What would Reimu's moveset in smash even be? I don't really see SHUMPs working well in a kind of game like smash

What would Reimu's moveset in smash even be? I don't really see SHUMPs working well in a kind of game like smash

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there's 6 2hu fighting games

Of course it wouldn’t work. Its just steveposting 2.0

Just post her fucking armpits already

Reimu has appeared in more actual fighting games than any Smash character who's not from a fighting game themselves, and that counts their appearances in Smash. There have been 6 mainline Touhou fighting games. Her moveset would be heavily projectile and aerial-based, with weaker normals revolving around her hitting people with her gohei/shrine maiden staff.

As long as her victory pose is her flaunting her pits she's ok in smash

Watch her get mii'd like sans did

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Check this video of some competitive Reimu gameplay from one of the most recent 2hu fighters if you have no idea how she'd work in Smash. She unironically has more high-grade source material to draw on for inclusion than any first or third-party rep who's not from a major fighting game franchise.


I want her just because we need more cute girls from actually good games, so not Shantae

It would rely heavily on projectiles.

>yfw DLC 5 is a Reimu & Marisa tag fighter

I've really warmed up to Reimu over past couple of months and now I think she would be really fun and the best indie character that could get in as a fighter

I know you just want lewds posted, OP.

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A little of both

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I would be moister than an oyster

Orb 4D chess would be so much fun to watch. She feels like the kind of character that would lead to a lot of accidental SD but someone would be able to pull some big brain plays with.

I love the idea of her as a zoner who specializes in dumpstering other zoners.

Really which ones are good?

Now that Sans proved that Sakurai is willing to give major nods to popular indie franchises, I think we'll see a real swell of support for Reimu. Lots of people (myself included) would have always wanted her but simply thought she'd never in a million years be considered, but if Undertale was? All bets are off.

Antimony of Common Flowers, the most recent, is on Steam right now with an official English translation and a full story mode. That's the best place to jump in to the fighters if you're a total newbie.

Flying even for a little seems kind of OP

Yeah, and the best part is that her moveset would be a great introduction to the fighting games, which would go real nicely with the AoCF switch port.

the official games are Shmups, fighters, and a break-out clone

In what way?

Don't know just feel like being able to have vertical control while attacking in a game about maintaining positioning on stage would be a bit powerful

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Make it like Peach/Daisy float, but can move freely but lasts half the time.

You can think of it like Peach's Float, which while very good, isn't gamebreaking. Personally, I don't think Reimu would need any kind of gimmick mechanic, although they do seem popular with the DLC characters these days. A bunch of projectiles and a B-move that lets her dodge projectiles would be more than enough to encapsulate her games.

Touhou-chads assemble on this loser

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Good aerial mobility, Jigglypuff-like
Good, varied projectiles
Okay grounded mobility and melee options but mediocre damage output
Very lightweight but average humanoid size, major case of Ridley syndrome
Floats slightly above the ground in neutral stance, low enough to be hit by most low moves but recieves knockback as if she's in the air

what does it taste like?

Attached: reimu.jpg (1200x900, 1.19M)

Eh, it feels occasional. Focusing is too predictable and the vertical ofuda do very low damage. There are some details that the image doesn't explain like how many projectiles can be throw and the relative speed of the needles.


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Good taste

i wanna fuck the vampire lolis

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wouldn't it be dangerous for a vampire to celebrate Christmas? Remilia doesn't even celebrate Setsubun

Why can't mortal women have bodies as perfect as that.
Why can't more men appreciate women with bodies like that, everyone I talk to likes massive tits and jiggly butts.

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Looks like most users here have rode all Touhou doujins.

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Go back to discord.

Aya alt is the best.

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I don't play Touhou but I love this girls design with the wing lights on the back, don't know why but they are very aesthetically pleasing

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>which ones are good?
>Antimony of Common Flowers

glad you're capable of reading and using the quote function

thanks im learning fast

This seems difficult to play

I think he's criticizing you for thinking a floating fighter is a good game.

that sounds like a personal problem with no relation to the game's quality outside of powerpoint netplay

>Smashfag doesn’t even know there are fighting game spinoffs for Touhou
Why do Smashfags want characters from series they don’t play with?

why are trannies posting coomer meme here i thought trannies also love touhou

i am aroused by the idea of being in a relationship with Remilia but am secretly fucking Flan on the side because she sees that as getting one over her sister.

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what would you do to lick Reimus armpits?

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Would nibble her ears instead.

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Upvoted and gold! Great one fellow redditor!

prostrate myself before her

She's not cool

Just report and ignore
Reminder that we're raided 24/7.
It's PedoEra trolls, it's always them. They're the ones that pushed the 'brain' thing before,

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nigger what the fuck are you talking about I got the meme from fucking /fit/