Why did Pokemon want the Switch to fail so badly?
Why did Pokemon want the Switch to fail so badly?
so they wouldnt have to make another game
>might actually have to learn to program for something that isn't an outdated toaster
>not an outdated toaster
Because they didn't want to have to make a game on it
See Sword and Shield for why
The guy in the OP is the executive who just sits on the IP, not Game Freak. All that guy knows about is how much money merchandising makes world wide and that's all he cares about.
With guys like this in charge it's clear how Pokemon got into its current state
Reminder they’ve been hoping for mobile dominance since at least 2014. It’s the reason they don’t add certain things
The switch is almost literally a toaster.
So they could push no effort maximum profit mobile crap. If looking at Let's go and Sword Shield didn't clue you in.
lmao capcom thought so as well, that why the initial support from them was so goddamn awful
it's only after the switch selling gangbuster for over a year they then start porting shit over like crazy
Everyone seemed to forgot how bad of a flop the Wii U was for modern Nintendo. It was basically the death knell for Nintendo for a good amount of time, it was the end of the line. Of course devs were spooked, why do you think most of the Switch's 3rd party support took so long to start coming out?
so they could move to mobile only
Considering the state SwSh is in, that is quite understandable
>death knell for Nintendo
It flopped but it wasn't some Sega situation where they were in dire financial straits.
>it was basically the death knell for Nintendo for a good amount of time
Only retards actually believed this.
the worst part is the one game they did port early on (MHXX) didn't get an NA release for ages after it should've. if that had dropped in NA at the same time it did in JP it would've sold insanely well since it was perfectly placed in the switch drought and the world pre hype.
The Wii U's flop wasn't nearly as bad for Nintendo as people say it was because they had the 3DS to cover for it.
It's actually hilarious that people brought up Smartphones against the Switch when that same old boogeyman was used against the 3DS and proven wrong.
yep, again i bet they only decide to port it over after seeing the success of world
these bastards legit took zero fucking chance even though those are not even new fucking IP or title
Making a console game would require much more budget, manpower and effort. They also probably want to switch gears and only produce mobile shit as its the most lucrative market.
True, but the mainline games still cost some amount of money every year.
I'm sure he wants Nintendo to just become a mobile app game company because it'd be more profitable for everyone involved if they were just selling gacha
So they could keep making games on the 3DS because they didn't want to learn other systems. Game Freak literally said that developing for the Switch was apparently FIVE TIMES HARDER than developing for the 3DS.
3DS was already too much for them and they rather go mobile
seriously what the fuck were these bums doing with their time?
and goddamn i hate their recent excuse of focusing manpower for hero town, the game is a 25 dollars small game, how the fuck that you need your main team for that? who the fuck in charge of gamefreak development team?
why not just come to other nintendo dev teams and ask for some fucking pointers
These are the same guys who needed Iwata to clean up their mess for the second Pokemon game, I'm not surprised it's so difficult for them. They don't want to use their fucktons of money to actually train and hire competent developers if shovelling out low-effort titles still gets them the moolah.
Reminder that Game Freak started off as a game magazine that thought they had the chops to make a game of their own.
It’s actualy surprising Game Freak hasn’t asked for any help with Sword and Shield. Intelligent systems asked for help with Three Houses after all
I honestly believe they were never expecting this level of success from the first pokemon, they didn't even have enough money and resource for it. And then it just spiral out and demanding more which they wasn't equipped for it
> oh god oh fuck how do we tell game freak they have to develop a game for something with more than six pixels
> oh fuck oh fuck please let it fail I can't do this they'll crucify me the game will fail
> h-hey game freak, it looks like you
> uh
> it looks like you might have to make a game for the Switch
> "oh, that's no problem, we'll just make it only work in mobile mode"
> I don't... I don't think Nintendo allows that
> "what? Of course they will, it's us, we're Game Freak, we make their big property"
> but you...
> "are you saying we have to make a game with actual graphics?"
> no no please don't
It was pretty damn obvious that they were simply scared to death by the idea of eventually having to move onto the next gen since that would also come with expectations requiring effort.
>thought it would fail
>automatically means they wanted it to fail
Your /pol/ is showi- Uh I mean yeah Nintendo wanted their own console to fail, it was all part of their collusion scheme with the Rothschilds when they tried to cover up the Nagasaki bombing which never happened.
it was bad for their reputation but it hardly hurt them financially
if somebody made good mobile games instead of mobage the switch would have failed
does the man has a name?
how does the author of the article even know these things? He clearly can't read Japanese.
dude, this guy has nothing to do with nintendo in term of making console or game
it is a bit confusing even after all these years but nintendo doesn't own game freak, nor they fully own pokemon
it says tsunekazu ishihara at the end
>It was basically the death knell for Nintendo for a good amount of time, it was the end of the line.
You're aware that the Wii U still made a profit, right?
It under performed severely for sure, but it didn't bleed money. It just consistently under performed.
It's not like the PS3 or the Xboxes that literally bled so much money that the losses were never able to be recouped within the generation.
What are you talking about?
To be fair, a lot of people thought the Switch was going to fail or the most, sell about 20-25 million tops.
It just goes to show you should never doubt Nintendo. They're one of the few companies who WILL take risks.
IntSys is a third party developer whose only titles of note are owned by Nintendo but don't have a big cushion since one is just Mario(and Paper Mario is not in a good place) and Fire Emblem only reversed its slow decline with its 3DS renaissance. They could desperately use extra muscle same as Nintendo has an entire Monolith team that helps out with developing titles.
Pokemon has been successful forever and the IP is some weird clusterfuck of rights given the weird three-way standoff that's constructed via TPC.
He's not totally wrong. Sure, the Switch didnt fail, but it's also true that no one wants to carry a game console around with them. Has anyone ever seen a person just playing their Switch in public? I havent.
Tbf, I thought the exact same thing.
The Switch isn't the next gen console of Nintendo, it's them just saying "okay let me try 8th gen again, but with decent marketing this time".
Most people thought it would fail, and it kinda sucks it didn't. Its a shit console with a very shitty library at the moment. Here's hoping it improves outside of its fake hype and shilling for ports and remakes.
Considering that the Wii gave Nintendo a war chest, it's more of a failure due to the opportunity cost than a death knell proper. 3DS was doing fine after a dry start.
>They're one of the few companies who WILL take risks.
They literally release old hardware and sell it for Apple tier prices while recycling the same IPs in the same way.
Making a library of ports is hardly a "risk" when they hardly make any original games outside of mobile phone shit and tech demos like ARMs.
I think it's great, it has great games, and Nintendo being successful is the best Nintendo, it just makes them create more games and experiment more too. If they focus on making hybrid console from now on I would be totally okay with it.
Nah, just incels that can't leave the house without their "identity"
>muh mobile
That was an odd time. Everyone was crying that the world was ending but then vidya ended up being as strong as ever. Never trust a fad-following suit.
>it just makes them create more games and experiment more too.
I can't disagree more. The Switch has been the Wii U generation all over again with more ports.
>A bunch of ex journalists thought they could make a game
If it was anything else besides god damn Pokémon with Iwata’s techno wizardry I’m pretty sure game freak would’ve gone belly up after that 1st game.
>Has anyone ever seen a person just playing their Switch in public? I havent.
I have. Several times. Some of them didn't even look like stereotypes.
The Switch is doing great now, but you guys think it will continue to do great after the PS5 and Xbox Two come out? That's difficult to predict, I think in the current market people just like to get the latest gadgets and don't really give much thought to the games.
But the WiiU fucking sucked.
And I never got that virtual DnD game the system would’ve been literally perfect for
I thought Monster Hunter World was going to fail but I didn't want it to.
I thought Astral Chain was going to fail but I didn't want it to.
I think DxM will fail and it breaks my heart because it's the closest thing we've gotten to AC since VD.
Just because you think something will do badly doesn't mean you want it to do badly, it just means your expectations of the market didn't turn out the way you thought they would.
People buying PS5s and Scarletts for annual Call of Duty and FIFA/2K/Madden =/= People buying Nintendo platforms for Nintendo games.
It's not a meaningful overlap. Yes there are lots of people that have PS4s and Switches but again, one doesn't really meaningfully affect the other.
>it'd be more profitable for everyone involved if they were just selling gacha
considering how many people are bitching about the gacha elements in Pokemon Masters I doubt it
this is a very ignorantly narrow post
Even after the WiiU flop Nintendo could afford to be in the red for something like 20 years. I hate historical revisionist retards like you, kys
As tame as the Switch's hardware is, I'm glad it exists. We'd have been seeing Mario/Zelda/et. al on phones, not Playstations or PCs, otherwise.
Yes? A bunch of people on the subway and at the airport. Most were normies
I see them all the time. Then again, I'm at an urban hub next to a video game convention/hangout spot.
I've seen a few Switches in public. But the few I've seen is mostly because I don't get out as much as I used to. But I have seen some pretty chill people carry one around. All of my friends even have a Switch and they used to mostly play other consoles or are major PC guys.
People might bitch up and down, but short of government intervention, the model will never truly be unprofitable as long as there are loser incels willing to blow hundreds of thousands of yen on pulls for the chance to roll their 0.5% rate waifu.
it still makes way more fucking money, reputation be dammed
Well that could back up the theory that game freak intended for sword and shield for the 3DS and why it looks like shit on the switch
Never seen anybody with the Switch. Though I'm a wageslave and surrounded by wageslaves and we only use phones.
That's some coping if I ever have seen one
I think it was going to look like crap anyway. We had a good long preview thanks to Go and LGPE of what the game would eventually look like on high-definition screens, so we can't say we weren't warned.
>Shell shock from the PiiU
>mobile phone dominance in japan
It's a fair sentiment, however he neglected to realize mobile is popular in Asia not because of the devices themselves, but due to the usability of said devices.
Phones can be used to kill time on a long-ass asian commute to school/work. They also scratch the photographer itch the culture is known for.
So does the Switch. Except the Switch has the better time wasting experience, and a fun way to work in the photography experience that's new and different.
And the West fell for it because it's your manchild nostalgia high, on-the-go.
Daily reminder the Switch has newer hardware than the PS4 and X1