What's your excuse for not completing your games?

What's your excuse for not completing your games?

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Online trophies and very, very time consuming trophies, those two types are my nightmare when it comes to getting a platinum

I've been trying on and off for the past few days getting every quickening attack in FFXII.
Black Hole is giving me despair.

I'm not entitled to do so, back when video games were good they didn't even really exist.

A lot of trophies are grindy shit that is in no way fun.

Most trophies are a hellish grind, or require an absurd amount of playthroughs

Shit RNG for items you need

I don't actually like games. Playing them feels like work.

Cope. Most trophies are not time consuming at all if you're good.

>being a cheevo whore

>Dark Souls
>obtain all weapons
>there’s a weapon with a 0.01% drop rate in an area that take 3ish minutes to clear each time

Fuck you

>your post
>people reply with shitty trophies/cheevos
>"hurr those don't count because they're from shit games"
not today, faggot

Trophies linked with RNG events are not time consuming, you fat faggot? Bullshit

Heavy Voice

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I'm not playing through the same game 4 times to get all the different endings, Sekiro.

I don't have much impulse to go for a Platinum/100% completion unless I really, really enjoy just plain playing the game. When a game starts tossing in really obnoxious and obvious grind trophies it stops being about playing for fun and turns into work.

I don't have a mental problem.


I only ever care about 100%ing a game or doing every sidequest before finishing the main story. As soon as the final boss is done the game's finished for me, and I never go back for extra collectables or heart containers etc. Superbosses and legit postgame-only content is the exception, but the rest of the game is still dead to me.

I only get trophies for games I really like that aren't difficult to Platinum. I also got all the trophies for the Half Life 2 saga on Steam

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>Catching a fucking rhizodont
>Upgrading all weapons to maximun level
I don't know user, I found those two I said way more frustating and time consuming than the fucking flowers.
Grinding the Eagle eggs, Broken Wristwatchs and Subdued Bracelets almost made me go insane.

>mfw no multiple playthroughs and nothing missable

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>Most trophies are not time consuming at all if you're good.
>White Knight Chronicles Plat
>Estimated time to obtain: 500 hours
Sure thing, NEET.

>RDR2 Level 50 or 70 gold missions

I fell for the bait.

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You can't have played a lot of games then, or you pick the easy ones just for the trophies

i never really bothered with achievements on steam games in general, but i did get this for half life epi 2 back when it came out, am i still cool?

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>that one trophy keeping you away from platinum because of just one shitty little thing you can't do
What is her name, Yea Forums?
I can't platinum MGS PW just because of the torture chamber, I can't get past the torture button-mashing part to get my S rank.

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>Gunvolt platinum is literally speedrunning every mission and not getting hit once

I was really into getting platinums when I was a teenager and had lots of time on my hands, I don't have that luxury anymore

I play games how i want not how some intern who comes up with the trophies wants me to


Ah, hell, user. I'd do that for you if I could. That's a lot of effort just to be stopped before the finish line.

who cares desu, I mean I'll try to get plats if I wanna, but this only on a game by game basis, and if takes more effort to get plat than it does to actually complete the entire game from start to finish and on the hardest difficulty, then you can fuck off with that shit cause I don't really care in the end. it's not like trophies mean anything anyway.

Trophies are dumb because you could easily 100 percent a game, but your trophy list might read 80 percent. It's all stupid.

t-b-h has been filtered to fucking DESU why god dammit

I'm not obsessed with autistically filling meters.

My only platinums are Bioware and David Cage games also the Witcher 3.

>caring for trophies when they get useless in the next console generation

Get some reallife goals you venting underage

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I missed one of the conversations in The Last of Us.

But both Playstation and Xbox carried over their systems across multiple systems. Playstation even let you earn trophies on the Vita.

yeah like 10 years ago how fucking new are you zoomer

>replaying on hard+ to get some more trophies
>miss one conversation
>have to replay that whole shitty chapter just to get it
>quit and uninstall

casual retard cope. Literally one of the easiest, quickest, and highest completion percent games, at 17% for the original game and 27% for the remaster.

There are shitty games that require you to do tedious and time consuming tasks but these are very uncommon.

There are very few trophies/achievements linked heavily to RNG, obviously some aspect of RNG is present in many games, but I literally can't even think of a single example of a time consuming trophy/achievement that is very heavily linked to RNG.

>haha gottem, here's one shitty game out of thousands, this will sure show him!
Fuck off idiot. Also 70 gold missions is piss easy. RDR2 is one of the most boring and grindy platis, but definitely not because of the 70 gold medals lmao

I have over 150 plats and 800 ultra rares dumbass.

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nothing wrong with a little trophy hunting

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>I have over 150 plats and 800 ultra rares dumbass.
ah so you're mentally ill

There's nothing even time consuming about trophy hunting even in really difficult games, you just need to actually PLAY the games you buy and not be braindead.

Chad here, you're all a bunch of loser incels wasting your lives, why don't you get some real life goals like getting good at a sport or having sex

>There's nothing even time consuming about trophy hunting even in really difficult games
>get shown time consuming games

>Tfw I became so trophy obsessed that I started buying games on the Switch/pirating games simply so I could avoid my near crippling addiction and enjoy games again

Feels bad

I still haven't platinumed DS3 because I need to all covenant awards. Hopefully Spears of the church doesn't count.

Those aren't difficult though, just time consuming. RDR2 and WKC are some of the most time consuming platinums out there. WKC is just a shit game so I never played it, and RDR2 just has a really long and tedious trophy list so I didn't bother. Wow, that's really difficult isn't it?

>Play new Yakuza game
>Say I'm gonna go for the plat for E peen points
>Realise half way through grinding one the boring shit minigames that I have a life that I'm wasting and stop

Feels good

That's the thing, though, no one has ever complained that trophy hunting is difficult, but that it takes too much time.

If you want another example, MGS2 tasks you with collecting all the dog tags on all the difficulties, meaning you have to hold up every guard in the game multiple times to get them and there's no list you can check while you're playing.

Woah... here's the thing you can choose what you want or don't want to play/100%. I don't bother with time consuming or tedious trophies unless I really enjoy the games, but most people are just bad at games; once you have a few dozen difficult plats, you start to get the hang of it and even games most would consider 10/10 are not really that difficult.

So you're saying that trophies are not time consuming because you can just not do the ones that are.
By that same logic people being bad at games doesn't matter because they can choose to only do the easy ones.

What are you even trying to say dumbass? Time consuming =/= difficult

For me I consider the time between completing what the game actually has to offer and the trophy, because usually there's just pointless grinding in-between that exists for no in game purpose, but rather only arbitrarily set as a condition to get the trophy. So I end up platinuming the games that I first of all like enough to complete, and which have a reasonable amount of grinding.

One game that I recently pretty much gave up on plating was resonance of fate. I've already completed all actual content(main game, side quests, option end game dungeon), but the trophy requires you to (arbitrarily) fight 500 near-identical fights in the arena. The fights are not even close to being different enough, whether in terms of difficulty or content, to justify that.

cba, it usually involves a tedious grind to get all of them.

I see it the other way around. Most of the time, trophies are getting the most out of your game and seeing all or a good deal of what they have to offer and mastering them, while just doing a quick playthrough is a really casual and shallow way to play a game.

Each to their own then. Or perhaps we play different enough games. But just take the example I gave, that's like at least 20 hours of identical fights to get the plat.

Same here. I started hating that game

>WKC is just a shit game
>I never played it
I already thought you were a nigger for complaining about people giving examples but you're an even bigger nigger than before.

>What's your excuse for not completing your games?
Mahjong. I think judge eyes finally put in a cheat item so you don't have to get into that lunacy though.
Haven't plat a single goddamn yakuza game because of chink poker.

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>really like Dynasty Warriors game in short bursts
>every single one needs a dedication of a neet to 100%
It's a misery

You're the one saying that people are only complaining because they're bad, casuals, and whatever other strawman you're making up.

Yeah I don't play shitty braindead grinding JRPGs where you just make bigger numbers appear on screen

Yeah, vast majority of trophies are very easy and come with natural progression. Collectible trophies are annoying, but there are very few that are anything more than a minor nuisance

>he can't teach himself how to play a basic bitch game
>he can't google guides literally made for yakuza mahjong

4 sets of 3 and top it with a pair my dude.

>I think judge eyes finally put in a cheat item so you don't have to get into that lunacy though.
Yeah, but you'd need to grind VR Salon's hard course for roughly 20+ hours just to afford enough money for the Hug Bomb Omegas to get the 10,000 SP per cheat item (Of which you can only hold one of meaning you'd have to make the 3+ minute trek back into the sewers to buy another one) for the 40ish games you need to win. Even if you ended up doing that you still can't get the plat because it requires a Full Straight and a Three Color Straight which the cheat item doesn't provide.

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>Have to grind shit
>Have to play on super hard mode
>Have to collect random pointless shit endlessly

Will nope out of a plat with any of this.

You don't have to do any of that shit in Yakuza 6 though.

Collectibles are designed to be a nuisance and time waster. Someone also mentioned rdr2 in which the plat hardly comes with natural progression. You got your vast majority out of your ass.

If it was just "Win 10 games of mahjong" or some shit but for some reason mahjong is the one minigame where they make you jump through 50 hoops to clear the list for it.
At least in 0, I didn't bother to check in any of the others.

>do a blind run of vesperia
>got almost no trophies
>half the list secret missions for bosses you'd have no idea about without looking up
Yeaaaaah no

>Dragon Age Inquisistion
>Dragon Age Origins
>Heavy Rain
>Detroit become human
>Resident Evil 6
>Witcher 3
>Paladins (Overwatch ripoff)
>Nier Automata (Cause I cheated this was also my first ever plat)

These are my only plats can I be the most hated guy in the thread now for having high IQ and great taste in vidya?

Oh I have one for Undertale too but I regret that.


Some of them require doing stupid grindy bullshit for the 100% completion, and I don't find that entertaining. Whoohoo, I killed a poisoned, burning and bleeding enemy ten times, that sure was good way to spend time.

The requirement is always either get 40k/50k points in one game (I.E. make two or three winning hands during the match and then finish the match without losing a hand to someone else, they stopped doing this with Ishin), win X amount of hands (10-30 at most), get a mangan/haneman (Which happens naturally unless you keep stealing tiles), and make one or at most two really easy hands. Full Straights are literally beginner-tier hands. The Dragon Engine games only add on tournament wins which is basically just winning on the hardest table in a place three or four times and then savescumming the tournament until you win it.

You make it sound so difficult when a majority of the stuff you get just by playing a normal game the whole way through.

>Someone also mentioned rdr2 in which the plat hardly comes with natural progression
Yes, you fucking retard, this is an exception, as stated multiple times in this thread.

>RDR2 and WKC are some of the most time consuming platinums out there
>RDR2 just has a really long and tedious trophy list

>great taste in vidya
>Dragon Age Inquisistion
>Heavy Rain
>Detroit become human
>Resident Evil 6
>Witcher 3

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Yes of course, every single time consuming grind is conveniently the "exception" to your supposed vast majority.

You're legitimately mentally ill and also incapable of reading.

I was paid $30 to play yiik and yes it's as awful as you think.
I would have plat KHBBS but it requires you to 100% the game 3 entirely separate times and I haven't gotten the motivation to do it a 2nd and 3rd time

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Yes because there is thousands of games you fucking dumbass. You don't have to 100% every game, but if your account is full of low percent games and you have no difficult trophies/achievements we know you are a casual retard who wastes his money and doesn't play or can't finish his games

You're still mentally ill and keeps conflating difficult with time consuming.

>low percent games
not the discussion you fucking retard, since it was between platinuming it or not.

If you have over 50% of achievements or trophies in any game then you're a fucking loser.

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Judge me

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I'm not gonna fuck around doing inane shit for a virtual award. I'll play the game, do any side stuff I can and beat the final boss.

ADHD and a career.

Nice work beating Zico's times, that's all I need along with the online trophies. Any cool pro gamer tipz?

What's the game on the bottom?

The trophy in danganronpa 1 for getting all the gifts. I just cant do the management mini game properly. In shenmue i didnt feed the cat so i would have to play the game through just to do that, and ape escape 2 my save got wiped and i would need to play through the game another 2 times just for a trophy

The liar princess and the blind prince, fun little game.

I'm not autistic.

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Incel faggot loser.

Have sex.

i only complete games that i liked and only if it doesn't take a retarded amount of time. I have 23 platinums, the latest one is CTR plat, it took a while to get used to the u turn shit.

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Just gotta know the line and grind it down. webm related, my run that got it.

The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. Puzzle platformer by NIS. I'm a sucker for the story premise so bought it day one, really enjoyed it. Pretty easy plat so that's cool too.

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RE6 is schlock-kino.

I never conflated time consuming with difficulty dumbass. I said that most trophies are either natural progression trophies experiencing what a game has to offer, and if you're just playing through a game one time on normal then that's extremely shallow and casual and you're missing out on a large part of the game (unless it's a simplistic and casual narrative focused game)

I never said it's about getting platinum or not getting it. Trophies/achievements show what games people play and what they have done in them, as well as giving global metrics of completion (hint: vast majority of people barely play their games)

>can’t think of a single time consuming trophy heavily linked to RNG

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Most trophy hunters (people that play/complete normal and difficult games instead of cheap dogshit for an easy platinum) are normal people. It's really not time consuming at all. We use guides for collectibles or to know about missable/obscure trophies or to know the general game flow and what to expect or if it's worth the time.

It’s because I have something called a fucking LIFE, OP.

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this shit pissed me off, trying to get those birds to show up for hours

I don't waste time 100%ing games. I play a game to the end, usually not until I get every trophy. I am playing Three Houses for all 4 routes though.

online trophies, grinding one's that just waste days, like mk9, and trophies so hard it's not even worth the effort, fuck twisted metal and it's bs AI
also psnprofiles is fucked and won't update my games they shouldn't have messed with the site

yeah and really great to play a game you're already good at to get everything while you've got a podcast or something in the background. peak cozy.

>I never said it's about getting platinum or not getting it.
yes you did you fucking retarded liar.

>most trophies are either natural progression trophies experiencing what a game has to offer
Oh you backtracking nutjob, literally who has said otherwise? You were droning on about PLATS. No one has said that there were more than a few time consuming trophies. Then you started sperging out about how it's "easy" even though no one said otherwise, just time consuming. Then you changed the goal post from plat to "not low percentage" even though no one has said getting a high percentage is time consuming, only the plat.

As someone who has trophy and achievement hunted for nearly 10 years, it just seems baffling how little people play their games. Like how the fuck do you just play through a game once and then move on? Most games are literally 5-20 hours at most unless you play shitty JRPG grindfests. You honestly just play through a game, do absolutely nothing else, don't learn its tricks or mechanics in any way, don't see the extra or challenges, don't encounter any difficulties or obstacles, and beat it in a couple days before just going to the next cheap thrill for you to just breeze through and repeat again?

I just struggle to understand it. I would get so fucking bored of games if not trophies and achievements, there would be absolutely nothing to play aside from multiplayer games.

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>I would get so fucking bored of games if not trophies and achievements
the real curse, games just seem boring after collecting trophies for so long to a point where If there's nothing to collect I would just not play it. a terrible feeling

I'm not a Zoomer who cares about shiny trinkets.

Because Trophies/Achievements are one of the worst things added to games. They're arbitrary goals to squeeze playtime out of autists with more time than sense, and aren't accomplishments in any sense of the word. Play games how you want instead of getting Skinner Box'd by a fucking pop-up.

Shit like DMC or Ninja Gaiden where you need to need to invest 100 hours beating the game in every single difficulty in the highest rank possible, and most of the time it's not even a matter of skill as much as exploiting all the mechanics like Dr Faust and Balrog in DMC 5 or spamming UT iframes in NG2

Because not everybody wastes all their fucking time so user can approve of your achievements list? Because not everyone looks at the achievements like a checklist of things you MUST do before you put down the game? I play a game as much or as little as I like and then I'm done with it, and there are dozens of games that I play that come out a year. Fuck off, faggot.

How were the plats for Soul Caliber and FighterZ? I'm waiting for any "Complete All DLC For Real This Time" editions before buying. How much getting good vs how much time?

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a lot of people, such as myself, dont find the majority of the games we play that interesting to keep playing them more than once. after that theres not much else to keep going because you already saw and experienced the majority of what the game has to offer,not counting MP modes of course.

>besides being a little online merit thing that says I did it, I get nothing ingame
Literally what reason is there for me to get every trophy in all of my games?

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The Zenny grind in FighterZ is a misery.

Nobody cares faggot.

SC6 is easy and takes no effort outside of a slight grind with the single player

DBFZ has a miserable grind for 20 million zenny. You also need to reach 530,000 BP online, which will probably be more difficult now than it was at launch due to how long the game's been out.

Steam is even more miserable since you can pinpoint the percentage that got the game via a bundle since it drops rock bottom after the first achievement.

It's still really hard and more difficult task than 99% of players are doing. Most speedruns and top players use the same exploits, and only certain parts have tricks or exploits

How about quality plats? Probably the only plat I regret not having.

My online buddy and I almost finished this shit but the connection was just about playable and he was the only one I knew who was capable of executing the strategy. Ended up drifting away in time and not getting back to finish it.

The only mission we had left was the one where you have to fight 3 bosses at once, and P2 abuses Rachel twirl and draws aggro while Ryu picks them off solo.

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Damn, that sucks bro.
My rarest is Transformers Devastation. It's supposed to be difficult as shit but it wasn't even that hard or time consuming.

I'm at the same point in vita version but that one is legit impossible to get, not only you can't play online or Adhoc and the partner AI is dumb as rocks, but they also didn't toned down the difficulty to compensate, you die the instant you get into a later mission.

wow that's pretty mind boggling that they didn't even adjust the difficulty since there's no online. Alexi literally snipes the AI 0.01 seconds into the mission any time I tried to use the AI out of curiosity or for the lulz.

>Error: Image resolution is too large.
fuck off let me post my plats, it's all I have

MHW needed fishing trophies