>"over 4 million characters scanned"
"over 4 million characters scanned"
Other urls found in this thread:
can someone explain this comic?
It made a bit more sense when it was bitcoin, but even then stonetoss fell for the meme right before the value crashed.
did he earn any money or did he have to eat his words?
And this will age just as well as the original.
He does it anonymously so he's a huge pussy. At least Trump isn't anonymous about his opinions.
Wow classic is still pretty new, I don't think most people would drop off that quickly. So it's too early to say how many people are going to keep playing or not.
take it easy there
World of Warcraft Classic will finally free us of the scourge of armless scum in our games
what seems to be the problem
are you the same person who does this every time there's a stonetoss comic posted or are you a group of people?
woah TBC classic confirmed on bottom right panel
We're going home to Netherstorm!
came here to post this but also to add:
all Nazis should fucking die
based and redpilled
/pol/ is an embarrassment to us REAL Nazis.
And the regressive left needs to stop calling everyone they dislike a Nazi, they're infringing on our image.
Why is ok for you to make mocking webcomic edits but it's a crime when people edits stonetoss'?
It’s a group of people. Tranny discord server that produces images and shitposts to further their agenda.
I cant imagine a white guy making this
Me on the bottom right
imagine thinking that if you're not a nazi that you have no care about the needs or wants of white people
this false dichotomy that modern politics has is a very powerful dividing force
this version is better
>saying Nazis should die is a critiscm of both Donald Trump and all white people
you're retarded, kill yourself or at the very least don't shit up the board with your presence
>he said on the video game section of an anime website for little girls
it's more so how you consistently monitor an imageboard then swarm every time it's posted regardless of the context, content, or intention of it. It's like the mere sight of it sends you into a fervor, I'm just curious why you devote so much time to something so inane.
There are no nazis you retard
Left is Guy1, right is Guy2:
>Guy1 says what Guy2 is doing something dumb
>Guy2 starts out with something small but it gets progessively better
>At the end the thing that Guy2 is doing is better than what everyone else is doing
underrated edit
Not him but it's not really monitoring when it pops up on the page as soon as you arrive on Yea Forums.
Stonetoss is a nazi
I've never edited or saved a webcomic on my computer, let alone post one; in fact I find webcomics to be the lowest art form ever.
I'm just pointing at your hypocrisy; I never see you complaining about, for example, people posting water edits as soon as someone posts a "videogames bad" newspaper webcomic.
You're just butthurt at people mocking Stonetoss because he's a right wing extremist like you.
>you have no care about the needs or wants of white people
Not sure what country you're in but you literally cannot express that thought without someone with colored hair calling you a nazi.
>dont like black crime or trannies
if you're not a nazi in 2019 you should just kill yourself t.b.h.
right but imagine seeing one then deciding to spend the next 30 minutes image dumping and whining. Fuck man I am legitimately racist and stuff but I don't give a fuck about some loser webcomic artist. He could exist or not exist, who fucking cares?
water edits are funny, the stonetoss edits are like someone trying to pretend to be funny but actually just wants to shove something down your throat. Be funny first next time.
I can't tell if you're trying to be ironic or not since nu Yea Forums is trash but no one cares if he is
Your people spamming the Nazi alarm doesn't make me find his comics less funny
you guys have like one joke.
>Tranny discord server
It's a subreddit
What are memes for 200, Alex?
You're here too.
So are we to conclude that all antifa are spineless tranny faggots who want to be the little anime girl?
>stonetoss thread appears
>someone posts a stonetoss edit
pretty sure this was a wow classic thread
>the stonetoss edits are like someone trying to pretend to be funny but actually just wants to shove something down your throat
So, the edits are exactly like the original Stonetoss comics?
What's the problem then?
Yes they are, but I also want to be the little girl
Yea Forums used to want to be INSIDE the little girl, not BE the little girl.
What the fuck happened.
neither are funny, they're ok templates for further improvement and abstraction of the political undertones. applying the inverse left opinion on it is just faggot shit
>So, the edits are exactly like the original Stonetoss comics?
At least StoneToss doesn't writes a novel in every comic.
Editing unfunny comics to be unfunny is pretty sad desu
kill yourself retard this is the last time I reply to you
>it's ok when it doesn't make my political side look stupid
>That one /pol/ack posting that unfunny "One Punchline for 30 comics" comic
And if you're nazi, you going to kill yourself anyway, after a sexually frustrated assault at a mosque in sweden or some shit lmao
Stupid election newfag, stop pretending
Well technically Moot memed about wanting to be the little girl and Yea Forums posted cheese peetzer
I can settle for that
When are apolitical and moderare people gonna understand that you cannot tolerate far leftists? Its like tolerating the political opinions of schizos. You aren't dealing with normal people, you are dealing with people who have adopted communist views as their religious worldview. They are zealous and when they experience cognitive dissonance, they see that as a test of their faith.
You cannot argue with them. The good thing is most of their problem is genetic, so its possible to eliminate this fermi paradox.
Real talk, is the dude who draws this secretly shmorky?
oh I know. it's a shitty situation. unnecessary polarization.
I want to lick that butthole
how mentally shattered are you
bad propaganda, cringe, and wrong audience. gb2
i'm not the one getting upset by a stonetoss edit lol
No it's always been BE the little girl
Imagine posing as an old fag, I'm done with nu Yea Forums
I want a cunny gf so bad bros
greetings from America ESL scum
I don't even remember thot audit
Exactly, they are completely brainwashed
Kys chapo scum
>all the incels seething because of this
Stay mad
Somebody post the gomu gomu bazooka edit
>lol conservatives are losers
>stolen content
>incomprehensible babble
The absolute state of leftist "humor"
The best thing about anti-Natsoc is that they expose how embarrassing and evil it is to hate on a defunct political party from the 1930s. National Socialism is not the 21st century secular version of Satan, it was an interesting ideology that was better then communism. If you hate NatSoc is just cause you hate Europeans.
Oh, and helping Youtube AI bump up some good NatSoc stuff.
>stolen content
lmao why do the right always go on about meme ownership
back to /pol/
gangweed is literally only funny to woke retards that think hating identity politics is hating minorities and argue in bad faith because people oppose their politics
not having sex is objectively superior to being a future single mother lmao what a retarded comic the left truly cannot meme
Because all of your OC is fucking awful so you have to steal
Not only that, there's also the STDs.
>inb4 muh condom
Fuck off, spread of STDs increased with the Sexual Revolution.
It was a playful ironic meme before libtards appropriated it
Ita true. Why do libtards suck at internet culture so bad.
OSRS had a fuckton of people at the start and the population has dropped off dramatically, so I could easily see the same thing happening
>stonetoss edit thread
>no edits only words words words
political Yea Forums can't meme
Don't worry. Liberals only have the academia, the banks, the media and the government.
fair point, on a basic level the absurdity of the meme is comedic
Nazi here, I really like videogames. what videogames do you guys like?
I have recently been playing through Divinity original sin 2 and found the way spells, items, and abilities are used to change terrain effects on the field and can be combined with other spells, items, and abilities to create combination status effects. The character writing is also great, especially the red prince and Fayne.
What videogames do you enjoy Yea Forums?
Leftists can't meme. They are genetically inferior people. Deep down they know it, they cannot meme so their humor comes from being self-hating mockery.
Also, did anyone see that thread where they acted like video games are inherently political, and then they try to pretend they are brown people? Lol, these people have such bad genetics.
Wow its almost like theyre a militant arm of the international oligarchies.
But that cant be true, TV and social media and politicians and big business all said that theyre revolutionaries.
It's over 10k right now.
>only the right can put words on a picture
bad edit is bad
I know. Liberals began their conquests since 1789 and rule the world since 1945.
Hey look, there's that self-hating mockery I was talking about. The left cannot meme. Such bad genetics.
Don't be a Nazi. You're only helping the neoliberal corporate ruling class. Why?
Because anyone who labels himself as something else than neoliberal will become a boogeyman so liberalism can keep going further to the left like it keeps doing it since 200 years.
"We need to go further if we don't want Nazis back."
Obviously I'm playing Classic but I also like playing Squad and to a lesser extent Post Scriptum due to the combined arms aspect.
Bad genetics. The left cannot meme. You can even tell he really is butthurt for being dumb enough to believe in leftist politics.
Here's some advice. Keep your mouth shut on politics. You have nothing of value to say there. Learn your limits.
no, since fetuses (and babies for that matter) actually need help for a situation they had no choice in, unlike welfare queens. but at least cutting them off would give you the pretense of not being a murderer, and just cutting off life support.
The left going further left will just disenfranchises more of the normal population until there will be a pushback.
What does loli butthole smell like?
oh my
Yeah, that only happened in Weimar, and because the Cathedral didn't made social programming via the MSM.
Thank god there's that bandaid, I could've gone to jail for this otherwise.
>this was originally a bubble analogy
Hope this is ironic.
Only good stonetoss comic or edit i've seen.
Looking at Trump and Brexit I don't think social programming via the MSM is anywhere near as effective as previously though. Hillary having a cadre of celebrities supporting her did absolutely nothing.
should only be two shots
>you're only helping the neoliberal corporate ruling class
everyone with an opinion likes to accuse X group of actually being a neoliberal puppet group these days but never really substantively say "why" other than vague "it would be in their best interests if you continued doing X and Y and also hypothetical event Z happened"
besides user I asked you about videogames. what videogames are you playing
from 20 k to 10k? have you even seen the people whose careers are over?
>hypothetical event
Anything can be used by liberals to make people believe we live in a oppresive society.
Even something completely normal like:
>The two men, who had not made a purchase, were waiting for a friend to arrive when they were asked to leave by the store manager. They refused and police were called.
>The arrest of two black men at a Starbucks in the US city of Philadelphia has sparked protests and boycott calls.
this one actually kind of funny
it's still 10k
The edit is better and more truthful, though.
Covered pussy exposed anus is a patrician fetish
There's an entire subreddit dedicated to editing every single one of that dude's comics. He makes those people fucking furious.
so if any event can be used by the neoliberal establishment to justify their continued existence then why sheepishly decide to be quiet and not call yourself what you are. I'm more of a strasserist/nazbol but there's nothing I could do to stop people from using the Nazi pejorative to describe those ideologies, nothing I can do about it but semi-embrace it. optics are important but lets not lose our minds
10k in fake money. Good luck cashing out faggot.
we live in a society
doesn't /pol/ edit webcomics all the time? does that mean they're fucking furious?
just because the rest of the thread had the trannies start screaming over the sight of stonetoss doesnt mean i'll join them
now show the accounts because characters dont equal account numbers
You mean Ben Garrison? He is actually a libertarian but thanks to their hoax campaign some still unironically think he is a nazi now
The total number of characters doesn't really matter when 75% of people quit playing after the first month.
Day one had 6 hour lines to get in. Now there are no lines.
He's that special kind of libertarian who believes you should never question the government if the person in charge has an (R) after their name.
>He is actually a libertarian
Are you sure?
It kinda seems like he actually started believing what the hoax said he did anyway.
redpill me on eighto chan, besides the goofy goober start
you dont know half the shit you're talking about, ben garrison was a former lolcow who got super pissed at the edits to his comics being made by /pol/ who did them for shits and giggles. retard
it's where 4chans old guard hangs out and has meaningful discussions
>it's where 4chans old guard hangs out
nah that's u 18 chan
>sex = pregnancy
>sex = stds
Huh turns out this was a Catholic forum all along, lot of things making more sense now.
Yeah so 50% loss in value from ATH. Most people are down (vast majority of buyers came in over 10k in late 2017 and again a few months ago when it tried - and failed - to take 14k as a part of an echo bubble). Visit /biz/ for a minute (or any of the reddit crypto boards) - pure coinfag depression.
>>sex = pregnancy
yes in the case of interracial sex between a black man and a white woman it is quite often
>He does it anonymously so he's a huge pussy.
I guess you'd know.
but that's the old guard right there
oh look another overly wordy lefty meme, I swear liberals seem to think just because they're speaking it must mean intelligent things are coming out
this is the only good stonetoss edit
>no /l/
2010 mlp fags at the earliest
I'm trying to look for "thanos saved us" but I can't find it.
redditchan's smaller boards were pretty based sometimes
it's going up again soon
>"over 4 million characters scanned"
Skylanders is a pretty big activision property so that makes sense.
do you have a gif version?
And over than 17k when he made that pic
as an absolute outsider of the bitcoin craze lets say you did perfectly the whole thing starting at the lowest value and sold it at the highest, what would have been your gain?
>March 2010: $0.003
>17 December 2017: $19,783.06.
Theoretically you could have made millions with just a few cents of your electricity bill, but no clue how easy it would be to cash out that much
I’m an idiot who came in at 600, cashed out at 20k, and made 7k
>no clue how easy it would be to cash out that much
yeah I never bothered trying to get into bitcoin because I thought converting back into money would be a problem.
>Time for some comfy classic
>2500 players in queue
Daily reminder, pic related are the people who you see using "incel" and "have sex" on Yea Forums.
which ones?
Needs to edit the jacket in the second panel too
>hurr durr if you don't like my meme comics you chopped your willie off
I don't even get the idea behind the whole bathroom thing anyway. If some guy was gonna rape my daughter, I don't know why he would go through the process of becoming trans, taking hrt, and getting depression, putting himself at a higher chance of suicide. It doesn't really add up, why even bother, you'd overpower people more easily with all your testosterone.
There's more people subscribed now than on launch.
I think its about the fact that the Wow player is not subject to criticism because he hides inside his echo chamber, thus the bubble
>ple. Deep down they know it, they cannot meme so their humor comes from being self-hating mockery.
This. Imagine an entire population of Woody Allens whose narcissism is derived from airing their problems in a quirky light all for the sake of self gratification
I wish stonetoss could draw characters that didn't look like complete retards. His artstyle makes me want to punch every character in the face.
>muh slippery slope
I love this comic edits
Because every time they miss the point so hard it actually supports the original.
SJWs seethe so hard they spill the truth in between world salads.
the game is just one month out
i like this edit because the person took the time to make sure the colors and font matched the original
t. stonetoss
I laugh at this shit just from the thumbnail
The nostalgia bubble is about to pop.
So what's the end game with this after they get to the end of the progression of expansions? Are they going to do OSRS and have vanilla esque content additions voted on by the community?
this disproves your theory
This guy is such cringe. You can smell the inceldom through the monitor.
I’m practicing drawing right now and I’m pissed inceltoss has cleaner lines then me
Holy shit, Stonetoss edits that are funny and not just leftist seethe
Be reminded that you have no future is, indeed, not funny.
can you fuckheads stop making shmorky threads?
>6th comic about trans people killing themselves
You can't hide your thirsting over Prat forever.
>Uhhhh stop posting this cringy incel right now!
There are people on Yea Forums who unironically get offended by a cartoon.
the point isn't "i will become a tranny to diddle kiddos in the washroom" it's more of a byproduct
Maybe if you weren't a wageslave, that wouldn't be a problem.
some of those are really good
40% was funny for a while, but it lost its edge
Dead in 3 months tops
Using buzzwords to dismiss a fad doesn't really dismiss it.
just post the cyclists one, only funny joke he made
Which is fine so long as you didn't buy above 10k, which a lot of suckers did.
Are we still pretending Stonetoss isn't fucking based as fuck.
This is a good edit.
Is that the joke to every fucking trans comic?
God damn it Garrison, that didn't need fucking labels, just a cloud shaped knife
Are you implying this specific comic is incorrect?
Red Panels will always be the goat.
Assuming that the immigrant is there legally, there's legitimately no argument for a person with less pigment on their skin getting the job before someone with more. They're both Americans.
let me tell you something about women
something about women
It literally is just nostalgia, though. There won't even be future content, if there is it wouldn't be Classic anymore. Unless they're rebooting WoW with Classic as a starting point.
About 40% of them.
Why do you think trans suicide rates are funny? Don't you care that a human is dying? Do you really sacrifice your humanity because they disagree with you politically?
Someone didnt do any research before spewing an opinion.
They unironically think the internet is real life and that by policing the internet they can become good people
Because they're somehow so mentally ill that AFTER treatment they commit suicide at a higher rate than untreated depression, which is THE suicidal mental illness.
because they chopped their dicks off only to realize afterward that it didn't fix anything and all the pain and suffering on top of their mental illness was all for nothing
If you claim to care about their mental illnesses, mock it once it has taken a step you don't agree with?
tranny suicides are a tragedy. It makes me sad any time mentally ill people are not given the care and help they need, and others enable them to go on a path of self-destruction. It's the same thing with morbidly obese 600 lb people who think "there's nothing wrong with them" and their family is powerless to stop them from eating themselves to an early grave
That is literally the problem.
Why would a qualified janitor support policies making him earn less?
>wax my balls or I will sue you
because we know that transitioning won't actually help because the dysphoria is usually a symptom of a more underlying psychological issue? It's like removing your nose to get rid of your congested nose, it's not going to fix your cold.
telling people to "have sex" is basically telling them to commit rape. choose your words very carefully
Hi pebblechunk.
The only sad part is how many cute girls ruin their looks by transitioning. Guys that transition are almost always ugly so I don't care about them
So what
Tfw trans nazi with a white nazi bf
I didnt even know Romero said that. It wasnt pushed in my face 24/7
this is the only good stonetoss and he didn't make it
Yeah, and those were newfags buying the news, anyone that wasnt a complete retard cashed out at 10-15k since it was overextended as fuck.
Bitcoin is predictable as fuck, you'll probably end up buyng my bags at 100k
Haha, user! Posting jokes online and endlessly talking about things that you hate won't make you hold slightly more extreme views at all! It isn't like there' s a guy trying to release neurotoxin at a furry convention because he's spent the last 15 years seething about how much he hates them and almost assuredly started by saying "yiff in hell!" It doesn't happen!
Like no one supports that ass, even other trannies don’t.
you are beyond pathetic
>implying any of this is untrue
good luck with that user
>you'll probably end up buyng my bags at 100k
Yeah bags full of your stuff that you wanna pawn of so you won't be homeless, retard.
>Matrix made by two trans women.
>trans Nazi
Why are so me trannies on Yea Forums alt-right? Like you do know that one of the goals is to murder you all.
they weren't trannies when they made the only good one
They were normal humans decades before being its
He is legitimately a fascist but every time you say it on twitter he'll deny it and say "don't call me that" even though he's said the exact opposite on his site.
Jupiter Ascending was made by transsexuals. The Matrix was made by the Wachowski brothers
The best tranny sisters movie is Speed Racer prove me wrong.
death of the author
>any matrix movie
People that do these kind of crimes are so weak mentally and out of touch with reality that the dumbest things like that could be used as motivation to kill others.
At the time they were cisgender.
>every time you say it on twitter he'll deny it
[pic related]
Well, this was unexpected.
This is fucking beautiful.
Because they don't actually know or care about politics, they just want to larp Fascism.
Political cartoons have never been subtle, it goes against the point of one.
Fuck off cuck.
>Why do you think trans suicide rates are funny?
In a tragic sort of way, yes.
No, they were always trans, they just didn't have enough fuck you money to come out yet.
You know fascism doesn’t work with you still being alive.
When people directly accuse him he'll always be coy and go "tee hee, don't call me a nazi"
>>at the time they were cisgender
>this is what copefags actually believe
Matrix is literally a trans allegory, you'd have to be dumb to deny
Any example?
Well that flood of salt, tears, and pink wojaks that overtook /biz/ wasn't nothing.
>Matrix is literally a trans allegory
everyone stays the same gender in or out of the matrix
I think you are the one whos coping here
>a-as long as it's legal!
cuckservatives are the biggest bootlickers in the world
Stonetoss is a dumb /pol/tard
Why do you think they're rebooting it?
boy guys i sure do like to talk about VIDEO GAMES
leftypol is the one good pol
Correct, for the most part they're ignorantly roleplaying the parts they like such as hating immigrants, it's fun and feels edgy I guess. What they don't realize is that it will have real life consequences to trans rights and their safety. Alt right Nazis are idiots, surprised?
Maybe you guys shouldnt get triggered by minorities then.
Because Progressives convinced them to spend money to mutilate themselves when it fixes nothing. It’s like the ultimate corporate serfdom liberals crave, the only high paying work they can find is sex work, so they are basically selling themselves into sexual slavery to their pharmaceutical corporate overlords and when that doesn’t work, surprise they snap and off themselves. But rather than find the problem with the process, we can’t criticize it at all because feelings.
Here’s a thought, why not promote a sexual identity that is the analogue of tomboy, which doesn’t require surgery and chemicals and promote that.
leftypol was full of retards
yeah, but everywhere is m8. It's the internet
/leftypol/ bans you for wrongthink.
Dil8 and fuck off.
StoneToss is so interesting. It's honestly a competent webcomic in terms of comedic timing, paneling, and other means of execution. His artstyle is debatable. Where he comes to be ridiculed is his beliefs and values. Thus why edits of his comics are so effective.
Then why are you a Nazi while also being trans if it ends in your death is what I’m asking.
They are?
I means this says that they won't even be involved:
And /pol/ doesn’t?
But racists get triggered when they get called out as such. Its the same thing with Stonetoss, he made a fucking comic comparing himself to Lovecraft and Mel Gibson.
Imagine being Communist and sipping at Starbucks
Why do people who rightly say that communism could never work try to say fascism could when we've seen several times that it isn't the case?
Wait a month, you shall see.
>everyone stays the same gender
You don't know what an allegory is do you... it's not supposed to be literal, it's a metaphor. Can you think of any big transformations that happen during the story? Any big denial of status quo to become your true self?
Examples pls
Its the same 3 jokes recycled endlessly. I dunno dude, its no fucking Nedroid I'll say that. How can the guy make so many comics that boil down to REEEEEEEE WE GOTTA BAKE THE CAKE?
That comic was dumb because he has no creation but pandering to racist/homophobic views. Well, other than the CN/Nick show that he very clearly works on. Can't wait for him to be unmasked and it turns out he works on some SJW show or something.
I like stonetoss because it legit makes the trannies seethe so much, they made a subreddit and a discord to share and post anytime his unedited comics are posted.
What show?
You misunderstand, I'm not a Nazi or trans, just explaining why those fucking idiots might be. The answer is that they're too stupid to understand the consequences of their actions.
You can go there right now and try it out. You only really get banned for posting porn.
Nazi Germany
Fascist Italy
Fascist Spain
Suharto's Indonesia
Pre-late 80s South Korea
Peronist Argentina
Arguably Pinochet's Chile
you did? try some glue
It was also dumb since A) Mel Gibson didnt fucking make Mad Max and B) nothing he has created has any value close to the topics he brought up. You're totally right though its just nonstop racial and lgbt shit with him.
Its really weird how he flip flops between wanting to be this brave racist and this misunderstood comedian.
even leftypol hated trannies
Don't know, but he very clearly works in the animation industry, likely as a storyboarder. He's going to fuck up one day and draw a character with the "THEY ARE SILLY" DQ swirl on their head and it will be hilarious.
It's always funny to see how communists project.
>he very clearly works in the animation industry
I can't see how, to be honest. He doesn't even animates.
No no no those don't count!!!!
I would like to show you, but I am banned.
pretty good
> Collectively: The Wachowski Brothers
you have no idea how butthurt you look replying to a 4 hour old post wanting a joke explained in an EDIT of stonetoss
most of these systems worked what didn't work for them was the war that they were waging. I'd say it's not really comparable to all the communist countrys that didn't wage war but still had lots of famins and collapsed in on themselves
Nah he has the occasional comic designed to get his name out there with basically Boomer tier humor in hopes that people will look up more of his stuff and then adopt his views.
Show your ban message with the post that got you banned.
She does things to my soul
Tranny suicides are because society bullies them, not because they're mentally ill.
>lol tranny suicide
>lol gays force you to bake cakes
>lol immigrants stealing my job
>lol this strawman group is sure dumb and I'm smart
What am I missing, I think I've got them all
Bisexual women aren't bullied to any degree and have trans-like suicide rates.
Lol they worked until they didn't wow makes me think
And yet none are around anymore while liberal democracies make up most of the world's power.
I refuse to believe that.
Oh like the one where he literally thinks eating bugs means no more hamburgers ever, only bug burgers?
What happens with they all reach level 60 and run out of "endgame" content? Are they going to ask for Burning Crusade Classic and just replay the entire game over another decade?
Why do mods constantly recommend /bant/? We don't want /pol/eddit
>24 hour ban for shitposting
>why must they persecute me so
And that's a good thing you profligate.
You seem upset. I just got in the thread and wanted to state how dumb he was.
Did you invest in Bitcoin? How did it work out for you?
I was thinking more like the carrion/carry-on comic.
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
Implying that traps and trannies are not the same thing is wrongthink.
That's literally the plan
you forgot
>lol girls are sluts if they have sex with anyone but me
Dude bisexuals get tons of shit are you fucking naive? I'm gay and thank fuck I'm not bi, there are a ton of stigmas about that for men and women
But everybody on Yea Forums prefers traps to trannies.
Did he not feel paaAaAin when he was huuUUUuurt?
Communism doesn't work because it contradicts human nature. In concept, it asks society to agree to a social contract with no backing of force (no government), which just doesn't work. Leninism is an authoritarian contortion of this idea that does work, but is not communism. Communism as a concept collapses in on itself.
Fascism does not do this. Fascism is also not a clearly defined as communism; there are many regimes where it is debated whether they were fascist or something else. Looking purely at government, you could argue that leninist countries are fascist, as they impose heavy authoritarianism to force loyalty to the state's ideals and cause. The main difference between the two would probably be economics.
I tought he eased off that because it made him look incredibly thirsty. Not any since that dumb I CONSENT comic at least.
Such as? Specially for women.
Then why can’t I post a trap without /pol/ screaming dilate at me?
Traps and trannies are different. Thats like saying crossdressers are trannies.
Well that they're sluts who are going through a phase hoping to score diversity points for one.
He is more about whining about circumcision than that now.
Eased off sure, but they were still some of his most popular and still get posted.
losing a war doesn't mean that your system of goverment is flawed
never said that I don't like liberal democracies I am simply arguing that a facist goverments could preserve themselves unlike communist ones
Yeah, for me too.
What kind of weapons grade autism would compel a man top play WoW all over again like that? Aren't they just going to run into all the same problems that made them leave in the first place?
They ruined her in the later series, sadly
How many times can he make the exact same joke?
You forgot:
>lol 13 do 50
>lol jews subvert cultures
not him but you people are using these terms interchangeable and want them to be synonymous
also to the average /pol/ack there is very little difference between degenerates
Only angry dykes said that. And even if it was somehow mainstream, the truth is that bisexual women are still way better recieved than the rest of LGBT groups.
>Among bisexuals, men and women agree that there is a lot more social acceptance for female bisexuals than there is for male bisexuals.
The pic related is the opinion of the LGBT group in general of which are the most accepted groups.
Any russian anons here? What's up with Wyrmthalak, it's almost 100% Alliance players.
that's cal arts for ya..
The average /pol/tard is degenerate. That board is full of the gayest larpers around.
Nah, you're wrong. Also I'm just a fag, not a dyke sorry bro.
Are you straight? Why are you digging up gay research and trying to say bifags dont face stereotypes? Why do you think their suicide attempt rates are so high?
source: my ass
you are probably the kind of person which says that all homophobes are closeted gays
>you people
Who? Because I absolutely know the difference between traps and trannies.
Nah my source is /pol/. Look at any meetup pic, retard.
>The average /pol/tard is degenerate
Today I will remind them!
>american meet ups are all mutts and the rest are irrelevant
How is this surprising, if something it proves that /pol/ was right again, like always.
/mlp/ is better than /pol/ because at least it works as a containment board.
>Why are you digging up gay research and trying to say bifags dont face stereotypes?
>Why do you think their suicide attempt rates are so high?
I'd wager that has less to do with the stereotypes they face from others for being bi, and more that they're likely living a stereotype of mental illness stemming from childhood abuse.
>/pol/ is filled with larping mutts
Yup like I said, degenerates. Sorry you got triggered bro.
>Nah, you're wrong.
Prove me that bisexual women at least are more discriminated than gays or lesbians.
>Why are you digging up gay research and trying to say bifags dont face stereotypes?
Knowledge is Power.
>Why do you think their suicide attempt rates are so high?
Because bisexuality is a mental illness that leads to self-destructive hedonism.
Yes. (((Bisexual))) "people" are really fruitcakes.
I think you're a moron who is trying to use a study on how bisexuals feel about their own representation for others as some weird way to say they're privileged. You're not that weirdo who gets triggered at bifags are you?
dude this game was supposed to be fucking dying why am I still waiting over an hour to get in fuck off
the far right has a huge faggot and tranny problem stonetoss himself made fun of it
He's not the author of the post you replied to.
This is me.
Seen them so are you talking about degenerates in terms of genetics or deviants? because I havn't seen the latter
mostly /lgbt/ and others who make bait threads like that on /pol/ and various other boards 24/7
Oh wait its this dude lol
Christ some of you fags really use this board as an astroturfing BBS.
that was funny.
Plenty have survived wars, fascists couldn't.
>someone posts a stonetoss edit that has nothing to do with politics at all
>instantly swarm the thread with political stonetoss edits
could you fuck off back to /pol/?
Fun fact, /pol/ isn't just for right wing politics, it's for ALL politics. If you hate stonetoss, feel free to post about on
>dude we arent degens its all /lgbt/ raids
Dude you guys are so adorable
it's pure irony because only pathetic losers think having sex is magic that suddenly improves your life and personality.
>/pol/ tells me on Yea Forums there is no difference between traps and trannies.
>tell /pol/ to fuck off
>people get assblasted and tell me that /pol/ doesn’t think traps and trannies are the same thing
>post that thread in /pol/ asking
>90% of responses are “there are no difference”
Who is doing it?
>I think you're a moron who is trying to use a study on how bisexuals feel about their own representation for others as some weird way to say they're privileged
Learn to read.
>[LGBT respondents] were asked, overall, how much social acceptance there is of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in this country today.
LGBT respondents in general calified how much social acceptance has each group. That's what the image depicts.
/pol/ is filled with dumb newfags who dont know what a trap is, news at 11.
I think you need to learn to read. That is literally what I said. Its what they 'think' its not a hard thing to grasp, you retard.
>seething to the point of begging mods to filter/ban GAMERS RISE UP shit
That’s the point I’m making, /pol/ is the one forcing the traps = tranny meme...
god this, /pol/ needs to stay in their containment board. I almost forgot I was on Yea Forums holy shit.
And thats been happening for years. MUH DEGENERACY fags are election tourists.
waging war is inherent to facist ideology according to Mussolini
You said:
>how bisexuals feel about their own representation
When the survey in general was of LGBT people in general. And they agree that bisexual women is being LGBT in easy mode. It's their own hedonism what kills them.
>god liberals are so fucking lame with the same joke over and over omg orange man haha yeah real funny fucking libturds
>OMG 40 PERCENT hahaha lol trannies suicide hahah guys guys....FORTY PERCENT HAHAHA
you see them bragging about it from time to time there I'd post proofs but I didn't save it... so guess you win this time
getting late anyway
>spamming and flodding is what the left think memes are
sunds about right
*being a bisexual woman
It’s been 3 years... that’s longer than 90% of the memes ever popularized on this board. Sorry user, they can’t be called tourist anymore.
oh this wasn't a classic thread it's a LOL thread
my bad
>>spamming and flodding is what the left think memes are
>sunds about right
You already lost dude, thats a total fluff survey based on feels over reals.
>(((bisexual))) women are more oppressed b-because I said so
All this tells me is that you're a gayboy.
>>>spamming and flodding is what the left think memes are
>>sunds about right
Looks like someone needs to install cs:source
>>>>spamming and flodding is what the left think memes are
>>>sunds about right
>bisexuals face stereotypes like people viewing them as sluts
lmao dude who are you trying to fool?
how so?
That applies to straight women and yet they don't kill themselves as often.
Having fun replying to your own post, buddy?
Bisexual women are all jews now?
Is this why you guys lust after Shapiro's sister?
Why are you on /lgbt/? Thats a board for gays, fagmaster.
I mean they're the ones who raised the boomers that created the vapid consumerist culture that caused today's issues so yes, in a way they did make that future by being shitty parents.
>there are people ITT who actually believe bisexuals exist
>straight women dont face gayfag stereotypes or discrimination
Wow I'm shocked.
faggot redditors, tumblr refugees and even some resetera/discord trannies that dare lurk blue boards
I'm playing it. I like it, but I'm going to hit 60, do a couple of raids and move on.
but /pol/ told me all women are bisexuals
Bisexuality is the Jewish sexuality. They aren't straight but can pass as one, just like Jews aren't white but can pass as one.
Fuck off, they're real and they're a cancer that needs to be treated.
I did actually laugh at this
>Getting this triggered at gangweed
It struck a nerve, right?
What are your thoughts on pizzagate?
"""bisexuals""" are either gay people in denial or "woke" straight people trying to keep an open mind despire never having felt any attraction to the same gender.
44 druid, I've lost control of my life pls help
Dude I'm gay and I pass as striaght. You fags need to get out more.
>gayfag stereotypes
>bisexual women
Yeah, no.
I couldn't care less about it. I prefer to focus in domestic issues, not America's.
Man the memes are real.
What shithole are you from?
because some fag kept making trap threads on /k/ so I went to /lgbt/ lo and behold the fag was posting the same faggy pics in an attempt to start a thread about the traps with guns too just that most others on /lgbt/ hate guns.
so whenever I see certain patterns emerge I usally to to /lgbt/ to see if some fag is crossposting again
I couldn't give less of a fuck about what you think, fuck off.
The one about immigrants is quite right.
Why is this guy so triggered at bisexual women
subscriptions last a month
I'm not sexist, I hate all bisexuals the same.
So you hang out on the gayboard
Pretty gay dude
Lmao, you can just feel the seething from being dumped by some bi guy emanating from this post
he break your heart, you faggot?
>I couldn't give less of a fuck about what's real, I want to live in my own fantasy world, fuck off
How do I add a MPQ file to WoW? Does anyone know?
This, nobody whines this hard about bifags unless they got cucked hard.
oh yeah this is a wow thread
Hes right though no one cares what schizos like you think
The same applies to you, since you think bisexuality isn't real.
yeah but I usally just call them hons and make fun of their voices, chins, hands etc.
how about you?
>Why do you think trans suicide rates are funny? Don't you care that a human is dying?
Protip: Because the main thrust of the joke is making fun of sanctimonious assholes like you who enable mental illness instead of treating it.
I'm gay so I dont hang out on /lgbt/, since its just filled with /pol/tard fagboys.
Please, we all know you got your heart broken by some lesbian who was only using a pathetic loser as you to remove any suspicion her father had
I just went to the stonetoss website and it's like I'm reading comics by a politically moderate schizophrenic. What the fuck am I missing here? Is there supposed to be a coherent agenda, point, or punchline?
I subbed, played 10 mins, and quit again because it reminded me that WoW has always been shit.
Does this count my mistake? I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one.
t. 40%
The coherent agenda is libtard tears and getting scared of fags.
Nobody here is water pilled. Sad.
Noice, I love fanfiction about me.
Holy fuck, that face in the second panel couldn't be any more pixelated, right?
>since its just filled with /pol/tard fagboys.
haha good one
well as I said it's late and I have work tomorrow
I am at a loss at why mods deliberately ignore these kinds of threads.
Romero doesn't have shit to do with doom anymore retard
>probably a #believewomen faggot
Tell your bf I said hi
>2 hetero men made the matrix films
>2 trannies that lost their sanity after years of hormone therapy made the other crap nobody gives a shit about
Nah enjoy your tranny pills
These deviants and degenerates must be purged. This farce has gone on long enough.
Wow, that's a lot.
epic tranny redpill :3
I don't see how the game being successful means it's not because of nostalgia
Overwhelmingly most crimes are crimes of opportunity. You put a perverted deviant who's willing to go through the process you just described in a room with a helpless little girl, and what exactly did you think was going to happen?
>implying they commit suicide because of mental illness and not the tragedy of self mutilation
This is exactly why these jokes exist, it's to point out how stupid the status quo is. The "treatment" is worse than the disease in this case. Cutting off your dick does nothing to cure a person's dysphoria and turns you into a weird, sexless eunuch. Then, when the person who was basically tricked by society into self-mutilation realizes they can never go back to the way things were, they decide the only thing left is to end their lives and spare the years of suffering.
The point of a joke isn't to make light of suicide, it's to point out what fucking inhuman hypocrites these leftists are for encouraging this under the guise of virtue. Much like how everyone (rightfully) made fun of Christians for burning witches. Same shit, different era.
Is this the make me fucking angry thread because I think this is the make me fucking angry thread
I think these jokes exist because trannies manage to trigger /pol/tards nonstop
good to know. I will keep bullying them then
yall are retarded
bro you have no idea how many trannies exist now
ive even met female to male ones in the midwest middle of nowhere the US is so fucked
Does this board not have mods on weekends?
>Cutting off your dick does nothing to cure a person's dysphoria
that's not how dysphoria works
I dont think you have any idea how many trannies exist.
It's never not weekend
*gender dysmorphia
Whatever, same shit. You know what I mean
You literally proved my point
Some master race
Hetero ≠ Cis.
I mean yeah but that's still not how that works
>chapo scum
this some new cringe reddit nazi lingo?
They say completely different things.
I like them both.
Uhh you fucking bigot how dare you insult trans culture like that.
no definitely not since whites are the ones who enable this shit
I wonder why this thread hasn't gotten pruned yet
Dude take a shower and get some friends, you sound like a cultist.
>muh pedo drag shows
You're like 300 posts too late my man
These faggots are unrivaled at promoting their targets, most organic viral marketing there is.
Like a toddler can make heads or tails of anything on any day anyway
>why would you want to replay a game that you know is good and you will enjoy?
I hope every mod gets hit by a bus. Jannies are just late term abortions.
>classic will be dead on arrival
>classic will be dead in a week
>classic will be dead in a month
>classic will be dead in 6 months
>classic will be dead in a year
I don't get it
all these seething incels replying. well done
People literally become trannies because they're unable to have sex and can't cope with it, so they'd fuck anything they could: a man, a woman, a helpless child.
Great thread guys
barely been a month
No, still bumps.
>currently page 1
nah m8, it’s actually funnier than the original
>Because every time they miss the point so hard it actually supports the original.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Are you going to post any of them?
FIAT is the fake money retard
if you wanna cash btc out you cash out in gold
the (((DOLLAR))) is down 90% from it's ATH, it's the ultimate shitcoin
and there's nothing wrong with that
dude is right, just nostalgia
it went back to 4k before going to 10k moron
and BTC was 500 bucks in 2015 LMFAO
you missed the boat again, nocoiner
Watching bitcoin retards try to convince themselves and others their garbage is real money is sad
Take an economics class or something, I don't know
There's literally nothing not funny about a tranny kicking the bucket.
The thing is, we have pedophiles teaching school and running BS troops and working in churches. The point is to let them go when you find out. There is no way to prevent this from happening without massive government surveillance
He lost his arms
All money is fake money, we literally created the value ourselves.
But physical money is backed up by gold and silver reserves. Can you say the same thing about crypto currency?
>But physical money is backed up by gold and silver reserves.
Are you retarded?
Gold and silver value is made up too. The whole idea of money is fake.
>backed up by gold and silver reserves.
Not the American dollerydo
only 4 more posts
Leftists who post their cringey, overwrought stonetoss edits are only revealing how infantile and unoriginal they are. If your weak ideology could stand on its own then you would have your own popular social political comics to oust instead of being forced to subvert someone else’s work, because that’s all you people are capable of.
Gotta love them jannies.
You know in the mid 2000s, someone on /d/ said they worked as a dominatrix in LA and both Wachowskis were regulars paying for forced feminization sessions.
Don’t you have a pepe to post
I fucking hate niggers and trannies
We do, guess what, you people post them on Yea Forums and edit them
>resetera trying to meme
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.
>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.
This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.
>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.
>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).
Pick a side.