When did videogames suddenly become so political?
I miss the old days
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Yea Forums just can't handle the fact that Transgender people are real and exist
is because of the fucking libtards putting their politics and FUCKING TRANNIES ON YOUR FUCKING GAMES
What game?
Are you talking about Poison in Final Fight?
Bionic Commando (aka Top Secret: Hitler's Resurrection) on NES
I don’t understand Yea Forums’s recent fascination with trannies like literally every fucking board someone has to mention them
In other media outlets the decay was happening right before your very eyes. What have you done to stop it?
This image isn't very creative, the assets are stolen and the gun is off-model. Isn't nearly edgy and gory/sexually explicit enough for the subject matter either. This triggers my autism.
I don't go on the internet and complain. I just watch whatever is relevant to my interests.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, as the saying goes.
Stop this blasohemy at once!
What's evil about making things that are relevant to others but not yourself? I don't force everyone to like what I like. I hear a lot of people on this board do though
Good old Master D.
Good and evil are entirely subjective cultural tropes you moralfaggot
Always report the Salt-Right instead of engaging. They can only post off-topic, racist, flaming, and trolling posts. All bannable on v.
Media has always catered to what's hip and trendy today. That just happens to not be you anymore.
Russia and the GOP love to make Americans into haters
Fuck off nigger
video games were always political but newer games lost subtlety and bank on commentary on whatever dumb hot topic there is when developing alongside just general pandering
>Yea Forums just can't handle the fact that Transgender people are real and exist
The only thing I can't stomach is that they're deprived from actually helpful psychological help in favour of advocating self-mutilation for cosmetic purposes.
Getting removed from the DSM did more harm than good.
This post tastes sAlty. And it feels of fear.
That's what they did in the 80's and 90's too.
Like when the war on drugs was a thing in the news, companies cashed on it games like NARC
but user those plots are all subtle and not hamfisted you could play those games and never make the connections because they put the story before everything else
>bf5 devs shitting up twitter right before release about dumb shit
This but star wars
Having some political allegories and parts of the narrative is not the same as pushing political agenda, you dumb faggots.
No one is calling Bioshock shit for having degenerate Ayan Rand idea behind it.
Also similarly enough it was hugely controversial at the time too
>everyone should approve of killing Nazis
Also devs:
>all white people are Nazis
>literally rewriting history for the sake of virtue signaling to leftists
Kys with this false equivalency.
They're in denial and are desperately using anger to try and stay in denial.
Only of of those made claims of real-life accuracy.
I wonder which it was.
Starting to think those nazi guys aren't so bad
Nonsense. Tons of arcade games were basically political propaganda for the Gulf War or the war on drugs. A lot of us didn't notice it back then because we were too young
Show me one single game developer who has ever said this.
BC artwork on the left is literally Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica
In the 90's and 00's 3rd way politics was at its peak. People were told political ideology was no longer important, the economy and our illuminated neoliberal leaders were all knowing and benevolent, the financial sector was cut loose. During this time games weren't very political, which reflects the times. They addressed other issues, that were also interesting imho.
Since then, and especially in the west, this political-economical mismanagement provoked the widespread destruction of our production capacity, the finacialization of the economy, the subsequent financial meltdown payed by normal people, and a general breakdown of our social contract. Fascism and other far right ideologies gained ground and... well, we're there. Games still reflect the times, and since we now have evil forces attacking western civilization, it's only natural for them to become more political and to address fascism.
I've never seen a black nazi so this makes sense, they do tend to be white
I'm literally giving you an example of the good game with not so sublte and yet good political allegory which is not pushing any agenda and have a decent story.
If DICE said BF5 took place in an alternate timeline of ww1 and did pass itself off as being historically accurate, nobody would care about muh wimminz
But thanks to critical theory marxists, history is "problematic" and must be rewritten.
Ken Levine is super liberal. What the fuck are you talking about? The Bioshock games are basically him preaching to people
A quote from Ken Levine:
"I'm not going to pretend I'm some omnivore of art," Levine said. "I was fortunate enough to go to a liberal arts college, where I was exposed to some stuff that I never thought I'd be interested in. I bring that stuff, hopefully, into what I do as a game developer, and mixing the dragons and the machine guns and the laser pistols has been interesting for me as a career."
He can be a sjw discord leftist tranny, I wouldn't give a single fuck if he is making good game with a decent story and not pushing his agenda to me.
What exactly he is preaching here? what "liberal" ideas?
when they started including political messages you don't like
People who make these images don't actually understand why BF5 flopped
The whole game is an anti ancap/libertarian strawman
>No replies.
They think there weren't rights back in the 80's but now we have them thanks to SJW's.
But this has nothing to do with leftism though?
LGBT have always been fighting and protesting for their rights. You just never heard them because they had no internet back then.
What fucking politics were there in tetris, pac man or super mario faggot?
leftist memes are so bad holy shit
>games have been political since the dawn of time
>ONE literally who game by some indie dev includes something you dont like
the worst thing about this shit is that the same faggots complaining about muh trannies have probably already bought the gamee and DONT have plans to make their own, the only way you are gonna get a game you like withou politics is if you make it yourself
do you need a safe space, pede?
We still _have_ Mario, Tetris and Pac Man and they're just as simple and non political as before. Go play those if you want to.
Just because they exist doesn't mean invalidate the existence of other games that do get political
It was kinda hard to miss. Maybe you're just retarded.
Why do all leftist retorts have this weird passive aggressiveness to them? I don't really know how to describe it, it's like they're all typed through gritted teeth, if that makes sense.
women are really stupid
you didn't answer the question, pede. do you need a safe space?
Star Wars has actually become a lot less political since the prequels. Those actually went and named a minor antagonist "Nute Gunray".
It's just 3 boards being tourists everywhere else spreading their inane obsession. And with 8cuck dead those numbers grew even more.
Fortunately most other boards call tourists out whenever they try to derail and make subversion threads
Passive aggressiveness is sign of having (group) power and trying to hide it.
Or lack of it and pretending.
lol, if this ain't the pot calling the kettle black
No, most right memes aren't really passive about their aggression.
Kinda funny how sjw youtubers and alt tubbers both draw themselves as better looking and more "rad" in their avatars than reality
Nothing passive about it, faggot
But the gritted teeth is the sAlt-right to a T.
Hamfisting political themes into games for the sake of virtue signaling is cancer faggot. Stop doing it.
Jesus fuck leftist memes are so bad.
You know your anger makes you look as scared as (You) are, don't you?
>CoD, Asscred, Halo or nu-field are worth playing
ok pal
Imagine actually saving these
Because it's easy to bait retards into giving clicks to websites that report on it. Just look at the amount of twitter screencap threads we get here, it's just too easy to put in some dumb hamfisted shit because are gonna go apeshit over it giving you attention.
Triggered sAlty. Is there any other kind?
>I care about gaming politics or lootboxes
HEH gamers
Women can't fight for shit, that's why it's dumb.
You're always the one that's shooting nazi's, and they always lose in games, yet trannies never kill themselves in games.
There's that passive aggressive fag shit you were just being called out on.
>Dude, MGS/Fallout NV and Deus Ex's political themes and discussion are the same as Ubisoft/Nu Wolfenstein games having outrage/pandering based basic messages that are as timeless as a Bush gag in a shitty tv show
I don't care so much that I'm going to reply to this thread, just to tell you how little I care.
People can make whatever games they please.
>saving twitter screencaps
get the fuck back to the_donald
Video games (and all media) were ALWAYS political. Look at stuff like They Live and Metal Gear Solid. The only difference now is that you agreed/didn't care about the politics in older media. But now that our society is moving in a more tolerant and inclusive direction, you feel alienated as a white male and see everything that's not made specifically for you as bad and forced.
>people can do whatever they want
It was a simple question. I'm guessing your sAlty butthurt makes you projecrt aggression onto me.
>these are the people who argue politics on Yea Forums
Got ya.
>safe space
Wait... Isn't that what MAGA-types say? And you just turned it around on him? Holy shit lmao I am stealing this. You should've called him a "snowflake" too to top it off.
They exist sure, but it's no where near as prevelant as the media makes it out to be
What the fuck is a Pede? Are you trying to call him a pedophile or something? You sound like ChrisChan, shouting made-up insults that only he understands.
holy fuck i hate zoomers and boomers
Lol you really are a flaming homo aren't you?
I dunno he seems pretty based to me.
If i was to bet on who ITT would most likely be a sissy little bitch though, i'd bet on you.
Was the Klan jewish?
Was Bull Connor jewish?
There is a difference between bringing in modern politics to a game with devs talking about it constantly and actually playing and following the story in a game.
How many interviews for Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Wolfenstein (2009) had the devs saying Nazis are bad or comparing Bush to Hitler?
The internet was a mistake.
>Every single one ITT trying to hard to falseflag and use strawmen/boogeymen, regardless of which side in this shitty arguement are they part of, which even thinking of putting themselves in someone's shows for at least 5 seconds
How do you even live with this shit?
At this point, it's not even political.
You could change the topic to someone's fetishes in porn and the faggotry would still be the same.
What do you even win here?
Remember that the harder they try to co-opt words, the deeper those words resound with them. Words like triggered and snowflake resound with them, describe their insecurities so concisely that it's physically painful. They can't stand it, that's why they HAVE to do something about it instead of just ignoring it.
They thought Yea Forums was their safe space. Now watch then spazz as they're purged.
You shouldn't care about seething retards either, user.
Another triggered hard-coping Confederate.
The Klan was always a very tiny group and never particularly relevant. They are more like an autistic secret club than a spooky black murdering gang. The modern Klan is 100%, definitively jewish though btw.
>dude with long hair and titty implants
still a dude m8
Idk but you sound like an incomprehensible schizo sperg and should go back to whatever cummies thing you were just occupying yourself with
>Fear is "based"
Only for cowards, Kiddo.
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahaha! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
When did videogames suddenly become so political? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
Can't tell if you're meming or just lack self-awareness. For your own sake, consider leaving the site if you don't like it.
COD games are the grey paste of the video game market.
They're as political as a Michael Bay movie they even copy his movies, so nobody cares if they're "political".
You're suppose to consume them like fast food each year like a casual drone.
>Yea Forums just can't handle the fact that Transgender people are real and exist
Neither can 40% of transgender people.
Why yes I only play competitive online games and not virgin singleplayer shit, how could you tell?
lmao they can't write a joke without sounding extremely butthurt
The Confederacy can only make dumb assumptions. That's the ol' 38%er brain.
It’s a Jew psy-op
Imagine being unable to handle criticism without resorting to the word "imagine".
>Go back because i win, while i pretend to be an old fag for a dying subculture that neither the former or current site owners give a shit about
Whoa, so triggered.
if you play single player games in 2k19 you're either a liberal cuck or a masochistic republican bootlicker
Gender reassignment therapy actually reduces suicide rates. The facts don't care about your feelings, conservatard.
>3 million members at its peak
>tiny group
Based on 1930s population, it would be nearly three times bigger as the NRA.
I never got why so many feared the group, then turned around and laughed when the leadership names were revealed.
I enjoy cleaning this place up.
>all white people are Nazis
I'd love to see your source.
Oh wait, you don't have one. It's propaganda.
i should, with all these faggots that get bootyblasted at the smallest of things i can use it to make my games offensive and get FREE marketing that rivals billion dollar companies
A reminder that the main point of politics is law and policy
Identity politics and outrage culture are at best secondary politics, distractions or causes for shitty controversies
You thought you were involved in politics
>posting jpgs on Yea Forums
>not passive
They're all perverts.
Dick is always on their mind, from cars to guns to hands. Not to mention obsessing over a pee tape.
Underrated post.
Imagine being triggered by less than 0.2 percent of the population.
My brain releases more endorphins when I shitpost than actually talking about games.
>pretends to be retarded and hides beliefs with irony and trolling
>why won't nobody take me seriously
no wonder you niggers hate ironic humor, you're victims of irony poisoning
>caring about video game politics left or right
pic relate, and no im not being a centrist, no one but losers care about VIDEO GAME politics LMFAO
More lies, I assume. Any time you look closely at these studies it's some bullshit. Like you'll read some study about implicit bias and how whites are racist towards blacks in word associations etc. and you read the study and it's literally 6 milliseconds difference and they probably just did the study a couple of times and threw out the results before they randomly got the result they wanted.
All this shit is just banking on you not having the competence, time, or inclination to dig through them and figure out where exactly they lie.
Retards like Yea Forums users care to the point of seething about video game politics.
You know you want to see two prostitutes pissing on the unpresident of the United States.
> actually reduces suicide rates
Based, imagine spending your chad father that you spent all getting mad about video games while not even playing them
Yes. What are you gonna do about it, little faggot?
Policy and legislation are for PUSSIES
Real people vote for representatives based on their handshakes and if they've kiseed my baby or not
Some people take pride in being angry without realizing the stress can literally damage their brains, making them literal retards
But it's not like they won't try convincing you that being smart is a negative thing for humanity and not the way around
thats what he was sating you trodglodyte
or at least i hope
we get it, it has to be about you at all times
moar liek pussy grabs amirite?
It's failing for normal non-degenerates too though.
instead of playing an interactive movie play actual fun games that push your limits
If you removed everything bad from Yea Forums, there wouldn't be much left.
Back in the day we called such things "pissing in an ocean of piss." That is what you are doing; all this does is make people angrier. Try doing something positive for someone you actually like rather than try to hurt those you don't. You'll get a lot more done that way, I promise.
So, did you actually look at the meta study (a collection of several different studies to come to a consensus) or are you just making assumptions because your fragile ego can't accept contrary information that goes against your beliefs?
>/pol/fag needs an actual white supremacist, neo nazi in real life
>is called a faggot
>replies with "tranny"
>neo nazism and white supremacy is now a tranny/sjw thing because these two got in a fight
I've gotten plenty done. Maybe you don't notice the reduction in:
>tranny tranny nigger faggot leftie cuck nigger fag fag faggot tranny! muh hate speech!
But I do.
I want a porno where a schizophrenic /pol/fag and a BPD roastie SJW art hoe hatefuck eachother, and then the /pol/fag gets gay BLACKED at the end but secretly enjoys it.
Fuck Trump's ocean of piss This is America.
I can, but dont understand what trans rights implies and have never gotten a straight answer.
>More lies, I assume.
You're already predisposed towards an opinion on this issue, where does this disposition come from? What makes people with little/surface knowledge on transgenders automatically assume "Yep, it's a mental illness which is easily curable, pushing pills and chopping your dick off is the wrong thing"?
Posting in a bait thread!
some trans people are only in it for the trendyness and not because they even suffer from dysphoria or anything
trans went from
>transitioning from one gender to another
>creating a gender, along with pronouns
it was made complication hence the attack helicopter jokes and nobody even knows where these new standards come from
also, didn't john money literally cut a child's penis, made him fuck another one and then that kid grew up to kill himself?
There is no room for your incel bigotry here.
Edit: Whoa this post really blew up
Edit 2: I keep getting a lot of messages from you guys. I didn't mean to attack him personally I was trying to fight fascism on our board.
Edit 3: I wasn't defending him I'm a hard left leaning POC.
Edit 4: Guys fuck fascism and fuck him I'm against all forms of hate.
Edit 5: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Edit 6: I'm messaging the Mods to lock this thread because yall can't behave. I'm receiving a lot of threatening messages in my inbox from alt right incels telling me to kill myself.
Edit 7: I'm going to bed, Reddit!
Because conservatives don't care about facts. They literally don't. Watch any debate Destiny or Vaush have with alt-righters and Nazis. It's fucking embarrassing how much of their ideology comes from "gut feelings" and "common sense" instead of studies and research.
The average /pol/faggot already baited themselves when they forgot they were supposed to be pretending.
Victims of irony poisoning in an age full of shitty self aware humor.
>People were told political ideology was no longer important, the economy and our illuminated neoliberal leaders were all knowing and benevolent
Yeah, and it brainwashed everybody. Now you see quixotic leftist lunacy in academia, in the media, in journalism, in a majority of Congress, pretty much everywhere except small, isolated pockets of genuine America.
Then you wonder why people start to kick back when your paint starts to chip, when all that alleged benevolence culminates in nothing but useless degrees and mutilated children. People didn't go "fascism save us" for no reason. Things had to get really bad first, and the people who caused things to get really bad are the same people directing American society right now.
the pro pedo/incest guy?
how is this post not falseflagging at this point?
That's alao why they just up and BELIEVE in gods, ancient aliens and bigfeet.
Oh shit, how do you edit your post?
>basing your political views on letsplayers
Good troll, believable, here's your (you)
He's right though.
Welcome to Leftism 101, I'll be your guide
>be a faggot leftist
>introduce something that undermines polite society, in this case transexuality
>advocate it nonstop in every venue you have a foothold in
>people do basic research or listen to their insticts; both tell them transexuality is bad
>they vocally tell you so in a direct mirror to your overwhelming endorsement
>take their criticisms and double down on them
>even if you don't believe them, simply their thoughts on the topic and spam, spam, spam
>spam it so hard normal people get annoyed
>normal people, in protest against this annoying thing, now support transexuality
Same thing happened with S.O.Y.jak, for example. It was spammed by the people it makes fun of until it had no more apparent meaning. This is the only way the left wins: by effectively cheating at public dialogue.
wtf I hate Drumpf now
remember when someone saying nigger online and posting goatse just meant simply edgyness and not a political alignment?
everyone, including zoomers, are today's soccer moms
>small, isolated pockets of genuine America.
I despise progressivism but I don't want to throw in with these people either, since most of them want to return power to white Christians. How do you accomplish egalitarianism without SJW bullshit?
White Christians made the country, user
They do, though. Your dismissal doesn't change the facts.
He's not pro pedophilia or incest. That's a meme that was spread by the braindead skeptic community to try and discredit him.
With pedophilia, he was talking with Amos Yee about the potential use of previously filmed child porn to keep pedophiles from attacking more kids. And it was a hypothetical scenario that Destiny wasn't advocating for.
The incest thing was Destiny making a philosophical argument on if incest itself is immoral. It was a hypothetical situation meant to examine why we're against incest. He obviously is against it, but he was playing devil's advocate and no one could actually intellectually understand his argument because conservatives are fucking stupid.
>newfag posers pretending to hate reddit, forgetting when this website hated 9fag
>im not mad lol ur so mad bro, no im not mad ur mad lol
>im not a snowflake lol ur the snowflake, haha no bro your the snowflake lol
Wew lad.
It's just projection, you notice that a lot of these white knights on twitter or resetera end up being pedophiles? They know what they're doing is wrong but call everyone else that thing to deflect attention from themselves.
Of course, but just because they did so doesn't mean their descendants should get any starting bonuses just for being born white. It's like affirmative action bs, but in reverse
Doubtful. I'm talking to you like this instead of as I would a fellow user because you plainly don't "get it." The methods you and others used in this thread do not and will not work. Your images are obviously sourced elsewhere, your phrasing doesn't fit in, and most importantly you actively distance yourself from the board as you seek to engage with it.
There is nothing for you here save ridicule and some (You)s.
>advocating Destiny
Give me a break
I see muh social contract
Sounds like what Democrats do now with Trump, and what both parties have done to each other literally every fucking presidency.
>GOP is Unamerican. >Literally the Confederacy.
No surprises here, the South knows that already too.
That probably is what that sounds like, to 38% brain.
Making a Based™ game right now, whats the most offensive american shit i can put into the game?
was the KKK around during the 1890s? games gonna be set in the wild west
Who was he talking to? Is this autism? Yas.
I dont think you realize how insane the character assassination on Trump has gotten, or even incidental allies like Kavanaugh.
>whats the most offensive american shit i can put into the game?
focusing on other countries' politics
Cognitive dissonance at work
Guys... How do we stop SJWs from killing video gaems? :(
Insist there are only biological males and females
Why are left wingers spamming this type of thread?
Only a left winger is dumb enough to think games are political. Wanna know why? Because they base their entire moral and vacant spiritual life on far left progressive politics, so they get this warped belief that everything is political. Imagine being that much of a pseudo intellectual.
Stop spamming this shit you dog whistle for communism.
fukn based
im gonna need some edgier shit than that
Wew lad.
dilate harder tranny
Haha can you imagine, the opposition obsessing over what the President drinks and eats? :-)
Is that why you want to test it on kids
Depends what you mean by political.
Make the president a black female transgender woman. Have black people hang whites from the lampposts as they fuck their wives (with internal cumshot and egg insemination screenshots). Repeat with their daughters. Have the American flag get pissed on and replaced with a Communist variant. Put a needle in a football.
>unironically using nuwojack
The zoomlet lashes out when confronted with facts, kek.
They're real, just like every other mentally ill person.
or it's a polnigger baiting so he can falseflag and prove a point
>>people do basic research or listen to their insticts; both tell them transexuality is bad
Can't you say this about other things, like homosexuality, racemixing, women voting, etc? The general consensus for decades has been that intolerance of those things is unacceptable. It was gradual, but I don't see society ever going back on those
>back then: you fight actual nazis in the context of World War II
>now: if you don't like trannies you're a nazi
If you're going to insert politics into your game, at least do it tastefully like MGS2 or Deus EX, but whoops, can have you goyim questioning the government and big corporations.
Whats changed?
Nazis still suck, its still fun to kill them...
That explains you then doesn't it
>This entire thread
maybe I wasn't around when he was alive but people have nothing but respect for Bush (these days). Why can't Trump be treated the same way? He is by far a better president than Obama, anyway
>Trump & Kavanaugh
game is set in the 1890s america, not modern america
>Destiny is bad because he doesn't win every debate and admits when he needs to research a topic more/doesn't know enough about something to debate it
Woooow, you sure got him!
This reeks of butthurt conservatards trying their hardest to spin non-issues as a way of protecting their ego. There's no denying that Destiny fucking destroys almost every single internet personality he debates.
Are left wingers the ultimate pseudointellectuals?
I can sum up your point better
>I am a far left cult member, if you disagree with me. I hate you. Fascism is evil. No, I will not define it. Fascism is Satan, so your evil. I have no spiritual or moral values, except the ones that are generated by people of the far left cult
Far leftism isn't valid politics. Its a mental disorder, generated by certain maladaptive genetic traits that causes adnormal psychological behavior. There is no such thing as a sane far leftists. They are all the same, they behave similar, they are just as destructive. Your opinion should be taken as seriously as the political opinons of a schizo.
You don't take it seriously. The biggest problem with conservatives and moderates and apolitical, is that they don't recognize that far leftism is a genetic disorder. The answer to the Fermi Paradox. We need to stop them.
>transgender is political leftism
Zoomer "people", everybody.
Most people reflexively, instinctively dislike the idea of racemixing and homosexuality. They have to be taught brainwashed otherwise.
The only fact here is that trannies are mentally unstable individuals who are prone to violence
Bionic Commando doesn't take place during World War 2. It's a neo nazi group that is trying to revive Hitler
Uh Oh. The Confederacy is still scared of blacks!
Must be because they are genetically inferior.
You need to go back
market the game as pro sjw at first, to get coverage from sites like kotaku and shit
build up controversy around the game
when it comes out, there's a point in the same where it becomes the total opposite
it takes a while for the people who promoted it to realize it because they didn't actually play it
they start shitting on the game but it's useless because the game succeeds from another controversy, that also makes a point on people shilling shit over political bias and not product quality
imagine if jojo rabbit or whatever becomes pro alt right and shows off /pol/ memes halfway through
>people have nothing but respect for Bush (these days)
Oof, Dubya got so much more hate than Trump you have no idea dude.
>The incest thing was Destiny making a philosophical argument on if incest itself is immoral. It was a hypothetical situation meant to examine why we're against incest. He obviously is against it, but he was playing devil's advocate and no one could actually intellectually understand his argument because conservatives are fucking stupid.
Das rite, that's why he said there is nothing wrong with it, it was all just "hypothetical" and "philosophical"
Where? I've been trapped in this hellhole for over a decade.
Remember when the internet was a huge space where you do whatever the fuck you want?
Fuck this dystopia where only few websites can exist
EU's already killing it with farticle 13/17
I don't think I really hear about political stuff THAT much in gaming outside of Yea Forums
Well, leftists hate everyone but there's no way they were as deranged as they are now about Trump
>Dictators are narcissists and selfish
>not just "narcissists and selfish"
Does this guy not know language economy or what?
Back where? Real life? I can't, my existence has been spent in this purgatory for years.
>transgender is political leftism
it is. Trannies are leftists. there is no such thing as a conservative tranny. they do not exist.
Wolfenstein is absolutely based. Imagine actually getting triggered by killing nazis.
>durhur only left!11
Transgender libertarians exist too because libertarians don't give a shit what you do with your own body and personal liberty.
>even in the filename
I can't tell who is trolling who anymore
>One faggot shitposting and being a retard in this thread
This is why Yea Forums is the worst fucking board.
because politics are an easy avenue for creating a "compelling story"
and since video games have to be "art" now to validate the people working on them, but who hate video games themselves, the story has to feel like it has meaning
it's all lazy window dressing
Its the best, man.
>when you worship corporations, the rich elite, and world governments for being "progressive" and consider yourself the "resistance"
having the whole world on your side really makes you the underdog now doesn't it
>Transgender libertarians exist too
no they don't. They are just leftists in denial. what a joke.
Why are far leftists such fucking cultists?
Like, you notice that guy at the bottom? That guy is just some apolitical youtuber who has had enough of their shit. They call him a National Socialist and other boogeyman terms. They don't even pause and wonder why normal sane people are starting to grow tire of it. They don't care. Your a cult, so you see those who are unzealous towards your cult, as evil.
Nobody wants left wing politics in video games. Nobody. Its unpleasant and dehumanizing. Its okay to not want it. Trannies ARE political, they are far left politics, don't bitch, if you didn't want trannies to be politics, you wouldn't have organized them under the far left organization LBQT2SBBQ, as a far left political vanguard.
>maybe I wasn't around when he was alive but people have nothing but respect for Bush (these days).
They had nothing but vitriol for him when he was sitting President.
>Why can't Trump be treated the same way?
Because every President since Clinton gets shit on relentlessly. It just seems amplified now because of its constant presence thanks to social media. The difference between now and the 90s is that you could escape the daily Bill Clinton hate train by turning off the TV. Nowadays can't turn off your smartphone without turning into a total hermit.
>He is by far a better president than Obama, anyway
Have to disagree with you there. I personally like Western nations more than Saudi Arabia so I still prefer Obama tbqh.
Shut up Boco, I don't want a faggot like you to agree with me. Go back to Yea Forums.
if it weren't for those pesky /pol/, everything would be peaceful
Now think about what a ball licking faggot Hannity is, and apply that to every single respectable news outlet in the picture you were responding to. That's what other people are seeing.
Unexist yourself, tranny.
But tradition is bad I thought?
Games used to have all women with giant tits, now they don't. But since games used to have politics, they always should have it? I don't get the logic here
i didnt say any of what you said, i just posted an image, senpai
Not as scared as liberal whites in their gentified neighborhoods.
this wouldn't happen if id's were a concept in every board to the point they're carried by the user, no matter what board or thread he's in
everyone here might as well be trolling themselves
so basically advertise it as some cuckshit then make the main character the lynch niggers halfway through the game?
>there is no such thing as a conservative tranny. they do not exist.
The difference is that the hate against Trump is unjustified and making jokes about the president is in really poor taste compared to back then, considering the situation our race is in
Can't you apply that reasoning to all the other things society enforced that goes against nature? It's immoral to be polygamous, it's immoral to lust after underage girls, etc. How do you draw the line between which is good brainwashing and which is bad?
I can’t tell if this a bait thread or it’s a unironic resetredditor thinking he’ll convince random Yea Forums users to change their political views
And yet every lefty politicians supports trannies while virtually no righties do, weird
Since the left has decided to smear anyone who disagrees with them as "literal nazis", and have declared open season on "nazis", using the NPCS and useful idiots as their goon squad.
The same thing is taking place in all pop culture.
>he doesn't win every debate
>fucking destroys almost every single internet personality
fucking decide, nigger
>The difference is that the hate against Trump is unjustified
Then the hate train against Obama was unjustified as well.
a literal bait and switch
with enough effort that could work
imagine if wolfenstein 2 became moonman doom at some point
imagine thinking trannies can be conservative. they are anti conservative by their very nature.
Nope, just banning sAlty faggots.
I am not american, try again faggot
>every lefty politicians supports trannies while virtually no righties do
why do you assume everyone is a tankie? yeaj the tankies attempts at government have failed and people make fun of them too
nobody unironically wants the USSR back except for ML/tankies
That episode of Simpsons was surreal
Threads like this are fucking raids.
>words words words
i though the right could meme
Why are all conservatives so terrified of transpeople? Just leave them alone and let them live their lives. If you're exposed to them, just ignore them and move on if you don't like them. I mean, it's pretty petty and childish to just ignore someone because of who they are, but it's better than the constant harassment and hatred.
>nooo stop being mean to my based youtuber
How much patreon bux have you donated to him, zoomoid?
Poison was a girl in Japan
I honestly blame the fall of the USSR. The threat of revolutionary communism forced business leaders to behave and ensure their working classes were appeased. Without a serious external threat, elites became complacent and more inclined to make decisions in accordance to ideological autism instead of whether or not it actually strengthens the country. As for the last part, if anything, the greatest threat to the west is corporate power. For all the jacking off we do of the Greeks and Romans, we seem to have disregarded the immense value of civic virtue in a functioning republic. A rootless economic system where one can easily shift money around and the hyperindividualism of western culture has an absolutely corrosive effect on that. When a republic's elites are misbehaving, they can't be surprised when the plebs follow.
How is it unjustified? He's caused less deaths than Bush by far, but his diplomacy game is weak and he's damaged international relations with most US allies. Bush may have been seen as bumbling and idiotic, but his qualifications were never in doubt compared to Trump's fuckall political experience.
I have this funny feeling that every single one of these people are Northern Europeans, Anglos in particular. Tell me I'm right.
Southern Europeans don't exhibit this behavior. So its more localized among your type. I assume its genetics. There is also the fact that Northern European are narcissistic individualism. That sums up far leftists in the Anglo world. Narcissistic individualism. The type of people who shove their relig-I mean "politics" down everyone throat. The ones who aggressively act this way. Far leftists tend to lack genes for humbleness, cause the ones who do are far more tolerable, even if they are just as stupid.
Tell me I'm right. This is the same reason why Western games are so shit compared to Japanese games. Bad genes produce bad game devs.
This kills the /pol/tard
Okay this is definitely bait.
No it wasn't. He was the worst thing to happen to whites. What kind of black person eats grey poupon anyway? It was bad enough that he was a mutt, but he was a pompous one too
Does any of this sound like an actual Yea Forums poster? Actually read the language used. I wish I remembered that one website that analyzes language on a website and assigns it an age or political lean, because this thread would hang so far left it'd look like Jim Carrey's cock.
Brown hands typed this.
I'm Italian and I'm a Leftist. Go back to /pol/.
>Why are all conservatives so terrified of transpeople? Just leave them alone and let them live their lives. If you're exposed to them, just ignore them and move on if you don't like them. I mean, it's pretty petty and childish to just ignore someone because of who they are, but it's better than the constant harassment and hatred.
who knows? they are probably just bigots
Yea Forums isn't a personality type you retard
Then Trump is the worst thing to happen to blacks.
I'm a Jewish Amerimutt, actually. I did the peanus weanus post and only that one, because I like pissing in an ocean of piss.
Which is why he should be praised. Being the worst thing to happen to criminals is a good thing
Screen capping this to show that all steve posters are Isreal
Curious. How many years have you been here, Totes-not-a-Zoomer?
Not all blacks are criminals, my little underage friend.
>all the right supports me
Libertarians don't give a shit what you stick your dick in or what hormones you ingest.
Why do people have such a hard on for Authoritarianism and telling people what to do?
>muh genes
I called it right though. You're frightened.
Jumping at shadows is a sign of your weakness.
I Stevepost to cause chaos, just like how I'm ethnically Jewish but denounce Israel. I do it to cause salt and lulz
It really doesn't. Read or and tell me it doesn't read like an off-site raid.
Go back to Facebook Grandma.
My uncle was part of the same groups of people who murdered communists in Latin America. You may say we want "safe spaces" when we eliminate bad genetics from the gene pool, but I see it as a way of saving humanity. Communism and far leftists who betray the working class for gays and trannies, are the answer to the fermi paradox.
quoted the wrong post, meant to quote
Saved! Future sAlty tears guaranteed.
but muh reddit tho
What part of these posts hurt your fee fees, zoomy-kun?
See? Same shit. Language is a powerful indicator.
The whole thread is sAlty bait, you slow 38%er.
>You may say we want "safe spaces" when we eliminate bad genetics from the gene pool, but I see it as a way of saving humanity.
So why haven't you removed yourself from the gene pool yet?
hi mistermetokur
new video when?
I'm a commie and I've been here since 2006
It all sounds like a shitposter.
>Pretending to care about child abuse to attack transpeople
why are all right wingers like this
They're not. Just because you were raised a slob fuckhead doesn't change the moral fiber of a functional society. Moralistic relativism is for reality denying retards.
What part of my post are you #outraged by, Zoom Zoom?
See? Now they realize they've been called out.
Yea Forums is not your safe space, Confederate.
If they were honest they fundamentally wouldn't be right-wingers
Your uncle killed tankies, not the kind of people who want something akin to social democracy like the nordic countries.
Stop confusing the top of the political compass with the bottom. You're just as much of a totalitarian as the tankies, right on the top with them
Why are far rightists such braindead morons?
They come up with strawmen for the left and then assume everyone who doesn't want them to say nigger is secretly one of these strawmen. And then when you point out how fucking dumb they are the get angrier at the make believe leftist in their heads and go further right.
>girl in Japan
>changed to tranny for Western audiences because hitting a girl is not cool
>however hitting a tranny is
What am I supposed to see?
is the issue really politics or people just being retards and communication?
imagine being raised by the internet you talk with specific words and speech patterns from internet culture
This is all shitposting. Every argument on Yea Forums is buzzwords and strawmen made to invoke reactions out of people.
>he doesnt know
What's that even supposed to mean
Is OP and all the far leftists on this site still being crying bitches when their last attempt to start this shit failed?
I'll repeat what I said
Why are left wingers the only retards stupid enough to actually believe games were always political? Why do they lie? Why do they hate us so much that they need to rewrite history in order to justify their disgusting genetically inferior communist and far left views in video games when no one wants them?
Are these people actually stupid enough to think themes and good storytelling make video games political? Are westerners really that vacant and stupid?
I mean, what is next? Are you gonna say something cringe-worthy, like how all societies is just politics? You probably thought you said something profound, but it just shows how profoundly stupid you are. If anything, I think it better demonstrates how spiritually and morally vacant you are. All leftists are spiritually and morally bankrupt, they have none, their own civilization is decaying by the actions of their fellow leftists. In order to fill the empty void, they basically use far left wing politics as the starting point for their worldview, their purpose of existence, their morals, their spirituality. In fact, left wingers aren't even valid politics, its more like some borderline religious cult that engages in politics.
You sad little retard. If you think video games are political, its a huge red flag. I mean, you know The Simpsons right? You heard of John Swartzwelder right? If you actually believed in the garbage you wrote, you would believe that some of the episodes he wrote are far left pro-environmental political episodes, when in fact, he is himself a hardcore libertarian and no environmentalists. Its just he understands the importance of good storytelling.
She is specifically referred to as a ニューハーフ or newhalf (aka transgender person)
You were so close to reading my post properly. So close.
Why are conservatives so fucking stupid and illiterate?
Do not mistake racism and hatred of SJWs for proof that Yea Forums is right leaning. All this place has ever been is a cesspool of contrarianism and telling prominent political movements to fuck off. I guess there may have been some electionfags who thought they were in good company and decided to push for the "anti-degeneracy" and "save the west" stuff
You're really, really bad at this. You're not fooling anyone, we see you.
Nobody knows
Yea Forums culture falls apart when so much shit that is part of it contradicts itself
It's only there to shoo away outsider faggots
His uncle was part of a fascist death squad more like
>tankies aren't communists
>socdems are
Is this the power of American education?
>hurr durr if you're not from /pol/ you're not from Yea Forums
Fuck off 2016 tourist
is this pasta
He didn't call socdems tankies you retard.
That's like saying libertarians are the same as people throwing Nazi salutes and calling to gas their opponents
The political compass has a top and bottom part too. Not just left and right
He claimed that socdems are communists.
You okay there user?
>drumpf brought out all the 16 year old edgy retards who think it's counterculture to be right-wing
>even old ladies on reddit are talking about going to Yea Forums to shitpost
>but no, the leftists are the tourists. they're ruining my safe space!
Imagine getting so mad about something and being so fundamentally ignorant about it at the same time.
No, I did not.
>Do not mistake racism and hatred of SJWs for proof that Yea Forums is right leaning. All this place has ever been is a cesspool of contrarianism and telling prominent political movements to fuck off. I guess there may have been some electionfags who thought they were in good company and decided to push for the "anti-degeneracy" and "save the west" stuff
Oh you far leftists. You really don't understand what's really happening. Stop pretending you are one of us. You people are genetically incompatible with Yea Forums culture so it gets very easy to spot you.
Yea Forums is inherently anti-left. Always. So stop spamming your moronic belief that video games are inherently political.
>Do not mistake racism and hatred of SJWs for proof that Yea Forums is right leaning.
You're a few years late on that one
Why do you ignore the obvious politics in older games like MGS and Deus Ex?
You're so dishonest it's terrifying. I can't tell if you're malicious or stupid.
see you later user
succdems are not commies, they're capitalists who believe in regulation and reform
I mean they are objectively tourists nigga lmao
Fox News has done its job.
>"my uncle killed communists who want to [socdem stuff]"
>"your uncle killed tankie commies, not socdems"
So when did games first become political user?
Yea Forums is not your safe space, coward.
No one cares about your thoughts and opinions, Zoomer.
>annoying political group which I do not like likes the gays and the transgenders so I must hate the gays and the transgenders
Yea Forums was more libertarian learning and now it's gone full authortarianism and people who unironically like Hitler
Yea Forums has been left-leaning since I got here in 2007. Its audience consists of multiple races and LGBTQA posters. The alt-right are the tourists.
>I made it into a /pol/tard's triggering compilation
btw there are two people in there, we're anonymous, dipshit, maybe you still need to get used to that?
Here's a tip: you can (or could) look on the archives and find some of these reaction images. Same image, same filename (they are too dumb to randomize or install 4chanX). Every single use of it will be some lefty fag political bait on Yea Forums, or whatever board they're trying to ruin. Many of them stopped posting images altogether to hide it but when you spot them it's very obvious some Discord group is having a laugh and raiding.
Remember when people celebrated Obama as the first black president?
Oh wait, you don't. You came here in 2016.
Line trap and even the term "trap" started on Yea Forums. This site launched the careers of some of the bigger names in transgender porn too such as Bailey Jay
I wouldn't say left-leaning. There were pockets of leftism here and there, but mostly no one gave a shit. There was a lot less tolerance for far right views, though, with the whole 'crazy uncle /pol/' thing.
Westerners produce such shitty fucking games, and threads like this makes you wonder if its genetic. After all, if shitty ass westerners in this thread are defending politics in video games, and they exist on Yea Forums and on Resetera, then statistics shows that these awful beliefs will also permeate among western devs. You make such shitty games westerners. And its because of people like this. Narcissistic individualism. Thank goodness my race doesn't fall prey to such an ideology, not that westerners were making good video games before the 2000s.
I mean, fucking look at this! Narcissistic individualism and morally bankrupt. Imagine actually believing these things! Believing everything is politics is the most pseudointelletucal thing I heard. If you spent just a few minutes really dwelling on it, you'll see why its such a profoundly stupid thing to say. I mean, don't you find it odd how far leftists are the ones who most strongly advocate that "video games are political" and "video games MUST be more political"? Its because they know any politics they disagree with WILL get quashed, and the ones that promote their cult will get promoted.
Sad, they are trash at video games and try to make it up with political garbage
poisoning my own food to own the libs
I've been here since Bush was still in office. I don't remember much anti-lrft stuff from back then (though I DO remember backlash against Jack Thompson, Fox News, and all the other conservative outragefags). Should I leave because this place is no longer "for me"?
the salt-right can only post these four kinds of posts:
racist, trolling, flaming, and off-topic. They're asking to be banned with every post just like how they play online without reading the TOS and get absolutely assblasted.
>Literal holocaust denier trying to shame people for refusing to bow to Western propaganda regarding the famine in Ukraine caused by greedy Kulaks
I can go along with that. It was relatively apolitical, until /pol/ started shoving it down our throats.
Japanese games are full of political messages too. A lot of games never came here specifically because of their politics or were censored like the game in the opening post
Now you have!
Friendly reminder that people born in the mid-2000s are now posting on Yea Forums.
>I don't remember much anti-lrft stuff from back then
We didnt like SomethingAwful back then, nor games journalists, all of whom lean left
>I swear it's not Yea Forums!
>it's just me and the Proud Boys on Yea Forums! REEE!
We also celebrated traps and being gay, both groups that are typically left-leaning
SA was very politically incorrect back in the day and popularized the use of the word faggot in ways we don't even use anymore
This summarizes it really. Unironically trying to censor the word nigger. These two (if they arent just a samefag) are the posts flooding ITT. Learn to identify them or enjoy the site becoming an extension of Reddit.
underageb&s have always been a thing, but now with unironic Black Ops II nostalgia
Reminder that the "everything is political" nonsense originated from the same country that invented microaggressions, 50 genders, and HAES.
reminder that the tranny discord is raiding Yea Forums again right now
Yeah >maybe I wasn't around in the Bush years, but...
Fucking kill me.
Feminists who consider males to be human trash who should be genocided don't need to read the TOS, and they have the support of governments, schools, media, banks...
>Steven Kenneth "We should carpet bomb and run sorties in Mexico to improve it" Bonnell II
They made this back when AVGN was becoming popular
>Reddit filename
Daily reminder that if /pol/ had its way, blacks, gays, trannies, liberal women, Jews, Mexicans, etc would all be exterminated.
But yes, the leftists are the ones who are wrong and intolerant.
They'll rewrite both history and dictionaries until their statements are true. It's not about anything other than changing their world around them to make themselves the righteous academics they envision themselves to be in their minds. They will screech so proudly and triumphantly that their detractors are "on the wrong side of history," because they know that regardless of the outcome they will simply rewrite was has occurred in their minds to make themselves correct and good, and their opposition incorrect and evil. This is why they try so diligently to throw back words and phrases that hurt them, so that when they rewrite the argument it will be THEM who says "snowflake" or "triggered," and it will be the OTHER person who felt the sting and embarrassment that they now feel. It doesn't matter what the truth is, only what they want the truth to be, and as long as they close off their minds to the outside then this truth is as solid and unshakable to them as any real truth.
This is the madness of the modern liberal.
>all of whom lean left
Not back then.
Transgendered people just can't handle the fact they will never be a real woman.
Because people are finally realizing the Hitler was right about almost everything and he should have won.
This is bordering on schizophrenia
More conspiracy theory from the Failing Salt Right. Sad!
Why do far leftists like to lie? Your incompatible with Yea Forums culture, it just takes you a few years to dawn on you. They really seem to get mad at being told they don't belong on Yea Forums. You cannot exist here.
You like to rewrite history and act like old Yea Forums wasn't more apolitical and white, and instead it was far leftists. Unfortunately for you, I have been on this site for too long, and I have saved threads from 2008 and previous that debunk the claims that Yea Forums was ever "left" or that they weren't far right individuals on here. Like its absurd, its like saying there were no pedos on Yea Forums.
Yeah, all those racism threads and pedo threads on old Yea Forums. They were just jokes, no one was being serious there. Haha. Fuckwads.
theres a difference between WANTING to censor nigger and PLAYING games where nigger is already banned, you only have yourself to blame if you buy the latest FOTM shit and get banned for screaming nigger all the time when you KNOW that will get you banned
>if I don't like corporate shills or forums that are cesspools then I'm automatically right-wing or anti-left
how fucking shallow is your understanding of politics my dude
This site is past being an extension of reddit, it's become so much worse. It takes even the lowest of the cancer from that site and metastasizes it into an endless void of meme rhetoric and political shilling.
If there really is a left-wing discord that likes to raid Yea Forums, how do I join?
Get back in the dirt, scum.
>if /pol/ had its way, blacks, gays, trannies, liberal women, Jews, Mexicans, etc would all be exterminated
Sounds pretty based. Never forget that when all the facade of society starts to crumble, your race and your religion are what decides what team you're on. "Egalitarians" get raped to death, hard and fast.
>treat someone like shit, say they should be gassed
>no you should be, fuck these people who say we should be
Insulting white males should also be considered a bad thing, but...
This is Yea Forums now. Leave. There are scary non-whites and GASP
>I have been on this site for too long
>comisar is a manlet
What race are you?
the best one
>games weren't very political
>Deus Ex
>Half Life
>MGS trilogy
Uh huh
This triggers the fascists
Yea Forums is not your safe space. You want Yea Forums.
>Why do far leftists like to lie?
No lie, friend. You are delusional.
>You like to rewrite history and act like old Yea Forums wasn't more apolitical and white
Literally no one is doing that, they're countering your retarded narrative that it was anti-left.
>Like its absurd, its like saying there were no pedos on Yea Forums.
Isn't the current alt-right narrative that far-leftists are all secret pedos and that the LGBT movement will make pedophilia legal next?
What makes you think you'd make the cut? People who are socially retarded would get killed too in a natsoc society
If feminists have its way, males of all races will be exterminated.
Both nazism and feminism are repulsive supremacist movements, and BOTH should be opposed.
Don't feed the troll
Every race has been warring within each other far long than they have between each other. Not even a century ago we've had whites and asians cooperating to BTFO other whites and asians because of ideological differences. Why would race be the biggest thing that matters ultimately?
You fuckers got BAITED lmao :)
>tfw have been here since 2007 and had to endure seeing this place fall apart at the hands of right-wing dumbfucks
2014-2016 were some of the worst fucking years on this site by far
Except Nazis actually are a threat and started a whole fucking war. Feminism on the other hand is a strawman
>If feminists have its way, males of all races will be exterminated.
Factually incorrect
>Daily reminder that if /pol/ had its way, blacks, gays, trannies, liberal women, Jews, Mexicans, etc would all be exterminated.
So what's wrong with that?
>But yes, the leftists are the ones who are wrong and intolerant.
You must be, because /pol/ has proven you wrong. That's why your beliefs are incompitable with Yea Forums. Anonymous posting and free speech always only pure logic and strong arguments to really consistently win. Leftists don't win. /pol/ makes the stronger arguments and logic, consistently. More over, leftists actively enjoy pushing apolitical people to the right because of their religious beliefs that those who don't agree with them are heretics.
So yeah, you must be wrong.
/n/ used to have far left users on it, they got quickly purged in less then a few months by the first unironic Nat Soc users of Yea Forums.
You're wrong left winger, and the biggest example is genetics. /pol/ believes in genetics, the left denies it, so its not hard to see why normal sane people are gonna go for the pro-genetic side.
thank you for your cervix!
You don't even have to, just hang out on Yea Forums, go into any thread about politics in video games or on any recent Western video game featuring minorities and there's bound to be a couple retards there who will start fuming about discord trannies the moment you contradict them in any way.
i’d say 11 years is a little while
What race are you, user?
>westerners are genetically retarded
>except for me a westerner for thinking differently
you'd be exterminated too austismo
based. you know an image is true when it gets 50,000 assblasted replies. every fucking time
Now that's something I haven't heard in a long time
I'm tired of always talking about politics
ALL white males are being insulted on a daily basis and treated like shit.
ALL males are also victims of divorce-rapes, false accusations, unfair laws...
This thread is making me feel nostalgic
>has been here since 2007
>since 2016 was the worst
Nice try, but nazi exploitation is not political. It is considered problematic by SJWs though.
>When did videogames suddenly become so political?
2010s, there is a profound and deep difference between discussing politics and having historical characters for characters and just having your shallow political charged shit in a game for the sake of virtue signalling.
make videogames more political
just be smart about it
I don't need you to tell me racism bad
It wasn't SJWs who considered Wolfenstein II problematic.
Just have to laugh at the salt-right. They're suck dweebs.
I agree. We'll never have a white male in office at this rate. Country is ruled by feminazis
I was only pretending to be retarded.
>this entire fucking thread
ALL females are also victims of rapes
Cry moar.
Some people need to be told racism bad, apparently
Whatever helps you sleep at night :)
That's called sex. Just because women are sluts and regret it when called out doesn't change that
hey shut up.
I'm a newfag from 2011, and I just miss when Yea Forums didn't really care about politics either way. I would honestly take back "MUH VEE CULTURE MY JIMMIES ARE RUSTLED THAT'LL BE 19.95 PLUS TIP" shitposting over the political shitposting on here now.
>I don't need you to tell me racism bad
You are not the 38%
Yea Forums died when fox news made that dumb report and brought in edgy 15 year olds way back when. Then it died again when moot decided to delete /new/ and bring it back as /pol/. I feel like those two events were the worst things to happen to this site.
Then men aren't victims of divorce-rapes
>/pol/ believes in genetics
I've always viewed their arguments as working backwards. Instead of finding proof (genetic or otherwise) that whites are the most superior race, they start from that conclusion("whites dominate the planet, therefore they have to be superior") and then find assertions to support that. Where is the gene that predisposes you to be wealthy, or the one that indicates you'll perform better academically? We know it's not whites who come out on top in either of those things, so what gene do they possess that makes them the greatest?
They don't even have to tell you.
New Guilty Gear game has a black guy. How is that smart? Obvious pandering to SJWs
This. The elections brought in faggots to fuck the dead carcass of the website and defile it's corpse.
telling racists that racism bad does nothing, especially if you make a moral judgement along with it
a more complex look at things that can undermine silly ideologies is the smarter way to go about things, but that actually require good writing so nobody does it
That girl you like user, you're never going to hold her and cuddle with her. You'll never know what it's like how soft and warm girls are and how good they smell
What gene makes them responsible for virtually every good thing in 500 years of human history?
Feminism has already ruined the lives of countless men.
Quotas discriminating males are no joke, and the same could be said about divorce-rapes, false accusations (believe always women!) media dehumanizing males, social conventions favoring women, women being far less punished when they commit a crime...
God, yeah, I'd even roll back to just 2012
38% brain.
why are germans so smart bros?
Spoken like a true virgin.
Chads don't give a fuck about any of that, they just get pussy.
>Yea Forums died when fox news made that dumb report and brought in edgy 15 year olds way back when.
Imagine telling them then that Yea Forums would be sucking Fox's dick a decade later
The same gene that makes them responsible for virtually every bad thing in 500 years of human history I imagine.
>everything I don't like is Russia
Having all the smartest ethnicities in the world (and Poland) in a very tightly-knit region
>Feminism has already ruined the lives of countless men.
Not enough
Whites didnt invent womens suffrage, high interest loans or KPOP
How well off or wealthy was that part of northern Europe at the time?
>he doesn't know
Oh user, you're a worse case than I thought.
I have wasted my time with feminists several times, and it is a pretty common wish.
This region brought forth Marx
As a fellow oldfag Yea Forums. Good, fuck you. Leftist like you need to get the fuck off Yea Forums. You are the ones who have ruined Yea Forums. You. Not "right wingers", you made all of society noxious. Yea Forums is just a reflection of it.
I mean, what do leftists do? Deny genetics? Racial equality pseudoscience? Like, how many decades did you think this house of card was gonna last? That's what killed any vestige of leftism I had. I may have been anti-Bush in 2004, I wasn't gonna go deny scientific data.
Here is some unpleasant truth for the mentally ill neurotic leftists on Yea Forums who haven't fucked off to r/eddit or their other containment zones. Old Yea Forums was apolitical. However, it was always anti-left. That's the harsh pill leftists cannot swallow, because they browsed old Yea Forums and never saw it. You see, the old demographics of Yea Forums were white men, the type of white men who wanted to escape the real world and talk about anime titties, and call people niggers over the net. Post edgy humor about race and sex. No political correctness. The funny thing, is that this attitude was still closer to the mainstream internet back then, then it was now, because back then, the internet demographics was mostly just weird asian/white men who were young and wanted to have some fun. That's it. That was what Yea Forums was. There was no agenda behind any of it. They didn't raid Hal Turner because he was a "white supremacist", they raided it because it got a funny reaction. They didn't raid some tribute for kid who committed suicide (for a rather stupid reason) for a message, they did it cause it was funny in a sociopathic way. THis attitude hasn't died either. Most people want to attack SJW and leftists, not for a real message, but because the reaction they elicit is humorous. They are after all, just religious fundies in another drape of clothes.
Even back then there were seeds being sown that would eventually lead to this. The gay panic around Bioware, posting Kotaku articles ad-infinitum, Feminist Frequency etc
Stop fighting meaningless wars against strangers, go outside, and be the best you can be.
The most wealthy in the world, particularly Italy, Spain and Britain.
I've got pussy. I bet you don't even drink alcohol and you're one of those faggots who go "b-but consent" when a girl is drunkenly flirting with you
>As a fellow oldfag Yea Forums.
i have never read a more unconvincing sentence in my life
I think 2012 was when this whole political mess started, because of that Tropes vs Women thing, but I still think things weren't nearly as bad back then as things are now.
They also didn't invent super soakers and surfboards
I agree with pretty much all of this
t. 2005 newfag
>LGBT character or woman as lead role
>somehow political
only if there is a clearly stated agenda behind it, otherwise stfu you dumb nigger
>muh old days
>muh 1945
i hate kikes too but shut up for fucks sake
you fags are just as annoying and autistic as trannies and SJW retards.
>inb4 centrist
not a centrist by any means, just not an annoying fucking tool who cries every time something doesnt go my way.
Do people not see a correlation?
If these people grew up in a shit poor country, they would not have the same capability for accomplishment.
>I've got pussy.
Of course you have one. We can always tell, roastie.
japanese people love western media and copy what they watch in their games
any time a black character is in a game, there's a 50/50 chance he's based off someone like mr t or blade
it's always about the media they consume
You act like religious fundies aren't still around and really funny to mess with. Hell, they're on this site now.
Anyway maybe you shouldn't take it all so seriously.
>be tribal snowniggers for 18,000 years
>have 350 of great success
>"it's genetics though. also the islamic, greek, chinese and african golden ages which lasted just as long weren't due to genetics :^)"
a 2019 attempt at a raid by marketers, resetera, and sjw's
They're losing so bad that they have to resort to spam and shitty reddit memes and wojak edits.
posts and threads that directly attack anything related to Yea Forums culture, favorite games, and attractive females is all their doing.
>As a fellow oldfag Yea Forums
lol, way to out yourself you fucking electionfag
>Old Yea Forums was apolitical. However, it was always anti-left.
Nope. Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums come to mind as places that were pretty leftist.
>"inventing" a board of wood you float on
/tg/ also. Basically any board that /pol/ hates for not being devoted to the culture war.
Congrats for the easy (You)s
Do you not understand why Europe was wealthy? It's not densely-packed with diamonds, gold or oil. That would be Africa and the Middle East, two geographical regions that have accomplished fuck all well, parts of Arabia did for a little while, but Islam fucked that beyond repair. Europe succeeded to the point of affluence because it was populated by Europeans, a group of people who have historically been innovators, explorers and conquerors.
without white people you wouldn't have anime you cucks
2016 was a collective fever dream that society is still recovering from.
So you're saying they just stole shit from everyone else?
>Greece isn't Europe
>attributing Arabia's success to Islam
>hailing China (not the Mongols) as some pillar of human achievement
3 strikes nigger, you're out
Not for long.
>"inventing" a circle of wood that rolls
I spent like a shitty decade on Yea Forums, never understood why people labelled it Yea Forumsmblr. It wasn't the attitude of that board that changed, more like it stayed the same and every other board changed.
Wood does not naturally turn into wheels, retard
Wood DOES naturally float, and you can stand on said floating wood
Okay, Dmitri.
>It's not densely-packed with diamonds, gold or oil.
Yeah, and those things don't have inherent value, you pseud
Everything people didn't like became tumblr after GG
It's because they don't engage in retarded culture wars and instead discuss their cartoons without pushing agendas
The thing with the right wing is that it feels like it's pretty much lost its steam now. It won. Trump is president.
It's suffering from a major "now what?" moment. The libs have been triggered... now what?
I still remember there being way less politics on Yea Forums back then, compared to now. One of the main things I remember is the time around the /vg/ split, and everyone was arguing about "on-topic video game threads only" vs "off-topic Yea Forums culture should be allowed", instead of arguing about politics.
Umclay Rainclay
the political establishment abandoned class politics in favor of race/gender politics because it's cheaper and easier to manipulate, and amerimutts on both dumb extremes have fallen for it hook line and sinker
Triggered so HARD.
I'm not going to educate somebody who can't read.
>gold and oil dont have inherent value
Come on, retard. I know you can be smarter than this.
>wood naturally turns into boards
You're a city slicker aren't you user.
next is Trump 2020 and eroding away even more of our freedom to own the libs
It's all political, if my music is literal, and I'm a criminal how the fuck can I raise a little girl
/pol/ literally started bitching about any board that actually tried to be on topic. They want all boards to be non-stop bitching about politics. They only succeeded on Yea Forums because Yea Forums never played video games anyway.
>Society still hasn't recovered from 2016
>There's another election next year
Hey, if you were actually looking for the "white smartness gene", here it is:
I wish I had a going into alternate timelines machine to see what the /pol/ meltdown would've been if Hillary had won.
The fuck are you going to do with a huge pile of gold nigga
Salt right wins the Sazzolympics. Every time.
You seem quite interested in genetics user, ever educated yourself on differences by gender?
A certain gender commits 91% of all crime. Think there's a genetic component?
I use threads like these as fuel.
Someday the tank will be full and it will time to start the engine.
Whites should be feared. We are the most dominant race on the planet because we commit genocide when you piss us off. SOMETIMES AGAINST FELLOW WHITES
You would think some of these niggers would see history and think it's a really bad idea to let the genie out of the bottle. Whites are fucking crazy, that's casual fact. Yet they think it's a good to try and shame us out of our own homes.
Bad idea. Always will be.
Bernie will be even more hilarious.
/news/ didnt do any of those things, nor does /pol/ invade its own backyard. Suggesting this any time from 2015 to now would get you laughed at.
Meanwhile, on Leftypol:
It would've been worse. Imagine the sAlt.
>There's another election next year
And people are not ready for it. We can't go through this shitshow again.
>Having all the smartest ethnicities in the world (and Poland)
You sassy bitch
>the political establishment abandoned class politics in favor of race/gender politics
Wasn't that Occupy Wall Street thing from a few years ago about "the 1%"?
Those are not genes, those are SNPs
SNPs underline differences in our susceptibility to a wide range of diseases such as sickle cell. What the hell does any of this have to do with intelligence?
"Crime" is a pretty broad spectrum, at least people who complain about niggers narrow it down to violent crime.
Imagine the Romney 2012 meltdown if every user on /pol/ were on crack cocaine
>They want all boards to be non-stop bitching about politics.
So it's like how Yea Forums used to want Yea Forums to be completely off-topic?
>Whites should be feared.
Yeah, I'll say, white incels are responsible for 100% of all terrorism-related deaths in America for the past years
>those genomes arent genes
By what metric are going to argue that Greeks are part of the same genetic pool as Europeens? You can't just claim that every successful group is white. This sounds like the same thing of when people call Egyptians black.
>attributing Arabia's success to Islam
but that's what it's called, my dude
>hailing China (not the Mongols) as some pillar of human achievement
if we're talking technological advancement then yes, china shits on the mongols
That's fine by me because if we were to focus on specific categories of violent crime the percentage were even higher.
Why does the male sex rape and kill so much, user? Is it because of a fault in our DNA?
Fuck off, /pol/, before this board was just another /pol/ colony you didn't even hide it, talking about the need to redpill the other boards and how it was more important that whatever hobby the board was about.
It's a picture for uneducated /pol/tards, you're not supposed to analyze it, or even read it.
>This land is your land, this land is my land
From the California to the New York island
From the Redwood Forest, to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me
Merca is not "yours", whitey.
And do you know what could lead to fuller lives free of being heavily medicated?
Proper psychological help accept yourself and the reality you live in.
But I guess keeping the poor people hooked on pills is more profitable pharmashill
>incels are responsible for 100% of all terrorism-related deaths in America for the past years
Games have always been a product of the times. I was just playing SNK 40th Anniversary Collection and pre-Neo Geo, these guys made a LOT of games about running around in the jungle and shooting dudes, probably because of how much the civil war in Nicaragua took up the news as the US funded Contras (bet you thought that was from a video game, right?) was fighting the Sandinista regime.
>Suggesting this any time from 2015 to now would get you laughed at.
At least you're honest about being an election tourist.
>By what metric are going to argue that Greeks are part of the same genetic pool as Europeens?
This one
Also calling Arabia "Islam" is laughable, American education has failed you
Yes. I don't know why you'd post an image that could not in any way refute me. Those fabled white intelligence genes leave something to be desired.
Contra is its own word.
Yes, and it fizzled out (no doubt in part because of bitching about identity politics from both ends of the spectrum). I don't understand how wealth disparity keeps growing, and yet people act like trannies and Muslims are the biggest problem. I'm not just talking about Yea Forums shitposters, but actual boomers in red states talking about incoming Shariah law
I think you might be colorblind user
>conflating ghetto shootings with school shootings
You're either arguing in bad faith or an amoral psycho.
Sorry, I suffer from 38% brain.
I'm gay
>I don't understand how wealth disparity keeps growing, and yet people act like trannies and Muslims are the biggest problem.
Who do you think bankrolls those two things, among others?
I think you might be illiterate.
Yeah and look how successful that was. If you look at interview footage from Occupy it's clear that most people have no idea what they're doing there beyond 'hate rich people >:('. Plus there was a whole bunch of dumb political infighting. Also OWL wasn't even the political establishment
The POTUS sure is.
There's no difference between a white and a jewish CEO.
>these shootings dont count because, uh, ahem, *lesser people* were victims
Quality leftypost