What's wrong with Epic Launcher anyway?

Is it actually bad or are people just overreacting again?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why should I install another launcher when I already have GoG Galaxy?

Use it yourself. Tons of free games for you even if you end up wanted more of steam daddies cock in your mouth and decide EGS cock isn't your flavor.

Corporate worship is for mongos and smegmabrains.

r*ddit hate epic

all u need to know

I have all 5 games I've ever purchased on my steam™ account there is literally NO fucking way I'm gonna install another launcher on my PC
Deal with it, seethe and cope

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>Is it actually bad

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veruca james

its a bit sad she looks so cute in this pic and in nowhere else

How does prone boning a girl feels like?

it's full of spyware

Well, it does dig around your files to see if you have Steam, god knows what else does it look at.

>Is it actually bad or are people just overreacting again?
It's a spyware, user.

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Tiananmen Sweeney

I saw someone say gearbox had to program preloading for borderlands 3 because epic hadn't done it in time for the launch. Is that true? How pathetic.

Its trash

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>removed problematic content from Stanley Parable

>same questions over and over again
this is all so tiresome

It's suboptimal. The realissue is that some games are exclusive to it. Nobody gave a shit before epic started buying games off Steam.

I agreed until that subscription services part, why would you want to post for a Steam or Epic subscription, unless you mean a game with a subscription model has no support, which is wrong is the case of steam because they do have the option to buy in-game currency in steam for games like MMOs that have subscription models.

The only thing really wrong with it is that it lacks almost any features besides buying and refunding games. It just gets a lot of hate because epic is using their fortnite money to buy exclusivity contracts to force the storefront into relevancy but those people have no problem when games are exclusively on steam.

>Pretending most people even use anything on Steam but to launch games.

Even worse almost all of that shit is made up. Like wut? Where is the negative when steam tried to turn mods into paid for content? List is for faggots that like Steam anal rape instead of Epic anal rape.

Shills, retards pretending to be shills, attention whores and shitposters.

It has no reason to exist, so you tell me why it is a thing.

Without those features, why would I pay for a game? Crack times don't bother me as I wait for games to get patched anyway.

it’s a decade too late

they're part of the Gaben religion
and somewhat >muh chink bogeyman

Fucking die you dog eating chink

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wasn't it official on some antivirus site?
really really good
especially if you're creampying it

Borderlands 3:
Steam: No
EGS: Yes

Well that's a simple decision. Everything is SECONDARY to playing games, this isn't photoshop, you faggots aren't creating anything, you're just consuming content, and so you go where the content is. That's why video game incel boycots never work.

>wanting to play Redditlands

>actually wanting to play bl3
you're part of the problem

>Bought the Handsome collection for 8 bucks to see what the fuss was about.
>Meh games at best.

Steam drones just crying.

My personal experience with it just yesterday was having to actually google how to input a serial key into EPIC because there's no god damn possible way in the launcher, then on top of that there was no way to cap the download so I had to manually download netlimiter so my family could use the internet because EPIC wants literally all the bandwidth, as a service it's just plain incomplete and shit

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this image is the biggest non argument, "i'm not going to tell you why, i'm just going to post an image" it's fucking embarrassing that people actually use this, most of this shit is hardly necessary except a few. I'm still not going to use epic launcher but come on, you can find better reasons than it not having trading cards

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Sums up steamkiddies with their massive backlogs pretty well, they don't even consume the product, they just pay for it xD

I fucking despise launchers so much. I am willing to tolerate A SINGLE LAUNCHER that all my games can be on since I'm forced to use it, but force me to use more than one and I'll just pirate. Not my fucking problem that some fucker with Chinese money wants more money, fuck splitting the library.

>install Phoenix Point on a new computer
>have to spend 5 hours downloading mods individually, carrying over your save file on a USB or hard disk, and installing each mod individually
>X-Com 2
>install game
>save file and 50 mods carried over and auto-installed

The first thing I saw when I first installed it was a completely black window. That's not a good first impression.


Buy Steam games you'll never play. Don't question whether you actually need it, just put it in your shopping cart.

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That's a good feature but it's exclusive to steam at the moment I believe. Does any other launcher have that? Why aren't you complaining about those not having mod support too?

I prefer to use Steam for managing my games library as a single unit. I do not wish to have my games scattered among multiple tools and locations.

As a customer, it is my prerogative to make that decision. If a developer or publisher thinks that they can compel me to stop using my tool of choice, then I will pirate their game and link it into Steam or simply skip it.

EGS may or may not be a bad launcher for games; I don't really know. I've heard bad things, but I've never tried it for that. The reason I haven't, and don't intend to, is that it isn't ever going to be able to host my entire library of games.

This is a dude, isn't it?

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This is my stance
GoG is unique and a standout player
EGS is hot air supported by a short-term plan banking on taking in customers off Steam
And frankly the tempestuous environment being what it is, I'll be downright shocked if we hit 2020 without seeing a big security breach on EGS' end

If anything I'll bide my time for when they suck significantly less.

nobody is going to read that entire image when it insults you repeatedly like some form of shitpost instead of simply being informative as it should be.

how dare you call her that, thats Veruca James you fuck

you never know these days

why are steamdrones so sad

>all of a sudden people like GoG

it's just steamdrones pretending their subsidiary isn't a part of their monopoly that based tim is destroying

GoG isn't a steam subsidiary

What other launchers have people defending it en mass saying steams features just get in the way of games so shut up and start consuming?

>believing gabes lies
his dick must be made of chocolate for all you homos to suck it so much


true, but likewise egs is the only launcher shitposted about. Most of the controversy over it us contrived as fuck, too. Personally, I just use whichever platform I find convenient, anything else I'll pirate instead.

>I just want to play games
Then pirate. No reason to use a store.

It's worse than Steam,
that's all i need to know to not use it.

she only looks decent here, due to hair covering half her face

GoG is steam's competitor. Do you have any evidence at all to suggest otherwise or are you merely shitposting?

>regional pricing

u wot m8

thats an old ass reaction image newfriend

Not gonna lie, her face isn't great. But her small body, extremely pale skin with her dark hair are nutworthy. And her face is okay for me, not toptier but I wouldn't kick her out of my bed. As a chad, I give her dick

i know right?

So that's what happened to the girl from Willy Wonka?

How many of those features did Steam have at launch.

>true, but likewise egs is the only launcher shitposted about.

Because it's buying exclusives at the last minute and people keep defending it. No one cares about Origin or UPlay exclusives because A)First party and B)No one with any taste gives a shit about anything Ubisoft or EA puts out. Bethesda's blantly prepping to leave steam again so I hope everyone pirates Starfield if only so they don't get their credit card info leaked again.

>no problem when games are exclusively on steam.
that's because there's no steam exclusivity aside from valve's self-published titles
they have no agreements put in place that obligates publishers to stick with them exclusively, they even provide tools specifically to let publishers go to other storefronts with a small handful of stipulations.
it's not steam's fault that a lot of publishers simply have no motivation to put their games on other storefronts and you get retards thinking that means the game is exclusive

Trips of truth.

>supporting megacorps

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Watch the chinkrat pull out his decade and a half old screenshot of Darwinia.

What kind of logic is that? You don't make a Geocities website in 2019 just because they were a thing 20 years ago.

russians and brazilians pay pennies for their games thanks to regional pricing
they also sell those keys for a tenth of the price in the "gray" market for the rest of the world
hows that not positive?

How many did the nearest competitor of the time have?
How do you fags keep denying reality, you dont compete by being the past, you compete by being the future and doing good shit steam aint.
Get feature parity or better for current steam and we'll fucking talk

In what way is regional pricing bad?

>yes tim I will gladly pay more money for these games because you refuse to support any currency other than the US dollar

yeah I remember it, but thought it was one of the classic traps

How is the EGS roadmap? Have they been keeping up with it?

No, Dickford claimed the EGS will be up to snuff by the time Borderlands releases only for EGS to not improve at all between him saying that and the game releasing.

>shopping kart put into the same category as "user reviews"
>aka never ever
jesus christ how embarrassing

Attached: shoppingcart.jpg (560x260, 15K)

>>Pretending most people even use anything on Steam but to launch games.
Some do, many dont
But Sharing screenshots, using the workshop for modding, reviews and the in-depth shop is used by nearly everyone that isnt straight up a normie.

>Where is the negative when steam tried to turn mods into paid for content
Im not sure if i remember exactly what you are talking about, but there was harsh feedback,
and yea, we dont have paid mods now, besides dlcs obviously but thats not on steams part

Dear fellow non-redditors, what is the sauce of this female?

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the insults are there to make it more entertaining

So what IS a shopping cart?

It's not true, because there was no preloading. They couldn't even figure out how to give reviewers their review copies so they sent reviewers and influencers full on epic accounts with the game unlocked

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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>notice epic launcher using occasional 30% of cpu on i7 when open
>search for solution
>find years old thread on epic forum about the same issue
>they recommend to not use the launcher to launch stuff
I guess it's actually bad.

It's just a barebones service.
There are other ways to stream games other than Steam's service
>Cloud Saves
Epic has this
Who gives a shit, this isn't facebook, I just want to play games with my friends
>Inventory Support
I'm pretty sure Fortnite is the only game on the Epic Store has an online inventory, no real reason to have inventory on Epic
Lol fuck tradefags
>Monthly Security Breaches
Are we going to act like Steam has never had security vulnerabilities as well?
>Offline Mode
Epic games has this
>Regional Prices
Epic games has this
>Screenshot Capture
Steam isn't the only way to get a screenshot for your game
>User Profiles
Again, this isn't Facebook, why should anyone give a shit about this
>Two Factor Authentication
Epic games has this
>VR support
Tetris Effect works on VR, but you do need to download SteamVR, which is kind of funny.
Also, why are there items on this list that neither launcher has (Loyalty Program, Subscription Service), it just seems like a way to make Epic Games look worse for no reason. I will say there are some features missing that really should've been there from launch (Wishlist and Shopping Cart), but other than that, it's just an average launcher.

>dude my anecdotal statements tho

OK so I've looked over all the videos of hers that I could easily find and I haven't found where this pic is from and you're right she only looks this cute in this one picture.

>you compete by blah blah arbitrary garbage

You compete by selling games and letting people play them - you know - the whole point of the platform.

And they're doing that. successfully. Despite your attempts to shill for Valve who are privately traded and could easily be owned by china too.

Stay mad.


Holy shit go the fuck away with your shitty thread trying to be like "ahah why do we hate this again bros I'm totally not being paid to post those threads everyday ahah that would be silly"
The launcher is shit the download takes fucking forever and installing a simple update takes 3 times more time than steam
Now fuck off and don't make a thread ever again

Imagine calling yourself "Veruca"
Fucking hell that's funny

Oy vey how am I supposed to support based Sweeney then goy?

I've never seen someone so mad over nothing. Don't pop a blood vessel over there, user.

Who is this girl


How come there is zero discussion about Borderlands 3 here outside of people trying to push the Epic store?

Mob mentality

There's absolutely nothing that the EGS does that Steam doesn't do exceedingly better from a customer point of view

At least GOG has the selling point of assured DRM-free games. That alone makes its existence worthwhile

>Is it actually bad or are people just overreacting again?

Notice how no one can say anything remotely positive about EGS without them bringing up Steam. Like there's zero standalone point you can make about it being a good service or piece of software, any attempt to do so always ends up being someone who's mad about Steam

It's not like the topic hasn't already been discussed to death and you could find this stuff out by simply google searching for 10 fucking seconds or lurking for over a day, OP.

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Epic has had problems with this thing since it was the "Epic Games Launcher" and before it had a Store section in Dec 2015. During The Game Awards, they duped users into adopting the platform with, what else, but a free game (Shadow Complex). Even back then, this app was prone to crashing and security failures and not much has changed since.

Attached: ShadowDroplex.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Google who owns epic, and the various developers who refused to be exclusive. They don't make money off games, they make money off installing the launcher, which does "something" in the background at all times. It's either gathering data or something else.

not him but I would

y'all need to gb2 /r/fuckepic

no real opinion on the moral implications of EGS, and looking at it from that point of view it still sucks shit. one big scrolling storefront, little to no UI, no cart, etc.

gamers are cringe, just look at this board

>Thread topic literally asking if the EGS is as bad as people say
>People say it is
>'Stop shitting on Epic!'

When tons of people had problems with the Epic version of Subnautica, they went to the fucking Steam discussions section for help. And the devs had to communicate with them through Steam on the fix. The Epic Store is a fucking mess. People meme about the lack of a shopping cart, but who the fuck DOESN'T have a shopping cart? Fucking internet 1.0 era sites have shopping carts

It's just Steamgarglers and r*dditors that hate EGS.

I don't even own a PC, I only have a WiiU and a PS4, and I hate EGS too

>Why can't your car go 60mph?
>Well how many cars could do that in the 1910s?

4 years and still not fixed.

Anecdotes don't really mean shit. Steam has a lot of unfixed issues too, probably even more than Epic's store. Look it up, don't take my word for it.

As I said, r*dditors such as yourself.

>regional pricing
yea like I care if some soviet fuck can afford bread or a game but not both
everyone should pay 60 usd
I'm tired of subsidizing the world

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I don't know what the fuck a r*dditor is. I assume some GTA shit because of the logo

Why she doesn't look like that all the time! This is cheating! I thought light and angle theory was bullshit but it is true.
Epic is trash btw wait until they put more effort into it before using it full time.

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The fact that you're balatantly admitting to phoneposting doesn't result in an instant ban is proof of how shit this website has become. God I can't wait for 2^3chan to come back.

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It's not an anecdote if multiple people report it.

>have currency more valuable than the US dollar
>chinese company wants me to pay the same numeric quantity of my currency on top of paying for conversion fees because Tim is a jew
nah, suck my cock you fat greasy fuck

>Look it up, don't take my word for it.
Show me one which is a couple years old and actually bad for the system like pulling down the system performance while playing games from another launcher.

And even more multiples of people report issues with Steam. Also there's the opposite side of the coin. Multiple people say the earth is flat, doesn't mean it is.

>he doesn't know about the 3DS browser loophole

I dont support unethical developers.

>Borderlands 1 - plagiarised the artistic style, concept and intro from a talented lone animator and refused to communicate a solution.
>Borderlands 2 - Plagiarised illustrations of a freelance artist for marketing material. Not only that, but literally copy and pasted pieces of artists work onto their own.

Why would i buy this second rate crap.

>Multiple people say the earth is flat
Different situation. Flat earthers just believe what they claim without measuring anything.
Unless you want to claim the task manager must be the one lying your comparison has no basis.

why is this bitch so sweaty
holy shit

oy vey its all irrational dislike! We - I mean they wont send all your personal info to random people

Attached: okthisisepic.png (960x429, 171K)

Fuck just link me the vid source

>Be me
>download PS3 emulator
>emulate Persona 5
>try using Switch Pro controller and it doesnt work with the emulator
>add emulator to steam library
>start emulator in big picture mode
>switch pro controller 'Just works'
>literally no other launcher in existence can do this

Thanks Steam

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eat shit

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If there were any issues it was most likely Gearbox's fault given how shoddy the console ports are.

this so much

>Yes, EGS is the only company that has ever had a customer support representative accidentally release information, just trust us dumb goy! STOP USING EGS! LOOK, WE HAVE A NEW CARDGAME!

Attached: Epic preloading.png (575x283, 54K)


Implying I would start using something that gives you zero advantage over just pirating

ye its incredibly niche but damn its helpful.

>epics launcher is so garbage that a dev had to program their own preload stuff into their game
>this is because of console ports

man you're a real winner

>stop using egs
lol even your shill phrasing makes it sound like we're "leaving" egs, because admitting nobody wants to start using it is suicide

>What is reading comprehension

he's saying "good job gearbox on having the game ready for download 48 hrs before launch". something most games manage just fine.

>Expecting reading comprehension from a chinese who's getting paid in points to shill.

It's being shitposted about because it has so many rabid shills insisting that it is perfect and needs no additional features than it currently has to be better than Steam.

same poster

Also, the only way for this shit to be as niche as the steam launcher is due to the in depth coding thats done for it.

Its probably a cluster fuck that they should go back and organize but still though, its better than everything else out there because everything but GOG and EGS has decided "this is enough" when it came to developing features for their launchers. Because they're not interested in trying to compete against steam. They just want a launcher for THEIR games so they can maintain a lot more profits.

>trading cards
Who gives an absolute fuck about these things? Don't you guys just want a place to buy games? If you want facebook just go to facebook.

What do you get out of sealioning this hard? Oh right, social credit points.

Damn, now this is some fucking cringe.

>Borderlands 3 launch sucks ass
>No way to know, because you can't rate or discuss the game on the launcher
Take a guess.

I'm not fond of EPIC launcher either, but you wanna do the same thing with GOG?

>Because they're not interested in trying to compete against steam
of course they are, it's just easier to compete through shitposting rather than on merit. spend 80 million on development or shitposting? well shitposting is immediate and development takes time so hell, shitposts it is


I did because I'm not a frightened little girl.

how do you know if there's no way to know? why is it the store's responsibility when there are 500 other places you can get this information?

Last I checked GOG has a shopping cart, so they already have more features than EGS.

For a huge amount of people having all these features is the difference between buying the game and just pirating it.
Piracy is what Steam has been competing against most of this time.

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If you actually need a workshop to install mods, you are a certified retard. You don't even have access to all the best mods/ most mods available, only steam approved mods. The workshop is for retards.

You're correct. But steamdrones are retards, that's the thing user

I didn't know people were so vapid that achievements, trading cards, and groups would stop them from piracy.

>Can't handle some banter-tier insults
Grow a pair of balls or something.

>NO! How dare they make things convenient for some people! FACEBOOK! FACEBOOK! FACEBOOK!
Somebody around here is a certified retard, that's for sure. In case you couldn't figure out who, it's you.

Veruca always looks better in still then live video, its really weird.

Does EGS have a feature where I can play their games without ever using their launcher?

Attached: piracy.png (684x811, 219K)

Yeah a tonne of small things add up to overall convenience for a lot of people.

Attached: border.jpg (1058x832, 181K)

Now compare GOG to Steam.

Modding is already extremely easy, and you think you need a workshop to actually get mods installed? You have no right to call anyone else a retard under these scenarios.

People always liked GoG? I can't remember anyone ever hating them except the regularl 2-3 contrarian faggots.

Yeah, read what he said there. Then apologize

What does this have to do with things like groups and achievements? No actual pirate is going to give a single fuck about any of these features.

Only retards like you think mods are some kind of idiot filter. The reason I like the workshop despite being able to install mods myself is because stuff being on the workshop means managing mods much more easily and one-click installing or uninstalling. Stop acting like some elite faggot just because you figured out how to drag and drop folders on the Windows explorer.

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The lack of any proper forums is really the kicker when it comes to Epic store, its like they don't WANT customers to have an opinions, same with the ability to hide reviews. Epic is customer-unfriendly as hell. The amount of Devs having ego trips on it doesn't help much either.

I'm a heavy Steam user and I'll get a game off GOG if I have a choice.
GOG at least offers a benefit to using them. EGS offers nothing.

>No actual pirate is going to give a single fuck about any of these features.
And yet they did. It worked. Putting your hands in your ears and yelling "Steam bad" won't change reality.


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The argument is: Having a built-in system for mod management is better than NOT having one.

Any service that gives better convinience to the customer is a plus and the workshop system doesn't stop you from using other mods or even other mod managers, like nexus'

This. GoG is a pretty solid service. Only console babbies even bother complaining about it.

It offer games user, you know. The thing you are using launcher for

>what are mod managers
Yeah, you're retarded alright. Figures since you're obviously a steamdrone corporate cocksucker
>inb4 epicshil raah raah chink
Nope, but nice try in case that actually happens.

>It offer games
So does the rest of the internet. What else does it offer that should make me want to spend money there for those games?

> GoG is a pretty solid service.

Yeah, it does not even have regional pricing. Fucking egs is more pro-consumer than that slave shit

What a fag

based retard

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Theres a girl named Rebel Riley that looks alot like ops pic. She never fucks though, justs sux dik


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>regional pricing

Fuck Brazilians and Russians, move to a real country.

>And yet they did.

>what are mod managers
You think every game under the sun out there has its own mod manager? And why would I give a rat's ass about a mod manager anyway if I have the Workshop there? Having alternatives isn't bad in any way you uber faggot. Seriously, you keep acting like some high IQ illuminated person because you can download an installer and click some buttons and think everyone who'd rather have a bit of convenience needs to fuck off. You're just a massive faggot.

>Russia is now about to become Steam's largest market in Europe.

Doesn't offer me a service that's any better than just pirating it.
In fact they emailed me after I installed the Unreal Tournament alpha letting me know my email might now be compromised because of a breach they had, so I feel more secure just pirating rather than using EGS

Steamdrones belive that since they got cucked to buy games on steam everyone does that

Epic don't have any games that really interest me(yet).
If they get Bannerlord on it then I will consider it.
Anyway at this point I keep away from new Steam like launchers with less game base and less options and features than Steam.
I would even drop Steam if I could transfer few my fav games to GoG.
I was on holiday in other country come back try to do some stuff. No internet - some local problems. No big deal i gonna play my Steam games.
I could not start them in offline mode. It looks like you need every two weeks connect to main servers to keep playing it offline.
Normally no big deal but seriously GoG or pirated games have no similar problems.

GoG galaxy doesnt support linux

no tux no bux

Where the fuck does that say that people in Russia stopped pirating video games? Are you fucking stupid?


imagine thinking this is a proper argument. you really should be upset at having to use any launcher to play video games. remember when you could just click a game and play it?

>you really should be upset at having to use any launcher to play video games.
He doesn't though, retard.

Yes, actually. There are generic mod managers that work for basically any game. The funny part is you don't even need mod managers for easy installs. You're actually bitching about having to click a button a few more times. This is fucking pathetic.

>tfw crossed the epicon for metro exodus
>never opened it again

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>remember when you could just click a game and play it?
Yeah, I pirate all my games so I can already do this. Since i'm not a corporate shill invested in any kind of faceless company I have no reason to hate any launcher over another because i'm not a fucking moron.

It refuses to work entirely for me most of the time. Or refused, rather. Deleted that shit

>There are generic mod managers that work for basically any game
Fair enough.
>The funny part is you don't even need mod managers for easy installs
I don't think you needed to state the obvious.
>You're actually bitching about having to click a button a few more times
You're the one bitching about the fact that the Workshop exists my man. I simply stated that I think it offers more convenience when the mods you want are on it rather than using a mod manager and that there's nothing wrong with people wanting that, and that I will choose something that's more centralized and arguably has a better UI than your average mod manager out there.

> retards have no idea how windows internals work

> paid for exclusives being a downside

Oh no no no no no steamkeks never change

>Russians weren't buying games because they were pirating.
>Russians started buying more games.
>But they didn't stop pirating?????
I know, I know. It's my fault for responding seriously to an Epic shill. It's too entertaining to stop now though.

wtf i love china now!

>he still has hope for Bannerlord

After all the shit they've done? Early access after 7 fucking years? Diversity this and equality that?

>>Diversity this and equality that?
well I hope its all PR talk that amount too nothing
>>After all the shit they've done? Early access after 7 fucking years?
so like original?
I just hope for better looking and more polished warband with some extra features and easier mods

The chicom spying only happens to Chinese people. Anyone outside of that shithole is fine.

it actually does. But only very slightly. What does help the most is convenience. Everyone on one platform. This rings true when you look back at around when netflix was the top dog back around 2008 or 2012. Torrenting in general was at an all time low at around that point. However its been steadily on the rise since then because of all the new streaming services being made to compete against netflix because funny enough, its not convenient to be nickle and dimed to the point you're paying a bill thats on par with a cable bill.

>You're the one bitching about the fact that the Workshop exists my man
I never actually did this, I'm "bitching" about how people think it's actually a worthwhile thing to bring up when comparing two storefronts that exist for the main purpose of selling video games. Like the same fucking moron who actually thinks bringing up achievements and trading cards or a marketplace is actually an important factor in regards to a video game store instead of just the actual important features, like shopping carts, library management, and a good layout for titles. No, lets bitch about how this new storefront doesn't have fucking achievements, inventory, mod managers and fucking streaming services. It even mentions shit that the epic store actually does have, yet it says it doesn't (like being able to play offline) and i'm pretty sure the Epic Store doesn't stop you from being able to take screenshots. Congratulations on being a disingenuous retard, though. It really suits you.
>inb4 the obvious accusations of being an epic chink shill
No, since I don't even use the storefront and mostly pirate, In case that does happen, which is likely will because apparently people who don't mindlessly suck Gabes dick are epic shills now.

>user created guides
>when the top are always meme tier shit created by a wacky 15 year old

Wow, you actually are fucking dumb aren't you? Opening in a service in a new market doesn't mean people suddenly just stopped pirating games you fucking retard. Now give me the source I asked for.

GIBME! lmao you shills devolve into children more and more every day

RIP steam drones

It's Veruca James but I can't tell you what video...That's an answer I have been looking for.

Cope more, drone. Answer the fucking question already.

>who actually thinks bringing up achievements and trading cards or a marketplace is actually an important factor in regards to a video game store
The workshop is a much more important factor than any of these things. You can't dump it into the same box as trading card. I don't know why you're bringing this up.
>instead of just the actual important features, like shopping carts, library management, and a good layout for titles
Which is where the workshop falls under. The way I see it is: does a feature help actually provide some replayability for a game, or help make a user's experience with a certain aspect of it easier? If so, it's useful. Shopping carts, library management, a good layout for titles, and the workshop all fall under this. Just because you can mod a game without the workshop doesn't mean it doesn't provide a benefit to have it. Otherwise, your own previous point about the existence of mod managers would become moot.

Significantly less features and benefits to the consumer than Steam.
Has games with increased bloat and DRM specifically to fuck over the consumer.
Has given users personal information to the Chinese government.

>He actually believes that

>Otherwise, your own previous point about the existence of mod managers would become moot.
I only brought up mod managers because you specifically said that things like workshops don't exist for every game. Most games don't even mod the games main files, they just get thrown in the main directory under a new folder and this folder links the mods to the main files without actually having to edit them.

I found the video with the same bed and position and seem to match her look in the pic. But that exact angle never happens in the video, I am disappointed

The epic launcher actually has less DRM than stream, at least in regards to things like Denuvo. It makes piracy a lot easier.
>Has given users personal information to the Chinese government.
This is a lie that has been debunked ages ago.

i genuinely just dont understand arguments like this, the average user isn't gonna care about shit like this, hell i don't
if the game is on there i'll just bite the bullet and get it

>I don't care so nobody else will either!

>He doesn't know steam and anything else can do the same.
>Has no proof epic actually does
Okay schizo.

>b-b-b-but what about?!
Okay, chink

Because it gives an honest objective view of the game you're about to purchase. Selling games has become more and more about tricking the consumer into buying a product than actually promoting their product honestly

The fact that people are shitting on Workshop is moronic. We have devs that have outright said they added in modding support because of the existence of Workshop. Workshop is a net-gain for anyone that plays vidya on PC

>Mommy I must defend steam at all cost!
Okay Gaben.

its not an anecdote
it does this 100% of the time you're just tech illiterate so you didnt realise it or you don't care or both
fuck you

i didn't explicitly say that

Well sauce me

EGS isn't trying to access DLLs in Fiddler directly. Fiddler adds its installation folder to your %PATH% variable on-installation (so you could run it by just typing "fiddler"). When you load a DLL by-name and not by-path (which seems to be the case since it looks like an import table entry, which are only by-name), Windows goes through all the folders in your %PATH% looking for the file you named. Fiddler was one of those folders.

"tracking.js" looks like some analytics library like almost everyone uses. The embedded store itself is probably a web frame that uses analytics because their web development department (like all of them) wanted to.

Reading about root certs, IE COM classes, IE cookie folders, and other IE-related things are all part of WinHTTP. (and ironically why you can even MITM it with Fiddler, since if it used some standalone HTTP library like libcurl it wouldn't accept your new root CA) That happens automatically when you create a session or connection and isn't Epic's doing, nor is it malicious.

The hardware survey bit is a little privacy-invasive but it's probably the same hardware spec gathering that AAA game devs already do without asking you (it's in the EULA), Steam is more of an outlier here.

EGS talking to itself is just standard IPC practice: some apps use localhost sockets (a common Linux practice), some apps uses pipes, etc.

Would it even really matter if it were?

Except GOG does have regional pricing, I set my country to Russia so I only have pay at most a couple dollars for most games.

Okay, but then are you against mod managers existing? If not, then I don't see why the Workshop would be any different and why it wouldn't be considered a valid feature to consider when deciding whether a platform is good or not. I'll go back to the post I replied to when I joined into the discussion so I can try to drive the point home:

>If you actually need a workshop to install mods, you are a certified retard
>The workshop is for retards
I don't think anyone ever said anything about needing them, yet you (or if it wasn't you, whoever it was) were the one who crafted the imaginary strawman of people not being able to install mods without the Workshop and went from there. This argument could have been expanded to include mod managers just as well, saying that people who use it are retards who can't drag folders. So either you are against all of them or none. But you don't get to have your cake and eat it too. I wasn't even the one who brought up mod managers:

>The reason I like the workshop despite being able to install mods myself is because stuff being on the workshop means managing mods much more easily and one-click installing or uninstalling
To which I was replied to with
>what are mod managers
So yeah, the conclusion I'd get here is that mod managers are useful. Which I'd agree with too. Which is why I don't see why the Workshop is suddenly not something to be considered an important feature to have.

>You don't even have access to all the best mods/ most mods available, only steam approved mods
And yet it can still be a great entry point for people to start getting into mods (perhaps the kind of people who used to play on consoles and got enough money to try out a PC and see what all the fuss is about), which is why the existence of the Workshop does in fact mean Steam has the upper hand over EGS in that regard. Things like trading cards don't. This does, however.

Attached: bc3ac48bfd292bd6428b13e55ddffeed7f9c595e_hq.jpg (600x900, 59K)

There was an image back in like 2014 that was removed because it shows a white man lighting the cigarette of a little black boy on one side and setting him on fire on the other. I'm more amazed someone is as autistic as me and remembers that. Actually more autistic since they care.

I don't get it

It's bad. Now fuck off, Zhang.

GOOD. Achievement wrong was one of the things which ruined vidya.
No one cares about this. who the fuck streams on Steam?
Good idea, bad execution. lots of shit curators because Steam leaves it to the community with no supervision.
>Regional pricing
yeah, because who doesn't love paying 5-20% more than the USD equivilient when the purchasing power of actually lower than US.
not to mention that it broke tons of old games making them unpurchaseable because they never bothered updating the pricing when regional pricing was implemented.

>bunch of outdated info
>bunch literal lies
>bunch of bloated shit with "features" nobody cares about or uses

why are steamcucks still trying to manipulate so fucking hard? Like what do you even win if Valve succeeds and keeps getting 1/3 of the PC industry's revenue? It's not like they are using their revenue to actually fucking anything.

They made over 4 billion$ just in 2017 yet Valve has less then 200
fucking workers, who also hardly do jackshit other than half assedly fucking around with some vr projects since several years. You are literally just pumping money to the private bank account of Gaben's family instead of giving it to the people responsible for making games.

Epic already takes significantly less amount of money from game sales, yet they are also making the world leading game engine, UE4, also throwing shittons of millions of cash at game development, also providing free games.

why the fuck are you retards so fucking fanatic about defending Valve and trying to take down epic is beyond me

Attached: seething steamcucks.png (958x1324, 99K)

Because the game is shit.

Learn English Chang

b-because china... exclusives.... new thing bad... fortnite money

>'Think of the developers'
You mean think of the publishers, all while saying we should suck the dick of a store that's actually worse for customers and Tim Sweeney himself has said that publishers will determine the store success instead of customers. He genuinely sees you as a paypig who will buy whatever

stop describing gabe cuck

>who the fuck streams on Steam?
Sometimes a friend wants to watch me play a part of a difficult game he already beat just to mock me a bit about it or I do the same with him, and it's good to have the convenience of him just being able to pop in whenever without me having to go to OBS to stream it over to Twitch or something where I'm unnecessarily broadcasting it publicly and it's only my friend who wants to watch me play anyway. I fail to see the problem. If it's not something you do that's fine, but I do think it's convenient and useful to have it integrated in the already-existing Steam overlay. I just wish it actually was consistent because it still gives us connection errors from time to time, but whatever.

Attached: 1556711609045.gif (556x720, 335K)

>This was his best defense for getting called out on defending a publisher-first store


The fact that there are apparently tons of idiots who'd rather have one company monopolize a market place than encourage healthy competition is terrifying.

>veruca looks the best in a single still shot where she is taking cock up her ass for the first time

>who the fuck streams on Steam?

Enough people use it to have someone with near 30k viewers

Attached: steam stream.png (977x745, 877K)

I agree. Which is why I'm against the idea of exclusivity and Timmy Tencent bringing it to a platform that never needed it.

>literally just a weak "no u!"

Yeah, monopolies really are a bad thing. It's why I'm against buying up exclusivity of titles that a storefront had no hand in developing. They're taking away competition which has shown the raise prices on those games on average (less third-party sites to buy games from)

If you installed it a couple of months after it came out or before, you'll get alerts for varyous accounts you logged into, such as steam or ea games, being accessed from russia or india.

Chinese software should be evaded, the US can take your data in the case of muh terrorism, china takes it on default.

>Steam stream
u wot?

Most if not all titles are timed exclusives simply to be able to catch up to Steams longterm reign of the market.

good thing galaxy is optional

>paying to obtain exclusives
>healthy competition

>to catch up to Steams longterm reign of the market.

Now if only Epic hadn't decided in the late 2000s to call everyone on PC a pirate and abandon the PC for consoles...

Same with Ubisoft, EA, GOG, and everyone else right?! Fuck off you dumb Pcbros.


I don't recall CD Projekt abandoning the PC

Fuck, i would lick her armpits.

GOG has a niche they can fill, it's not like they made Witcher exclusive nor Cyberpunk. EA and Ubisoft only put their games on there, ironically some use Unreal. Funny how Division 2 on uPlay completely destroyed Epic.

It's okay when Steam has exclusives

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 18K)

nice moving goal posts

I don't think Valve in the last decade has paid a company to only release a game on Steam. Any games only releasing on Steam is entirely on the dev/publisher

how many of these features are actually used or cared about by any of you?

Having any type of exclusive from a 3rd party developer at all is just anti-consumer. Though it's okay if Epic themselves developed a game and made it exclusive to their platform.

No one's going to care about these games a year down the line when they release on Steam. Especially if they're multiplayer games where the first 12 months means everything and everything after that, you end up with a dead game when it launches on another platform. And on single player games, the story gets spoiled and people freely discuss spoiler information a few months after release when it's largely acceptable to do so since most people that ever will play the game, will have done so in this time period. Would you care about Metro Exodus or Borderlands 3 when it finally comes to Steam? I won't.

its not ok, but in the case of Steam they didnt force exclusivity it was publisher choice.

Yeah, she looks like shit for 99% of the video

i use steam because i play mostly from my couch with steamlink and use a steam controller for many games. i buy games on gog sometimes too but i launch them from steam. if there was any actual worthwhile egs exclusives (e.g. ut2k20) i would consider it but i'm not going out of my way to buy from them.

That video was the epitome of pic related, that image made me think she was hot

Attached: JAV.gif (500x292, 481K)

I dont defend valve, they acheived the staus quo and need competition but EGSs efforts are not only garbage but you cannot discuss certain games without chink shills like yourself fucking everything up.
You down the small target and when a store that can actually save PC gaming instead of literally just pretending shows up support that.


Every pc marketplace is cancer if it's not GOG. None of the other places let you keep your game forever no matter what, don't have drm, and ensure the game works even if the seller dies.

I simply dont give a shit.

Why don't Epic use their piles of cash to fund the development of exclusives that wouldn't exist otherwise, rather than just moneyhatting?
Why don't Epic use their piles of cash to make the games cheaper on their store so people move over?

Like it's insane how much money they have but wont spend on any of the things that would make them an attractive service to people rather than just strongarming.

The devs could have easily declined the payoff. They didn't force shit.

You idiots would still be bitching because it was on MUH GAY BEN'S STEAM!

let me explain myself better.

you can publish on Steam, Steams hands you its agreement and you can go publisher elsewhere no problems.

EGS actively blocks you saying if you want to publish on our platform, we demand it to be an exclusive.

so yes, Epic is forcing the devs to choose between them and all other publishing platforms.

I'd get everything on GOG if publishers put their games on there.
At least GOG gives me a reason to want to use it. It's terrifying how Epics attitude is literally just gambling on 'fuck you you'll buy it anyway' with zero attempt to appeal to consumers. Do you honestly think this shit is going to get better if they become more dominant.

Steam has tons of features.
Epic has none.

Attached: 6643339.png (400x400, 7K)

Seriously, I was thinking about this the other day. How many people heard about Epic because of their incident with Metro and preorders. Just a stupid first impression they put out, and it’s a lasting one.

>Third-party keys
More specifically, third-party keys from sites that aren't approved sellers like they are for sites that sell Epic Game Store keys. The fact that any third-party store can sell Steam keys they get from publishers means there's more competition which means lower prices for customers
>Cloud saves
I've found it useful when I went to visit a friend across the country and wanted to play a game with him that I owned where we would have everything unlocked already
>Library sorting
Trust me, you'll find this useful when you have 100+ games in your library
I was able to get a second copy of Risk of Rain 2 when I bought it and gifted it to a friend who was interested in playing it
Genuinely useful for troubleshooting. People say Discord is a viable alternative but that's a complete lie. It is near impossible to search through to find a specific issue you've been having unlike a quick Google search which will pretty much always bring up a Steam topic on the issue I've been having
>Mod distribution workshop
We've had devs say they added mod support because the Workhop is a thing, so it's already provided value to PC gaming right there
>Player count data
You can know of a multiplayer-focused game is dead or not before buying, that's great
>User reviews
Less of a direct effect on me since I don't buy because of them, but it encourages devs to not put out complete shit because the market will react to that which can negatively impact their future sales. Valve's addition of off-topic review ignoring by default is good in my mind and gets around potential issues this review system has

steam doesnt tell devs that they cant put their games on other platforms

I don't believe Epic is ever going to be the dominator of the digital market. Steam has and will be for the foreseeable future. I actually appreciate Epic's aggressive tactics in that the exclusivity deals aren't permanent. They are (mostly?) short term simply to give them an edge because they can afford it and developers are willing to play ball. I also was around when I didn't have a single digital launcher and had to load CDs/disks in to my computers to play games so I also don't really get my panties in a wad that I can't use a single client to access things.

You are leaving out that Steam takes a large ass cut of your profits for the "PLATFORM THEY PROVIDE". And no, it doesn't force you to be exclusive.

>Steam takes a large ass cut of your profits

The exact same cut as GOG, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Apple and Google

Yes but Epic does not force you to be exclusive and takes nearly 1/3 of your profits.

excuse me, takes nearly 1/3 the cut that steam takes, i.e., 12% instead of 30%.

>You are leaving out that Steam takes a large ass cut of your profits
Fine, dont like it? Go to somewhere else and theres nothing stopping you from releasing on GOG, Steam, Humble, io, your own site... whatever you can even publish on all of them at the same time. unless you go to EGS.

> it doesn't force you to be exclusive.
did you read the DARQ blog post?
>On July 30th (Tuesday) I was contacted by the Epic Store, proposing that I enter into an exclusivity agreement with them instead of releasing DARQ on Steam. They made it clear that releasing DARQ non-exclusively is not an option.

>but Epic does not force you to be exclusive

The dev of DARQ disagrees with you. You either take Epic's exclusivity deal or you don't get to be on the store (unless you're a large enough AAA like Cyberpunk where Epic can't strongarm you into taking the deal)


Darq fag is attention whore fag. Don't fucking mention him anymore

But regardless, he was rejected because that game is small and it would be a waste of time to sell it on epic. Space here is really valuabe as of right now so it can't be free.

>self publishing site
>"evidence" blurs out any credible contact info
He could have simply left the the @epicgames.com (though that def could have been fabricated too). And it's still a timed exclusive regardless. So my points still stand

Veruca James.

>He could have simply left the the @epicgames.com (though that def could have been fabricated too).

Are you actually fucking trying to argue that he made it all up? When it was a shit PR time for Epic and they could have easily disproven his claim?

It just doesn't do anything for the users. It's sub-bare bones currently and they aren't meeting the deadlines they set out for themselves to add. At the start it didn't even have Cloud saves, it was added only in August. There's no reasons users should settle for less.

I also don't really support the way they are approaching exclusivity, they are incorporating monopoly tactics they accused Steam of when Steam couldn't care less.

Like I said, regardless it's a timed exclusive. I don't see the issue.

Fucking idiot, Galaxy is completely optional.

snowball effect. no one knows why they are mad they just are. it can all change in the space of a few weeks though given the right news cycle, people are fickle.

Yet is still has exclusives?

>I don't see the issue.

Heavily valuing publishers over customers is something I definitely see an issue in, and given that Epic has near infinite money with Fortnite they could theoretically keep going with paid exclusivity until they're the only relevant storefront on the market and just fuck over customers for days

So blame the dev for or publisher who decided to only put it there. Valve has no hand on it there you dense retard.

I just don't want it, I actually didn't like Steam either when it was released, but now that I got used to it, I don't see any reason to tolerate another platform

And the games on the Epic Store are exclusive because THE DEV DECIDED TO PUT IT THERE. jfc you people are brainless

Epic gave heavy financial incentive to be exclusive, of course they take some of the blame

Yes, thanks Captain Obvious. The point being that there is no clause preventing the dev from doing otherwise if they put the game on Steam, so you complaining or asking them to consider putting the game on another store is possible any time of the day, whereas with the EGS they would be bound to it once they sign the contract and you are left to do nothing about it. How are you retards so incapable of understanding the concept of an exclusivity clause being bound to one store and not another?

...there you go with that exclusivity crap. It's timed.

>keep 88% of your profits instead of 70%
>also get a payoff from a major company
Yeah, I can see why a dev would opt to keep their game on epic for a year before going multi-plat. That seems really pro-developer and great for game development

Because then they can't profit as much.

And you think steam does not do anything to prevent devs from selling on other places? Sure they do, epic is more invasive about their approach because it's literally the only way

Explain to me why I should care how the devs are treated? All I care about is how much I'm paying for the game, I don't care about the dev.

>That seems really pro-developer and great for game development

Only if it's an indie dev (which I will still pirate, but I'll never blame them for taking the deal). Publishers like Annapurna or Deep Silver taking the deal can fuck off though. They have more than enough resources to fund their own games, and the devs sure as shit won't see a dime of that exclusivity money. Fun fact, none of the devs at Obsidian even knew the EGS deal was even happening, as evidenced by the fact that they were still adding in Steam achievements to the game a week before exclusivity was announced.

>And you think steam does not do anything to prevent devs from selling on other places? Sure they do
Gib ebidence

none. everyone already knows about epic from jazz jackrabbit, unreal, gears, and fortnite not to mention hundreds of games that use their engine.

>And you think steam does not do anything to prevent devs from selling on other places?

So tell me what these things are that Steam does, or are you literally making up hypotheticals as some kind of defense?

Source: your ass

So is the vid legit for this or what?

This, Epic didnt even bother trying to pass savings onto the consumer base, theres no reason to move because your not getting anything worth moving for

Steamworks, nuff said.

Why do they need a shopping cart? Unlike Steam EGS isn't populated by thousands of pieces of alpha "early access" software and shovelware

Then how do games with Steamworks functionality release on GOG too?

Yeah that's kinda true, without the usermade maps on the workshop Portal 2 would have just been another mediocre "cinematic experience" pile of ass

Dunno but they do, its almost as if the chinks have literally nothing to work with but have to desperately shill anyway

We were all replying to someone who was talking about Steam, are you retarded?

I've bought because of user reviews because steam prioritizes reviews by friends.

>Up next: Mod support

They claim it won't be ready until 2020, but I bet that shit won't even be done until 2021

I'm sorry to break it to you, but Tim's store seems to be quite profitable even without your patronage.

I suppose you don't support Valve then, right?

How much have they even made?

>An API service that
For your own sake I hope you are not a software developer, because otherwise it's just sad that you don't understand how building an application for different platforms works and how easy it is to use an API for a certain build and not for another. It's literally what many devs do that implement any Steamworks stuff but still release in other platforms. Go read a book you stupid nigger.

Attached: b1a.png (574x802, 270K)

Back to twitter, swine

Attached: 2017-12-07-svaštarnica-80391.jpg (1130x711, 541K)

>but Tim's store seems to be quite profitable

Only Fortnite as far as I can tell. No publisher or developer has ever said they they are now making money off of the EGS to prove that the store is viable. You'd think Epic would be singing the praises of any games that did better than their guaranteed revenue deal who can now benefit from Epic's 12% take

You own the game
You don't own the game


Well, there are a few exception if i recall. But it's due to the fact that developers invested in removing steamworks from these games after the product was
>definitely finished
To not deal with two versions of the game at the same time. You can say it's timed exclusivity in that case, but there are like 10 games that went with that.
Valve has no reason to lock that shit to their platform, but they decide to do it essentially monopolizing third party games on pc.

the whole store is supported by fortnite money, when the next zoomer game launches their money will start to run out

You are sure as hell not talking about game development here,so fuck off faggot

>how to out youselft as chink shill
you cant resell your online keys in ANY store bugman, you clearly dont live on the west

>He thinks game development isn't software development

EGS is already profitable on its own. Fortnite money is invested on it to make it grow faster.

>Game is exclusive on Steam
wow this game is kewl, I'm gonna buy it and support the dev
>Game is exclusive on EGS
REEE I won't support anti-choice anti-consumer practices like this reeeee

>EGS is already profitable without fortnight
Where is the evidence though?

It's still software development and API usage you massive retard. Seriously, go read a book. Or stop talking about shit you don't understand, that works too.

Like 1 million people got the Witcher 3 on GOG rather than Steam (who were mostly Steam users unless those people just appeared out of thin air).
It's interesting how there's zero bad blood about this and zero """steam drones""" when people actually just have a choice about where they want to have the game.

Oh no it's a little consumer zoomer aka buyfag. Don't be mad that I pirate like a boss while you save up the pennies to give a bunch of hacks money

More like
>Game is 'exlcusive' to Steam
Cool I'm gonna buy it on GMG for cheaper
>Game is exclusive to the EGS
Cool I guess I need to just pay full price on a worse platform or fuck off (or just pirate)

I like GOG shills, they make me chuckle every time, steamshills and egshills should learn from them

>Fortnite money is invested on it to make it grow faster.
>Why have a shopping cart? what are you gay?
is your shill arguments list running out?

Oh yes, because API is a single thing you can just replace in every case out there. Don't reply to me ever again moron

Don't forget CDProjectRed saying 1/3 of all pre-orders for Cyperpunk on PC is happening on GOG.

>Implying they ever had enough points to make a list

>assuming i buy games and dont simply emulate then
do what you want cause a pirate lives free

Believe it or not, but a shopping cart actually has no effect on sales.

>33% GOG
>66% Steam
>Less than 1% EGS

If you use all caps, 90% of people will immediately not read your post.
Cruise control isn't actually cool.

>People are actually defending a store not having a shopping cart, something online stores in the goddamn 90s had

anyone else fixed the issue with visual studio 2015? I got it installed up to 2017 and all of the meme launcher games keep telling me I don't.

it's not even a problema with the unreal engine since my unreal games in Steam work just fine.

If someone is defending a store he's a shill user

>Beleive it or not the ability to buy more things at once doesnt increase sales
You literally can't claim a source for it because thats a lie

And how does that solve the problem of valve de facto monopoly? Make your own store and hope at least 20% of people will buy your own game here? Or maybe just join a new store that revenue cut is close to what you will get after the costs on your own storefront instead?

GOG is still based in this case. You don't have to use galaxy.

>universal 5% of profits of any game using the unreal engine
m-money will run out as soon as Fortnite dies guys just be content with those 17 new rpgmaker porn games for now, steam will prevail...

Attached: file.png (632x671, 315K)

You sound like a communist

>fortnite money is invested on it to make it grow faster.
>dont have a shopping cart because it doesnt affect sales

An API is essentially nothing more than a bunch of calls to a service that provides you something. This service also provides you a way of knowing whether the build of your game is the one for Steam or not. You simply wrap those calls to the service around a conditional that checks whether you are on the Steam build and that's it. The integrity of your game's code is not compromised for releasing as a standalone game or on platforms other than Steam, and you get additional features when people are playing your game on Steam. Now go hang yourself, single digit IQ retard.

They have nothing I want and the guy running it is an ass.

Valve doesn't have a monopoly though.

>inb4 Uplay and Origin don't count because they're shit

Communism is based around government owned monopolies.
Give me one game that has anything of steamworks on gog faggot, and i'm not talking about games with steamworks removed. Do it

Yes and capitalism is based around privately owned monopolies.

>billionaire because of fortnite money
>thinking 5% of unreal profits comes even remotely close of fortnite money
better hope the next zoom game runs in unreal engine

They don't count because ubisoft don't sell third party games and origin is not doing it actively since 2013? GoG kinda counts, but their market share is so pathetic they are hardly competition and apart from their no drm policy which does not matter for like 98% of faggots they don't have anything diffrent to offer. Even basics such as regional pricing are absent on GoG

What engine do you think Fortnite uses? Fortnite money IS unreal money.

>I demand Steams bullshit social features they're vital to my enjoyment of the game
>If I can't then I'll just pirate and also not have those features
A brilliant example of Steamdrones intelligence

When we are talking about high end tech companies you are correct. Copyright law is the cancer behind this, not capitalism on itself.


Can you guys stop fucking lying and just admit that you have some weird axe to grind against Valve and this has absolutely nothing to do with competition?
'Competition' and the free market is supposed to be based on the idea that you succeed by offering a superior or cheaper product or service than your competitors.
Why the fuck would you support the idea that a corporation that has a pile of money from something else can just bulldoze their way into the market and try to pressure people into using their product/service completely fucking regardless of what the actual QUALITY of their product/service is?
And people get called Steamdrones for pointing how completely cancerous this is.

Would you like it if Microsoft just used their £100 billion or whatever from Windows licences to buy out a tonne of games and made it so that you could only use it on Windows store/W10 or you had to buy an Xbox? Instead of just putting effort into making those things not shit?
Oh but it would be totally amazing if Microsoft did that because it's a bit of 'competition' to Valve right? Someone screencap this I'm tired of pointing this out to bugmen.

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>common argmuent against this is "lol why do you want this bloat and shit?"
>simultaneously argues that you HAVE to have a launcher installed on your computer, and that denuvo needs to be installed too

Pick one you stupid shills.

Attached: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.jpg (224x225, 16K)

and that just means that when fortnite money runs out they wont have anything to support the store since they are litteraly throwing money at people for them to accept the epic deal

it's just valve drones getting mad because their platonic daddy gabe is losing his money printing monopoly and god forbid he gets any reason to put effort again and make games

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>Offering a massively inferior product is the key to success
Apparently steamdrones are smarter than you chang, that reminds me of the time people were accusing the chinese government for skewing IQ test results by removing all the student who would give bad results, guessing you were one of the kids who were told to stay home that day

>i have an image that explains everything i need to say instead of wasting time to type out a fucking essay so that makes it invalid
does your brain just see an image and instantly think it means nothing?

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You're really going to say 5% of total profits from every single one of those games is less than Fortnite money? Do you realize half the games on steam released each year literally make epic money?

If you think Epic isn't working on new games as we speak, you don't understand very much about the industry.

I'd be inclined to assume both parties in the argument are shills. The freedom of the internet has long passed

I've crossed out everything that is actually pointless, might have missed a couple, but steam still wins

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>Get an inferior product but for free

Sounds right to me Epicdrone.

In a perfect world Steam wouldn't need to be on my system as bloatware to run the games I want to play, I don't need even more of that shit.

>Would you like it if Microsoft just used their £100 billion or whatever from Windows licences to buy out a tonne of games and made it so that you could only use it on Windows store/W10

Yes, i would be glad if they did that. Competition is the one thing that really push the society forward, and since it's the only way to compete in that market what can you do?

Offering 0 products is clearly not a key to success as Steams userbase has declined by 50% the past 3 years and overall sales are down by 42%. Almost like a store that doesn't sell any games isn't useful except to people who use it as facebook

How is that competition?
It's just the richest company buys everything.

that's how capitalism has worked for 200 years now comrade

they must be working at something because improving the store isnt one of them

Basically use it for the weekly free games, got some good ones like Enter the Gungeon and Celeste, I also have a ton more I want to play as well. I won't give them my credit card information because their shit gets hacked constantly.

Are you even 18 years old? Be honest with me here

So you admit you pay Gabe only for social features instead of just always pirating.

Not my job to care. your job is to bend over, starve, and smash your head against the pavement if I deem it so. As a customer I am your king, and you do as I say, or I get your game from somewhere else.


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>tfw you only buy console games and pirate all your pc games so you couldn't care less about this mess

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>Valve is doing the exact same thing so its OK
Betcha most of that drop is valve losing people to piracy again, piracy always wins and if the stores are shitty we will just plunder the fuckers till they remember that good business means respecting the cutsomers and then most of us stop because most people just wanted to be treated like people instead of walking wallets

gog is cancer too you fucking cd projekt shill

Still waiting for an explanation here.
It's like you guys have just fetishised the word 'competition' and ignored the fact that competition is only good because of the effects it has e.g. reduced price or increasing innovation, not just for the sake of it

>because their shit gets hacked constantly.

That's wrong, if you get login in attempt chances are there was a breach. But not on epic. haveibeenpwned.com/

The only security issue epic had after 2016 was the shit that requried you to click
>free v-buck

you also realize that a big portion of those games are litteraly flops and bottom of the barrel trash, choose the most selling of them and we can continue

you can pay subscription games by STEAM with extra protection on your card

Why not? Makes it so devs get 70% of my money then 88% of fuck all.

Then shut up about Valve. They did it the free market way, so you're not allowed to complain if they have a majority share in the PC market.


Actually it's because the largest amount of steam users are chinks playing PUBG and after bluehole and tencent created a Chinese only pubg launcher the daily logins on steam dropped in half

I'm 26 soon and still never got to bang a girl. Fuck lads, I don't care most of the time but there are moments when reality cracks down on me hard. I hope things will get better soon and I will find a gf

The same games on epic will be slightly cheaper once they release on steam. Here is one example of what we will get as customers out of that shit. Cheaper games

This but unironically

Speaking of... Super Meat Boy Forever!

They'll also run better since 2k, WB, and Ubisoft love the release now, fix later strategy.

Chinese should be banned from every platform that regular people use.

Oh yeah, forgot pubg was a thing.
How many other games were the chinks really buying though?

you can't have a "flop" when you make no monetary investments you retard. Everytime someone uses the unreal engine it's free money for epic because they get 5% of total profits across every platform for doing nothing.

you cant sell those keys to gray markets you retard, brazilians and russians are locked by region

They aren't buying anything but limited exclusivity, you fucking child. Jesus why are these people this stupid?

>What is 5% of basically fuck all

Companies can go out of business any time, and valve failed to reinvest their billions for their customers in any way. I'm glad epic is there to fuck with them, they won't do anything but at least that money will be in the pockets of those making games. Not in gaben ass

you mean in 2003 ?
they had the market, the shop cart and they had the forums

>say I hate DRM in all forms, including steam
>this makes me a steam shill

Someone inform Chang that his shilling needs to be polished up.

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Might be too late for that bud. Just pay an escort and you will see what you have been missing out on.

>Then shut up about Valve. They did it the free market way, so you're not allowed to complain if they have a majority share in the PC market.

This. Valve took all the risk when they were a not that big company and pretty much everyone thought digital distribution was a retarded idea that would sink them.
Epic Zoomers are too underaged to remember that.

>they won't do anything but at least that money will be in the pockets of those making games.
The people making those games don't deserve money. IF they're not willing to work for almost nothing, they can go screw themselves. If you don't have a passion for vidya, you can go right ahead and take a long walk off a short pier.

You may be right about forums, other than that kys zoomer

>he thinks paid for exclusives matter

Attached: cringe.gif (380x285, 1.97M)

That's kind of interesting actually, steamdrones hate developers which is why they support steam that is fucking developers. At least now i can understand why you fags are so mad

Yeah I'm sure the ff7 remake, every Harry Potter game, every borderlands game, every mortal Kombat and injustice game, and every Bioshock game was literally nothing.

I couldn't give a rat's ass about gaben or steam, actually. Not all of us are bootlicking shills who need to worship a corporation.

Get dabbed on.

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>go suck a streamer dick zoomer

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>I'm glad epic is there to fuck with them, they won't do anything but at least that money will be in the pockets of those making games.

Except Epic store hurts devs more.
Most devs have contracts with publishers where they get a bigger cut if they meet certain sales target. You get way less actual sales on EGS, just a larger amount of the money and the exclusivity payment going to the big publisher, not the dev.
Go read the comments from the Metro devs where they imply it wasn't their choice and they were basically bounced into it by Deep Silver at the last minute.

So there is no shopping cart and there is no market.
Thanks for proving me right, but i already knew that faggot

>Steam is filled with rpgmaker games made by trash devs haha
>Steam fucking hates devs and doesnt give them enough money >:(((
shitty devs indeed DO NOT deserve money, glad is Epic that is funding Ooblets

imagine what happens when you click on that button "click to purchase", you can seethe as much as you want, just remember that the software from 2003 is more complete than one from 2019 and you are trying to defend that shit

How many of those predate that 5% cut policy though?

Both things are true because any dev with talent realized there was no point in giving steam 30% to do nothing they can't do on their own launcher, or on one with a better revenue share.

is this real?
like is this actually acknowledged somewhere?
if so that's fucking slimy

almost all of them, it used to be 7%. :^)

I would also like a sauce to btfo chink shills

>Most devs have contracts with publishers where they get a bigger cut if they meet certain sales target. You get way less actual sales on EGS, just a larger amount of the money and the exclusivity payment going to the big publisher, not the dev.
Go read the comments from the Metro devs where they imply it wasn't their choice and they were basically bounced into it by Deep Silver at the last minute.

You pull all of this out of your ass, expect for the part that Deep silver was indeed behind the decision. Exclusivity deal on epic is minimum sales guarantee.

I've seen this picture countless times, but never found video source.

>People already have too many launchers
>This one is trash
>It is chinese owned
>Its forced upon you.

whoa, why do people hate it?

>Exclusivity deal on epic is minimum sales guarantee.
Isn't that a bad thing? Certain devs don't deserve to make money. After all, you complain about the majority on steam being hacks who don't deserve to sell their games?

But let me guess, Epic does quality control, right? Especially with """""games""""" like Ooblets and memelands 3.

devs dont handle the money. They trained in making the game. I found no accountant or market analyst saying their games sold less. Metro sold almost as much as it would have if it was on steam, and it's long term sales will be exactly the same.

>Brazillians pay pennies for their games
No,we dont,it would be worse without regional pricing since it would be 3x the amount,but we still pay a lot

And how much of that did Epic spend making a good store thats feature complete and competitive? how much of it was spent incentivising consumers into going for some good deals? how much of it was spent making a quality store I like being in? How much of it was spent on Epic making more of their own games instead of just shovelling shit into their once upon a time hastily modified and failing PVE game, fortnight?
People want gabe to get off his piles on money and make HL3 but I want Epic to start making good games again as well, shit that isnt just zoomer bait

The sauce has been mentioned itt

let me know when half of epics top selling monthly games are weebtitty sims that literally didn't even sell 5k copies

What does any of that have to do with epic going bankrupt when Fortnite dies which was your claim

>Isn't that a bad thing? Certain devs don't deserve to make money

How do you think that shit works? Tim sweeney pull nubmers out of his ass and offer them to developers/publishers? These numbers are based on what these game would sell on steam.

>making a client that has as many features as a client that's been in development for almost 20 years
You fucks are delusional

Because what are epic going to do when the cash cow is dead? they got a cash infusion AND a cash cow and arent doing anything useful at all with it which makes them at best as bad as steam and not deserving of patronage and at worst way worse because they have no selling points

>Entering a market as a viable competitor is delusional
If EA and ubisoft werent retarded they could ahve done it with ease, if Epic werent struggling to suck on Tencent cock they also could have annhilated steam because for majority of that 20 years valve havent done much to improve the core experience

what is so dificult about that? the ideas are made they only have to implement, if they where coming with things out of their ass like steam did it would be justified

Origin in 2011/2012 has everything steam had and refunds. Even free games, it didn't work.
If we can learn anything from this, you need to bribe developers as well.

you said the epic store was subsisted on Fortnite money, I proved you wrong, and that Fortnite money isn't even the primary income source for the company and now you keep shouting randomly about "epic bad"
it's like you're an uneducated drone who just mindlessly repeats what you're told without actually investigating if it's true

So what you're saying is, nobody has an issue with Steam.

Funnily enough Origin also had a brigade of Steamdrones making fake screenshots about it being spyware. Almost like they're paid shills using the same tactics or something.

>how to spot children who've never worked on a project a day in their lives

who actually cares about 90 percent of that shit?

So why is epic trying with less? its not that hard to make a quality storefront when your budget is upto 3billion, its not that hard to fund a bunch of studios to do 1mill games and its not that hard to split some of that 30% cut for consumers rather than giving it all to devs

No, EA was too incompetent to compete with steam. Epic learned from their mistakes and they bribe both customers and developers

>Proved me wrong
With what numbers cheech? most of the games you cited are spread over a long ass timeframe and only one of them is upcoming

When you give devs more money it's easier for them to discount the game because you know, gaben cut makes it harder.

GOG has a shopping cart, and they didnt had to work 10 years on it to implement, dont work hard work smart but i guess you think everyone has to work hard since you work on the rice fields

Veruca's Promise

>No, EA was too incompetent to compete with steam.
You just said that Origin was as fully featured a service as Steam was.
If people didn't switch to Origin when that happened that means nobody actually dislikes Steam.

I see now we're back to "epic will go broke" after "epic bad" didn't work

No he doesn't, its his rules to play in his house but Epic taking a smaller cut hasnt resulted in devs being nice to their supporters and doing any kinda discounting to help the epic store


It's okay bro. See you in five years when you are lonely and depressed because all you do is play games all day and are a disappointment to your family.

cool maybe we can see cheaper games on the EGS in the future! You know actual consumer-focused competition rather than just fattening the coffers of jewish publishers.

GOG is also making no money. CDPR doesn't even have the confidence to release its own games exclusively on it.

>I work smart by doing the bare minimum!

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>He wont provide any numbers at all
Epic wont go broke, they will just abandon the store and leech off their engine money, they will fade into that good night the way crytek has been doing once their shitty business decisions finally stack up high enough to crush them

almost like steam has 10 years worth of past purchases that mandated an installation of steam that confine people to their launcher

Blame steam, they don't want to lower prices to milk steamdrones in the future. After that games will have lower price tag on epic, just like ubisoft games were chepear on uplay than they were on steam.

>Blame steam for developer decisions on non steam platforms
wut in teh godamn?

It was better than steam because it was steam with refunds. Point is, people couldn't give less fuck about features, it's all about where games are

funny, less than an hour ago they were going broke because the entire storefront was held up by Fortnite money.


Free games every week that are actually pretty decent, can't complain. Use both, no reason to have some weird corporate allegiance

Yes, just let the launcher window open for some time idle while working on something else and it will start acting like a bitcoin miner.

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NOOOOO don't you understand the store itself is the product not the games

If steam wasn't around they wouldn't need to wait to lower the base price on epic. That's really simple, are you retarted perhaps? I don't want to bully you if you are

Except if devs want to they can generate steam keys, sell them on their website for 100% profit and Valve gets nothing.
But they don't because they want their games on the storefront where Valve handles the payment processing, gives publicity etc

All this garbage about cuts for the dev when its completely just about taking the lump sum bribe money

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>you can find better reasons than it not having trading cards
Actually I don't play any games I use Steam solely for the trading cards so you're wrong.

>Point is, people couldn't give less fuck about features, it's all about where games are
Okay so in that case why should I be celebrating having another storefront. According to your supposition there's zero consumer benefit to having competition.

are you seriuosly defending work hard mentality? brainlet chink congratulations on making the stupidest post on this thread, wanna know how i know you are stuck on minimun wage? go read a book

Origin does the same thing

>Implying going broke doesnt take literal decades for businesses now

They can't actually because Valve will ban them from selling on steam if they sell the keys even 5 cents cheaper, so there's no reason to do that

could you at least go an entire hour without completely changing your statements on everything?

>If steam didnt exist unicorns and pixies would!
It's ok user, you don't have to try bullying me, you struggling to wrestle enough fine motor control to try would just make me giggle

>sell them on their website for 100%

Yes, because that's how it work. You don't need to deal with payment yourself not to mention no regional pricing and no payment methods. Epic does it all for them, and it's cheaper than steam keys to sell because they have economy of scale to do that.

Not to mention steam keys can't be actively sold cheaper than on steam. And you can't generate how many you want but as many as valve lets you.

>insults you repeatedly
>calls you dipshit once and thats it

You're a fucking poof, you know that? You big gay retard. There, I just insulted you more than that image did.

Making games more profitable will means more investment in industry. Which ultimately benefits all of us and who knows, maybe epic/steam will figure out something that really benefits customers?

You can't even sort games by genre.
It's just a giant page of massive icons in the worst looking Web2.0 format.

>calls me a chink
>doesn't believe in a good work ethic

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People are right. She is ugly. And that video underwhelming.

Woah it's almost like the 30% that Valve takes covers quite a lot of features and there's a reason its been the industry standard for years.

Funny how Discord store offers devs 90% cut but without the lump sum bribe payment that Epic is doing, the cut itself suddenly isnt that important.

Literally the only thing that generate costs are servers(which are fixed cost) and transaction fees. Steam features cost nothing to maintain

the discord store is dead and has been for months

>doesn't believe in a good work ethic
you fucking chink® is not good work ethic to make your employees work hard all day in backbreaking jobs, if the employee can do the bare minimum and be the most efficient is the absolute best option you 2 iq retard

Seriously does someone even care about being data mined at this point? We're probably being tracked and watched all the time, and it's not like you could fight against that, so why even bother. I'm sure every other app does the fucking same.

If it does it's not that big of an issue as they don't try to lock you into their launcher as much as epic does.

Fun fact, google maps tracks where you go everyday unless you turn of some option. It has been like this since 2017

>Be a steam drone
>buy games when they are discounted by 99%
>still believe you are supporting devs

Yes, dunno whats being taken and information can be incredibly value for the right uses and I want my cut from my data being sold

Yeah it's almost like its nothing to do with the cut and it's just about big publishers taking a lump payment up-front for games that they are going to launch filled with technical issues

maybe in 2011. Sales now, 4 year old games are 33% off

>Devs are being paid to release buggy shit early now
but for what purpose?

if it has nothing to do with the cut why has every notable publisher except Capcom and square left steam?

If you actually were a productive person, you'd know that no amount of genius will ever eliminate the needs for simple groundwork to create a fully featured app. But like I initially said, it's clear you've never had to work on a massive endeavor in your life.