Why is she playing video games if she has epilepsy?

Why is she playing video games if she has epilepsy?

Attached: KazooieGirl epilepsy.jpg (602x362, 34K)

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Kill yourself twitter millennial.

i don't go on twitter, i saw this on reddit.

I don't care about people having shakey shakey disease but isaac legit has some incredibly obnoxious screen filling effects

The worst being mama mega

I don't have epilepsy but my eyes get hurt by flashy lights and it's obnoxious as fuck. I agree with her.

improve those twitch gaming skills

well memed

Of all the "accessibility" options, this one is actually legitimate.

>activate epilepsy mode
>screen dims by 75%
>jack gamma up so I can see details again

Attached: 1547339984133.png (500x500, 48K)


Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

I don't have epilepsy but I did notice that unecessary screen flash in the new area that had me concerned

this. strobe effects are obnoxious af

I never saw porygon's episode even though I never had a seizure or anything like that.

i love you, ampharos user

not really, strobing lights=fit is a meme. it's just slightly more likely to trigger one. some of these fucks can disco all night and be fine.

Attached: Capture.png (714x213, 29K)

Kill yourself.

Attached: 1548447902973.png (621x563, 467K)

I am not an epileptic but I once got a serious episode of vertigo when playing Hotline Miami. Felt like my bedroom was spinning and I was falling. It was so fucking weird. That being said, I cannot stand strobe lighting effects as they really mess up my eyes but I did once watch a clip of that episode and it was awful. Don't recommend it at all.

I absolutely love when women passive aggressively wonders why the whole world doesn't cater to them individually.

When will mods start banning people posting social media screencaps?

I think it's important to have disability options, even basic stuff like colorblind filter.
It's probably considered watering down the artistic intent but it also means inviting more audiences into the game with some minor tweaks.

Attached: Capture.png (604x297, 14K)

>When will the mods do x?

Never. The mods don't do shit around here and it's one of the primary reasons this placed has sucked hard over the last decade. So tired of screencap bait threads and those fucking awful nu-wojaks. Seriously, just hire some mods and jannies and clean this place up. What, are we going to need to enlist the help of Dial soap now? Jeez.

I'm an artist and my stance is, their brain literally cannot see the original intent so I would rather get something to them that is closer to the original intent rather than stubbornly insist they change their brains so they can see it how I envisioned it.

>playing game with my buddy
>he's constantly complaining because his eyes are so fucked colorblind mode doesn't help
cripples need to learn to accept their limitations and deal with it internally.

To be fair I actually agree with her for once. Don't have epilepsy but it's gotta be bullshit playing games with it. It's a literal disability, not just "MUH WOMYN AND TRANS INCLUSION", and I don't think devs would have to work too hard to add epilepsy friendly visual options

Attached: George enjoys EB with pizza.gif (320x240, 1.22M)

based nu-Yea Forums

Rebirth wasn't epilepsy friendly since it came out, lmao.
Just get the right combination of items and a single shot will turn your entire room into the clusterfuck of color for 2 minutes straight.

Now this is epic

In this case, it's a video game, there's more to games than just the art so watering down the art for better access to the game is reasonable.

No. Only a small amount of epileptics are photosensitive. And epileptics are already a tiny insignificant portion of the population.

Attached: sheev.webm (640x480, 1.45M)


Based as fuck.

Because the world revolves around every single little narcissistic piece of shit that gets helicopter parented from crib to late 20's.



>Not using twitter to follow JP H artists

Attached: haha.jpg (390x310, 47K)

Attached: this_thread.png (385x541, 262K)

Force them into action. If being the change you want to see doesn't help, incite the gods to action by becoming demons. If everyone makes their OP a twitter screencap, judgement day will come.

Attached: 1567378243923.jpg (737x670, 158K)

Maybe she's an idiot.


This can be the case. She has had a seizure on stream before.

>an actual reasonable twitter screencap


just leaving this here for my epilepsy riden anons

>triggers include not taking medication
are epilepsyplebs all retards?

is this epilepsy friendly enough ?

Attached: PONG RPG 59.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

That made my eyes hurt and I have never had a seizure jesus christ

>bright lights hurt eyes
wow what a revalation you fucking faggot
