80% of people just play videogames to avoid reality...

80% of people just play videogames to avoid reality. They don't want to put effort in something meaningful because playing videogames is much more safe and easy.I'm not saying to drop your hobby, but playing more than 6 hours a day is just addiction. it's just like a drug. It is easy to live this life with parents paying for everything, but soon or later you will have to deal with reality and face the consecuences of not learning anything useful and not living different experiences besides looking an screen and jerking off. Prove me wrong

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Anything that isn't making you money is an addiction. If you have enough money saved to do it for the rest of your life, do it. If you don't, but can make money doing it, do it. Don't have to prove you wrong, because you're technically right.

You are right of course, but do i give a shit? No

i absolutely refuse to live in reality

Stay in your office cubicle keep telling yourself your doing the right thing and when you realize how lame and average you are Kys normie cause your probably as basic as your Netflix watchlist. No one wants to be a sheep like you.

thats all the argument you can give me? what about working in something you are passionate about? you are the normie for believing there is only one way of making money

I could prove you wrong but I can't find the dialog options for this convo.

Hey Faggot how about being passionate about good making video games so people can enjoy and have epic experiences that combine good writing, music, cinematics and game design. If you actually played video games you'd realize how many different elements of real life experience is implemented into these games nowadays. Physics, literature, pen and paper game design elements, story beats, music composition, player to player interactions that help bond people and many more are put into these games. That's why your a normie cause your just stating a single stereotype. But in reality is not true. Quit watching CNN

I got into film making cause of Video Games witch led me into business and now I'm in college working to be a producer... did you just play pac-man or something? Also six hours is nothing I can put 10 hours in a game on my free time.

When the finish line is the same no matter what you do, why not do that which brings you the most joy?

t. nogames

Got a source for that?

If you think Video Game are drugs you haven't tried cocaine or lsd. THAT will fuck you up

Define ‘meaningful’. Why should I spend my limited time doing something I don’t enjoy because society tells me to instead of doing the things I do enjoy?

>posting on imageboards is okay though

I feel like you shop at Whole Foods, plan out your meals and hate your life

Nigga when you got anxiety and overthink all the time you best believe my ass wants to escape reality. Who doesn't?

Reality is a black void that lasts 10^10^10^10^10^1.1 years until a spontaneous entropy decrease resets it to the state we see now for an eye blink before the stars burn out and we're back in the void. Who fucking cares about "reality?" Once you die and poincaré recur nothing that happened in this brief era of existence will matter, just like it hasn't mattered the infinite amount of times it already happened. Reality is a tv show and this one is fucking boring. Excuse me for changing the channel.

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80% of statistics are made up on the spot~

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You sure like making this thread that no one cares about.

I'm literally a fucking expendable human being by all standards so I might as well enjoy my non working hours with some video games

Mom get off Yea Forums!!

I'm gonna live how I like until I run out of money and then I'm offing myself. Tried college, tried work, and it just made me more miserable. I was broken and abused from the start so I'm going to try to enjoy myself as much as I can in my short life and hope there's a catch after life to this horror we live in.

inb4 all the fools with no existential intelligence or empathy telling me I'm wrong. I'm not. At the drop of a hat our worlds can fall apart and mine has. I'm not playing this game.

As opposed to staring at your phone or TV for 6 hours a day, right? The point is to build skills in the real world with hobbies that reap real benefits, not just empty consumption. Videogames is just one aspect of a general problem in society. In that sense, videogames are possibly better than the later examples, since it's possible to do esports and make money, not that it should be used as an excuse for anything. Still, you're also glossing over the reality that even if you do something constructive, it doesn't guarantee a translation to worth. You could spend years learning the violin and still suck so bad no one would hire you. Further, competition is globalized, so you'll always be competing with someone who's whole life is that one thing. So the question of worth and what to do with the time devolves from doing something of one's own volition into what makes me money, what lets me advance, what lets me survive, and that answer is rarely what someone is passionate about, assuming they've even been given enough opportunity to find something to be passionate about. In other words, there is a reason people recede into vidya or movies or whatever, and it's just the reality of the world. Escapism is advil for the pains of life. Deal with it, it's not going away, and stupid meme threads like this are pointless.

Are you a 16 year old girl, user?

Or you can become a neet

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What's it to you... wanna fuck or somethin'

actually got back into gaming after realizing that the industry I've always dreamt to work in (comics) is shit for the content it produces and, the audiences that support it, and even lots of creators of my country are actual idiots.
My grades dropped from an average of 29/30 to 23/30 due to this.
Haven't drawn anything in the past two months.
The worse thing? I daily interact with people who make games both irl (an animator and concept artist) and social media, and the average higher cultural level of these people (consider that I live in Italy, so someone who ends up being a lead programmer for Splash Damage or a game designer for Ubisoft in here is actually a big deal and requires a shit-ton of effort) makes me even more sick of comics.

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A statement so simple but so mindblowing. We are nothing but everything at the sametime...

Maybe people wouldn't have to play vidya if reality wasn't so shit

fun fact is that many contemporary mainstream mediatic products generally suck if compared to videogames. Seriously, cinecomics are trash, when I go to the movies with a bunch of people I know that 90% of the time I'm going to see some crap.

What happened OP?! Repond you coward!

>walll of text
lmao get the fuck back to /r/gaming faggot, I'm not reading your fucking incel sobstory

It is perfectly possible to use cocaine and not develop an addiction

I play at least 6 hours a day and I live on my own and pay everything myself, the only help my family ever was was forcing me to pay them rent for living in the room they forced me into when I was born.

I am a certified criminal translator. It's all thanks to pokemon teaching me more vocabulary than my third world english clases.


God I hated watching the monogatari series because of the shitty cuts and "artistic direction"

video games are good for the brain

Really, wouldn't that make you super human or something. There's gotta be a drawback if addiction isn't involved.

youll never get me to believe that given my 30+ years of playing them

Anything that isn't helping you live a healthier and happier life, making more babies and having more and better sex is a waste time.

Your nose can fall off.

You are all fucking retards for taking this bait

I'm married with a child on the way. My wife and I make 175k together. Will be playing rarely when my kid is born, but from childhood til now I've been playing video games nearly every day.

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Because of that picture I think your full of shit and would probably be a bad parent.

>playing more than 6 hours a day is an addiction
Fucking kek. How deluded are you? Stop trying to defend your addiction. Anything more than like 2-3 hours a day is an addiction. 6 is already enough for an intervention

I play vidya 14 hrs a day when not working, and 6 when I do.
Fite me.

Lets see, i work, make decent money, own a rental property for passive income, have a good woman and son, more kids soon. I dont feel like ive 'made it' and probably wont until im making 100k+ solo. Still probably doing better than most people though.