But a bulky mage doesn't need the +2 range.

Archers get it, so it's only fair that a mage also gets it. Besides he lacks 3 range spells to fight back archers

maddening isn't really that fun seven chapters in
it's more difficult sure but that's just because of your shitty exp gain and 90% of enemies doubling you making it harder to go on the offensive

I'm sure the burden won't be so bad after the time skip, right?

Who should I recruit onto GD to get all the good paralogues?
I know about Ferdinand and Lindhart. I was thinking I'd get Caspar and Mercedes since I missed their paralogue in BL, and maybe Felix and Ingrid because they're strong.
Maybe Bernie to avoid turning her into Burnie.

Just out of curiosity, what happens if a student dies? Do they just disappear from all future cutscenes, or is it just like the important chars in Fates & Awakening, where they just fuck off & only appear in cutscenes when they’re needed? None of my guys bit it back in BE, so I couldn’t help but be curious.

What if, you just make Byleth a Fortress knight and farm Ambrosia all the time? That should make the offense easier

Most of these modes are very front loaded in difficulty and it drops off heavily once your characters start getting strong again

Holy fuck, that's dark.

No one dies until the end, unfortunately.

You mean war phase, or until the very last map?

if a student dies, do they get a grave in the graveyard?

Depends. Pretimeskip, they all just retreat. Timeskip, they actually die for the most part. Very rare for them to retreat after it.

It's better to recruit from outside your house in Maddening mode because they level up faster than your units.

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>ask Felix for assistance against Lord Lonato
>he's a mercenary at level 5
Damn shame I can't get exp on him yet.

That's why I just asked a healer for help instead.

Which house, on balance, has the most mentally fucked up students?

Seteth personally chooses the books in the library so I doubt porn could get past his censorship

toss up between BL and BE

>a lot of paralogues love to rain free shit on you like Sylvain's
>don't want to miss out on fancy relics like Thyrsus or The Inexhaustible
>have to recruit Ashe to get the only Boots in the game
I try to poach as little as possible, but I can't help it. I want my free stuff.

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No, she doesn't just die. You have to kill her yourself.

Flayn + Seteth say hi.

>>have to recruit Ashe to get the only Boots in the game
Or you can recruit Catherine which allows you to do the Paralogue

Attached: FE3H Hilda S-Rank.png (1920x1386, 2.48M)

Blue Lions, everyone here is fucked up
In BE at least Lin and Casper are okay-ish

BL > BE > GD.
BL won just for Dimitri's mental issues alone.

Nope. She's nowhere near as bad as people who've only played Crimson Flower would have you believe.

Attached: FE3H Rhea didn't try to kill Byleth.jpg (1242x9637, 975K)

Ashe isn't mentally fucked up and neither is Annette.

>Dedue get down!

Attached: marianne n word.jpg (1920x1080, 891K)

>bullying shotas
Bro what the hell.

Did someone say stacies and chads?

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You need to switch their heights.

What's with all the backslashes?


Why have not you put these classes in 3H if they are perfect?? I hope they put them in the dlc...

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Except he showed up in the burning Remire village with the intent of "having fun".

Not really, Hilda is one of the smallest girls.

Yeah but Caspar is like 4'8"

He gets taller in the timeskip.

Stop making posts about this weak ass game. I don't know why like 98% of the male characters look like bitches and feminine. Only like 2 look like actual dudes. The rest look like walking shojo troupes. Who responsible for the character designs?

Next, there is like no dark skin girls in the game, all of them are either pale and only like 2 of them are tan and none of them have any real lips worth noting. They're all monkeys bro.

The game play is outdated as shit with turn based fucking strategy. You're literally taking turns to let someone beat you up, fucking stupid man.
You're all bitches, every single one of you. Stop turning this website into a scat fetish website, I don't like seeing shit every time I go on.

well yea i cant kill them all if i recruit them

>Symbol of Faerghus is a Griffin
It's Happening!

Annette has pretty big daddy issues

Where did you get that picture from?

Is this a good game?
Is it worth the $60?

Manga this is based off of is really good, thank you for posting this.

Yes, easily
I couldn't recommend the other FEs at that price, but this game has a ludicrous amount of content packed into it if you intend to play all the routes.

I'm not sure. I got this image from someone else.

I want to hug_ Annette!

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I swear BLs was designed to be the most soap-operaish and is the most dramatic of the routes. Almost the entire cast has problems, in terms of civilian casualties it's the highest of the route, and Byleth isn't really that important in the route. Dimitri is the center of the story and the devs don't hide it.

Just compare the reunion of Claude and Dimitri:


Claude acts like you just returned from a long vacation. Dimitri acts like you're a ghost he can't rid of. Because has he suffering from insanity and is hearing voices and people that aren't there.

In a lot of languages/parsers, backslashes are used to prevent special characters like quotes from being interpreted as a control character. Probably something like that.

Attached: the duality of man.jpg (839x2122, 200K)

What stupid language would make quotes control characters?

It feels like BL are from a Shakespeare tragedy even in their route Dimitri can't save his stepsister and dies young. The dudes basically anime Hamlet

Just started the game. How do I save all of Sensei's friends so he won't be lonely and living with regret that they died by the hands of his allies and himself.

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I got my terminology wrong, I just meant any character with a special meaning. You know what I mean.

You can save most everyone. Not that Sensei would live with regrets either way.

post-timeskip, missing units are replaced by generic knights, I believe

>More Griffin's
>Griffin class not exist
Top kek

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Play BL, the only ones you can't save are Hubert and El. and of those two Edelgard was given a way out and rejected it

Go BL and recruit everyone except Hubert/Edel/Claude. Claude lives anyway and gets a good end, so the only people who end up screwed are Edel/Hubert. And even then Edel gets a last chance.

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You need to up your game. You really outed yourself in your third paragraph.

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Not available on BE

My favorite game so far this year.

slowly making my way through maddening and im enjoying the management aspect of it
I also figured I'd recruit based on benefits rather than bias so I'm basically just trying to hoard relic students

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Sylvain is my nigga

You can avoid killing the GD characters in battle. Otherwise you need to recruit Lorenz, Ferdinand and (I think) Bernadetta and they are killed in the route in battle. Additionally Marianne should be recruited as she never appears if unrecruited in any route and is implied to have killed herself.

Characters don't properly die until after the timeskip, after which they will die unless they are very major characters which is very rare.

Should have said this is assuming BL route.

How do you manage all the GD kids bumrushing you a few turns into the Gronder stage?

Abuse Stride and Warp

Warp is your friend. Get multiple warp users, use stride to set them up, then warp someone onto each enemy lord.


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I merged my students near the entry ramp of the ballistia, let the enemy archer LIVE on it (they actually help you out), and used Dimitri to disable them as they get close. Then it's a matter of aggressively mopping them up (might need another AoE gambit).

Students who objectively do not deserve to be happy?

What did Lorenz do to deserve this?

Be Lorenz


>subjugate the church
>manipulate everyone
>burn cities and kill without hesitation
>all in the name of that sweet, sweet incest
It's pretty obvious user.
t. 2400 hours in CK2


>let the enemy archer LIVE

Not if Edelgard has anything to say about it

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None, other than arguably Edelgard.

Marianne deserves more than happiness. That's why I give her to Dimitri in my playthroughs.

Lys and Edie
These bitches have two crests and they're still unhappy. There's no pleasing some people

Lorenz is a good boy. His whole character revolves around the fact that people think he's the stereotypical noble, but he's actually not.

So, /feg/. What do you think of maddening so far?

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Thales what are you doing here?


Kronya is not the real Monica, though. The real Monica is almost certainly dead.

So what do you think happened to Monica or Tomas? I still can't tell if they were slain and substituted, or brainwashed.

Tomas was a 1:1 recreation of his personality while Monica's wasn't replicated so well. I'm torn.

>Lysithea gets attacked by some long range mage
>pulls a fucking bow I had on her for no reason out of her ass and kills him on counter
What in the fuck

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Both were probably slain and replaced the difference is Solon was a higher up Slither so could mimic more easily

My money is they were slain and their bodies were used as disguises. Solen put in the effort to act like Tomas as to not raise any suspicions while Kroyna didn't give a fuck.

Solon and Kronya are Agarthans, who are a human subspecies. They couldn't have been brainwashed. Monica and Tomas were both killed and replaced.

can you recruit Hilda

I honestly didn't use stride or warp and just rushed the left side and managed

Monica is an Argathan onahole now

You forgot to mention having two Crests comes at cost of their lifespan because having two Crests is something the human body was built to endure.

Yes, but you can't recruit her in Black Eagle route. You need 30 charm and C in axes for her requirement, or just rise her support to B rank.

Only if you're not on Edelgard's route. On the Church route, you can only recruit her after the Holy Tomb.

Making group tasks not doable by one person is a huge fucking design flaw.

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He was joking.

Your brain clearly has a huge design flaw

Why do you want to raise his Riding anyway? Cavalier and Paladin give debuffs to speed growth.

Lorenz and Ferdinand support is some prime "my own clone" type shit

>GROUP tasks
youre stupid

Thank you. I'm tired of seeing Golden Deer fags recruiting everyone because they chose the friendship is magic route. I chose Blue Lions my first play through and didn't recruit anyone because I considered the other houses as enemies and I didn't want to recruit enemies because if they decided to jump ship for my class, what would stop them from jumping ship again?

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Cornelia and Arundel were killed and replaced also yeah?

Lorenz and Sylvain my man, great support there too

how awkward do you think golden deer's lessons are when it's only claude and manuela

I think Ferdinand and Lorenz make canonically the more sense as recruited in BL route than as enemies

Your edge is palpable. You should've gone with Black Eagles.


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The only people who might want to level up as a horse are the girls with sanic speed. Dark Knight and Bow Knight are also the only time you should even be a horse anyways unless just like Great Knight over Fortress for the movement

why wouldn't you recruit talent to your own side to ensure victory

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Wait what? She was alive in my BE run. I could've sworn I fight her at one point in Alliance territory.

claude becomes a father

Dimitri is like the opposite of that mindset though outside of the first half of the timeskip which is explained as him going nuclear because of his guilt at his inability to protect the weak and persecuted

Do you really think the Edelgard's uncle was an Agarthan the whole time?

I hate Claude that smug cunt

What does Marianne deserve?

Did those classrooms have windows? I hope not

Hard in the early game but once you get the good battalions then it's just as if playing hard mode

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I thought it would have been neat if she actually did have some werewolf aspect to her, even if it wasn't as bad as that guy said.

>choose BL for first run of Maddening
>build Annette to be Lysithea 2
>she does barely any damage at all to the Death Knight with Cutting Gale
>constantly resetting due to this trying to think of different strategies
>but its so hard to move around without aggroing him
last night I had actual nightmares about the DK, this game is taking over my life

>game pushes her heavily as a sword user
>her special quest gets her a sword
>her strength and other melee stats are total ass because you will have her as a spellcaster until like holy knight unless you are a madman

I really don't get what they were going for there

You're just imagining, Marianne never appear as enemy unit in any maps post-timeskip.
t. played BE and BL a while ago

her special sword is based of her magic its fine

You just use Levin Sword if you're not going for the finishing blow with Soulblade/relic. Too bad Mortal Savant is shit because she would love that class if it wasn't

Blue haired savant cutely Levin swording the opposition at moderately high speed.

I'm thankful for all of the responses. I was planning on going for Blue Lions... right after I did my first run with the Golden Deer. What I was actually trying to ask is: "What is the 'recruitment process'?". How do I go about convincing other students and faculty to join Byleth's cause?

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why does edelgard ask me TWICE if i want to join her
i say YES twice
and then she STILL tries to fucking kill me

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>Dedue: your highness leave the black eagles to me
>clunks his armored platoon straight over into range of Hubert's killsquad
the blue lions basically live or die in the GD mock battle on whether Ingrid dodges those first battalion charges. She'll slaughter Edgelord and half of the rest if she does

>magic sword
>offense-oriented spell list
>frozen lance
She does fine with it. Levin sword+ is 3 range too which is nice when you run out of thoron casts or go for faith only.

Get them to B rank and they themselves willingly join you randomly inbetween weeks


Please be patient she has autism

The real question is why you said yes

i joined her anyway because rhea gave off crazy vibes
turns out i was right when she turned into the Biblical Satan right in front of everyone

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Not only is Edelgard a dork who's terrible at naming things, she's also OBSESSED with her professor!

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Neither are great but Edelgard makes her look like a saint

Why is El so cute?

Why wasn't Edelgard's lord class a mage type?

Got everyone to B rank and just talked to them all to try and recruit every week. Also did a little training in stats they like which ended up being handy.

Here's a guide to lost items I used. Even includes which moon you can find them and where ign.com/wikis/fire-emblem-three-houses/Lost_Items

play another route moron

Her autism

Because she's a gorilla with an axe!

Because the world isn't ready for a playable baron class

What classes should I take Sylvain and Annette through? I've had people say going hybrid is a trap on him and he should go for a horse class while Annette goes for Wyvern Lord with a Bolt Axe

Annette should be your dancer

Annette was a good mage in my playthrough. I also made her a dancer which worked pretty well.

Need DLC classes

Do I have to kill every former student I meet?

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Annette is pretty bad so dancer helps out, or you could go the not so oftenly used Dark Knight route for her.

Sylvain needs to avoid reason like the plague, however. Just do a by-the-books Brigand > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord. He doesn't have much wiggle room.

Sylvain's fine as a hybrid. Have him go brigand and mage for both blows into dark knight (optional dark bishop for lifetaker) and he'll be your one size fits all omni-tool as long as his defenses keep up


Just about, yes

It's their punishment for being born in the wrong country

I wonder if Edelgard knew her uncle was Thales

If you don't recruit them, yes but not always. It's depend on routes and some maps, you can finish the map while avoiding kill other former students.

She's only crazy as a self defense mechanism

She must have to know when her uncle started to act differently.

The real Monica was a semen demon

I wanted to recruit my amazing father, but he died before I could.

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If you wanted to use your phone, you'd have to nudge her butt off of it...

I've seen a webm of killing Edelgard's father, was that just a shoop or is there a paralogue where you can actually kill the king?

Is anyone recruitable in part 2? Otherwise I'm gonna save myself the trouble and just slaughter them all

It depends on whether the map has than as a leader and sometimes even if it does they retreat rather than die. BL route you can avoid killing any GD characters as the only one you 'must' kill is Claude who retreats, with the exception of Lorenz who joins the empire and must be killed on an earlier map. However he (along with Ferdinand) does not die if he was recruited in Part 1 and joins you after being spared by the professor.

Edelgard actually can spare just about everybody not affiliated with the church.

You mean when he took her to the rape basement?

She makes no attempt to spare Dimitri who does try to spare her when the positions are reversed the piece of shit she is


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And by *spare* I meant "kite them around while you rush the commander in 3 turns."

Why did Dimitri try and spare her after all the shit she did in BL? It's not like she did anything to earn the belief that, 'yeah I can trust her'.

Do you get any acknowledgement that you spared former students? Or is it just ignored

>walk up to post-timeskip character
>pull out their ear buds
Who was it

You definitely get option of recruit or kill Lysithea in BE route part 2. In BL it's Lorenz and GD it's Ashe but they both have to be recruit before timeskip and then be defeat in part 2 again to recruit them

It's the best pairing in the game.

Because Dimitri actually grows as a person over his route and it's meant to show how he has changed

To add to this just have fun, I managed to break a thief weapon in the Bonus map at chapter 4, lured him to a heal tile and went to town minmaxing axes, this is the result of my first recruit for BL.

I mean if the game is trying to make your cute dork get out of her shell you give her a new one.

Early armored knight gives 9 atk, 30 hp and 12 defense correction, as you can see my Mariane really loved that boost, Dedue is going to be a royal pain in the ass to Res correct above 8 atk and 14 speed though, and getting brigand in Dimitri still continues to be even more painful than it is to get armored in Mercedes.


Are they the only recruitable units post timeskip?

But he was always a good boy.

Fuck forgot picture.

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Some of the side missions involve units outside of your house you Edelposting fuckweed

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Yeah but he spends most of part 2 screaming how about he is going to annihilate her but when he actually gets there he doesn't want to anymore

that's called character development
something neither claude or edelgard have, which I know makes it's strange and hard to comprehend

>the only boots

ah fuck, i already used them and was considering putting them on annette to make up for her horrendously slow movespeed. guess shell be a mounted caster then

Well fair enough but I still think it's silly that Rodrigue getting killed by some girl that's butthurt that you killed her Onii-chan is what snapped him out of it.


Get B rank support and they will eventually ask to join your class. However, Ferdinand and Caspar can only reach C rank support with Byleth pre-time skip so you'll need C rank in Heavy Armor and Brawl to recruit them.

>not saving as many as you can
Get fucked, Hitler and eaglecucks. Chad Lions are best and most merciful squad. That cuck Claude can visit on the weekends but at least he's likeable.

Claude stops being a church hating hippie that wants unlimited immigration to Fodlan and instead becomes Almyran Trump.

You might not like it but him coming to term Sothis was real and it's inside his teach was decent development.

What was actually most stupid about that was that it was actually Byleth's fault as he was the one who killed her brother so I don't really know why Dimitri felt guilty at all

I only recruit Lysithea

bruh he calls himself the DEATH KNIGHT, he clearly has autism

which house is best for my all Berserker playthrough:
blue lions
black eagles

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>"It's because of you, Professor. Because of you, I've decided to live."

Why is she so perfect?

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Marianne is so pure that I want to lewd her but she dresses so conservatively that I can't look up her skirt. What a shame.


A shame her post timeskip hairstyle is such a massive downgrade

Well Dimitri did want to torture Randolph like an edgelord so there's that.


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>I just wanted you to see me show a little bravery
My heart

Let's just assume that Dimitri's desire to torture her brother to death is what caused Byleth to mercy kill him.

The perfect man.

Isn't that what that scene was supposed to tell you?

No matter which House I join, I always make sure the purest and most worthy couplings occur.

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Ignatz is a critical machine. For being so shy and meek in the first half of the game, he really knows how to kill people.

>"Thank you for giving me the world."

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Golden Deer is Better.
Ignatz and Mariane are awesome healing batteries and no one in that house fears axes outside of Lysithea wich can become a warp bot if you need to punch shit across the map.

If you want to punch shit with Ignatz make him an assasin first, lethality punching is awesome.
Raphael was born to be punch shit.
Lorenz is an aura knuckles God.
Byleth is the punching pope.

The house outside of Lysithea really lends itself to punching shit and axing everyone, Leonie and Hilda make for great Wyverns or fortress if you want to keep the berserker theme and Mariane doesn't hate axes so she can function as a psychic bot or smach shit as a dark knight with bolt axe.

GD is the best axe/punch only house, even the girls like punching shit.

Are teachers not meant to have endings together?
I tried my best to close friends crestboy/manuela and shamir/alois but they still ended up alone wtf

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>not pairing Shamir with Catherine

Weird Haneman was a complete stud making Manuela aging ovaries fertile again, so did Ferdinand but he has fat old bastard genes in so that's to be assumed.

Anette, Mercedes, Hilda, Leonie... I couldn't protect their smiles.

Hanneman cures Lysthea's crest aids in their paired ending

What part of KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM did you mishear?

>Ferdinand but he has fat old bastard genes
That's not very noble of you to say user

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I heard KISS every last one of them, and I did just that.

Look at his dad, he is a bald fat old bastard in the making.

Damn it. I guess Ill have to try pairing them up again on my 3rd(BL).

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Fucking idiot. He's killed millions during the time skip before your was wakes up in the river.

He is weak, on my BE run he was the main reason I went back in time but at the end I was so fed up with him I let a random soldier end him, not even Rhea killing him. He did not die
a hero.

You should know that fat old bastard is one of the absolute strongest archetypes there is in anime.

>when Dimitri spent years literally hunting down and murdering imperials

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But Ferdinand is a good boy...

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>killing Annette instead of marrying

Why even bother playing anymore?

That's weird. He ws smacking dudes left and right on my BE run.

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His father raised him horribly, plus he was then swept up in mole people's plans.

Either make him a fortress or a Wyvern Lord.

My last GD Ferdie was great at baiting the 10 elites as a heavy knight with both Pavise, Aegis and the healing Spear.

Can you blame the actions of a man who sees ghosts and talks to them regularly?

I thought he just heard the ghosts

Scratch the bastard part, however he got fat bald old Bastard powers judging by how many kids he sires in his endings.

He is still a noble boy because he creates public education in Fodlan.

somehow that sounds like an exaggeration

If you didn't marry your tulpa you don't belong here

What's the source for this? All the reverse searches I used didn't find anything.

I want to be nagged and bitched at in that delicious lolibaba voice for all eternity

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It's probably made by a drawfag from /feg/

>C rank in heavy armor and brawl
If I'm in ng+ should I just buy the skill ranks? It sounds like I'll be screwing myself out of precious mealtime and other skills if I have to bring both of those that high up.

gautier inheritance just beat my ass on maddening at the reinforcements that come from the second area. any ideas?

The part where Dimitri welcomed with open arms those who were lost, even being merciful with deerfuckers. Fuck Hubert, though, he definitely rapes people.

Considering how insane and brokenn he was, it's not a surpise if he actually sees them as PTSD flashbacks.

You better link the full image

>Don't use the best tools for the job
Challenge runs like no recruiting are fun but the game is meant to be beat.

Why is this girl with the blue hair so obsessed with going to church and praying

thank fren

just do it, not like renown as any other purpose

Dude in maddening having focus healing on non bow knight or Falcon Knight Byleth is an ass Saver.
There is nothing wrong with getting punch up, punching pope is actually a brawling class.

Getting weight-3 on top of speed +2 early is also great but you will need to crunch it hard at the beginning and soft reset for greats in tutoring.

how does the game determine which units end up paried together in an ending
t. had everyone at A rank and still had a few in solo endings

Jesus, no wonder Leonie was so thirsty

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Can we all agree that
>BL=Carl's Jr
>Church=taco bell

Stop making posts about this weak ass game. I don't know why like 98% of the male characters look like bitches and feminine. Only like 2 look like actual dudes. The rest look like walking shojo troupes. Who responsible for the character designs?

Next, there is like no dark skin girls in the game, all of them are either pale and only like 2 of them are tan and none of them have any real lips worth noting. They're all monkeys bro.

The game play is outdated as shit with turn based fucking strategy. You're literally taking turns to let someone beat you up, fucking stupid man.
You're all bitches, every single one of you. Stop turning this website into a scat fetish website, I don't like seeing shit every time I go on.

So that you know she's the best girl because religious girls make good wives.

Should be easy to find

I forgot to add, Ignatz is also a mini Annette when it comes to rally, you could technically make him a rally bot too as a holy knight by just focusing in healing and authority.


Is there anything more beautiful and wholesome than Dancer Raphael?

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Because she wants the goddess to grant her the sweet release of death

I loved Hubert
>hmmm this guy seems like an asshole but they're playing it so straight I bet he's not really evil
>he was evil and conspiring against you whole time
Honestly the fact it was played straight was the last thing I expected

Maybe. I just know in story he mentions killing a lot.

Alright, it's not like I use any heavy armor or brawling stuff much anyway.
I haven't done maddening yet. I was thinking of saving it for my 4th run as the church to wrap up all the routes, or doing blue lions ng so I can get that special thing and get to play as my favorite group again.

Dancer Hubert gives him some competition.

Dancer Felix or bust

>Raphael not just flexing his muscles to inspire his allies



Is Dark Knight a good option for Lysithea?

Anyone have any non spoiler tips for someone who's only played the GBA titles, shadow dragon, and the radiant saga?

Just picked up FETH but I hear it's super different. I just need a rundown on like weapon triangle stuff and the supposed new stats

I enjoyed Hubert being legitimately evil while on the BE route because they kept it played straight while also giving him some other personality through his supports. It really let him shine compared to your typical evil advisor character.
An whenever I'm not playing BE, it makes fighting his beta orbiting, actually-evil ass multiple times all the more satisfying.

Playing GD, was it possible to avoid killing Ashe and Ferdinand without recruiting them beforehand?

If you want maddening church make Byleth go as Warrior, Brigand, sniper into paladin into Bow knight.

You are going to need it given that you will have no lord, Either Hilda or Raphael need to be scouted and put as Warrior or Fortress for some bulk, that's the best advice I can give you going to church.

And yes, you can recruit Hilda in Church, she hates Edelgard but since you ditch her you get a small window of recruitment for her, not enough to put on wingz but enough to make her a Great Fortress/Warrior

Does enlightened one suck that much on maddening?

Look through their profiles and look for "closest ally" depending on who's ranked top and how often a unit fights with another unit determines their paired endings.

You can't avoid killing Ferdinand, the map requires you to kill all leaders. Ashe I think you can, just don't go near him.

But it's the best JRPG on Nintendo Switch.

You have to kill Ferdinand for map's condition, you can avoid killing Ashe.

There isn't weapon triangle.
Also if you pick Black Eagles, accompany Edelgard whenever she asks you to go with her.

Okay first tip. There is no weapon triangle. That's about all you need to know honestly.

The main things to know if you've only played those games is that almost everyone can use almost every weapon or ability. Certain characters are obviously meant for certain things based on their growths and what skills they favor and learn faster.
The weapon triangle is gone in favor of different weapons having different combat arts and abilities, which are basically special attacks that consume multiple weapon uses. One of the abilities is the breaker ability which adds the weapon triangle bonuses back.
Everyone can become any class as long as they meet the skill requirements for it, like Swordmaster requiring an A in swords, or Paladin requiring B lance B horses. Each class modifies your growths a little and comes with different abilities, as well as a capstone ability of you use the class long enough.

Skill is now called Dex, and instead of weapon weight being offset by constitution, it's your strength / 5. Weapons don't disappear when broken, but become shitty until they're repaired at the blacksmith, where you can repair weapons or forge upgraded weapons.

She wants to die and be released from her curse.

Weapon triangle is now a mastery, not a given.

Units are customized to your liking, you can make mages punch shit or an Axe wielding bishop if you want.

The only thing I miss are heavy armor Casters, advanced Lance Infantry and flying Casters.

Flying bowmen and advanced infantry got saved for lord units in this game, the bow Wyvern Lord is absolutely broken beyond belief as one would expect given that the lord flying around has one the best Dex growth in it.

You could in theory just break the game spamming axe mastery and hand axes+ though.

>That def

>tfw cant make Dancer Shamir

Recruit Marianne. Always protect her smile.

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Bad genes hit him like a truck, huh

You literally already posted that here:

The only advice I give you is that true chads pick blue lions

It has good growths but Byleth has shit magic.

You can use it and Nosferatu dodge tank into a good sword or brawling position but this game made Archers and Wyverns absolutely broken.

Make Archers assassins or wyverns. Never archers until Bow Knight
They can still use bows though

Play the game as if it's a new series. Many mechanics are new or changed.

What would you rather talk about user?

Flayn leaves on BE route and Seteth is never available.

Well, Bernie, Ignatz and Ashe can benefit from Paladin or fortress levels, so Wyvern isn't a rule, Wyvern is the most optimized path though.

Objectively incorrect

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What should Leonie be after she maxes brigand?
I want her on a horse eventually but heard I should avoid cavalier/paladin.

How good are the Brawler and Grappler classes? Worth doing anything with?

Calavier and Paladin both reduce your speed growth. Always avoid them.

What are all the routes you can do in this game and what happens in them?
I'm on month 6 of part 2 of the Golden Deer route and I think I'm very near the end right? What happens in the Edelgard route? What happened to Dimitri?

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They do great damage, but are easier to tank. Plus, War Master is a great class.

Sounds good. What are the best classes to send them after, anything that's unarmored?

Leonie is on the sweet 60 speed growth so horses don't neuter her, but they still aren't the best at least until Bow Knight

All I see is fan service and cringy cutscenes.

They help you build into War Master which is absolutely fantastic
However, their mastery abilities are nothing to write home about. You can feel free to throw them at Brigand or Warrior over the brawling classes into War Master. Brigand gets an insanely good mastery ability for brawling.

I made Alois into a War Master and holy shit. Fucking critical hits all day long.

There's 4 routes. Why not play through them?

>He didnt do Holy Knight Marianne
>He didnt do War Master claude
>He didnt do Dark Knight Lysithea
>He didnt do Mortal Savant Petra
>He didnt choose a weapon other than sword for teach
Imagine wasting a run this hard

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Very different endings for them, especially BE's.

Are fortress knights actually viable now that lunatic is here?

Please stop posting this Byleth is not for Papa Jeralt in that sense.

>He didnt do War Master claude
Thanks, I want to do that now. Sounds like he'd be fucking terrifying as one.

>make cute little Caspar into a brawling grappling warrior
>off the battlefield he uses his new skill and strength to surprise Raphael and be the top

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Felix, Lorenz and Raphael are good at them, Lorenz has negative Brawl but he is the one guy that can use aura knuckles and has a free pavise relic and a self healing axe for Warmaster.

Ignatz, MByleth, Alois and Dimitri can pull it off through meme power however Ignatz and Alois need assasin levels to either gain Assasinate fix their Dex while Dimitri has better things to do, Byleth has punching pope already but Warmaster is a decent option if you want pope humongous.

Brawler is nice for freeing up an inventory space with unarmed combat, and they have some great growths if you don't care about magic.

I can't get pass "Japanese humor".


There is no purer or more sacred thing than the love between a father and his son.

If anything, they're probably less viable. They were perfectly viable before since enemy mages don't exist

>Byleth has punching pope already but Warmaster is a decent option if you want pope humongous.
Okay, this sounds awesome, gonna do that my next playthrough.

>holy knight marianne
>not dark knight
Enjoy missing out on crit city.

But what weapons aside from fists are worthwhile on Blyat? His magic seems really shitty so I imagine not that.


*tea sipping intensifies*

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Shit, who should I make dancer in GD?
And not for optimal play, more for fun since this game isn't the most difficult if you min/max

People seem to like Marianne as a dancer. I don't use dancers but I was going to do that just to give her the special abilities and to embarrass her by making her dance in public.

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Doesn't beat Raphael's wholesomeness but it suits him damn well

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She's even optimistic about that shit

I wish there was a clothing option for your Dancers to wear belly dancer-style clothes, as in mostly bare with veils and jewelry.

Or Ignatz after having him master assassin so you can say he wasn't the weakest unit

That sounds great for me to put Flayn in.

>first part
Cute! I love seeing cute little Casper grow stronger and wiser everyday!
>second part
Stop lewding him and his friends, they are not horny nor lewd!

>Stop lewding him
Only way Caspar's ever getting into a bed with someone is if they promise training of some kind

Caspar and Raphael become extremely close if you raise their support, you know they spent many a night snuggling and being frisky.

thanks anons, I'll keep all of this in mind. kinda cool to have this much customization.

I'll think about it, I dropped FE for a long time due to waifu dating shit being shoehorned in. This time I picked it up since they ripped the time management from other dating sim-esque games, and thus it actually fits into gameplay. I don't know who this blueberry chick is but we'll see.

that's the one I want to pick the most, but I have a gut feeling to wait until they're my last playthrough.

I was already spoiled in the fact that there's 4 routes. is there a proffered order I should go that segways nicely or just go in a random direction? I'm assuming they'll do a "true" ending like the 3ds title right?

Delete this

Also wanted to say thank you to everyone for guiding me on the recruitment process! I hope I'm able to do as many of them as possible in time. Casper and the other character's especially, since they require a whole class change for Byleth, and also because I love Casper.

Yes... but not like that. :(

Marianne is the best choice. If you're lacking in healing, recruit Mercedes.

If you're liking Blue Lions, go with them first. That route reveals the least information about the goings-on, so it can be a little bit unsatisfying playing it last.

>convincing Casper to come to meet you at your bedroom tonight for some "extra special training no one else knows about"
Hot, but impure! Casper's are not for such things.

Just hugs though, right? And other friendly gestures?

You should leave this thread immediately to avoid spoilers.

Absolutely based. That ending is too good with that final line.
The supports for this game are way better and flesh out various aspects of the characters. Blue Lions have multiple characters talking about how the Tragedy of Duscur affected their lives for example. Leagues better than the shitheap that is Fates with their one off archetype conversations

Someone post the pic that shows what Edlegards horns are REALLY for

>Go to set up Marianne and Dimitri
>Want to see Linhardt's special lines with her so I do that as well
>Turns out he snags Marianne and Flayn is being smashed by Dimitri
Well shit.

For what it's worth, Blue Lions feels like both the most dramatic route as well as the most classic FE. Dimitri has the most fitting skills for the typical lord, blue is the typical good guy color, and it progresses the most like a normal FE story.
Something you might like coming from the GBA games is that not all supports end up in marriage, or even go up to A, so the writing is a lot less matchmaker than the 3ds games.

>is there are proffered order I should go that segways nicely or just go in a random direction?
Go with which ever speaks to you most, then you can decide an order from there. Generally people say avoid doing church and GD next to each other.

Attached: edelgard dialogue 2.jpg (1153x1200, 196K)

Depends on what you like better. I'm a sucker for a good character based plot with Dimitri. You can go GD later for the full rundown. The first part feels like they wrote it specifically for blue lions due to all the character relations

Hugs, kisses, massages, spooned against Raphael's body while they sleep.


Attached: __byleth_and_edelgard_von_hresvelg_fire_emblem_three_houses_and_etc_drawn_by_kisetsu__5c175e98224686 (1000x729, 69K)

Hmm... just so we're clear, Raphael was the little spoon, or the big spoon?