How's Nioh because there's a sequel coming out and I would like opinions before I start playing the first.
>Is the loot any good?
>How similar is it to souls?
>Is there a variety of different builds/weapon variety
>How difficult?
How's Nioh because there's a sequel coming out and I would like opinions before I start playing the first.
>Is the loot any good?
>How similar is it to souls?
>Is there a variety of different builds/weapon variety
>How difficult?
>own this game
>dropped it within an hour
i must be missing something
What was so bad?
>Is the loot any good?
If you've played any Diablo, it's exactly like that. Randomized loot with random attributes and skills. A detriment or a boon, depending on your outlook, I'm personally not a fan.
>How similar is it to souls?
Superficially so, there is a similar soul/bonfire mechanic but other than that it's much more focused on higher speed combat over exploration or lore.
>Is there a variety of different builds/weapon variety
There are seven weapon types, all fleshed out quite in depth with a good amount of skills you can equip. For example, you can unlock a spear skill to use it to jump high into the air and dodge, or a kusarigama skill to do a low sweep and throw the opponent to the ground. The plethora of skills the game has are what make this game enjoyable imo. And outside of weapon skills, you also possess what would be two magic schools, Ninjutsu and Omnyo. The latter being more traditional magic (and unfortunately quite weak), while the former is more centered around status effects and traps.
>How difficult?
Really not very difficult, if you take your time it's quite manageable until you start getting into further cycles and DLCs, where it ramps up.
As the fun comes from the combat system itself it's replayable, but it would depend on how much you're into it in the first place.
Anytime, OP.
If you want a few negatives to balance things out, I should say the game suffers from low enemy variety, something that they addressed somewhat with the DLC, but is still an issue, and while not bad, the level design is not particularly memorable for the most part, in case you're expecting Souls-like areas. They're also divided into levels instead of a bigger interconnected world, just fyi.
I'm going to be honest here: if you're a Soulsborne fan you're going to hate Nioh so don't bother with it.
Trust me on this one.
It's more enjoyable than dark souls for me. Quick levels with bosses or objectives at the end. Narrow guiding interlocking levels. Don't have to wait to use your favorite weapons aren't locked to bosses.
Nioh doesn't actually suffer from "low enemy variety". It's actually because of how they choose to recycle the enemies, in almost every levels you'll find the red horned youkai monsters, undead crawler dudes, skeleton swordsman/axeman. Instead of making enemies related to the map they just made a tons of generic enemies that could be placed anywhere and they fucking did placed them everywhere, so you fight like at least 10 different type of enemies in each level. It's fucking stupid and bore you out really quick.
Not him but I have a bunch of other games on my plate atm. Might pick it up again.
Yet at the same time any weapon you get is merely a stat stick. It dampens the enjoyment of exploration a bit.
Don't worry about that, it took me 100 hours just to finish it the first time.
Combat isn't fun.enemies are boring, most enemies kill you in a hit or 2 which is supposed to be high risk high reward encouraging but it's just tedious
If you're a turboautist buildfaggot you'll enjoy it. If you're anything but, you'll hate it.
I prefer boss fights and combat to running around looking for a soul to pick up. Or builds that require multiple playthroughs to be enjoyable.
>finish the game
>get Yasakani on NG+
>now you can make a shitton of builds that weren't even possible before
Why are they like this?
Daily reminder that Souls fans only liked those games for the lore and atmosphere and would be happy if the games removed the enemies and bosses so you shouldn't listen to any criticism they may have about other videogames.
I'm playing it right now
It has a Diablo loot system, seems pretty divisive, I don't like it personally. But luckily I haven't had to pay much attention to it so far other than just equipping the best shit I happen to find
Its a great game
Idk wtf that is and I'm only two trophies away from the Platinum. Not that I'll go for them, fuck figuring out how to make a build that lets me ninjutsu the last three double-boss fights I need to do. I've literally found channels that have twenty minute videos that mention all these detailed bits of info about what makes one build better than another, but they're so fucking poorly structured it's impossible to figure out how to actually make the damn thing.
I don't care if some yard rain man LARPer tries to talk shit over this, but fuck this type of tismbait. Bloodborne was based for the way it did gear and builds - next to nothing. Just pure focus on using weapons and timing the movesets.
>some yard rain man
some tard rain man*
people complain about enemy variety but I didn't feel it was bad at all, most bosses are unique and the dlc makes it so every new enemy type gets added to early levels.
>>Is the loot any good?
look, here's how i decide if loot is good: there are varied amount of models, they look cool in action, they have special effects like glowy auras or some shit, maybe they're realistic lookin', AND if you've got stats variety that you'd switch from one weapon to another even if they're the same weapon, well that's just peachy, and nioh nails all of those.
>How similar is it to souls?
don't know haven't played souls but based on what i know, i'd say the first 4-5 hours are very souls like, and then until the end of the first playthrough it turns into an assassin's creed/mordor game, and then subsequent new game + it turns into borderlands 2 uvm.
>Is there a variety of different builds/weapon variety
yeah, although the progression rewards let's you do more than one build at a time so you have more freedom to fuck up.
>How difficult?
see how souls-y
it's got new game + and it's quick and easy to jump into a level and just kill stuff for fun. but the story ain't really worth the replay
>Idk wtf that is
Yasakani is an NG+ exclusive accessory that lowers by 1 the set bonus requirements. Making you able to access 2 piece bonuses with a single item, for example.
>so every new enemy type
I don't remember four armed goons and snake neck boys being added to earlier levels.
annoying at times but you can just exchange it all for xp easily
surprisingly different, there are a lot more interesting items, a higher emphasis on combos, and it's a lot faster paced as well. in Souls you tend to do minmax and do one thing really well, whether it's damage, tanking, etc. while in Nioh you're more encouraged to mix up spells and ninja shit with melee, and switch between dodging/blocking constantly.
yes but it's more late-game stuff. the game encourages you to respec and mix and match different elements to use different play styles, although they are not all equal. you have seven weapon types, each with three different movesets depending on what stance you're in, you also have ninja and magic abilities, and bonuses and a super given by what guardian spirit you have equipped, and then all your bonuses from equipment. it's a lot and even if you don't focus on ninja/magic there are a few cheap abilities that are incredibly useful like showing secrets on the map or making your own anti-poison pills.
I'd say it's about on par with souls, although the difficulty tends to come in spikes more than a consistent struggle. they remix bosses a lot, but in a good way. you do have more options to make encounters less tough than you do in Souls, but it's not like you can cheese them either.
seems to depend on how autistic you are and how much you like making weird builds, honestly. you have a lot of character customization but relatively few enemy types that get remixed a lot, so you'll have variety on yourself but not so much the enemies. some people love that, some don't. either way there is NG+, loot specific to NG+, way harder versions of story missions, character skins, and a huge achievement-type list of stuff to do, so I'm sure there will be something that keeps you hooked.
Way of the Sage adds them to the very first story level.
I personally find the game the game more difficult than souls, but also fair. Less forgiving.