How I would've done the FF7 remake right

How I would've done the FF7 remake right

>stylized character models like pic related that have soul and capture the original spirit
>make the girls sexy enough to encourage the creation of fan porn for free marketing
>only subtitles, no voice acting
>make it possible to save Jesse and Biggs Deus Ex style
>no japanese pretty boys, make cloud cool again
>keep the original battle system largely, no gay running around real time action stuff
>allow to explore additional sectors, maybe split up the party
>add zack flashback episode

What else?

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That would have been pretty boring and you would have called it soul less, lazy and a cashgrab anyway

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Make it so Cloud can wear the dress for the entire rest of the game.

Nah, I wouldn't. You could've done a lot of little stuff to enrich the experience, with things worth exploring.

Only thing I like in theory about the new remake is the episodic format, even if it's an actual cash grab. Just makes it easier to polish the game and make it bigger.

jesus christ never work as a developer please

How about this: The equipment slots will be extended to cloths and secondary equipment like armor and whatnot will be shown on the character. Also you can undress chracters and have them wear underwear if you want to. And they tan slightly, like when you walk around beneath gold saucer or at the gold coast beach.

more minigames

Make it possible for Cloud to work at the harbour driving a forklift.

>Make the entire game based on Crisis Core's art since it's more realistic than the original material but not too generic being the perfect mix between cartoonish and stylistic
>Make the original story a single game and make remakes of Crisis Core and Advent Children as prequel or sequel games
>Keep the combat intact
>Fully interactive sex scenes of Nanaki knotting Aerith

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can we race on the forklifts as well?

Maybe there's a secret gathering of the dock hands at night somewhere you can get into through a secret quest line and they race forklifts for money among other stuff. You can customize your racer too, like with floor lights etc.

have barret say nigga all the time

Make it so you can Phoenix Down Aerith, but then Sephiroth kills her again next cutscene. Every time you revive Aerith, she gets killed in the next cutscene and you can keep doing it.

>stylized character models like pic related that have soul and capture the original spirit

Stopped reading there. It's pretty obvious you're a young kid zoomie who never grew up with FFVII. I'm 29 and ever since that game was released us Oldfags wanted an actual realistic edgy FFVII Remake. Your version sucks ass.

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Make a progression system for every character based on their outfits, for example:
>Cloud begins wearing his signature purple outfit
>By the start of Disc 2 he wears his black remake outfit with extra armor pieces
>By the start of Disc 3 he unlocks a more "primitive" version of his Advent Children outfit
It doesn't make perfect sense but would make a difference

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You're the people why George Lucas quit Star Wars.

Also make it possible to save Aerith but if you DO save her then Tifa will be murdered by Sephiroth

Yes you would

Firdt thing that comes is voice acting. You wouldve siad that they were lazy for not adding voice acting

I think the characters should be able to wear each others clothes just as a goof if people want to have fun. Like Cloud could wear Tifa's clothes, Tifa could wear Yuffies, and Yuffie could wear redXIIIs.

How to fix FF7 Remake

Make Barret gay and let him wear the dress.

I would be cool if it had alternative endings.

Stop living in the past, boomer.

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>allow to explore additional sectors, maybe split up the party
But that's already happening

I'm old enough to know that even though oldfags wanted realistic models back in the day they stopped after FF8 which is why FF9 happened but that wasn't right either, so we got FF10. There wasn't a single game since then that hit the sweet spot between realistic and cartoonish. The FF7 just doesn't work though if you make it too realistic.

>The FF7 just doesn't work though if you make it too realistic.

The Remake has the perfect blend of realism and anime. It's perfection.

FF7 needs to be less anime and more western.

Make it possible to save Aerith and Tifa, but if you do save them, then Yufie will be murdered by Sephiroth.
Then make it possible to save Aerith, Tifa, and Yuffie, but if you do save them, then Barret will be murdered by Sephiroth.
And then make it possible to save Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, and Barret, but if you do save them, then Sephiroth will be murdered by Sephiroth.

>us Oldfags wanted an actual realistic edgy FFVII Remake. Your version sucks ass.
Speak for yourself,mate. While OP's pic is not perfect it stays far more true to the original design than the current ones do in the remake.


I've got a better idea. Make it possible to download the soul of whoever dies into a special android you can get at some place.

>fit Korean
hnng!! Wait for the body mesh mods...

Download from the lifestream.

>stylized character models like pic related that have soul and capture the original spirit
stopped reading there; you'd probably do worse than nomura

FF7, but with better graphics and a cleaned up script.

More side content and superbosses.

If you were an actual oldfag you'd remember that JRPG sprites and low-poly models were to represent somewhat realistic characters like those in the Amano concept art and game boxes. Everyone back then dreamed of an FF game with realistic characters, unlike how people viewed Mario and Sonic and shit.

>stays far more true to the original design than the current ones do in the remake.

What's the fucking purpose of remaking a game if you want to stay true to the original design? Dumbass.

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But, no matter who dies, the android looks like Aerith.

>Yuffie could wear redXIIIs
wait a second...

Her body looks stank and kinda fat, no thanks. Also her face is too asian.

>>no japanese pretty boys, make cloud cool again

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Remake every part of the game rather than selling in pieces.

Amanao's art sucks ass, all his characters look like albino asian elf women.

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why remake it at all then?

In a sea for current half assed remasters, It's actually nice to see a developer completely transform an older game.

I want a remake not a total reimagination.

>You sound overly aggressive, user.

I don't give a flying fuck. I'm posting Anonymously. Suck my fat dick retard.

>make it possible to save Jesse and Biggs Deus Ex style
This whole saving characters who are supposed to die is fucking dumb. Doing a remake right means keeping the original narrative intact, especially the properly done moments.

that tifa people keep posting sucks, she looks fat, has fat ugly legs, and it shows why se changed her outfit because the old leather miniskirt looked slutty as fuck


no advent children deviant art tier edgy oc characters

look at her body, she's built like a black girl from a rap video, that's gross and doesn't fit FF games. FF women are supposed to be real thin and delicate. That Tifa looked vulgar.

What exactly would change if they stay alive in terms of the narrative? Sector 7 could be still gone.

he looks like a fortnite character

>real thin and delicate
nah, tifa is supposed to be a fit bar chick with big tits not some annorexic chick from hot topic

I think you want a remaster, which is fine.

She's supposed to be thin with huge tits, the old art was that way. She isn't supposed to be some fucking athlete or any of this dumbass black "thiccccccccc" bullshit. Fuck Nicki Minaj and Cardi B for making that shit popular.

Nah, a remake but in the spirit of the old game with more content and options.

Dude, she's a healthy looking woman who does martial arts. She isn't fucking Nicki Minaji, she's normal looking, like 7/10 girlfriend material. A woman that can handle herself.

It would take away any sense of consequences to being a terrorist group. It would take away weight from Barret's character and it would ultimately soften the experience.
Also it would force them into the narrative as a result. With sector 7 destroyed, where are they gonna go? They'll logically come along with you on the Midgar HQ raid. Might just as well wonder why not save Aerith too. This isn't supposed to be Dragon Ball, a story carries more intesity to it when characters are permanently removed and the stakes are real to some extent.

Killing everybody in sector 7 isn't enough?

I think them being there or not wouldn't make a real different same as with Vincent and Yuffie. They could hang around in the party and it wouldn't really matter. Or they could go on their own adventure to make right what they did wrong.

Has less of an emotional impact. It's the same when a terrorist attack happens thousands of miles away or in your city, you'll feel more connected and impacted by the one that happened near you, because you know it, it's familiar. Killing off completely random set of characters doesn't have the same emotional punch.
What is the point of saving them if they don't have a further purpose in the story? So then you take away a well known moment from the original, change it and then do nothing with it.

>then Barret will be murdered by Sephiroth


What was the further purpose of JC Denton's brother in Deus Ex? You should be able to save them but it should be really really hard and maybe it should cost you something, like another character.

>>only subtitles, no voice acting

For what purpose?

>>make it possible to save Jesse and Biggs Deus Ex style

Why do people do this? If a death is impactful and makes you sad, then that death served its purpose. Wasn't the whole thing about the original game that the developer wanted to write a story about losing people close to you? Why undermine that just so characters can stick around and not matter in the long-term?

At least it would be a full game instead of episodic shit

FF7 is shit.
they shouldve remade Crisis Core instead

Voice acting takes away from the immersion and ruins the fantasy. Also it makes it easier to make new content if you don't have voice acting.

Bravely Default/Second had an "outfit" section of the menu where you could change a character's cosmetic appearance without messing with their gear.

I don't know fuck all about Deus Ex. I just feel that having the option save characters that were written to be killed off to stay that way.
This guy gets it.->

>no japanese pretty boys, make cloud cool again
I'm sure the dude that easily passed as a woman with just a wig, dress and make up is not an effeminate pretty boy.

You should play it. I bet you're one of those guys who let JC's brother die and don't even try to save him.

>Change everything except the outdated battle system.
Kek. I'd rather have Tabata work on it than retards from Yea Forums.

When it's an option from the start I may very well try to save him. The thing is this is a remake of an existing story. In the original they end up dying, so why should the remake undo this, especially since they'll have no role to play afterward. Having an emotionally impactful death that's felt by the player and is later of importance to Barret's character development switched out with them living and a "yeah they'll just stick behind because whatever" seems like a poor trade.

I want Sephiroth to top me so bad
Fuck he's hot again what do

>that have soul
You realize that's a meme that has no fucking meaning whatsoever, right?

>>keep the original battle system
So what's the fucking point of remaking it?

Fucking THIS holy shit
Every goddamn thread, over and over, no argument, just this meaningless reddit buzzword that's wholly tied to the opinion of the smoothbrain typing it
I want it to be the next filtered word desu so everyone knows what unironic internet culture trash you are when you use it

Maybe not to you you fucking NPC you.

>i'll use another internet idiom to defend my internet idiom!

Are you seriously arguing there isn't anything like heart and soul in art? Are you fucking retarded?

In a perfect world this is how the remake would have looked, but after Advent Children people wanted realism that made all the characters look like bad cosplayers. Funny thing is, I feel like Advent Children at least made the characters look a bit more realistic than the bad cosplayers they all look like now.

The whole anime angle doesn't go well with realism, only works with limited graphics. Just doesn't work to have "realistic" people with anime hair and whatnot.

>>stylized character models like pic related that have soul and capture the original spirit
>>make the girls sexy enough to encourage the creation of fan porn for free marketing

This is hilarious. You threw away all artistic integrity within the first two lines. Do you not see the contradiction here? If you make the characters stylized like the original, then the girls will be what they are by happenstance. You can't force them to be sexy, unless you alter them from the original.

I'm arguing that it's use has become a literal shitpost, since people, (namely you, if you resort to internet idioms like NPC immediately) only regurgitate SOUL and SOULLESS like, well, unironic NPCs, since that's something you'll understand.
They have no argument outside of it, no reference to what they think has "heart", no idea that 99% of the time it's their opinion and not fact in the first place, they simply spam this buzzword opinion and think it holds weight in an actual discussion. The kind you can't have anymore on Yea Forums.

Why would they add Zack flashbacks when Cloud pretending to be Zack was the big twist behind his character?

>Barrett barely even looks like Barrett
>Tifa barely even looks like Tifa
>Sephiroth just looks like a weird lizard person

Square's "realistic" uncanny valley sex doll artstyle fucking sucks.

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This is what peak crackhead looks like

Just because you don't understand what have a soul entails, that doesn't mean the word is meaningless. You just haven't grasped it. Or perhaps have rejected its meaning out of spite or frustration.

You're right, user, they barely look like blocks with popeye arms like the original. Too different!

>you just don't get it
No, you absolute donkey, I'm asking you to use your big boy words and not literal internet culture buzzwords to explain your stance like a real functioning human being. If you're unironically sitting here arguing that your meme word is a total closer and has universal meaning, then you should have no problem describing and defining it. But you fucking can't and won't, because art is subjective, and any definition will be your opinion, like I've been fucking saying in the first place.
Just argue your fucking stance holy shit, even your opinion, if you'd rather just parrot squawk SOUL and SOULLESS you should expect anyone above 70 IQ to disregard your buzzword shit.

>I can't handle abstract concepts the post

>I have no conception of what i'm regurgitating, the chain

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nigger you must be joking

>Sephiroth just looks like a weird lizard person

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First of all, I'm not the same user who used the word. And I'm not going to bother explaining his stance on why the remake is soulless.

But I will say that words can take a complex concept, and compact them into a single label. For example, if I told you you were being pedantic right now, you wouldn't be confused. You wouldn't need me to use "big boy words", in order to explain what pedantic means. You would just consider if the word was applicable to you or not, and then either accept the accusation or deny it.

Or let's use a more artistic example. If I said "this movie has heart". You wouldn't say "WHAT THE FUCK, DOES HEART MEAN?! HOW CAN YOU CRITICIZE A MOVIE FOR HAVING HEART?1 HEART IS SUBJECTIVE" You would just use you best understanding of "heart" as an abstract concept, and apply it to the movie, and consider if it's applicable or not.

Or what about scare movies? How do we decide if something is scary? Horror is subjective as well, and something that scares me, might not have any effect on you. So I can say "that movie was scary". And would you in turn chew me out for it? Like "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT MOVIE IS SCARY?! I WASN'T SCARED ONCE?! ART IS SUBJECTIVE. CALLING IT SCARY IS MEANINGLESS"

Yeah yeah. There isn't anything like personal involvement and creative authenticity in terms of art, reflecting the kind of genuine strife to insert something of your own into something in order to give it life. Being a corporate journeyman doing some BS hack job enitrely based upon market studies ducking any responsibility and ending up creating some SOULLESS abomination is entirely the same, because art is subjective. People like you are why we can't have nice things. When people create shit they do it thinking about you!

come on big boi respond

I like this thread.