Billy Mitchell

imagine riding on the results of one achievement for your entire life

Attached: 800px-Billy_Mitchell,_Craig,_&_Kylez.jpg (570x570, 105K)

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boomer speedrunners

if I had one achievement I would do it too

Imagine having no worthwhile achievements your whole life and larping on Yea Forums of all things you fucking faggot.

imagine having no achievements your entire life, oh wait

>imagine riding on the results of one achievement for your entire life

Attached: rarekojima.jpg (600x654, 72K)

Imagine faking an achievement and thinking someone wouldn’t catch you on your bullshit

As if you have anything of note, OP.

Billy Mitchells head looks like it caving into itself.

>Billy Mitchell threatens legal action over vacated Donkey Kong scores
>Lawyers demand retraction from Twin Galaxies, Guinness, or they’ll sue
>By Owen S. Good Sep 14, 2019, 12:26pm EDT
>Billy Mitchell, the former Donkey Kong and Pac-Man high-score champion made famous in the 2007 film The King of Kong, has threatened legal action against the sanctioning bodies who threw out all of Mitchell’s high scores in April 2018 after finding that two were illegitimate.
>This week, lawyers for Mitchell sent a letter to Twin Galaxies and Guinness World Records demanding that both “retract their claims against Billy Mitchell” and restore the scores to their world record leaderboards, where Mitchell had been a fixture since the early 1980s. Attorneys made the same demand of Guinness World Records, which uses Twin Galaxies as its source for the video game high score records it recognizes.
>At issue is the April 12, 2018 finding by Twin Galaxies, after a three-month investigation and deliberative process, that the gameplay in two million-point scores Mitchell claimed for Donkey Kong were not produced by original, unmodified arcade hardware. The implication in that finding is that Mitchell used an emulator running the game to produce the scores, and emulators allow different control schemes, display setups, and even the means to cheat or manipulate a score or performance.
>Of the two scores that Twin Galaxies determined were not set on original arcade hardware, one was the 1,047,200 shown in the climactic moment of The King of Kong, when Mitchell snatches back the world record from rival Steve Wiebe with a videotaped submission sent in at the last moment. One of the scores thrown out, although Twin Galaxies made no determination as to its source platform, was a 1,062,800 set July 31, 2010, and previously acknowledged as the first million-point game in Donkey Kong history.