Will Sony mess up the PS5's case as well?

Will Sony mess up the PS5's case as well?

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what fucking retard though it was good for an intake to be facing downwards
fuck aesthetic design

Maybe you should not live in an insect infested slum

How retarded do you have to be to see your console infested with fucking roaches and think it's a manufacting problem like nigga clean your fucking house

Every single place on the planet has a noticeable amount of bugs.

doesn't matter if you clean your house from top to bottom if your neighbor has roaches

No, 3rd worlder. I see a bug in my apartment maybe once or twice a month.

At least most seem to keep their room clean you dirty monkey

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I fucking hate people like you who live in filth and think it's normal. I knew too many fucking people who would invite guests over to their dirty ass homes and act confused when nobody wants to sit on their roach infested couch.
>dude every home has bugs in it what's the big deal lmao
No they don't. At least not to this degree. Fuck you.

how the fuck is this even real?? surely there is more to this story

You people disgust me. I see maybe one bug a week in our house.. The last bug I saw was a huge fucking spider (not actually huge but like quarter) that I woke up to in my fucking hair one morning.

I fucking hate spiders. Luckily I'm not fucking dirty and it won't happen again anytime soon.

White trash or Mexicans. Absolute dirty scum. Even niggers don’t act like this.

There are 100x more bugs near you right now than there are people and you can't see a single one of them because they don't want to be seen

The most I ever see are silverfish and the occasional spider.

>console filled with dead roaches
>blames console manufacturer

The fuck? There's absolutely no excuse for having roaches in your home even if you are a 3rd worlder, permethrin is dirty cheap.

for me, it's ants and very tiny moths and the occasional wasp

Roaches love dark and warm places. The inside of your console is the perfect breeding ground.


I fucking hate this too man. I live like a slob too at times whatever but don't fucking bring other people around that. Have some self-respect.

>smaller vent holes
Set aside the bug problem for a bit. As is, the PS4 Pro groans like a diesel engine when playing a game that taxes its internals. If they made the vents any smaller, it'd probably overheat itself and burn out.

do you think the dead roaches started spreading a putrid smell?

why is the owner even bothering with that and not just throwing the console in the trash

I keep wolf spiders in my house, much better than roaches.

the inside of a ps4 is never warm

God this is too true. I once had to deal with this smelly ass cat lady next door who hoarded everything and let her home become a breeding ground for roaches.

One day I went over and offered to clean her home for her and once I got inside I just fucking beat the shit out of her. I threw her ass to the ground and when one of her cats got angry I picked it up and whipped it against the wall next to her. I asked her if she was gonna clean up. She said she can't. So I started beating her again. After a while I asked what she was gonna do. She said she'd start cleaning. For the next few hours I followed her in and out if the house as she took out bags of garbage. Every time she looked at another neighbour I'd tell her to say something. We'd go back in the house and I'd smack her around daring her to call for help.

Eventually we got a pest control company to clean out her house and her home has been spotless ever since. Take from this what you will.

reading the comments on that tweet are fucking great
seriously who the fuck thinks its anyone but their own fault for having roaches infested anywhere in their house
dirty ass motherfuckers

user this makes me really uncomfortable can you delete this message?

Flies, common, spiders, scary, moths, maybe, praying mantises, rare, roaches, never.
I have never seen a roach inside of a home in my entire life.

Your a good neighbour, user.

the vents are massive because the heatsink intake is facing downwards and would get choked
it's a tiny diameter blower too is why it whines like a banshee under load
SNOY couldn't make a top intake with a reusable dust filter or with a proper heatsink and standard 120mm fan

Yes, that totally happened.

There were roaches in my college dorm (not "my room" but the entire wing), nothing could really be done about them. Granted we did live in the middle of the woods and the area was extremely damp, but there was no getting rid of them. Them and house centipedes. My room was perfectly clean, but they'd still show up every couple of days (centipedes were far more common).

until you play iceborne for 1 hour

please let this story be true, where roaches seeping from her house? was it smelling outside?

>tfw always throw in a spider egg sack into all my new consoles so I don't have to deal with cockroaches getting in

>this year is the first year in my entire life that I've not had any roaches in my apartment
I feel so blessed.

>he bought the special edition Raid PS4

I saw a spider outside my window once. It made a web and everything. Came home from work and the web was torn and a robin was sitting outside.

While I sincerely doubt this happened. Why didn't you just call her landlord? No way they would have been fine with that.

Maybe he shouldn't live like a nigger so he wouldn't have a cockroach infestation.

I think the fly demon Beëlzebub lives in my house cause there are a fuck huge amount of flies and they are in my fridge, in my closet and they are adapting to avoid the electric fly lamps and the bait

Get roach traps

invertebrates don't typically leave too much of a perceptible smell with their corpses
once their fluids are all dried out the chitin isn't something you're going to notice

>blames sony
Try not being a filthy nigger next time.

>I see maybe one bug a week in our house..
>it won't happen again anytime soon.
Are you fucking stupid ?

>he doesn't live in a cold temperate region like Northern Europe, Russia, or northern North America.

Remember to clean the inside your PC anons. Roaches may be shitting out babies right now.

Are you from Texas?

This. Poors disgust me.

based if true

I lived in a place like this, so fucking annoying. Come home from work and there's just 4 new flies chilling in my living room.

Thank god roaches don't exist in The Netherlands

Never seen a roach in my life

No, you dumb fuck. There are bugs crawling all over the place. Doesn't matter how clean your house is. It may not be roaches, but I guarantee there are little shits in your house.

There are more lizards in my house than bugs. Just killed one recently in my room.

t. South Florida

Niggers have surprisingly clean residences when they aren't crackheads.

Lmao nah. I don't even live in a well developed country and i never see huge bugs like roaches.

>move into new place on CL on short notice because of last landlord getting rid of everyone at old place
>has roaches because the people living here are slobs, leave the bathroom a mess
>landlord here doesnt care enough

I need to get out ASAP.

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The lizards are attempting to make you one of them

I'm not denying there aren't ANY bugs, but there aren't enough bugs to where they're noticeable. When I do see one, it's a genuine surprise. I sure as shit don't have carcasses of them collecting in my video game consoles.

Anyway this reminds me I probably bed to clean my own ps4 and re-apply thermal paste?
Is it hard to do?
Any gotchas to watch out for?
Feeling brave because I recently changed the battery in my phone (one of those supposedly fixed in batteries)

Try living in the south bros.

Isn’t this the beat your wife pasta?

editors note: this is the same guy who bought herpes bathwater

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Roaches are very nutritious and could survive Armageddon, potentially

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You got carcasses on your bed though. Teeny tiny carcasses. Maybe even on your skin too.

It’s edited copypasta.

ive some ants here and there and the occasional spider probably because my condo is basement level but i dont have roaches and other nasty shit. not all bugs are equal

lmao do you autists still don't understand that it was a joke?

>be 3rd worlder
>never seen a roach in my life
>at most there's a few moths from time to time
Just be clean, bro

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Imagine smoking water


If there are wasps inside your house at all you should be worried.

>Actual gave money to a thot for jokes
>Muh vape
>dat hat
My fuckin sides

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>t. Vito

I used to live in a roach-infested shithole for a few years and this image is giving me PTSD.

And before some snarky fuck asks, I used to clean up the entire place from top to bottom twice a week and it still wouldn't stop them from somehow finding their way into the apartment. I thankfully haven't seen a roach in my apartment ever since I moved out a while ago. Some buildings are just really poorly maintained.

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or they're afraid of the Chad's that roam outside and stay indoors instead.

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it didn't it was a joke you dumb fuck, Vito the guy is a youtuber and the moment he "vapes" it starts a parody of Evangelion with that e-thot.

If he lives in an apartment then it doesnt matter how clean he makes his own unit he is at the mercy of everyone else.

What's the best way to clean a PS4 I haven't done it in years.

>Some buildings are just really poorly maintained.

this, I rented a new place in the winter, bathroom wall had a small hole
I had no bug problems but as soon as may came and the weather got nice, I saw those dudes at night crawling in my bathroom. I noped the fuck out, taped the door and told the landlord if he doesn't fix that shit next day I will move out. Luckily he came and fixed the hole and no rach was seen from then

Ok mister 1st worlders, how many rats have you seen in your house in your lifetime? Apartmentfags need not apply.

>made a fake jar and sticker just to trick people for the joke.
>Thinks he's still not the saddest fuck ever.

>sonys fault you live in a dumpster
americans are disgusting

nah i just mean one will wander in through the window every couple of weeks

the white people method:
rubbing alcohol, compressed air, screwdriver, clean cloth

the ghetto people method: take that shit outside and leaf blower it down

At least it's not Texas where there's a breed of ant that literally jams itself into your electronics and fries the circuit boards on it, because the electrical signals were attracting them.

I gassed my old place every other week and just stopped eating at home or storing food at home altogether. Doesn't help when I live above a filthy spic family of 5 or 6 in a goddamn 1 bedroom apartment and I don't know what kind of drug addict to my left.
roaches and poor people should be exterminated

Manager of a roach infested shithole here.
I spend probably 1/6 of the rent I collect on pest control, and it never makes a fucking difference because 1)brown people(not niggers but other assorted brown trash like Indians and muzzies) dont ever fucking clean properly and 2)chinks are barely bothered by them and only tell me about them when their unit has an infestation so bad the "protein content" of their open bag of rice they leave under the sink has reached 65% or more

iguanas are herbivores you monkey

Imagine a roach getting sliced by your gpu fan and you don't notice it because you're wearing headphones.

Sounds like you love living among trash

are you not allowed to inspect units then evict roach enabling slobs?

But that's were most of the sony fanboys live.

It's mating season so they're more aggressive to everything.

it depends on your state/country's laws


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In my 30 years of life I have never seen a rat in a home I lived in.
I once worked at a construction site where the plumbers would grill outside occasionally and leave food around, rats big as cats would always be there next morning- so they do live here. Likely it's due to a high standard of garbage disposing where I live; if you just dump your trash on the street, of course you will have rats everywhere

how the fuck was I supposed to know a disgusting spic family was going to move in 3 months after I did?
And I hardly ever saw anyone enter or leave the other unit on the floor they just looked degenerate the few times I saw them

>Room gets hot
>Roaches love dark and warm places like a lonely gamers room
>Heat is radiating from PS4 after playing it
>They move in
>Have their babies in there because it's so comfy
>End up dying because of electricity or moving fans

t. Exterminator

lmao faggot. I clean mine every year, not a single bug/insect inside. Enjoy your flies burger

>letting the world know you live in a roach infested shithole

>having cockroaches in your house
Fucking how? Do they live next to a dump? Are they a hoarder?
The only bugs Ive ever seen in my house are house spiders and silverfish during the rainy seasons.

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This is probably what caused all those vaping related deaths recently.


I wont, because that's guaranteed pneumonia. Vapes are oil, not water. There's no water

Silver fish freak me out

Bullshit. In the south social services get called on nigger homes that are absolute dumps constantly.

We do, all the time usually it doesnt need to get that far. The worst ones leave when threatened actions for cleaning up and the others will begrudgingly clean. Then 6 months later right back to it.
The 3rd issue I have, it is an old building with plenty of empty space between walls. And its 20 fucking stories. Roaches seem like they will eat anything. Had one unit we pulled the countertop off and they were surviving by eating the glue that holds the laminated wood together. I'm sure the little pricks can survive off of the paper on the back of drywall and condensation on the pipes. To completely get rid of the issue I have 3 solutions and none of them are possible.
1)tent the entire thing and gas it. Not possible with a building of this size.
2) put all residents in hotels for a few weeks, shut off the water, electricity and heat and hope it gets cold enough to kill em all(in Canada). Not possible because companies dont think long term enough and even a tiny mistake means I have burst pipes.
3) burn the fucker down

>tfw you go to kill one and they activate their invisibility

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they're American cockroaches, they usually live outside, especially if you live around greenery like in a suburb in a humid area, they tend to not like houses because of the lack of humidity but occasionally wander inside and set up shop. they very rarely infest outside of big cities like NYC.
It's German cockroaches that are a sign of living in/near filth

Have been living in my current house for 10 years and never heard of a single rat here. Neighbours on the first floor saw mice at first (the building was new and built near a former farming field), but our cats made short work of them.

>In the south
Everyone down south is a fucking pig.

Is it normal if my cat chases cockroaches and eats them

>tfw 3rd worlder
>woke up to black/brown roaches in my arms multiple times
>felt a smell of inseticide once
>there was a roach on my shoulder near my neck
god damn i cant believe i didnt even scream like a bitch or hummed at all

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Have never seen a single insect inside any of my PCs that I've built in my life, many of which have had very big holes enough for a giant roach to swarm in, and I live in Texas.

Sounds like they are being a good kitty and defending their masters grainary from pests.

he's buying money, retard

Rats never, occasionally I get mice in the early end of winter but they're pretty friendly and willing to be moved out.

Several because I live in a shitty terraced house
Winter sucks because they avoid all traps and make it annoying to cook at night and you still see a rare cunt in the summer

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yeah mine bats the legs off them then loses interest when it cant move anymore

Borax + maple syrup mixed together, leave in upside down Tupperware container lid under the sink. Borax kills roaches and stays in their bodies after death, since roaches are cannibalistic they will eat the corpses as well continuing the cycle, you're welcome.

roaches like cramped areas and hate bright rgb. hence why you mostly see them in consoles since they're small and plain.

Yummy yummy dinner time.

Niggers are obsessive about keeping their home clean because they are all about appearances in everything they do

How did he even know there were a ton of dead roaches inside his ps4?

>12 years ago
>band needs a place to jam, drummer knows a guy
>its out in the fields of nowhere but fuckit
>middle of scandi winter
>zero bugs
>generally the most annoying bugs we have are some mosquitos in summer
>the guy lives with his mom, who has a spider/lizard farm in the house
>in a stroke of complete genius, she decides it would be smart to farm the critters' food on site
>poor user hasn't seen a cockroach outside of the zoo his entire life
>this house is crawling, fucking teeming with them
>close a door, squish a couple
>they're behind desks, paintings, in the cupboards, on panels
>they just fucking live like this because "oh you can't really keep them contained lol"
>thank fuck I had a ride home later
>never returned
t. blog

Based RGB
Corsair was right all along
whos laughing now Noctua

you can hear the sound of dead roach bodies crunching against the exhaust fan

I never seen a roach IRL

I clean my PCs and consoles regularly and I've never seen a single bug inside, despite living in the country.

They do, kakkerlakken senpai

Holy fuck, that's disgusting.

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The guy spilled root beer and Cheetos all over it and never cleaned it up. For days he sat and watched as the roaches colonized his PlayStation, all while he was leveling up in borderlands 2, preparing for borderlands 3. But all good things must come to an end.

What's wrong with silverfish

Roaches are actually not native to the Americas,literally brought by nigs,truly the gift that keeps on giving

at least a pregnant spider hasn't died in your console before

>Boric acid has the reputation as "the gift that keeps on killing" in that cockroaches that cross over lightly dusted areas do not die immediately, but that the effect is like shards of glass cutting them apart. This often allows a roach to go back to the nest where it soon dies. Cockroaches, being cannibalistic, eat others killed by contact or consumption of boric acid, consuming the powder trapped in the dead roach and killing them, too.

If you want to go full genocide mode on roaches use boric acid. I owned a house for about five years and don’t think I saw a single roach, except for a several months period when they descended like a biblical plague to the point they’d crawl across the ceiling in broad daylight and drop down on you, crawl on your arm and even on food as you were eating. It was horrific.

The only thing that I could figure out was the next door neighbors moved out because they were party hard types and they said the neighborhood was too quiet., so they rented their house out to friends who were bonafide white trash.

Long story short, since I owned the house I went to extremes and drilled small holes in the drywall and poured boric acid powder behind the walls. Took about a week but it killed everything and didn’t have a problem from then on.

That better not be man's but user

kept apt clean, no bugs for years.
one year, someone must have had roaches, because everyone got them, doesnt matter how clean u are, they still feed in which ever apt had the mess, and come over to your place.

moved, but roaches being everywhere, soem came with me, and cant kill them.
their number is drastically lower, due to keeping all food away from them, but i assume the basement feeds them enough, since the garage door isnt air tight.

you cant stop bugs, even if u want to.

oh my fuck god

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roaches are the BBC niggers of the insect kingdom.

You guys say that about wasps though

that's the wisdom i come here for

The design doesn't matter
It's a sony console, a fucking shit toy for kids who think they're somewhat mature
There will always be roaches on that trash

can you go into a bit more detail on the process? Something I think I'd like to remember if I ever get my own house

Ants are really the only problem because my dog doesn't eat all her food.
I have seen some small lizards too.

Wasps are little nazi helicopters that exist only to ruin your day.

They're probably going to fuck up a lot of things. The case should be the least of your worries.

>ps4 sounds like an airbus
>house recently had infestation

I am afraid to open it. But it must be done

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>RGB is roach repellent

so this is the power of PC gaming...

I can't relate since I don't live in turkey.

I just got some boric acid from a local farm and feed store. It came in a big plastic bottle with a spout on top. I pulled the trim from around the ceiling and drill holes big enough to put just the tip in and squirt the white stuff inside. Since it was near the ceiling I’m sure the powder went all the way down and dusted everything inside. As extra measure I put a little around the corners inside the upper and lower cabinets. Did the same in the bathrooms, since kitchen and bathrooms are water sources for bugs.

Closest thing was a mouse that was hanging around for like a month while I was away at college

post pics

do americans REALLY

this post was written by a bug

>he doesnt has geckos bros eating all the bugs in his house and be cute on the walls

>eats insects
>shits out insect excrement all over the house

>tfw my 6 years old cat easily catches flies like a chinese guru with a chopstick

Thanks. Very valuable advice I'll keep this in mind.

I've heard Diatomaceous Earth is also good for doing this, for the same reasons. But yeah I'm keeping Boric Acid in mind if I ever need to deal with an infestation.

Wait, do retards ITT actually think that because you can't see bugs all the time means that there aren't any? There are hundreds of bugs inside the average home. Either hidden behind, or in, furniture or inside the walls of your house. Or they can just be out in the open, but they are there.

How low is the IQ of this board?


>There's totally a zillion billion million bugs EVERYWHERE in your house ALLLL the time!!!
>They just cease to exist whenever you're conscious and observing them
Clean your damn house slob

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i forgot americans have hollow walls
yeah they are probably full of bugs

The only bugs I have in my house are 2~3 spiders just hanging out and those house centipedes, which is weird because I don't have any of their diet in my house.

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I've never had good luck with DE. It's so light and floaty that it just gets everywhere and doesn't seem to work itself into carpets or anything. It also doesn't really "kill" on its own, it's supposed to cut up their exoskeletons which can take forever. I threw a bedbug in a cup full of DE and the fucker was still alive after a week.
Boroc acid is the real deal though. The pellets are heavy and sink into the carpet or wherever you put it. It's totally safe for dogs or people or whatever, just deadly to bugs.
DE makes a huge mess and will get all over your electronics and sucked into fans. Also wear a mask if you do want to use it because you're going to be getting it in your mouth and nose and it makes your lungs hurt like shit.

cute jumpy bros

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Recently moved out of a hell hole in Hawaii that made me get over my roach fear. I saw a roach in my kitchen sink every night so I put traps out, including one in my utensil drawer, and every night there would be a new bug in the trap. Living in the city is the fucking worst

If your house has windows, doors, or chimneys, you will have bugs in your home.

I live in a sub tropical area and I occasionally see a bug in my apartment. I don't even constantly clean up I just try to make sure I'm not leaving food laying everywhere in the open.
What shit hole do you live in where you are constantly bombarded by bugs in your own home?

>"I can't see it so it doesn't exist"

I feel itchy
Why did I open this thread

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You obviously do if you see them there all the time. Centipedes also eat spiders, so you answered your own question.

True but not the hundreds of bugs potential that could be literally hiding in your walls because lol America.

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Buddy if they did exist when I redid my walls, I would have seen a thousands of bodies.

If you play Iceborne it just gets colder idiot

This is fucking disgustng, this guy lives in a pigden, right? No way in hell I'll see a bunch of dead roches if I open my ps4, right?

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Third worlder here. I have killed 2 mice in my entire 27 years.

Renting a home for the first time and I've been here for a little over 4 months now. I've seen roaches here and there so I called my landlord and asked him to do something about it. He pointed to our contract saying I am suppose to take care of bugs - okay fair enough. But what irritates me if that if he hasn't dealt with our central air in over 15 years I doubt he's sprayed for bugs in 15 years. I went to Home Depot to pick up Ortho for the home and something called MAXFORCE for the few roaches I've seen. Hopefully within a month I wont see any bugs at all.

Thanks for this reply, now I know which one to use.

Anyone have the screencap of the Wii U spiders thread?

yes, i've never found a single bug in any of my PC builds in my entire life

Rats never, the worst it gets is just a lizard getting in from the outside and that's nothing


yes, that seems the same as roaches.

that's just culling, not genocide. edgy little fag. it reminds me though of a time when my 10th grade hisotry teacher showed us braveheart and when the king made the joke about the trouble with scotland being there's too many scots I chuckled and my teacher gave me a sharp look

This is Yea Forums so I know that's a dude but man, that jiggle.

Make sure you read the "active ingredients" label when buying boric acid. You want 99+% at least. That's about as pure as you can buy, it'll just have some inert anti-caking agents or other non-toxic shit. That's the good stuff. Sometimes you'll find it but it's barely even half boric acid and it's mixed with all sorts of nasty chemicals. Don't buy that crap. Pure boric acid is very safe (I mean, don't fucking dip a spoon and there and eat it, but you know what I mean) and won't hurt you or your pets.

Maybe you should send me a job that hires white people or even some money so I don't have to live around niggers and spics.

But you won't.

>fooled a bunch of retards, shat on a whore and made ad bucks
Sounds pretty smart to me, famicom.

You're trying to rewrite history. No where on the website was it made out to be anything but her bath water. If it was just normal water, it would be false advertising.

The only creature to have developed actual invisibility and teleportation.

Are they slow as fuck? If so, you've got cluster flies. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about them once they're in there and the only thing you can do is try to prevent them by spraying poison around the perimeter of your house during their breeding season. You can at least take solace in the fact that it's not really your fault they're there though because they aren't attracted to garbage and they just lay their eggs in the dirt landscaping around your house.

There is one possible thing you could try if you have central air AC. One night we had a party and had it going full blast because the house was packed and getting warm as fuck. We all got too drunk and tired to remember to turn it off after everybody left so when we woke up in the morning, the house was cold as fuck, like down to maybe 45F. The cluster flies, however, were suddenly just gone entirely. We went from killing at least 10 of the fuckers a day to zero flies anywhere so it seems that running the AC so hard all night must have liked them all or at least got then to leave.

just get some spiders that cannot harm you
i don't like them but at least i see like one or two small bug once in a month, spiders from the other hand i see every week

lets ignore the retarded story, but imagine you and your neighbor own condos in the same building. is there any recourse?

>filthy faggots defending their roach-infested homes
This is like that thread years ago where anons were defending shitting their pants or having shit-streaked underwear.
You fucks are disgusting.

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Zero over 23 years, lots of mice though. A rat showed up in my parents house last year, my father exterminated it and set up traps in case others showed up.

1 rat but outside, baited that fucker.

add some steel mesh

Fuck off Vito.

>shit-streaked underwear
a little chocolate there isn't the end of the world user, gives my crotch a poignant scent


Roaches is a common problem with the first PS4 model. The console temperature is very welcoming for roaches lay their eggs. If you're a fucking pig and don't clean your house at least every week that's what happen.

in one of my apartments, out of nowhere, one day there were like 40 flies hanging out on my kitchen window interior. kill a bunch and the same number the next day. then i sprayed the window with RAID and any fly that went touched that window went down. had like 2 or 3 days of fly corpses and then all was good

I heard about the PS4’s roach problem at an independent console repair shop on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. XCubicle is a clean and well-kept business where locals drop off their broken consoles to get diagnosed and repaired. Its co-founder, Patrick Che, was listing the types of repair issues he encounters on a day-to-day basis: coins inside disc drives, 3DS mods gone wrong. That’s when he pointed to the “roach bags,” black garbage bags heaped up in the corner of the room.

“You see those bags?” he asked. “Those are bags full of roaches. Those are all dead by now.” Che added that roach-infested PS4s are so common that XCubicle now charges a $25 “roach fee.” They get at least one each week. Other console repairmen interviewed say that at least half of the PS4s they receive are loaded with roaches.

In cities, anywhere dark and warm runs the risk of hosting the horrible Periplaneta Americana. Most consoles lie horizontally in dark or enclosed areas, like media centers, so they’re pretty welcoming to the little critters. Roaches make their way into Xbox Ones sometimes, too. Console repairmen tend to get more PS4s in than Xbox Ones in part because there are more PS4s out there, but according to independent console repairmen interviewed, the PS4 also has the most to offer as a roach hotel.

The PS4’s design accommodates roaches better than other consoles’ because its ventilation grates are wider. Those vents are located at the bottom of the console, so roaches can get in with ease. Also, according to repair professionals, the PS4’s insides gets hotter than the Xbox One’s because of its internal power supply. Warm, in an enclosed space and close to the floor, PS4s are great roach nesting grounds.

Roach-infested PS4s are a big problem. Especially because Sony won’t take them in for repairs (Sony did not provide comment). Instead, independent console repairmen have the pleasure of scrubbing the roach crap off your console’s power supply. Matt Zieminski, who works for console repair suite IFixit, told me that most of the time, the consoles aren’t sent in for roach cleaning—the users don’t know they’re infested. The PS4s just stop working and the owners don’t know why. Turns out, the PS4’s internal power supply fries roaches onto its components, which can stop the PS4 from turning on. When the bugs have made little homes in there, and have little roach kids, those roach kids and their feces can melt onto the hardware.

Zieminski knows a PS4 is infested because “roaches leave traces,” he says. “Their poop color is distinct and has a certain smell to it. We kind of know right off the bat if there are poop stains on the vent of the fan—we assume it’s bug-loaded.” To get it working again, console repairmen usually replace the power supply. Then, they’ll take the console apart, sterilize it with an ultrasonic cleaner, and put it back together.

>Every single place on the planet has a noticeable amount of bugs.
Nigger I live in Australia, we are nothing but bugs, half of which will fucking kill you and not ONCE in my life have I had to deal with bug infested consoles.

>one chance at life
>you aren't born as a lizard who happily feasts on roaches

nigga who taught you how to use a comma

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are roaches a typical burger problem?
I'm 30 and I've never seen one.

i didnt know my dad's wife was a nigger. i guess i did have my suspicions, though

>Doesn't help when I live above a filthy spic family of 5 or 6 in a goddamn 1 bedroom apartment
Do they hire a DJ to blast shitty spic music late into the night? Been gettin' that frequently.


I'm sure there'd be some way to involve state or local health departments, there's probably also some way to at least file a lawsuit.

I live in Ireland, there's maybe a few flies that come in to my house with very rare instances of moths coming in at night, or wasps/bees in Summer, and those just happen because my windows are constantly open, how do these massive bugs get in to your house on a regular basis?

well tropical places naturally got a lot of bugs, i specially envy cold places because there's

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until you drink a hot potion in-game

>the PS4 also has the most to offer as a roach hotel.
why can't the ps4 stop winning?

thats not what the jars look like


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lmao it's funny because it's true, how did this not get memed more here?

don't open me

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Maybe you shouldnt be so fucking disgusting you gave roaches in the first place what the fuck

Imagine designing an electronic product for years and years

and then after you release it your design flaw is so big it leads to roaches infesting the console, absolutely disgusting

does the PS4 pro have the same problem? is there a ps4 version that isn't a roach kindergarden?

Never lived outside the fucking city where you're at the mercy of the wild and just hope your house was properly manufactured to not have a hundred small entrances for every small creature outside.

I live in a fucking desert and the most I ever see is the occasional cricket in the garage at night. Clean your house

I've never had to deal with bugs in any of my electronics in my 32 years of life.
I live in south florida.
I've lived in suburbs around farm fields and I currently live in an apartment building.
Despite the mega ton of roaches on the bottom floor around the dumpster I have seen maybe 5 roaches in my 6 years of living here in my own apartment.
Just clean your fucking living spaces.
Even if you just have your own room in a larger area (like a house or an apartment complex) just make it unattractive to various bugs.

Don't leave unsealed food out in the open air for them.
Clean dishes often.
Don't leave piles of trash around for them to make homes in or hide in.
Sweep up and dust your places once a week at least.
Hell, maybe not even all at once just pick a place and do a little cleaning.
Above all else bugs hate human activity. You LIVE in this space, act like it. If you got piles of shit just sitting there unused and unloved just throw it away (like the world has done to you). Have a place for everything you use and be sure to put it back in that place.
This sounds like a whole lot to do but it really really isn't. Just actually LIVE in the space that you live in.

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Holy fuck, don't even remind me of my time spent on a place like that also.

I've never found roaches in any of my consoles, and Ive lived in some pretty shitty houses with dirty roommates. I've also bought a bunch of retro consoles and cleaned/repaired them. Even after they'd presumably been out of use and stashed away somewhere the worst Ive ever seen is a couple of dead spiders. This dude must be an absolute slob

I had a fight against them for a long time. The house next door to me was abandoned but still had water hooked up and apparently a pipe burst that ran through the attic. Flooded the whole place and it was a fucking hell scape inside. Someone bought it and when they gutted it suddenly I had a billion fucking roaches that took months to get rid of it was awful.

To everyone saying nothing can be done about roaches or your neighbors roaches. You people need to buy roach gel on amazon, it's top grade stuff. It will kill All the roaches, everywhere.

you don't get it idiot, the PS4 case design and it's internal power supply make it attractive for roaches

I spray this thing every couple of months on all my windows and doors that keeps ants and roaches away for months.

Keeping your house clean don't mean shit if you have neighbors that don't keep their places clean too. And bugs don't always enter homes just for the food being left lying around, leaving windows and/or doors open for even a few seconds can lead to flies and gnats coming into your place, then there's the change in weather that can lead to shit like roaches and stinkbugs to try and come in and seek refuge.

Real talk, most people have roaches and other crawling bugs in their house living in crevices and dark corners. You just don't notice them unless you have an actual infestation and they start becoming a problem.

All these retards who say "i've got no insects in my house" need to check their fucking crawlspace. Roaches are EVERYWHERE.

Yeah and those should be some very simple occasional findings (and killings) of bugs.
What is shown in the OP picture is a fucking infestation.

I have had 1 single mouse walking between my walls for two winters now and it is so incredibly annoying to me
How the fuck do i get it out?
How the fuck do i find out where it came in from?

Can't just make a hole in my wall because i rent and it is actual brick instead of american cardboard

>No they don't. At least not to this degree. Fuck you.
Some places just have higher bug populations than other places and can easily sneak in when you open the door. I live in a place with a more tropical climate and the amount of insects down here is absurd sometimes.
And if you get shit like carpet beetles (who can survive eating fabrics and cloth) then you're definitely going to see more than a couple of bugs.

good point

Sure if those bugs are male. All that needs to happen is you not noticing a pregnant cockroach coming into your house and making her way into a warm place such as your PS4 to lay her eggs. Honestly, best to lay down some roach motels or boric acid with bait in the corners to let that issue solve itself.

no, most of the people that say they don't have roaches actually don't live in quarantine zones ("the city") and have good knowledge of what is in their house and what isn't

Get a cat.

Literally everyone. You're not supposed to put it on the floor.

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and how am i going to yeet that cat between my walls

If you have a cat in your house (which I'm sure a lot of people do) you will almost never notice if there were roaches in your home as cats eat them.

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>roaches are everywhere

100% bullshit.

>b-but check ur crawlspace!!!

I'm a plumber and I've been in countless crawlspaces and I've seen roaches only MAYBE a handful of times in the absolute nastiest of homes. Then again I don't live in a shitty city

>t.retard who lives with his parents and has never had to personally deal with pests

This entire post reeks of american.

My ps4 actually died from roaches

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I don't have any rats or roaches in my house you filthy sub-human, ever heard of soap?

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>which I'm sure a lot of people do
*which I'm sure a lot of people "here" do

I'm scared to open my ps4

Plenty of bugs in 1st world, you just legitimately have to REALLY try to get them. Hardcore hoarders who never clean have bugs and mice living with them

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Bugs or other critters in my hardware is a fear of mine.

I've never seen a single roach in my life, scandi fag reporting in.

They are resistant to ionizing radiation due to skin shed. But they are not immune.

the city is pretty bad for it too

The only fucking time my place had an insect infestation was when my fat ass roommate fucking kept pizza boxes in his room and ants appeared
After that shit got cleaned up and we gassed the ants, that shit ended immediately
What kind of shithole do you live in that has that many fucking roaches?

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Just imagine the stench of dead roaches getting toasted by your GPU.

spiders, centipedes, silverfish, the occasional ant or earwig and mouse

no roaches here, o lord of filth

This. Everyone has tiny critters of some kind but not huge ass dirt roaches, that's reserved for trash.

No rodents either, unless you're on the farm.

>hes never lived in an apartment where it only takes one unit in the building to be a filthy nigger to allow pests to breed.

When I lived in a shitty apt in NC I generally killed one per day. the big mother fuckers that could fly.

clean up your life you fucking savages. You have roaches crawling around your home and dying in your electronics cause you're fucking disgusting

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the mouse likely comes out when you're asleep or not at home, cat will do what cats do and get that little fuck

They love warm, dark, and damp places.

The issue with consoles are they get up in em but if they're still there when it gets cut on for any extended amount of time and they pretty much get roasted.

Ps3 especially was a deathtrap since itd go from off to thermonuclear in a tiny amount 9f time

Antarctic Chads ww@?

Why would you just put that right there on your desk? I bet he didn't even clean the desk afterward and probably eats there while on the computer.

Get some window screens and door seals, it will prevent any insect (except for ants) to enter your home.

Roaches can come in from other houses too or from the streets

this is true. we lived in an apartment below the most filthiest fucking niggers you can image and we had a massive roach infestation even though we fumigated our apartment like 3x

Never had a cockroach in my things.

Six, but they were all pets

3rd worlder here. The only time I've seen rats in my life was when I got a scholarship in the USA, around the uni's dining hall.

Back in the south I used to run into roaches every so often because my sister was a fucking slob and never cleaned up after herself, leaving food and shit all over the place, so they'd spread out from her room into other areas and my family would get pissed off.

Moved up north and the colder climate and living on my own where I keep my place clean means I don't run into any of the fuckers at all. They obviously still exist because I do spot the occasional spider and centipede (they tend to keep themselves hidden away) but that's every house since as other anons noted eradicating all bugs from a home is impossible even if you're immaculate. The important part is giving them no place to hang out in that you'd actually be around.

Summer is a little annoying because bugs will come in no matter what, but it's usually just a few weeks of having to deal with a fly every few days or something because it came in through the front door.

fumigate your house and clean your mess up you pig

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I've never seen a wild rat in my life but I catch 5-10 mouses every winter.

I grew up on a farm and we had some rats get in the house.