Hello TerrariaCHADS, how's your current playthrough going? I just started a new world and decided to not make commieblocks and actually put some effort into an underground base.
Hello TerrariaCHADS, how's your current playthrough going...
I'm tired of waiting for the update
this. I thought they said it was going to be a summer release.
I beat the moon lord expert mode, shurikens only. When does the new update come out?
Dunno, the devs at Re-Logic have a problem in the sense that they get too addicted to adding content, it should still be coming out this year I hope.
Post your base, user.
>calling yourself a chad in the OP
a sign of insecurity
1.4 never fucking ever
>how's your current playthrough going?
Non-existent. Waiting for the patch and playing before it hits will burn me out.
made organized chests for the first time and playing with friends who are playing for their first time
I wish I set it to expert, it's too easy in multiplayer
Expert should be baseline.
I played through vanilla with some people and then tried playing through thorium but got bored after wof. I’ve had a lot more fun with calamity desu. I’m tired of fucking waiting though, where is this update
Anyone else don't give a shit about the update? And instead hoping they're gonna announce a sequel soon. Cause fucking hell, it's gonna be 2030 if terraria 2 is ever gonna see the light of day
Q4 release according to the Journey's End trailer.
why make thread if no screenshots
I'm going to make a wild journey's end guess and go with october 18th
trust my intuition
Nah, I'm pretty hyped. Sounds like a good way to send off the game with an all around polish and content addition to fix some stuff like the desert being just a worst frost. Kinda like Isaac Repentance.
server when
Expert makes my hard earned Valmanway useless.
>Sounds like a good way to send off the game
So this is the end, then?
I'm still holding out hope for an endgame version of it because it has by far the best looking effect
The update is literally named "Jorney's End".
I'm playing through Elements Awoken right now, pretty fun mod but some questionable designs here and there. Just got past Golem and am gonna fight Dick Fishbag because that leads to another boss in the mod.
I might also just go and finish the melee/yoyo playthrough me and some friends started because it's confirmed that we won't be able to play for a couple months
>how's your current playthrough going?
It's not because I'm waiting on the update and then for thorium to update with it.
I wasn't aware of that, I thought this one was mostly going to be about adding a Creative Mode.
This is the only correct reponse
This. I've been putting off a new playthrough until 1.4 drops just because of that.
No, it's a substantial addition to the game with new boss fights and tons of items.
>Shield of Cthulhu + Brand of the Inferno
>you can dash towards an enemy, right click to parry in the frame you'd collide with them and then attack them with a weapon of your choice for massive damage
Is there a more fun playstyle?
Rate my town
>Not playing Terraria entirely underground for the entire playthrough with your little brother and sister
Doing an expert mode playthrough now. Having trouble deciding on what equipment to swap out for the wings, if any. Everything just feels too useful to be without.
The balloons, easily. I'd also drop the Shield of Cthulhu, Frostspark Boots, and Obsidian Shield when you get better equipment. Lategame wings provide all the mobility you need in one item.
Moon Lord is still the final boss, though, as far as we know.
Would be super cool if you killed him on Master Mode you unlocked The Moon, which is an entirely new "planet" that you can teleport to and from via a new NPC that has an entire new tier of equipment and bosses.
I’d drop the balloons. In playthroughs I usually stick with frost spark boots as my only form of extra jump until I absolutely need wings
Balloons are great early game because there aren't any better items.
Why would you play this when Minecraft exists?
because minecraft is a very poorly designed game for autistic children.
How do you even combine convenience with aesthetics
Commieblocks are convenient because you can just run everywhere but the most I could do is having a quick inventory stack room and placing the less frequented NPCs in relatively harder to reach areas.
>go to The Moon
>Ducktales' The Moon starts playing
That's not a town, that's a tree.
Like a decade in and people still can't tell that these games are vastly different. You'd think you'd get a hint by now.
1/10 not enough commieblocks
Terraria is better in Minecraft in every single way, except for lacking 1 dimension.
Yes, even in building.
Dunno about NPCs, but for storage, there's a mod I like called Magic Storage that lets you store everything (including crafting stations) inside a big network of chests and connectors. The only downside is you can't make it insanely big or it crashes the game. But it can still be big enough to store 10s of thousands of items without issue.
For my convenience + Aesthetics, I have a huge chest room, with themed NPC rooms situated around it. Can take a while to build though, and god help you if your chest room turns out to be too small.
That's a decent town although I hate the Sky brick house.
I need cheap, easy housing, and skybricks are just that. The floating islands even give you bombs to collect them easier.
How do you make these big captures?
2/3rds of the NPCs are useless, so you just need to create one easy-access area with the important ones.
It's more convenient to keep them separate so one raid-gone-wrong doesn't kill your goblin, arms dealer, nurse, mechanic, guide, and demolitionist.
Capture tool. It's built into the game. When you open up your inventory, go to the right, where your equipment is, and click the icon to the left of the house reassignment icon.
>tfw no female fire imp NPC that teleports you to and from hell
My friend got burned out because he couldnt seem to understand that hardmode is hard, so he doesnt want to play anymore. I've never done hardmode either, but at least Im not a bitch boy. Guess I'll wait for 1.4.
Oh man remember when this fuckers used to bow up blocks with their bombs? i still have nightmares about those little shits.
t. bitch boy
You can make your own portal network, user.
Take it back, bitch boy
Yeah, but it'd help early game before you got teleporters and before you get pickaxes capable of digging hellevators quickly.
I wish they still did
Hardmode ain't even that hard. You get better equipment and mobility to deal with the increased difficulty.
>tfw they made the new golfer NPC black
Okay, but how about an NPC that can have 2 houses and teleport you between them without the need for wires?
I went and got better equipment right away by farming spiders while he complained about constantly dying.
Terraria 2 when?
Oh, yeah, constantly dying is part of the fun. You can also go get an Amarok right away in the snow biome, and that hits really hard for early hardmode.
Canceled. Too bad too cuz it looked cool.
That's Otherworld. Terraria 2 is still on the table
t-that just means the update is going to be really big r-right?
It's looking to be a bit smaller than 1.3 and about half the size of 1.2.
Rate my unfinished castle from 2015
I think 1.4's focus is less about adding new content and more about polishing up the game before it ends
Other than the pointless one block wide gap in between the two towers it's pretty good.
Um, akchually, it's a 2 block wide gap
Terraria has "ended" 3 times already. The game is timeless.