Has a game ever ruined your friendship with someone?

Has a game ever ruined your friendship with someone?

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I have 6 thousand hours on dota 2 and haven't played a match since this international ended. I lost interest in going back too, I'm free of the curse

>Be like 7 years ago
>Online friend group begs me to download smite
>Install after hours of downloading
>We play one game together, they say I'm shit and they don't want to play together.

Fuck MOBAs

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You should've played better

I took my friends into going against bots with bots on our side for dota. Did like several days of that before we even did a turbo match and then when we did we won most matches.
Your friend is a impatient idiot

>used to be good friends with this kid
>we're both into video games
>playing Halo 1 PC online together in a private game
>asks me not to kill him while he tries to do something
>kill him anyway because I think it's funny
>has a sperg meltdown and we don't talk again

Same here. I was enjoying the game but Valve literally tripled down on killing it by changing the matchmaking to increase the queue times by 10 times AND give lower quality matches, and then changing it more instead of reverting it. Now I just chill in WoW classic and the only thing I miss is playing my favourite heroes mid.

Instant queues as support.

I just played with randos since I didn't had friends to play with

I only ever open dota to play with crazy skill builds agianst bots on legends of dota redux

Support is not and never has been fun and contributes nothing to the game other than wards and le meme fight aoe disable ults

Also, no one forces you to play "correctly". You can have fun, but prepare for losing, though.

Dark Seer was fun

>He doesn't play Shadow Demon, Ancient Apparition, Dazzle, Rrrrubick or Ogre Magi
DOTA is one of the few games where the support class doesn't feel dogshit to play.

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You’re a lumpty retard and people like you are what ruin the experience for others. Quit ruining the game with your warped mentality. Easily, the worst part of Dota 2 is its playerbase

>Easily, the worst part of Dota 2 is its playerbase
I agree, that's why I exclude myself from it

Why I quit as well. One person on the team can be a feeding asshole and your team will still try then before you know it, 50+ mins go by and the result is a LOSS. Only so many times you can endure that. Team games in the long term will always be pure cancer UNLESS you play with friends.

>Lists a bunch of supports who can shit out damage and are more often played for their fighting utility rather than any real support
Even playing a no-farm core is more fun than dedicated support

No, my friends and I used to play and together and we concluded that the game is trash and Valve is garbage.

I don't understand your point then, who do you feel fits into your idea of what a support is and why they are boring?

Dota 2 is not a team game. The game gives zero incentive for helping your team mates, its primary challenge to players is all about trying to give themselves as much control over the game as possible while spitefully tolerating their teammates. There is so little trust and co-ordination that to sacrifice ANY of your game for the sake of your team means you are just going to lose more games.

Nobody really talks about this but the reason Dota 2's playerbase is so disastrously fucking awful is that the game is free. This means that 90% of the population is third world scum from Russia, Asia, Middle East, India, South America, and all these "people" refuse to play amongst themselves and insist on forcing themselves into English-speaking teams. There is no region lock so the game that relies so much on communication and proper execution becomes a bunch of cave-dwelling foreigners screaming at each other, all believing they know the one and only truth.

>That time Topson Arc Warden fucking destroyed a shadowfiend calling him a dog

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