If video games are to blame for mass shootings, then why do they almost exclusively happen in the US...

If video games are to blame for mass shootings, then why do they almost exclusively happen in the US, while violet games are played all over the world?

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bunch of socio-ecological reasons and a long history of exalting liberty.

Us plays more violent videogames
Japan for example doesnt even like fps
And then they're most popular shooter game is one about squid children playing with ink guns

Meanwhile in the US some of the most popular games are fps shooters where you grab an ak47 and mow down anything that moves.

Old people always blame the hip new thing for the downfall of society. You know what the first hip new thing that will totally destroy society was? WRITING THINGS DOWN. THAT is how long this shit has been going on.

Yea Forums is a board of water, we banished all the crummy pokefags

FPS are highly popular in the EU.

It's because of overcrowding in major cities and not looking into the mental well being of the youth of the modern day. Boomers need to stop demonizing what media we consume and start looking at the deeper issues causing school shootings. (P.S. if you remove suicide and major cities from the equation then the U.S. actually has the lowest amount of gun violence in the entire world)

ok retard

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Untrue, its all fifa and persona

don't forget mexico

muricans gonna murican

>Why didn't we have all these mass shootings in the 1950's?

First, they don't happen as often as you think in America. The statistical gap is due to the US counting gang shootings in places like Chicago and DC as mass shootings.
Second, the big things seem to be past trauma, suicidal state of mind, and most importantly, unending mass media coverage of prior shooters. Every time it happens, every public figure and every media outlet focuses on the shooting exhaustively for days if not weeks.
tl;dr: fucked up and suicidal people want the fame, for themselves or for their pet cause.

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>blaming guns or games for violence

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Based fact checker

>If you just remove all the statistics we have the lowest statistics
Ok what the fuck are you smoking

Aren't violent videogames illegal in Germany or some shit?
I thought you have to shoot zombies or robots or some shit, and if it's Human there's no blood and they bend down and surrender in the ground if you Ikill them.

There's something that Americans don't seem to get, the issue isn't owning guns, but these ease of access to them. I'm a Germanfag and I own 2 guns, and so do tons of people here, Germany has the 4th highest gun ownership rate in the world, despite very strict laws but there are still virtually no shootings, because of how strict those laws are.

Freedom isn't free, the blood of children have to be spilled to ensure our Walmarts are capable of housing our elderlies.

>suicides are gun violence

yeah i am sure the mass shooters wouldn't buy from some nogs on the black market or from Fidel's cartel. though i do support tighter laws i do not think that will stop infinitychanners and kiwis from getting weapons

Video games might play a little role, not a big one. But most mass shootings are done by mentally unstable people, also laws play a big role. In the UK our gun laws are quite strict, making it hard for any shootings to happen (thats why knife crime is big over here, we don't have guns to shoot but we do have a kitchen) but thats just my opinion.

We already have background checks and other restrictions in place, the problem is that we have a mental health problem that isn't getting properly addressed. More gun laws can't and won't help here, especially given most gun violence in the US is done in cities with strict gun laws like Chicago.

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Maybe rather than video games the recent mass shootings stem from an illogical ideology that's spread throughout the world like wildfire which therefore hinders the very principles of democracy itself that being coexistence and negotiations between people with various different belief systems?
You're welcome.

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>ease of access to them
We’ve reached a point where it won’t matter how much the requirements are increased, it will still be piss easy for anybody to get a gun. How do you think that gangbanger or random nigger who does a driveby in Detroit got a gun? We have more guns than people in the US, anybody can get a gun if they try.

I'm saying that to illustrate that the most of the gun violence in the U.S. is located in big cities or is just suicide being lumped in with gun violence to portray a narrative that guns are killing everyone even though they really aren't.

Get this fuckers
>Video games cause violence
>Games in general cause violence
>Life is a game
>Thus life itself causes violence
>Taking someones life is also viewed as violence
>It also prevents violence because life is a game
With this theory you should all kys

because eurofags don't have access to guns in the same capacity that burgers do. simple.

i live in rural south. last gun incident we had in 4 years was a kid accidently shooting someone with a bb gun

Actually, crime is on the whole in steep decline in the United States and all signs point to Video Games acting as a source of pacification for the masses.

America is a highly deranged culture focused on individualism to the point where someone feels no compunction in taking the life of another.

t. American

It's 2 things:
Jews, trying to navigate the US towards globalism
Jew puppets, being literal NPCs used by their masters.

>t. falseflag or sociopath

this comic shows that bad parenting is more to blame than violent video games

Mass shootings happen almost everywhere, you just know about it happening in the US because of the media obsession with violence.

Congrats, you passed the Barthandelus school of saviorhood

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cuz Americans are self-centered pieces of shit.

>t. frenchie with his large nose up his own ass

What about all the mass shootings I hear about that is just a dude going nuts? Those seem to happen at least once a month, compare that to my country where It hasn't happened once in 10 years.

Yeah, but that doesn't generate as much clicks.

We just had some giga nigga rob our local store at gunpoint.

He tried to flee then crashed his car.

Most of the bad things you Europs learn about America are true. I eat like 3 hamburgers a week. A WEEK. Back in like the 1940s hamburgers were like a once a month fancy

I remember my grandmother used to tell me too much TV will rot your brain. Now that's all my parents do. And sorry, but they'll couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag. Love them but beyond basic life skills, they're stupid. While grandma us going on 90 and is sharp as a hunting knife and all she used to do is sit outside in her yard and garden. Very tough no-nonsense person too.

Boomers are just scared of every fucking thing and expert level surface scratchers.

did he die or kill someone

What the fuck are you even talking about? Why are so many crazies posting on Yea Forums recently?

America likely has 10x your country’s population.

But mostly you guys aren’t on anti psychotics. All school shooters have been on anti psychotics.

>t. American who doesnt want to admit his society is sick

We didn't have (((diversity))) back then either.

>America completely ignores mental health altogether and laughs at it, because apparently only old war veterans are qualified to have PTSD
>People with anxiety and depression are literally told to "just stop feeling sad bro, lol" and get handed pills, in which the doctors call it a day
>Mentally ill people can casually walk into gun stores and buy whatever they want, as if owning an AR-15 is really necessary in a suburban area, if anywhere
>"It's the fault of those gosh darn video games I tell you!"
What is it with America and always finding a scapegoat to blame all of societies problems on instead of taking the blame that they're the reason why everything is so shit?

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Don't you understand how per capita works?

why do antipsychotics make people psychotic?

Scapegoating isn't unique to burgertopia

based platon

Nah just got caught

We did have two guys get into an argument over a business deal and one allegedly scammed the other out of thousands so he shot him. This was 3 years ago and the last time someone shot someone at all, not even on purpose around here, was over 15 years ago.

literally the boomers fucking everything up. those shit heads scapegoat their own mothers to get out of a parking ticket. Fucking children have better ideas then them and protest

Probably places like Yea Forums and the internet in general has radicalized people into going postal.

>Japan has a barely any crime
>Heavily censors violence in vidya

>violent games reduce crime
>porn/loli games increase crime


Then why are most mass shooters coming from suburban or rural households? Say what you will about niggers but at least their violence is focused on getting the other nigger who didn't have their drug money on-time or stepped on the wrong turf.

White boys go get military grade shit, go into a public place and start blasting indiscriminately.

>Games cause violence
>Life is a game
>Life itself causes violence
What's so hard to understand? We need to extinguish life itself to stop violence

Do you? America has a lot of shootings because we have a lot of people. Nothing in your post had anything to do with per capita anyways just raw aggregate.

We sell treatments not cures

Who is this Yea Forums?

Wasn't it proven that the 24 hour news cycle is part of the problem as it gives significant attention for these people which they crave?

There is no cure for being psychotic, thus no one can sell the cure.

>Young person shoots up a school
>Boomers: "Oh boy, I can't wait to blame it all on those pesky video games!"

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Then do something about your god-awful healthcare system

Because Democrats are bad parents and mentally ill, and pass on their mental illness to their kids.

shame. yeah i live pretty rural. like to get to an interstate i have to drive 30 minutes in any direction to an actual town. we have shit like a dollarstore and subway, but fuck is it backwoodsy at times

Correct in a raw way, but the best societal cure is isolation. But we shut down most of our mental institutions so now we just try to heavily medicate people which has the side effect of making them crazier 1/1000 times.

>major urban centers with strict gun laws have more gun violence and murders even per capita than anywhere else in the country
>it's the gun's fault

cant we just kill boomers?

>video games violence
>but 52% of gamers are women
Basically we need to start oppressing women again.

Japan doesn't like fps because they get motion sickness, they still play plenty of violent stuff in other genres when cero let's them.

>really necessary
It's a bill of rights, not needs.

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How can someone kill serendipity?

>Americans think militias prevent tyranny
>Almost all modern American militias sympathize with Confederate slavers

How can a country be so ignorant?

I thought this shit argument was gone 10 years ago. Why are americans such retards? They trip on the same stone over and over again.

But that's communism.

I didn't even imply that. I mean that it's your culture that is at fault.

It means that if you take 100 000 people of the US and look how many of them are murdered by guns, you look like a fucking third world country when you do the same with literally any other first world country. Size and population doesn't mean shit in statistics like these.

If guns are to blame for mass shootings then why do they almost exclusively happen in nigger drivebys, while guns are owned by all races in America?

As a non-american I feel the issue is that there's way too many guns in circulation. Guns are a common hobby there, so many people owns, takes cares, works or are skilled in guncraft. Even if you make it harder or outright forbid them many would still have them or a way to make one.

You're fixin a leak without adressing all the water on the floor.

They don't tell you that on BBC but niggers and natives are far more likely to go on shooting sprees, just like any kind of crime.

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Here's the answer

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Is there a pail of water edit of this yet?

The last time we did that the democrats forced everyone to buy shitty corporate health insurance and raised premiums across the board, I wouldn't trust our federal government with universal healthcare for the life of me.
We should be letting the states implement their own plans but federal bureaucracy here is too fucking big.


Yeah but it’s just black people followed by Hispanics.

Looking at per capita white and Asian guncrime is on par with Europe and Asia. And we include Arabs as white in statistics and Arabs are actually the most overrepresenter shootere in the US. Even more than blacks.

>let us them

Explain the guro doujins and anime then.
Japan has weird censorship laws, but they allow practically any kind of portrayal of any topic.

Worldwide violent crime rates decrease every year. For the last 30-40 years the video game industry has grown bigger and bigger. It's only because its a relatively new aspect in everyday life that it gets so much flak. Books, TV and comics all went through the same phase of "they cause violence!". It's all bollocks, guarantee the same thing will happen again to the next big entertainment thing

if literally one native does anything they've already made a huge chunk of some kind of statistic

so what? Other countries have major cities

They also have incredibly low child molestation rates despite all the loli.

Like 40% of natives are felons

>tfw no one has addressed that the media has turned all these mass shooters into celebrities like they did with serial killers in the 70's and 80's because crime rates as a whole have dropped significantly here the past couple decades

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>inb4 "muh unreported rape/pedo cases"


No, that is just flat out wrong. Your gun violence is off the fucking chart. You have like 12 gun-related deaths per 100 000 people, while other first world countries have around 1.

also incredibly low birthrates

Yeah that too.

Serial killers still happen. A lot. But the media doesn’t talk about them, because when they used to it always inspired 2-4 copycats.

Lifehack: no children = no victims for school shootings

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That's a myth.

Yes and the white gun crime rate is 1.3 in the US.

Are you a moron counting suicides? The overall homicide rate (gun or not) is 5.

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>completely ignoring what he actually said in his post
Based and yuro-pilled

>The last time we did that the democrats forced everyone to buy shitty corporate health insurance and raised premiums across the board

no you fucking moron. Progressives wanted single payer and and the only thing Obama could get through a congress that vehemently protested him was a shitty public option. the public option WAS the conservative solution to health care crisis in america in the past, it only became communism/socialism/evil/insane once a black barely left of center president shit it through a government that would only allow for such a watered down health care solution.

>>Are Millennials Killing the Vacation?
Yeah, because I'm sure they can take vacations while being six feet under in constant debt because the most they get paid is minimum wage, and the college system is specifically designed to fuck people over so there's less and less people actually going to college because of how unaffordable it's become. You can't get hired anywhere anymore unless you're overqualified and/or know someone to help get you into the most basic of workplaces. It's almost like a ton of shit that Boomers grew up on were actually scams and Millennials realized that.

Most of the schizos are refugees from infinitychan

Most mass shooters are absolute losers, likely with unchecked mental illness in youth because no parent wants to believe they birthed a retard.

This leads to said retard isolating, isolating retards have to much time on their hands and take up isolated activities such as video games, also giving them enough time to find communities of other isolated retards on the internet and time to get into a plethora of other weird shit.

Then comes the forced meds which destroy your mind and basically create a emotional rollercoaster because you'll feel way different on them than off. Imagine missing your meds or going off them.

I have a cousin who's like this. Kid is weird as fuck. Was born fucked up because lack of oxygen at birth. His mom didn't want to believe he's slow (being too ashamed to come to terms that her son is not normal) and didn't get the kid help until he got out of high school. Dumb as two boxes of rocks and basically coasted through school because as he made the minimum they would pass him. Basically the kid has no hope. One top of that every once in awhile he would hop up on social media and all his post would be shit like "'Man why don't I have a girlfriend" "I wish I had a girlfriend". Add to that he's been asking people weird shit like like "Did I kill someone" he thinks he killed someone. He also direct messages other family members asking if he's gay or some shit. And when he was younger he'd just in random start talking about killing people.

He plays video games, has no friends, has no interest, no mind of his own, and basically only plays popular AAA shit because thats what other people do.

I don't think he has the mental capacity to pull off a mass shooting but I wouldn't be surprised if we got a call one day about him stabbing his mom up or some shit. I don't want to be around when the kid finally snaps.

which is still five times higher than any other first world country.

Because of blacks and Hispanics

>congress that vehemently opposed him
He had a 60 vote majority in the senate and a heavy majority in the House, the problem was that they tried to cram as much of this shit as possible in the shortest amount of time, then they pushed for invoking the nuclear option permanently which bit them in the ass when their own party lost the senate in 2014.
They have nobody but themselves to blame for fucking up healthcare further here.

You're retarded
It's all CS:GO and LoL

FPS are popular in Canada as well and you don't see them mass shooting eachother.

Uh no sweaty you aren't allowed to bring that up here just listen to all our shitposting about murica bad

why aren't the numbers as high as in those countries then? Are you saying that europe ISN'T overrun with minorities raping and murdering? It feels like some of these things don't really mesh together..

>have supermajority
>blame the republicans

Fun fact. Republicans haven’t had a supermajority in over 100 years. Democrats have always had a supermajority or at least one senate or president. Yet all the woes in America are republicans fault despite democrats always having a deciding voice in politics.


Pro tip: when someone says “big cities”, they mean “a high concentration of african americans”

Canada is a myth.

Reminder Switzerland has laxer gun laws than multiple states in the US and has the lowest murder rate in Europe.

Which exist in other first world countries, what's your point?

When's the last time a nigger wrote a whole manifesto explaininb "Yo dem niggas ain't have my drugs, yo dem niggas aint have my money yo imma go shoot da whole school up because Tyrone fuck my girl yo." or with a political philosophy"

"Yeah yo Farrakhan said shoot up all da white man cuh we wuz pyramidz cuh"

>europe has the same amount of minorities as the US, especially in cities

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Minorities in Europe are actually even more criminal than ours. You guys are just still 95% + white.
Except England. And their crime rates are starting to not only match but surpass ours. London is Approaching Chicago levels.

>he thinks its about the strictness of the laws
Switzerland has some of the laxest gun laws on earth, and it has a lower murder rate than germany and the UK.

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no they don't according to euros here, their country is a pure white country. not a single mixed baby around. please stop lying for your own safety before they lynch you for your "lies"

All the fucking time? Have you ever spoken to a nigger? They are extremely jealous and hateful "people" especially towards whites.


Look at their per capita crime rates and share of population then get back to me.

What does a manifesto have to do with shooting a bunch of people?

>Kid is clearly going through hell because of their parents mishaps, along with how completely fucked things like school systems are
>"It's clearly the kid's fault and no one else's. He's going to grow up to be a serial killer and that's who he is."
Fuck off.

>source: my ass

But how come that very homogenous first world countries have the same murder rates as the ones with higher levels of minorities, excluding the US of course.

Wow, No one blamed blacks or hispanics yet?

>Why didn't we have all these mass shootings in the 1950's?
Because everyone got it out of their systems in WW2.





but black kids that commit crimes are just niggers right

But they don't? America is 56% white and filled to the brim with niggers who commit over half of murders

Oh man it must be video games it cant be
>the middle children of history with no purpose or place
>the fact the government and corps spy on you endlessly and jam souless ads down your throat to remind you what you dont have and blacklist you
>extreme leftist terrorists are allowed to go around and harass people all day
>people are told they have no value for being white or any other race
>you can attack people constantly but face no consequences
>you can pretend to be a pedophile I mean trans person and face no consequences
>you can treat other people like garbage and face no consequences
>men are told constantly that they are valueless piles of shit
>men have absolutely no rights and their children can be aborted and they can be forced into slavery at a whim of a cunt
>constantly social media pressures people into not being a human being and having emotions or viewpoints other than the leftist agenda
>humanity is crushed into a tiny pebble and told to fuck off

You should be happy that more people arent killing themselves and everyone around them in a giant fucking backlash.
Luckily deep down, most people dont want to cause suffering to others, but psychopaths who don't have that in their brain cant stop themselves and lash out when theyve been mistreated.
You fuckers need to figure it out because when I was a kid it was $3,000,000,000 to figure out the human genome, and now its $3,000 and easier than ever.
Youre 10 years away from some psychopath being treated like human shit and going to medical school with his masters and getting access to machines and weaponizing the common cold into having a 6 month incubation period and causing cerebral hemorrhages.
I dont give a fuck about guns. You could shoot up every single school and youd only lose 2 million kids. Who fucking cares.
You need to shut the fuck up about guns and worry about solving the societal problems before shit like that happens and youre looking an extinction event for the human race.

>higher levels of minorities
Such as?

They do, it is around 1 murder per 100 000. Yours is 5 times that number. I'm curious as to why.

A person with evil intentions will find a fucking way to do it

you're insane if you think those cities have the same levels of murders of today's chicago

Persona? Nobody fucking knows it here, it's a story heavy movie with no translation other than the english one

Even then, the non-Hispanic white homicide rate was 2.9/100k in 2016, higher than nearly all of Europe

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No? Find me another developed nation with a comparable percentage of niggers as the US.

Because niggers, how is that hard to understand?

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>They do
No, they don't. Post your source m8.

How about you stop putting words in my mouth you piece of shit?

based switzerland dabbing on leftists with lax gun laws and low murder rates

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>have a population of like 12
>suprised crime is easily controlled

Sounds like shit that sets off weak people (i.e beta males) who instead of doing something with themselves like sitting home like bitches doing activities that require nothing but sitting on their ass all day.

Here’s your white crime bro

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Don't you understand how statistics work? Don't they educate you over there?
But it doesn't make sense. The homicide rates committed by whites is still higher than in any other first world country. And black on black homicide rates are lower than in african countries. It doesn't make sense.

They have the same population number as most of our urban centers.

Higher population than most nordic nations and almost the same as austria.
>what is per capita

Are there actually such things as segregated schools, or are they just calling schools in areas with incidentally higher populations of black people "segregated"? I'm pretty sure it's illegal to actually have a segregated school.


>Those rewards
Surprised more people haven't become bounty hunters.

See Yeah they label “gentrification” or “white flight” as a form of segregation


>don't you understand statistics
I just told you. Find me a single developed nation with the same percentage of niggers as the US. Also "white" in the US includes north africans and middle easterners.

The French literally invented modern degeneracy.

Because those people would murder you for $20, let alone avoiding life in prison.

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That page doesn't make a distinction between Hispanic white and non-Hispanic white, which the CDC does

Why should I do that? There's plenty of evidence that shows us that you're basically a third world country in denial.
But okey, Fucking Rwanda has HALF of your homicide rate.

Both guns and video games are a scapegoat for the reality that western society is collapsing. It's a game the two party system plays to distract people into thinking something is attempting to be done.

$10k is fucking nothing for risking your life to hunt down extremely dangerous career criminals.

>be black
>live in a poverty city
>can pretty much confirm the only people getting killed are drug dealers, gang members, and if it's a woman she hangs out with drug dealers and gang members

Rarely is anyone carving out and honest living for themselves being gunned down. In fact the drug dealers and gangbangers make it a point not to fuck with regular people where I'm from. Its only until you come fucking around in their shit will they try to harm you. And who's more likely trying to meddle in drug dealer and gangbanger shit than other drug dealers and gangbangers and morons (those women) who find that shit cool?

>”it's your culture that is at fault”
>other places in the same country with the same culture have little or no crime
Ok retard.

Yes and no. Hard Hispanic sure but Arabs and “white” Hispanics are still white to the CDC.

>extreme leftist terrorists are allowed to go around and harass people all day

Dog made bounty hunters look like dweebs, also it's one of the most dangerous lines of work you can pick up.

>implying failed states accurately record murder rates
fucking kek

Are you implying that your over the top patriotism and false belief that you are number one isn't a part of more or less all americans' culture?

>have a combined land mass of roughly 3 or 4 euro countries
>suprised when we have the combined crime of 3 or 4 countries
are euros just the dumbest

Rwanda can’t even give accurate population counts

You mean after they had a mass genocide that killed over a million people in less than 4 months which led to the tutsis regaining power and establishing a quasi-dictatorship under Paul Kagame.

they'll be dead soon anyway
no need
what we to do is start organizing to push them out to pasture quicker and shut them the fuck up

>Yeah they label “gentrification” or “white flight” as a form of segregation
That's fucking stupid.

There have been 4 murders in my town in the last 40 years.

The next town over which is 55% black there’s been 4 murders this year. New England is the whitest part of the US not counting New York and it’s white crime rate is minuscule. Proximity to minorities reduces trust and increases violence.

Also of the four murders three were committed by the 15% black population of my town ecks dee

No, that’s the opposite of what I’m saying. If there’s a disparity in crime between rural and ubran places that have more or less the same culture, then obviously the culture isn’t the problem. Learn to read.

Fucking lost LOL

Remember to thank Julian Castro and Obama today for bringing future violence to comfy suburbs through their bussing policies.

>and major cities
Just say niggers

What is it with boomers and god awful comics?

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It’s feminism. Stronk women who don’t need no men run off the fathers, leaving the kid to be raised by a single mom who probably resents their son for being born a male. Almost all serial killers were mind fucked by their moms.

I guffaw’d

and overall your country has more murders than other first world countries and they have the same problem, but yours is so much bigger for some fucking reason. could it be that you literally have 50% of all guns in the world circulating in your country?

Man, I wanna go back to the 90s

Blacks are mostly killing their own. So whats the problem?

And so called racist white mass shooters are killing more white people.

Yeah, we should be fetching pails of water instead of playing video games.

and mass shooters are almost exclusively an american problem.

>still constantly ignoring we only have a 56% white population out of 330 million people despite making memes about it on a daily basis


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>100 million people in the US are gun owners
>only several thousand of those people actually use their guns to commit crimes
Fuck off Beto O'Rourke

Holy shit, post more

Blacks are to blame for mass shootings.

>Born a weird white kid in the suburbs
>Society: "Oh that kid is going to grow up to be a serial killer."
>Society then pressures that person to become just that and then wonders what could have possibly happened

>Born a black kid in the ghetto
>Society: "Oh that kid is going to grow up to be a gangbanger."
>Society then pressures that person to become just that and then wonders what could have possibly happened

>Born a Mexican kid in a poverty area
>Society: "Oh that kid is going to grow up to be a drug dealer."
>Society then pressures that person to become just that and then wonders what could have possibly happened

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Could it be that an extremely small minority is responsible for the overwhelming amount of gun crime and that everyone else behaves like normal citizens?

Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding? There are countless stats on this in this very thread. If you continue to deny reality in the face of data, then you are an actual fucking retard.

But the data still doesn't work out, because the population that isn't white should according to you bring your homicide up to something like 10 per 100 000 which isn't true. so it seems like it isn't only due to ethnicity

>be you
>work all your life
>marry stacy
>knock her up
>shes 6 months into pregnancy
>aborts your son LOLOLOLOL
>you have no say your perfectly healthy son is mutilated and ripped apart with a hook and tossed in the garbage
>she divorces you and sues you
>takes half your shit including your favorite video games and systems
>she takes your pc but you keep the car cause its worth more
>she laughs in your face in court
>she walks in with the police at gunpoint and takes your pc and all your memes and pictures of your pets and family
>court rules in her favor that she "deserves to live the lifestyle shes accustomed too"
>you become her literal paypig slave under threat of imprisonment? (lol)
>you must pay her monthly $1,000 for the rest of her life until she marries
>she goes and fucks some other guy but doesnt get married xD
>you sit around your studio apartment with its 1 chair
>you a nigga eatin beans and playing neo geo pocket
>she messages you on facebook/instagram
>calls you her beta male provider
>constantly posts pictures of her shoes and stuff that she bought with your video game money
>says it was much better spent and fuck the patriarchy
>you better not sit on your ass user
>you have an IRL streamer to support
>one day she sets a date to marry the guy she was fucking
>shows up to your house says shes sorry and wants to make amends
>she brings back your favorite video game
>gets you to kiss her and fuck her brains out
>afterwards she leaves and beats herself all to fuck
>goes to the police and says you beat and raped her when you found out about the marriage
>you are arrested that night
>you go to prison and get labeled a rapist and spend 7 years behind bars
>you meet a black man named D.K.

Attached: stacyNPC.webm (640x1136, 668K)

>shoes on
>cap on
>wageslave clothes at home
why do americans

Overall America has more crime across the entire board than other first world countries
Because it's full of Americans

>B-but black people are evil!
>You're still the worst when we analyze the data from every single way
>Somehow I am ignoring data

>Boomers will marry after High School and be content even if they hate their partner because it's better than being alone
>Millennials won't just marry whoever they meet and date them for a long time instead of jumping into things, most will only marry well into their mid-20's or 30's

Mexicans and africans*

Crime as a whole is directly correlated to the % of minorities. In homogenous areas crime rates are minuscule, well below the average. In places with lots of diversity crime is way higher for everyone.

>human traffickers
>child molesters
You're not getting them solo, any time soon, or without risking grievous injury. Leave bounty hunter work to the bitter, armed asshole who wants to die with a handful of hundreds in his back pocket

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Statistically, it’s because we have niggers and spicks. They disproportionately commit a lot of crime. And even though white people shoot up malls every now and then, it’s nothing compared to all the niggers killing each other in places like Oakland, Detroit, Atlanta, Flint, etc.

Crime in the worst part of Sweden isn't even as bad as the safest places in the US. It seems like something is off.

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>>gets you to kiss her and fuck her brains out
yeah well you deserved it lmao

You know you can just look up what percentage of crimes are committed by specific ethnicities right? You don’t have to do this idiotic guesswork where you vaguely blame guns with no evidence whenever there isn’t an obvious answer.

Remember that europeans import and fund rape.

I got called a future school shooter a lot in high school. I was actually just a degenerate pothead, but being tall with a caveman brow and long hair while also always wearing sweaters because I was self-concious didn't help. I didn't deserve it but I get where they were coming from. I think it's the fucking caveman brow, it gives you the male equivalent of the resting bitch face

>Millennials aren't eating cereal because it's too much work
I can believe this headline.

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Seems like a blatant generalization.

>be me a student do nothing but sit down peacefully in protest
>get maced in the fucking eyes at point blank

>be an extreme leftist terrorist
>make statements about killing people usually white people
>make statements about genociding people usually white people
>attack people usually old people in the street with bike locks
>throw concrete mix onto people
LOL who cares

ultra boomers will stick together, boomers will divorce and remarry multiple times, and millennials won't bother getting married

>bongs don’t wear hats

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>all of them under 6ft
We don't have a race problem, we have a manlet problem.

>Exasperated Viewers
>The Powerful Video Game Lobby
Jesus Christ.

That’s not true at all. There are places in the US that don’t even have police because it’s so safe. Stockholm has grenade murders.

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>wine cork
I won't lie. I'm pretty strong (can bench 205, squat 135, curl 45 in one hand) but I'm always have to fix the bottle to the floor between my feet before I try to open those shits

>You're still the worst when we analyze the data from every single way
Literally tied for lowest when you exclude suicides and minorities.

Selling weed isnt a honest living?

But some races are predisposed to being manlets.

>be right wing terrorist
>actually kill people
really activates my almonds

it's ok when it's not videogames as they're just stories and aren't interactive

I live in Stockholm. I think I heard about a single instance where someone dropped a grenade in a trash can and someone walked past it and died.

>all dem white niggas iz raciz, yo
>yo, y u b generializin us? u b raciz or somthin?

Mass Public Shootings per Decade
>no rules for what counts as a mass shooting
1900s : 0

1910s: 2

1920s: 2
>mass shooting can be ruled as the murder of four or more people with no cooling off period
1930s: 9

1940s: 8

1950s: 1

1960s: 6

1970s: 13
>mass shooting can now be ruled as 2 people near a shooter and death isn't required
1980s: 32
>mass shooting is changed to count as any open gun fired in a place such as a school or park where someone is injured
1990s: 42
>mass shooting is changed to count as any open gun fired in a place such as a school or park, now without injury
2000s: 28

read a book

Have you heard about the rapes and knife murders?

Growing up, it was common to see jokes in media about divorce, husbands hating their wives, and older people saying to not get mardied or complaining about their spouse. I am just now realizing how badly its warped my view of marriage. Why is it so common?

>Got called a future serial killer by my brother and I's mutual friend's mom in Middle School (Not to my face, but still)
>Only because I was quiet and depressed
You really gotta love how encouraging these types of people are.

>muh bike locks
That shit happened over two fucking years ago, the fact that you victim complex faggots cling to that one event so tightly only goes to show how much of a threat they aren't.

Because it's always been the case that older generations refuse to blame themselves for any problems they've allowed to exist in the society they have complete control over, and instead blame the youth and whatever new media might be corrupting the youth. Kids these days and confusing changing times and new fads, those cause all the social and economic problems, not the mistakes of those in power or their greed.

From who I've spoken to, no Euro actually comprehends how tiny their country is. Florida is larger than Belgium.

Yeah, they still aren't as bad as the US. Since the murders are still around 1 per 100 000 people.

>Why is it so common?
Feminism happened.

That doesn't disprove his initial statement you fucking mongoloid

You should read the news more. Stockholm alone has had more bombings than the entirety of the US this year, and there’s been over one hundred over your whole country.

Well, pretending the issue is simple gets none of us anywhere

That's just blatantly wrong. Show me a source please.

>millennials killed the American dream
>"dude just buy a house and have 2.5 kids in a nice neighborhood on a $10/hr salary"
fuck boomers

It's just normies everyone vaguely looks the same so looking different isn't good

They don't almost "exclusively happen in the US," people just say that. It's not true.

She'd still get away with it even if she didnt have the sex part.
Shed say you beat her with a bat or whatever she used to hit herself and post it online so that any time anyone googles you, the attack video and all the allegations come up.
Or use any other million of ways a woman can fuck you over .

US has a special gun culture that treats guns like a recreational item instead of a tool, and American media fetishizes the concept of having and using guns. Americans simply don't respect guns in a way that encourages responsible use and ownership.


Arent swiss also required to serve in the military? Making them more used to guns overall. Honestly, teaching your kids about proper gun handling should be up there with "having the talk" with them once they come of age.

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>mass shootings every other week vs one guy getting hit with a bike lock years ago
clearly the violent leftists must be stopped


if that's the case why is gun violence declining in the country while gun ownership goes up?


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>yfw hack and slash games are popular in the UK.

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Because he’s talking out of his ass.


because we are actively becoming more conscious of the impact of gun violence as shootings are covered more often in the media

Antifa is incompetent as hell but they’ve racked up way more attempted murders than any right wing group has murders or attempted.

Switzerland does a lot of shit right but there is no fucking way you will get burgers to agree to half of it

is this the zoe quinn night in the woods suicide thread

Last mass shooting in 1st world countries were terrorist attacks. Wasn’t the last mass shooting in the US some incel just walking into a Walmart and firing away? Would never happen in a country with a real white population.

which should make more copy cats but isn't. Really if speaks truth every mass shooting should have a "hold my beer" moment where someone tries to bet the score that week.

don't shoot the messenger

There were two shooters actually. There’s security footage of them both, but the media and police only called out one.



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Damn son you got blown the fuck out, much like Sweden.

This is just delusional.

Hey enjoy it man, come 2020 it will be Europeans talking about American politics 24/7

Kelly is always right

There's a nigger-involved mass shooting pretty much every other day, no one reports it because niggers.

so guns are the problem then

well excuse me

>none of these were even during the 50s
based retard

No one knows about persona in Europe.