So will this game win the title of best JRPG of this gen or will FF7R be able to dethrone it?
Also guess FF7R metacritic score.
So will this game win the title of best JRPG of this gen or will FF7R be able to dethrone it?
Also guess FF7R metacritic score.
FF7R will get probably and 80 on metacritic not being able to beat P5 or FFXV
ff7 appears to have a journalist mode so I'm thinking 96 minimum
Persona 5 is the worst Persona so it won’t be that hard
How do people that have played and completed P5 not admit to its faults? The game starts out strong but EASILY has the most boring, tedious mid-game of the newer Persona games, with possibly the weakest cast.
even the worst persona is better than any ff game square has made recently. by recently i mean the last +15 years
who are you trying to fool persona cuck?
Yes Because it's ff7 not ff16
No. Game “journalists” notoriously have a boner for SNES era JRPGs and hate FFVII for being more popular.
Real talk is P5's metacritic score proof of paid reviews? It's legitimately one of the weakest post-PS1 Megaten games.
>taking anything gamepro says to heart
Probably not. FF has seen a bunch of disappointing games and the remake is probably also going to disappoint in some ways, it being episodic is probably gonna be the main reason
It's proof that modern-day game journalists and the general public can be tricked into falling for pure style over substance.
Good bait.
>he fell for Persona 5 being the best Persona game in any category outside of style
it's not even a full game, let all episodes come out first
Prove that P5 deserves that score. "It has it" is not valid. Many games have gotten higher scores than they deserve.
In some ways, sure. P5 was absolutely overrated - it's slow, railroaded and has a cringy adults r bad story. FFVIIR looks very well put together, but the issue about it containing an incomplete story makes it almost not worth playing. I'm not wasting 60 hours in Midgar when I know the actual, worthwhile story content is minimal since I've actually played FFVII.
I will say though since the recent videos I'm very happy with FFVIIR's gameplay.
FF7R is not a full game so anyone that gives it high ratings is a hack
It's not even much better than other Persona games. It's odd to me how people on Yea Forums flock to say P5 is "so much more fun/better than P4/3" when it's only made the progression slower than those games and hasn't done anything to improve except in marginable ways. I personally find all the extra animations and shit slow the game down. I also hate how when you try solo dungeons, exp is always divided so protag doesn't get more exp.
P3 at least felt mysterious. You couldn't tell what was coming. P5 loses all of it's interesting elements after the rapey teacher subplot and it becomes a slog. Meanwhile it's another waifu-shit game where none of the characters actually feel like characters, but again just talking head archetypes. They're flat and of course all rely on protag to solve their shit. It's boring and pandery.
This, if anything I'd argue it's a step back in most departments. P1&P2 fans get shit on a lot for trying to shill those games but you gotta admit that the characters in them are way more than waifu-bait and are actually interesting, along with the story being far deeper than "person with power bad"
how the fuck did P5 get such good rating.
that thing was absolute shit. biggest disappointed i've had in a purchase in a long time
The aesthetics and the “IT’S NOT LIKE OTHER JRPGS” claims from journalists and the like.
absolutely infuriating
The style and presentation. That’s literally it.
A decent story combined with anime being much more mainstream nowadays compared to when P3/4 were released. Most people giving it 9/10s haven't played the other games or many JRPGs in general.
>decent story
>auto-battle action game VS a true JRPG
There's only one (1) JRPG to even consider this gen.
Have you considered the possibiltiy that you just got shit taste ?
yeah if you decide to turn that on
>Have you considered the possibility that you just got shit taste ?
>Liking Persona 5
Gee look in the mirror asshat
FF7R can pass P5 score but P5R score will be even higher
>P5fag telling other people that they have shit taste
>It's legitimately one of the weakest post-PS1 Megaten games.
No, it's easily THE best Persona game ever created.
> it's slow
No it's not. It's just not an ADHD action game that needs crazy setpieces every 2 minutes.
Only dungeons and overall progression. You got fucktons of optional SOL stuff to choose from.
>and has a cringy adults r bad story
Nice to see ya fags didn't even play the game.
>FVIIR looks very well put together,
Ah shit, it's gonna be yet another DEmake2 situation, isn't it? Underaged action-homos will love it, all while preaching how the millions of original fans no longer matter.
>starts out strong but then got bad
dear god, I hope this isn't accurate because if my first 3 hours of that game was the good side of it then the video game industry is doomed.
>how the fuck did P5 get such good rating.
Because it is a magnificent game.
>that thing was absolute shit. biggest disappointed i've had in a purchase in a long time
I take you've not played too many games outside of Fortnite, huh? Don't worry, you too will mature at some point.
stop same-fagging, and get a woman, kid.
P5 was not only one of the top-3 games of 2017, but also the absolute cream of the 2010s in general, and the best game in its own series as well. Not to mention a proper Japanese ROLE-PLAYING game, instead of yet another streamlined action-slasher shit for Asscreed fanbase.
>muh Fortnite
Not even him but this is weak as shit. Also
>Persona 5 fag telling others to mature
>cream of the 2010’s
Not when DMC5, Bloodborne, and other games exist.
First time playing a JRPG huh?
Maybe you should try some other ones and realize P5 is pure style over substance with some of the most cardboard flimsy character writing in a JRPG that purely panders to waifufags along with the most generic ass story of "powerful man bad, us good" Once you've finished Kamoshida the rest of the story is the exact fucking same just with different bad person and different party member in a bad situation, really impressive writing. I'll say the UI design was neat and the gameplay was solid but both of those things are hard to fuck up anyways. Fuck, even the soundtrack doesn't come close to Pre-P4 soundtracks. Looks great on the outside, sure, but it's a fantastic example of dumbing it down to appeal to more people.
Not same-fagging retard but whatever makes you feel better
Reviewers don't pay attention to things like that. The game has pretty menus and it's from that Persona series people keep talking about it so it's one of the best JRPGs ever made.
Persona 5 sucks because it's on PS4 traitors to their own race.
It’s also on PS3, dude.
>No it's not. It's just not an ADHD action game that needs crazy setpieces every 2 minutes.
When the developers actually manage to squeeze in another semester in the rerelease without changing the original story while keeping the game around the same length, then there is something seriously wrong with the pacing.
It most certainly will be better than P5 because it's incredibly hard to make a game worse than P5. But I don't expect it to be above 6/10.
It’s better than 4 by a country mile
It's proof that games are just more popular nowadays. If P5 released back when it was supposed to on the PS3, it would still be a somewhat niche series.
Honestly after playing Deadly Premonition I've realised just how good the story of a video game can be. How Persona 5 received any praise for its story has become even more baffling to me than it once was.
I like how you despirately have to say, "N-no it's not !!" when my experience, it absolutely is. Call me ADHD all you want, but I love slow paced games. P5 was slow in all the worst ways, and it's hilarious how you P5 fags have to create these gigantic replies to defend a mediocre installment. The pacing was garbage dude, play some better games like Dragon Warrior III.
I also hate set pieces, except that's all what P5 was. The gambling dungeon was one of the least fun dungeons I've played in an RPG because of the stupid gimmicks.
FF7R is going to be more of a movie than P5, so no
It's different from what you were expecting which is not the same as bad. Go play the old games if you like them, but don't expect Atlus to keep pandering to you forever.
It is if he was expecting a good game
It's interesting how you ignore that of RE2 was the easiest entry in the series, and that in RE2R you be even tighter with ammo than the original. It's a much harder game. You have to play obscure shit like the Dreamcast version or sourcenext PC to play something that's actually challenging. You're full of shit dude.
You can shoot everything in the original RE2 and still have enough ammo to beat the game. It's just as much of an action game.
Different ? It's more boring than the other games, and didn't do anything particularly out-there other than the annoying dungeon gimmicks. It has piss poor villains too.
p5 had a much larger boom in popularity kinda like what happened p3 when it was released making a lot of faggots think it's the best or some gay shit like that
>stop same-fagging, and get a woman, kid.
Virtual waifus don't count, davido-kun.
Yeah and the two best rated games will be FF and Zelda. Time is a flat circle.
>thread full of seething FF fans because someone else enjoyed a non-FF game
Cope faggots
>Also guess FF7R metacritic score.
95 to 97. FFVII is a top 5 most overrated game of all time and journos will trip over their own dicks to rate it the highest.
>although the game does have some serious flaws that impact gameplay...
>97/100 GOTY
Yes, it has a decent story, not as good as the other Personas, but it has it's moments. Not everything has to be blind hate or blind praise dumdum.
P5 will not be dethroned by FF7R, it will be dethroned by P5R though.
Nah P5 is proof that most critics don't play games to the end which is annoying since atlus delayed the game by almost 2 months to give critics time to finish before reviewing it. If you just judged P5 on the first chapter only it's above a 9.5, but once you factor the whole package it's an 8-8.5 at best.
>FF fans
Hardly. I just don’t like P5.
Neat. So why the fuck are you in this thread then?
Because it warms my heart to see Yea Forums shit on this game.
absolutely based
I've been soiled...
The worst persona is actually 4. It plays like an /r9k/tard's fantasy and the enemy is literally an incel and all the scooby doo crew say to him is "Y-you're wrong!!". But the average Yea Forumsermin played it when they were 15 in school so it was epic... it was almost as if they had a life... okay this is based!
The final bitter pill to swallow about nu-sona games is that they literally all play the same. There is almost no difference in gameplay and general structure. The only one that deserves to be called the best out of the three is persona 3, and that's because it made the friendship group realistic; they didn't suck MC's dick right away, and constant life or death fights with shadows made them actual comrades.