Find. A. Single. Flaw

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

Attached: 258042-sid-meier-s-alpha-centauri-macintosh-front-cover.jpg (800x928, 128K)

Alpha centauri battle royale with 10 men factions that result in the dead players becoming mind worm mutations and hunting the other players down before they can reach the ship and get off planet WHEN

Alien Crossfire.

The UI is pretty bad and the graphics are not very nice

The flaw is it was so good it peaked the series. I wonder if we will ever have a game as good.

>a game as good.

Attached: 4253-master-of-orion-ii-battle-at-antares-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x967, 158K)

>The UI is pretty bad

>it peaked the series
What series? Is there a SMAC 2 that isn't a civ mod I'm unaware of?

I just found it very unintuitive when I played it for a few hours
Didn't have this problem with any other 4x games so far

So how was Civ2?