Is Dark Souls 2 really all that bad?

Is Dark Souls 2 really all that bad?

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He's basically British Moviebob. Occasionally makes a decent video but has absolutely shit tier political opinions he feels compelled to bring up every other sentence

cluck cluck cluck

It's a 7/10 game in a 9/10 series.

It's the only Souls game I never bothered to complete. Won't judge it beyond that since I haven't completed it though.

it's a broken 5/10 game in a 10/10 series

Attached: game of the year.webm (920x518, 1.37M)

The game's great, that guy is still a faggot though.


It's playable and can be a good fun but it's easily the worst souls game.

This is the third thread in 24 hours, play the game and make your goddamn own opinion about it.

Extremely rare footage of failure that was not DSP's fault

Who the fuck is this Literal Who e-celeb? I know he props up DaS2 as good but don't know anything else besides that?

Someone post the mimic webm

>Harry "Raises 300k for a charity that mutilates children" Brewis

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Ds2 is unironically best game in the series


Yes it really does suck dick

>In June 2019 The Times revealed that they had discovered a serious data breach by Mermaids in which highly confidential e-mails to the charity had been made readily available through their website. The Times state that these included names of transgender children and their parents, together with contact details and intimate medical information. The newspaper reported that there were also internal e-mails from the trustees that criticised the leadership by Susie Green, and external e-mails from parents saying that the charity "felt like a 'cult'". Mermaids issued a press release on the same day, which acknowledged that a data breach had occurred, and that they had informed the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and had corrected the breach. The press release stated that the breach was limited to internal e-mails and that no e-mails to and from families were part of the information leaked. The Times report disputes this.[15]
>The newspaper reported that there were also internal e-mails from the trustees that criticised the leadership by Susie Green, and external e-mails from parents saying that the charity "felt like a 'cult'".
Harry "raises $300k for a cult that mutilates children" Brewis

Why do modern left wingers think WW2 era soldiers hold the same beliefs as themselves?

Moviebob has worse opinions

Hbomber mostly suffers because he plays up the theatrics too much

It actually was his fault.
He poked twice then tried to run backwards, turning around.
The knight then attacked and it turned into a backstab.

That's why you lock on.

you can see DSP turn around just before the backstab anim starts. he tried to run away after the two stabs and presented his keister to the hollow in the process

ww2 ally soldiers would be considered nazi's in 2019

Best combat in the series, mostly because of powerstance
Wide variety of builds and great, viable weapons to use
Non-linear progression, especially compared to other games in the series
Great DLC
Best PvP (if you're into that)
The only real drawbacks are the enemy placement (more enemies=better hurr) and a lot of shitty bosses

His Fallout 3 video was absolutely based

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I only watched mauler tear him a new asshole on his non arguments, yet people say some of his videos are good. I find this hard to believe.

imagine how hard the establishment are seething that their nwo ideology is failing so hard despite literally controlling jewtube and basically all social medias to deplatform opposition and force this trash down people's throats

cant wait to see these "people" publicly tortured and executed

You sound socially maladjusted and was probably a socially disenfranchised Travis Bickle but without the balls in High School. Go shoot up a Joker showing at the nearest KinoPlex you Yea Forums autist.

jewmason/kikeshriner cope


when are you going to take them kike? cope harder little nigger

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Why didn't he tap the roll button to backstep instead of turn around?

It was too much of the same, most of the bosses were giant humanoids and a bunch were ripoffs of the first game with another skin. At least it was fun to mess around online

I was shitposting you schizo. Was just trying to have fun with you, maybe if you weren't so autistic you could recognize a simple joke.

Yes and no. It gets shit on a lot, but there's still a decent game in there behind all the questionable design choices and shoddy work. Some will just shout from one extreme or the other that it's either super shit or really great (probably sarcasm from that side tho). Overall, I think it's worth playing for the good parts, and I'm not sure any part of it is downright bad

Do you feel in charge?

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yep its a cope

Did I push any political agenda in any of my posts? No, I didn't. Stop trying to make a political argument out of banter. Go back to /int/.

T. Mega psycho liberal that wants spics and muslims to flood into america

we really deradicalized those gamers fellow tranny, meet me at the McDilationStation I have new little boy rape snuff flix to share ok

His 2016 Ghostbusters and Star Wars videos will remain his personal height.

Are you having some sort of a psychotic episode? I didn't push any sort of agenda so stop making me out to be some strawman I'm not.
Is this a bot reply? All I see are nonsensical buzzwords. Can anyone translate?

Dark SOuls 2 was made by a team that knew nothing of what the Dark Souls universe was supposed to look like or what creatures were supposed to inhabit it. They also had a very loose grasp of European fantasy cliches, so a lot of the stuff in the game comes across as East Asian.

>raids jerma's chat with a bunch of obnoxious commies and trannies and ruins it forever

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he sounded like the typical lefty cunt who thinks acting catty and treating your opponent like an idiot is an adequate substitute for an argument

very similar to jim sterling thinking he makes a point by reading sentences in a funny voice

why are CEOs scared of Constitution-abiding gun owners? have corporations been working to defile the Constitution and demoralize Americans in a conspiracy spanning decades?

Wow... really makes you wonder why all those "schizo incel shooters" dont target a CEO and his kids as he's driving them to school or something, really makes you wonder why a CEO of a major globohomo corporation or two haven't had their houses bombed and kids kidnapped and bathed in acid or something... really weird coincidence that these schizoid shooters only target low-income working class citizens with their semi automatic assault weapons...

AND they had no fucking idea how geography works because that world they created makes no fucking sense!

Yeah it's pretty bad. Even the visuals alone are fucking hideous. Every time I come back to replay it, I'm baffled at how fucking hideous it looks compared to every other Souls game.

No because it has best girl.

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no, its just redditors being contrarian faggots

yes we're all russian bots, in fact everyone that doesnt support Hillary 2020 is a russian AI conspiracy

For all its flaws, in the end I like it better than 3, which was kind of forgettable

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Okay, I take it back. You're not a bot, just a memespouting retard. Take a little banter without injecting a political agenda into it, it'll be good for you.

leftism will never be accepted here tranny, go back

because they're literally retarded

I literally said nothing about leftism, and if it makes you feel better I believe that transgenderism is a mental disorder that needs to be treated differently. That isn't the point though, what I'm trying to say is that you're pushing politics in all your replies, when my first post was clearly non-political.

Yea Forums is /pol/ now (and that's a good thing)
go back

Mauler is completely autistic. He doesn't understand sarcasm and his videos are hours and hours of pointless ranting and rehashing of shit that could be said in 20 minutes or less. Dude literally went through every single line hbomber said in his DS2 video with a fucking highlighter, it doesn't get that much more autistic than that.

What does that have anything to do with what I just posted? Are you capable of holding a conversation or are you just some npc only capable of parroting memes and buzzwords? Can you at least try to hold a conversation?

It has a worse beginning than DS1 (hello iframe stat) but later (mostly in the DLC, unfortunately) there's some genuine great moments, like the Ivory King or Sihn. Lore-wise I think it's even better than DS3 because it had strong starting ideas and for the most part developed something interesting.

why are you so mad Yea Forums is more influential than the mainstream media?

>He doesnt understand sarcasm
leftist "sarcasm" is not sarcasm, leftists are incapable of humor or proper thought so to real humans it's like an alien train of thought
>he literally debunked every line in hloser2
yep, cope

poe's law is alive and kicking in this thread. are these actually /pol/ refugees or epic bait? can't tell anymore.

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I didn't say anything about media or Yea Forums itself. You're practically having a conversation with yourself at this point. Please try to engage in conversation with me and not the voices in your head, I genuinely believe I could have a productive conversation with you if you just try to listen and respond to my messages.

are you making it obvious you're not from here on purpose?

HBomber does make some decent videos, but he has absolutely terrible taste in videogames.

why are you so evasive? can't you just address one question I ask directly? dont forget HRT

is there any other streamer as fucking pimp as this guy.

no its very good on par with the others

I don't know. All of these supposed /pol/ refugees respond in the same buzzwords and memes and can't seem to hold a conversation without going off on some autistic monologue talking to themselves and making the other person in the conversation a strawman. It might just be schizophrenia, might be some in-depth trolling.

>replying to yourself

It's because that question has nothing to do with any of my previous messages, and it came out of nowhere.

Is dark souls 3 any good?

from what ive seen it seem super linear and frankly feels uninspired. I loved the other 2 how you could go in all sorts of place

It’s all right, pretty fun and satisfying but easily the worst game in the series. Mostly due to how uninspired and poorly designed many enemies/encounters are, and the boring level design.

he's inpeached now

>muh secret club

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how will it affect the release of dark souls 3 port on switch when it wont sell because it's so shit

>every website has the same globohomo redditor tranny culture that I'm familiar with

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give me Dark souls 2 build generator

no its not. 2 is much better than the first one, its just nostalgiababbies were deluded

What did he mean by this?

he was referring to your epic own of the coservatards ITT leading to the impeachment of Donald Drumpf small hands cheeto

there's literally nothing wrong with being transgender

Funny, I don't remember posting anything about fucking US politics which I couldn't give a shit about.


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>wojack poster

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Peak Dark Souls autism was the one guy that made a timeline, and reeee'd so hard about Dark Souls 2, that he only included it for 15-20 seconds in his video. But to get to the point, Dark Souls 2 is over-hated, and Dark Souls is overpraised. After playing Demon's Souls, I realized how lacking Dark Souls was as a game.
Many, many assets in Dark Souls are recycled from Demon's Souls
>Quelaag's fire attacks are just slightly modified Flamelurker fireballs
>The textures of the Latria Gargoyles are used for the Four Kings' skin.
>Spells are wholesale copied from Demon's Souls.
Bosses are reused, simply for the sake of padding, simply to extend the length of the game world.
>Three Demon Firesages
Dark Souls is easier than Demon's Souls, it's like the game was made to pander to casuals and new players.
>No item burden
>No world tendency
>No Character tendency
>No penalty for being undead, besides lack of access to online play. Whereas, in Demon's Souls having body form carried the risk of invasions, and dying as a human shifted your tendencies to black.
>More checkpoints in Dark Souls, whereas in Demon's Souls you're expected to clear out the level in one "perfect" run.
>You can only be invaded while in human form, while Black Phantoms would always show up in Demon's Souls, and they weren't pushovers like Maneater Mildred
>Yurt will murder many NPCs in the Nexus, while Lautrec only kills the firekeeper at a point in the game where you're going to Sen's Fortress anyways...and you can bring her back to life later if you want!
>One-hit kill enemies like Mindflayers
>Crystal lizards will disappear forever after a while
>Can't roll in the swamp in the valley of defilement, while Dark Souls gives you a rusted iron ring
Interconnectivity is the biggest buzzword Dark Souls fans throw around to to justify their game being superior, but just pales in comparison to the nexus, which gives you five paths at any given moment.

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He's like a broken clock. Sometimes he happens to pick the right material and tackle it somewhat correctly.
Way too often he takes on the most contrarian of stances, and others he manages to flub shooting at fish in a barrel so hard it's not even funny.

Why do political youtubers take themselves so seriously?

Now this is embarassing

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>Demon's Souls was awful because it had healing items you could constantly stash upon
>Dark Souls fixed this by using Estus
>And Dark Souls 2 fixed this by bringing back healing items you can stash upon

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>it's another cripplechan refugee episode

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money thought gender wasnt inherent and he was wrong, what of it

It's could trimming the fat, and dark souls isn't the one with infinite healing items, despite all that demon's souls is still an easier game



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Wojakposting in all of it's retardedness, is still miles better than you, faggot.

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahaha! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah


cope - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


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thats all you got? an irrelevant screenshot and a shit tier meme?

theres nothing wrong with being transgender and you couldnt win that debate even if your life depended on it. try it low iq subhuman

>Trimming the fact
Dark Souls trimmed the second half of its game, despite using the same engine as Demon's Souls and using so many Demon's Souls assets. Dark Souls is the game that's too long for it's own good, filled with bosses that just extend the game length like the 3 obese demons, the Capra Demon, and Taurus demon.

*dabs on u*

why cant u join the us army mutilated dog ohhh its because the White Male president elected by White Men said so hahahahahahaha

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why are you talking about trump im not even american lmao

hes gonna lose in 2020 though. screencap this. I want you to because i want you to smugly place that cap in a folder for a montage and having you being forced to silently delete that folder once he loses

Why do you donate so much to the Democrats

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He never mentions adp in his video because even he knows that he cant defend that shit. Think about it.

when you retards are done talking about trannies because you probably subconsciously wish you were one, feel free to answer this

>leftists are incapable of humor

>every comedy show and movie is written by liberals
>the pinnacle of conservative comedy is shouting nigger

Makes you think.

>the pinnacle of conservative comedy is shouting nigger
to be fair, its kind of funny

>chapelle had the highest rated comedy special in a decade
the one where he took a big fat nigger shit on your kike establishment, the faggots the trannies and failed globohomo agendas lmao cope little soicel

It can be sorta funny in an ironic way, but when retards take it seriously is when the humor degrades. Just look at stonetoss.

>every comedy show and movie is written by liberals
>every comedy show and movie written by liberals flops
really makes you think

Just some faggot who enjoys playing games and soapboxing about his lefty cuck politics.

No in fact it's really good

hbomberguy makes good videos with good opinions but hes basically impossible to talk about because Yea Forums is basically /pol/ 2.0 now

Yea Forums is an anti-leftist board


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hes shit kys commie

Yea Forums became the embodiment of chaos after it was invaded by Yea Forums faggot. It isn't based on politics.

I'm not a Nazi, but I feel like I could beat this guy up.

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Yea Forums is an anti-leftist board. most of the anti-left wing content of Yea Forums comes from this board.

sounds like something someone that could be a nazi would say

>Yea Forums became the embodiment of chaos after it was invaded by Yea Forums faggot. It isn't based on politics.

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I remember when Yea Forums was leftist as fuck it wasn't until the election that poltards ruined this board. Reddit and Twitter is unironically better then this racist cesspool.


dont come back pedo

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You aren't allowed to respond to my posts unless you've been here since 05 or earlier.
Thank you

Nah, if what you mean by "content" is a lot of salt over twitter screenshots and polygon/kotaku articles, then sure. But otherwise, not really.
You obviously don't do anything for the lulz, probably unironically post opinions in off-topic politics threads.

Question me again and I'll beat you up!

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>this thread is still up


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stop coping already

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We're gonna win 2020 you incel.

even CNN is saying Trump won the demoturd debates, it's ogre for globohomo

are hbomberguy viewers NPCs?

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Opinion discarded. How does it feel being a facebook tier poster?

>how does it feel being the winner of the culture war
pretty good

I didn't know HAl'Qaedaguy was an internet tough guy.

>culture war
The sign of a true faggot. Lick my nuts and suck my peanus weanus haha :)

whoa whoa slow there HITler

Mauler is an idiot, his 12 hours deconstruction of Harris video was completely autistic since the latter was just

>"I like lifegems"
>I like X thing from DS2 even if most people don't
>Mattewmathosis doesn't know how to play unlocked

How can you be so retarded to take so much time to shit on such a simplistic video.

Every single popular turbo liberal figure that came from SomethingAwful is a bad person. The suicide witch came from there. I wonder what skeletons are in Hbomberguys closet?

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This is just an exageration, a few repated textures and empty rooms don't make the game look worse than DS1, buy better glasses user

cope, rightism won

Keep spouting buzzwords, soon you'll be suckling my buzzcock haha peanus weanus lol

>liberals say they rely on facts
>mauler makes a marathon series of videos debunking every single wrong fact and incorrect opinion
>"h-he's j-just autistic and retarded!!!"

liberals are like this in any form of debate, they are so mentally infantilized by cuck media that they're more like robots than people

It's a stat that allows more variety in gameplay between different builds. If you don't want to invest in it, the game offers you different way to stay safe that aren't iframes. Learn how to use all your tools instead of just relying on the B button

>doesn't lock on
>turns around and presents back to enemy
>gets backstabbed
>not DSP's fault

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I dunno, Blob's insane genocidal ranting I find more endearing than HBG's smug, detached breadtuber shtick

yeah they rely on facts
it's a FACT that they feel the way they do about things. so that should be good enough right

Says the apologist but deep inside he knows the truth:
With the knoweledge of what adp (or agility does to be precise) everyone leveled it and thus it became more of something you "had to do" instead of becoming an option.

Oh look, I as a developer gave you the option to not use X, but hell, you would be pretty retarded if you didnt :^)

Very american thread

>posts DaS1
>posts DSP playing it
>posts DSP not locking on and turning his back to an enemy in the same frame it's backstab check registers
2/10 made me reply


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>this pathetic """"""rebuttal""""""

>the Simpsons flopped
>Seinfeld flopped
>Airplane flopped
>every Judd Apatow film flopped

Oof, the cope is real. Can you show me a comedy show or movie that conservatives wrote? Other than the low effort garbage that was MDE.

All Mauler does is say his opinion very aggressively and in a deadpan voice. He can't objectively analyze worth shit and his only move is the Jordan Peterson defense of "you need to watch my entire video catalog (all 500 hours of it) to have proper context for anything".

His specialty is boring you to death. Everyone except for the alt-right retards in his audience who love stupid people with posh British voices telling them they're right (like Sargon of Akkad has shown us).

pewdiepie rescinding his donation to the ADL while wearing a Nazi symbol was peak kino and literally Yea Forums and /pol/ incarnate

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>hasnt even attempted to watch the videos
>only argument is "it's too long lol"
liberals are truly mental midgets, the movie Idiocracy is already real but it's the portion of the population that watches MSM/leftist/globalist content and holds similar worldviews

>falling for it
You only got yourself to blame.

Just watch MauLer's autistic deconstruction of hbomberguys video to get a real opinion about Dark Souls 2.

your """joke posts""" dont work because liberals actually think like you. in fact nowadays they're typically even more demented and nonsensical


>the areas in this nonsensical fantasy game are nonsensical and fantastic
reminder that the entire game takes place at the bottom of a watery abyss

>12 hours
Fuck off
I watched it several times already.
If someone is so stupid to believe that crap, it is not worth listening to them.
It is better to assume that they are just trolling to not lose respect for people you dont know.
It is more like 8.


>it is better to assume sjws are trolling
>just ignore them bro
no, cancer needs to be rooted out and incinerated

go away mauler go back to selling out with star wars and captain marvel whining videos

Mauler's video is shit. I just dislike any type of video where somebody "responds" to content by taking a video clip, pausing it, and then responding to it, and his monotone doesn't help things.

>it’s not 12 hours - it’s only 8
rather actually work and get paid my $36/hr job for 8 hours

I remember watching his Fallout 3 video and thinking he was alright.

Then I watched another video of his and I just couldn't take it anymore.

shilling on Yea Forums is minimum wage max, dont lie

>not listening to podcasts and music while on the job

Dark Souls 2 is bad is a meme that got way out of control to the point that easily manipulated minds started to begin to believe its true.

Given 2 hours of nitpicking you can make pretty much anything look bad.

All souls games have shit combat anyway

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why hasnt hillary made a 2 hour long nitpicking video to defeat trump in 2020 then

The average voter isn't spending 2 hours on politics. It's either
that determines your vote.

was that supposed to be your example of non-shit combat?

>he says while posting yakuza

I dont know Yakuza combat. Is it comparable to the Batman combat?
The batman game combat system (same as the mordor game) was the most awful thing I ever played.


It's not the best combat ever but it's miles better than the Arkham games

I would be inclined to support the altright but they want me dead because I'm not white.

yes user we're the cucks. go back to yakuza where the enemies don't attack you and just stand there waiting for you to push the cutscene button to win

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>it's miles better than the Arkham games
Please explain how it's "miles better"
It's the same brainless trash

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What would you say are the areas in base game that have level design ranging from decent to excellent? No Man's Wharf, The Gutter, Lost Bastille and Forest of Fallen Giants come to my mind.

Enemies in Yakuza games keep their distance constantly but one enemy will approach slowly for you to beat them. They pose no threat at all.
If you actually do get hurt, you can pause the game mid fight and heal as much as you want with items with no penalty.
Not even Batman has pause-and-heal-endlessly in it.

>Please explain how it's "miles better"
I can't... but Yakuza is from Japan so you're just supposed to think it's better.

>do thing
>people me no like do thing

Same. Then again, ANYONE could make a video on why Fallout 3 sucked Deathclaw nuts and have years before the video went up so HBomberGuy's insights weren't anything new at the time he uploaded the original video.

I'm glad you were able to see how superior DeS is. I still think DaS would overall be the better game if it didn't have shitty areas starting from way back in Blighttown (Lower Blighttown is pretty bad as is the upper part of Sen's [the part that you reach after climbing to the top of the fortress], the same goes for Anor Londo's atrocious level design, and don't get me started on the infamous spike that's known as "everything that comes after Anor Londo"). As for DeS, the only bad areas I can think of are 4-2, 5-1 and 5-2 and they are bad in a sense that they are mediocre when compared to the rest of the stages (4-2 is extremely linear, 5-2 has mediocre level design before the abandoned village that's near the end of the stage etc).
The only thing DeS did bad was the sheer amount of farming it forces you into if you want to upgrade your weapon (even the normal upgrade path requires a lot of farming). What else was there to do other than to spend a pain-staking amount of time in 2-2 or to use the duplication glitch?

hbomberguy is based and anyone who doesn't like him is either a nazi or a redditor or both

ITT: Matthew's patreon supporters


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I just bit the bullet and went through the game with +4 weapons. My real complaint about farming is the colorless demon's souls, since I don't like messing around with my tendencies.

physiognomy is so powerful, I can tell so much about this young man without even knowing anything. His collapsed frontal lobe is indicative of serious brainlet syndrome

The unreasonable farming starts at +6 I think, or maybe +8, I can't remember correctly
How hard was it to beat the game with a +4 weapon? I know that most of the bosses are gimmicky (Miyazaki wanted every boss to be unique, as opposed to every other Souls game after it which has most of the bosses that require you to dodge quickly), but some like Flamelurker and the Gargoyles are tough.

based and phrenologypilled
oh wait, that's a pseudoscience you fucking retard, no one smart takes that seriously

Where the fuck is his chin?

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Whenever I got to a boss that I had trouble with, I just use the upgraded fire longsword, since they already gave me a +1 dragon sword in Stonefang, and Stonefang has enough materials to make a +4 sword without farming.

physiognomy and phrenology are different things you midwit retard

2-2 is definitely a glorified farm spot when you think about it, but I still think that it's an excellent stage. Going through the maze near the end (that consists of the tunnels that the monster bugs dug; the maze was completely natural and in line other numerous natural-looking stuff like the shortcut in 2-1 which was completely natural since it's logical to have a machine for transporting ore etc) was extremely memorable and there were some other great bits here and there (the whole area with Patches etc).

>that's a pseudoscience you fucking retard, no one smart takes that seriously

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>in the WRONG body
>claims that there is nothing WRONG with this

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When did Moviebob ever make a decent video?

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that's just a shitty animation, but it was 100% his fault for turning his back

thanks for the video game related contribution to this video game related thread

>One-hit kill enemies like Mindflayers
not OHK

>Start thread off with Hsoierguy

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it starts of with him because he's an avid defender of DaS 2 you absolute idiot

he's a gay anglo manlet, a little girl could beat him up.

He's also a raging commie. If you really wanted a thread about Das 2, OP should of chosen a different image.

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>but has absolutely shit tier political opinions he feels compelled to bring up every other sentence

Is this guy Anglo? He gives me that vibe....

get educated dumbass, the trans children charity he donated to basicly holds seminars and funds psychologists for gender confused children to help them get through adolesence and explain changes in their body, it mostly focuses on telling people if they are trans or not it has nothing to do with actual surgeries.

altrighters are dumbest people alive, if you dont start acting smart you're going to be a joke your whole life

Harris more like Hairless lmao

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and you're a huge faggot, that doesn't mean I mention you taking it up the ass whenever you talk about vidya

His basedboy videos are tops.

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the leftists also outnumbered the nazis 10:1 and had ridiculously high casualties compared to then


why did you include my banter in your post? I made fun of some user, I don't want shit to do with mutilating children

Is this that guy who has a hard on for trump and draws him with abs?

There is literally nothing wrong with being transgender.
As long as you don't chop off your dick.

You made fun of a based user making fun of HBomberGoy. You must accept your punishment.

I'll make fun of whoever I please

Reminder hbomberguy has a bad hairline from too much testosterone.

i dont understand how this faggot gets shilled so hard here

That's not very nice.

Because he is funny and challenges /pol/tards views so they bring him up hoping others will take him down to help reenforce those views

You already answered your own question. Especially the beginning portions of his series was more or less attacking his use of words and its subtext. The last video of his series the only thing thats worth looking into.

...and best they can come up with is petty insults because no one can debunk his vidoes.
seriously i used to be frequent /pol/tard and his videos were some of first that made me turn normal

>he is funny

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>he is funny
no he isn't
>challenges /pol/tards
lmao what an achievement, truly brave

Its more competent than 2. But its way too easy despite more difficult movesets.

I always turn my brain off playing through it, its fucking weird.

Cucks know this website is dominated by right-wingers so they post his autistic content in a hilarious attempt to troll us

>I don’t like British comedy.

Poor fools

>Because he is funny and challenges /pol/tards views so they bring him up hoping others will take him down to help reenforce those views

The only thing hbdbomberguy does is convince me that far leftism isn't a valid political ideology, its a genetic disorder filled with horrible psychological traits, all of which are genetics. Like, he even BEHAVES and has mannerism similar to other far leftists cult. Its freaky. I want to study his DNA. Also, he's both a far leftists and a narcissistic. What a evil combination.

Like, I once saw his Dark Soul 2 video before I knew who this guy was, and I immediately knew this guy was some far leftists piece of shit. And its just from the attitude he was exuding. Fucking freaks me out to learn how right I was.

>tfw tranny but hate both leftist cucks and /pol/tards

It's a lonely life.

>there's literally nothing wrong with being psychotic

Which version is better? Original or SotFS?

>he's funny because he's british

I like lots of British comedy. He is just 100% objectively NOT funny.

>I have no personality.

That is worse than been a tranny.

Pick a side, fence sitter.

>the world is composed of two extremes and I'm the only moderate one
get your head out of your ass

Dark souls 2 had the floatiest combat I’ve ever dealt with. It seems they slowed everything down like you were playing in mud. I don’t see how anyone can call it an improvement

He might like a head up his ass

Only one of those groups wants you to kill yourself so when you're past the point where you think fitting in on Yea Forums is something worth your time chances are you'll side with the left. Or you'll kill yourself and the same people you're hoping to impress here will use your suicide as a joke for more ebin memes.

Thanks for proving my point. Sweet mother of CRINGE.

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I'm not going to listen to that nasal jew voice

The edit is way funnier honestly, huge missed opportunity on his part.

Leftism is pure evil, supports mass immigration and believes in the pseudoscience of racial equality. I may be a tranny, but even I recognize the logical absurdity of it all.

You're evil. That's the side I pick.

It basically does everything worse compared to literally every other Souls game except for maybe the way pvp is balanced but that doesn't matter when the game feels like dogshit either way

best armors

>humans are the same as humans

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It's the best game in the series easily

Playing through the game again recently (up at mid Amana) and some thoughts on this
-I get why people like powerstance, but the combat itself is so sluggish that I have a hard time feeling satisfaction from my attacks
-I find that the amount of souls you get creates a scenario where you just start putting points into stats that aren't even necessary for your build because you've already hit the soft caps (before halfway through the game too if playing well) that "builds" are less of a thing over time (especially true in multiplayer where there is no meta level due to Memory)
-I've seen people cited the non-linear progression, but really that's only true till you hit Drangleic, at which point suddenly it becomes linear (compared to Demons total non-linearitt world selection or DS1's one path, then two, then one, then four)
-I'll grant that the DLC areas are generally better, and I think give a better idea of what the current director wanted to do were he not hamstrings by deadlines (though arguably the enemy placements are just as bad, so clearly that's something he needs to work on)

Not really going to comment on PvP because I USED to play it but find it stale game-to-game

Looks like /pol/ was right, you people are mentally unhinged. Enjoy your lonely life, it doesn't sound like anyone would want to be around you regardless of if you diced up your genitals or not.

hbomberguy defended No Man's Sky on release, which should automatically discredit any other opinions he has.

But it's not like most leftists genuinely care about trans issues or want to help.
They even support the whole "non-binary" crap which shows how misguided and ignorant they are.

If you had gender dysphoria, you would know that non-binaries are a meme akin to headmates/furries/indigo children/whatever.
What's worse is they try to take over that trans community and speak on everyone's behalf...

Do you require dick and validation that badly that you will side with the people that literally want you beaten and murdered?
This is a level of degeneracy I didn't know was possible.

NMS was a fine game on launch it just wasn't the game they promised.

>But it's not like most leftists genuinely care about trans issues or want to help.
wtf I love leftists now

I-I like Hbomberguy's videos. Especially the political ones. I think he's entertaining..

>But it's not like most leftists genuinely care about trans issues or want to help
That's because most of them care about real issues and not the insane screeching of an irrelevant pack of unhinged lunatics

You may find it odd but lots of trannies on Yea Forums are Nazis and alt right. I think it’s part of the self hate many of them have.

It's ok. Not everyone is smart.

Based and redpilled

>But it's not like most leftists genuinely care about trans issues or want to help.
Leftist have a more libertarian view of trannies where they are fine with them as long as they aren’t hurting others.

Ah yes, they're busy supporting transnational corporations.

This. There are a bunch of gays and trannies on Yea Forums who are literally the "I'm not like the other girls!!" meme, and think that being allies with people who hate gays and trannies makes them interesting, or somehow exempt from the hatred.
But they're not exempt. If anything they're the first ones I'd want to curbstomp because they have even less self respect or value than the rest, plus they're more obnoxious and desperate for attention.

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>But it's not like most leftists genuinely care about trans issues or want to help
As opposed to the right, who are often outright hostile towards them? Ask yourself if trying this hard to be "balanced" really makes sense when you're siding with people who hate you instead of people who don't hate you as much.

American politics are so fucked.

>Muh cunti stu sions
You inbred retards sound like a broken record. Is it becuase you dumbshits can't remember more than a couple of lines of code? Pathetic.

>all troomers are ugly fetishists

some of them are decently attractive fetishists

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Just post GG-Yea Forums I'm afraid. Phoneposter and REEE-ing virgins, sad!

any tranny that genuinely wants to live their lives in peace is fine with me but I would happily put a bullet through the skull of every tranny on here who tries to win favour by claiming to hate /pol/ and SJWs "just like you guys! x"
it would be a kindness, taking their worthless lives away

When I first played it, I thought it was just straight up bad. But then I gave the game another try a few months ago and it wasn't as bad as I remember it & now I think the game is decent but it still has major flaws i.e. enemy spamming, trash hitboxes, AGL.
I always consider Hbomberguy as a leftist version Sargon of Applebee's for some reason. Maybe it because he goes after low-hanging rightwing fruits to make himself look smart. Although, at least Hbomberguy didn't change his life goal to become a politician while saying shit in the past that would ruin his chances of ever becoming a politician so I'll give Hbomberguy that.

Why are the leftest tied with Jews in people’s eyes. I can’t count how many MAGA/Americanflag/Isrealflag covered trucks I see in Tennessee.

pic unrelated

>Scottish green party
Not worth the paper it's printed on.

>low hanging fruit.

PJW and Ben Shapiro are low hanging fruit?

faraam is kino, alva too but I started prefering bloodbornes art style so armor has kinda left my mind when comparing the games

I don't side with either.
Lefties would be ok if they weren't pushing for outright harmful crap like diversity quotas, trying to flood their respective country with minorities etc.
Sadly in the modern world, if you don't agree with them on one issue get labeled a turbonazi which doesn't help their case either.

desu DSP isn't even that bad, he just has a bunch of retard moments that compounds with his stubborness

What is your problem with other humans?

fine, here's your zoomer tranny to illustrate my point better

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Yes I also hate liberals and minorities and am sick of being considered right wing just because of that

thats debateable. Alt-right is essentially everyone that isn't a neo-con or a progressive. Then they lump nazis in the group, and call the entire group racist.

I still don't know what the definition of alt-right is.

The game that shipped at launch was perfectly in line with all the footage released during the previous 8 months

>if you don't agree with them on one issue get labeled a turbonazi
has this actually happened to you or do you just read people saying on Yea Forums a million times each day and assume it'll happen

Some of them are violent and aren't culturally prepared to integrate into other societies yet.

the term is cringekino

Yes. PJW is a complete moron and Shapiro a smug Jewish midget that himself goes for low hanging fruits.

Locals are just as violent and many are still unable to integrate. Seems like that’s something you kinda take per incident instead of just demonizing all.

just look at all this pathologizing, go be a fag somewhere else

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And yet they have huge audiences full of people who hang on their every word. Shouldn't someone point out how full of shit they are? And what higher-hanging fruit would make for a better target?

I am willing to bet a million dollars I won't get an answer to this

Alt Right-a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.

Who would be high fruit?

>people actually think Ivory King is great

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When I mean by "low hanging fruits", I'm talking about mainstream online rightwing figures like PJW and Ben Shapiro as an example.



it's a wild ride scrolling this one down

you're definitely getting that million dollars

Because no one uses the backstep feature outside of abusing the fact it gives you infinite poise. It's infinitely better to use it to roll in every single situation and bosses (At least before 3 including Bloodborne) are not expecting you to do it. I can't even think of a boss move that can be dodged properly with a backstep that isn't just better dodged with a roll.

Spoiler: there is no high hanging fruit when it comes to conservatives.

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I use it, especially when trying to evade an enemy that appears to be preparing an attack that could backstab me.

Why? Unless your enemy has a shortsword its attack is going to hit you because enemy reach is longer than your backstep steps backward, you have less iframes, you're stuck in one position so to speak, and it takes just as long to begin attacking again as a roll would have given you. It's the most useless feature in Souls games outside of being used for abusing glitches like skipping a majority of Sen's Funhouse or some Forbidden Woods skips.

I can't watch ralph the movie maker for this reason. He can make good content but he feels compelled to bring up his political opinions constantly

Thats really not the case. They really only want a white nation to themselves.

>You're evil. That's the side I pick.

The truth is that all of us are evil. Take the breadpill.