What do you think about this series?

What do you think about this series?

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It's incredibly slow-paced, and every entry has some serious issues. I still really enjoyed 1 and 3, though.

didn't play Saga yet, but I loved Gears

It transcends the good/bad dichotomy

Shut the fuck up Carlos

I like ep1 but 2 kinda lost me. Never played 3.

the saga series was nice but cause it seem to have different companies working each game the style changed as well as the overall feel of it 1 is the best as always, 2 was the worst and 3 was trying to complete itself.

Not enough random character recruiting mechanics. Xenoblade 2 is way better.

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While I do agree with the common sentiment that Xenosaga 2 was the worst, everyone makes it seem like just because it was the weakest made it a bad game but I still found it to be in the quality range of the other games and enjoyed my time with it.

>What do you think about this series?
big kos-mos milkers

Pretty cool, I don't think we'll see a game with an ambitious sci-fi story like this anymore.

Loved it as a kid
Played it again and dropped it at the durandal part

I love it, including ep2.

Why did they make Momo so sexy?

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I feel like it was just me but I got stuck for countless hours early on against the very first boss. I just couldnt fucking win

It's a prime example of scope creep and poor presentation destroying a concept for an IP that seems alright on paper. The story was never finished, the gameplay didn't get enough polish to be fun, and the all three games often devolved into lengthy lore and plot dumps to be coherent. This isn't how you make video games, folks.

Episode I:
godlike story and characters, meh gameplay, ultra-shitty graphics
Episode II:
godlike story and characters, shit gameplay, meh graphics
Episode III:
shit story and characters, good gameplay, godlike graphics

This is is probabably the only series in existence that actually deserves... no, DEMANDS a full-blown remake.
Instead we're flooded with useless remakes of titles who already great as they are. Why?

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How can 2's gameplay be worse than 1's?

A masterpiece

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Plot, lore and characters are actually interesting. Also, good cutscenes with nice direction and a great Japanese dub. And I loved the gnostic symbolism.

Gameplay is trash though. Really should have been a VN series.

Of shit.

good games sell
flawed games don't sell as well, since they have a stigma attached

As someone who loves this series I kinda agree, I feel like to even know half of what is happening you have to do all that lore reading in the menus. That being said the fun in the stories of these games comes from how every new plot point is 100x more batshit insane than the last.

Have a (You)

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Episode I:
Unfinished story, shit gameplay, meh graphics
Episode II:
Finished Ep1 story but ran out of time to do anything but bare basics for EpII story, meh gameplay (better battle, same field, ultra shit everything else), okay graphics
Episode III:
Got funding cut due to fuckups on EpII so here's info dump on "EpIII & IV" in the in-game encyclopedia you won't read so no-one knows how Earth became Lost Jerusalem etc. otherwise okay story, great gameplay, awe-inspiring graphics

Character design like this is why I stopped loving RPG's as much I think.

Vaan from FFXII as well -_-
gay ass japs

Break system was brain-dead exploitable, no shopping ever, gameplay only existed due to director being unable to just make a movie.

2 managed to turn up that "more complicated = better" trend that was going at the time with jrpgs. I'm not that user but I'm okay with turned based gameplay and "Attack" being a viable combat tactic at its simplest form, but that being expanded upon as well.

There's a reason why RPGmaker and nostalgia oriented games dedicated to snes/ps1 era jrpgs are still going strong. I just wish Square Enix would stop crippling their FF4-9 throw backs in terms of marketing. Ignoring ff7 of course.

Stories like Xenosaga get really tiring once you understand the process behind this kind of hack writing.

Surface level philosophy, psychology, religious, symbolism, clones, time travel/dimension hoping. These guys can't make an engaging coherent adventure so they need to throw as much crazy "twists" as they can and hope it impress people who have never read a book in their lives.

A game like Dragon quest V, however simple its story is, so much well written and sincere.
Xenogears is a bit like this, but at least it's a whole game and not a trilogy

It's like Takahashi learned nothing from Xenogears' failures until Xenoblade 1 happened. He continued to peddle these overblown, grandiose scifi stories that Monolith's staff probably scratched their heads over and couldn't transition properly into video game scenarios.
>"Well, you see, there's multiple planes of existence in this multiverse and they facilitate a regular cycle of creation and destruction by the growth and collapse of the collective subconscious of a particular universe."
>"That's great, Takahashi-san, but how are we gonna implement these ideas in our gameplay scenarios?"
>"What gameplay scenarios?"

a firing sometimes can do wonders
btw has he ever talked about the older xeno games after xenoblade

Enjoyable, but deeply flawed.

Great music though. youtube.com/watch?v=uAVApcrgFzs

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Xenoblade wasn't supposed to be a Xeno game until his dev team decided to make it one.

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Yeah, and gameplay-wise it was more of a Soma Bringer successor than anything. But whatever.

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>>"Well, you see, there's multiple planes of existence in this multiverse and they facilitate a regular cycle of creation and destruction by the growth and collapse of the collective subconscious of a particular universe."
Is it actually a thing in Saga?


Hooo boy yes.

Turn Based RPGs are for brainlets.


The fuck is wrong with this game

no, it's actually more convoluted, you need to read a book to "understand" just what the fuck hackahashi was thinking of issuu.com/the.derviche24/docs/xenosaga_iii_perfect_guide

>passing the plot and wring problems as Takahashi's fault
Did you already forgot the game was originally planned to be 6 episodes, then shit happened and he was forced to cram the last 4 games into a single one?

Yes the "shit" that happened was the massive failure of his game, if they had been good they would have succeeded, this games failed because they were trash and this is purely objective, good games don't go through what Xenosaga did


Yea Forums is for discussing movies, not Yea Forums.

No, Iwata demanded he change the name. It wasn't designed as a Xeno game at all, the name was changed after development

How the hell is it not his fault? He's the one who conceptualized the story and made it too long and complicated to properly translate to a video game franchise. Most of the development issues that sprung up for the series had a lot to do with difficulties in managing the scope and scale of the games. Takahashi shot for the moon and ended up as space junk in orbit, much like Kos-Mos at the end of XS3.

Huh. I heard it was the dev team who decided to honor the project by giving it a Xeno title.

No it was Iwata

It's a slog and the plot, story and characters aren't anywhere near interesting enough to justify the amount of time spent sitting through long cutscenes and repetitive battles. They aren't bad games or else I wouldn't have played through all of them but I wouldn't say they're anything remarkable.

>Kos-Mos at the end of XS3

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>A god

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I love the first game, but I think I stopped playing the second one halfway through because I just couldn't stomach the gameplay changes anymore. What was 3 like?

3 had better gamplay and graphics but was so rushed that the story was more WTF than one and two combined.

Godlike but confusing unless you slogged through the in-game encyclopedia since it starts with a massive time-skip & suddenly Shion is part of some who-cares radical anti-Vector group for """reasons""".

>Red eyes (meaning no Magdalene soul)
>eyes blank & lids close
>hair loses blue sheen, entire body turns dull in color
>lol not dead

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I thnik Ziggy is hot no homo

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It's dull is space bro, You just cant see it.


>if they had been good they would have succeeded
LMAO Holy shit imagine unironically believing this!

>this games failed because they were trash
Except before ep.3 everyone praised them precisely because of their story

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It's dull is space bro, You just cant see it.

>How the hell is it not his fault? He's the one who conceptualized the story and made it too long and complicated to properly translate to a video game franchise.

What part of:
>the game was originally planned to be 6 episodes
>he was forced to cram the last 4 games into a single one
did you not understand?

What part of "his planned series was too big and cumbersome to be a feasible project" did YOU not understand, dumbass?

>planning your game to be 6 episodes when you can't even finish one game properly
>most of your """"ideas"""" are borrowed from better scifi anyway

Takahashi is like those amateur fantasy writers who already think about sequels when the first novel isn't even finished.

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I didn’t like that they made Chaos and Jesus different characters, they should have been one in the same. Yes, I know that Chaos was performing Jesus’s miracles for him, but that was a stupid and unnecessary plot twist.

>but that was a stupid and unnecessary plot twist.
Xenosaga in a nutshell

The lame middle child of the Xeno series, gears has better lore and blade better gameplay.

Here's a hot take: this series didn't have enough juice for three games, let alone 6.

>the second disc

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If they made them all like 2 maybe but fuck that noise.

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Nah I'm sure it did. The dev problems they ran into fucked them in the ass though.
Episode 1 and 2 were supposed to be a single episode. Episode 2 would've ended Shion's saga.

The Mana Collection is really giving me some legit hope that we could see a Xenosaga collection on Switch. Everything's getting ported over, why not these three too?

>jumping was such a meme in Xenogears people drew pictures of it

kino game design

Maybe the fact that what you said is total bullshit since it's been confirmed that Xenosaga shortening was caused by Namco and not Takahashi? And that stuff like Kingdom Hearts is even bigger than Xenosaga and it's still getting done with no problems whatsoever?

>planning your game to be 6 episodes when you can't even finish one game properly
It's almost like making a huge story in multiple chapters is a smarter move than doing it all in a single game when the first time you tried it didn't work

the problem is that the games were pretty shit and would need a total remake and not just a port.

Because bamco doesnt care. If they wont remake Ace Combat, why bother remake something that will not sell.

They're certainly not "pretty shit" but yes, they absolutely deserve a total remake

>And that stuff like Kingdom Hearts is even bigger than Xenosaga and it's still getting done with no problems whatsoever?
Except, you know, having KH3 be delayed for literally years.

>It's almost like making a huge story in multiple chapters is a smarter move than doing it all in a single game when the first time you tried it didn't work
You're an idiot. The amount of stuff they tried to fit into the first episode already had to be heavily cut during development, and plans for the franchise as a whole were trimmed more and more as time went on. Read up on it if you don't believe me. The project as a whole was a complete mess.


After the Xenoblade series, I'm pretty sure any series starting with "Xeno" would sell pretty well.
This is literally the best possible time to remake Xenosaga, unfortunately Takahashi has lost his touch and prefers doing generic shonen over complex space operas.
It's so sad... back then Takahashi was a genius, but no one would give a shit about his games; now that people have finally learned to appreciate his works, he's turning into a hack

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a shitty movie trilogy.

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Meh gameplay but if it has my favorite designs of the Xeno games. MonolithSoft really put themselves into a hole after designing KOS-MOS

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>was a genius
>turned into a hack

Why are Xenofans so delusionnal? Guy was always a hack, but at least now he's learned how to make games and he's aping anime instead of SF;


It's an alright movie.

Science Fiction.
Xenogears for example borrows all his non-retarded ideas from western Science fiction.

To be honest I'd prefer that over some weird anime fantasy.

This. There are so few good Science Fiction video games, and Xenosaga series manages to be a good science fiction video game. It met its goal and there was no audience.

Xenosaga is the type of game that makes fedoras feel smart

Xenosaga Episode I - Star Trek
Xenosaga Episode II - Mortal Kombat movie
Xenosaga Episode III - The Empire Strikes Back

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that's like the first sentence in beginning to explain xenosaga.

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I bought a copy of the first game only to find out that I can't play it on my pal ps2 even though I'm using swap magic because the dvd used is doubled-layered, yadayada. Apparently there are ways to get around that by burning the game on several dvd-r but there's a huge drop in image quality.
I should really look into it because it's one of those games I'd been drooling over as a teenager for never being able to play as a yuropoor.

Episodes 1-3 only managed to cover the first part of three, if they'd continued it probably would have bloated into 16 games.

You can "play" it on youtube and not miss a single thing youtube.com/watch?v=fvbXiOvWFp0

lol all of his games are overrated anime trash. He's literally never made a good game, or a finished one for that matter.
Fuck neptuniagears, fuck neptuniasaga and fuck neptuniablade.

I still can't believe how thoroughly and utterly the second game killed the series. What the fuck happened?

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>Creates the best story in jrpgs (if not all vidya)
>Could have created an even better one if only he wasn't fucked in the ass by Namco
But also, nope.

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Xenoblade 1 and 2 are pretty complete games

Bamco has a weird way of reproposing its own previous series.
>Cyberconnect2 gets to remaster .hack//G.U. but not the original series, confusing the shit out of newcomers
>of all the Tales of titles that were not localized and/or on platforms not feasable anymore and/or hard to emulate, they chose Vesperia, who had a fantranslation almost complete anyway
>Ace Combat 7 allows one title only to be accompanied for a rerelease, 5 for PS4 users, 6 for XBone users

Honestly, i'm genuinely guessing this is one major reason why we're not getting a Xenosaga HD Collection, at least not anytime soon.

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The game's world is way too big for someone to understand just through the cutscenes.

>the best story in jrpgs
Far from it. But I suppose one needs to grow out of adolescence to understand that craming as much as hackened concept and namedrops into a game and having seven hours or psychobabble does not make a good story.
Seriously, even the names of his game are ridiculous. Quoting Nietzsche when there's absolutely no relation whatsoever to his work? That's called style over substance, especially if you use the book that was rewritten by his sister to fuel her racism.

Takahashi wanted Xenogears story to be that of FFVII... How ironic that FFVII is both a better story (that uses its medium instead of being a novel/anime) and a more successful franchise that what he's ever done.

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The game would never sell if they just made a HD port of it. It would have to be a major remake to get people to actually play 1 and 2. It could maybe work if they'd port 1 and 2 to 3's gameplay.

Udo, is basically Jung's collective unconsciousness. This wasn't a hard concept to grasp. Udo is basically a higher order entity, e.g. god that some Realians were able to interface with (Jr, and Rubedo). Humans were also able to tap into Udo in a limited state via the UMN.
Not complicated.

It's a good game, you just suck at turn based combat.

You need to play it multiple times, it's really not that difficult.

I'd buy it. It's infinitely better than that Xenoblade shit.

Similar to .hack//G.U., Yurop got shit out of luck (most of the time anyway) for this series too, so that alone would be an incentive. Better performance, dual audio and speed boosters similar to FFXII Zodiac Age so you can make the combast faster without removing the challenge would do the trick too.

IIRC Takahashi was pretty depressed after xenosaga's failure and Iwata encouraged him to make the game xenosomething because he didn't want him to renounce his previous work.

>It's a good game, you just suck at turn based combat.

The game being a total cakewalk where any paste-eating retard can figure out the Boost shit is exactly part of what makes it fucking suck, you stupid faggot.

and you get so triggered by references that you completely ignore the actual story just so you can hail yourself as an intellectual because you totally got those references and was not impressed.
In case you didn't notice the story is a character drama, everything else in the world is just to add depth and flavor, the story is 100% about the characters.

What was Hosoe thinking when composing his part of the X2 soundtrack?

It was rushed so they couldn't implement certain features and tried to change the combat to fix those problems.


praised for its story compared to the other 3 yes, don't be retarded you stupid bastard you can't tell people to start with Xenosaga 3 because "it has a good story"

Is there a Xenosaga I&II translation being worked on?


I want to FUCK KOS-MOS

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>In case you didn't notice the story is a character drama, everything else in the world is just to add depth and flavor, the story is 100% about the characters.
Then why is it not focused on the characters instead of being an overbloated space opera with 10 000years of background?
Poor storytelling, again.


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Fuck. I want to play it.

The originals aren't still better from what I heard.

Is explained why she stops using the glasses or is it JUST the character design changing between games?

Momo was best loli

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Saw this character everywere years before Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What is her deal in the Xenoverse?

shut up Shion

Combat robot that happens to have the soul of Jesus' gf inside her

In Xenoblade 2 she's a reference. In the Xenosaga she's a robot built to fight the Gnosis, but there's a mystery behind her. Play the games to find out.

>Is explained why she stops using the glasses or is it JUST the character design changing between games?

Allen accidentally broke them in Episode 2. Now why she didn't get spare ones is unanswered

>Xenoblade 1 and 2 are pretty complete games
Nah, both just hide their incompleteness a lot better than Gears or the Saga games.
XBDE has the potential to be the first actually complete Xeno game depending on how much cut content from the original gets put in.

Episode 1 was unplayable shit. Episode 2 is pretty decent, but very short. Episode 3 is the only good game ever made by Takahashi.

>Episode 2

I thought I was the only one who liked episode 2.

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Redesigns were great, there were some good scenes, even though story already went full retard, and combat was surprisingly good, although a bit too easy, but I guess it's way too complex for your average Yea Forumstard.

Xenosaga III has one of the best OST in jRPGs.

shitendo ruined KOS-MOS

There was nothing to ruin in the first place

plans for the first game were too ambitious so it only had half of the story it was supposed to. xenosaga 2 was made finishing the story that was supposed to have been in 1 and the story that was supposed to be in 2 was shoved into a phone game and the first hour of 3. there was also some drama with takahashi's wife who had been writing the script leaving the company.

>dat Telos tho

Its like they tried to cram as many fetishes as they possibly could into her design and for some reason I love it

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Who else is looking forward to Episode 4?

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Stop posting

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This guy is a fine connoisseur

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Didn't stop the dotHack games from getting a collection.

Literally the only crowdfunding project I'd ever support if it happened.

>trusting takahashi with your money

This. I very rarely don’t finish a game, but episode 2 was dogshit. 1 and Xenogears were good, but you can’t convince me it got good after 2.
Also, is this series related to xenoblade or is it just the Xeno title?

It shouldn't be a game.

>Also, is this series related to xenoblade or is it just the Xeno title?
They have some similar themes and xenoblade 2 has an important item from gears and saga otherwise the plots aren't related

>tfw still no HD collection
My ps2 can handle it just fine but I dont want to pay a lot for 3 fucking games when I can get all of them in one package
I really do want to give the series a shot

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