How do I play Shermie?

How do I play Shermie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's a babby tier grappler you fucking scrub

Practice, look up her moveset, she's a grappler and not that hard to learn

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You grab your joystick firmly and thrash it about until you win.

playing shermie requires movement position and poking need to be A+. she is not a unga bunga for waifufags like you, OP

Play the superior NFT member

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But I posted Shermie.

In what game?

2002 UM Specifically. 98 too I guess.

I dont know I've only played kof 98 and I dont use her that much

Thanks for the input you fucking idiot narcissist psychopath

shit man I just wanted to bump your thread

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Who do you main then?

I dont really main one

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He's not me.

sorry for not being able to help ya OP

Thanks for the free bumps though.

Yes I am.

No you aren't, anyways add me on steam:

Does shermie have a dick?

I'd fill Shermie with my spermie.

More like NWF, I main yashiro


yeah no problem
I just want people to post shermie

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No user, boys have penises. Shermie is a girl, so she has a vagina.

Nah she's a grill

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For me, it's Kula

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That's partially why I made this thread, she's underrated.

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Good taste

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Gonna need some more proof of that user.

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Obviously with 1 hand

That's not what my teacher said....

coom on user

>he doesn't like the best girl

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great taste user

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Sure thing user

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You are trash

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Her ass is so big

The second one is wrong shit, this is the other one

Grab, do the slam, rinse and repeat, if you are doing something else you are doing it wrong

Coming your way to beta your ass

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Many a leaf was arrested for that mistake.

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which version of 2k2 because there might be differences i'm not even sure about and it's been a while
but i can tell you that even if you whiff shermie's 2a at close distance you can still nail most if not all opponents with shermie spiral from that distance
i tend to use her qcb+k move for antizoning purposes but it's better to read than to react with this thing because it's not the fastest move in the books
her j. cd is decent when used at the range it should be, which is not right in their face as its vertical reach is not as amazing as its horizontal range, her legs also have a hurtbox so it can have a tendency to trade meaning it's not superb air to air
use j.c for crossups, especially if you hop over them, it's also a pretty good air to ground tool all around
her counter sucks so only use it on something where the opponent has forced himself to use a mid-level attack
she has a dodge like goro that can do the 95-style counter after it, using the same buttons as in 95 or 98 extra mode
shermie whip can be unsafe on block because it has a lot of recovery
man i don't really have much good stuff to say about her, and the good tools she did have in 98 they changed out like her better c.hp
she also has one of the slowest cr.b moves ever, but if you get it, at least you should be guaranteed shermie spiral, but s.b can usually catch most crouchers and work better at trapping for those who like to jump on wakeup, as well as do decent aa against hops
i don't remember anything else
i guess has decent ground to air support if your opponent isn't attacking you with a good jumpin and you can cancel into diamond to catch constant blockers or use dp+k to catch their air approaches
i cant think of much else right now, 2k2 shermie is not easy compared to 98

Vanilla '98 Shermie is the much easier character to learn IMO. You can combo into almost all of her grabs, her combos are relatively easy in execution compared to others and her buttons are decent for pokes. The big issue is getting in to land your stuff, because like pointed out if you try to Unga-Bunga play her you will get stuffed every time. (Also, I think in OG '98 if you lose as Shermie your meter resets to zero from wherever it was because of that ridiculous "Team Chemistry" subsystem? It's been a while since I played OG '98.)

Shermie is laughably bad in KOF 2002 UM and none of the stuff you learned with her in '98 crosses over at all, plus her supers are fucking wack in that game.

and that's awesome

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Could snk ever do another dream match "Everyone is here" scenario ever again or at this point do they have way too many characters? I just wanna play as duck king again or the sports team man

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I dont even play KOF but god is Shermie hot.

2k2 UM, I'm playing on PC.

What about in 98 UM on PC.

By the ending of XIV that seems to be what they're gunning for. Basically all the dead characters had their souls freed and got resurrected, so they can have a "canon dream match" as the next game if they so wish. I'm not talking about the obvious characters like Ash either, people like Krizalid and Igniz were implicated.

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if you didn't take balance into consideration, not that it ever matters in the end when almost all the games have a top tier anyway, and gave snk enough time and resources to do it, they can, but it's so many characters and several versions of them if you tried to do it like sf anniversary collection
it'd be like in the lower triple didgets
doable, especially if they kept most of the current models and just adjusted shaders and the like

Can I get Rugal back please.

well that was advice for 2k2um so it works
shermie sucks in it afaik, who am i kidding though because i never get to play anybody else that is alive and i'm a low tier player myself
you have to be rather on point for her in any case or she will get pushed to the floor by the opponent and tied to the floor, stripped naked and be forced to have pigs lick some sauce off her body like in that one efukt video from many years ago

Waaaaaay too many characters for that, even if you just went with mainline numbered KOF games only.

98 UM Shermie is still as good as OG '98, but there are a lot of new characters and changes that make her harder to win with because of them. (Basically " 'sup Iori/Krauser/EX King/Both Geese's etc. etc")

Only if I get Adelheid and Rose playable too

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Adelheid sucks though.

>Rugal but not a pathetic fucking faggot
>Superior theme
>Good attitude while still being ruthless
Daily reminder that Rugal was nothing but Goenitz's bitch boy, a pathetic worm of a man who came begging for power from the chad priest of KOKO DESU KA, got his eye taken for even trying to touch him, and then still couldn't handle the power he was given and ended up getting fucked by it while Goenitz laughed.

Attached: Goenitz-umprofile.jpg (496x305, 31K)

Just repeatedly do the move where she slams the opponents face into her crotch.

make way for best girl

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Which saga is best? Orochi, NESTS, or Ash?

t. Andy

we already did that when op arrived

Mai is a Waifu for sure, but Shermie is special.

ash has probably better writing attached to it
orochi has the better elements to it
and nests is overrated

Who's this Adelheid, I've only heard of Rugalito

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NESTS was also unfinished because of old SNK going bankrupt and Aruze-SNK fucked up with KOF 2001.

is there even proof of this or is it mere conjecture

>not posting superior version

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Who needs shermie face sitting grab when you got mai air grab

I enjoyed all three but I have a real soft spot for NESTS. I thought I'd hate Ж' but he's literally just what K9999 would have looked like if his design followed his lore as the ultimate Kyo clone, so now I love them both. I think we lost a lot of what was planned for NESTS but 01 did a solid job of closing out the saga even if it was clearly a rush job. I think the Ash saga had the strongest start to any storyline but ended the weakest (apart from the kino ending scene with Ash fading out) and the Orochi saga started weakest but ended strongest, 97 is a masterpiece from a story standpoint and 03 gains a lot because it directly plays off a lot of the story beats that hit hard there, especially with the Sacred Treasures team, that credits theme gets me every time.
Even more miserable when you know the heroes of the hour got captured and experimented on directly after their final battle.

>Not revived shota version

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>shermie face sitting grab
>get facefull of shermie love
>mai air grab
>closest you get to her is her feet
wait you're a footfag aren't you

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He is cucked by Rugal in so many ways
>Vice and Mature were Rugals secretaries and he definitely got to smash that
>better aesthetic
>better moveset
>more memorable
>better theme
>two beautiful children
How can Goenfaggit even compete

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i like the shermie doujins where she has a penis

Conjecture only unfortunately. But SNK were originally pretty serious about making KOF stand alone from Fatal Fury & AOF to the point where Kyo wasn't supposed to come back at all aside from evil clones, Terry was supposed to die in his KOF '99 ending and every non-original KOF character was supposed to stop showing up.

I like both, but the world needs more T H I C C grappler women in fighting games.

why is geoniz a girl? was he reborn or something?

Goeniko has been a thing for longer than the average Yea Forums user has been alive, user. Nobody knows why either.

>and every non-original KOF character was supposed to stop showing up.
well it's a good thing i already didn't like kof99's clone nonsense to begin with so i'm only feeling remissed for this

that's okay, not all of us played that shitty svc chaos with demitri and goenitz in it

It's a shame really cause I kinda like how Capcom characters look in that game

I've never seen this girl's eyes

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Superior Shermie.

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XV is gonna be a huge dream match for clues SNK left across XIV and SNK heroines. it will probably be the first canon Dream Match

I will never not be a faggot about his 98 theme despite all of them being fucking GOAT.

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Sounds autistic. Why would they do that?
No wonder they have gone bankrupt like three times already.

Who /athena/ here?

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I will not get surprised if goenitz comes back as Goeniko at this point

Athena is only good for porn.

For real, his music is always on point

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late 90s to early 00s SNK is a perfect exemple of how to not run an company and your brand

Basically, from what I've read through various online sites and google-translated stuff, after KOF '97 the developers that would pitch in to help make KOF games but were mainly at the company working on Fatal Fury & AOF games were getting mad that "Their" characters were being more and more flanderized in each successive KOF title and that KOF games were cannibalizing sales of stuff they made. (Garou: Mark of the Wolves & Buriki-ONE, for instance.) So SNK basically said "OK then, what do you want us to do?" and the concept they came up with originally called "KOF 2099" and be a game with an all-new cast, a new art style and new lead character artist etc. etc.

That ended up being too much work for SNK to do all at once, so the compromise was supposed to be a new, techno/sci-fi themed story arc of KOF games with the "Crossover" characters like Terry, Ryo, Mai etc. getting replaced with new OC Donut Steels so that the last game in the saga would have a roster of all-KOF characters. A combination of fan backlash at KOF '99 from Japanese Kyo & Iori fujoshits over these changes and old SNK going under killed the plans off for good.

Take this shit with some grains of salt though.

There's art of Goeniko BEFORE that game came out though.



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I just got Unlimited Match and Iori's theme doesn't have any fucking saxophones in it, who thought that was a good idea?

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whoever the bland composer was for it

>has three versions of that song
>they're literally all amazing

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But the best Iori theme doesn't have any sax in it

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All of the speculated characters to be revived were taken from the winquotes from Verse against some characters(But maybe there's more than just them)
>"Same as always... Monsieur." (Ash Crimson's Soul) (vs. Iori)
>"I am... the original..." (Krizalid's Soul) (vs. K')
>"I am... Orochi... Now... here... return to nothingness." (Orochi's Soul) (vs. Kyo)
>"Always… watching over you..." (Gaidel's Soul) (vs. Leona)
>"What’s wrong…? You can be my secretary again..." (Rugal Bernstein's Soul) (vs. Mature)
>"Following me to this world… You disgust me… Gehehe." (Mizuki Rashojin's Soul) (vs. Nakoruru)
>"Finally… I found you… You… fragment of me..." (vs. Shun'ei)
>"I am the strongest… Try to best me." (Igniz's Soul) (vs. Sylvie)

That song is good enough to make up for the lack of saxaphones, Tranquilizer is not.

>I am the strongest

Attached: lovable igniz.png (500x381, 28K)

>Ash Crimson
>Leona's biological dad
>Rugal Fucking Bernsein
>Lovable Igniz

That's one hell of a DLC plan, goddamn.

it was not only fujoshits. removing Kyo and Iori was the equivalent of removing Ken and Ryu in the first play tests of SF3. you don't hurt only fujoshis. you hurt majority of your actual playerbase.
If they start pushing FF and AOF too much again they will get the same treatment as back then. ruining a entire company because the unsuccessful product doesn't sell while nuking the successful one is lvl 99 retardation

I would legit buy the game just for that alone no matter how much they alter the gameplay or graphics

Why was NESTS so aesthetic?

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what does her eyes look like

How do I get into KOF? The only fighting game series I play is Street Fighter, and I'm not even good. This series seems cool though. What game should I get into?

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Kof 98,kof 2002(um),kof 14 are the most played, get the older titles in fight cade if you want to know the lore

you have to earn the right to see them

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She has another airgrab where she shoves the other persons head in her crotch and slams them to the ground with her thighs

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>Implying she's not a cyclops

Nothing really wrong with feet.

Bring back Heavy D please
Don't even care if apehooper and unga football come with him or not, they're not as cool anyways. Find him a new team if needs be.

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he's the most boring one


He's functional & very fun to play.

Oh no please don’t bring him back

Krizalid was always my favorite. Zero and Igniz looked pretty good in motion, but Krizalid's mix of his theme, boss transformation and moveset was amazing.


>unga football
>not as cool

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fuck a shitty dream match give me Ron's arc

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terry and andy have one too with their dad speaking to them

Original Zero is cool as fuck
The three of them are, always liked Krizalid's Round 1 outfit

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Her ass was built for anal.

poor sylvie, getting bullied by igniz during her tenure in nests, getting stretched out and other kinds of ryona action, making her tummy taut and vulnerable

When's KOF15 being announced.


at evo 2019

am i the only one who fapped to this sprite ?

This goblin's got a pretty good Sherumi.

>That Chris mirror
Dios mio... el jCD de diablo...

man, it just makes me miss 98 gameplay compared to MAX MODE HD COMBOZZZ the games
it's more fun for me at least to watch more neutral emphasized gameplay in action and just knocking each other out with smart decisions and not lmao poke u into max mode


>not including the quote from terry's and andy's dad

K9999 is NEVER EVER so it'll never be "everyone is here!".

>really want to pick up Leona Heidern in KoFXIV
>can't fucking do Moon Slasher into that one super for fucking shit
This is so fucking frustrating.

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>*[REDACTED] doesn't count

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At least Leona is still super hot.

you should be holding down or downforward then roll from down to back to up or upback + punch, while your moonslasher animation is coming out, roll from the up or upback to back to down to forward and punch timed around just at or after the moonslasher connects, but never before it connects

does xiv still have players on ps4? shits dead on pc.

>shits dead on pc.
this is correct, i play on pc and it's dead as a door knob
>BUILD YOUR OWN COMMUNITY says the people who piss on peoples backs and tells them it's raining
fuck these idiots who think it's so easy to do it anywhere

>you should be holding down or downforward then roll from down to back to up or upback + punch, while your moonslasher animation is coming out, roll from the up or upback to back to down to forward and punch timed around just at or after the moonslasher connects, but never before it connects
Wait, explain that using the number pad notation.

what the fuck is wrong with her arms

Saiko- baaru

hold 2 or 3 to charge, then 2147+P, 41236+K (pressing K only right on or after the moonslasher connects but not before)
do not hold 1 for it

He doesn't have any against either of them, just checked it myself, only got generic lines

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Orochi Yashiro or normal Yashiro?

orochi yashiro if you're throw heavy, he tends to be better anyway
but i think regular yashiro is more fun

Orochi Yashiro for memetry.

>I like both, but the world needs more T H I C C grappler women in fighting games.
Look up Punch Planet and thank me later.

Ah, alright. I'll try it out later today.

How active is it on PS4?

can't tell you ps4 cuz i don't play on ps4
but i would be led to believe that dreamcancel holds weekly ongoings for it

It was such a waste of an awesome roster.

>New SamSho
>KOFXV will be Canon Dream Match
>Metal Slug 8 is coming
>Heroines had a character from World Heroes as DLC out of nowhere
>"Neo Geo 2 & 3" are coming, whatever the fuck they are
I think it's time for Neo Geo Battle Coliseum 2, or at least it will be come the early 2020s.

Attached: NGBC2.png (1917x1078, 2.81M)

In 98? You don't. Pick Daimon if you want to play a grappler

*seagull noises*

>bonus kun

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I hate that this uses the same artist for Kyo & Daimon then a different one for Benimaru.

>Bring back Yuki but not Ai
>Bring back Hanzo but not Fuuma
>Instead put in a character whose sole appearance is as KOF 14 DLC

Anybody else hopes we get a remix of Big Shot for Smash?

I think there's a good chance of it showing up. xiii and xiv fatal fury team themes have a good chance too probably.

>what does her eyes look like

Goddess' eyes.

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>the Iori section of the Terry reveal played Arashi no Saxophone '96 for a brief moment
>A remix is surely coming

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convince opponent ur not gonna grab


>mentioning those two but not Geese's theme too
For shame user.

Best fatal fury team theme coming through

I'd figure that Soi Sauce for Geese would get in no matter what since it's a Fatal Fury staple; Tekken already got it in there themselves for his stage. I appreciate the wordfilter but having to consciously type around it in FF/KOF threads to talk about BGM is a little silly.

It's what Mugen is for:

Big Shot and kurikinton are basically given and Sunrise on the Train (MotW) is likely as well. Some version of Geese's theme is almost guaranteed and will probably get a couple of random FF/KoF themes thrown in as well. Not sure we are going to get brand new arranges but taking a few arranges from the AST albums would be fine with me.

Personally I’m for a remix of this, though I’m honestly not sure who actually owns the rights to the song

Capcom is on board for Smash anyway. Might as well add it on both KOF Arena & Suzaku Castle. It'd be nice to have something on the latter that isn't just SFII tracks.

Cross up and grapple.

Rinse and repeat. If they stop blocking and start throwing out attacks just switch to her leaping hitgrabs.

Women don't have penises


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Brian is such a chad.

Doesn't really know any fighting moves, doesn't need to. Just throws himself at his opponents.

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I've never played a kof game but I want to fuck all the characters

Even Magaki?

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Is he the hardest boss in KOF excluding Omega Rugal in 2002 cuz it's kinda specific

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Are going to see a dad team with Takuma, Saisyu and Jeff?


by grappling and teasing people

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You can even see a resurrected Jeff in the Team China ending.


i want to tease shermie back

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Fuck this guy is satisfying to poke people to death with.

>top tier bullshit character is only good for porn
yuri and friends is good though

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There used to be a close up of her eyes that you could find really easily and now it disappeared off the face of the earth. What the fuck.

Fuck Shermie, Angel is where is at.

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Is it not possible to like both?

Ass too big

Angel is a dumb slut with a dumb name.

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>He doesnt want a threesome with Shermie and Angel

What's the best KoF for Dreamcast? I have one of these and want to use it.

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Lamest boss in the entire series even worse then Ash

NGBC sucked major ass and was hated everywhere. what is wrong with you?

That's just too bad.

Attached: Shermie-NGBC-Win.png (1280x960, 502K)

Shermie & Angel are both sluts. Sexy and fun grappler sluts, mind you, but sluts nonetheless. Real men desire women such as Mature, Vice, Vanessa, King, & Elizabeth.

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No such thing, and if there was, Shermie's isn't even that big. Her ass is what most countries outside of Asia would consider "larger than average" at a glance.

>>mai not on the list

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koku desu ka
koku desu ka
koku desu ka

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Is that any good?

>Mature, Vice
Rugal's sloppy seconds and disgusting snakes

Skank that would cheat her husband with angst ridden teenagers and leads poor Ramon on.


In love with a literal faggot

Fuck off, there’s no Team Ireland in KOF

Mada mada

>4 separate examples
I was asking what's the best of those four you illiterate mong.

extremely based, KoF 99 doesn't get enough love. People focus too much on "LOL shitty clones" despite the fantastic OST.

The arranges of Tears and Sadistic Eyes were GOAT.

Ash is like Pegasus from Yugioh, he looks and acts like a faggot but is actually straight

there should be honestly

Ireland Team:
>Short dude with a shillelagh
>Pale girl with huge tits but no ass, and long red hair in one big braid that she uses to attack
>Drunk Bare-Knuckle Brawler

>Why was NESTS so aesthetic?

They had potential but SNK being SNK always screws something up about their boss characters.

Attached: true zero from king of fighters by luffie.jpg (800x1132, 101K)

End this now.

That's almost as stupid as calling that new chick Alice as Blue Mary and vice-versa.

Rugal, Mizuki and Igniz new Villain team?

On PC, you still can play at nights (burger time), but beware because you'll play against the same 10 or so people playing. Or if you live near China, the PC version is the one China plays.

Rugal + 2 new ocs designed by Falcoon.


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>Designing new characters for a KOF game

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I will fuck Sensei!

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That looks painful.

lol pleblets


End this now.



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>ctrl + f
>no Yamazaki


It’s been announced twice, retard.

i don't know how bad did the models look like at launch in kof xiv but hell i hope they fix the backgrounds in kof xv, they feel so dead, now that they have 3D models they should add the team members in the background to cheer for you again

Attached: Rock-KOF_XIV.jpg (1241x2401, 299K)

yeah i hope the shader they use in 15 looks better
14 was way too damn ugly