Contrarians on Yea Forums

>Contrarians on Yea Forums

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nice cope

You're gonna find swarms on those when it comes to formats and cultures on the internet.
Stimuli tends to separate one from reality and hinder their capability of basic logic.
Don't blame them for being contrarian or lacking logic. Blame them for submitting to the lack of logic.

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All gacha games are BAD

>Kojima fans


>everyone on Yea Forums
dunning-kruger effect thinking ass

White people irl

>We need more anime games

Why do whites get so angry over trivial shit? lmfao

more like pic related

Attached: brainlet3.png (1564x1320, 326K)

What if I told you good game bad?

Attached: Please. Single file my loves.jpg (1024x1366, 118K)

What makes you so sure you can look down on other people?


Contrarianism is a sign of high IQ.

That's just being a gamma bitch.

Because pic related is me. What makes you think you can post in my thread? Post your jawline with timestamp, faggot.

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>wojak posters on Yea Forums

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caring about IQ is a sign of low IQ

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