Half the cast is automatically cut off for me because I dont have gender dysmorphia and therefore dont play as a girl

>half the cast is automatically cut off for me because I dont have gender dysmorphia and therefore dont play as a girl
>only two options left are a gender neutral robot and a flamboyant Irishman who I'm not yet convinced is 100% straight

Oh well, maybe I'll get it when the dlc adds some straight white male characters

Attached: Borderlands-3-Characters.jpg (800x450, 94K)

Have sex

But not with Men...this is gay


there's absolutely nothing wrong with zane

Its not gay if you picture yourself as a girl

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Attached: pumpkin pie smoothie.webm (640x640, 1.61M)

>Giving a shit about any of that
If the gameplay is good, I'll play it. If it isn't I won't. Any one making a decision based on anything else is a faggot who doesn't really like video games.

Why not use a glass?

it is a glass
also that thing is better for portability due to the screw on lid and holds more to boot

>that drink
what the fuck?

Thats a superior version of the glass because you can put a lid on it.
Why would you drink from an inferior, unsealable container? You're not that much of a pleb right? user?

I want to remove her dress and pour that smoothie on her.

I use glass bottles for my vidya sip of pure water.

Is she not wearing a bra under that dress?

I live in portland. Everytime i see someone with a fucking jar i want to punch them. They ar fucking storrage containers. Why on earth would you use one exclusively as a cup?

Imagine not wanting to look at Amara's abs while you open the inventory everytime

Fucking pleb

Where is the fucking crack I NEED the crack

They store their drink in them.

American dogs are weird and should be nuked.

someone post the pic

Just use a fucking water bottle then. Jars are designed for storage

Is that even good?

Ah. So that's what goblins eat.

Why would you live in Portland

>I refuse to play as a girl because of mental issues
Thats not the games fault you are autistic

I was born here. I will be leaving as soon as i land reliable work elsewhere. Im sick of this shithole

No one is 100% straight, dumb dumb. Look up the Kinsey scale.

Attached: IMG_0423.jpg (480x360, 51K)

By the way horse vaginal secretions have same color and probably smell as this drink, gladly would drink it.
I am not brony by the way, just a horse-enthusiast.

Attached: aN7gKw0b_700w_0.jpg (692x1000, 177K)

Attached: low-quality-bait.jpg (600x600, 18K)

>I have to identify with a character in order to play them
By that definition you can't only play games with characters that are dumb as fuck though