Find. A. Single. Flaw

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

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shit graphics

Found the zoomer

old good
new bad

didn't have a proper 3rd game

It's not quake 2

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episode 4

DOOM 64 is the proper third game. DOOM 2016 is the proper 4th.

pain elementals

Later episodes don't compare to Knee Deep in the Dead imo

Too slow and clunky

>Quake 2
Save me Romero.

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If you have to use “Zoomer” and gatekeep about the fact that only “Boomers” will enjoy it then it’s objectively a shit game

how wrong can one imagine be. who the fuck made that?

This but unironically.


also you're completely wrong


Found the zoomer.

The quality drops a bit after Knee Deep in the Dead.

Doomguy isn't holding two guns

It's not Quake.

Came to post this.

Attached: Quake.webm (320x240, 2.72M)

>Spider Mastermind
>Two BFG shots and dies.

I think the final boss was pretty lame.

Lost souls have too much health.

Case in point, Doomfags are brainlet retards only capable of spamming “Zoomer” in every thread. They are delusional pieces of shit who have convinced themselves that shitposting on Yea Forums equates to the general population & it’s the equivalent of arguing with a 80 year old alzemiers patient

>being this seething

Found the zoomer

> Still spamming buzzwords like “Zoomer”, when I literally said Doomfags are brainlet faggots who can only spam “Zoomer” to defend their shit game
Like Poetry

OP said flaw

I can somewhat understand clunky but in what way is it slow?

Can't make floating platforms. Makes me sad

Okay, now you are unironically being a zoomer.

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Zoomity zoom zoom

The pistol

> “Waaah Zoomer” he says to a board that Admins confirmed has an average of 21

How easy is it to make a game on the Doom engine? for a first timer

you still a fat faggot though my man

Dude stop
You are being embarrassing
If you want real criticism for your arguing, please reply me again so I know you are being serious

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Zoomer is a mindset, zoomie.

It's not as good as 2

Making doom maps, write a few new scripts and changing sprites.

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Save me, Romero



Was Heretic really THAT bad?

Spawned a legion of elitist autists. Other than that I've got nothing, it's a timeless game.

You can't look up and down or jump.

Only Knee Deep In The Dead and Thy Flesh Consumed are good, the rest of the chapters are complete garbage.

Quake is a hundred times better than any Doom game ever made

so i can just download id tech 1 and the doom 93 files?


everything looks the same and the levels have a maze layout. terrible combination.

My only real issue is how everything in the game has random variance in damage but I obviously enjoy the hell out of it regardless

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can't look down to see your feet

JRPGs might be more your speed.

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It's kind of boring at this point if you're for some reason opposed to trying out player made content.

Nobody gives a shit about it except autistic hipsters, that’s the biggest flaw

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Big time classic Doom fan here. Considering we're talking about the first game, the biggest issue is that the monsters aren't challenging. They fixed this with Doom 2, but Doom on UV difficulty is easy up until Thy Flesh Consumed, which only came with Ultimate Doom anyway.
The maps after episode one also fall in quality, like most shareware games of the time they blew their load in episode one and the rest of the game feels like an afterthought.

Being able to save at any time makes savescumming shitters falsely claim they "beat" wads.


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No mouselook

> Literal who website with only 900 users
> Thinking that means anything when GameFaqs has over 900,000
Yeah i’m really seething.

>shit tier level design and excessive count of enemies

Attached: nirvana_level.gif (640x400, 49K)

>What are WADs

Just as I thought

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We talking about the original games, not WADs



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You can kill spider mastermind in two bfg shots
Post dunkan factory.

Heretic wasn't bad at all. In some ways it was better than Doom.

uhhh ok? I think you're in the wrong thread

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no super shotgun

Fuck off, loser. Actual FPS fans don't give 2 fucks about Smash. Run Along.

Kill yourself doomnigger, your kind is shitting up comfy Smash threads so it's only fair we fight back


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Map20 of Alien Vendetta is SHIT

What's the best way to play Doom?

use a source port, either gzdoom or chocolate doom. If you want multiplayer, Zandronum.
if you wanna go crazy with modding, grab ZDL as well.

Somebody post the image. I'm too lazy to grab it from the thread on /vr/

Using GZdoom or glBoom.

Attached: Doom guide v8.png (1543x6892, 1.67M)

>Smahs threads
>Ever being comfy
Its just rosterfaggotry or console war shiflinging and nothing more than that.

>Also, Carmack doesn't really care
Why is Carmack so fucking based?

>comfy smash thread
Start by writing sentences that make sense and not filled up with oxymoron.

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smash threads are less about the game itself and more about the drama about the roster, which fits Yea Forums perfectly given this place jerks off wildly to outrage and hype culture constantly. Everything has to be some sort of way to get people angry.

Brutal doom is the best way to play it.

Zoomer here, there's actually none.

Based zoomie.

No mouse aiming.
Fan versions don't count, those are modded.

Most of the mods featured in re big fat fucking memes that are either mediocre or suck shit through a straw. Scythe is garbage. /pol/.wad is garbage. Plutonia is garbage. Just to name a few notably giant memes

It's not hexen

>pol/.wad is garbage.
Hi, ResetEra.

You can't dodge hitscan like you could in wolf3d and in later build engine games. That's literally the only flaw.