How can this cycle be broken?

How can this cycle be broken?

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lol niggers play minecraft

This is retarded

Kids these days don't know REAL games.

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It can't be. It's a fundimental human instinct to shit on younger people because they remind them of their impending mortality.

By only playing REAL games.

It's pretty much the oldest human impulse.

Even Socrates talked about how dumb "kids these days" are.

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Socrates was right
Gambling sucks


>Mortal combat

lol autist's



Socrates didn't make that picture, that was a thousand years later.

Socrates argued that books were making people stupid because they didn't have to memorize things anymore, which is why he never wrote any of his philosophy down.

Kids are always dumb.

This. The fist time this happend must haven been when some caveman invented the spear and his dad complained about that hitting stuff with rocks was the way to go and kids have it too easy nowadays.

socrates was a fucking degenerate

It can't. Kids don't know their history, because they're kids and a majority of kids are impulsive and vapid, so they go along with trends because other kids go along with trends. It's why marketing towards children is both highly profitable and highly monitored for abuse. The comic is merely stating a trend which is also factual, but pointless because they're god damn toddlers.

Sounds like my old math teacher saying shit like you wont have calculators with you all the time and now we have smartphones with us all the time.

why is every generation before so blood thirsty? Is it jealousy towards the young and attractive? Some sick hope to push for wars so innocent young people die while the older generation sits safely in their homes?

because if you arent fighting then the neighboring tribe can conquer you easily

All those games suck ass. None of those people know REAL games.

So fight your own war then, boom boom

Make sure kids play the classics so they know what they're talking about.

old men suck at fighting retard

Yet sure loves thirsting for it.

Is this pic implying Stadium was a remotely casual game? That game was hard as balls even with your own pokemon. Pic fuckin related

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This gets even weirder once you realize this was the same generation that spawned hippes and treated Vietnam veterans like shit.

the damn greatest generation went out and killed innocent europeans and all your stupid generation does is stay home and play video games. bunch of weak willed pussies if you ask me. back in my day we'd go to war if another country didn't like the same flavor of fanta as us (we're an orange country you fucking communists). I hope someday your slack jawed homos realize that we saved you from speaking german and or russian and or japanese. you can thank me later you homos. God bless AMERICA.

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nuclear war

maybe the radiation will warp our brains enough to stop saying this kind of shit

Fornite is shit
Don't care for Minecraft
Pokemon was hyped to shit where kids would start killing eachother for cards
Mortal Kombat was just there
Pacman was a shit game and only "nerds" will think it's rad

All of your games are shit and you have shit taste.

Don't care. You're the ones who set this entire thing up. We're not fighting your wars for you unless you're right there with us.

It's not as if we're going to fight anymore anyway, but I'll only fight side-by-side by my TRUE brothers in arms from here. Not whatever the fuck is going on now. Madness. Weak men from the most spoiled generation ever ruined the world and blame the youth for their own actions.

Old people sure are weird.

You can't finish the cycle of eternal return.

I think we already did. I dont remember any of the earlier generations wanting other people to play the video games for them. or wanting to cut off their dick and shoot all their friends either.

>we saved you from speaking...japanese

>Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history, back then the demographics of people who were into computer games, was totally different, in my opinion, then they are today. Back then, computers were more expensive, which made them more exclusive to people who were maybe at a certain income level, or education level. So the people that played computer games 15 years ago were that type of person. They probably didn't watch television as much, and the instant gratification era hadn't quite grown the way it has lately. I think in the last 5 or 6 years, the demographics have really changed, now this is my opinion, because computers are less expensive so more people can afford them. More "average" people now feel they should own one.
Roberta Williams, 1999

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Stop making videogames?

Joke's on them. I still speak Japanese because I wanted to understand my waifu

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LMAO your name is ROBERTA, the least feminine name in history. You don't get to say shit, boomer thot

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>Nothing but normalfag trash
Play more complex games, be hostile towards casuals.

the top two are correct, the bottom two are literallyneverhappened.png



"Real games" started existed for the first time in 1985 and began going extinct in 2008. Prove me wrong.
t. born 1988

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ha 1988, you are like a child compared to me
go to bed kid

>Real games
>Console game

I'm just saying my experience can't be defined by "games I grew up with" since my favorite games range from when I was -3 to when I was 20.

Something objectively, quantitatively went to shit during the PS3/360 generation.

Those games are all shit tho.

I guess the guy that wrote this post likes moviegames

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lol back to the old folks home grandpa

There were always shitty games, but now more and more people play games, so each single shitty game has like a million fans and sales. Just statistically, if several million people are exposed to a shitty game enough of them will have bad taste and like it.

there it is, we're done, shut down thread.

>Mortal Kombat and Fortnite blow
>Minecraft is mediocre
>Pokemon was pretty good
>Pac Man was amazing
What did they mean by this?


>There were always shitty games, but now more and more people play games, so each single shitty game has like a million fans and sales. Just statistically, if several million people are exposed to a shitty game enough of them will have bad taste and like it.
It has a lot more to do with how much they have perfected marketing and hype bullshit.
You don't have to make a good game if you can convince 5% of the however many million people that play videogames to pay for it before its out and they have a chance to see reviews or anything.

>Go to sporting event
>Cameramen start putting people up on the big screen
>Every single kid put up there immediately starts Flossing or doing the Loser Dance

I really don't have anything against Fortnite and kids enjoying it but that shit is just awful to look at.