Sport bras don't work like that...

Sport bras don't work like that, actually they show part of the top of the chest so the space between boobs can breathe and to avoid skin rash.
Who the fuck designed this? Have they ever been im a gym?

Attached: FF7 Remake Tifa.png (1497x878, 979K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have you?

>Have they ever been im a gym?
Do you really think the kind of person who works in an "ethics committee" has ever been to a gym?

if tifa is confirmed not a virgin now when she reunites with cloud then who was she fucking?

Snoy is censored western trash ran by SJWs in California

Have you ever been to a fucking Gym mate?-

Attached: Zup5LUf.jpg (610x622, 143K)

Yogis tho

It's the black cloth of censorship, not really a sport bra.
Day one pirate with the mods that removes it a bit

You're right OP. I doubt the designers have ever seen a sports bra IRL. This is proof they do exist in Japan though so no excuse

Attached: asian cardio.webm (640x640, 1.24M)

>ethics department
>reduce boobs
>give her a schoolgirl skirt
I see a pattern here

I guess sports bras really do keep the boobs from jiggling! Ethics committee my foot. Nomura's just a pussy.

>chestlets will say she is an attention whore
>pedotera will hate this woman for her body
>she is just a woman doing exercise and the sport bra is like that so her boobs won't burn

this. it's purely functional

There are several different types of sports bra. Tifa has one of the larger variety, and it looks like shit.
The leggings are the worst part of the redesign, but at least they removed the skulls from her skirt.

It makes perfect sense when you realize that the objective is simply to hide her sinful breasts from the eyes of Allah.

Not necessarily. Only low-support bras are open like in your picture; high-impact bras for running and such tend to be closed.
>so the space between boobs can breathe and to avoid skin rash.
Literally not a thing unless the woman is fat. It's mainly the fabric that determines breathability.

Attached: (1000x1250, 115K)

Imagine having so little going on in your life that you're arguing about sports bras in a video game

The one you posted is for women with little to no chest, women with bigger breasts need a space above because that zone sweat more and faster, suffocate that part and you will have red stains.

Cover those big boobs while sweating and you will hurt that zone. Of course trannies, whales and chestlets don't know this

Actually this.

I'm pretty sure that bitch is a spic

Spics are stealing men from feminists who will die single for being too old now

That isn't a high-impact exercise bra, retard. It offers no support; it's made for aesthetics and not actual exercise.

Attached: D9il-dQXoAIQbe_.png (500x498, 429K)

It's almost like there's more than one way to make a sports bra. Literally just do a google image search for "sports bra" and you'll see tons of results that bare little to no cleavage just like Tifa's. Pic related. Maybe you're the one who's never been to a gym? Watching porn set in a gym doesn't count.

Attached: 1558035265-enlight-sports-bra-1558035236.jpg (1280x1536, 176K)

t. Chestlet or soiboy who never went to the gym

With that personality I hope she likes cats

Here's a sports bra that is literally advertised as being a high impact bra for large breasts. You know, like Tifa the fucking big-titted MONK might wear?

Attached: 613BH-+pgBL._UX679_.jpg (679x679, 28K)

Who is she arguing against? Are there actually people out there who are upset that women in the Olympics don't have their tits bouncing all over the place?

How new are you? No women wear those, they only wear it for shit like yoga or tai chi, for intense activities they use these ones


Attached: 1568557766934.png (629x275, 102K)

OP btfo. Serves him right for thinking a dumb incel like himself can impress us after looking at the first result on image search for bras.

>Have they ever been im a gym?
Dog, have you? It's a video game.

>Who is she arguing against?
Her traumas
They don't use those kinds for intense sport, you would know this if you actually went to the gym

Sorry user, the ethics comitee didn't allow them to make Tifa show too much skin.

wy do you keep using this webm as an argument, she's literally a porn star trying to make you horny

>for intense activities they use these ones
Only if they want their tits to hurt from bouncing and swinging around too much. That fetish webm is not an accurate representation of what women wear.

Attached: 2-Kathryn-Ruth-Sasser.jpg (600x800, 182K)

Have a sister using one of these and her chest looks like a 50 years old woman now

that's nice user, enjoy

>trying to make you horny
>this rapist mentality is saying women with big boobs are seducing you

Probably against men who said she looked like a 12-year-old boy because they'd only seen her in her sports getup when she's not trying to present herself as feminine eh

Their brains are literally rotted by porn to the core. The only picture in their mind they have of women is being complete whores who show off as much cleavage as possible. They can't fathom that there are indeed women in the world who don't like to show off cleavage and whatnot. They don't notice those kinds of women though because they're too busy looking at the women who show off their tits and ass.

>intense sport
c'mon now

It's a literal fetish video.

porn star

holy shit how dense can you be


Is this the coomer thread on Yea Forums?

>I'm going to act like an expert on clothes I don't wear for a body part I don't have for things I don't do
>Because I'm upset that someone didn't interpret my low-poly model as a big tittied warrior in a videogame

I was talking about women in general you fucking trannies, big boobs exist, they bounce, deal with it


>Who is she arguing against?
A guy from Turkey who wrote an article complaining about women in the olympics being too flat chested and manly. Her response was showing how sports bras work.

It's both retards and resetera going at each other. Hilarious.

>>for a body part I don't have
I imagine OPs titties are big enough for a sports bra

>Yea Forumsirgins try to educate other Yea Forumsirgins about women's clothing

Attached: 1422832369060.jpg (262x234, 14K)

There are cats with better reading comprehension than you

>big boobs exist, they bounce
Yes, and women with big boobs doing intense workouts do just about everything in their power to PREVENT them from bouncing because it causes painful stretching of the skin.

She's wearing a wide strap one retard.

Attached: Dcup.jpg (1200x860, 107K)

where did her neck go?


It's funny how Yea Forums thinks they know about women bra's but don't know shit.

Tifa is wearing a proper bra for what she does. Aka high impact bra. They cover the chest a lot and may have a bit of an opening in the middle like she has. You can also see that the shoulder strings are very thick to help with support

The rash thing probably ain't much of an issue unless you don't shower or wear the wrong bra, which increases friction between the breasts. Sweat is sweat, you just get soaked.

I wonder how they'll shoehorn in an excuse for no jiggle when she's in her event dress

Seriously, if all they said was "yeah we just decided not to make her tits move" I would at least enjoy the honesty.

How mentally ill do you have to be to take that away from that pic?

Attached: 1562477017864.gif (154x154, 977K)

ITT: people looking for an excuse to hate women

Are you a girl? Post your sports bra on your body please to educate the thread.

>Tifa is wearing a proper bra for what she does. Aka high impact bra.
Here are some examples:

>t-this is what real women look like!
>posts a literal ogre
every time

>posts a literal woman with large tits wearing an appropriately fitting sports bra
that's the topic of the thread buddy, I'm sorry that the sight of a woman hurts you so much.

It's a representation of what women wear, incel.

and a GYM clothing at that lmao

Nope, you missed the actual point. She has big fat titties and when she goes running that's the sports bra she chooses to wear, so they don't bounce around painfully. Tifa also has big titties and would wear a similar type of sports bra when doing high intensity activities like martial arts.

Low-impact sports bra
> a fancy looking sports bra that looks like a regular one. Good for Yoga 'n shit.
Medium-impact sports bra
> a normal looking sports bra, meant for medium activities such as going to the gym.
High-impact sports bra
> a very chest covering sports bra that reduces movement by a lot. It's also the least fancy looking ones, but effective. Good for doing very active sports that may include lots of movement/jumping

As for girls with larger breasts, they should always pick a level higher if possible.

I expect all of Yea Forums to know about sports bra's now.

Nothing in my post said for you to write that gay shit down, post your tits.

why is it that Yea Forums hates women but suddenly pretends to know about how bras work?

Attached: 1568232675378.gif (490x478, 289K)

I saw plenty of JAVs

Attached: 66788.png (1594x890, 2.4M)

Band size is a thing too

Band size is measured around the torso, just under the breast, not over top of the breast. It's a measurement of how thick the abdomen is.

lose weight

You're here with us on 4channel. Think about that.

I know it's hard to lose weight user but you can do it! don't give up!

How am I supposed to take this seriously as a reference for scale when this model's eyes are as big as her ears? And look at that nose. Where are her nostrils?

>muh character design has to make sense and be realisted

Attached: 1532269918514.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

Real talk.


Attached: 612-6125894_127-kb-png-soy-boy-wojak-transparent-png.png.jpg (840x838, 188K)

Imagine the titjobs

It's less of the character design being realistic and more that it looks fucking bad

She looks better without the clown makeup

mine work more like the one on the left.

>go to google images
>search for "sports bra with cleavage"
>find a pic


The overwhelming majority of women do.

That's the problem, a bunch of coomers are just getting mad that Tifa's sports bra isn't like the ones in their pornos. The whole POINT of a sports bra is to keep their tits from bouncing all over the place; ones like would be shit for practical, non-porn use.

This shit hurts to look at.

Hard to keep them from bouncing when you have a K cup retard

Especially when you buy one that's purposely way too small and weak because you're shooting a video for guys to fap to.

No shit they're still gonna bounce, but you can reduce the amount of how much they bounce retard.

Imagine arguing about arguing about sport bras in video games

Gotta contain those mother milkers:


Attached: 1568575036166.jpg (599x495, 82K)

Yea Forums pretending they know about breasts is cute, you can actually pinpoint who ever interacted with one or not before from the posts alone.

>i know what ever women wears, cuz' of the five i saw at my gym.

Dickhead. There are different kinds of sports bras.

Not that hard if you use clothing actually made for that purpose and not for porn.

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