this.. this is home..
This.. this is home
Other urls found in this thread:
>french habbo
the graphics were so comfy
I want to go back
>you will never hang out in the space cafe
Fuck that place. Always a cesspool before Yea Forums found it.
has anyone here gotten to the end of that haunted mansion minigame they did that one halloween?
> Pool is open
> No nigra's
No thanks.
10+ years later and i still feel so much nostalgia for this game, is it the comfy graphics, the small cozy rooms? fuck, i miss it.
i don't think a game made me feel like that ever since
>wojakniggers play habbo
This explains so much.
uh... that's a bit cringe ngl
No... this is.
Fuck the other (You)s that you're getting, this game was top comfy, used to listen to a habbo radio station when I played aswell
>the amount of bitches willing to give you their Skype and MSN address to videochat and show tiddies were tremendous
I have a Skype account solely with IDs from bitches I met there, it was fucking based
they never experienced the comfyness, feels bad for them, i also listened to those radio stations they sometimes gave coins away.
they actually cammed up with you and show you tiddies? story time.
I wish we could go back
>TFW /g/ was thinking about booting a private Habbo of their own
>TFW the thread got deleted and they're not talking about it anymore
Go log in right now.
Dude, I had like 20 over the course of three months, too bad none of them lived close enough to meet, but they still showed me some tiddies
why did they stop the traxmachine, at some point I just entered the hotel to make so shitty songs
>my face when Habbo Hotel was the gateway to coming to Yea Forums in the first place
jesus, that's disturbing, how old were they? i did something (kind of) similar:
>be like 11-12
>have some items since my mommy bought me some credits
>create a small room
>profanity is cencored
>call the room se%x room or whatever
>have few beds placed next to each other
>full room within minutes
most of the kids on there were probably also 11-12, it's fucked how kids that age just crave that shit. I was actually quite exited and was LARPing sex with others too. i feel like exposure to the internet/tv that involves sexual things makes kids curious so they know it's bad so they do these secret things in games where no one can find out who they are
Kids have been playing doctot since long before video games.