Is it worth getting the game just for her?

Is it worth getting the game just for her?

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Is it worth getting the game for a silent 3D model?


Here. I saved you $60.

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just emulate it on yuzu

If you want to buy a game for waifus then buy Fire Emblem Three Houses. It at least has maddening mode now and you'll form more of a bond with whatever character you choose to wank over.

There's porn online.

If you buy a game just because it has "pritty gurlz" then your brain is saturated in cum.

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but you can't dress her like a gyaru this way

what? no
if you buy a game because it has pretty girls is because you're a healthy human being.


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>he lets his dick make decisions with his money

Learn to draw, then you can dress her any way you want and even make your own characters!

but that's how most people make their decisions user

Sorry but when did I say I was buying the game? I get all my Switch games for free.

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stop liking white girls

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jokes on you I love brown girls

dilate trannie
you will never be female

You should be buying a game because it's actually good, not just because "it haz pritty gurlz dat make mah pee pee hard".

if you have crippling autism then maybe

the game being good is a given, I want something else to pull me in.

Explain this shit to me I’m seeing this black girl wojack suddenly everywhere

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Absolutely. I am.

Dude she's like 10 wtf

>the game being good is a given,

Sure, if your standards are low enough.


said the guy who has never played Kenshi.

Name the leader of the empire if you did.

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Has anything truly ever been worth getting for any reason?

How many healthy well adjusted human beings do you know who obsess over anime girls? Be honest.

posting the white guy version is offensive so they switched to the more progressive version, that's all there is to it

100% of every well adjusted human beings on Yea Forums my fren

Shes basically a combo breaker for being the first protagonist in the franchise with a truly weak design. She looks more like an NPC than a protagonist. The last few gens have been the best in terms of protag girls, though. The pendulum was bound to swing back eventually.

You sound like a pedo.

obsess? none
make decisions based on their sexual urges? about every single person who is living a happy life outside of the internet.

>people on Yea Forums actually still buy pokemon games past platinum

Aren't you guys tired of this franchise by now how can you not grow bored?

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Have sex.

Bend over

what is this retard talking about

Not just her user

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Her design is amazing, what are you talking about? She's got a cute hat, nice color scheme, plaid socks. She embodies a stereotype without being over the top or as some idiots would say these days, "offensive". You can tell right at a glance she is Scottish but she doesn't beat you over the head with it. It's the perfect balance.

Cope roastie

>Paying 60$ for a mediocre game containing a female protagonist void of personality
>Having fun with memes and lewd drawings made with actual effort for free
I thought the choice of obvious...

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I'll buy a used copy of sword, at gamestop so they get the money instead of GF

God I fucking hate waifufags.
Its you fucks that enable Gamefreak to keep creating shit year after year without repercussions. Fuck you so much, a bunch of shameless retards that think with nothing but their dick.

Do it for /ourgirl/.

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get the fuck over yourself, you would call pokemon shit regardless of character design.

Not our fault you don't have a dick anymore you dumb tranny.

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team yell posting here already

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What's going on here?

Fuck you. I wouldn’t give a shit if I didn’t love the series, and watching turn to shit only to get applauded by mindless waifufags is fucked.

If that’s what you have to tell yourself to disregard my post then I feel sorry for you.

Don't know why this goth bitch gets so many fans. She looks like a total druggie.

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bullshit, because if you were you'd knew this game is not a fucking dating simulator like you're pretending it is.

No you fucking idiot just jerk off to the inevitable shitload of porn that will be made if the only reason you want to buy something is a female character to coom to.

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Imagine being jealous that a video game girl is prettier than you, you're a disgrace.

Oh godd.... she SOOOO cute! Wow!



>He plays as self insert girls
Tranny alert

she's also not real

You know what it is.

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How is the series turning to shit? It's a handheld game, you're expecting PS4 Pro graphics or something? It's still leagues better than past Pokemon games have looked. So who cares if it doesn't have all 900 pokemon in it, get over the nostalgia and train some new ones.

>I’m buying this game because of the cute girls durrr.
I’m not the one pretending. Just look at this thread. It’s pathetic.

It’s an upscaled 3DS game for fucks sake.
If they showed even the slightest improvement in the animations and models I wouldn’t mind them cutting shit, but right now this game is Sun and Moon 2: Switch edition.

there is nothing pathetic about that
about every single person I know who has a life much happier than yours have based their entire life decisions on their sexual urges.
Some people buying entertainment based on that is the least of your problems right now.

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Switch is not a powerful handheld. They are making a handheld game and for what it is it looks fine. It doesn't need to be 4k or anything, slightly better 3DS graphics is fine.

she's so cute

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And these games aren’t sex games. The main appeal and focus isn’t supposed to be sex. This is a kids game where the focus is collecting monsters and nowhere in this thread are people autistically posting said monsters. Yet you idiots focus on something entirely irrelevant as the main reason to buy the fucking game.

nigger guys will go watch a movie or buy a game because there is a hot woman on the cover, those same guys not only have a stable job, a girlfriend and a loving family, but a bunch of friends who do the exact same thing.

please grow up.


Tell that to Mario Odyssey and BotW. Tell me why Pokemon is the only series immune to never innovating while any other Nintendo series suffer from stagnation if they don’t come up with new ideas?

>about every single person I know who has a life much happier than yours have based their entire life decisions on their sexual urges.
This is oddly true in my experience as well. Most "chads" I know are perpetually horny and shamelessly display it.

Putting make-up on her and playing dress up is a core mechanic of Sword/Shield.

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she can just end people with these

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I could care less about the retards and their live. What the fuck are you on about?

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oh ok fair enough

You say core mechanic like it’s more important than the adventure or catching Pokemon.
Go fuck yourself.

i hacked my switch, so yeah It's worth it to me. I even downloaded that omega labyrinth shit game

I enjoy playing games more when I can customize my player. The pokemon are static and are unchangeable. They will be there regardless.

Fuck no, retard
You can consume all the cute fanart and porn for free anyway

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>playing a monster catching rpg for girls
they made masters for you.
Only reason to care about the MC in this game is because customisation's not as shit as gen 7


if you're a fucking gamer
the reason why people like cute girls is more than just for sex.

I think the graphics look fine.

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LGPE with all its shiny models and square tiles and SD sorta looked better in retrospect.
I guess the overall stylisation worked better there


>tfw my Gloria folder only has 87 pictures in it

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The last one I bought was X and Y, since I bought into the "WOOOOOOAAAAHHH I'TS POKEMONS BUT IN THE THREE'D DIMENSION DUDE", and I had a good time with it because of the online and quite frankly, the Looker chapters were honestly the only good part of the main game .

Honestly, after that it's not really worth it, X and Y was pretty good, but there were defi8nitely some quality control issues. SM, USUM, XY, ORAS, and most CERTAINLY sword and shield are really bland and linear. BW was the last one worth getting

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Worked for Billy Idollash

>buy a game for a generic looking 3D model when you can fap to the porn and watch cutscenes on youtube

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it will grow with time

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source on yuzu? I wont pay a fucking dime for this game

It's not the same as being able to control her yourself and make her do what you want with her.

>saying this when people sucked off the female girl for gen 7

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Is that her official name?

Yep, I'm buying it.

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She looks so hot. I bet she has a perfect body

idk, I guess, that's what anons have been calling her and it was in the direct, see

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It's Pokemon, what you can actually do is the bare minimum because the fanbase will eat glue

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>Is it worth getting the game just for her?

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pissed version best version

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Stop liking White girls.

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not enough dynamax content of her

It's the Pokemon version of Scotland, >implying those two are just super tanned from vacationing in Spain

Holy fuck. This image just made my night.

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Persuade me

>you can camp with your Pokemon
>your entire party will be out in a little clearing all playing together
Call me a manchild all you want, this is what I've wanted for the entire 20+ years I've been playing Pokemon.

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Could you beat her up in a fight?

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I'm already playing her in Tekken

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Pokemon stopped being relevant after Emerald.

She looks too old.

i could beat her with my dick

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great now I have to see if I can make her in SC6

Why are so many people obsessed with her feet? I'd rather focus on her ass or pussy.

Post results if you do.


Puritan go back to church.

Buying Pokemon for the Pokemon? Nah nigga I just want to fucking coom

Or pay $60 and do it in the game.


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>spend 1800 hours to become an artist
>or 10 seconds buying the game off amazon


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>spend 60 dollars so you can look at a virtual character

I hope sword and shield has open toed shoes for the girl.


>Buying a shit game because of the girls
Just fap to the porn

I get my Switch games for free.


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Gas yourself boomer

Then play Swsh I guess. I just think it looks terrible. Your time not mine.

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No. The absolute only reason I would get a switch and this game is if my gf would play with me.

So they're going back to the previous style? I can live with that.

>you can dress her up as a Gyaru
My brother, I appreciate you.

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You type like a retard.

Hoo boy I want to COOM on that underwear

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nigga did you not watch the direct trailer

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It's fake, I know you anons fall for fake shit all the time but I'm telling you now it's fake.

I know, I'm just appreciating you for also dressing her up as a Gyaru.

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wrong pic

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> Fake
> Lad just won the Pokemon League

someone made a black girl wojak

And? I'm saying that poster is fake.

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You know what I've noticed? Both the male and female pcs have both been getting progressively cuter. The X/Y boy might as well be a girl. Take off the hat and suddenly he's a short haired girl. Why are twinks fucking everywhere

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Given the make-up options I hope we can paint her toe nails too

Cute pedicure for her cute little feet.

Yes. I'm going to dress her as a gyaru slut.

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No. I’d rather play a good game instead.

Gloria is brown, just like all lasses from the British Isles are.

this is how you know someone has never touched an actual good game like Kenshi or Dwarf Fortress.

There is probably zero chance for any outfit to have panties, huh

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>makes me think of the guy who perforated his colon by sticking 15 boiled eggs in his ass
mfw got sepsis from stick a butt plug in mine.Don't be gay kids.

Played Dwarf Fortress and enjoyed it. Pokémon is just a shit series.

>Tfw there will never be marriage/ dating mechanics in pokemon
>tfw i will never be able to romance Bea

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No, fuck off

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She's not white she's British.

I want her to call me disgusting

You're so pathetic, it's hide all the layers of weeb creep you are

She's literally perfect

oh get the fuck over yourself, when was the last time you left your basement?

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It hurt so much bro.

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Disgusting yurishit. Only fat men nips doujin can save these abortions.

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guaranteed replies, you'd think people's autism would catch on at this point

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if you're gonna buy at least do it from a reseller, don't give GF your money

I get that reference

Why is she so perfect? I dream about her every night.

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this is what I have at the moment

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She has good fashion sense and has brown hair (best color)

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Looks really promising so far. Just need the gray sweater and that'll nail it.

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Made for molesting

Pls don't molest, she is too pure.

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what if she molests me instead

Then you better do it. You don't want to piss her off.

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Why not just play AA3 or Koitasu if you're interested in cute girls and dessing sims

because outside of dressing them up and fucking them there is nothing much else to do

Please take me with you time traveler please I beg you.

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What do wooloos taste like?

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No matter how many pictures I look at, I will never understand the appeal of footfaggotry.

It's something you don't see often. Half the year feet are hidden inside shoes so seeing feet is a bit like nudity on a smaller scale. Plus well maintained feet are soft and cute. If the feet are naked, chances are the rest of the leg is too, and you can let your imagination move further upward from there.

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it's ok user not everyone is into femdom

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A generic copy paste anime avatar? Hmm I dunno OP.

As a Scottish person these greatly pain me as they always get it wrong

What's wrong? Honestly curious. To me Ireland and Scotland are just the same thing in my mind.

that sounds like she's speaking geordie, which is neither scottish or irish

>is it worth buying a game that gutted probably the last actual reason to even keep buying these shitty half-games
>for the MC and nothing else
Uhhhh sure.

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Who even is this? This game's rival character?

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all the lewd merch she needs to sign

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I love the way she talks

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Footfaggotry has nothing to do with femdom. Seeing feet is similar to seeing tits and ass.
>am footfag

Don't the Brits drive stick?

feet > tits

Unironically don't see the appeal of tits so much.

Imagine being such a pathetic fuck that you'd buy a shitty game to support a shittier company just because you use it as a replacement to your nonexistent social life. Nothing would change if you died tomorrow.

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The absolute fury from people that have made their Pokémon team their identity is great.

I would do anything for this beautiful scottish lass

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