Xbox One fuck ups

>"We have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360"

"So you're saying if you want to play offline stick to Xbox 360?"


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Other urls found in this thread:

They got too cocky and they'll never recover.

Sony got too arrogant and now they have apologists.

They clearly had no idea it would be that poorly recieved or even how it was supposed to work.
I remember the carrot was supposed to be family sharing and some other stuff but even that they couldn't give a clear answer on how it would work.

I read something about MS underestimating Sony, that MS thought PS4 was coming much later.
So when it became clear that PS4 was getting ready before they expected they scrambled to get xbox 1 ready too.
Would explain that mess of a launch anyway.

For the most part Sony have been smart. Their one colossal fuck up was being too cocky with PS3. The irony is that Microsoft will probably outlast them in the gaming industry in the long run.

How can one man destroy decades of marketing, and topple entire companies with just 20 words?

Watch the video. It's worse than you remember. Geoff is eying him like a snake.

>"We have a product for people who don't want movies, censorship, wokeness, muh cinematic 25fps and don't want to pay $599 for a console. It's called Xbox 360"

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He effectively ruined the Xbox brand incomprehensibly.

The Xbone isn't even too bad now. Doesn't have the exclusives the PS4 does but it's a competent multiplat machine and the pricing is good. It's just the launch and the first ~2 years that were botched.

It's been six years and Xbox still has no sign of returning to its former glory.

The initial reveal was just terrible. they go on and on about how it's a set-top box, how it can use skype and shit. Then at the end they're like:

"Oh, and it can play games, I guess..."

>Tape my control so that I will always be swimming in Morrowind to make my character speed not complete cancer. My athletics was up 20 points before I left to see a friend
>Xbone shuts down the game before I return home and I'm stuck with my shitty speed still.
The 360 is better than the Xbone in most ways still.

>dumb sony shill thread

You really wanna go there, Xgroid?

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That guy killed any chance of Xbox being relevant, at least based Phil clawed back some of their cred

The next water cooler

*blocks your path* you got too cocky, sonybros

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The backlash was epic.

this is for the gayfaggotmers

You can't name three good things he's brought to Xbox

He's been the head of Xbox for years yet it's still failing as much as it was under Don.

The hilarious part is that Microsoft ended up being completely right about the way gaming was going (apart from the TV shit), they were just too early and forceful.

Physical and used games are dying and an internet connection is basically a must for video games these days. The Xbox One dogma lives on.

well see what happens, Sony has started to spiral apart to california, and from how it looks right now, MS has a much better offering from a platform perspective.

>Physical and used games are dying and an internet connection is basically a must for video games these days.
Maybe for PC, but not for console. The majority of game sales on console are still physical and only a small amount of games require online.

>Does nothing

I was excited for Battletoads when they first announced it. Then the game play footage happened and my interest went away.

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He hasn't really done anything yet. We'll have to see how next-gen turns out before singing his praises.

I'd say gamepass but a lot of it is forgotable indieshit and games that failed to meet sales quotas.

>MS has a much better offering from a platform perspective.
No exclusives, more expensive online subscription, less games, ad-filled dashboard. How is this better than Playstation?

I got into Xbox because at the time it had better controllers, was more powerful, and had better online than PS2.

With PS3 they still kept the dualshit design, the launch lineup sucked (besides Ridge Racer 7), and it ran multiplats worse.

With PS4 the controller doesnt suck dick anymore, online works, and games play about the same.

Dont know if I'm sticking with the green machine next round Xbois...

Last stats I read had 56% physical. IRS far from the vast majority.

And Sony just had to say on stage that players owned the games they bought and could lend them to their friends without any restriction. It's baffling to think that they publicly killed their system before it was even released.

Xbox One X
New studios acquisitions

Do those count user?

Sony was brutal that day.

I not even mad about Dark Queen, just disappointed. The artist didn't even use their imagination, and rather than updating her to fit, they instead bowed down SJW's without a second thought.

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how can one man save console gaming? how does he do it xbros?

Not really again from a platform perspective, sony doesn't have an answer to gamepass right now, and BB is good, but Xbox has its own games, too.

Microsoft fucked the Xbone as soon as they said the new console would have to be connected to the internet 24/7 and you could not play used games.
Sony was lucky to not have said anything yet, then they saw the shitstorm with the Xbone and decided to not make the same mistake. That's how the PS4 won the gen before it even begun.

>Maybe for PC, but not for console. The majority of game sales on console are still physical and only a small amount of games require online.

Physical sales are dying so fast that Gamestop is now on the verge of bankruptsy, and even lots of Singleplayer games have Day 1 patches that are basically a must.

>but Xbox has its own games, too.
Haha, nice joke, user.

>Sony has started to spiral apart to california

WTF does this even mean?

It sounds like some butthurt right-wing whining of some sort.

Great picture. I'm so glad my grandfather was nearly killed in France and Germany so that the "synagogue of satan" could control my central bank, schools, colleges, and entertainment industry.

this guy is retired, has millions of dollars in the bank, and is banging a 9/10 milf on this sunday.

>Physical sales are dying so fast that Gamestop is now on the verge of bankruptsy
They're dying because everyone buys physical games online from places like Amazon.
>lots of Singleplayer games have Day 1 patches that are basically a must.
Needing to be connect online to patch a game is different than always-online.

It has tho they are just hot garbage that they give out to anyone that buys a not-netflix subscription.

Let's not skim over the other five years of Phil and Co. fucking up constantly. Everytime I see these threads, it's always, ' Microsoft shot themselves in the foot. The end. '

>sony makes movies (not games btw)
>xbox has no games
>nintendo releases the same games
>pc has console ports of multiplats that don't run

Digital is increasing so fast YOY that analyists are expecting a 70/30 split in favor of digital next gen day one. Gamestop are on the verge of going bankrupt while "Big Box" stores like Walmart and Best Buy are expected to cut physical stock by a large margin going into next gen.
The amazing part is their own customers decided to go digital on their own.

Not really, Halo 5 and Forza Horizon are GOAT

Xbox games on PC is irrelevant and only console war talking points. They need another Halo type of killer app that put them on the map in the first place. Your average console gamer doesnt have a gaming pc.

>everytime my feefees are hurt, it must be because someone disagrees with my politics

Grow a pair and stop injecting your shit politics into everything, cry baby.

>he thinks people who dont have internet leave in a nuclear sub

The arrogance of this whole interview is incredible. I'm glad Microsoft lost the gen for having this retard as part of their team.

Like Michael Pachter? LOL

>Xbox One X
>New studios acquisitions
name one that has had a major impact

>Only reaction is "LOL"
>Even though Gamestop is dying because they bet on used games and now no one buys used games.

The dumb thing they did was take the reuse option away from consumers when everybody else was still allowing it and it got them little money. While they started the online subscription cancer, that actually had a shit load of money they netted in from that.

>Kills Scalebound
White amerilards are trash.

Halo 5 is garbage and a shit stain on the series



Gamepass is pretty good desu. People here shit on it because they dont play games. Apparently a game has to be exclusive to count as a real game even though they tend to be the shittiest games which is why my ps4 is a dust collector.

So, wait, are jews communists or capitalists?

I stopped after 3 for both series.

And who cares. Xbox has a huge presence on PC. The Playstation doesn't.

Microsoft played their cards right.

It may be a bad halo game but it's the best shooter of the gen

MS is basically saying, "we have a new game coming out, if you cannot afford $60, you can pick it up for a dollar".

I'd be surprised if the gamepass doesn't get implemented on the PS5 next gen.

Xbonex is almost next to the snes for my favorite console of all time, gamepass is comfy.

this is the reason i'm never gonna give MS my money

Doom 2016 and Amid Evil are hundreds times better.

I bought it for a buck just to play Metro Exdous. I'd say I got my moneys worth but the rest of the games on aren't worth sneezing at.

You're acting as if the average retard who plays vidieogames is a PC gamer... they're not, and never will be. People like the convenience of just plugging in a console to the TV and playing games without having to mess with settings and mapping buttons. This is why consoles will always be a thing.

>Don correctly predicted the path the industry would go
say something nice to him Yea Forums

their exclusives sell though without basically giving them away

The biggest crybabies I know about the always online no used game xbox are now literal pc cucks now that shit on physical media

This and honestly there is nothing wrong with.

Scalebound was peak cringe with DmC Donte vibes and would've become the WORST plat game in history. It's a good thing it fucking died

I'm not acting, I'm stating something that is very true. The Xbox brand has more coverage due to the fact that it's also built in on Windows. And that explains why Xbox alive users always go up despite the declining sales for the Xbox One.

It works if you have fast internet and don't intend on playing a game past a month otherwise I woulda grabbed gears 5 on release. Fucking australian tier speeds at its finest.

It would have saved Xbone from stagnation but guess they enjoy mediocrity.

>Physical and used games are dying and an internet connection is basically a must for video games these days. The Xbox One dogma lives on.

It'll be a different story when you force people to have 24/7 internet connectivity or not being able to play used games. Right now its a choice, but when you force these changes on people it wont be pretty.

Imagine taking your console somewhere where you cant get internet access and not being able to play your single player games... it wont fly.

Don Mattrick is a piece of shit and the Kinect was his pet project. I'm glad that they fired his ass.

Scalebound looked worse and worse every time it was shown. Kamiya's just a racist asshole that wants to bitch about shit on Twitter rather than make actual games.

The game itself didn't look that flash either tbqhwy pham

Snapmap aint got shit on Forge son.

So you're happy about having no option besides paying 60 bucks for each game?

i believe jews are capitalists pushing communism to keep anyone from actually succeeding them other than their offspring which even then i think jacob rothschild is on his like 8th fucking heart transplant. they will do anything to survive like cockroaches

you guys do realize MS is in an area that almost as liberal as San Fransisco right?

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He's fucking dumb. You can always lose your internet connection sometimes for whatever reason. It's just more dependency for no reason.
Btw tons of US military love to play console when deployed.

dont forget to pre order la ultima creatura 2 goyim

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If I am honest, I'd say none of them.

The generation was over for Microsoft since the $500 always online DRM underpowered TV shitbox announcement, no matter how hard they would try people had already decided they would not support that pile of steaming shite

even on xbox one x the first mission of saints row 2 runs like absolute dogshit. i cant comprehend how

i dont have an xbox, so what do I care?

>Once Sony knew they were in the clear for the generation, they immediately started hiking up the price for their subscription services
>People honestly think that Sony won't be arrogant dickheads yet again and topple over themselves like they did with the PS3

Why would they do the same mistake again.
Also ps3 failure is in part because it didn't use x86.

>1 Jew
>FIVE words
>Dead console & destroyed company
"Saturn is not our future"

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thats not why Gamestop is closing user

oops, sorry, meant to quote the other guy, you're missing out on 4 though shit's comfy

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Based obsessed Sonyfriend

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Garbage game. Runs like dogshit on pc too, the more powerful your pc is the worse the game will play.

Absolutely dreadful

though I do believe MS is doing the best that they can with the situation they're in (self inflicted), gamepass/studio acquisitions "should" be more useful

microsoft is the one who started the whole paid online thing
we wouldnt be in this mess without them

They already have 100 million installbase advantage. Any fuck ups would cause a minor dent to their overall numbers.

Capitalists who peddle Communism on everyone else so they have all the wealth and power, thereby ruling the world.
Same thing with the towel-headed sand rats and their oil.

Show me the Sony equivalent of this.

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What does that have to do with my grandfather being dragged away from his home and having to fight for a group of anti-Christian trash who were being lawfully dealt with by their own national socialist government?

I don't understand why people keep citing this shit... it had no positive impact on xbox console sales.
MS is distant 3rd place in every region.

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>>Why would they do the same mistake again.
History has this funny way of repeating itself.

MMOs had subscription based services before Xbox.
Also, loot boxes are far more cancerous than paid online subscriptions ever were to begin with.

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You have it on your PC

>Backwards compatibility
Unlike sony
PSnow is shit
>good hardware
Ps4Pro is a joke
>His good looks and mannerisms
There's a reason no one at sony is as popular as papa phil
Get shitted on sonigreo

the service I uninstalled?

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>mfw these people really are mentally ill degenerates trying to destroy society

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That was Sega M$ simply made it viable

thats horseshit and you know it, someone wouldve done it eventually. at the very least i appreciate Microsoft using the paid membership to consistently improve the service. even Nintendo atleast attempts even though theyre fucking horrible at it.

>he fell for the sales=quality meme


And microsoft caters to both and are making fucking bank from it. They made 70% as much money as Sony did in 2018 despite sony selling 100% more consoles (~40m XB1 vs ~80-90m ps4). Sony are retarded for not bringing their games to PC and as you said it won't even effect their console sales because there is and always will be a massive market for home consoles. Only enthusiasts would not buy a ps4 if they already have a PC but they can still spend money on these games on PC so it's a win-win for them if they bring their games to PC.

Lmao you're retarded and of xbox online was worth it compared to shit ps2 online tbqh. If you have a product light years better than the competition, you monetize it. Especially when your hardware is powerful and selling at a loss.

This can't be escaped. The console makers pander to them and PC devs pander to them.

Because they gave up on console sales a while ago. Now their goal is to jew the playerbase that actually bought into their ecosystem in the first place.

>physical and used games are dying
Yeah maybe if you dont have any friends lol

But xbox lives rent free in Sonyfriends heads considering how many threads they make about it

>Xbox 360

>They made 70% as much money as Sony did in 2018 despite sony selling 100% more consoles
No they don't lmao.
The only reason Xbox are still alive is because of the USA market.
Microsoft just makes too much money to leave the gaming industry like that.

Gamestop is going the way of the dodo and sony reported to have higher digital sales this generation

The Dreamcast online was free, mate. Unless you mean XBand, which was on the SNES, or the SEGA Channel, which Nintendo had their own version of.

>Phil: "Don't worry bro! The games are coming!"
>Phil: "Don't worry bro! The games are coming!"
>Phil: "Don't worry bro! The games are coming!"
>Phil: "Don't worry bro! The games are coming!"
>Phil: "Don't worry bro! The games are coming!"
>Phil: "Don't worry bro! The games are coming!"

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Hey your free to do whatever. The point we were arguing here is that you don't need an Xbox to enjoy the gamepass.

>backwards compatibility
>$1 converted xbox sub to gamepass for years

The games aren't coming.

Reminder that Game Pass is just the next logical step in Microsoft wringing what loyal customers they do have of whatever money they can get, doubly so when XBL is a separate sub. Also there are still ads on the dashboard even when paying both of these subscription fees.

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>one of the first things he does is kill Xbox console exclusives, making the console line completely redundant
>has done nothing since

I'm talking game revenues specifically not overall. Obviously overall Microsoft completely trounces sony because they're a much bigger company.

And i'm talking about the Xbox revenue vs the playstation revenues.
Show me the source that the Xbox branch makes 70% of the sony branch.
It's just impossible.

They started it but you are supporting it by paying Sony you fucking idiot

Because Saints Row 2 was absymally optmised for everything.

As long as I can try those games I would never dare to waste a cent on I'm ok with it.

This is both good for me and the developers of said games who otherwise would not get a cent from me.

Rumor has it they're going to be removing XBL sub in favor of gamepass as a replacement because currently gamepass isn't as attractive to console users knowing they have to pay for online despite PC gamepass which is the same price or cheaper having free online in the same games.

Also they know about the complaints about ads because they put out a survey asking about it so it's in their considerations for their next gen dashboard.

Gears 5 has less than 10,000 players on Steam. That's a fuck up no matter how you spin it.

>"We're going big at E3!"
>E3 is yet another Halo/Forza/Gears circlejerk with an indie game sizzle reel like it is every year
>"Single-player games just don't have the impact they used to."
>Nintendo and Sony proceed to rake in solid sales and are showered in accolades while Phil's projects are expensive wet farts that are forgotten in a week
>"We have the world's most powerful console"
>CPU is still shit
Phil is kind of a hack

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They already rolled Game Pass, XBL, and Game Pass PC into a more expensive bundle. They're not getting rid of those cash-cows anytime soon

>Nintendo and Sony proceed to rake in solid sales and are showered in accolades
Meanwhile Nintendo actually deserves it and Sony makes easy mode third person games that pander to Journalists and Blue Ticks for woke points

Sony vs Xbox? And Microsoft has their Xbox service under digital services and games, if we're going by that then yes they vastly outperform Sony as a whole.

It's not like that. They made a bundle called gamepass ultimate for console initially which offered XBL and xbox gamepass for one price but then when PC gamepass came out they added it to that sub for no extra cost which means they could literally remove either gamepass PC or XBL from that sub and it will still cost the same. They're already planning for it.

Consolefaggots once again getting fucked lol.

Well that's bullshit. Microsoft sells 1 consoles for 3 sony consoles. So where are they making all their money? Mobile video games? Minecraft?

What the fuck? Is he a lich or something? How does one guy survive 8 heart transplants?

>Hey Phil we want something NEW!
>What's that? You want another Gears?
I don't understand how a company can ignore feedback so badly.

Jewing players of their existing franchises with nickle and diming.

Hardware doesn't generate much money for neither conpany. Most of the revenue comes from subscriptions and digital sales


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Online games on the Dreamcast initially allowed free access to their game servers, to be offset by SegaNet subscriptions and game sales. But with the demise of SegaNet, most games shut their servers down while Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2 charged a monthly fee

>Made Journalists and blue ticks mad because it was just a video game with no politics or agenda

I know but sony has paid online as well. And they take money for each MTX as well. They have way more users. Therefore the numbers don't match.

Sony have a 2:1 global lead over xbox. Consoles are usually sold at a loss.

The Xbox is also on PC.

>New studio acquisitions
I'm a big fan of Playground's work on FH, but you seriously can't be stooping so low as to imply that Double Fine, Compulsion, or Obsidian are suddenly good now

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Xbox fucked up everything that year, but look at what Sony is doing now....they're all moving away from physical copies and into online only shit, Xbox just jumped the gun

How many flags the alphabet people has anyway?

More like 3:1. This gen they weren't (only the first 3 months).
PC players are steam users. I will never touch the windows store again btw, it's horrible.
Jesus, just look at the numbers of Gear 5.

>No politics
>Game is literally about a police force dismantling a massive autocratic regime ruling a self-sufficient island

Minecraft is the best selling game of all time with over 400m sales globally and its consistently in the top sellers even on PS4 like last month it was in the top 5 iirc. Those 100m ps4 userbase who are buying minecraft is money in Microsoft's pocket. Sony are literally losing money by not putting their games on PC. It's a company run by retards. This isn't 2002 where PC gaming is pretty much dead and games are best played on console or don't even have PC ports like with ps2/xbox games or in the case of the ps3 it's not some fucked up architecture which makes porting the game to pc based on the ps3 version a mission to do. Ps4 is identical in architecture to every modern PC and porting is as easy as ever with very little time to do it.

Ms kind of wanted the Xbox brand gone til Phil came up with Gamepass and they began making some profit.

By mid-end of 2017 Ms was confident enough to greenlight new projects but ofc that was too fucking late.

By the E3 next year we shall see new projects by bith Ms and Sony.

We will then see if the games are coming or not.

Myself am really excited as to what playground games can achieve out of making Forza games.

I am excited for the next gen, both for Ps5 and Scarlett

Gears 5 has a mass of gamepas subscriptions on PC. Everyone I've ever seen on this board has bought it on gamepass and even on forums like resetera and gamefaqs if you read the threads there literally every single person bought it on gamepass PC for the pc version.

It doesn't mater what you think the PC users are. The Xbox is right in the dashboard for every windows 10 user. If you have Windows on your PC you have the Xbox app installed there.

Supposedly these studios never got Ms's wallet behind them for big budget titles.

I guess we will see how they perform with bigger budgets next gen.

Best game of the gen hands down

Obsidian has done big-budget games before, and there's a reason nobody was giving Double Fine money. Tim Schafer is notoriously bad with money.

Double Fine alone will squander microsoft's billions


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>Phil got all their studios to start putting out their new games on Steam
>Purchased Double Fine which means PC exclusivity bullshit won't be a worry for Psychonauts 2

I'll accept this man as a force for good on that alone



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gear 5 isn't that popular and just came out this year. It doesn't explains the numbers which are from 2017. Also the gamepas is cheap.
You are deluded.

Those are valid points user.

There's also Ninja Theory that hopefully will work on other stuff outside of that Overwatch melee travesty.

Rare was also working on other stuff if I am not mistaken.

Supposedly there were rumours on more studio acquisitions as well (Remedy, Crytek) but I can't recall if they ended up being fake

These the Detroit become human devs? No one should touch them with a stick they suck completely.

That's Quantic Dream.
Ready at Dawn's last relevant title was The Order: 1886

Those are Quantic Dreams user

Psychonauts 2 looks great so I don't give a fuck if they do nothing else afterwards

I play on the Bone and its not uncommon for half my team to be PC.

Deluded about what? I'm not telling you a lie here there's a Xbox app on windows. It's right next to the news feed or whatever

It's very popular according to analysts. Gamepass is cheap yeah but it's still making money. What microsoft is doing is offering the equivalent to Netflix's free one month sub which they've offered me like 3 times over the last year and I've got 3 months of free netflix for nothing. Microsoft charging $2 means they're actually making money from it so if Netflix has 1m people signing up for the free month that's lost money but MS is making $2 from it so if 1m people signed up for gamepass on xbox and PC that's $2,000,000 in MS pocket. Most people don't realise that.

I know that, and no one uses it save for minecraft users.
Perhaps, but it wasn't here iirc in early 2017.
Also the fact that gear 5 is the biggest hit shows how much people are craving for games.

It's not craving for games because xbox gets every multiplat as Sony and PC. It's a big brand on the xbox hence why it sells. If Sony releases uncharted it will also sell mich better than everything else because it's a big brand for the platform and also you have these companies heavily marketing it. I mean I live in Europe where xbox isn't even that popular and i see adverts for it everywhere even on the subway. Like big posters and stuff.

I just wish I had a better understanding of the license cost per "stream" of a game. How much does say Capcom make if I stream DMC3 until I beat the game? Is it per hour, does playtime even matter, is Capcom just getting a blank cheque regardless of how many users play their games etc

DMC5 and MHW are on gamepass xbox and it was probably paid for in one large sum. Maybe smaller titles get paid on how many downloads they get or something like how YouTube pays adsense based on how many clicks your video has. Dunno how it works I'm just speculating but some devs have come out and said they've seen much increased usage in their game since being on gamepass. Origin access also exists and is like $30 a year and offers loads of good games which is obviously profitable for EA though because they keep adding big games to it like fifa 19 and battlefield 5. There's also money they make from MTX in those games I guess. Even ubisoft is doing their uplay subscription service now. It seems to be a profitable business model because everyone is doing it.

It is by hour played

Also an indie dev has stated that being on gamepass multiplied its actual sales going from 200k to 800k

>I am excited for the next gen, both for Ps5 and Scarlett
me too, user. not gonna get hopes too high though.

Must be Euronigger hour.


It's been about 12 years since I've paid any attention to consoles, but this has still been a really interesting thread to me so far.
It says a lot how I still associate the Xbone with forced online and account/system locked games. I've never seen such greed before.

Seethe nigger

Like you are?

Fun fact: you still can't use an Xbone without connecting it to the internet. It's mandatory for first time setup.

based Phil
next E3 he will announce they bought Sony and all their movies will come to Game Pass

Am I?

The 360 was great and everyone knew it, and that got to his head.

He would need to actually do something first.

They'll recover next year, when Sony screws up again, that's it for them.

That's how billion dollar corporations make important decisions huh?

Basically yeah. You shouldn't be surprised by that, considering how blundering and reactive Sega was around about the time of the Saturn launch and how bold Sony was at the same time.

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Also allowed Banjo to be in Smash- lending a MS owned IP for a direct competitor JUST to appease fan demand.

Phil Spencer is a bro.