I'm pregnant
I'm pregnant
Other urls found in this thread:
That's gay
Was she cheating?
Don't talk to me.
reminder that K is the wicked witch who seals rapunzel in the tower and steals Vince's free will
No, but you will be.
if you fuck a pregant woman is it true ur hit can also hit the baby in the womb?
Are there any Kfags left after Full Body? I can't imagine there are.
mazel tov!
your dick isn't long enough
>C-fags gets everything they wanted
>K-fags gets shafted hard
>fuck my boipucci and make me boipreggers vincento-sama >w
At least you still have that original noncanon wedding end :^)
God, faggots are the worst.
>game went out of the way to label the ending as True, Good, Bad and Alternate
>BuT ItS NOt CanON
Anything to push their delusion of Rin as best route.
rin is so cute, I'd get her boypregnant
Yes and if you fuck them deep enough your cock penetrates the cervix allowing you to cum straight into their womb
Katherine did LITERALLY nothing wrong. Faking pregnancy is extreme measure, but it's Vincent's fault for being a wishy washy manchild who can't commit
Jokes on you I'm infertile.
God, that hurts. This is a joke, right?
I can only hope. I'm sure it's actually happened to many other couples out there.
less gay than a tripfag
cervix penetration isnt medically possible you virgin.