How the fuck is a sequel even possible with DD1's ending?

How the fuck is a sequel even possible with DD1's ending?
After all we learn that the game is a time loop feeding/postponing the heart, so how are the characters now here and how is the ancestor still there. More importantly how did he fuck up again? Either they're gonna go with an alternate universe and not address DD1 at all, or do something like one version of the heir figuring out the advice of the previous heir's ghost in ng+ and turning his back on the hamlet to instead maybe find a way out with another eldritch beast.

Lore aside what do you hope to see? I'd be happy if its just DD1 2.0 with more enemy variety and a better meta-game

Attached: Darkest-Dungeon-2-pc-games_b2article_artwork.jpg (746x373, 173K)

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No one gives a fuck about the story in that skinner box shit. They just want to make more money off of retards and streamers who think literal slot machine gameplay is the peak of difficulty.

>How the fuck is a sequel even possible with DD1's ending?
>After all we learn that the game is a time loop
I thought this was a Dragon's Dogma thread but then I kept reading. I'll be leaving now.

>t. died on the old road

Yeah I probably should've written Darkest Dungeon at least once

I may be wrong, but the OG ending doesn't mean that the world is reset, just that inevitably it will loop back as you're driven to suicide and new inheritors are lured to feed the heart.
DD2 can take off after the heart is thwarted and before you take your life. It could follow the footsteps of your ancestor beyond the estate and his lands on some journey he took to look for other eldrich stuff.
It's a perfect continuation if it links up the point at which you "win" with the point in which the estate is 'reset' and you've killed yourself.
But after that there can't be a DD3 unless they do a story where the cycle is broken.

But in the ending we literally see that the world resets, as all the buildings in the hamlet revert back to their initial, destroyed stage and the heir commits suicide and becomes a ghost in a "nugatory vigil". Then in NG+ or just stygian mode as its called now I think, on the old road the tent you loot is replaced by your grave, called "Transcendent Terror", with the ghost you became in the ending pointing you away from the hamlet, and if you inspect the grave one hero gets afflicted and the message "time - an endless cycle" appears. Also time being a loop explains how you can find the heads of your characters even though they're still alive.
This is why I said maybe one heir understood the message and ran, which is how DD2 happens.

I rewrote my post several times and I've come to agree with you. Especially the head items make me agree that there is some really weird time distortion shit going on, rather then a more literal repetition.
Breaking out of the loop is a cool way to do the sequel. But we'll see what they've come up with.

Will there be mods?

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Yeah I only really understood the endings once things like the head were pointed out to me too. Really shows that, once again, the ancestor fucked up far worse than we actually thought, as his tragic failings not only exist right now, but across all of time. The only thing we have on DD2's setting is that its "giving players a glimpse of the supernatural apocalypse twisting and distorting the world beyond the estate", but as long as they keep the unique style and atmosphere its gonna be great regardless

the googly eyes mod is phenomenal

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Man especially the fucking expansion was straight garbage. *random bug appears, your whole party has aids* gave up after I fucking downloaded that piece of shit gave my whole roster aids

you see its very simple
they want more money

I haven't played the dlc, but thought about buying it. Is it really that bad? I didn't want to spoil myself, but I'm on the fence since it has mixed reviews.

crimson court unironically makes the game easier
its just annoying

the endless mode dlc is trash though

alternate universe
time is convoluted

the two dlcs are wildly different, the crimson court is a whole new story to complete (with extremely annoying enemies) whereas the mill is more of a no-consequences enemy rush to fuck around in since characters you take there don't die (after killing the miller for the first time)
both have powerful trinkets you can earn, I tend to find the mill trinkets more interesting/fun though

the crystalline trinkets are pretty much outright pay2win and theyre also the only real reason to have the thing to begin with
the endless mode is like 95% recycled content and not at all interesting to play through, not to mention what they did to the difficulty ramp when you exceed what theyve determined to be a "reasonable" amount of kills

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Holy shit, I think I'd try and take a hammer to the Tv and then myself.