ITT: patch notes wishlist
Risk of Rain 2: Fully LOADED
I just hope it comes to the switch the same day.
I've played this game a good bit when it first launched on E.A. and I'm just holding off because i don't wanna ruin it before it comes out.
How's the Xbone port?
Give merc more combos. I wanna go full Bayonetta/Dante/Nero/Raiden.
More combos vis-a-vis skills 2.0 of course
Why play this when RoR 1 is superior.
Is RoR2 still worth playing or is it ded?
Honestly, I am pretty satisfied with just loader coming back. I could care less what skills 2.0 actually entails, but I have faith that hopoo will deliver something good. That being said, if they dont add in scepter in the skills update, I'll riot.
My wishlist is honestly just item tweaks.
>make rusty key spawn multiple boxes every 2 keys. make the boxes about 1.5 times bigger.
>lower the cooldown of vase by 30 seconds OR make the tunnels have no duration.
>lower the slow on chronobauble, but give it actual slow scaling rather than duration.
>cut the damage of capacitor and preon by about 20% to encourage other use items.
>rework blossom entirely, potentially nerf rack alongside it to make blossom worth picking up.
>drastically lower tesla coils damage, as the onhit procs on their own are already insane.
I'd be pretty happy if I got 2+ of those, but honestly I am just happy that my main man from 1 is getting into the game.
in awe at the size of this lad
>I could care less
>loader is coming back
>being a switchlet
absolutely worth playing, I honestly have way more fun playing solo because then I don't have to babysit slow faggots
he used it correctly. he displayed some interest in skills 2.0 but it doesn't seem important to him like it does to most other people
> cutting damage from anything
fuck right off we dont need sticky bomb nerf 2.0
Oh so you are that absolute gay retarded autist i saw the other day good knowing you are too gay to play online
user, the guillotine was already moved from white to green to reduce how often you could get it
Is it already better than ror1?
Which one to get if you want to jump in now?
what autist are you talking about? the words "slow faggot" really hit home I see
>is a soulless 3d piece of shit with bad balance better than the original
thanks user
getting the original then
wait they confirmed loader? When?
I'd say both are about equal, actually.
>using buzzwords to make a recommendation
if you can't actually explain why someone should prefer RoR1 over RoR2, you need to shove a cactus up your rectum
They're very different games in the minute-to-minute gameplay, regardless of any similarities
are you actually blind?
I see the pic but it could be fan made, like did they actually confirm loader officially?
Consoles get their update a month later than PC
They literally did on their twitter
>but it could be fan made
literally official art for the game, they've used that format since the game launched
maybe I'll just look into it again, when it's full and proper
enough stuff to play in the meantime
Are they in front of the contact light?
Supposedly, Hopoo could do a switcharoo
Anyone wanna play some risky rain 1? I can host RIGHT NOW
I'm obssesed with this game. Ply everyday. I can feel the burnout starting to slowly creep in though, fuck. Thank god an update is around the corner. I'm so fucking excited lads.
Also; huntress, arty and lemurians need more porn.
Most likely. The survivors were sent back after a distress call to investigate why shit keeps going down around that area. I wonder what revelations will be shown in the update. The lore so far is pretty good.
Do you think that skills 2.0 will make huntress not shit
ah well good thing i have it on PC as well
huntress is controllermode: the character
short of removing autoaim what would you do
Not make her hp so pathetic she gets one shot by everything.
lmao what
She's absolute trash compared to merc, engi, rex and mul-t
Huntress isn't shit, she's just boring to play.
how does it run late round on the switch?
ror1 is broken for multiplayer. It's more fun in single but you can only finish it so many times, user. The nice thing about ror2 is that there are new items and new maps, new characters and the best of all? A functioning online.
both are good but start with 1 until 2 gets full release. Online in 1 is ass but items and runs are much better and satisfying. You'll get the hang of the game with 1.
I'd say 1 is harder to get people into because everything takes so long to die when you're not using glass, you spend a lot of time kiting the deathball of enemies until you have amassed enough items to take it head on. Then you have to hunt all of the fuckers down after the teleporter event ends.
RoR1, by that metric, exists as a niche game that might scare them away from RoR2 in fear of it being more of the same. The pacing and lethality of everything is just different
I think it's fine for someone new to the series to jump in with 2, but backtracking to 1 if they like the game and want to see where the game's origins lie and to better appreciate how far it's come.
she's ultra ez mode, her m2 is so fucking good and makes you speed through early game
you literally cannot get one-shot in RoR2. she's also extremely mobile
you're probably right. RoR1 on easy difficulty isn't a bad way of getting in and understanding it though. But online is buggy af. But yes, if you want a casually easy to understand game go for ror2.
Huh, friend just bought this for me on switch. Anything I should know before playing? I already know from an earlier post on this thread that switch won't get this update, but I mean like general gameplay stuff
Yeah and it wasn't gutted. It was also so OP that even as a red item it'd still be more than attractive.
Theres no gyro aiming, don't buy drones their AI sucks and can die without any enemies attacking them.
You're retarded, the fact that a single hit doesn't bring you down to 0 life doesn't prevent you from dying to two consecutive ones within
>I already know from an earlier post on this thread that switch won't get this update
Not that it wont, it will, but most likely later.
don't spend too much time grinding money, the game will get progressively more difficult the longer that you take.
if you go fast, not only are the spawns more lenient, enemy stats lower, but also the items that you buy are cheaper. everything scales with time. Even once you've reached the highest difficulty, the difficulty will continue to scale.
it doesn't, but why are you getting hit with the second most mobile character in the game? huntress is strong as hell
She can afford to be the most mobile thanks to her auto aim. Just stack a crazy amount of mobility items to the point where any other character wouldn't be able to aim efficiently moving so fast, and let the game play itself.
Bandit's coming home in one of the later updates, right bros?
which is why she's so strong, I seriously don't get why people complain about her
Yes it does, eventually you're going to get hit no matter what and it's going to one shot you, you clearly haven't played her on monsoon if you aren't aware that any elemental elite one shots you while other characters tank them easily.
>Red Item: Bandit's Hat
>Upon killing with a secondary fire, cooldowns on all attacks reduced by 1 second.
>Effect stacks onto itself, hat gets progressively taller.
Please, hoppo. Don't leave him out
Did Hopoo say anything along the lines of Loader being the last classic survivor for RoR2's early access period?
Hes in the files and the first character they actually ported but hes currently shelved for being "Not very interesting to play" same with Han-D.
Honestly as someone who wants bandit aswell I can live with him just being a mod since hes like 90% complete
>then I don't have to babysit slow faggots
Sounds like you just suck at cooperative play my dude.
It's all fun and games until you have a team that wants to sit on the same map for 10mins
>hat gets progressively taller
I like your thinking, user
Im currently in god run with huntress on monsoon. 2 people left in the beggining of the game; so bosses drop a minimum of 3 items. I have almost the reds. Like 3 brainstalks, so i basically have infinite mouse 2. Literally just holding mouse and watching everything (and i mean everything) fucking die. There is no fear of death between my 5 transcdences, nd infinite topaz brooch. How much longer should i keep going?? Im on like my 4th loop.
All the reds*
>4th loop
you have a few more loops in you
Forgot to mention, i did 3 shrines of the mountain also and still didnt die. Huntress is probably the most OP when it comes to god runs. Although, ive only had a god run with Arty, merc and rex; and now huntress.
I think a lot of people underestimate how quickly her M1 scales and just think "Oh she has good skills so I don't need syringes".
He's in the next update as a hidden character. The next map is a remake of Contact Light and features a downed ship. There's a hatch in the ship that sometimes spawn and once inside you have to fight a giant mechanical spider (yes, normal mechanical spiders are back in the game). Once beaten, the spider drops a keycard which can then be used to open a door in the ship, freeing Bandit.