Code Vein

What did Io mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

need an answer for this

Pretty sure its summons

>Nurse Io will never drain your blood and say you did a good job

fuckin gamer

Nurse Io is cute!

I'm excited for this game bros. I have repeatedly played through the demo area + boss just to see different characters in the cutscenes to see what kind of character I wanna go for in the full game. But also because yeah the combat is clunky but it's fuckin' FUN once you get your sea legs with it.

>Io will never breastfeed you after taking a blood sample from you

I'm ready to preorder the full copy. Not even sure what I'm waiting for anymore.
Really wanting more clothing/customization options but pretty sure there will be more in the full version.

Is this from that blood donation promo campaign they have in China?



This game will turn out to be a great gem that I did not expect to be good.

Attached: 435359837397934568654635353535.png (421x276, 41K)

Ah ok, that makes sense.

Attached: 1-MP5A2-NT-RIGHT-JULY-20161.jpg (1400x987, 85K)

>Oct 3-4
Why are you getting your copy week after release

What's the online like? Summon symbols & invasions like Souls or is there a different system in place?

It's more like Bloodborne where the summoner calls for aid, and someone else answers

OK I tried finding the demo on Europe psn and it's not fucking there. Is it gone already?

das rite

a lot of people had trouble finding it, just use the psn store website on your pc

I just want to rub my dick on Mia' flat chest

It's there. But if you're a fellow German they won't let you download it without PS+.

She's a lesbo

imagine Nurse Mia

Mia is mine

Wait, really? What the fuck krauts?

Even better.


Attached: Sop.jpg (1902x3193, 557K)

I want to steal Coco's panties!

that's a dog

Yep. I'm fucking thrilled about it. At least I'll get the full version on launch day or maybe a day before if I'm lucky and Amazon fucks up the dates (as they're prone to).

>implying she wears any

Attached: EDxsmZ6U4AAMzxz.jpg (1920x1080, 145K)


I even searched my ps plus page. It's like they don't want me to buy their game.

check the demos page you autist

Attached: EDwbDWVUEAABt7b.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)

cute dog

cute dinergate

cute strawberry

Attached: Jill.jpg (4000x4000, 921K)

How2gitgud? Need some tips


Attached: ED091QFVUAAWyEm.jpg (1920x1080, 87K)

don't get hit

use walking more and dont be greedy

kill the enemy before they kill you


Why do the hair accessories cost so many slots? What's even the point of the limit

remember to heal your fren

Attached: apu kiwi.png (473x516, 95K)

>using companions

Attached: 1566036603918.jpg (541x471, 65K)

Use your Gifts

>What's even the point of the limit
probably console performance
the game runs bad enough as it is

This to be honest. The ultimate feeling of git gud comes from walking out of the way of an enemy attack and then calmly spanking their exposed ass with your still-full stamina bar.

>not using friends

I need to git gud to save Io, they would only hold me back

Not for the feint of heart

Attached: This will never be you.jpg (620x349, 49K)

I only use them when exploring, I get lonely

I don't want to be a tree

Attached: 1542639831743.png (900x600, 997K)

Implying I'm not gonna take Io with me everywhere I can

I meant using companions in the demo, of course

>Tfw no wholesome Io gf

11 days

Downloaded the trial knowing bare minimum about the game and I'm glad I did. First game I've had a genuinely good time in for a while.

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Is there a recent game filled with more Soul?

So do we have a solid date on the update or what??

What do lap pillows feel like, Yea Forums?


Salty coins

not necessarily as comfortable as a regular pillow but it's better just for the physical contact with a woman who likes you and it smells good

You guys can have Io's lap pillow.
I'll take Rin's petite butt pillow.
Face down.

Same, bonus points if she Pats your head/ strokes your hair while telling you how much she loves you.

Io's breast milk and cookies

Where can I find more valuables to exchange with the NPCs? Stupidly traded some without thought and I don't have enough points to get the items I want.

>tfw cant smell


The demo specifically only has enough tradeables to buy one thing if you give them all to the same merchant

Little changes in hub area
>be able to do cute emotes in front of npcs in hub and they react at least have io reacts
>press a button to cycle into the new different sit/relax animations
> new game plus reward allows interaction from comps that survive, I.e. can sit on couch and lay on io’s lap

Welp, guess I'll be starting another file. Thanks.

Did the update come out yet?

How do I do the emotes? Is there an emote window or something that I can open?

Press L3 twice

>Io will never be your little spoon

spoons dont have chest tumors. rin and mia would be better suited for spoons.

>You will never be Io's little spoon

Extremely gay but ok

Nothing gay about being Io's little spoon.

Not my cup of tea but you do you man

Like bags of sand

What do I name this thing?

Attached: CODE VEIN Trial Edition_20190915133202.jpg (1920x1080, 110K)




Anyone know what website this is? user posted this in the last thread

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ITAD I think

price comparisons? IDK but I bought from gamebillet

I felt comfortable with the amount of checkpoints in the first map, hopefully the others are similar.

You're not alone user. My nose is fucked and I can't smell anything

Which 36k gift should I get next?

Thank you kindly

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Which ones do you have?

What's the "Reserved Bloodkin Set"? More cosmetics?

Just Shadow leap

I recommend all of the Aset ones

Any God Eater players in here?

It's a blood code and some glowing hair accessories which no one is going to use, and two stamps which no one's gonna use. Blood code is a mystery beyond being called Harbinger. I don't think they've shown its gifts or stats.

I played a bit of God Eater 3 if that counts

How does Code Vein compare?
God Eater was always floaty jank even when it was fun.

I didn't play Code Vein demo, sorry

Played 1 and 2 on psp/psv and 3 on pc.
CV is similarly very floaty compared to Dark Souls (medium float) and Monster Hunter (not floaty).
You could watch a video or two.

Oh, ok.

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post yfw Mido sacrifices herself to save Io

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how fun is this game from 1-10?

>tfw shalltear is not possible yet

>describing a n y t h i n g as "very floaty"
>the year that Kingdom Hearts 3 released


I'm sorry but I didn't play KH3. KH can go fuck itself, the lore is also the biggest acid trip I've ever been on.

is the update out?

But I want to make a waifu not find one

Yes it is. But you haven't felt true float until you played it. Everything up to and including Silent Hill 3 feels responsive after that.

Albedo is possible

Nothing you make will be able to top Io

But I like medium chests and round bottoms.

I had a lot of fun with the demo, i'd rate it at about 9 in fun

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She will never love you like Io does

9, I havent had fun with video game like this in a very long time. I just keep trying different setups or builds and I like it more than the darksouls way of doing builds. Its way better imo

Io just shows up as a thirsty bitch often does. She is easy. EASY. Mia on the other hand is the obvious hard to get patrician choice. Who one favors after release will say a lot about them as a person.

I'm continuously starting new characters just to fight the first boss again with different CaCs. I'd stick it at about a 9. It is very clunky but once you get used to it, it's a blast.

>hard to get
>wears illegal leopard
what did he mean by this?

Attached: 1537494527131.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Io is only for (you)

okay so they're both whores but at least Mia is modest enough to avoid public indecency charges. Io can't contain herself.

Uh how did you get that? Mine has white

user is really proud about his edit, he posts it every thread

Io is only a whore for (You) though. Mia is the town bicycle.

Proof? Io shows her goods to every passerby. Mia has never been documented displaying such passive deviance.

>I havent had fun with video game like this in a very long time
This. It's gonna be Nioh all over again

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>turn off music
>the game actually starts without music
10/10 based to the moon and back

Io is dressed like a hobo, and she is always with you

Attached: Always with you.png (1268x718, 1.27M)

If you can make Alfredo you can make superior semen demon Astaroth

Mia literally dresses like a prostitute

How to parry?


Learn the timing - your character flashes white and that's when the window opens. Closes pretty quickly.

Like that one user said, game outlets will give it 7-8s at best. Once you get used to the combat and embrace the try hard edge lord of it, it’s a solidly cool game that’s definitely in 9s for the fun factor.
Hopefully it will sell well enough to warrant sequels to expand on what’s there

Japanese audio will be available on full release, right?
This dub is decent but I'd prefer Nip voices.

Can't wait for Code Vein 2: Electric Boogaloo

Also, parrying is pretty much useless against real bosses as you don't get the automatic follow-up drain. I guess it's good for a stagger but it's usually not worth the risk unless you can time it in your sleep.
Parry away against mobs though. Fill up that ichor.

>your character flashes white
Huh, i never even noticed that


I'd rather they continued to update and support it with new content for awhile. What's here is really good but somewhat bare bones.

I wouldn't say barebones. The demo is just short levels, but they're very fun

It's a demo user.

If it's in the demo, why wouldn't it be in the full release?

I'm an edge lord anyway enjoy the tokyo ghoul look.
no one ever will.
People said the same about nioh and I enjoy that.

>no one ever will

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wait what it's in the demo? Am I blind, where do you change it?

Just downloaded the demo and ran through it. Is there anything else to do after you 100% the one depths level?

Combat is not the best but is not the worst either. My biggest gripe is with the environments of the levels in the demo.

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that's coco u retard, I swear you fags didn't see a single prostitute in your lives

Settings > language > spoken language
It's there on ps4, don't know about xbone though

>unmistakable visual cue for parrying
>fat rolls aren't an immediate death sentence
>resource for using abilities runs out quickly but can be restored just as quickly
Is this, dare I say, the best Souls game?

how's the controls on PC

We don't know yet; no PC demo.
We're all predicting they will be terrible though, because Bamco.

what the hell do i do with Awakes?

Mia dresses like a stereotypical prostitute you delusional fag

just use a controller and pray it works

This.... is the dark souls.... killer...

Attached: 1568504738097.webm (476x560, 2.93M)

You can use them to "master" gifts so you can use them with different blood codes, without ever using those gifts in their original blood codes.

okay but how?

I never used a controller in my life user and this game won't change it

Some people find it cute.
I envy those people.
Because I can't help but be reminded of Illusion games with this stupid running animation.
Why is it so bad? When you're armed, all the animations are surprisingly good for an anime game.

>go into gift menu at Mistle
>pick a gift you already acquired
>find the button on your controller that corresponds to "Master Gift"
>see if you have the necessary Awake and Haze
>master gift

here's the first result of google how a prostitute looks like

Attached: maggie-gyllenhaal-the-deuce.jpg (847x565, 310K)

Rest at a mistle and press triangle on a learned gift.

Does this remind you of someone?

Attached: 1547949203281.jpg (1024x624, 125K)

This is what rinfags are attracted to.


Mistake bro, don't be a nerd.

What genres do you play that you've never used a controller?

Imagine being this delusional

joysticks feel too weird
almost all, I don't play fighting games or driving games

Imagine being blind, Io is the one that's basically half naked

With the availability of ichor, is it possible to never swing your weapon? Just spamming drain attacks and magic?

>Miafags have to lie to themselves in order to cope with the fact that Mia is shit

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Attached: Mia concept art.jpg (1255x1080, 115K)

maybe a steam controller then? too bad you cant really test them out before buying them.451

>muh big tits

She has clothes almost everywhere? Now post Io you retarded nigger

>muh small tits

It'd be challenging and inefficient but I look forward to chads who will do no-hit runs like this.

3d slut attire /= 2d slut attire

>forced waifu wars

>Pull out a jumbo sized blood bead
>Get access to Mia's premium sexual services

Eh, action games feel fine for me with m+kb, beat DS1, Nioh and DS3 without problems

Mia is dressed very similarly to that prostitute, user. Io's clothes are torn and look like remnants of a fancy dress

Attached: Io concept art.png (510x937, 295K)

Because Miafags love lying about Io

Honestly this is better than everyone calling each other zoomers and trannies over the smash roster. This is light-hearted banter - those other faggots are actually getting mad at each other.

Ok ye, Io doesn't dress like a prostitute, she dresses like a slut that lets everyone bang her for free

this looks more like a hooker than mia.

>DS1 on kb+m
I accept your position but do not respect it.
Good luck user.

t. never seen a hooker

I beat the whole game without knowing about strong attacks

so basically a 5 dollar prostitute.

No one uses strong attacks when they DO know about them user. They're slow and too costly of stamina.

Io doesn't look like your mom, user

Hookers would wear better clothes, anons. Io is dressed like a hobo, and we see that she is completely devoted to the MC. On the other hand, we see that Mia is a desperate woman who is trying to support her little brother through blood beads, so it's more likely for her to sell her body.

Attached: Spiky veil - transparent.png (445x516, 231K)

Well then I didn't miss much

based straight sword shitter

Why kind of hookers do you normally buy user?

>already played network test
>want to play demo
>game is out in like a week and I'm buying it day 1 anyway
Not sure I want more spoiler desu. Dammit.

Demo has the same story level

No, she's dressed like a free access pussy, I bet she would fuck anyone if they blackmailed her by endangering the mc too

Not the ones that are covered in bandages, that's for sure

The demo spoils exactly 1 thing and it's less of a plot thing and more of a world thing. One certain character gets turned into a Lost as a way of teaching the player how it works.

She'd probably kill them instead. We see how aggressive she is in combat.

Attached: Io scroll.png (664x892, 931K)

>enter thread
>Iofags constantly trying to bait for posts against retarded Miafags that can't stop biting
Is this how the threads are going to be for the next 5 years?

Attached: 1262390675416.jpg (638x480, 37K)

But then MC would die

>implying anyone can endanger the only nigga capable of using every blood code


Not if Io kills them fast enough

Attached: Io kills a guy and then spins around, unable to contain her excitement.webm (1280x720, 1.25M)

Oh, good shit, no reason to play it then if it's just the same stuff from the test.

>This thread will last for 5 months.

All shitposting and no FUCKING UPDATE makes user a retard boy

it's better if they hate it


nono it's like those dumb ntr plots where it's like, Oh ye I poisoned MC if you don't suck my dick he's gonna die

There is a different Depths level

They tweaked the gameplay; might wanna grab it and see how different it feels. I know they made some changes to bayonets but I haven't looked into what else is different. Something about hitstun and cancels.

>Nurse Io will never teach you about sex

Miafags rise up

Io would just sacrifice her own health to heal the MC.

you not missing out on anything 99% of smells are bad

Aahhhhh, why is the running animation so retarded.
Also nobody ever thought that this was going to be a ds killer.

redpill me about code vein

I disagree, there's more good smells than bad smells

redpill yourself

Both Io and Mia are good girls, can we stop this pointless war now?

Play the demo for the redpill.

Big spikes destroy an immoral society, giving one scientist an excuse to make everything extremely chuuni. They try to make better vampires with science, but she goes crazy. You kill her, get shot in the heart, and wake up in the lap of your big tiddy gf

t. oldhagfag

looks like it's just about waifu shit. I saved 60$


you didn't spend 60 buks. learn the difference and you wont have many financial troubles.

it's special boison that syphoons blood with garlic flavor

This. The best thing anyone honestly expected was for it to be a decent clone of DS that doesn't grate the way Lords of the Fallen did. And I'm fairly certain by that metric it's a resounding success, considering all the SOUL in this game.

They have lives to save

I hear that lacking smell makes it harder to get aroused by the opposite sex. Any truth to that?

I really like how Io's AI seems to reflect her personality a bit.
>protective of the MC to the point of being hyper-aggressive
>will immediately sacrifice her health if you go down, no matter what

>people unironically like Mia

>will immediately sacrifice her health if you go down, no matter what
Everyone does that.

Yeah but they don't sacrifice as much health as Io

Some people just have shit taste.

Ye like why would you like Io

The other companions actually prioritize getting to safety before healing you. Io will heal you the moment you go down, even if she's about to be attacked. Despite her heal bringing her to critical health, she stays alive for a surprising amount of time.

We don't know anything about her and yet idiots are calling her "best girl"

How much does Io give?

I tought it was semen donation for a moment

IIRC, the heal sacrifices half of your health and gives it to your companion. Io's looks like it takes 70-90% of her health and gives it to you

>that bubble pointing at Io's womb
god I wish

DFCfags are retards. They don't actually care about the characters.

>why would you like Io
Because she's cute and cares a lot about the MC. Why would you like Mia?

Because she's cute and even in bad circumstances cares about her family instead of instantly wanting to suck MC's dick

She cares so much about her brother that she let him fucking die

>girl who doesn't give a shit about you is best girl
You're the reason this tsundere bullshit is so popular.

Not her fault that her AI is shit

We're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't be possible

I don't want an easy girl that will like me from day 1 cause I'm not a casual, I want romancing someone be a challenge.

Either not a primefag, at an APO, or took the saver shipping for the "reward" and has other stuff to play that week.

>he pays for prime when the 20% discount is gone

>he's not in college where you get a massive fuck-off discount to prime memberships

Did they just forget about the update? God I hate fucking waiting I just want to play more its so fun

Mia only cares about your blood beads, user

I wonder if I could just enroll for a community college course and get the discount.

Why doesn't Bamco want to give the US a collector's edition


Why doesn't Bamco want to give PCbros anything

Sorry to hear that PCanon.

Depends on what other bonuses they offer. My university gives me a ticket for all public transport that costs a fraction of what it would cost normally, to the point that I think I'll stay enrolled even after I finished my degree.

It did get one, but Bamco is going the way of SE & NISA where it's in their online shop only. Revenant Bundle was what it was called iirc. Sold out almost immediately.

The game is 11 days away and still no update wtf

What do you mean? They are giving us Denuvo

And still no pc demo

The year after I graduated, they realized they had accepted too many students and with no more dorms to put them they forced them to stay at hotels with shitty transportation. What a shitty school.

wtf it was 11 days away yesterday


They actually put it up for sale here. Problem is it got cleaned out.


Favorite class from the demo?


That sounds wrong because its not listed at all on their site or other retailers. It would at least say sold out if it was.

Aset and Caster.
I love the magic in this, hopefully there are going to be xbox hueg Dragon's Dogma spells by the endgame

I want to say Aset but the special effects on the screen make you not see anything.
There's this thing called google that usually provides answers. Duckduckgo is also another option. In a pinch, Bing can also be subbed in.

What about yahoo search

>not askjeeves

Attached: Nothin' personelle.webm (640x480, 2.85M)

It looks like you're trying to find the Code Vein Revenant Bundle. Would you like help?

Attached: Clippy.jpg (620x465, 16K)

yes, clippy

Attached: EEgPhPoUYAEznGU.jpg (1920x1080, 95K)

It's hard for me to get aroused by anyone but I can only speak for myself

Okay. You got me. Thanks for the laugh, user.

Attached: gorirrian yen.png (282x297, 93K)

>make a nice face
>immediately have to ruin it with a mask

Oh you know how you can help me, Clippy-kun.

Attached: art-av-hincelot-patreon-mincelot-ur-welcome-18888480.png (500x566, 104K)

I understand how you feel.
I love everything about this game aesthetic EXCEPT the gas masks. Its the only thing I dont like.

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That's why the face options are so limited. You're not gonna see much of it.
make your hair cool. Maybe do a hat the way you like. Also make the eyes cool.
Chuuni it up faggot.

>have to waste my time pirating it first to try it because don't have a current gen console anymore

Attached: 1568400175562.png (409x409, 157K)

I like the berets but the fuckers won't stop fucking clipping through the hair, the only way is to make them bigger but then you like a Touhou

Do a tiny hat.
Actually the hat with the enormous brim looks pretty fucking sweet on a male character.

*look like
I do like th 2hus but their fashion sense is questionable

>Actually the hat with the enormous brim looks pretty fucking sweet on a male character.
Not to mention you can turn it into a pimp hat, there are feather accessories too

Attached: EEggQtGU4AAUXm-.jpg (480x640, 91K)

A-already on sale?

Also I would totally take the Io character banner (?) thing home with me.

>if you wanted to steal the Eva banner you'd also have to take the Jack one
oldhagfags absolutely cucked

>big poster saying its on sale on the 26th
>already on the shelf
surely those arent legit copies.
Some of my local stores put empty game cases early on the shelves to promote pre-orders for the games so maybe thats it?

If those are legit copies I'm out of these threads because I dont want to get spoiled

>not bringing vampire friends on your first playthrough
you're probably gonna miss out on a ton of shit.

Attached: 1523568155134.jpg (685x719, 78K)

Wait who are the other options aside from Io and Mia? No one ever mentions anyone else, are they the only female partner options?

You can have Eva as a companion along with Louis, Jack, and Yakumo.

>Oliver Collins (Temporary)
>Jack Rutherford (Temporary)

There's Eva but we know fuck all about her. Could be she's an antagonist, could be she starts as one and joins up with you later, could be she fights you, joins you, then dies, who knows. TVTropes lists her as a companion, for what that's worth.

Forgot Eva Roux (Temporary)

>Jack Rutherford (Temporary)
Is he the token traitor?

>Oliver Collins (Temporary)

Attached: 1396662207398.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

I'd gladly donate them my semen but only if the left wear right's outfit

Attached: Pink-Sniper-Maniax-26.jpg (568x438, 95K)

Be wary of the following, it's an actual spoiler, not just a joke reply behind a spoiler tag.
Your MC was originally part of Operation Queenslayer. You killed her but got a big face-full of Miasma and Jack killed you. Since from his point of view there is no possible way that you could have kept your humanity through that, he is extremely wary of you and he attacks you on sight when he meets you again.

This attire is nopan. True or false?

You should be able to solve this.

Attached: doko.webm (600x608, 2.88M)

Is it a spoiler if it's in the first level?

Q: Can you only tattoo a character's face or could you, hypothetically, give them a tramp stamp?


Is it? I thought the first level is you getting fucked by the Queen's Knight, thus leading to the start of the demo.

Jack should be with you during that

Oh, okay, gotcha.

is there anyone buying the digital deluxe edition here? is there anything on it that will be unobtainable later? id rather just preorder the physical version..

it still says accepting preorders on the left to the boxes, they have to be empty, companies have to notice when people break street date in japan unlike the rest of the world

I preordered the digital deluxe. I think all we get that might be exclusive is the insatiable bloodthirst accessory

Is the Queen's Knight the last boss in the demo? Dunno what to do now, I'm just circling around and grinding for iron in that one area north of the Depths.

Yes, I bought it. At most it might be some accessory/blood code or Mia costume



correct unfortunately

Attached: 131313.png (331x382, 227K)

She wants to dat Louis dick.

the Queen's Knight solo with pipe only is the current last boss.

Attached: 1563689758691.gif (539x627, 3.33M)

No one wants Louis's dick

you guys think those items will ever be available to non digital players? Id really hate to not have a physical copy of the games I buy..

She do.

Probably not on PC because Bamco thinks PC players smell

It might be sold by itself. You're really only dropping extra cash on the season pass.

How shit are Bamco's PC ports? I haven't played any recent Bamco PC games

>here's your swamp level, bro

Attached: Sandworm.png (1501x814, 2.68M)

What's your favorite blood code? Berserker's pretty good. Also, I feel like the Fighter blood code dps is pretty weak -- anybody feel the same?

God Eater 3 port was ok

If Io had a nice outfit like this instead of her pretty mediocre/bad looking one she has I would care about her more.

Depends on the Bamco game. Tales is supposed to have decent PC ports (just getting the actual promised 60fps makes Tales games much more enjoyable), Souls games are considered the best on PC. The guys who made Code Vein however have barely any experience with PC ports. God Eater 1 and 2 sure as shit didn't have any so maybe they know a little bit about it from GE3.

>there are environments other than caves, snow levels, cathedrals and the fucking depths
>there are monsters that aren't either humanoid or dogs
Thank fuck.

Are all the bosses just dudes in armor? Where's the creativity

Attached: 1308944151205.png (336x330, 18K)

There are some weird insect things

Attached: Insect thing.jpg (609x342, 36K)

>you start to forget, we were all human once

Attached: Successor of the Ribcage.jpg (1920x1080, 1.43M)

>another biped
I guess it's nice it's not another anteater... After all the shit DS2 got for its dudes in armour, how much shit do you think this game will get for "bipeds, bipeds everywhere"?

As long as the dudes in armor do over the top shit who cares

>lanky arms
>canine face
>fought in a cathedral
This is so blatantly Vicar Amelia it's not even funny. Then again I love Vicar Amelia so this isn't a complaint.

I personally don't have a problem with humanoid enemies as long as they fight differently and can be easily distinguished from one another.

Attached: Cathedral Enemy.jpg (1920x1080, 433K)

Isnt there a fire cat thing with tits? Thats creative I guess. Most soulsborne bosses were repetitive as well, I never liked the BB bosses that much other than orphan, and ludwig. Ds3 had the best bosses and good variety. In this game, so far the bosses havent been too interesting ill admit. Their moveset is what is interesting, but its not that big of a deal for me

did vicar amelia have nice feet tho


Attached: sfb.jpg (225x225, 6K)

If there's no double paizuri with Coco and Io by the time this game comes out, I swear I'm gonna fucking draw it myself.

You have eleven days user. Get to work. I expect Io commenting on how nice the smell is.

>Coco annoyed at how she isn't getting paid for it
>Io staring at her husband, determined to give him maximum pleasure


That's a very nice picture of your own skull.

>Tfw paid $54 for deluxe on cdkeys

Attached: ebcufawsfn321.png (480x466, 304K)

well shit

imagine being this mad

That's about the same price after currency exchange.

>playing for digital

user, there's already a thread complaining about digital distribution

imagine not liking io
you can prefer mia if you want
but something is wrong with your thinker if you dislike io


It's $79.99 normally

Hook me up with a physical PC version then

No? There's fat bitches with tits, Hatsune Miku with tits, flaming cat with tits, moonlight butterfly's hot sister with big tits, and Blade Bearer. So its mostly monsters or girls with big tits

Attached: NEED.jpg (850x850, 186K)

I meant the cheapest in that picture, the 46 euro's.

Sounds like I preordered the right game.

Attached: rambo.gif (320x240, 1.08M)


Attached: 1417757443813.png (401x397, 17K)

Butterfly of Delirium has one of the smaller chests, though

Attached: Flying girl.webm (1280x720, 808K)

im sonyniga

Thanks, going physical

What about Ebrietas with no tits?

Is the network patch out yet?

Attached: 1566951619752.png (500x500, 76K)

Out since yesterday :)

Looks like there's no Vs MP, just co-op.

But if I see any one of you faggots put a stamp on your gesture, you're being blacklisted. God why did they add stamps. So fucking ugly. There ain't nothing chuuni about it.

Attached: Please be patient!.png (1101x1525, 448K)

I miss physical PC games.

I don't cause I had to get outside to get them and installation took longer than downloading nowadays

>what is Amazon?

You didn't like seeing a blue install screen with another window popping up? That stuff was pretty comfy.

Not a thing in East Europe

> Go to store to buy physical
> Get home
> Open up the case
> Contains a key for digital download
I stopped caring about physical ever since they stopped putting in those nice guide books.

Attached: rage.png (471x669, 622K)

sweet fucking jesus those thighs

Attached: 1553825675734.png (496x392, 169K)

I'm more of a hip man

>think there's nothing to do after the "thanks for playing" screen
>go into thread
>all this info and story I apparently missed

Attached: Chii Shaking at Phantomous Levels.gif (500x373, 46K)

>want to support game
>don't want to support denuvo
what do

>tfw not getting a full topographical map of the entire game folded up nicely in the box

Attached: sud47.jpg (300x275, 29K)

Console version.
I know, it's a sin on Yea Forums.

Will this game be a good Dark Souls replacement? I've got 1000 hours in DS3 and I wanna try something new.

Post characters

Attached: CodeVein.jpg (1920x1080, 108K)

>dark souls replacement
>something new
user, your desires clash.
But I can see myself getting into this game for a real long time.

I rarely spend money on games, but this game has no PvP but I'm more concerned about carrying noobs in coop and trying out a million different builds. I'm wondering if its worth my 40 dollars.

Noobs will only get so far into the game; after two or three bosses you'll get competent co-ops. The freedom in builds will keep you occupied for a long timee if you like experimenting.

I wonder what people will think of the difficulty

>Nurse Io will never feed you Dominos Pizza after draining you blood.

Attached: JUST END IT.jpg (814x500, 77K)

>that skimpy outfit
>those delicious thighs.
Gaming Journo's are gonna freak.

Attached: Xena.gif (500x213, 1.27M)

>No video of Io's "Zzz... Zzz..." looping for 10+ hours

Attached: 0982398031.jpg (500x762, 159K)

I dunno; for me it's easier than Bloodborne, which is the only other soulslike game I've ever played, so I can't really gauge what that means.

Game is literally made for me. Will snoy censor?

Attached: 4th Centure a.jpg (1600x979, 256K)

Bloodborne is one of the harder ones, but I'd say Code Vein is easier so far.
Harder if you go solo, though

code vein is easier because of the companions, its way harder solo imo, healing in BB is very strong

Nothing in the demo was censored; the upskirts would be fucked if Sony wanted to censor it. I don't think Bamco put anything in the game that Sony would censor besides that.

Io is so cute when she's sleeping.

Based, wont cancel my pre-order. I realized I had this shit preordered over a year ago and forgot it existed till a couple of days ago.

>ywn spread a blanket over io as she naps on the couch and ask if she needs anything when she looks at you with a sleepy smile

Attached: Bryan-Cranston-Crying.gif (300x168, 1.57M)

>implying Io isn't the kind of girl who would stay up just so she makes sure you fall asleep easily

Oh, forgot one thing - I've HEARD there's less blood than the PC version but that's for the sake of performance and I'll gladly sacrifice that. There's still gallons of blood everywhere when you hit things. I dunno if it's even true that there's less or not


Attached: 1526991313336.png (1662x1086, 1.12M)

Because Io makes me think happy thoughts. I'm not doing it to spite anyone.

buy an Io figurine so you stop being so lonely

Do not do this. It's a dangerous path to buyfaggotry and it's a tough hole to get out of.

Why does her skirt look like someone left it with normals but no textures?

Do they even sell Io figs yet?
I'm already bordering on buyfaggotry, user. My room would be full of useless plastic buyfag weeb shit if I had a source of income.

true, that's that color

Miafags and Iofags have it wrong. It's Rinfags that are right.

Miafags are also Rinfags

>Not being a Louisfag

There's one coming out soon, actually. I think it's called "Io cuddling the sword".

>probably sweaty from metalworking
>likes instant noodles

So then that would be Iofags are the most wrong.

>not being an Davisfag

I wish I was a sword.

female vampires cant be doctors

Attached: Io cuddling the sword.jpg (1512x2016, 489K)

>Miafags admitting that they don't even give a fuck about the character

>user not realizing only Iofags exist and are pretending to be Miafags

>Io holding Red Queen
>you get to visit Anor Londo
>You get to fight Vicar Amelia
Does this game have anything that's not lifted?

>every castle is Anor Londo

Attached: rufuckinsrs.jpg (141x174, 10K)

Yes, that's the one. I love my wife Io.

No but CV's castle is.

It's a cathedral

Attached: Cathedral of Sacred Blood.jpg (600x338, 50K)

>tfw i know this game is capitalizing on dark souls success
>tfw i don't give a shit because it still has enough originality to stand on its own

it will keep me going until elden ring I think

YOU'RE a cathedral user.

Attached: 1310497388821.png (271x288, 8K)

Do we have any idea of how long the main story is and how many notchalice dungeons there are?

>notchalice dungeons

We don't know much about ER and I don't know about not-chalices. Its not like DS3 has chalices.

Pretty sure he meant this game guys.

I think the DLC is all notchalice dungeons, looking at the titles. So probably a pretty nice hefty amount.

>random generated levels are DLC
Its garbage that I will pay for so i can play with all of you.

I probably won't be getting Elden Ring. Something about how much they were advertising GRRM put me off

What's that? I'm just excited to see how it turns out, not certain about the game or anything.

George RR Martin. We don't know much of the lore, and he really should just finish his books instead of working on another project.

Oh I'm stupid it's the writer guy, my bad.

George Really Radical Martin

If I enjoy this game from start to finish I will definitely buy that Io statue and I ask this all the time but has Bamco said if they're going to sell the Mia plushie that was in one of the livestreams?

Attached: miaplushie.jpg (253x342, 17K)


Did you enter the contest for the plushie?

enlighten me

Attached: interested chao.png (849x526, 518K)


>when io crouches down at the bloodspring and her boobs get squished against her thighs
admittedly, they didn't animate it, my brain just filled in the gap

Attached: timf.png (141x150, 19K)

Fuuuck. I still hope they sell that plush even if they're in limited quantity or something.

Attached: 1535732151310.png (907x720, 691K)

Imagination is very powerful
>Captcha: Select all traffic lights
>completely black except for two red lights

Where do you find a chapel with a bar and weapons vault anyway

It was a very unorthodox brand of Christianity

Attached: My place is by your side.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

in ma butt



Attached: 1567615407553.gif (153x198, 127K)




Attached: 1406893398951.gif (245x245, 993K)

Is romance confirmed ?

Attached: 1550718685998.jpg (568x447, 37K)

It was completely deconfirmed months ago
One of the streamers directly asked bamco about this and they stated there's no romance

holy fuck I thought I had became completely numb to the loneliness after all these years but these two posts just made me remember I do have a heart. I'm happy you anons have experienced something nice like this at least. Maybe one day I'll get there, though at my age it's probably a silly thought at this point.

Fuck off.

they stated there's no romance like mass effect

I like that shape behind them but it looks like two people fucking in sitting position with their legs bent

Io is your wife



up ur bum


Can we do this in front of Io?

Attached: 1308941.gif (498x250, 973K)

>flushed the update
gj idiot

You can do that WITH Io.

Let's go on an amber journey

Attached: Golden.jpg (1242x1602, 348K)

Io is the final boss

Of my heart.

Final "boss" is Io and the MC having sex for three days after getting married

Io turns into a monster and you have to kill her though. Turns out she is the reason everybody has aids.

>implying the final boss isn't fighting Louis' gay feelings for the MC

>final boss for the best ending is beating a gay man with your wife
wtf Raimi

Louis is asexual

So not only a faggot, but a pretentious one

Io is actually a clone of your mom

Attached: Interview.png (1031x1080, 954K)

even better

>my MC has Pochi eyes too
it's starting to make sense, maybe the ending is being leaked to us right now after all.

Yes she also has 1 int.

your mom's clone is in the game too user

Hey now, Mamako levelled up.
She has 2 int now.

Are you ok user

nohohohohohoho :(


Pochi is the best, and I love her
Io is very smart!

Attached: Evil god.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

May I offer you an Io in these trying times?

Attached: 31089801.jpg (3840x2160, 619K)


user this isn't /vg/

>Io is very smart!
She's canonwise brain damaged user.

glad you came back ;)

Attached: Crying-Baby-iStock.jpg (1200x627, 89K)

Aren't we all?


Oh. There was another user bitching and bitching and bitching about how people kept talking about the game for more than one thread or something so other anons started replying to him with images of crying babies.