We're going home, Yea Forumsros

We're going home, Yea Forumsros.

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>The dev has struggled with mental health issues

Poor man, he has my sympathy.

>developer Wolfram von Funck issued a message to the Cube World community, saying an early distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack "traumatised me and kind of broke something inside me".


Class: Ranger
Specification: Scout
Weapon: Boomerang
Pet: Turtle

If Cubeworld was ever your home, I pity you.

Is this thing alive again? I could have sworn it died 7-8 years ago.
It was kinda fun with friends for a while.

having all of my personal information available to fucking everyone would be pretty horrifying
I'd shit a brick even if I accidentally put my e-mail in the options field, just because of chrome's fucking auto-fill

It's coming out either this month or next month, according to the dev. It did die about 6 years ago, when it stopped receiving updates during alpha. The dev, Wollay, kept working on it on his own time and rarely posted anything about it.

What's the story?

someone DDoS'd the picroma website around the time the alpha was released for some reason

And how is that related to a data breach?

>And how is that related to a data breach?

Like the other guy said, a DDOS isn't the same as a data breach/doxing. The former means they interfered with the game's servers to slow or disable them.

In other words it's not something to be traumatised by.

Day 1 pirate.
Fuck devs who take money and run.

>Fuck devs who take money and run
How did the devs run? They are about to release the full game

don't reply to that user he's just fucking retarded

I'll swallow my words if the 'full game' actually has more worth noting to it.
As it stands I'm expecting the game to only have a few new things just so the dev has a excuse to get more money off it with minimal effort.


>disappearing for years without a single word to people who care about the game
nah fuck you

I seriously can't fucking wait

Attached: i see that.jpg (478x351, 36K)

I'm more hyped for Hytale desu senpai

>I'm pirating but I'll buy the game if I like it enough
Dude I know it's the internet, but at least be honest with yourself

he has actual autism, the sheer amount of people made him sperg out and disengage.

>without a single word to people who care about the game
he posted updates regarding the game on twitter multiple times a year you retarded bitch. He's never fully disappeared.

I never said I'd buy it.
Even if the game does happen to actually be decent after it gets released, I'm sure as hell not supporting the dev.

Get the fuck off Yea Forums Wollay. Don't you have work to do?

>to get more money off it
he's a software engineer, its not even his main job and its a fucking side project he's been working on with his wife while raising a child. He doesn't need money he makes like 150k a year and thats pretty comfortable money in germany.


He had a kid right around when the alpha was released. Its another aspect of why he wasn't updating as often.

What the fuck are you talking about?
I am excited though.

cube world was shit 6 years ago. im sure its still going to be shit

ok then stop posting in the thread since this isnt your first post in here then. If its going to be shit why do you care

More excited about this than WoW Classic to be honest

>excited about wow classic at all

>cube updates

Lets not try to rewrite history.

The word regular is not in my post, idiot. I said he posted updates. Exercise reading comprehensions.

Didnt this indie trash die ages ago? Why is it being shilled here?
It was medicore at best to begin with. You cant fix it without changing the core game play and I doubt the lazy ass dev even did much to update it.
I feel bad for anyone excited for this with its track record.

Same, except pet. Might try Slime, Collie, or Horse. Or whatever I come across first.

>working on a game for 6+ years
>has already shown he's changed the core gameplay loop
You are a fucking retar
>not a new IP
oh, nevermind shitposter. you won't get a (You) from me

But it was an empty boring husk whose only redeeming quality was a bug for the archer. So. Nope.

If you're going to play it, pirate. Because he's sure to just abandon it again.

what is there to abandon you retard its the full release of the game

how to scam retards and bait epic for easy cash
clock work.

Multiple times a year implies updates with any sort of rhyme, reason, or regular intervals. Instead they were sporadic at best and not much to go off when he did.

Maybe you should exercise that dick sucking jaw of yours a little less. You aren't replacing Wally's wife.

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pretty much

it does not imply that at all user. It is a fact he posted updates more than once a year. I never implied a schedule, regular interval, or otherwise. You assumed that. And that is on you for attaching further meaning to my post than what there was.

How did they take the money and ran away with it if they are still developing and releasing the game...

Friendly reminder to not reply to retards who keep using the "took the money and ran" bullshit since he's giving out keys to everyone who bought the game and has been developing the game this whole time for a full release.

Why would need keys for a game I already bought?
Are you saying he didn't just completely abandon the game for years after getting enough dollerydukes?

Not when I bought it, it wasn't. Are you really so gullible?

Because he's integrated the multiplayer with the steam servers and is releasing it on steam instead of the launcher that was used to sell the original game. How else would you redeem your copy you retard

Are you brain damaged? No shit when you bought it it wasn't done. he specifically called it an alpha, gave no timeframe of when it would be done, and said he didnt really want to release it in that state in the first place. Why the fuck are you so assmad?

Well that makes sense, but I'll wait to see if he bails out again.

The shilling power is strong in this one.
Wolly get the fuck off Yea Forums and actually work on the game you dumb cunt.

>Why the fuck are you so assmad?
Probably because he made a quick dollar and just fucked off one day. Why do you like it when yoyr husband hits you?

The game is fucking releasing you sperg. This isn't even comparable to people who leech game development off patreon. he sold an alpha he probably should never have put up for sale 6 years ago, and has been working towards a full release since. If you bought the game, youre getting it as a fully released product. if you didnt buy the game, you have no grounds to be assmad as it never effected you in the first place.
You are bitching for nothing.

Wait so whats the date on this mf

Are Scouts the only one that can use Boomerangs? I want to make a character down under and tame a Croc.

>Letting the thead die so you can make another one to try shilling with a cleaner thread
No. fuck you wolley.

it wont die so long as you keep bumping it, shitposter-kun

I did get the game earlier, I'm sorry you're so ingrained with defending the man who beat you. Do you even know what the full release is? It could just be a rework and be just as empty as it was before. I'm sorry, user, but fool me once ect ect

>beat me
i own the game, in whatever form it ever gets released in.
>fool me once
theres nothing to fool i dont have to buy anything again what do you not fucking get about owning the game and whatever updates come out I and everyone else who owns it automatically will have?

I'll add it to my library to get something out of my alpha purchase but I don't see myself playing for long, nobody I know would play this shit and Yea Forums never fucking hosts anything for longer than a day.

is this coming ta ps4 bros?

dont expect too much from the dev or he will get traumatized

i mean i was already scammed 6 years ago, might as well play it again since i'm getting a key for ""free""

Cube world on alpha release had more content than minecraft does now minus the "final boss" shit. Why do tourists shit on it so much, even Terraria gets this treatment and it has way more content that's also of higher quality than minecraft. Are we really that flooded with underaged?


>Hyped for a game with no gameplay shown
why do people do this?

>Cube world on alpha release had more content than minecraft does now minus the "final boss" shit.
[Citation Needed]

>Giving out the game for free to people who already bought it
hmm sure is a scam

Dont be fooled. Its just the dev trying to shill.

Theres been gameplay shown.

>the dev
>theres like 30 people in and out working on hytale
>thinking Yea Forums is relevant enough to shill on

It has a functional combat, skill, and weapon stat system. Minecraft's shortcomings don't need to be explained.

Okay no, really, if you don't think people shill here sometimes, you're blind as a fucking bat.
Even Minecraft was shilled here by the almighty Notch himself back when it was in infdev.
Shit ain't new.

I can see small devs wanting to share their game with Yea Forums yeah like the antwar.io guy, but something this big that will gain all the hype it needs from kids on twitter I have a much harder time seeing. It's more likely the 13 year old twitter kid making the threads than any dev.

For big time games, I'm not going to say it happens all the time since obviously it doesn't, but I could see PR reps posting here to see what the feel of a game is before it's release since Yea Forums is harsh as hell.
But it definitely happens pretty often with smaller devs. Terraria also got a test build released here anonymously before it's release as a PR stunt to help build more hype about it.

There's no reason to not shill your game here. There are plenty of redditors, twitterfags, and other normalfags browsing here that you'll have far reach for just a few shillposts.

Why can’t people just want to talk about video games? Why does it have to be shilling? Got retards that don’t know the difference from talking about the game and tea shilling.

You can't build in cubeworld

>playing games in perpetual alpha
nah I'll pass

Fallout 3... home

Yet. Theres talk that he might be adding that in later.

People who are just talking about videogames don't usually try so much to defend the game and dev against every single critique that gets posted.
It happens, but it's rare, and I doubt you're just autistic for Cube World.

Hide it better next thread. Ignore some posts, even.

You can't build unique item sprites in minecraft.
Building in 3d is all minecraft has ever had going for it, and even that part of the game is really shit. You need to fill your game with mods to have any decent building options

>he actually stopped posting
huh, usually these retards will respond with something like 'to make people like you seethe' and a shitpost war would ensue

You can shill and genuinely talk about your game at the same time. I'm just saying that there's reason for people to shill here, even small devs.
That said, Yea Forums is filled with normalfags and will accuse any non-AAA game of being shill, which is pretty fucking strange when you think about how much AAA shilling happens that they completely ignore because their normalfag senses see nothing wrong with 20 smash/borderlands/etc threads up at once, all with very similar OPs and strangely enough the same images are posted in every thread

>>Giving out the game for free to people who already bought it
It's not giving it out if you already paid for it, it's just a normal sale.

Let me summarize that huge run on sentence you made in one quick to get image.
Yea Forums detests non-AAA games by default

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It's not critique to parrot the same factually wrong sentences. It's disinfo.

Point still stands.
People aren't normally so quick to defend something as much as you are.

>progress resets when you change area
I hope it's not true, but if you check the recent videos Wollay made you can tell it's probably real. Fuck.

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>People aren't as quick to openly call me out for posting blatantly fucking wrong information so you must be a shill
Yeah no nigger. Spout inane and wrong shit and I'm going to call you out on it regardless of if its a game I like or a game I don't. This ridiculous notion of being able to post whatever you want without repercussion of being exposed as a fucking mongoloid needs to end.


Or you could just stop being so obvious when shilling.

this is everything wrong with current Yea Forums and /vg/ in one image

That is honestly the one thing I'm worried about other than the game keeping the bizarre difficulty curve

Actually no, you "level" by completing and clearing zones, you saw that weird purple thing at the top? That video showed a two instead of a one.

I think leveling is more abstract now, like BotW where you level by exploring and finding new abilities and loot

Suck a cock retard. Go back to gaia or whatever hellhole you crawled out of.

I hope so.
But if you check the video where Wollay shows how the "teleport between zones" work you can see that he already completed a quest with the hang glider in the initial zone, yet he doesn't have it in his current zone.
Also like when he gets the epic recipes "for the Gendarra zone". I mean, I can understand getting the glider/flute/harp for every zone, but even freaking crafting too?

no u

>bought it
yep this sums the average cuck begging to get scammed again

How do you get scammed again for something you already paid for if you are receiving the product you originally paid for?
Logically since you are receiving the thing you initially paid for, the initial thing is no longer a scam. And since there is no second sale occurring, there is no second scam to happen.

Do you not understand logic?

server when?

Wolley still don't be answering questions people be asking him. This is some shit ass dev team

Worried that the game will feel like any other open world survival game thats come out for the past decade. Even worse is that most of the environments look the exact same with little variation.

Luckily it has none of that shit

All these years and still no building mechanic bruh

It was planned, but wollay decided to scrap it in the engine rewrite.

cube world doesn't need building
it isn't trying to be a shitty minecraft clone

>Doesn't know anything about the game, but posts about it

Why post?

>recent video
Shit, I didn't even check today. Why is he showing off a new skill now? Is this the replacement for Stealth as the number 2 ability, since that seems to be the Shift ability now? Poison vial does seem sick though, since Assassin really did need a good AoE and fits the theme.

As for the leveling, they said that it would be done with Artifacts, those don't reset between zones. What we aren't sure of is gear and how all of that is going to work. Also, holy shit that whole thing with the Druids fighting the cornling infestation seems great. I wonder if this was a random thing or part of the grand quest for them. Glad to see them and get a confirmation that the Faction system does seem to still be in the game and complete.

the fuck you mean team its a dude and his wife

I don't want complex redstone stuff like in minecraft, just simple placing of blocks

Couldn't you just ignore the redstone part and just place blocks in Minecraft then?

>Open cube world
>"Youtube, play a 5 hour runescape music compilation"
>settle down with a couple beers and a blanket

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ah yes
the ability to draw dicks and swastikas on the map

>having voice-activated anything
xbox go home

it was a joke

you're a joke. fuck you. Siri delete system 32


I hope we can have more then 4 players in a world but it seems unlikely huh?

if it isn't native, we'll probably have some anons mod it in like RoR2 did.
in the alpha you can easily run more than 4 people, the only issue is that the health bars at the top only display 4 players

It is likely that he could have balanced it around only four, since that's how many classes the game has and probably didn't expect to need to have some kind of party system.

But we will have to just wait and see. The last time he's shown a screen with the party stuff was back with the old UI in 2015

So close

I mean, in relative terms, yes. But 2-3 weeks will never feel close. At least 24th makes sense, anniversary of Picroma website going up. So it might be closer then we think, but I doubt it.

I have the summer update for risk of rain 2 to hold me over until the cube world release.

That's doxing not DDoS retard.

>Multiple times a year implies updates with any sort of rhyme, reason, or regular intervals.
No it doesn't. How stupid are you?

Why would someone pay money for this minecraft mod?