

Attached: MediEvil_2019_05-09-19_006.jpg (3086x3840, 1.9M)

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i finally finished the original last year after i first played it god knows how long ago. this doesnt look bad but i feel like it's just lacking things the original had in terms of art design and atmosphere.

Oh wow, the same fucking shit gameplay

It seems like the helmet that was an optional accessory for Dan to wear in the Japanese version of the original is now in all versions of this remake

why does it look like babby's first dreamworks movie? MediEvil was never supposed to look cartoony

What a boring demo

I can't pinpoint why, but i feel this should be an indie game sold for 15 bucks on PSN and steam, not a full-priced game by Sony.

honestly take away the purple and make it darker and this looks great

Its 30 bucks just like Shadow of the Colossus was

It’s $30

I'm surprised all these recent remakes have been good

I'll buy it because I also want 2 remade

pc when

Still looks way fucking better than the PSP remake. Like say what you want about this game but its gonna retain the original atmosphere unlike 2 or PSP did.

We've seen the stain glass demon for example and it looked as i expect.

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bros, i am thinking of pre-purchasing the deluxe edition for a hella bad ass dynamic theme.

Looks like Kino is back on the menu boys

>people hated the psp one for it's cartoonish looks
>this one has cartoonish looks
>"Still looks way fucking better than the PSP remake. Like say what you want about this game but its gonna retain the original atmosphere unlike 2 or PSP did."
LMAO what a fucking retard

That actually makes this remaster a whole lot more interesting.

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yeah he's the one posting like a retard, not you

How the fuck does this retain the original atmosphere and 2 doesn't?

reminder that Maximo is and always will be better than Medievil

No shit, Capcom makes better games than Sony.

>He thinks it's full price

Going by the Crash and Spyro remasters, a year after console release.

This fell for the same meme as the recent Nintendo remakes where purple haze == very scary

Soulless af

well at least they fixed the shitty frame rate

Soul desu

oozing soul

I didn't know anyone who liked or even played this game for more than 30 minutes while growing up. Who the fuck is this shit for? I predict this being one of the worst-selling games of all time.

>I didn't know anyone who liked or even played this game for more than 30 minutes while growing up.
How's life in Zimbabwe treating you?

>characters look like they're from a disney movie
>everything is shiny
>EVERYTHING produces sparks
>dead bodies disappear (with sparks obviously)
>no dismemberment
>combat looks like a student's Unity project (8:19)
>the UI is straight out of a children's game
>yet the comments on the youtube video are eating it up

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>Duh it's Japanese so it's better!
Meanwhile in reality....
"Maximo is an attempt to merge the Ghosts 'n Goblins universe with illustrator Susumu Matsushita manga artwork. The title was originally planned for Nintendo 64 but was delayed for several years and transferred for Dreamcast and later PlayStation 2.[1]

The concept was created by Capcom Digital Studio head David Siller (creator of Crash Bandicoot and Aero the Acro-Bat) who wanted to bring back "old school" game play. The artistic team placed special emphasis on the design and rendering of the characters, as well as putting a great deal of work into the environmental effects. Siller also drew the level designs on paper in pencil and pen.[2] The game's music, which varies from stage to stage, includes orchestrated remixes of the tracks found in Ghouls 'n Ghosts and Ghosts 'n Goblins composed by Tommy Tallarico.

Maximo was presented in E3 2001. It was released at the end of the same year in Japan and in early 2002 in the United States, Korea, and Europe."

If it's the same exact game with HD graphics, it cannot compete with the soul the original had. Next time reimagine the game with modern controls and mechanics and we'll talk.

>That purple fog that's everywhere
>Sparks fly off the zombies when you hit them
>That childish UI
>That too cartoony art style
No, it's soulless. Combat looks unsatisfying compared to the original.

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>this much projection

Zarok literally looks like a Dreamworks villain tho
At least his PSP model still looked creepy.

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why not just keeping making games for the original ps1 and ps2 so we don;t have to do this crap

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>why not just keeping making games for the original ps1 and ps2

$30, $10 than what Activision is charging for Crash/Spyro/CTR

$10 less*

Why not include 2? Sony is clearly capitalizing on the remake/remaster craze with $$$ in their eyes from seeing activision sell over 10+ mil with Crash but they dont even make it a complete package

>no oof when he gets hit
>no knockback when he gets hit
>its all looking cartoony as fuck
This is what i had in my darkest scenario ... too bad, but its a drop for me :c

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They ruined Maximo with the retarded death coin system, whoever had that idea must be executed immediately. No wonder why it flopped.

Zoomer, please stop trying to attach yourself to the pop-culture of an era you weren't apart of. This was never a popular, cult, or commercially successful game.

since there getting rid of disks i guess there's no point anymore

Don't try to be contrarian and pretend you were a playstation boy when you weren't even born yet.

>MediEvil was never supposed to look cartoony
Are you fucking joking? The game's aesthetic was heavily influenced by every Tim Burton piece of media going.

>Tim Burton

there's a difference between Tim Burton style and Pixar cartoons

>Tim Burton
>Not cartoony

Pixar is nu-Ratchet and Clank not Medievil, sweetie.

Does this look like tim burton to you?

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Sir Dan's head needs to be about 10x bigger to be pixar cartoon.

It looks like a 1998 attempt at imitating Tim Burton that was then changed up again by another team, yeah

found the retard

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Ah yes, i remember that pixar movie

i rented medievil on the n64 once and didn't like it very much

It is literally cartoony, you stupid fuck. Exaggerated proportions and actions are the very definition of cartoony which is what every Tim Burton animated flick is filled with. Color is fucking irrelevant to the equation, because I know your smooth brain thinks colors = cartoony.

you're very, very dumb

Where is the dark?

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>The remake is too colorful!
If anything, the colors have been toned down. Medievil was rife with really bright greens, yellows, blues and greens.

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looks wrong
it's missing something, something called soul

looks closer to than it does to

Ah yes, now i see the classic tim buron style of garish bright colors and no atmosphere at all, i´ve been wrong all along.

So which is it, shitposters?

>now i see the classic tim buron style of garish bright colors and no atmosphere at all
Well that is his modern style

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No one in this thread has any idea of what he's talking about, just ignore.

I really like MediEvil, but the game would definitely benefit from a hard lock on and with block mapped to a shoulder button. Having block on triangle and attack on square was always weird, and the lack of a lock on made some fights goofy.

Zarok always looked like shit.

The art style is just too silly and harmless. It makes it harder to take anything in the game seriously. Makes it all feel more like a dumb joke and it doesn't matter.
The sound design is also hugely underwhelming. Stuff like the hitting enemies with your sword or their reactions lacks any real feedback. The healing well, which sounded very distinct and memorable from the first game, is practically unnoticeable in the remake.

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>No blood curdling stock sound effect scream when Fortesque gets shot in the eye

>Redone music sounds great.
>New sound effects are kinda bland.
What a weird tradeoff. I liked the sound effect the health fissures made.

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Who was the retard that thought that giving every zombie glowing eyes was a great idea?

The audio design sounds like it's got some fucked up balancing. I can just heart Dan's pain oof under the music but it's barely audible.

It looks like the sound effects/VA was set low at the beginning by the gook playing it. At first I thought the gargoyle heads were mute for the sake of the demo but they speak very quiet japanese

Why would you go by those? Activision isn't involved in this.

let it alone

If only, Yea Forums is filled with retards who think Japan good West bad, Japanese games catalog is filled with low effort boring waste of money shit just as much as the rest of the world, Yea Forums crusade for shit games such as Senran Kagura, Atelier, Demon Gaze etc is so damn mind boggling, but i'm just wasting my time with teenagers larping as 85-90 born kids who think a teenager can have such massive tits and tiny heads who like to rub them against each other, and legit pedos who think jerking it to toddler drawings doesn't make them as mently ill as any troon.
End rant i don't know why i still come back to this shit hole.

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>cartoons have to be light and colorful

Art looks fine, thats the kind of style they were already going for with Medievil 2. Plus Medievil had a bunch of silly shit too, like the Joe Pesci flies in the ant caves, or the weird witches that looked like cucumbers and watermelons.

You're right about the sound effects though. Its weird that they're kinda bland when the music sounds like a great remix of the original score. Eager to hear the new version of the crystal cavern music. Medievil 2 had some god-tier music too:


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Looks okay I guess but I hope this remake everything shit fucks off soon.

Oh. I figured that's what it was like for some games. Didn't know it was an Activision thing.

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original is much better but remake is ok

>Not wanting a Silent Hill Re:Remake where the game is the same but updated with CGI-intro tier graphics.

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>remake is ok

Activision published the Spyro and Crash remasters. This one's being done by Sony, which leads me to believe there likely won't be a PC port. I could be wrong, though the only instance is shit like Journey.

I will still play it for different vibe but i agree with all these posts
combat looks better on first trailer

2 really had so much weird shit in it. Those Ninja Turtle like dudes in the sewers and their weird oxen still feel out of place to me.

>the same neckbeards who went after spyro remake and crash remake for their updated visuals are now going autistic armchair visual designers over medievil

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I never cared about crash or spyro

>twitter tier gif
checks out

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implying your image is any better, shit for brains bandwagoner

My image is objectively better

everything looks good except for the characters

Do the animations look good?
Do the sparks look good?
Does the UI look good?

I'm still buying it.

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Good goy

>Combat looks unsatisfying compared to the original
Retard, the combat in the original was floaty at times and mostly consisted in mashing the attack button like a monkey, and dont get me started in the fucking Ghost Ship

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git gud


I like how dirty his armor looks

Last game had a lot of weird shit too, like the ant hive and the final Evil Science-area.

and yet it still looks better than the remake. For one there's no knockback. Second, there's fucking sparks flying off of the zombies when you hit them. And lastly, the sound for when you hit something with your sword is awful.

That's way worse though.

For having played this game on vita, medievil has aged terribly, it's going to scam people expecting a spyro or a crash big time. It's a 5/10 at best with the current standards. It plays like shit

To play double's avocado here, I'm just going to assume it's a N.Sane Trilogy/Reignited Trilogy situation where a lot of what we've seen is earlier builds and the game is going to look marginally better when it's actually out
just replayed it again and it does hold up, you're just bad
>playing PS1 games on a Vita with its shitty analog
that explains it

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>it plays like shit
imagine being this bad at a video game that's not even difficult

You're delluded user. There's nothing in this game that I want to see coming back. Ape escape has its control scheme, spyro its flight mechanics/run, crash its somewhat okay platforming, medievil has nothing but jank, stupid mechanics and terrible feedbacks. Even if they fix the feedbacks it will never be more than disappointing at best.

>imagine being this bad at video games

>not a cult classic

u wot m8

It's okay, onions boys have the right to be nostalgic for shitty games. onion boys loved sly, it's fitting they like medievil too.

>all this conjecture
nice objective criticism

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No fuck off Snoygger

>he can't win an online argument so he resorts to buzzwords
pretty cringe

>this whole thread
so this is how kids spend their last day of the weekend huh

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>muh current standards

Game design has been steadily getting worse on average since the late 00s. More accessible, yes, but also more streamlined and handholdy. Fuck modern standards.

>he still uses onions as an insult
oh no no no no

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Mefievil has never been good game design wise. It was just a whacky skeleton hitting things with his sword. It was never really good, the level design was abysmal too

>imagine being this bad at video games

how do retards like you get through life?

bet you can't even explain why it's bad, contrarian

Does that look like Tim Burton to you?

this thread really does prove Yea Forums is infested with zoomers

I remember hitting a haystack for 2 minutes to make it disappear and designers thought it was the correct way to handle it. I don't know anons, the cult around this game reeks nostalgia and not much objectivism. I went in the game expecting nothing and I found it quite underwhelming, end of the story.
I would have prefered ape escape remakes without loading screens instead


>I remember hitting a haystack for 2 minutes to make it disappear
this does not happen at all
unless you're referring to the Garden Maze where you have to hit a hedgeway it literally take 3 hits to make it disappear and it only happens once
your reasoning makes no sense

The only "bad" level was The Lake, maybe PotAD if you're trying to speedrun the game. The level design is generally pretty lock-and-key but it's all paced pretty well and stage gimmicks tend to be pretty solid. The platforming is garbage but the game keeps that to a minimum for the most part.

you're supposed to BURN the haystacks, you fucking retard

Nah, Not until I get my Ape Escape remake, Conker reremake that comes with a surprise remake of Twelve Tales and a remake of Live and Reloaded's online. and a JSRF rerelease.
Maybe a revival of some old obscure games that need a sequel.

Then maybe I can get behind remakes fucking off forever.

>YES! I'll buy your games again, thank you multimillionaire corporations!!

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Not that user but I never owned a Microsoft console so I'm still waiting to buy JSRF the first time. Also, rereleases bring old games to new audiences, it's foolish to believe that 100% of the people who buy them are nostalgiafags.

>a PS1 game remake that's actually SOULful