You are pronouncing this correctly, right?

You are pronouncing this correctly, right?

Attached: Daemon-X-Machina-Logo-Cover-Image.jpg (1400x700, 214K)

Other urls found in this thread:

educate me


>go to store to pick up game
>I ask for deemun ecks mahkina
>friend asks for daymuhn ecks makina
>cashier asks employee for deus ecks makina
I couldnt help but laugh at everyone getting different names.

The cross or ecks is silent isnt it?



Demon Makina

Only the tiny "x" is silent.

Day-mon Ex Mach-ee-na

How is this supposed to be pronounced other than "Demon Ecks Mah-ki-na"? It's obviously a play on Deus Ex Machina, but with Demons or some shit.

Deemon Ex Makina

this is silent
ch makes a K sound so - Makina


Wait what, the X is silent? I always thought it was some kinda pun on Ex Machina

Pretty sure it is and anybody saying otherwise is stupid.

im gonna keep calling it demon machine and you can blow me if you have a problem with it.

It's Daemon X Machina instead of Deus Ex Machina, anyone saying the x isn't pronounced is silly

it's pronounced "day-mon key ma-key-na"
like the "x-blade" is pronounced "key-blade"


Because you are a Godless heathen and dont know Daemon from demon


lol goatse on the op's pic


Different meanings, same pronunciation.


Does the game expect you to grind through free missions and online to get stuff sine you can’t replay story missions?

I’m still on D rank, so the free mission cash rewards aren’t that great.

>implying anyone on Yea Forums now knows what that is

>Dairy for cheese

Do high level co ops online. Let them carry you and loot good shit

>le oldfag meme xdd

demon eggs vagina

She says it at the end of this trailer.
Day-mun ecks machina

Some japanese va mispronouncing a word doesn't mean much.

day-mon ex mach-eena

I pronounce it "Demon Ex Makina"

Dahay money xee mahcanha


I am but you're not.

Actually it's called Hunter Hunter

There's been nearly a hundred Warhammer games where they say daemon out loud and even FFXV pronounced correctly it as "demon", you fags have no excuse.

the x is not silent

It is not silent. It's even pronounced in the trailers

came here to mention

Demon Machine.