ITT: the worst game you have ever played

ITT: the worst game you have ever played

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>Pic Unrelated

I gave undertale a serious chance when it was released and every faggot on earth was saying how good it was.
I forced myself to play upto the fishgirl fight and it was no fun whatsoever. I have a feeling they used influencer/redditor marketing to shill their shitty game. I can't imagine anyone having fun with it

Spotted the tranny

Not the worst but definitely most disappointing.

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Don't need to hire marketers when you have the retarded tumblr userbase to do it for free.

>I forced myself to play
>it was no fun whatsoever
gee, i wonder why

Super animal squad. It has no redeeming features

It wasn’t the best, but worst game you ever played? Maybe most disappointing considering the hype. Worst game would have to be Mercenaries 2. The amount of glitches in that game is just inexcusable.

I was born a male, I will always be a male, and I have no desire to be anything else other than a male. Also, trannies suck ass.

ITT: Games you have contrary opinions.

Steam actually refused to give me a refund despite me trying multiple times with this piece of shit just because I afk'ed for a few hours, have never used Steam since and it's nice to see them get btfo by EGS


I know op is trolling.

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Infestation: Survivor Stories (then named The WarZ)
closest thing to that level of shit was Dead Island, Dying Light shares some properties too but the multiplayer saves it barely

Blue Shift was better.

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>worst game of a sequel of world renowned games
>it's the worst game I've ever played
that's like saying dark souls 2 is the worst game ever made just because it doesn't live up to the near perfection that came before it

I tried to play this game and was shocked at just how unbearably fucking lame and unfunny it is, my god

imagine thinking that one little gimmick makes up for shitty combat, a small as fuck game and cringey dialog. it isn't the worst game in the world but those who rank it among their top 10 are severely autistic retards.

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No undertale fan actually played undertale. At best they just watched some eceleb playthroughs or read shitty posts on tumblr about it. It only became big because all the homestuck fanbase and assorted cancer (fnaf steven universe ect) migrated to it.
Also the ebin genocide route shitty gimmick was the perfect youtuber bait as well as critic bait.

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I've never played Undertale or have any interest in ever playing it. I have tried to understand why it's so popular, my guess is just that it's very thorough with being meta through the gameplay, plot and characters.
But I'll never play it anyway.

Everyone who gives an answer that isn't some unfinished flash game with MS Paint graphics is lying

>that old chaos raptor design

damn dude congrats on continuing to be willingly ignorant, very counter-culture bro!

this, and no one actually remembers the title of the shittest game they played so bad thread

Maybe if every fight was like Undyne the Undying, it'd be more fun. Best part of the game imo.
The lolsorandom writing is unforgivable, however. I hate how hard it tries to guilt trip you; I just can't take these characters seriously enough to feel anything when killing them. In any other RPG, I'd hate to kill the other characters, but not these clowns. The game tries too hard to be meta, overall.
The music is great though.

Why is it a bad thing to not want to play some game?
My lack of desire to play it is based from what little I know of it, it's just not interesting enough for me to want to play it.

I'm sure that's true for some people, but many people did play through it and enjoy it around release and there was a lot of threads about it on Yea Forums reddit and other forums praising it

I hated it since the first week, I just found the gameplay really simplistic and didn't care for the meme spouting self-aware humor

well duh but the implicit phrase here is "notable game", not just literally any game

I always wanted to play a gud 40k fps. Sadly, my dreams will never fully come true.

i had no interest in it, still played it because of the buzz. not disappointed at all, it has lots of ideas and a nice atmosphere, interesting story and great music. it's a fun ride even if you're not the target audience

Oh. Did you have a bad time with it?


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Fuck off back to /r/eddit, faggot ass zoomers that try to fit in here are worse than cancer

>Asgore: gay
Then how the fuck did he manage to breed?

this was awful

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blunderfail is pretty bad yeah.

I joke, but it's pretty close.

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You faggots need to play more games.


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FUCK YOU it was fun. Nothing wild, but no faggotry either.

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>Steam actually refused to give me a refund despite me trying multiple times with this piece of shit just because I afk'ed for a few hours
Why does this read like something written by a wojak poster?

Fuck this game and its apologists. Never shill your garbage in Tales threads again faggots.

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its amazing how this game got popular with its laughable fanfic tier story and its incredibly short length. it seems the running theme is that if a game has furries or ebic 4th wall breaks it gets super popular.