No greedfall thread

>no greedfall thread
let's rectify that

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I am de Sardet, Legate of the Merchant Congregation, cousin to the fucking governor and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Bridge Alliance, and I have over 300 confirmed diplomatic successes.
I am trained in sabre combat and I’m the top stasis user in the entire Congregation delegation. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this island, mark my fucking words, I insist.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the pidgeon mail? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of nauts across New Serene and your address is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in magic combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Coin Guard and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the island, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Place of power..... Gotta be

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And don't forget to use the SPOILER tag, Anons. Thanks in advance!



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I got the trial of waters quest bug that hardlocked by save so rip

what bug?

You mean [native][/native] tag

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>Just wander around a little after finally being done walking back and forth in towns, not even level 10 yet
>Meet a whole group of high level dudes
>Somehow cheese them to death even though they had some attack that could oneshoot me
>Get big dick loot
I only did it because I didn't want to accept defeat but damn there was even an epic pistol with fuck you damage among it. I need 2 hits to kill my current enemies

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>Go pick up the Chinese food

after completing trial of waters and the other story quests the next main story quest prince's secret never activates

>Go pick up the Bridge Alliance food
>*dies from dysentery*

>Go pick up the Iranian food

Firearms snowball like crazy. I don't think I bothered with a single trap after mid game

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>Watching Cooking with Jack

>Kurt visits Israel

So, worth it?

>De Sardet invites Kurt to go hunt for Alchemy Indedients
>"THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET Lentibulariaceae!"


>never hear of the game
>googled it
> it fucking made by Spiders
Fuck off with this trash

>invite Kurt to book club
>pride and prejudice

t. renaigse

It's a charming game with character, and a unique fantasy setting. I say it's worth the $50 so far.

Better than Borderlands. Twice this has happened. Last year I was gonna Pre-Order FO76, but then I saw that 50 min gamespot video and the awful twitch stream with Rick and Morty and canceled that quickly, and put the money towards the far better Red Dead II. Legit one year later, I wanted to pre-order BL3 on Epic, and then see reviews that it's BL2.5, and while healing from a fractured hand I said "fuck that", and refunded to get Greedfall instead.

Fucking strange.




>first hours in the game
>MC starts slapping people with his big dick title already
fucking based MC.

I am literally impressed that Yea Forums can get to enjoy this garbage. Subpar combat and dogshit animations, couldn't stomach much through the hour I played, is it hiding something like Dragon's Dogma or is the people comparing the two fucking lying retards as I thought?

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Back to Bordermemes, reddit.

>or is the people comparing the two fucking lying retards as I thought?

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It's not gonna stop

huh? I made a legitimate question

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oh its a tranny lmao

>he doesn't have a siora gf
Feel sorry for you

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What was her fucking problem?

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are you okay buddy, why do you keep deflecting my question? is the game THAT bad?

She is a bridgenigger.

Not him but just go look up gameplay and stop being a dumb nigger.

Absolutely based.

sorry here's a real answer

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>so friendly with the natives they're okay with me killing their high king and his wife
oh, so that's why there were so many opportunities for +rep with natives

Too based for this shitty world where you can't kill the natives and destroy the island with industrialization.

Once the trials of water quest is fixed it will be.

but you literally can't describe the gameplay then? I heard people talking about Dragon's Dogma so I asked if the game actually opened up like it but you are all so fucking triggered that is pathetic, a literal hugbox thread
yes, you should be the one dilating, this thread is leaking estrogens lmfao


So I guess performance is kinda eh for everyone, right?
I can barely keep it at 60 FPS in outdoor areas on a 1070 and the game certainly does not look that great to warrant it.

Petrus sucks ass in combat and ruins my stasis by spamming his weak little attacks that take ages to reach their target. Siora/Kurt is the true combo.

the only tranny image here was posted by you

It's fine until San matheus nukes your gpu.

Charisma check failed

Reduce cloth physics and draw distance a bit.

What the fuck even is Dialating? Like your eyes?

*unzips rifle*

Sorry but I can't be bothered to respond to every IZ DIS GAEM REALLY GUD???? post. Go look up gameplay and decide for yourself.



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>go and talk to both of the governors for one of the final main quests
>the bridge caliphate governor finally gives me a sidequest to get +rep
>it's so late in the game it doesn't even appear in my quest log
Okay, I guess you have to just keep spamming dialogue on the raghead to get him to spill how to make him happy. I don't give a shit, though, if the bridge doesn't want to be a part of the pagan revival and renewal they can go fuck themselves

This. Every area runs fine except San Matheus.

If you get a "vagina" for a sex change you have to stick a glass dildo in it so that your body doesn't heal it.

So, when men have gender dysphoria and think they're actually women, they try to get "gender reassignment surgery" to change their gender (which cannot be changed). This involves the removal of the penis, and the reapplication of the scrotum into the "neo-vagina", among other things. It's essentially a bleeding, oozing wound that is trying to close up, so these men have to stick a dildo up their wound, in an act called "dilation", to prevent it from closing. This is often very painful and has to be down for hours every day for months until their body gives up on trying to heal the wound, and their immune system permanently weakens.

Hope that helps.

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>not picking "Encourage her"

I actually rather like the Bridge Alliance because they're opposed to Theleme. San Matheus gave me the creeps, and that public execution was fucking brutal.

I'm an atheist so I have no problem hating on the ragheads or the Christfags, but Theleme is beyond the pail in this game.

>Party members make no effort to evade AoE damage

sounds like what a well adjusted individual would do

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What armor is that?

based fedora tipping retard


Bridgenigs are worse than Hitler.

I keep meaning to play this after I pirated it
but I just keep putting it off
how's the romance

>until their body gives up on trying to heal the wound
That never happens. They will have to keep doing it for the rest of their life, just a little less frequently after 2+ years.

Put in just because a Bioware game needs it, no real depth besides a couple of good moments.

fuck off cunt

>It seems you don't know who I am. Allow me to introduce myself, I am de sardet, legate of the merchant congregation
>a-ah, please forgive me, your excellency.

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so the white chick is the savage one right?

>I'm an atheist

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>One kills in the name of God
>The other in the name of """science"""


Even Theleme aren't engaged in open-warfare with the natives.

>Not being an atheist

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Canon is that player character is male and every time he get to say that he is supporting raging boner.

>spent the whole previous playthrough with Vasco in the party for that sweet INT bonus and bantz
>new playthrough, with a brand new party
>several hours in
>the first fight alongside him since I'm doing his quest
>tfw realized that I missed that line a lot
Is that a stockholm syndrome or something

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Yeah because I want to go back to being the fedora wearing cringelord. You can have a religion and be laid back about it user.

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>not female and raging waterfall

>Male Sardine will never put a leash and collar on you and appreciate his title while he pets your head.

are there any good character mods yet? I heard there are only like 20 character models in this game.

So you little a stupid online meme convince you whether you should be religious or not? Now that is true cringe.

5'10 vs 6'0

Is that why she's called a tempest?

Brifge people were worst, they just did what ever in name of science. Worst thing was how they were okey in most part whit it. Even their governor, just ignoret everything and acted dumb when you go to lay some smackdawn to him.

Theleme were way more rational. when their big side quest comes to end, they just talk what is best choise of action.


It would appear you men have no idea who you're dealing with. I am de sardet, legate of the congregation, and I insist you run into my swings.

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It's embarrassing, okay? You'll understand when you grow up.

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I'm already 23. The fedora meme is just that. Letting a meme dictate your life is pathetic. Imagine falling for Nofap or "have sex".

>flaunts the title
>smug bastard
>always has the power to back it up
How can one Legate be so based?

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>no colonial harem options

I like that he isn't insisting or when charisma diplomacy doesn't work on him. The only choice is to fuck shit up and it always goes
>have you had enough of me beating you?
its nice

Because it'd be sexist. You can't have anything like that in modern games or you'd be crucified.


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>your uncle's a prince
>your cousin's a governor
>your girlfriend's a princess
>you yourself are a legate
How can one sardine be so lucky?

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>tfw cha check failed

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Pure skill.


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>currently playing: Underground (Prod. by Da Beatminerz) by KRS-One

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can i play as a nigger despite me mum being canonically white, innit?

Does the order in which you complete the main quests matter?

>me mum being canonically white
Your mo--- Sure, user. Sure.


nothing has changed user, the name of the game is nepotism

the legate is completely incompetent

anyone playing magechad? does the gameplay evolves to anything else other than kite and spam the magic bolt?

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i completed the arena at level 5


For some reason I really want to replay Gothic 1 after finishing this.

>finally on friendly terms with the caliphate
>they betray me, instantly taking my rep back down
the french really don't like turbans

she looks like a tanned Morrigan from Dragon Age

Why can my companion use an item that has accuracy 3 requirement despite only having 2 accuracy? Is that some alignment thing? He isn't wearing any armor that increases accuracy either

Don't know anything about this, what is Greedfall?

How old is Kurt?

think underrail but with better graphics

you could at least look it up instead of asking such basic questions

It's a HBO quality drama series

Diplomacy sim.

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it's a game about what happens when people stop being greedy and pay $60 dollars for it

Considering you're almost 25 and that he trained you since you were a kid, I'd say 40-45 at least

Hours of a Sardine flaunting his Legate title and killing people who denies his insistence

Sounds like bug. Just to make sure, you know that companion stats are independent from yours? Only overall level matters.

How? No she doesn't


Why is my character called "De Sardet"?

Shouldn't his/her name be De Legate as a wink wink to Mass Effect? Shepard was a shepard.

I did it at 12. Doing the wingman at the end must have taken you an hour. I pretty much just kept him constantly poisoned and was poking him for 6 minutes

Hot, does this mean De Sardet calls him daddy when they're alone?

i thought merchants guild was a joke


That's reserved for Petrus.

Spiders stated that he's like an older brother, so onii-chan.

his surname foreshadowed his role in the story

what does de sardet even mean? lmao

can you make all your allies leave your party?

i hate them all and i'm glad siora was the first to go

>everything needs to be reference

Yeah I checked his stats, says he has 2 accuracy and will only get 1 more level in it at level 18 which is literally 8 levels away. But I could give him a pistol with accuracy 3 requirement with no problems. Must be a bug then I guess

Not everything has to have that specific a meaning, and besides Shepard's name was as much a reference to the astronaut as his metaphorical shepherding of companions.

Not to mention De Legate sounds stupid, you're only making that parallel because of Shepard, when it doesn't make any sense.

>tfw you'll never romance Alpha IRL
>tfw she won't ever have your mutt babies
y even live?

I fucking hate bats.

this game is trying hard to be Middle Ages Mass Effect, it's only fair that the character pays a homage to Shepard

>How about you go to the archive and look for the documents
>Go to Mrs. Moronge to discuss the documents
>Go to Duncas to discuss what you found
>Now do it all again

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No, its not. Not everything needs to be a reference, dingus.

More like Dragon Age.

Engine-related, primarily because it has some serious texture streaming issues. You can only ease it's effect but it's borderline impossible to get rid of it entirely.

Kurt mission are the best sidequest so far.

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>2 party members
>Having a fancy position (aka Legate) but being the delivery boy in practice
>Multiple civilizations with their racial and cultural difference
>An unknown evil that you must defeat
but hey it ain't copying bioware, am i rite?

>being the delivery boy in practice
akshually, pretty much everything you do is related to your role as a diplomat. You're not doing shit like fetching some fag monster meat so he can make a stew, or something.

All these threads that reached bump limit every single time since tuesday have been made to specifically fool you, retard. Don't play this.

Bioware copying or not, that doesn't mean they have to name their characters as a reference just to please you, bitch boy. Not to mention, again, De Legate sounds retarded.

Also those are all superficial comparisons that apply to an innumerable amount of games.

>being the delivery boy
excuse me it seems you dont know who I am

I'm the fucking legate and I'm investigating the murder of a merchant in the New Serene

Why can't I command my lackeys to do it for me? its ridiculous, fun, but ridiculous

Because maybe he wants to be a hands on Legate?

Because maybe its a video game?

gee if only I browsed Yea Forums everyday like the wise user

No my friend, this is what we (the people in the interactive media industry) call ludonarrative dissonance

Reminder only male face2 Desardinechads are allowed in these threads

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>ludonarrative dissonance
I insist that you have sex.

Ok, but the people bitching about having to investigate murder as a high ranking character would still bitch if the high ranking character just received a report instead.

>ludonarrative dissonance

Looks like an Elexman.

do you get items that give +2 to stuff like lockpicking later?

Elexmen the best

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What's the point of having children if you have nothing to teach them?

I insist you watch and learn, friend:

>decide to talk to Kurt
>first dialogue option in the game is begging him to stick his chad daddy cock in your royal pussy
Why is female Sardine such a slut?

>mark my fucking words, I insist.
fucking hell

>"Is such a thing even possible?
>Yes it is!"

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how does it compare to kotor, mass effect, dragon age and dragons dogma?

>can't have daddy dick up your bum (male)
>can't be buggered by Kurt
What went oh so very wrong?

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Finally playing Greedfall again after a full weekend of not being able to.

It feels like the first Mass Effect or Dragon Age to me. Lovably jank with a great and familiar setting.

Better story than DD but worse combat, though they aren't really comparable.


it's better than the witcher 3 but inferior to the witcher 2

devs werent kidding when they said that romance is a powerful element in the game, especially the homo

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Lady Sardine is confirmed pure in the flirtation dialogue with Kurt.

What games let you attempt to corrupt others?

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>being the delivery boy in practice

>Hold on, if you put that thing in my asshole, things are about to get dicey!

A bit too progressive maybe Spiders...

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How did Spiders get away with it?

what would you compare the combat to?
i barely played witcher 1 because it was too janky and i didn't like the batman style combat of witcher 2 (counter spam in a pile of goons)

How does this game compare to Kingdom Cum?

Excuse you.

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M+K or controller?


Face1 is highborn noble
Face2 is megachad

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Merchants = french, jews, british, dutch
Bridge = turks
Nauts = spaniards
Thelme = italians

What is that shit on his cheek/jaw?

>Hey de Sardet, can we really just assume the holocaust really happened?

That was a weird romance plotline, don't know how I feel about it.


>just did the Coin Guard revolt quest
>Constantine is literally dying

Should I head out to help the Bridge Alliance look for a cure, help Petrus exorcise a demon (which will somehow apparently help?) or just get him his painkillers first?

>Nauts = spaniards
Nauts are just super pirates.

Just use bombs, my renaigse.

nauts are sea gypsies

I am de chardeney, leg of the merchman conjuration
Carsma 100% [Incest]: P-please do not be mean to me.

Get him painkillers and you can ignore MQ for good right now. You can go str8 to the ungabungas.

You can trust the bridge alliance.

They're aren't gypsies, they have an island.

Vasco confirmed for twink

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Merchants are purely Dutch, Bridge are Moorish Spain, Nauts are gypsies but on the sea and Theleme are the papacy if Julius II lived forever.

And the gypsies that live near me have houses, doesn't stop them from being gypsies.

Do you even know what twink is

Wait, what do you mean 'I can ignore the main quest'?

>Can't control your companions

a passive homosexual which is exactly what Vasco is

I'm gonna run his ass so hard in my evil homosexual run

Do sidequests instead.

It's a lot more like Witcher 3's combat than Dragon's Dogma. But there's more variety to the combat than Witcher 3.

That's not what twink is

I have basically none left, except for some companion quests. All the main quests are mandatory, right? There's no way to accidentally skip them?

Funny way to say "try to bribe lipsmacking murderous psychopath".

Yeah, well then, go to the painkillers and then everything else from MQ.

Vasco is gay?

Well, I guess I'll have to put him on a bus before he gets the wrong idea

>to get the golden ending, I have to befriend the Bridge Alliance

Ok but

>actively caused 90% of the current native hostility towards people from the continent
>they did this by kidnapping the holy men of the island and torturing them
>casually backstabs a hostile native leader who still agrees to meet with them in good faith
>poisoned constantin

I don't want to save them

>obsidian hammer
>doesn't give you obsidian via recycling

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Do Painkillers and Trial of Water so you can bone Siora.

why wouldn't you want to save science? that's basically what the bridge alliance stands for, they backstab but for mankind's own good

Just finished it. Really liked the game and I'm hoping for a sequel with a bigger budget.

There are some glaring flaws that either stem from budgetary restraints or Spiders' lack of experience in creating larger games. Most notably, while the quest dialogue and writing is damn good, their gameplay design is terrible. Most side quests involve simply running from place to place, so much that it gets really tiresome even during the early game. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, but it's multiplied by the terrible world design. Most areas are like mazes with abrubt dead ends and talent-specific areas that net you absolutely nothing. I can't count the times I got frustrated by running in to a small dead end corridor trying to get somewhere.

Also more loot with increased variance would have been great. Magic rings really fall off in late game compared to other equipment and there's no endurance 5 armor in the whole game.

Still, despite the flaws I liked it. Playing as a diplomat of a neutral country during a large conflict was a great idea.

>why wouldn't you want to save science

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>Still number 2 top selling worldwide on Steam
>mostly positive reviews
Spiders MOMMY can finally rest...

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Itemisation in this game is weird at times. There is a steel rapier that costs like 700 hundred goold, and a marqui's rapier that costs 100 less and they have like 18 points difference in quality ( lv 4 agility one handed blades). Yet their stats and upgrade slots are identical. I have noticed this in many equipment pieces

>world has literal magic in it
>"scientists" don't believe it exists
The roles of rational people and religious nuts was reversed in this game.

>release dates can be very painful
She's a big girl.

>leaving the studio when it finally makes big bucks

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merchants = jews just jews
nauts = niggers of the seas
bridge = nazi arabs
thelme = white people

It's indeed weird she'd choose to retire right when they finally make it.
Or maybe she didn't expect Greedfall to be so successful.

I'm really hoping that it will be Spiders Witcher 1, that's get them enough attention and funds that they can work on something that will really pull them into the big leagues.

The game so clearly could have done with another two dozen staff. It's good, but it could have been amazing.

>flaming rapier can't be coated in poison

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>she wanted to work on it more for us
We didn't deserve her.

if magic existed, then it would become a science innit?

sooner or later a scientist would discover the fundamentals of magic and then it would stop being magic because it would have rules

Let's just hope they will stay at witcher 2 tier and won't move to 3.

Merchants = Dutch people
Nauts = pirates
Brdige = Ottoman empire
Theleme = France/Spain
Natives = Celts

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I think she is CEO, might have something to do with the company being sold.

Don't worry

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Yeah, but the alliance openly states that they don't believe any of it is even happening.

To be honest, if it weren't for the Ordo Luminis, Theleme would come off as outright reasonable.

>PB making it big with Nordic
>Spiders getting their break
We are gonna make it bros.

I feel that both 2 and 3 have some serious hits and misses, but they should definitely not try to emulate 3's scope and kinda pointless open world 'quests'

It's over.

no, please no

"Getting into the big leagues" is what's ruining Cyberpunk. I'd rather Spiders to stay as a middle rank studio with all of its flaws but with all of its authenticity too

I don't want trannies in my Greedfall

What is she going to do?
Make Bethesda great again?

>"Getting into the big leagues" is what's ruining Cyberpunk
Goddamn you're too deep in Yea Forums. That game isn't even released and it's ruined?

>I don't want trannies in my Greedfall
>Bigben publishing
Bad news, user.

Honest tsundere onii-chan, or exotic direct pokahontas of wild island?
Who deserved my honey?

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>PB making it big with Nordic
Are they?
From what I recall they just have a Uwe Boll tier scheme in which they get funded by german gov to make games since they are the only german devs of note, thus why ELEX 2 was already funded before release of ELEX due to preorders, and from EUmoney

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>anyone but daddy

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I don't want Cyberpunk 2077 myself either, but I wouldn't mind if they managed to stay around Witcher 2 levels. This game just could have been absolutely incredible if they'd had the coders to implement more diplomatic interactions, or a more interesting character build system.

Imagine if this game had the character in-depth building of Arcanum.

Elex was successful and Nordic outright bought them, Elex 2 budget will the very highest AA can go.

Kurt, if you manage to escape sailor-kun.


I so wanted it to be good. So so much.

Yes! Thanks for this. That post in the previous thread was me.

A small team allows a more pure vision, how much spoils the soup?

But Elex was good.

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I love games that let me cut through several people at once, especially because the weapons in this game actually feel like they have weight.

Elex was kino, don't make me beat you.

I love how they made MC such smug asshole. Shame that he becomes much more whiney toward end. But game feels quite slaped together after halfway point. Story even makes plotholes becouse its cleary slaped together.

He investigates crimes that could have diplomatic repercussions

I expected unfinished wank since this is the devs of teh Mars War Logs but the outfit and weapon design looks awesome and the quests are actually interesting so far and its refreshing to leave out out the usual "humble beginnings" kind of playstyle. who would have thought

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I do, but they're still annoying as hell and chew through companions in seconds if there's enough of them.

Let Kurt spank you when you're being bad.

>You may not like it, but this is alpha chad model pick performance.

Can we have a madara copy pasta with sardine?

>Find out that De Sardet a native
>instantly rush home to confront Constantin
>as I walk in, we find out he has the Malichor
>after Constantin calms down a bit, he asks what I came in for
>De Sardet tell him it's not important, as Constantin is clearly still in distress
>only says anything when he assures me that he really wants to be distracted right now

The writing in this game is incredible. If this was most other games, you just know there'd be an option to sperg out instantly. De Sardet actually acts like a kind human being with family.

>Middle Ages

That's just Petrus without armor.

~30-40 is the sweet spot.
The whiter and uglier your devs look the higher the chances the game is going to be good.
The less women and colored people the better, unironically.

Attached: Owlcat diversity.jpg (1200x900, 209K)

I find it impressive the lead writer is also the CEO of the company. You don't normally hear of the suits being hands-on with their projects.

what about japanese games? they're coloreds and their rpgs are superiors to ours

I would love if in greedfall 2 you played as seriff in samekind of colonial setting.

any other rpg:
>have piss poor, ugly equipment
>everyone looks down on you
>have to play for hours till you finally get some good equipment and reputation
>/fa/ as fuck gear from the start
>everyone has to deal with your shit
i did not imagine this could be so refreshing

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>Final decisions
>Constantin is clearly going to kill a mostly benevolent god, usurp it's power and take over the island.
>He's also clearly only doing this because he's desperate, afraid and resentful. He clearly still cares for the player, even commanding his attack dog to simply 'restrain' him. He also clearly wants De Sardet to stick with him, as you're the only family he genuinely considers such.
>options are kill him or side with him

Man, I feel like an asshole regardless of what I choose to do.

Well, ugly white people tend to be ones that play games too. How can you make good game if you havent played one? Greedfall smell so much like that, they played some game and saw some system that had potential and took it and refined it.

Burn the coal
pay the toll

Attached: greedfall-official-trailer-gamescom-2019-1-23-screenshot-1566423828448.png (788x443, 183K)

>they're coloreds
are they?

>they're coloreds
honorary white

>their rpgs are superiors to ours
it's fine if you enjoy JRPGs I guess I can't really play most of them since they don't give a fuck to proper roleplaying

>Owlcat even made their white male Baron into being canon with Paizo
>fucking paizo

How did they do it, lads?

Their ARPGs sure.

What's wrong with Paizo?

I think she had like three jobs within the company, explains the eybags.

>sassy nigress spergs out like the gorilla she is
>based Kurtbro comes in
How did they get away with it?

Attached: based kurtbro.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

>>have to play for hours till you finally get some good equipment and reputation
>even then people still send you to fetch their milk for them

Pleas name the "unknown evil"

Paizo are super fucking SJW. Like, massively so.

Don't worry, the ending clearly shows which one is considered canon.

I was dreading how MC would be this special chosen one. But instead he is diplomat, his orgin make no different story outside of sidequests and backround. So many things make sense in story. It's truly refreshing.

the malichor or whatever it's called

The malichor is neither an evil nor something sardine defeats.

Daedre is King is canon
Daedre is not King is noncanon

You should continue playing if you believe what you say.

t. treeniglover.

I think I understand why De Sardine is always so broke.

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Also good point. Hollywood loves its subverting expectations. But everytime they fail. Well Greedfall succesed in it.

>what about japanese games?
trpg: square instead of hex
rpg: 30+ hours only prologue (ff13, yes) and 200 hours mmo-like grinding.
I tried trails series, but there is forcing grind too. It's not funny as for me, i like hard battle, not lazy clicking during dozens of hours.

the malichor is diminished in the good ending

People say this, but are they really? I mean, arguably the two most important 'core' fantasy classes (Wizard and Fighter) are white men, and Ezren is typically considered the smart, level-headed member of any team he's in.

Sure they've got a whole bunch of sjw-ish characters in there, but so what? Golarion is a fucking fantasy kitchen sink. You're going to have everything in there.

Kurt is such tsunder. OwO im just mecenery, you will need to pay me to help you. It's not like i like you and your cousin.

Why do ugly people make more soulful games?

>HIS role on the island

Mev is the cutest boi.

Attached: 2019-09-15 17_31_05-GreedFall.jpg (2560x1440, 2.09M)

Don't ever reply to me again.

Trails is about the worldbuilding, it really is a storyfag game.

Do you really wanna go there?
Arguing that having treefuckers take care of the earth falls into the traditional cliche of the hero defeating an evil?

You have to put more effort into your personality and work to get people to like you when you're ugly.
Source: am ugly

When society rejects you, you just make up your own, even if its a fantasy one.

ugly people have inner beauty which comes out through art

God. I hated that mission.

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here's the creator of cuphead, his name is literally chad

don't fall for fugly bugmen propaganda

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Probably the first game where I go style before stat

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He has a virgin voice though. Don't ever listen to him speak if you want to maintain his chad allure in your mind

Dude looks like turbo burger.

Damn, I like De Sardet so much
He's going to use that fucking title and going to flaunt that shit at you if you don't know he is

I played the trails on new game+ difficulty and never really had to grind.
Unless with grinding you mean defeating encounters on the way to a boss.

Perhaps I haven't properly introduced myself.


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>The Coin Guard's plan was to trap themselves on an island with a bunch of angry natives, and literally every single mainland faction incredibly pissed off at them, especially the fucking nauts

What the fuck was their long term gameplan?

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bros... why combat is so fucking dull in this game

They didn't have one.

For Egon to disappear into the night with all the loot.

t. magefag

The gear upgrade/customisation options have to be the best i have seen in any rpg so far

then whats fun?

Greed? Maybe commander had plan and thought they could enslave all the natives? Mainland needed island to cure and then there was all the other shit to profit form. Nauts are such jews that they would go whit them just for profit and young babys.

the coin guards are incredibly incompetent, the game even acknowledges it

Top brass doing some exit scam while taking all the valuables.

Their gear system is actually pretty old and already what they have been using in their other RPGs.

literally anything else

*puts hand on hips

Where are the good legendary weapons? I got some legendary and are trash.

Lol no.
It's like i coming to boss with 12 lvl, when he 20.
Just single run don't enough, even more devs create special dung for grind in cold steel if i rem correctly.

Coin Guard and Bridge would make a good pair...

How do I afford armor/gear/weapons for my squad? I'm level 20 and everyone still has default equipment

Where do I get the potion against burns for the guard if I can't make it myself?

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So what? Time quartz fuckery is OP.
You dont need to grind. Sure you CAN grind to win.
But you can also properly build your team to win.

>Coin Guard
>having a plan

Yeah but this time its not scarp metal fixed to some light bulps to form a helmet upgrade

Female de Sardet voice is much better than the male version. The male voice seems petulant and pissy. Female sounds more comfortable and in-charge.

People who disagree are faggots.

It's alright, but nothing amazing. I wish some of the armor meshed better aesthetically with the upgrades. Theleme sets, for example, get pretty much ruined ruined by them. Same goes for most of the Naut gear.

Magic is so underwhelming. Is there equipment later on that significantly boosts mana regeneration or something? Because right now I'm constantly chugging down magic potions.

Isn't that shit sci 1? Either get Aphra into party assuming she's friendly or upgrade some armor for + sci.

Explains the Arcanum threads. Seeding interest for a game with technology against magic as a theme.

>wanting sardine to sound like ciri
*teleports behind you*
*pssst nothing personal*

>Magic is so underwhelming.
Imagine your IQ being like this.

alchemist at bridge city. he can craft anything.

But he's not wrong. Magic in this game is garbage and is boring as fuck to play. The best way is using firearms, traps and bombs.

She isn't voiced by Jo Wyatt

you can literally freeze even bosses with meme magic

How do I use Aphra?

How long is this game anyway? I'm at the part in the main story where I have to do some water ritual and I try to do every side quest I get. Am I at least halfway through?

you have to unzip your dick first

>boring as fuck to play
>Magic in this game is garbage

I also switched to guns and bombs because magic is boring. But it is powerful.

Like 70%.

I don't disagree. Female Sardet sounds like a proper cunt while the male version just sounds constantly confused.

But for real, how would I use Aphra to craft it for me?

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Where is the good looking equipment?

Is this game worth playing? I don't care about the price, but if it isn't fun then I won't bother

>So what?
So player must be leveled to ~ lvl of enemy. It's rule of gamedesign, in many lvl-depended games you can be just oneshoted if your lvl too low.

If you have her on friendly she gives you +1 science bonus when in party.

Equip her

No. the game is TRASH

If you like WRPGs - absolutely

>not constantly delaying your opponents so they barely get a chance to act
I dont want to make this a trails thing, but just thats its possible to beat the game at max difficulty without grinding and you not being able to just mean you need to git good.
Dont respond.

Don't have her on friendly so I don't get the bonus right?

Magic really falls off late game. There are no super good end-game rings. Past like level 30 you're going to have to spam missile a lot. Admittedly, groups get fucked by stom+that aoe dmg spell spam.


>Switch from smoll daggers to longswords
That's the good shit. The dagger moves feel too floaty

Yep, i like fem Sardine.
Especially she's sighs when all those questgivers start talk about "all our forces already busy, we sad poor people, so can you resolve our problems?"

You don't. You can still craft armor with science bonus if you have crafting (or at least Kurt on friendly) or just use the the alchemyst in the alliance town.

>reee gitgud if you not abuse dont respond
Just lol.

She IS voiced by someone who sounds eerily close to Jo Wyatt. And that's a good thing.

Rapier is onelove.
Sadly we can't hold dagger as offhand, or pistol at least.

I love the bomb animation.

it's selling better than ME: Andromeda

Yeah, femSardine is nice. Her voice even trembles in the most emotional moments, that is very cute.

Oh I know that. This is the main reason why I felt like Greedfall is a mix of TW1 and DA2.

Is crafting worth it? I was going to get it but I'm finding nice stuff anyway and the recipes don't seem that interesting

Crafting is absolutely useless. Just keep +1 crafting gloves for quests.

Is this game good? Never heard of it at all except for WaB




Attached: legate.png (366x366, 246K)

Bastard child of the first Dragon Age with the jankness of the witcher 1 although polished and a Sardine MC


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You can get it at +2 using Kurt and the gloves so you need just point. Also the smith can craft everything for like 100 gold, so you don't need even that.

Quests only need lv 1, and you can have gloves or Kurt around. Artisans can do the crafting for you for extra money. Charisma cheks are easily savescummed as well. So since every stat can be boosted by companions and/or gear, get a level 2 rank on all others first. Early intuition and lockpicking are good starters

You don't more than 1 point in any crafting talent, the other two will come from gear and companion you pick up when you need to craft
Keep the crafting gloves for quests needs in the inventory sll the time though
If you intend to gi technician focus picking Science as starting talent is recommended because you need to get Science2 (base science point+ an armor strap) asap

What if I say no? Mhmhmhm?!


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Should I go charisma or intuition? I picked vigour at the start.

hahaha of course here is the quest solution and extra 100 gold and please fuck my wife

>making my wife wear renaigse clothes
End yourself scum

Just put on your hat and have Vasco following you
Getting his +1 intution from friendship can be done by level 10 for intution and a cape +quicksave/load is everything you need for Charisma

imagine a meeting between these two

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If it makes you feel better, I make everyone wear Congregation's clothes. I AM DE SARDET, LEGATE OF THE MERCHANT CONGREGATION AFTER ALL

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>in the middle of browsing the Merchant's stock
>suddenly got interrupted with IRL stuff
>came back like half an hour later
>it seems I forgot to press Pause

Attached: GreedFall 2019-09-15 22-05-05-32.jpg (1920x1080, 279K)

>"Are you alright, Master?"

Lockpicking is kinda shite too desu, there isn't quest related lock without key and only few locked chests in open.
Intuition > vigor to 2 and armor >= charisma. Obviously what you can manage with with gear and maybe companions until you have enough points, should be around 25~.
Then maybe that lockpick so you save few minutes of looking for key. Honorable mention to +1 science and armor if you roll guns, gonna need those bullets. Then respecs once you get Aphra to friendly.

If you aren't exclusively using Marquis armors you are a bad sardine

>le weeabo rpg game with ridiculous character models, over the top animations and special effects, cringey dialogue and nonsensical story
fuck off weeabo

Wrong thread buddy

Imagine Sardine as cute anime waifu.

Attached: .jpg (220x320, 43K)

Take your meds and return to whatever thread you came from

Mod to make charisma checks to be lvl dependent insted of rng based like new vegas when?

>implying she isn't already

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is there even a canon Sardine look?

some versions of sardine are ugly af

Early Industrial.

Scenes with Constantine have more feels as for me.

>Early Industrial
Postapocalyptic agrarian republics

Attached: 1.png (1832x296, 496K)

>compare to kotor, mass effect, dragon age and dragons dogma?
it doesn't, those are all AAA
this is more along the lines of Risen, Gothic, or Elex

Best femSardine face? Second to last has those lips but the face has that weird green hue on the sides

Attached: 1567785556272.jpg (900x466, 25K)

>Is that blood black?
>audio becomes muffled
>Constantin starts freaking out

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back to red dit

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>Trails is about the worldbuilding
even that is mediocre in trails, it's basic bitch shonen anime the entire time.

Jokes aside, did he actually, unironically, non-platonically, loved Sardine?

A bit of ____ on my _____ and lets ______

borderlands thread is two doors down pal

This one? It's a shame about the green hue, wonder if it can be modded out.

Attached: sard.png (759x767, 886K)

Second to last appears in the most trailers, so probably her.


>but the face has that weird green hue on the sides

Attached: 11.jpg (1066x815, 242K)


Yeah that shit, used it on my first playthrough & it was slightly distracting

That sneaky alchemist in Serene hopped a boat, put on a turban, and slapped on some pajeetface.

Attached: GreedFall 2019-09-15 12-24-59.png (1920x1080, 2.99M)

>Then respecs once you get Aphra to friendly

An important factor nobody talks about: timing. Yes, you'll eventually get +1 Talent from your buddies, but when...? It'll take quite a while until you befriend all of them. So I think it's well-worth for everybody to plan ahead with this in their minds.

Lockpicking as a starting skill is totally unnecessary b/c of Kurt's armour, but your 2nd point (LVL5) might worth the sacrifice - this is the only Talent not covered by a Companion Bonus, and you will bump into LVL2 chests right after arriving to New Serene.

Kurt gives +1 to crafting? I've just started but I don't have any bonus.

A bit of sneed on my feed and let's sneed!

When he's friendly

Idk, but i think he can, All these stories about defend from bullying, all these "dear cousing, i miss you so much! Do you want dinner, or bath, or... me?"

>ending slides
>gets to Petrus
>the person who posed this model let this slip
I wasn't even aware Petrus had hair. I never had him in anything but a conquistador helm.

Attached: GreedFall 2019-09-15 14-30-23.png (427x419, 282K)

wow the nigga black guards (second to last fight in arena i think) actually try to move behind you surround you and fuck you in the ass
and on top of that those nigga straight one shot me
fuck me ass

playing on extreme is a lot of fun. Human enemies are the easiest and the bats are the hardest for me right now. Is there any good way to get cash? I'm broke a lot of the time even if I sell off mostly everything I pick up.

Don't mind them, they're playing on toasters

Sardine 2 is perfect

this game runs so bad, and i'm way past the recommended requirements.
uninstalled as soon as i saw the framerate drop into the teens.

Actually i play on toster too - vega11 from ryzen 3400g lol.

Just beat it on extreme with the best possible ending, and then redid the boss fight to get the chaos ending. Spiders has definitely made a game that is better than anything else they have ever made before, and they managed to do it without running out of time or money, or both, and rushing the end of it and having it turn out a mess.

We're not talking about 2 though

>Coin Guard rebellion

I wish this hadn't ended as smoothly as it did. It should have been a big, game-changing event in the Island, but as is, it's just kind of swept over.

I'm on ultra and it's there, can't really find any good screenshots of it though.

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Why did admiral-chan shore Vasco again?

how i make my companion niggas not die in the first seconde of the fight?

Git gud

They don't tolerate gay people

By leveling charisma and giving them gear. In general tho, you don't.

It's not as noticable on the darkest skin color for that face

It's never explained exactly what he did, but it can be surmised that he tried to get hold of his birth documents.

Pretty sure he's playersexual.

1. Spam improved shield or heal.
2. Blast enemy with bombs.
3. Shred enemy with spells.

Block instead of dodging. No joke, when you dodge during a boss fight your companions just eat shit on the back and sides of the swipe. If you block it stops the attack at you. Works best if they are behind the boss during the fight.

>"You'll thank me later for this"
I guess pirate mommy didn't want one of her nauts being a 25 y.o. idiot who haven't seen the world outside of the port.

she knew he was doubtful and needed him to rediscover his naut pride

how do you all find the motivation to keep playing this game when the combat is so awful?

I am legate, legate of the legate congregation
Legate 100% [Legate]: I am legate.

Attached: legate.png (1329x939, 1.97M)

Siora is surprisingly cute

zoom on

I really like the voiceacting in her introduction, otherwise too but her introduction is real good

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user don't be a fanboy. the gameplay is clunky shit and you know it.

There's really no sequel to this game that would make sense. It'd have to be something of infinitely less consequence, or a post apocalyptic world after you and fairest cousin consume the old god

De Sardine is Rean of WRPGs

>playing rpgs for combat

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Attached: mage.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

You were right. De Sardine is almost as cool as RIsen 2's hero.

I'm playing as a gun mage and zipping around on lighting speed gunning things down or punching them in dick with magic fists is fucking awesome

>actually try to move behind you surround you
Thanks for maximizing the damage on all my upgraded spells for me you dumb niggs.

>you are new legate of merchant congregation, now at the brink of destruction
>your task is simple
>outlegate legate Sardine

Attached: .gif (800x800, 676K)

>wonder why malichor sounds so familiar
>think about it for a bit
>mal ichor
>the disease is literally called Bad Blood


Spiders only create sequels for their Mars setting.

Who are you, exactly?

>Mars 3 after they learned from Greedfall
Finally, a good fucking Mars game.


>custom character technomancer using basically the same gameplay conventions as freefall
Cool, will be fun to play in five years


>Siora has the same mark as MC
>cousin immediately jokes about them looking as brother and sister
>it's obvious there's something fishy about MC's legacy
>know that she is romanceable anyway

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L E G A T E !

>you arrive on Teer Fradee and gather and army
>you assault Sardet's new home, forcing his armies back
>family you arrive at his own personal dwelling
>he steps out and your army prepares to attack
>half your men fall to their knees, catatonic. The other half shoot themselves in the head. only your closest companions remain standing
>now only you remain: You croak out a rebuttal. No. He isn't.
>His face twists into a smile, and you realise too late what you have unleashed
>you pull out your gun and aim it at your skull. But you're too late. Death can't claim you.
>merchan congregation surrenders, old continent makes De Sardet Legate of everything
>game ends

Shoulda gone for the intuition 3 response where you convince him theres a chest full of legendaries on the other side of the island that he probably missed.

Perhaps I failed to make myself clear.

is the combat at least functional? I loved elex but that game's melee combat deterred me from completing it

>is the combat at least functional?
Yes. It's pretty simple and uncomplicated by eurojank standards.

Someone call your name. You open your eyes and see Constatine's face, without any mark of disease. You definitely in your room in Serena.
-Hey, cousin, wake up! I understand your feels about cancelled travel to Teer Fradee, but Japan wait fo us!

This time you go to America instead of Iceland

Here on Yea Forums, people like to pretend that there's some mythical "tranny discord" where an apparently large amount of transsexuals gather and just so happen to disagree with everything that the self-victimizing user believes. They target this user and brigade every thread he is in.

You miss this post

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is the game fun


It's perfeclty fine. You parry, dodge, have some skills, have sidearm that kinda works like skill itself, which is bit weird but just works. Can tactical pause any time to drink potions and whatnot.

>a literal mindflayer worked on pathfinder kingmaker
Explains all the mind breaking options I guess

No, we are just shitposting.

Are you sure I'm not a shill from Spiders instead of a tranny?

It works, but you can easily cheese everything.

>able to afford shills
lmao dilate more

By not making the barbarian chick into a romance option.

>spent the entire last boss fight freezing the boss with stasis and whacking him with a two handed sword fury strike
>chugged one of my many unused magic potions every now and then
>kept fury up constantly with fury potions
>extreme difficulty
>this isn't even the cheesiest strat
Yeah, definitely going to want to see some better balance in the next game they make.

can i respec my character later? i have a ton of unspent points that i don't know what to spend on.

literally tutorial

You get memory crystals. You should've got one at the very start of the game after the first boss fight. It's a full respec. I think I ended the game with 5 or 6 and never respec'd once

A "de Placename" name means the family is from that place and typically means the family owns that land, but not always
de Sardet's family is from a place called Sardet and being nobility they probably own it.

>extreme difficulty
I heard difficulty affect only skills and numbers of enemy, not stats.

general questions i got from the game
what is the point of those embassies on new serene?
anyone got all serafeddin's notes?
devs said there's some sort of secret. any idea what it is?
i saw a shimmering on tir dob on the are that was blocked by a felled tree, on the ledge you climb on, there a haze like enemie traps and a shimer like the loots without intuition
there's black smoke beasts around even after you defeat the corrupted nadaig and breaking the bonds. i wonder if there's something to that

i saw some video and there's defenitely a increase in balance in the nadaig bosses
it was something like
>1200 on easy
>1600 on normal
>2000 on hard
>2300 on extreme
and supposedly mobs get more enemies. not sure about the rest

>did both of the first main quests
>then pursued the investigation of the first expedition instead of the Theleme or Turban questlines
I-I'm not gonna be able to protect that smile, am I?

What did De Sardine ever do to deserve being a Legate?

Noble >parents.

Be the prince's chess piece on Teer Freddie hoping to score [/native] points

She showed up, shook the Merchant Congregation's hand, and [insist]ed she should get the job.

Being born into nobility is enough qualification

Need a new thread