Hey user, mom said it was my turn to play on the playstation

Hey user, mom said it was my turn to play on the playstation.

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Okay little bro just go wash your hands and face first.

Mom! user isn't letting me play the playstaion!

Timmy go wash your damn hands before I ground you, you know what no playstation for you today.

don't you dare let him use the nintendo you hear me.

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No mom I just told him to wash hi-
okay okay mom I won't.

>20 years later
Hey Tyrone, my wife said it's my turn to play on the playstation!

Yeah, that's right open up wide bitch. its playstation time

Im playing the Playstation. I don't care what mom says.

>Picks up the playstation
>"No it's my turn and I'm taking it to my room"
>starts to run with it while you are still playing your game and the cord gets taught and rips the TV off the stand and he falls to the ground damaging everything.
>get grounded

why is he eating onions sauce

guys now mom is on the playstation and wont let me play

What ps2 games are momcore?

>Not smearing that little shit into the floor and teaching him who's the boss when he starts raising his voice

Hippity hoppity get away from my property


>get Spyro 3 shortly after release
>get home and play it for like 6 hours straight and clear the whole first world
>only stop because my brother complained to the babysitter that I was "hogging the PS1"

fuck off

>tfw only child.

>tfw i was the youngest sibling and the only one who liked playing video games

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You would get the shit beaten out of you if you did that in my family.

>it's our turn to play nintendo now

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>tfw had the video games all for myself... Alone... Haha....

Wish I had a bro I could play fighting games with desu, none around me liked them enough to play at a level over casual, and by the time I was a teenager arcade culture was well dead. Maybe now that I'm an adult I can start attending my locals that are 1 hour away.

>lil bro is being a pestilence for the 99th time
>mom thinks it's my fault and starts calling my name for the 99th time
>get mad and punch through the crystal of the hallroom's door
The scar is quite visible nowadays.

3 4

>it's our turn with the bull

1. Who the fuck are you
2. This is my house
3. My mother is dead
4. Get the fuck out my house

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>little brother shows up
>he's been eating poop again
>"mom says it's my turn to play"
>call child protective services

Can I sit with you?

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>not eating your brothers poop

>you thought it was your poop
>it was mom's poop all along

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Why are you asking me? Console are in guestroom.