Homo Demons back the fuck off

Homo Demons back the fuck off

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Other urls found in this thread:


>this is what the fagarmy cries about these days
give the gay menace an inch and it will take 500 miles. Arounds gays, you're in for bad days.

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Why does every Kojima game have a gay joke?

gays are a joke and are to be treated as such

This, also fuck jews

Wait a sec, are they really complaining about this? I haven't seen anything yet

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Who is camera

>Quiet will never smother you with her bare hands within an inch of your life while she stares deep at you with her subpar butterface

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As if getting a punch in the face is gonna stop me from looking at his cock or at the eventual /y/ threads

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Do these people not realize that the games are made by other human beings. Human beings that have different taste and opinions. How do these faggots live on a day to day basis? It's literally pic related.

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Kojima is closet bisexual

>caring about the son of dob

Dobson is not a gay, he just wants to virtue signal for their approval.

Honestly, I don't understand why critics are getting so mad over it. The amount of MGSV gay fan art was probably more than the amount of straight fan art we got.

>picking the one person who has a bad take on literally everything
His opinions are just shit. Nothing to do with him being gay. He's just a fucking moron.

its more a voyeurism joke you fucking absolute retards. there's been plenty of homosexual content in MGS and it was never insulting. Raiden in MGS2 and 3, Vamp being bi and the Marine commander being gay but having a daughter, and Snake grabbing people's dicks in MGS4 yet being punched when he tried to grab a female soldiers' crotch

its why this image is retarded

It's been proven time and again that the kind of people to complain about this stuff don't actually consume anything from the medium they talk about

We're allowed to tell other human beings their ideas are shit, user. You do it on a daily basis.

Whoa man not cool. As a ResetEra gamer this is just not acceptable. Boycott Kojima when?

>Do these people not realize that the games are made by other human beings.
They most certainly understand that. Progressives are the first to point that out when a female or trans creator gets "harassed" by fans. But when a male dev does something they don't like, they are also the first to call for a "talk" about something that's "toxic" to the indistry.

What, is he trying to imply here that only men are gonna play Death Stranding?

based homo demon

>When 2B hits the camera, men are sexist
>When Norman hits the camera, men are sexist

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>we really need to talk about...
Man I wish ISIS would behead all of them

Doesn't the Automata hoe do something if you try to look up her robo streetwalker outfit?

I want a gif of boomer reedus splashing beer on the screen

That's not what Male Gaze means.
It doesn't actually matter whether the viewer is make or female. The point is that viewing women sexually is rewaeded and normalized while viewing men sexually is demonized.

He's just mad she doesn't inflate herself.

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>Raiden in MGS2
Raiden isn't gay

it's the toxicity resetera was waiting to show up for a long time

they will try to ask sony to patch it out kek

they seethe almost as much as Yea Forums when they see a 50x50pixel gay flag in the background of a scene

But being a gay is literally the only defining feature of the gays.

She doesn't hit it, she just brushes it away and steps back

if you can't handle it, just leave trannie

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Ah,now that's the good stuff

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Pretty sure the answer is no. If you do it enough all it does is give you an achievement called "what are you doing."

I suppose so. I see why there's reason to discuss that critically but it's pretty obvious that Kojima uses it deliberately as an artistic choice. In that one cutscene with Eva in MGS 3 it was actually somewhat of a clever misdirection. I think Kojima is self aware about it. It's a product of his affection for the aesthetics of low brow 70s and 80s action movies. Obviously that sort of framing of women has mostly fallen out of favour in modern mainstream action cinema but I'm not sure if I prefer how... asexual everything is now.

wait, he’s gay?

So Norman's character isn't composed and dignified like 2B is, I guess?
Still don't see why both mean men are sexist homophobes.

He's so irritating. You know he's just one of those ugly, fat manlets who thinks just because he looks like the posterboy nerd, that means he's smart like one. But he's just a retard.

They should make that a trophy

No it just means Norman is based and redpilled

He looks like one of those boomer profile pictures from social media.

I bet people are complaining the hat's supposed to evoke a MAGA hat

So wait you basically play as the bad guy in this game? Lame.

I agree that desexualization is not the answer, and will only make for worse entertainment and a more puritan culture. I just think you have to acknowledge the huge double standard here.
In my perfect world, Quiet would jiggle her boobs for the player and Sam would fluff his crotch.


>"teehee you hate gays? you must be gay!! XD"

Ever try making this point when someone is caving your face in with a crowbar?

Except quiet had feelings for big boss in that game WHICH IS WHO YOU ARE CONTROLLING.

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god i wish quiet would punch me

i didnt say he was gay m8, but when the president grabs his dick (when he thought he was a woman) and both get confused, i mean its kind of a humorous moment but its not played for laughs at the expense of homosexuality but rather at the expense of both characters involved- the president's idiocy, and raiden's womanly beauty. then a similar thing happens in MGS 3 where raikov IS a homosexual and volgin bi, yet there is no humor this time, besides perhaps the fact that men want to grope raiden regardless of what gender they think he is

also ocelot kisses snake in MGS4 and again, the joke isnt about homosexuality

If you don't think Kojima has some latent man-loving in his brain, you've never played a MGS game

I think Kojima browses the chans

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the lack of self-awareness on this board

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he only drinks regular monster in the game, delete this

This, also niggers.

nice argument

and you fags are the board thats closest to reddit anyone can handle it.

he browses some australian fan club yep

The frog you're posting was originally a wojak, which as based off this moment

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It's just old fashioned /fit/ mirin of the glutes gains my man, kojima is a man of culture and it shows

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it's almost like women like to be looked at but men don't

Have you never played a Metal Gear game?

no commies don't understand diversity

>but men don't

I'd be perfectly fine with it. You gotta give Kojima some credit, he hasn't been afraid to also sexualise his male characters to some degree in the past.

think again

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More like: give them an inch and they'll take the whole foot long bbc

liberals and fags think that their world is not only righteous, but the default. They can't fathom other perspectives and when they encounter them irl they start screeching. They are mentally ill

He's unironically right. Equality means equality. Imagine if Bridges started manspreading after he notices you looking at his balls

this LMAO

wouldn't it be funny if he took a piss on the camera?

That would be pretty based.

This fourth wall breaking shit is retarded for a game that’s supposed to be serious

>You see, I've come to understand the truth of the Death Stranding™

>make vidya about tiananmen square
>"You see, I've come to understand the truth of Tiananmen Square"
>this is somehow bad

>It's so hard to form connections when you've got tanks on your hands...

what is this death stranding anyway

>equality it means author must make every character absolutely the same
brainlet and cringepilled

So if the player is a woman this game is saying women should get beaten up for staring at men?

When I saw Reedus put on the blue hat my first thought was to replace it with a MAGA hat

But of course.

I stare at other men's arms, pecks, and butts all the time and no one's ever punched me.


>strand is used to bind and takedown people in gameplay
>death stranding = the dead are bound to the physical world
>troy baker tries to figure it out
>hilarious japanese hijinks and crotch staring ensue

But I love to catch women staring at my chiseled manbutt.

Nobody has punched kojima either. It's just a joke.

That's because you didn't look at our tiny penises
That's when we want to punch you

you'll come to understand the truth

aint nothing better than a mean shameless title drop

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>son of dob

Sounds like you're describing most people.

they're control freaks you dipshit. hate them and resist them don't try and humanize them

one dobson decides to cry and you blame it on the entire gay community.
come on, he's not even gay

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if you use the term "male gaze" unironically, you should be thrown in a pool of acid

>retarded for a game that’s supposed to be serious
kojimmy in a nutshell

not gay but those are literal breeding hips

Isn't Sam the player character? He punches himself in the face? He punches an invisible 3rd person observer in the face?

This is cool I guess but the more I find out about the game the less interested I become
Meanwhile my friends are eating this shit up and calling Kojima a genius

how long till released?

>Snake grabbing people's dicks in MGS4
That sounds really hot.

sam is the character the player controls, but the camera is the perspective of lisa

This, also Klingons.

No gay man cares, hell Kojima is probably gayer than me.


Like the whole ogling Quiet thing, Kojima will try paint this as an artistic decision rather than a no homo joke.

haha yeah that'd be hilarious, he could even pull down his pants and moon the camera that'd be even more funny

I love how you think Dobson, a professional shitheel, speaks for and represents the whole gay community.

Men are sluts who want to be ridden 24/7.

I dont think its only actual gays, a lot of this is propagated by sheep looking for social points

The friends you lost along the way.

because unlike western cucks he likes to have harmless childlish fun/jokes once in a while

Why wouldn't Quiet do that for staring at her tiddies or feet too much?

She loves venom

>but men don't
there's literally a whole board that proves you wrong

I thought these type of people were against sexual harassment and standing up against it? Ogling is a type of harassment.
Shouldn't they be happy?

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Yea Forums BTFO

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words bad!
assault good!

I just realized I'm not happy about the fact that Troy Baker is playing the villain. That faggot really is the worst part of everything that stars him. Wish they'd gotten Goose for the villain

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This, also trannies

And what of the fat/skel pasty fucks that will be staring at Reedus penis?

punch me daddy

>game exists
>liberals: it offends me so it shouldn't exist
Why ? Does that mean if a persons existence offends them they would want him executed ? Is there no freedom of opinion or expression of idea in this world now?

No one gay cares. Most just want porn and this shit is just funny

Why is this scene associated as a gay joke? What if the player is female? Maybe Sam just doesn't feel comfortable with anyone perving on him regardless of sexuality (like a sensible human being)

>Does that mean if a persons existence offends them they would want him executed
Look up cancel culture and Alec Holowka. They are perfectly fine with participating in the orchestrated death of a political enemy. Next steps are actual lynch mobs.

Dobson is a hack, but I agree with the sentiment. It's retarded to not let me ogle both.

the same board that shits out all the wojak edits Yea Forums hates

This, also whites

53% of women are gamers until the exact moment it's no longer a convenient statistic

Because Quiet is ultra horny for Venom, that's context

Americans with this degree of naivety about the world really need to realize their little peaceful neighborhood is a cosmological aberration of the highest order. Take a look at the kind of shit that goes on around the world, all the kind of shit that HAS been going on around the world for ages, that's your future.

Yes there is no freedom of speech, everyone is a fucking pussy who want to shape the world the way they think is right without concern for the neighbouring persons thought. It would only get worse.

>incentivizing violence against gays
>this wouldn't happen it it was a girl

>Quiet shows her tits to Venom
>Sam punches fourth wall for unwanted crotch staring
>these are apparently the same thing

Can you post an example that isn't Dobson...

Now exclude mobile games and that'll drop. Now break it down by genre and women are a tiny minority in any genre besides MMO's and atmospheric walking simulators.

No it's not, Norman's character is clearly not attracted to the viewer, which makes the ogling unwanted, whereas Quiet is clearly attracted to Snake and trying to entice him.
It's the difference between consent and lack of consent.

In retrospect Sam can't know if the one doing it is a cute girl

I thought Reedus was the player character

Who gives a fuck about him or about women's feelings?

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>This shit has been going on for ages
But the current trend to normalize and promote cultural and sexual deviancy is morally wrong and isn't it defying nature itself. If myth and history has taught us anything it is that an age where man has denounced god and shed his morals will lead to nothing but his decadance and death.

Do you think they modeled a penis for the peeing mechanic?

Do you think the models will be ripped

based Kojima hates fags

When he unzips his pants to take a piss he knows where the camera is too. He turns his dick in another direction. But the player character is actually the BB.

It's in character for Quiet to pose for you, and it's in character for Walkman to punch you. STFU Dobby

I dunno I think Kojima’s crazy enough to have actually requested it be modeled.

Why the fuck does everyone hate gays?

What did they ever do to you?

put their dick in my ass

This isn’t an anti-gay thing. It’s just a joke about the character not appreciating being looked at

There are many posts in this thread talking about how gays should be killed.

It's just a joke but people on here will find anything to hate on gays even though the post wasn't even from a gay guy

I don't think you know the rules of the internet friend. You see, there are no girls on the internet. Therefore, if you are mad about not being able to stare at a man's junk you are fucking gay. Hence you get called a faggot. This logic is unassailable. Thank you and have a nice day.

you're really whiny

Good lord he is such a fucking faggot.

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Oh well. That’s just the way things are. Until Jesus comes down and say “there’s nothing wrong with being gay”, people will always hate them because we are naturally programmed to assume female and male are normal

So dobson wants reedus to show his dick to him? What a fucking faggot.


>Quiet likes the attention
>Jeff Bridges does not
Maybe they should be wearing green and red stickers like this autist.

This tbf when I was 6

>Hates fascism.
>Must be a closet fascist.

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this board does not have a self

>their standards are our standards!
we know where we are

Dobson isn't gay, though.

He looks like Gargamel got an office job. lmao

>1500 years later
>christians are still butthurt about the roman empire

>Dobson is gay
no just an annoying faggot

people who support homosexuality have a desire for it.

what hams? she's a fucking stick.

>No woman ever acts like this with a man she likes
>No man ever has punched a guy who keeps looking at his balls

Like all minority groups, they whine constantly, and all whining is extremely annoying to listen to.

can confirm, I support same sex couples and would not turn down a penis in my face


why do people do this...

imagine being so young you don't know who Jason Alexander is, and think that the guy was posting a pic of the OP.

>Hideo "Gas the fags, gender wars now" Kojima

Please shoop Pepe face.

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Reported, how freaking dare you

You can also bully the babies.

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we REALLY need to talk about why this faggot hasnt killed himself yet. He abuses real women.

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Didn't know it was possible to hate someone that you never will meet so strongly.


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I think there is some sort of desire to rape on the part of people like this Dobson fellow. His complaint basically boils down to a woman is throwing herself at a man and he's not attracted to that woman so this is somehow bad (never specified why).
But as he's trying to stare at the sexual organs of someone HE is attracted to that person responds negatively to the point of violence. He attempts to frame the complaint as a problem with the first game with the woman but it's clear as Dan Akroyd's Crystal Head Vodka that this Dobson fellow wants this male character to react positively to him or perhaps not react at all.
Basically wanting to force his desires on to the character and is offended when the character lashes out.

Doesn't surprise me though, these sort of people always have some weird desire for rape and assault of sexual nature. Such odd obsessions with it all the time and then desperately trying to get their own sexual preferences and advances validated, accepted, and acted upon through force if need be.

These people like this Dobson fellow are predatory in nature. Like some sort of goblin.

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You're coming face to face with everything you need in order to hate him in that twitter post.


these people require undue amounts of self-control in order to avoid doing the things everyone knows are bad, like rape and assault
it's only natural that they assume everyone else must be the same as them, and they think more highly of themselves than of others, therefore they must strictly limit what appears in media so all the untermensch aren't encouraged to rape and assault others

Ocelot is canonically gay for Big Boss.

In 5 years a red hat will literally be considered a hate symbol in the US

Hating people as a hobby(as the dobson obsessed do) is the most soiboi thing imaginable. I would doubt you were men at all, if you didn't have balls.

>Hating people as a hobby
Don't know what that means, I just think he's an insufferable cunt.

By that, I mean spending any significant amount of time hating someone who has no affect on your life. Saving and reposting hate material. Participating in hate threads. Going out of your way to interject why someone is deserving of hate. Participating in lolcow forums and the like.

It's the same energy as a bunch of catty women gossiping over what other women.

Yeah I had not thought about that. They are projecting their own struggles and weaknesses on others aren't they? I guess that's why they're all so accusatory and hyper sensitive about these topics.
Then again, he's apparently a virgin and when people are virgins in their older age they tend to get weird about sex and sexuality. It's the thing they can't have or never experienced.

Have to dissagree with you as a good amount of this can be a wonderful study into the psychology of such people. Knowing what has befallen them and their motivations to make sure that you and perhaps those you care about don't fall into those same issues.
I treat it as studying cultists.

based furfag triggering Yea Forums as always

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No one thinks they're a gossiping cunt. They all try to rationalize it.

>Forced homosexual advancements from companions - "Lol it's just a feature you can skip if if you don't like it"
>A joke triggered by the player's action that results in heterosexual flirt or reject - "We need to talk about this!!!!!!"

the gay community can die from aids for all i care

>audience is mostly male
>most males aren't gay
>"developers should alienate their user base for twitter points"

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sure but leave us out of it

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i bet my life is hollow because i didnt attend this meeting

Black Protestants in America are either incredible or terrifying and I can't figure out which.

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Why waste your time animating this? They should work on the gameplay that's nonexistent.

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Have you never played a Kojima game before?

Mislead people hopefully


Don't hate gays. I hate the fags that want to shove their shit down everyone's throats and throw a bitch fit whenever they think they are being slighted or aren't being catered to.

If ya want to be LGBT or whatever then go ahead, but stop being a cunt about it and keep it to yourself.

ok dobson.

>Enemies are called Homodemons

Game is worth buying just for that alone.

>be gay, just don't tell anyone or let anyone see it or know about it or figure it out

>Why waste your time animating this?

It adds soul you stupid fucking retard. Games are not supposed to have only necessary components. Just like food isn't supposed to be gray flavorless nutripaste.

The thing with Kojima's games is that they lack substance. They could actually improve the gameplay rather than add "soul".

I mean more stop running around half naked and thrusting at people then complaining when people tell you to fuck off.

They can be casual gay and not make a giant fucking stink about it and throw a fit over the slightest thing.

4th wall breaking is literally anti-soul.

Why am I not surprised blobson is a faggot?

This is why progressives ruins entertainment.

all they want is massaging in media, rather than context and thoughtfully written stories.

ok I was about to cancel my pre order but I am keeping it now. fuck trannies and homo demons

God I just don't see what to is to like about Quite, she isn't attractive, and that dumbass horseface is terrible.

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gonna have some fun with that one for sure
>enjoying killing some homodemons, Yea Forums?
>homodemons are destroying america


Can't blame him

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No one posts on facebook anymore silly dobson

gas the gays now

>Also, I'm alright

Everytime I visit Yea Forums

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Do guys really worry if someone is looking at their clothed crotches?
Unless you're wearing form-fitting shorts or have a gigantic package, there'd be nothing to ogle anyway.

It's not clothed.

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What the fuck did he want? Did he want Norman to swing his crotch back and forth in a suggestive manner?

>The thing with Kojima's games is that they lack substance.
i played mgs1 for the first time in my life a month ago and it had more refreshing G A M E P L A Y than most games that have come out in the past 20 years

Dont mind if i do

Am I supposed to care? If I was willing to stare at his crotch to the point where he punched the camera what makes you think that'd make me stop?

If anything that'd make me laugh and do it again because it pissed him off so much.

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they talk silly and I can't stand em
simple as

why would I stare at his crotch, you think me gay?

>it's a Kojima "bad guys aren't that bad, you can kinda sympathize with them despite the awful things they've done" episode

t. faget demens

I want Dobson to get #QuinnedToo

Is this real? This cannot be real. What kind of stuff Kojima showed in Volume 2?

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Just skim through the video, there are tons of misc. animations of Norman goofing off in the safehouse

What’s funny is that myself and the 95% of normal non faggot gays don’t care about this, and hate shit like pride month etc.

Death Stranding's primary influences, in what it differs from MGSV, are Gravity Rush (the first one) and Killzone: Shadow Fall (that's what with the overall touchy-feeliness). Design incorporates Prometheus, possibly Spintires and Inside, fuck knows what else.

Thing is, Kojima kind of cucked himself, since his reveal of Death Stranding came slightly after the reveals of Gravity Rush 2 (now a full fledged full priced game, as opposed to a portable one) and Horizon (KSF going open-world - and into the future), both have since been released too.

I therefore highly doubt it will fly.

Is there a subtitled version of the TGS gameplay yet?


He has a point you know.

She want to fuck Venom.

im pretty sure thats exactly what kojima wanted, even has it on record how he wanted norman and ryan in a game. Higgs looks and acts like everything would work better if it was gosling instead. Troy Baker just sounds stupid and he doesnt look cold or intimidating at all

Basically, some sort of cataclysm happened years ago in the setting, and now the boundaries between life and death have more or less disappeared. The dead linger in our world as BTs, rain accelerates time to the point where a person ages and dies in moments (this also affects objects, terrain, and plant life), etc. Death is effectively "stranded" in the physical plane.


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Perfect example of the type of "person" who should honestly just get executed. Perfect example of why the disney soi wars movies are irredeemable shit. Fuck characterization, just give me politically correct propaganda

Hands off the beebee.

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Alright. Allow to to phrase this in no uncertain terms:

Fuck faggots.
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies
Fuck Resetera
Fuck Andrew Dobson

- End of Transmission -

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>inb4 die-hardonman wearing the mask is symbolic of him conceal his real goals
surely kojima would not do this right


Almost as much as when trannies seeth when there's a bottle of stuff called OGAY in a secret room in Ion fury

>Stop giving him a pass
What "Pass"? He didn't do anything wrong. Your feelings aren't universal and it isn't suddenly "Not okay" To like sexy characters just because you do whatever a pair of legs fucking tell you to.
Someone get on twitter and tell this subhuman to know his fucking place.

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>Forgetting the fuck Incels and /pol/

Pastor Manning in MY Yea Forums?



>naturally programmed to assume
Told by a thousands of years old book*


shut the fuck up, reddit

yeah it's almost like if there was a game series called Metal Gear that did the same exact 4th wall breaking while having a serious tone and what if it was also made by the same guy, how fucking stupid would that be?

Being called a homo demon sounds rad as fuck.

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as a homo human, I approve this post.

t. never played a kojima game

t. Homo demon

When I had a girlfriend, she liked to to have sex looking in the mirror
I was not a fan

Literally no one cares.

Is it too much to ask to have a female character do the same thing for staring at her big cock?

>Implying incels should be allowed to make themsleves obviously identifiable outside of /R9k/ and /pol/
>Implying /pol/ should be allowed to let their retardation spill over into other boards

Didn't read.

Alright. Allow to to phrase this in no uncertain terms:

Fuck faggots.
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies
Fuck Resetera
Fuck Andrew Dobson
Fuck Incels
Fuck /pol/

- End of Transmission -

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Honestly, it's because you exist. If gays where a thing that nobody talked about, ignored or acknowledge. There would be no problem.

they hated him cause he told the truth

Why do you all hate trannies but proceed to act like your shitty lazy input should be unchallenged like trannies?

Better, why does Yea Forums even have so much of this shit? I ain't here enough to keep track beyond broad strokes and I noticed some other boards got less of this shit

>Fuck /pol/

I think you're on the right track. If it was accepted that gays are a thing just like straights are, nobody would give a single solitary fuck.

i hate fags so goddamn much

Yeah, this is what I mean. If you look back to ancient Greece, a time faggots always like to point to for gay acceptance, they just ignored queers. If a dude pounded a twink, he didn't go around bragging about it. It was just a thing that happened and people all pretended to be heteronormative. Anyone that was actually a flamboyant ragging faggot, got shit on hard by Greek society.

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Honestly I'm pretty sure it's based on this picture from Akagi that far dates RE6 and the meme.

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>No homo tho

Died laughing. But yeah. 100% agree. While I would like more gays in vidya, I don't want the kind of gays that are extremely flamboyant or overly flashy. I just want dudes or chicks written as regular fucking people rather than pandering attention-whores.

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Are we going to talk about how Roll slaps you if you try to use the grabber on her in Mega Man Legends 2? It even deals damage when she does it.

Can't wait for Quinn to say he raped her

its like in some games where the girl gets mad if you try to look up her skirt

Sometimes flamboyant faggots are the best characters, but I get what you mean.

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You are all obsessed with gays and trannies because you are mentally ill like them. You wish you could be open about your mental illness but you can't, you are weak.

>literally sucks off Mads and Norman in public

I think its hilarious how this probably happened to this woman, she fantasised about actually standing up to him instead of actually doing it and made it out as if shes vicious.

In reality shes a scared bitch who wouldnt talk back to anyone and wouldnt raise her voice, let alone a fist. Better make a shitty passive aggressive comic with a comeback you took 10 minutes to make.



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Say what you want, but I feel games like New Vegas where some characters are gay but dont shove it into your face (Christine from dead money, Arcade, Veronica) are top tier. There are some gay people in the game you would NEVER know were gay unless you choose confirmed bachelor/la Femme (which I assumes makes your character bisexual with experience/ good at sweet talking).

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Homo Demons watch out!

That the UCA are plainly villainous is probably not even a 'twist'. Sam has to be forced into working for them, and makes compelling arguments against their plans. Their motif is skulls, shackles, and spiders, and they might be literal vampires.

>Stealing from nonironic incel youtubers with weak birth defect chins
Just as bad.

it's literally the opposite
stop watching so much anime and go outside


this post is getting so many replies because it tells the truth and Yea Forumsirgins can't deal with it

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That's kind of fucking hilarious. I hate Death Stranding a little bit less now.

When I talk about wanting more homosexual reps in vidya, that's exactly what I mean. Not shit like Dragon Age where you try to be friendly with a dude just for them to think you want to suck their dick. Just characters who you casually get to know, maybe connect with.

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i love when posts strike a nerve and get tons of replies. its basically a law that the more replies someone gets, the more true their statement is

based and underrated

Both women and men want validation user, but with men its a lot more simple. If you tell a guy his looks/fashion sense is pretty good, hes probably going to spend the next few days feeling happy.

With women, they NEED that validation all the time.

Why is this a problem?

It’s “homo deMENS”

It’s Latin for “gay retard”

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Yes gritty and mature Western games like Last of Us is exactly what we need more of

I gotta cut the act to tell you that you're a stupid fuckwit who can be led by the nose through the simplest effort.

You're unironically gonna be part of the suicide statistics for trannies.

I'm not him, but

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To be fair, Dobson IS the king of faggots

k time to by MGS5. What am I in for?

It isn't. It's actually fanservice for gays. Most gay men like the idea of someone beating them up and fucking them.

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Oh yeah? I didn't pretend to be anything: I didn't say anything I don't actually agree with.

Of course, whoever made that comic is just having a power fantasy, one that shows their moral deficiencies.

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two thirds of MGSV

Fun gameplay, delicious Joosten waifu hungry for the Big Benis, and shotacon

Imagine kino. Now imagine kino in video game format.

this is great
is it yours?

Why is Kojima so obsessed with demons?

why aren't you?

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>impregnated brain dead mothers and use their babies
This isnt real is it

>there is still a great deal user doesn't understand about bridge babies
user, i...

I love the massive eternal butthurt that comes from men like him
It's like my life may be shit but at least I'm not him
top fucking lol

Attached: colonial keks.jpg (400x587, 97K)

Dobson is straight, and a huge fucking retard to boot.

Go back there.

>speak in an annoying matter
>touch my kids
>act like women
>infiltrate my church
>make media shitty
>have a fucking city to themselves
>get special treatment
oh I hate you a lot mate

Attached: explosive approval.jpg (850x743, 600K)

>christians are still butthurt about the roman empire
Constantine and the last set of Emperors were Christian
nothing to be butthurt about

Holy shit, that's fucked up. I mean it explains a lot actually.

They wont fuck my wife

They said "eww titties" when I posted a naked anime girl.


Get a load of this faggot that's never heard of the Byzantine Empire or the Holy Roman Empire.

the day he gets laid will also be a hot January day in Chicago

>dobson will get laid within the next 2.5 years
it's not fair

If you pay attention, you would realize that the whole things has been kidnapped. And being honest, all Yea Forums infraestructure too for that matter. They even turn off the HTTPS protocol almost a year ago.

We are being clustered here. Perhaps we are entering a period of internet, or perhaps we already are in that period, where anonymity is technically non-existent. And I don't know what the fuck to do considering that Big Tech and Deep State have control of the Internet from a layer 1 point of view.

Damn it, as we speak I'm learning about GCP because my employer has a potentially juicy contract with a large retail company in my country that plans a complete migration to Google.
The prices are good, the technology is reliable. This people don't give a fuck, their brains operate embedded in the economic model.

As an engineer a tip, if someday you are asked, why do you want to reinvent the wheel? the answer is simple: geopolitics. But I was educated as an engineer monkey and I learned that by realizing it alone and with all my colleagues, educated just like me, arcing their eyebrows or taking me for stupid. Steve Binko was right: Really the most powerful weapon of your enemy is the mind of those over whom he has control.

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*all of history

let them try to come to my house to punish me for "wrongthink"
pic related very much

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sounds like you're the whiner here

go away fag
You have the media, government, society all on your side and shitting on me
fuck off

>over half a decade later Quiet continues to live rent free in the minds of feminists
Tbqh this is the hallmark of a good character


I'm already the demons

Why must kojimadrones shill about this game day after day after day?

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fuck yourself fag
You've had the media, government and society on your side for years.
keep crying bitch


Yeah because it was MINE
The jews stole it from my people and gave it to fags

I want to mating press Haruhi!

Awfully sexist of son of dob to think that women aren't the ones playing and eyeing both of those characters like they're fucking snacks.

I don't know shit about jews. I just know I'm glad we're not being beaten to death by insecure jocks who can't understand why they pop boners around their other friends in the showers.
Nothing has been taken away from you. We've just finally been included.

Because schizo lore theorists were driven away so the only people left to talk about the game are kojima fans.

>Why do people on a video game board want to talk about video games
Holy shit

>We've just finally been included.
You will never be included around sane people

> Son of dob strikes again
Will this slob of a human being ever stop having such shit takes on everything

We are the sane people. You just don't understand you're not the rational one here. Which is why I can't hate you for feeling how you feel.

sticking things up your butt puts you in it
die fag


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>We are the sane people.

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anybody who complains about this is a faggot

>i came to a thread full of things i do not like, and now i am unhappy
>how could this have happened

>He thinks he's mentally stable shouting at fags in the middle of the street

ur cute asl?

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why does the foodman care about these I thought he liked lesbians

>ur cute asl?
that defense mechanism of yours is exactly why no one will ever take you seriously


Except everybody else who would tell you to get over it.

So, get over it or die mad about it.

Attached: lol-i-troll-you1.png (755x627, 41K)

S tier vidya, pure unfiltered kino, cucked at the end by k*nami

I need more of these

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rent free etc


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Deus ex had the shannon toilet scene, it's basically same joke.

My Twitter tl was full of this whataboutism bullshit. Im so tired of people.

you don't have to run around the streets calling people fags to hate fags. Hating faggot scum has become so socially 'incorrect' that nobody dares to say anything about the mentally ill retards spreading aids because if they do they may very well lose their job and have their life ruined. Learn to use your dick correctly.

I'd pay to have Yuuka punch me in the balls.

Give it to me straight, Yea Forums. Will there ever be another video game character that causes this much sphincter clenching and pearl clutching?

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you'd have to have a babe who's literally completely naked throughout the whole game

>Japan, despite being part of east asia, not the west, is literally saving western gaming

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Considering that 2B came out later

hnnnnng stop trying to break my nofap

Japan #1
America, Hach-Toowe

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Is this some SA's meme?

Reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, or with having a gay character.
What is stupid is making that your defining trait, or the defining trait of a character in your game.

>Reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay
Then why did my boomer parents effectively disown me when they found out?


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if you were sufferable, they wouldn't have found out

Because your boomer parents are boomers, and boomers are retarded.

man. i can always count on dobson to make me feel better abo ut myself.

Oh you know. Just molest kids and spread diseases. And then try to act like fucking each others butthole is a brave and valiant thing to do.

If it's a prominent part of the characters life it's a 'defining trait'.
If it's not, it's called tacked-on pandering.
There's no winning

What exactly what his thought process with this?

>men visually raping women is bad
>men visually raping men is good

He's autistic so he lacks empathy and just posts memes.

A defining trait is when they never stop talking about it.

Why don't you hate straight people for molesting kids, then?

>they wouldn't have found out
They didn't find out until my mom point blank asked me why I didn't have a girlfriend and if I was gay and I told her I was.

Yea Forums didn't attempt to strong arm celeste into removing the flag.

Do you always masturbates when you're deeply offended? Does this offend your penis?

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Actually I do but gays are more likely to molest a child than a straight person. Thats why gay shit is targeted toward childrens media. Do yourself a favor and check out how many gays were molested as children. Milo Yiannopolous, George Takai, Ellen off the top of my head.

Heres some other shit you can digest hrc.org/resources/sexual-assault-and-the-lgbt-community

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Being repulsed by gays and trannies is the default normal state for 100% of humans. Only severely mentally ill humans fall outside of this norm, and those who have been brainwashed over the course of decades.

It's only Dobson.

>stares are crotch and gets punched
>hawk at striptease woman whose breathing through her skin
Kojima, you’re not fucking clever. Be a man like Kamitani

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If I want porn, I can open a browser on my computer/phone. Why do you need porn in your videogames, user?

nailed it, dobson

Lmfao is anyone surprised? Of course this is true, Kojima fucking hates homos, it's a known fact and I'm afraid you're just going to have to live with it. That's right quiet, wiggle your tits in my face, good stuff Kojima. Keep homo shit out of my games, homos belong on a fucking cross.

It's not just men who feel that way.

>fourth wall characterization
Kojima is a genius

You're forced to look at his ass though.

God, I cant wait for the segments when The Homo Demons have Sam trapped in their underground bunker, strapped to their liberation machines as they desperately try to deprogram his mind from the lies of the State.

Sam quivering and flailing in his bonds, after they divested him of his Bridge suit. His bare ass and thighs raw from the re-education paddles as his sweat and fascist tears leak onto the floor.

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It's the male gays

Has a homo, Norman isn't even that hot. Also, the crotch is not the best part of a man.

enjoy your ban niggggger

There are still a few lurkers but no one wants to talk about the fact that it sounded like Cliff called that woman under the glass "Lisa" in the latest footage. Most of the people who post on this board now probably don't remember the name of the wife in PT or have never played it.


>this is what retarded lefties believe their political opposition thinks
It's a fucking caricature of reality and you still buy it.

>self centered
>whine about everything
>mentally ill
>spread STD's
>make everyone uncomfortable
>freak out your kids
>they're a gateway to trannies, who are even more mentally ill
the first reasons that come to mind

Fucking based boomer holy shit

what about the ones who aren't like that

you usually don't notice them

Even if he’s not gay, he’s a faggot, just like you.

>strong centralized government
>the bad guys
So not wanting chaos and terrorists is bad now?

The 4th wall is gonna be an actual plot point, throughout the demo he showed at TGS there were several "blinks" of a human eye from the camera. We're clearly looking at him from someone's perspective, possibly a BT.

they don't bitch and moan like you do either

>I dont agree with anyone here!
>Why aren't they sticking to the approved script!?
>Why isn't anyone banned??
Did you get banned for back seat moderation or something and decide to come here or what?

They're just closet straight.

The president doesn't garb your dick. You are thinking 3.

That's the perspective of the Bridge Baby we're seeing through. Those blinks were used as scene transitions all throughout the release date trailer, and then near the end you can see it's the baby blinking in the scene where you see Cliff talking to it in the tank from the baby's perspective. You can see it again in the TGS day 2 demo when Cliff is talking to the baby and toasting to it and that woman.

I don't think it'd make that much sense for him to punch BB's tank, and I'm pretty sure there was a blink that didn't transition scenes.

When I have boner it's very easy to see regardless of the pants of I'm wearing.

Equality means legal equality under the law. It does not mean every artist needs to cater to your specific fetish.

>gays are more likely to molest a child than a straight person
This is unfortunately true, and it's a problem we gay/bi people need to address. But it doesn't mean gay people are bad, it means their community has a serious problem.

Play New Vegas. One of your possible companions is this gay scientist named Arcade Gannon. His sexuality only comes up when you first meet him, but he still has a lot of personality. He's sassy, but that's because he quotes Greek thinkers and writers to insult you.

Yeah it doesn't make a lot of sense for the BB to be watching everything from a perspective outside it's tank, but we haven't seen what the apparatus Sam punched looks like, if it even exists in the game world. It's also bizarre that Sam seems to signal to the camera what he wants to do.

There are 0 dubs in this entire reply chain

>being this new

Zoom zoom

1 2 3 4 5
That’s the countdown til I slide

even on Yea Forums there are 00 dubs

No you don't.

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always a stupid anime sft fag

>80 replies

>act like fag
>get hit like fag
seems very realistic to me

most of them are. And if they aren't, they are not even noticed. We may not be able to get rid of gays entirely, but outlawing gay marriage and sex just like old times would be a great start.

Yeah, and it's a goddamn 1.09% chance.

Yes? Name one instance where this isn't true.

Make it yourself you lazy piece of shit

That's not what he said at all you moron.

>He abuses real women
>implying dobson goes near real women

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You'll never pass

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>Kojima does it again
Based Kojima

Forgot pic

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When can we get a new Dobson thread?

>seamless transition to soft figurine boobs
Is that a thing?

>reddit spacing
>reddit opinion
holy fucking faggot

So just space it out, got it. Can't wait to for the smut with Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Tekken model

>Makes a GOTY every time he makes a game
>Drives dobson fucking crazy every time he makes a game

how can one man be so based, homo demons BTFO

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literal magic

She doesn't post for you if you stare at her.
She 'poses' for you regardless of whether or not you're looking at her.

I mean, what's the point, Norman doesn't even has a dick

>Just being gay makes a ton of retards start seething
Yeah I'm based

They want attention because the attention will get them money by means of ads, patrons, or job prospects.


Wrong male sexuality is demonized, feminists and regular society are terrified of sexualized men, this is why no ones likes gays but loves lesbians as well. Women are allowed to be sexual creatures, men have to be utilitarian. Women will also gaslight men about attraction to the grave.

Ah, it seems that someone is upset

I don’t hate gays. If a woman wants to munch box or a guy wants to get butt fucked that’s their prerogative. What’s not owed is this idea that everyone has cater or appease them. Like th cake guy in Colorado. The only thing he did wrong morally or in any sense was deny himself potential revenue. Same with when gays had a shit fit when th CEO of Chik Fil A donated to a Christian group. That effects his company in no way, so the gall of them thinking he should have his life and career ruined was them being well and beyond out of line.


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>Homo Demons

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t r u e

It’s called nature you demonic waste

>What did they ever do to you?
they like pps, what are they gay?

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What, is five a day not enough for you


lel, entire civilizations were fucking dudes before the missionaries went spreading their fanfiction around



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>tfw the controller vibrates

Attached: neat.gif (354x163, 2.78M)

>this is deleted
>not fuck niggers or gays

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lol femcels btfo



This Dobson guy is the most pitiful creature that inhabits planet Earth right now.

How do they know it’s a “no homo” joke? Are they assuming only males will play this game?

Homos BTFO

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with being gay in Christianity as long as you have the self control not to act on your satanic impulses and remain volcel.

They keep bitching about /ss/ in our shota threads when no one criticizes their garbage

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Haven't seen Yea Forums seething this hard over a game since Spiderman, and we all know what happened there.

>Can't sexualize a man in peace

Men are weak. Good thing I'm not attracted to them.

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cope harder

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Not all characters have to behave the same, you are comparing apples to oranges.